Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 26, 1995.
As of Thursday, February 13th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
13011988 GM C/K PICK-UP 4.3L, 6 CYL, AUTO

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-215-21
  • Executive Order 215-21 / D215-21
  • ARB # D-215-21
  • Executive Order No: D-215-21
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-215-21
  • Resolution D-215-21
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-215-21 PDF

D-215-21 Document:


                                             (Page 1 of 2?)
                               State of California
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—215—21
                 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                               of the Vehicle Code—
                              EDELBROCK CORPORATION
                          Performer ECU Calibration Chip

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board (ARB) by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Performer ECU
Calibration Chip manufactured by the Edelbrock Corporation of 2700
California Street, P.0. Box 2936, Torrance, California 90509—2936 has been
found not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution
control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code for installation on 1987 to 1995 General Motors
trucks powered by a 4.3 or 5.7 liter throttle body injected gasoline engine
as listed in Exhibit A.

This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions of
the Performer ECU Calibration Chip will not recommend tuning the vehicle to
specifications different from those submitted by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the ARB, that adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s
pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the ARB.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the
use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by
the vehicle manufacturer.

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makesuntrue or
misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

L         l__                                       (Page 2 of 2)___________

    Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

         "43644, (a)    No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
         advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
         certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
         poliution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that
         device has been certified by the state board.    No person shall sell,
         offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution
         control device as a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified
         device. Any violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

    Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order may result
    in its rescission or submission to the Attorney General of California for
    such action as he deems advisable.

    Executed at E1 Monte, California, this ;Eiéf day of    October 1995.

                                               .  $ummerfield
                                                 ant Division/Chief
                                              yle Source Divtsion

                                                          Exhibit A

Pro Chip. PIN.|       .        Yeat                      ; Model                                            Engine           Trans.     Cyl.
    1301                       1988     CIK Pick—Up                                                          4.3..           Auto        6
    1302                       1988     C/K Pick—Up                                                          4.3L             Std.       6
    1301                       1988     AstrofSafan                j               ®                         4.3L            Auto        6
    1302                       1988     AstrofSafari                           ~—                            4.3L             Sid.       6
    1301                       1989     CIK Pick—Up                                                          4.3              Auto       6
    1302                       1989     C/K Plick—Up                                                         4.3L             Std. .     6
    1303                       1989     S10/S16 Pick—Up, Blazer                            .                 4.3L             Auta       6
    1304                       1989     §10/815 Pick—Up, Blazer                                              A.3L             Std.       6
    1301                       1989     AstrolSatari                                                         4.3L             Auto       6
     1302                      1980     Astro/Safarl                                                         4.3L             Sid.       6
     1301                      1990     C/K Pick—Up                                                          4.3L             Auto       6
     1302                      1990     CIKPick—Up                                                           4.3L             Sid.       6
     1303                      1880     $101515 Pick—Up, Blazer                                    ~—        43L              Auto        6
     1304                      1990     $10/816 Pick—Up, Blazer                ‘                             4.3L       —<    Std.        60           j
     1305                      1990     Astro/Safar                                                          4.3L             Auto        6
     1306                      19890    Astro/Safart                                                         4.3L              Std.       6
     1303                      1891     CIK Pick—Up                                                          "A 3L            Auto        6
     1304                      1891     CIK Pick—Up                                                           4.3L            Std.        6
     1305                      1991     §10/515 Plck—Up, Blazer                                               4.3L            Auto        6
     1306                      1891     $10/S1§ Pick—Up, Blazer                                               4.3L             Std.       6
     1306                       1991    Astro/Safari                                                    ~     4.3L             Auto          6
     1306                       1981     Astro/Safari                                                         4.3L             Std.          6
     1305                       1992.    CIK Plck—Up                                                          4.3L             Auto          6
     1306         _             1992     CIK Pick—Up                                                          4.3L              sid.         6
      1305                      1982     $10/515 Pick—Up, Blazer                                              4.3L             Auto           6
      1306        *             19082    $10/515 Pick—Up, Blazer                               —              4.3L              Std.           6       }
      1305                      1992     Astro/Safari                                                         A4.3L            Aulo            6       W
      1306                      1992     Astro/Safarl                      .                                   4.3L             Std.           6
      1307                      1993     CIK Pick—Up                   *                                       4.3L             Auto           6
      1308                      1993     CIK Plck—Up                                                           4.3L             Std.           6
      1308                      1893     S10/$16 Pick—Up, Blazer                                               4.3L             Auto             G
      1310                ._    1993     S10/St5 Pick—Up, Blazer                                               4.3L             Std.             6
      1311                      1993     AstrolSatart                                                          4.3L             Auto             6
      1312                      1993     Astro/Safar                                                           4.3L 9           Std.             6
       1313                     1994      CIK Pick—Up                                                          4.3L             Auto             6
       1314                     1994      C/IK Pick—Up                                 —                       4.3L             Std.             6
       1316                     1994      $10/§1§ Pick—Up, Blazer                                              4.3L             Auto             6
       1316                     1994      S10/515 Pick—Up, Blazer                                              4.3L              Sid.              6
       1317                     1994      Astro/Safari                                                       © 4.9L             Auto               6
       1318                      1994     Astro/Safar                                                          4.3L              Std.              & _|


                                      CHEVROLET/IGMC VEHICLE 5.TL ENGINE
                   ,          .                                Trucks
Performer Pro          Year                    Model                    Engine      Trans.      CyL.
      Chip P/N
         1350 ~~~| ~1887|StandardDuty _                                 TET — |4—SpeedAuto|_     8
         1351       1987 Heavy Duty                                      5.TL   3—Speed Auto     8
         1352           1987      Standard & Heavy Duty                  5.7L      Manual        8
         1353           1988      Standard Duty                          5.7L    4—Speed Auto    8
         1354           1988      Heavy Duty                             5.7L    3—Speed Auto     8
         1355           1988      Standard & Heavy Duty                  5.7L       Manual        8
         1356           1989      Standard Duty                          5.ZL    4-Speed Auto   ~ 8
         1357           1989      Heavy Duty                             5.TL    3—Speed Auto     8
        . 1358          1989      Standard & Heavy Duty                  5.TL       Manual        8
         1359           1990      Standard Duty                          5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1360           1990      Heavy Duty                             5.7L    3—Speed Auto     8
         1361           1990      Standard & Heavy Duty                  5.7L       Manual        8
         1362           1991      Standard Duty                          5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1363           1991      Heavy Duty                             5.7L    3~§peed Auto     8
         1364           1991 _    Standard & Heavy Duty                  5.7L       Manual        8
         1365           1992      Standard Duty                          5.TL    4—Speed Auto     8
         1366           1992      Heavy Duty, 3.42/3.73:11               5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
‘        1367           1992      Heavy Duty, 4.10:1                     5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8

         1368           1992      Standard & Heavy Duty                  5.71       Manual        8
         1369           1993      Standard Duty, 3.42/3.73:1             5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8‘

         1370           1993      Standard Duty, 3.42/3.73:1 FWD         5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1371           1993      Standard Duty, 4.10:1                  5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1372           1993      Standard Duty, 4.10:1 FWD              5.TL    4—Speed Auto     8
         1373           1993      Heavy Duty, 3.42/3.73:1                5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1374           1993      Heavy Duty, 3.42/3.73:1 FWD            5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1375           1993      Heavy Duty, 4.10:1                     5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1376           1993      Heavy Duty, 4.10:1 FWD                 5.TL    4—Speed Auto     8
         1377           1993      Standard & Heavy Duty                  §.7L       Manual        8
         1378           1994      Standard Duty, $.42/3.73:1             §.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1379           1994      Standard Duty, 3.42/3.73:1 FWD         5.TL    4—Speed Auto     8
         1380           1994      Standard Duty, 4.10:1                  5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1381           1994      Standard Duty, 4.10:1 FWD              5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1382           1994      Heavy Duty, 3.42/3.73:1                5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1383           1994      Heavy Duty, 3.42/3.73:1 FWD            5.7L"   4—Speed Auto     8
’        1384           1994      Heavy Duty, 4.10:1                     5.7L    4—Speed Auto     8
         1385           1994      Heavy Duty, 4.10:1 FWD                 5.7L    4—Speed Auto    —8
         1386           1994      Standard & Heavy Duty                  5.7L       Manual        8
    don .mem/chevchip . doc

Part _# |    Year       Vehicle Type       Transmission              Gear Ratio
 1348       1987—1988     CK Series          Sp Auto O/D                 Any
 1349       1987—1988     CK Series             Manual                   Any
 1350       1987—1991     CK Series          4 Sp Auto O/D               Any
 1351       1987—1991     CK Series             Manual                   Any
 1352       1987—1988     CK Series          3 Sp Auto (HD)              Any
  1353        1992        CK Series          4 Sp Auto O/D               Any
. 1354        1992        CK Series             Manual                   Any
 1355         1993        CK Series          4 Sp Auto O/D               Any
 1356         1993        CK Series        Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D        3.73—4.11
 1357         1993        CK Series               Manual                 Any    _
 1358         1993        CK Series        Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D        3.08 —3.42
 1359         1993        CK Series                Manual
 1360         1994        CK Series                Manual *              Any
 1361         1994        CK Series                 Manual               Any
 1362         1994        CK Series        Elec.   4 Sp Auto   O/D    3.08 —3.42
 1363         1994        CK Series        Elec.   4 Sp Auto   O/D    3.73 —4.11
 1364         1994        CK Series                 Manual       .       Any
 1365         1994        CK Series        Elec.   4 Sp Auto   O/D    3.73—4.11
 1366         1995        CK Series        Elec.   4 Sp Auto   O/D    3.08 —3.42
 1367         1995        CK Series                 Manual               Any
 1368         1995        CK Series        Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D        3.73—4.11
 1369         1995        CK Series               Manual                 Any
 1370         1995        CK Series        Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D        3.73 —4.11
 1371         1995        CK Series         Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D       3.08 —3.42
 1372         1995        CK Series         Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D       3.08 —3.42
 1372       1987—1988   CK Series (HD)        3 Sp Auto (HD)             Any
 1373       1989—1990   CK Series (HD)         3 Sp Auto (HD)            Any
 1374       1989—1990   CK Series (HD)             Manual                Any
 1375       1991—1992   CK Series (HD)           __Manual                Any
 1376       1991—1992   CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)     3.73 —4.11
 1377       1991—1992   CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)     3.08 —3.42
 1378       1991—1992   CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)     3.73 —4.11
 1379          1993     CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)     3.73 —4.11
 1380        1993       CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)     3.08 —3.42
 1381          1993     CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)     3.73 —4.11
 1382          1993     CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 $p Auto O/D (HD)     3.08 —3.42
 1383          1993     CK Series (HD)             Manual                Any
 1384          1993     CK Series (HD)             Manual                Any

Part #     Year         Vehicle Type             Trans.              Gear Ratio
 1385       1994         CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)    3.73 —4.11
 1386       1994         CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)    3.08 —3.42
 1387       1994         CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)    3.73 —4.11
  1388      1994         CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)    3.08 —3.42
  1389      1994         CK Series (HD)            Manual                Any
_ 1390      1994         CK Series (HD)            Manual                Any
 1391       1995         CK Series (HD)   Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)    3.73 —4.11
 1392       1995        CK Series (HD)    Elec. 4 Sp Auto O/D (HD)    3.08 —3.42
 1393       1995        CK Series (HD)            Manual                 Any
 1394       1995        CK Series (HD)            Manual                 Any
    (HD) = Heavy Duty                                      +

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:23
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:23

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