Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on November 24, 1992.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
68801984-1986 AMC Jeep Cherokee/Commanche 2.8L V8 2WD/4WD auto & std trans. - Black

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-215-4
  • Executive Order 215-4 / D215-4
  • ARB # D-215-4
  • Executive Order No: D-215-4
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-215-4
  • Resolution D-215-4
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-215-4 PDF

D-215-4 Document:


                                                          Page 1 of 2)

                               State of California
                               ALIR RESOURCES BOARD

                           EXECUTIVE ORDER D—215—4
                  Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                             of the Vehicle Code

                            EDELBROCK CORPORATION
                            TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTEM

Pursuant to the     thority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle         and

Pursuant to the     thority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED ANL RESOLVED:  That the installation of the Tubular
Exhaust System, sanufactured by Edelbrock Corporation, of 2700 California
Street, Torrance, California, 90509—2936, has been found not to reduce the
effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices, and
therefore is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle
Code for installation on those vehicles listed in exhibit A.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
this device will mot recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

 hanges made to :        ign or operating conditions of the device,   as

exempted by the >   Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance

of a vehicle‘s pellution control system shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.  Exemption of a kit shall
not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any
component of the product as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to t@éfiif%éct that
the use of this éevice may have on any warranty étehpfi_éip&éséed or implied
by the vehicle manufacturer.                                          —

EDELBROCK CORPORRATION                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—215—4
TUBULAR EXHAUST STSTRM                              (Page 2 of 2)


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communications.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unlawful,   and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644,  (a}  No person shall install, sell offer for sale, or
     advertise or except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that
     device has been certified by the state board.  No person shall sell,
     offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution
     control device as a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified
     device.  Any violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Actorney General of California for such action as he deens

Executive Orders D—215, D—215—1, and D—215—2 are hereby superseded and are
no longer of any force or effect.

Executed at El Monte, California, thisé}?f   day.of November, 1992.

                                    Assistant Division Chief
                                    Mobile Source Division

            Exhibit A                                                                                                                   Pag; 1 of 2

;!t,e & Model                           y                       Engine                                                         Te . Black i Pld-Teéil
AMG                                                                                                                   .
Jeep Cherokwe & Commanche               1984—86                 2.0 Litre V8                    28 4W.D.                        yas      yos     #6880     1880
Juep Grand Wagonser                     196141                  360                     24 4W.0.                        yes      no      6831      a798t

Passangar                                                                                   2
Camaro & Firgbird                       1982—07                 6.0 Lite V6 .               . Not for H.O. or T.RA               yas     yas     #6871°    £71071°
                            >       =               .                se ,                     2 V iniatalip—on cat,          tCb ".     «s
Camafo & Fiebird H.0.                   198345                  5.0 Litre VB                    €4—bol. care H.O., 4—boft cat.   yos     yes     #6874‘    a7974‘
Camare IAOG, 7—28 & Firebird Formula.   1086—90                 $.0 & 6.7 Litre VB |            T.PL, aingle oat                yes      yor     1872      s
                    .                                       20oakl                              5* inlat alip—on ol                                                 .
Camate IROC & Firgbird Formula           1986                   5.0 & 5.7 Litte VA              T.PJ. A—boltcat                 yar      you     M870‘     s79rg
Camato RS & Firebird Formuta            1986—42                 5.9 Lite V8                     TBL, 2 1t intal sip—on on       yar      yes     26875‘    12979
Camaro & Frobird (8)                    1880—02                 §.05.7 Lite V6                  T.PA. dual cat.                 yos      yor     #G876°    #7078°
Camaro 2—20/Converible & Frebird        1091492                 6.0 Litre VB                    TP.1., 2 * inlet vlipon cat.    yes      yes     #G877     #7977
Monta Carlo/E) Camino                   198348                  E.0 Lite LG—4 VB                fow ovtput                      yes      yes     26878‘    #1978‘
                                                            '                                   2 1if inlot stip—on cat.
Monte Carto H.O/El Camino H.Q           1983—88                  5.0 Lite L—89 V8                highouiput, 4—boll cat.         yos      yes    réara‘    a7979°

 Prck—Up $ 19 4 5.15                                                                             2WD. curburensd                 yos      |oya   mene      arike
 ProkUp 519 & S45                                                                                2 W.D. owburened                yee      y       1555     $1956
 PickUp &—16 & S—16                                                                              2%.0, TAL                       yas      yes     Kéw      #19%4
 ProleUp, Blazer 810 & Jimmy 818                                                                 4 W.D. catbure‘ted              yos      yes     #6A8T    87987
 ProleUp, Blazer 8—10 8 Jimmy 848                                2.8 Litre V6                    ¢W.D.T.BL                       yas      yos     26507    27997
 Blazer 8—10 & Jimmy 816                                         2.3 Uite V6                     2W.D, carburahad                yos      yos     #6846    HToBs
 Blazer 6—10 & Jimmy 815                                         20 Lite V6                      2W.D. TAL                       yos      yos     #5505     4995

 Pick—Up $—10 4 S—1$                     193843                  4.3 Lite V6                      2 W.D, T.B.1. only              yos     no      #east*    #Tos*
 PickUp 510 & 515                        198893                  4.3 Lie V6                     , 2W.D, T.B. only                  no     yos     scbu*     s79w
 Pick—Up Sonome                          1092—03                 4.3 Litre ¥6                     2 W.D. G.PL only                yos      no     26814     VW
 PickcUp, Bizzer 610 & Jimmy 5—18        198849                  4.3 Lite V6           *J        W.0.T.BJ. only                   yas      No     16854‘    #7956‘
 Pick—Up, Blazer 8—10 & Jmmy S+15        1988—03                 4.3 Litre V6                    4 W.0, TB.4. only                no      yar     16836     €7956°
 Pick—Up, Stazer $—10 & JAmmy §—15       199293                  4.3 Li V6                       4W.0. C.Pd. only                 yes      no     26012     H1912
 ProieUip, Sieaur $10 & homy55           19243                    a.3Lite ¥B                      4 W.D. C.P.J. only              no      yas     r6513     £7913
 Pick—Up 1500 & 2500 Seriee              1988:93                  43LV6                           2 § 4 W.0, TA.L wo iA           yes     yea     a6s0d     a198
 PickeUp 1500 & 2600 Sanes               1958—33                  4.3 Lite Y6                     2 & 4 W.0. T.B.Lonly wALR       yos     yos     seaed‘    $7985°
 Biater $—10 & Jimmy $—15                196093                   1.3 Livs Y6                     2 W.D. T.8.4, only              yos      no     #6055°    €1955°
 Blazer $—10 & Jimmy $—16                198093                   4.3 Litg Vé                     2 W.0, T.B.1, on‘y               no     yes     #5036‘    $1039°
 Glazer §—10 & ammy 3—15                 1982—93                  4.3 Litre V8                    2 W.D. C.2.4. onty              yes      no     #610      #7310
 Blazer 5—10 & Jimmy 8—15                189293                   4.3 Lite 6                      2 W.D. C.P1. only                no      yor    26011     #7911
 Astro Vam/Satar Yan                     1996—21                  4.3 Live V8                     2 W.D, T.B1. only ws ALR        yos      no     16850°    #7990°
 Astro VanVSalari Yan                    1956—91                  4.3 Uve V6                      2 W.0. TBL only whiR            yes      no     bGBOF     s1iey‘

 Pick—Up 1500 Sarieq                     197280                   5.7 Live V8                     2 W.D. wALR                     yos      no     26027     ar9et
 Pick—Jp 1500 & 2500 Series              1988.92                  5.0 4 67 Lite B                 24 4W.0, T.ALw alA              yor      yoe    rgoss‘    aTise‘
 PigieUp 1500 8 2500 Sories               1968—03                 5.0 & 5.7 Lite V6               2 k 4 W.D. TB.L whiR            yos      yeu    s6567°    «aer
 Suburban 1500 & 2600 Sariqe              1987—50                 5.7 Litre VB                    2 W.0. T.BL wALZ                yes      no     35820     sttz
 Suburban 1830 4 2500 Seree               Wihs          |         gllve¥                          2 W.0. TBl w‘ALK                yos      no     ies       §7925‘

                                                                                                   F                                 Page 2 of 2
            Exhibit A

nsc                                                  ¢               [AHiS                                                R        EO cLMe 1d s
  Buburban 1500 & 2500 Series                  werat               §.7 Lite ¥6                                        t         s+ yor       no       seasst           s‘
  Suburban 1500 & 2500 Series                  198791              3.7 Litrg VA                     4 W.0.T.B.L.wo ALR             yor       ro       sgor*            ww«
  Suburban 1500 & 2500 Series                   1991               $.7 Live VB                      2 W.D. T.B.L wo ALR            yer       to       #6328‘           1928‘
  K—§ BlazecFimy                               8731                 .7 Vite ¥6                      4W.0.T.AL wo ALR                yos     yoo        16857           e7957
  K—5 Biazecimmy                               1Wa7a1          |_ . $rikre VB          |            4W.Q.T.BLWALR                   yau     yos        sease‘          81958‘
  K—§ BiazetNukor/Sububan                      1992—03              87 Litre V8                .    24 4W.D,.TB.L wo ALR            yas     yos        6365‘           d796‘

  Prok=Up 1500 Saries (464 BS}                  1980               74 Uive V8                       2W.D. TBwWALR                   yes      ho        #6%0°           1i60"
  P. U. 2500 & 3500 Series an.Ct, Co.          108893              74 Lite V8                       2W.D. T.B.L. wo ALR             yos      yas       26050‘          #7950° .
  P. U. 2600 & 8500 Series ax,Cr, Cls.. ...}   198943              74 ie YA                         2 W.D.T.94. whLR                you      yos        seasd‘         a79eo
  Suburban 20 Series; #500+ AVW (B)            1984—85             7A Litre V8                      2 W.D. T.G.1, OE duals wAiR,    yea      im        46423           $1792
  Buburban 2600 Series                         1987—82             74 Lite V8                       2 W.D. T.AL wALR                yos      ho        #6a30‘          aros‘
  Suburban 2500 Secies                         1990—91             7A Live V$                       2W.0.T.B.1, wo ALR              yes      no        #6839°          a1939°
  Crow Cah 3500 Series                         198789              74 Litre VB                      2 W.D. T.B.L.wALR               yar      on        ssast‘          «19e
  Crew Cab 3500 Baries                         1987—89             7A Lite V8                       4W.D. T.B.L wALR *              yea"      no       #6852°          #7982°
  Crew Cab 3500 Seriea                         193041              74 Lite VB                       2W.D.T.0.wo ALR                 yos       no       Lk              a7M1
  Crew Cab 3500 Series                         199071              7A Live VB                       4W.0.T.B.L. wio ALR             yee       no       PSra            H4Z

   P. V. 2500 & 3500 Seies ax.Cr. Cb(C)        1986—93              T4 Lits Vs                     * 24 4W.D, TEwo ALR              yes      yes        #G65¢°            —
   P. U. 2500 & 3500 Series ax.Cr. Cb. (C)     1980—03              7.4 Live Vs                      2A 4.D. T.B.L wALR             yer      yos        £6560°            =
1 F.v. (~1800 Sener (484 €81 (C)                 tose               74 like vB                            .              A          yer       poro      reer              —
            E00 Sanes {e84 S5) (8) (C)          199193              T4 Lite Va                         2 W.D. TB duel cat wA LZ     yus       no        #562‘             =
   Subarban 2500 Bares (C)                      199252              T4 Line ¥e                         24 4 W.D, T.B.L wo ALR        yor      oyat      #5h40‘            =
   Crew Cab 3500 Series (C}                     t9a2g3              74 Lite V6                         25 4%.0, T.B.4 wALR           yot      yas       #6658°            ~

   Dedge                                                                 .                 >
   Dakota Pick—Up (A)                           1987491             8.9 Litre Va                       24 4W.0, FAL                  yor      yor        #6051          #rest

   FordAlsteuryfLinesin                                                       *
   MustangMark {A)                              1986—92             5.0 Lite Vs                      F4                              yos      yes       ¥6845®          $r945‘
   Capri (A)                                   1988 only            £.0 Uite Vs                    + FL                              yor      yas       16045‘          a705‘

   Bronce i¥Ranger Plek—Un                      198385              2.8 Lite Vs                        24 4 W.0.                     yos      yai        16345          9
   Branou {full size} (4)                       198044              5.0 Lize Windsor                   2 & 4 W.D. carburetied        yes      yos       46047           7947
   Bronse (full size) {A}                       198580              £.0Lite Windsor                    24 4 W.D. F.L                 yos      oyss       #6048          37948
   Pook—Up F—1§09»250 (A)                       1986—50             §.0 Lire Windsor                   28 4 W.D. Fi                  yos      yes       36048           17948
   Bronco {lull size) {A                        1983—87             5.8 Lite Windsor                   2 & 4 W.D, carbureited        yor      yoa        4$6847         947
   Bronso {luk size) (A)                        1988—92             5.4 Lite Windsor                   24 4W.0. EL                   yor      |oyar      se50           Hew

   2 W.D.                                                                         ...fual Infection                                        . throftle body Injection
                                                                                    . high output                                          . tuned port Infection
                                                                                    .hot applicable                                        .. cantral port Injection
                                                                                    sma.llbiock                                            . with air injection reactor
                                                                                                                                           .. wihout alr Injedtion reactor

  ; Sucmais Slaewitn ues p;nf lcr n-ary durynpp“ca         :

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:46
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:46

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