Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 18, 2001.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
#6880 (2wd, auto), #6880 (2wd, m84-86 Jeep Cherokee & Comanche 2.8L w/carb

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-215-53
  • Executive Order 215-53 / D215-53
  • ARB # D-215-53
  • Executive Order No: D-215-53
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-215-53
  • Resolution D-215-53
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-215-53 Document:


                                                State of California
                                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—215—53

                                    Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                               of the Vehicle Code

                                              Edelbrock Corporation
                                             Tubular Exhaust System

         Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the
         Vehicle Code; and

         Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section 39516 of
         the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

         IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Tubular Exhaust System,
         manufactured and marketed by the Edelbrock Corporation, 2700 California Street,
         Torrance, California 90509—2936 has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the
         applicable vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of
         Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the vehicle applications listed in Exhibit A.

         This Exécutive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions for the Tubular
         Exhaust System will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different from those
         of the vehicle manufacturer.

         The Tubular Exhaust System is manufactured out of 16 gage mild stee! tubing or 17 gage
         stainless steel tubing. The header includes, where applicable, connecting pipes, the heat
         stove, air injection and EGR ports. The location of the oxygen sensor is not changed.

         Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Tubular Exhaust System, as
         exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s
         pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

         Marketing of the Tubular Exhaust System using any identification other than that shown in
         this Executive Order or marketing of the Tubular Exhaust System for an application other
         than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is
         obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of the Tubular Exhaust System shall
         not be construed as exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit
         as an individual device.

         This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the Tubular
         Exhaust System may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle



This Executive Order is granted based on previously submitted emissions test data on a
1991 5.2L Dodge Dakota and a 1994 5.71 Chevrolet truck, certified to the tier 1 emission
standards; a 1999 5.3L Chevrolet truck and a 1999 5.4L Ford truck, certified to the LEV
emission standards. Test results showed that tailpipe emissions with the Tubular Exhaust
System installed on the vehicles met either their comparative baseline emissions or
applicable emission standards during a Cold Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure. This
Executive Order is also based on On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD II) testing conducted on the
OBD II equipped emission test vehicles. Test data showed that the Tubular Exhaust
System when installed on the vehicles did not affect their ability to perform OBD 11


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made with
respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the order, in
which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the
proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of
the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the
hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executive Orders D—215—17, dated December 1994 and D—215—24, dated March 1997 is
superseded and of no further force and effect.
Executed at El Monte, California, this   _/ ?    day of October 2001.

                                 R. B. Summerfield, Chief
                                 Mobile Source Operations Division


                                       *                                        Exhibit A

Make/l\flodelfit                Year         Engine                                              Notes        Two—Wheel Drive          Four—Wheel Drive

                                                                                                        Trans         Trans        Trans         Trang
Jsep Charckee & Comanche       8448         2.81 wears                                                   #esso          #esso       #6880          #seeo
Jeaa Grand Wagoneer            1g1          5.90                                                         #esat          #ses1       asee1          #sas1

Standard 5.0.                  sa.e7        5.0L LG—4, 2—1/4" infet stip—on cat.                         sear1          #ear1         —              —
H.0. (High Output)             EB           5.0L HO, 4—pbi. carp, 4—boit cat.                            #ear           zears         —              —
IAGC & Formula                 &s           5.0/5.7L. TPI . 4—bait cat.                                  #eara          #ears         —              —
IROG. 7—28 & Fomula            8e.s0        5.0/5.7L TPI . 9" inlet slip—on single cat,                  #ear2          #eare         —              .
RS & Formula                   sege         5.9L TBi, 2—1/4" intet stip—on cat.                          #eers          sears         —              —
IAOGC. 7—28, T/A & Formula     8092         5.05.7. TPI . dual cat.                             s        #eare          #eare         :              —
7—28, TA & Formuta             93           5.71 TPI, LT1, single cat                           5        #ee93          #6803         —              —
2—28. T.A & Formula           gaes         5.74 TPL, LT1, single cat.                           8        #ease          #eass         —              —
2—28,     & Formula.          o5—97        5.71 TPI, LT1, dual—cat,                             8.C      #s802          #eeo2         —              .
Impala SS
Imcala SS                     9496         s.7. TeI. UT1                                        8.0      sesoa            —           —              .
Monte Carlo/El Camino
Standard 5.0.                 s288         5.0L, LG—4, 21/4" inlet slip—on cat.                          #eere          seare         —              —
H.0. triign Outout)         5.0L L—89 (H.O.}, 4—bait cat.                                 seare          seard         —              —

Astro/Safari Van
Astro Yar/Safari Van          s6—91        4.3L Tel ve wo AJ.R.                                         sesso             —           —              —
S—Series Blazer/immy
s108—13                       sa4s         2.L carpuretted                                               ssess          #eass       sssr           ssasr
 nosis                        sees         2.8L Ti w@—1/4" stio—on cat.           _—                     #eees          rs805       seeor          se8o7
$.19.8—15                   434    Tevcel                                                 ssase          #sass       #sase          #sss
Full Size Btazer/Jimmy/Yukon/Tahoe                                                                                                                         .
Ko5 tui size Stazer           sa.56        5.0/5.71. ware & ALR.                                        #seea          #eae3        «se69         #esss
           ze Blazer          arg1         5.7 TBI wo ALA.                                                —               —        6857           #eesr
     ui—size Slazer           a7—g1        5.7L Tal waLA,                                                 —               —        seass          #eesa
    rull size Slazer          s2.98        5.7L Ti wA.LA                                        1.4     :ssee          ssase       —sa56          ssess
    size Stazen‘TahoeYukon    9395         5.05 7L TBl, single cat, wA.LA                       8.1.3   «s617          z617        e817           seeir
      ize SlazerTahoeiYukon   93—95        3.05.7L Tal. single cat. wo ALB                      5.1.3   seere          seate       —5618          #se16
                              s2           2.8L wcare                                                   ssae2           sses2        —               —
                              s2e5         28L wi caro                                                  reses           ssese      —ea8r           seeer
          iSoncma             EEES         4 3L Tevce)                                                  «654            s6a34      sease           sseee
                              se—49        2.8L TBI 2—1/4" intet sio—on cat,                            #seos           ssa06      seso7           #eeer
Pick—Up 1500/2500 Series with 4.3 litre engines                                                                                *
15002500                      se43         4.3L Tél wo A.LR.                                    1.4     #eses          sease       «ssse          sesse
   c25co                      dee5         43L T8i wa.LA.                                       1.4     sesso          «saso       —e880          seseo
   02500 (lowered)            EeS          4.3 Uive TBi wALR.                                   1.4     #esce             —           —              —
1500 lowered)                 se           4.3 Live TBl wALR.                                   8.3     seeor             —          —               —
1500 (lowersd)                9e           4.3 LiteTBl wA.LR                                    8.3     #eeos             —          :              —
15e0                          305          4.3L TBl wo A.LR                                     8.3     zesss          #sa08       «ea98          «se98
15                            sess         4.3L T wA.LA.                                        8.3     seaoo          «se09       #s899          sesso
  ick—Ups with 5.0/5.7 litre engines
                              7e—s0        5.71. w/ carb, ALR. & cat.                                   #sear             —           —              —
                              a14e         5.0/5.7L wearb & A.LR.                                          —              —        reees             —
                              aver         5.005 T. wicarb, A.R. (bom sides) & cat.                     reesr             —           —              —
                              seee         5.7 wicarn & AJLM. no cat. single exh.                          —              —        #esso             —
1                             87           5 oL TBl wAL.A.                                                 —              —        #easo          #easo
1                             a7           5.7L. T91 wALA.                                              resse          #ssea          —              —
1                             se—05        5.0/5.7L TBI wo ALR.                             14          #esse          #ses6       #esse          «sess
1300                          se05         5.05 7. TBl wa.LR.                               1.4         reesr          #eesr       #gee7          #eser
1500/2500 (lowered)           EEES         5.005.7L TBi wo ALA.                             1.4         zeeo1             —           —              —
1500,2500 (lowered)           sees         5.0/5.7L Tel wA LA.                              14          #eaoe             —          —               —
1500                          se—es        5.0/5.7. TBI wo ALA.                             8.1.3       zeeie          sse1e       reers          zeeis
1500                          sees         5.0/5.7L TBI wA LA                               8.1.3       reeir          sseir       zeat7          on
1500 rlowered)                sees         5.0/5.7L TL, single cat. wA.R.                   8.3         reeos            —            —             —
1500 ‘owered)                 se—es        5.0/5 7L TBI, single cat. wA L.R.                8.3         zeaos            —           —              .

                                                                                       Page 1

                                                                                Exhibit A

Make/Model                        Year        Engine                                      Notes                Two—Whee! Drive                  Four—Wheel

                                                                                                      Auto. Trans          Sto. Trans        Trans         Trens
Pick—Ups with 7.4 litre engines
    ss                  so                    74L T8 wALR.                                c.o           #seseo                   —              —            —
454 5s                  aree                  74L T91 _wALR.. cual cats.                  8.c.D         ssees                    —              —            .
2500/3500 ex. Gr. Gb.   se—es                 74L Ti wo ALA.                              ¢             #eeso                  seeso          resso        esso
25002500 ex. Cr. Co.    sees                  7.4L TBi waALA.                             c.9           #seeo                  «sse0          «seso        esso
Graw Cab 3500; 4 door   s7—e0                 73L Ti wALA.                                o             see51                    —              —            —
Grew Cab 3500;4 door    soe:                  7iL Ti wo ALR.                                            sses                     —            sease          .
Crew Gab 3500; 4 door   ces                   Tsl TSi wo AR.                              c             #eeso                  #esso          «seso        #seso
Grew Gab 3600; 4 door   sees                  7aL Ti wALR.                                c,.6          #esso                  #eseo          see60        i6650
                                 8t—87       5.0/5.71. carpuretted wiA.1.R. & cat.                       #eser                       —          —             —
                                 87—e0       $.7L.TBi wo ALR.                                           seaze                     —             —            .
                                 areo        5.74 TBi wALR.                                             #ese5                     —              —            —
                                 g7.91       57L T31 wo AA.                                               —                       —           #essa           .
                                 a7—01       5.7TBi wALA.                                                 —                      —            ssass          .
                                 a1          5.7%. Ti wo AJLR.. 4‘spd auto.                             seees                    —               —            —
                                 see5        5.7.TBI wo A.LA., clamp—on cat.              1             #esee                  #sses          »see0        «sees
1500 siowered)                   s205        5.0/5.74. T81 wio A.R., clamp—on cat.        1             «se01                    —              —            —
1500 ttowered)               _   sess        5.0/8.7. TBI wA.L.R., clamp—on cat.          1             #eso2                    —               —            —
                                 sses        5.0L TS! wo ALR., sinale cat,                8.1           ssere                  sse16          ase16        a6618
                                 9385        5.0L TBI wA.LR., single cat.                 8, 1          #e617                  #6617          #6st7         #5617
                                 s«s6    *   7.4L. carburetted OE duals wALA.             5, D          #s823                    —              —             —
                                 s546        5.7L. carburened wALA.                                        —                     —            #sseo         «see0
                                 soe1        74L        wo ALR.                                         sease                    —              >             —
                                 295         7.4L TBi wo ALA.                             c             #ssee1                 «681           zess:

Dakere 2ickeUo                   87                                                       A             ssas1                  #ses1          #ess:           —

i       MarkiGaori s6—03                     s.0u 5.                                      A             seass                  sea«s            —
‘usieng MarkCaon   a5—33                     5.0. 5.. saual lengin                        As            #»eses                 «58e3            —

Brenco «1                        sees        2.8L w carn                                                «se«8                  «sa«6          ss81
Bronco: fall size                s5—02       S0LE1 wo ALA                                 A             ssea8                  seass          seass
Brenco: ful size                 8535        $3LRL wo ALA.                                AC            «564                   #6649          sse«e
Srorco: full size                ss          50L E1. wo ALA.                              A             «6820                  ea10           seaco
Explorer                                                                                                                                 °
Sxalorer                         orse        4.0LRJ, wio ALR. or SGA                                    seess                  #eas3         «5813          re8as

                                             50LEI. wo ALA.                               A             »esss                  #eass          reess
                                             5.0LFI. woALR.                               A             #ss40                  #eea0          sse10
                                             58L E1. wo ALR.                              AC            «6649                  #ee«o          26640
                                             73L Ei. wo ALR.                              c             #seea                  reesa          as6s9
                                             2 81 wi caro                                               ssa«s                  «5816          «5640

Tacoma, +—Runner                 ssor        34.                                          C                —                     —           «sso7          #se07

Navai                            g1—02       4.0L E1. wig ALA. or EGR                                   #es«s                  58«3          #6843          :s8«3

2 W D. — Tworwheel drive                     H.Q.— High Output                                    TPI — Tuned—Port Injection
4 W.D. — Fourwheel drive                     N/A — Not Applicable                                 GPI— Central—Port Injection
wobt. — Four—barrel                          §/8 — Small Block                                    w AJ.R, + With Air Injection Reactor
cat, — Catalytic Converter                   P.U. — Pick—Up                                       wo A.LR. » Without Air Injection Reactor
ex. C:. Co. — Except Crew Cab                TBt — Throtle Body injection


                                                                                     Page 2                                                           ';

                                  ~           |                                        Exhibit A

Make/Model®                      Year                   Engine                                      Notes                Two—Wheel Drive             Eour—Wheel

                                                                                                                 Auto. Trans       Std. Trens   Auto. Trang   §1d. Trang
ImPoRTANT EootNotEs:
1 May have either weld—on or clamp—on cataiytic converter. Inspect vehicle prior to purchase for catalytic converter connection.
2 Knock sensorin laft side oylinder head between #3 and #5 ports.
3 With weld—on catalytic converter.
4 With clamp—on catalytie converter.

(A) Replacesexhaust manifolds only. No extension pipes includad.
(B) Requires cutting and welding for installation.
(C) 409 stainless stee! painted black; for heavy duty applications and towing.
(D) Must use stock AIR tubes.
(E) Equat iength headers

                                                                                           Page 3

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:39:40
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:39:40

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