Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on September 25, 1991.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsRemarks
30051991 and earlier Chevrolet V8 262-400 cidEnergizer Aluminum Rocker Arms, 1.6 ratio, 3/8 stud (for press-in studs)

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-225-1
  • Executive Order 225-1 / D225-1
  • ARB # D-225-1
  • Executive Order No: D-225-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-225-1
  • Resolution D-225-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-225-1 PDF

D-225-1 Document:


                                                    (Page 1 of 2)

                              State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—225—1
                 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                              of the Vehicle Code

                                CRANE CAMS, INC.
                                  ROCKER ARMS

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 395186 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:    That the installation of the rocker arms
manufactured by Crane Cams, Inc. of 530 Fentress Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL
32114 has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable
vehicle pollution control system and, therefore,     is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for those applications
listed in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
these rocker arms will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by Crane Cams, Inc.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the rocker arms, as
exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of
a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this performance package using any identification other than
that shown in this Executive Order or marketing of these rocker arms for an
application other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be
prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.
Exemption of these rocker arms shall not be construed as exemption to sell,
offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit as an individual

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the
use of these rocker arms may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


CRANE CAMS, INC.                 *               EXECUTIVE OROER D—225—1
ROCKER ARMS                                      (Page 2 of 2)

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for
revocation of this order.  The order may be revoked only after ten day
written notice of intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder
of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed
revocation.  If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of
receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a
determination after hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at E1 Monte, California, this-_ff&é d        eptember, 1991.

                                       R.    Summerfield
                                       Assistant Division Chief
                                       Mobile Source Division

                    State of California
                    AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                       September 1991

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                         Mobile Source Division
                           State of California
                           Air Resources Board
                           9528 Telstar Avenue
                            E1 Monte, CA 91731

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and polictes of the Air Resources
Board, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)


     Crane Cams, Inc. has applied for an exemption from the prohibitions of

Vehicle Code Section 27156 for their rocker arms for installation on 1991

and older General Motors (GM) vehicles equipped with 262 CID (4.2L) to 454

CID (7.4L) V—8 gasoline engines.   Crane Cams has submitted a completed

application and all the required information, as well as exhaust emissions

test data performed at Crane Emissions Laboratory which demonstrated that

the specified rocker arms do not have any adverse effect on the exhaust

emissions of the affected vehicles.

     Based on the submitted information, results of the emission tests

performed at Crane Emissions Laboratory, and an engineering evaluation, the

staff concludes that the installation of Crane Cams rocker arms will not

adversely affect exhaust emissions on the specified vehicles.

     The staff recommends Crane Cams, Inc. be granted an exemption as

requested and that Executive Order D—22§—1 be issued.

                                                    Page Number

CONTENTS                                                 i1






           APPENDIX A — Associated parts list

           APPENDIX B — Installation instructions         10



      Crane Cams, Inc. of 530 Fentress Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114,

has‘ applied for an exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section

27156 for their rocker arms for installation on 1991 and older General
Motors vehicles.      Crane Cams has submitted a completed application and all

the required information, as well as e}haust emissions test data performed

at Crane Emissions Laboratory which demonstrated that the specified rocker

arms do not have any adverse effect on the exhaust emissions of the affected


      Based on the submitted information, results of the emission tests

performed at Crane Emissions Laboratory, and an engineering evaluation, the

staff concludes that the Crane Cams, Inc. rocker arms will not adversely
affect exhaust emissions from vehicles for which the exemption is requested.

      The staff recommends that Crane Cams, Inc. be granted an exemption as

requested and that Executive Order D—225—1 be issued.

      The rocker arms are specifically designed for installation on 1991 and

older General Motors vehicles powered by 262 CID (4.2L} to 454 CID (7.4L)

V—8 gasoline engines.      The rocker arms operate in conjunction with the

original equipment manufacturer‘s (QEM) emission control systems already

certified with the stock engines.   The purpose of using the modified rocker

arms is to increase the overall engine performance by modifying the valve

characteristics.   The applicant claims the device uses proprietary

materials, clearances, geometry and heat treatment to achieve improvements

in the engine performance.

     The Crane Cams rocker arm is designed to increase the rocker arm ratio

of the small block GM V—8 gasoline engines with 262 to 400 CID engine sizes

from a 1.5:1 to 1.6:1.   For GM V—8 engines with 396 to 454 CID engine

sizes, stock rocker arm ratio is increased from 1.7:1 to 1.8:1.     Rocker arm

part numbers for the appropriate engine sizes are shown in appendix A.        The

 installation instructions for the device is shown in Appendix B.

      Crane Cams submitted comparative emission testing conducted at Crane

 Emissions Laboratory.   A 1984 federally—certified Chevrolet Camaro powered

 by a 305 CID engine was used as the test vehicle for the rocker arms.

 To calibrate the Camaro to California specifications, Crane Cams changed the

prom based on documentation given to Crane Cams by General Motors.     This

 calibration change was verified and accepted by the ARB when Crane Cams was

testing for their Compucam 2000 camshaft for the same GM application.     The

dynamometer inertia weight and loading used during the testing were 3625

 lbs. and 7.8 hp, respectively.

     Comparative emission testing consisted of cold—start CVS—75 Federal

Test Procedure in the baseline and modified configurations.   The test

results are shown in Table 1.

                                   Table 1

                             CVS—75 TEST RESULTS

                          {Crane Emissions Laboratory)

             Test                     Exhaust Emissions (gm/mi}

             Mode                     HC     CQ      XKQx
             BaseTine                0.37    5.48    0.64

             1.6 rocker arms         0.31    5.38    0.71

             Difference              ~0.06   —0.10   0.07

      The CVS—75 emissions test results at Crane Emissions Laboratory

indicate that HC, CO and NOx emissions of the rocker arms to be within the

limits specified in the procedures for exemption.        This demonstrates that

the installation of the increase ratio rocker arms for all 1991 and older

General Motors 267 CID (4.4L) to 454 CID (7.4) V—8 gasoline engines will not
adversely affect the exhaust emissions.

      The ARB did not conduct confirmatory tests to validate the emission

test results submitted by Crane Cams. ~However, an engineering analysis was

performed comparing the rocker arm‘s increase in the valve lift to that of

the Compucam 2000 series camshaft.     Crane Cam‘s Compucam 2000 series has

previously been tested at the Haagen—Smit Laboratory using the same test

vehicle (1984 Chevrolet Camaro) and was found to have no adverse effect on

emissions.   The camshaft when compared to QEM, increased the intake valve

lift by 20.31 percent and the exhaust valve lift by 15.97 percent (see Table


                                    Table 2

    Sample calculations as related to GM 5.0 liter gasoline engine.

Maximum camshaft intake lobe height
in stock Configurati®n —————~——~————cceccesececcc}~ 2344 of an inch

Maximum camshaft intake lobe height
in modified COAfigUPAtiION ~—————————cecceccecce~e~> .282 of an inch

Maximum camshaft exhaust lobe height
in stock configuration ~——~——————————e—ceccom—cce—~ 2561 of an inch

Maximum camshaft exhaust lobe height     .
in modified COnfigurati0n <—————~——g———c——~ecc=—c——~— .297 of an inch

StOCK POCK@P® Patip —————«——=——<—co—comeccccoccese== 1.5 to 1

Crane rOCker arM ratio ———~—————=———eccceccucc=—=—~ 1.6 to 1

Valve lift = lobe height x rocker arm ratio

                           Intake   Specificati

0.2344 x 1.5      0.3516 valve lift in stock configuration

0.2344 x 1.6      0.3750 valve lift in modified configuration

intake difference = 0.0234 of an inch or a 6.67 percent difference
Modif ied   Camshaft

0.282 x 1.5 = 0.423 valve lift in modified configuration

intake difference = 0.0714 of an inch or a 20.31 percent difference

                          Ext       specificati

0.2561 x 1.5      0.3842 valve lift in stock configuration

0.2561 x 1.6 = 0.4098 valve lift in modified configuration

intake difference = 0.0256 of an inch or a 6.67 percent difference

Modified Camshaft

0.297 x 1.5 = 0.4455 valve lift in modified configuration

intake difference = 0.0614 of an inch or a 15.97 percent difference

In a comparison, the rocker arms increased the intake valve lift and exhaust

valve lift by only 6.67 percent over the QEM.   Since previous testing showed

that a 20.31 percent increase in the intake valve lift and a 15.97 percent

increase in the exhaust valve lift do not cause a significant increase in

vehifile emissions, staff concludes that Crane Cam‘s rocker arms which

increase the valve lifts by a much smaller percentage will not adversely

affect emission of applicable vehicles.    ‘

     Crane Cams has submitted all the required information and fulfilled the

requirements for an exemption.   The test results and engingering evaluation

confirmed that Crane Cams rocker arms meet the requirements for the


Energizer Aluminum Rocker Arms

APPLIGCATION                                                      PART_NG.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 stud (for press—in Studs) <———————————————c—————— 3005

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 Stud «——————_————ouececccecceecomecosscsecssec——= 3002
1.6 RatiG, 7/16 Stuid o——_e—ceccoeccccceccceccccccecccamccsceaces 3003

"Super Blue" Extruded Aluminum

APPLICATION                                                       PART_NO.
Chevrolet Y8, 262—400 cu. in.          .

1.6 Ratio, 7/16 Stud ———————————ocecuccecceccucemeccecemechecec~ 3051

Hi Intensity Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                       PARTNO.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 $Stud ——————cc——coecoececcecomecccmencucsensecece~ 11746—16
1.6 Ratio, 7/16 Stud —————————eccocceccecuccmcuaccaccemenacecce—~ 11747—16

Pedestal Mount Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                       PARTNO.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Rati0 Intake OffSELt L@ft —————————ececowecomcucmensnecsences 11734L—1

1.6 Ratio Intake Offset Right ————————e—o—eccecececcceccoacecece~, 11734R—1
1.55 Ratio Exhaust Offset L@ft ———————ccececcecececcecmcemcecee~ 11737L—1

1.55 Ratio Exhaust OffSet Right —————————————ecoccccoecaeacccees 11737R—1
1.6 Ratio Exhaust Offset Left ~_—_—_—cccccecoccmeccceesceccecee> 11738L—1

1.6 Ratio Exhaust Offset Right ~—————~—————cecuccececsecccucses. 11738R—1

Aluminum Rockers

APPLICATION                                                       PART_NO..
Chevrolet ¥8, 396—454 cu. in. 65—91 with Dart
"Big Chief" cyl. heads

1.75 Ratio Intake Offset Left ——————c—————_c——oeccccemc_asec——=—— 11732L—1
1.75 Ratio Intake Offset Right <—————————=——ee<———e«eccemc——e==—— 11732R—1

1.8 Ratio Intake Offset Left <———————oc——cco—ccceecacececeaecce~ 11733L—1
1.8 Ratio Intake Offset Right —=—————<———————eccecccem—camc——=——— 117338—1

1.8 Ratio EXha@USt ~——————————c———ceco=ecccuceccmeccanecamec—=~~~ 13739—1

Shaft—Mounted Needle Bearing Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                       PART_NO..
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio Intake and EXR@UuSt <———————————~_——cccescccsscoscece—~ 84790—1

1.6 Ratio IAt@k@ ———————————«——eccoccccsccemecemecccchncecemcece 84791—1

1.6 Ratio intake, 1.5§ rati0 @Xh@uSt ————————cc———ceccccec_ce—~~ 11790—1

Aluminum Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                       PARTNQ.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio 3/8 Stud ————~——ccccocceeceaneccccecececemecceccocec~~ 11759—16
1.6 Ratio 7/16 Stud —————c———cooccceccccccmmenenomemeccunensene~ 11755—16

1.6 Ratio 7/16 Stud ————————omcoccomcccacenccmemencenmecececenee~ 11768TR—16

Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.55,. 1.6), 3/8 Stud ~——————cc—c—_ccuc——__~ 11778—16

Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.65, 1.6), 378 $tud ~———————————=_——_———_—— 11779—16
Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.55, 1.6), 7/16 Stud <————~———————cec—_——~ 11780—16

Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.55, 1.6), 7716 Stud —————————————<———————— 11781—16

1.6 Ratio Left and Right Exhaust, 7/16 stud ——«———————==—=——————— 11770TR—16

1.6 Ratio Left 7/16 Stud ———————c—o—ccecceccccomecececenneccsc=~ 11770L—1

1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Stud —————————eccoccuccocccscosecccececcce~ 11770R—1

Aluminum Rocker Arms Cont.

APPLICATION                                                       PART_NO..
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio Left 7/16 §tud ~—————————c_—covecccec—eccoeccocccce—e—~ 11766L—1
1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Stud ————————_———occcomeccemcccaceccecce==~ 11766R—1
1.6 Ratio Left 7/16 §tud ——————————_cco——comeccocccccccoccesecnes 11762L—1
1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Stud —————————c——~eccoccccceccoccccemeccc—=~ 11762R—1

Aluminum Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                       PART_NO.
Chevrolet Y8, 396—4§54 cu. in.                 .

1.8 Ratio 7/16 $tud —c——————c——coeccccccccecemcccecccesecacecec~~ 13755—16

1.8 Rat10 7/16 $StUd ————o—eccencecececonenccenscemecenesenmanenes 137687R—16



                                        Exhibit A cont.

Aluminum Rockers

APPLIGCATION                                                                           PART_NO.
Chevrolet V8, 396—454 cu. in. 65—91 with Dart
"Big Chief" cyl. heads

1.75 Ratio Intake Off§@t L@ft ———————co——e—ccecoccceccczcencesce~ 117321—1
1.75 Ratio Intake Offs@t Right ———~————~——<—ce—ccccocccsceccc=co~ 11732R—1

1.8 Ratio Intake Off§@t Left —~——————_—cecoscecucccccumccccscs—..s 11733L—1

1.8 Ratio Intake Offset Right ————————— ffpininininintataintetsistatetniataintateintatetel 11733R—1

1.8 Rati0 EXRAUSt —————«——ecce—cccesceacomecamcasceccesnaccanee~ 13739—1

Shaft—Mounted Needle Bearing Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                                             PARTNO.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio Intake @nd EXN@USt ——~——————«———————coeccececccmeccce=~ 84790—1
1.6 Ratio Intake —~————~————————_——«ccosccscomcccccamececenesaec~~ 84791—1

 1.6 Ratio intake, 1.55 rati0 @«h@ust ———————————ccccoeccece_c=~~ 11790—1

Aluminum Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                                             PARTNO.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

 1.6 Ratio 3/8 StUd ——————o——cccoceccmeccececancomemensensecece., 11759—16
 1.6 Ratio 7/16 Stud ~————————=——cocu—comccecceccascceccamccece~~ 11755—16

 1.6 Ratid 7/16 Stud —<——————————c—c—ccc—scecccecemeeccmcemecanee~ 11768TR—16
VYariable Ratio (1.5, 1.5§, 1.6), 3/8 Stud ——————————eeccececec~~ 11778—16

Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.55, 1.6), 3/8 stud <————————o———e~ccec=———— 11779—16

Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.55, 1.6), 7/16 Stud —————<—————c—=—_————— 11780—16

Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.55, 1.6), 7716 StUd _—ocoe——occcascoccccee~ 11781—16

1.6 Ratio Left and Right Exhaust, 7/16 stud ————————————mc—~———— 11770TR—16

1.6 Ratio Left 7/16 Stud ————————c—c——oecceccomccccccmccmccecce~ 11770L—1
1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Stud ———————————=—ocecceccoccasccccccecce.~ 11770R—1

                                  Exhibit A

Energizer Aluminum Rocker Arms

APPLIGCATION                                                       PARTNO.
Chevrolet Y8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 stud {for press—in studs) ——————————————<———————— 3005

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 Stud ~————————c————ccoceccccecccocccecacemecce~~~, 3002
1.6 Ratio, 7/16 $tUd ——c———occeccccsccccuececcee—maaucnaaama=e== 3003

"Super Blue" Extruded Aluminum

APPLICATION                                                        PARTNO.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Rati0, 7/16 $tU@ ———————=ccocecccomecocowscecanccecenecccees 3051

Hi Intensity Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                        PARTNO.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 Stud —————c———w<ccomeccococeccocemeccemsecesce—~~ 11746—16

1.6 Ratio, 7/16 stud onennoncuenonesoncamcessessecsessonenseceess 11747—16

Pedestal Mount Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                        PARTNO.
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio Intake Off§S@t L@eft —————————=—coceczcceccccececaccccce~ 11734L—1
1.6 Ratio Intake Offs@t Right «———————————e=———=meccccceecc=aa—« 11734R—1

1.55 Ratio Exhaust Offset Left ——————————e————ceccccccecccoccc—~ 11737L—1

1.55 Ratio Exhaust Off§et Right ———<—————=——coceacccccsccccme==~ 11737R—1

1.6 Ratio Exhaust Offset L@ft ———«———————ececeeccecmaseccce_ec~~~ 11738L—1
1.6 Ratio EXhaust Offs@t Right ——————————————ececcccecccccecen~~ 11738R—1

                                                                                                                   Form No. 329E

                                                                         READ CGMPLETELY
                                                                       w BEFORE INSTALLINGI
   * ROCKER ARM PARTNUMBERAS11744,11745,11746and                       if you have any questions regarding these installation instruc—
   11747 are designed for valve springs up to 1.500" diameter          tions please contact one of our Crane Cams Technical
   and a maximum open pressure of 500 pounds. PART NUM—                Specialists. (904) 258—6174, Monday through Friday, 8:00
   BER 13744 is designed for valve springs up to 1.630" diame—         AM to 8:00 PM, Eastern Time. For 24 hour, 7 days—a—week
   ter and a maximum open pressure of 550 pounds.                      camshaft and valve train component recommendations con—
                                                                       tact Crane Dial—A—Cam, (904) 258—6174, wait for answer and
   * IMPORTANT—Changing rocker arm ratios affects piston—i0—           press "4" on your touch— tone telephone.
   valve clearance and can create valve spring coil bind. Higher
   than standard ratios can also cause pushrods to bind in the
   cylinder head or quideplate. Recheck these areas to eliminate
                                                                        \                 svyEr4
                                                                       Place the rocker arim on the stud with the flat side of the
                                                                       fulcrum turned up.
   * We recommend that you install rocker arms on one cylinder
   at a time and then adjust valvelash for that particular cylinder.
   Following this procedure will eliminate problems caused by
   too tight of an adjustment (bent vaives, bent or broken
                                                                                         sYEp 2
.ushrods. rocker arm studs, etc.)                                 Check to make sure that the bottom side of the rocker arm
                                                                  does not touch the lower portion of the rocker arm stud or the
   * Except with ROCKER ARM PART NUMBER 13744, any > stud boss with the lifter on the base circle, or "heel", of the
   pushrod guideplates used must be either a flat style or one of cam and the pushrod is all the way down. See arrow on
   Crane Cams new "short step" models. Refer to your Crane        Figure 1.
   Cams Catalog for the correct part number guideplates for your
   application. Most stepped guideplates are too tall, and will
   interfere with the rocker arms, therefore binding the vaive
   train. Part number 13744 will accept most popular types of
   qguideplates,flat or stepped. Guideplate—to — rocker arm clear—
   ance must be checked with all quideplates.

   * Some newer Chevrolet V—8 cylinder heads are factory
   equipped with "Self Aligning" rocker arms. These rocker arms
   have a stamped recess on the vaive tip end, to guide the                                    FIGURE NO. 1
   rocker arm and position the pushrod in the pushrod guide—
   plate. NOTE:The stock Chevrolet pushrod quideplates and
   pushrods ARE NOT HEAT TREATED (hardened), and can—                                     STEIP 3
   not be used with Crane rocker arms. To use Crane rocker
   arms you must replace the guideplates with either the hard—         Check the clearance between the underside of the rocker arm
   ened factory Chevrolet high performance guideplates or Crane        and the vaive spring/retainer combination. THIS STEP IS
    pushrod guideplates. (See Crane Master Catalog) If heat
    treated pushrod quideplates are used YOU MUST USE

     Factory—style stamped steel valve covers are used, you may
     eed to trim away the Inside brace to clear the guideplates.
    Check this before running the engine! Late model GM factory
    cast vaive covers may not have sufficient clearance to permit
    a rocker arm change without grinding the internal bolt support
    bosses.                                                                                     FIGURE NO. 2

                                                                                                                     * wiey

EXTREMELY IMPORTANTI YOU MUST HAVE A MiNL—                            there is interference with the rocker arms. Hold the cover
MUM OF .040" CLEARANCE IN THE AREAS SHOWN IN                          down with your hand and turn the engine over with the starter.
FiIGURE 2. Normaily, the feast clearance will occur when the          DO NOT START THE ENGINE]! If you have interference with
valve is closed and the lifter is on the base circle of the cam,      the rocker arms you can gain the needed clearancein several
    you must recheck for clearance throughoutits travel after         ways. Minor interference can be corrected by using an extra
   . adjust the valve lash. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES                    thick, or double, valve cover gasket or by modifying the inside
SHOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO GET ADDITIONAL CLEAR—                           of the valve cover. Some applications may require use of af—
ANCE BY GRINDING OR MODIFYING THE ROCKER ARMS.                        termarket "taller than stock" valve covers.
Additional clearance can be properly obtained by using longer
than stock pushrods and/or valve stem lash caps.
                                                                                         SYEP 6
                                                                        Remove the valve cover(s) and pour a bottle of Crane Cams
                                                                      Super Lube 99003—1 over the rocker arms. Install the vaive
 Valve Adjustment— MAKE SURE THAT THE PUSHROD IS                      covers using fresh, non—compressed gaskets. Your engine is
LIC LIFTER CAMS: Turn the engine in the normal direction
ofrotation until the exhaustpushrod on the cylinder that you‘re
adjusting starts to move UP. Now adjust the INTAKE rocker ‘
                                                                                          SYEP 7 .
arm on that cylinder to zero lash with no pre—load... then 1/2          if you have a mechanical or roller tappet cam you should
to 1 turn more The rocker arm is adjusted by turning the hex          recheck your valve adjustment after a short period of time.
nut until you obtain the proper adjustment. Now tighten the *         The engine should be—started and allowed to warm up to a
setscrew and torque the hex nut to a maximum of 15—20 foot            normal operating temperature. Then check the vaive lash
pounds. Rotate the engine in the normaldirection of rotation          adjustmentfor the proper "hot" setting as per your cam spec
until the intake valve that you‘ve now adjusted opens and             card.
 almost closes.
                                                                        REMINDER: EXCESSIVE LASH INCREASES STRESS
  (The intake pushrod should move slightly more than half way
                                                                                  ON THE ENTIRE VALVETRAIN AND WILL
 down in its travel.) Now adjust the exhaust rocker arm on that
                                                                                  INCREASE WEAR AND THE POTENTIAL
    linder. Set the exhaust rocker arm at zero lash, then 1/2 to
                                                                                  OF VALVE TRAIN BREAKAGE.
   turn more. Tighten the set—screw and torque the hex nut to
 15—20 foot pounds. Continue this procedure for each cylin—
 der, doing one at a time, until all of the rocker arms are
                                                                               NOTE: If you have any questions or need additional
 adjusted the same.
                                                                                      technical assistance, call our Tech Depart—
                                                                                       ment 904/258—6174.
 the same basic procedure as above, except instead of pre—
 loading the lifter, you must set the rocker arm to the proper
 valve lash spec as shown on your camshaft spec card. Re—              SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENGINES EQUIPPED
 member to recheck your adjustment after the hex nut has               WITH NON—ADJUSTABLE ROCKER ARMS (SUCH
                                                                       AS FORD, AMERICAN MOTORS, ETC.)
                                                                       If your engine was originally equipped with "rail type", "ped—
                                                                       estal mount" or "bridge mount" rocker arms (consult your shop
                     STEP 5                                            manual for specific identification or details), you will need to
                                                                       machine your cylinder heads to accept pushrod quideplates
   It is necessary to check for proper clearance between the           and the proper screw—in rocker arm studs, or utilize one of our
 rocker arm and the vaive cover, especially around any filler           rocker arm conversion kits. The use of metal pushrod guide—
 cap openings or baffles. Place the vaive cover you plan to use,        plates also requires that you must use special heat treat
 and the gasket you‘ll be using on the head and screw in (two          hardened pushrods such as those available from Crane
 or three threads in is fine) a couple of hold—down bolts to locate    Cams. These pushrods are designed for use with guideplates
 the cover. Leave the bolts loose to allow the cover to move if        and will not rapidly wear out as will stock or stock—type, soft

                                        530 Fentress Bivd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114

  € 1990 CRANE CAMS, INC.                                                                                          Form No. 329E

                                                                                                                Form No. 829E

                                                                 w READ COWIPLETELY
                                                                 «& BEFORE INSTALLING!
* ROCKER ARMPART NUMBERS 11744,11745,11746 and                       If you have any questions regarding these installation instruc—
11747 are designed for valve springs up to 1.500" diameter           tions please contact one of our Crane Cams Technical
and a maximum open pressure of 500 pounds. PART NUM—                 Specialists. (904) 258—6174, Monday through Friday, 8:00
BER 13744 is designed for valve springs up to 1.630" diame—          AM to 8:00 PM, Eastern Time. For 24 hour, 7 days—a—week
ter and a maximum open pressure of 550 pounds.                       camshatft and valve train component recommendations con—
                                                                  , Mact Crane Diat—A—Cam, (904) 258—6174, wait for answer and
* IMPORTANT—Changing rocker arm ratios affects piston—to— press "4" on your touch— tone telephone.
valve clearance and can create valve spring coil bind. Higher
than standard ratios can also cause pushrods to bind in the
cylinder head or guideplate. Recheckthese areas to eliminate     >                       c
                                                                                        STIEIP 4 ra ty         o«
                                                                     Place the rocker arm on the stud with the flat side of the
                                                                     fuicrum turned up.
* We recommend that you install rocker arms on one cylinder
at a time and then adjust valvelash for that particular cylinder.                       re         4 begs    any
Following this procedure will eliminate problems caused by                              SYEP 2
too tight of an adjustment (bent valves, bent or broken
      rods, rocker arm studs, etc.)                                  Check to make sure that the bottom side of the rocker arm
                                                                     does not touch the lower portion of the rocker arm stud or the
* Except with ROCKER ARM PART NUMBER 13744, any stud boss with the lifter on the base circle, or "heel", of the
pushrod guideplates used must be either a flat style or one of      cam and the pushrod is all the way down.         See arrow on
Crana Cams new "short step" models. Refer to your Crane              Figure 1.
Cams Catalog for the correct part number guideplates for your
application. Most stepped guideplates are too tall, and will
interfere with the rocker arms, therelore binding the valve
train. Part number 19744 will accept most popular types of
guideplates, fiat orstepped. Guideplate—to — rocker arm clear—
ance must be checked with all guideplates.

* Some newer Chevrolet V—8 cylinder heads are factory
equipped with "Self Aligning" rocker arms. These rocker arms
have a stamped recess on the vaive tip end, to guide the                                     FIGURE NO. 1

rocker arm and position the pushrod in the pushrod guide—
plate. NOTE:The stock Chevrolet pushrod guideplates and
pushrods ARE NOT HEAT TREATED (hardened), and can—
not be used with Crane rocker arms. To use Crane rocker
arms you must replace the guideplates with either the hard—          Check the clearance between the underside of the rocker arm
ened factory Chevrolet high performance guideptates or Crane         and the valve spring/retainer combination. THIS STEP IS
pushrod quideplates. (See Crane Master Catalog) If heat
treated pushrod quidepiates are used YOU MUST USE

    ctory—style stamped steel valve covers are used, you may
    1 to trim away the inside brace to clear the guideplates.
Check this before running the engine! Late model GM factory
cast valve covers may not have sufficient clearance to permit
a rocker arm change without grinding the internal bolt support
bosses.                                                                                       FIGURE NO. 2

                                 Exhibit A cont.

Aluminum Rocker Arms Cont.

APPLICATION                                                       PARTNO..
Chevrolet V8, 262—400 cu. in.

1.6 Ratio Left 7/16 StUud ———————————o—ccocec=eccceecoceeneeccec~ 11766L—1
1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Stud ~—————~—o—cccccoeccccccumenceccece.ce> 11766R—1
1.6 Ratio Left 7/16‘stud --------------------------------------- 11762L—1

1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Styd <=—————<amccocwcccecccccecemcececcc———— 11762R—1

Aluminum Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                      PART_NO.
Chevrolet Y8, 39%6—454 cu. in.

1.8 Ratio 7/16 Stud <————————=——ocee—occccommeeccccomesnecemma—~~, 13755—16
1.8 Ratid® 7/16 StUd —————oo—eeccccoccemeenenccmeccameemamcecene., 13768TR—16

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:45:27
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:45:27

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