Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 8, 1992.
As of Friday, March 14th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModificationRemarks
30051992 and older model-year GM V8, 262-400 cu. in.1.6 Ratio 3/8 stud dia (for press in studs)Energizer Aluminum Rocker Arms

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-225-9
  • Executive Order 225-9 / D225-9
  • ARB # D-225-9
  • Executive Order No: D-225-9
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-225-9
  • Resolution D-225-9
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-225-9 PDF

D-225-9 Document:


                                                      (Page 1 of 2)

                               State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—225—9
                 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                            of the Vehicle Code

                                 CRANE CAMS, INC.
                                   ROCKER ARMS

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code;   and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:  That the installation of the rocker arms
manufactured by Crane Cams, Inc. of 530 Fentress Blivd., Daytona Beach, FL
32114 has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable
vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for those applications
listed in Exhibit A,   which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
these rocker arms will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by Crane Cams,       Inc.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the rocker arms, as
exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of
a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this performance package using any identification other than
that shown in this Executive Order or marketing of these rocker arms for an
application other than those listed in thig Executive Order shall be
prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.
Exemption of these rocker arms shall not be construed as exemption to sell,
offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit as an individual

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the
use of these rocker arms may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

CRANE CAMS,   INC.                                   EXECUTIVE ORDER D~225—9
ROCKER ARMS                                          (Page 2 of 2)

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order.  The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.  If a
hearing im requested, it shall be ‘teld within ten days ofraceipt of the
request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after hearing
that grounds for revocation exist.

Executive Order D—225—1 is superceded and of    no further force and effect.

Executed at El Monte, California, this    23   day        pril, 1992.

                                         Assi@tant Division Chief
                                         Mobile Source Division

                                                        Exhibit A

Energizer Aluminum Rocker Arms

                o                                                                                             PART_NO.
General Motors V8,              262—400 cu.          in.

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 stud (for press—in studs}k                                                                     23005

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 stud ————————————                                                                              3002

1.6 Ratio, 7/16 Stud —————————————_—__—_————                                                                  3003

"Super Blue" Extruded Aluminum

APPLICATION                                                                                                   PART No.
General Motors V8,              262—400 cu.          in.

1.6 Ratio, 7/16 Stud ————————————_—_—_c—c—occecccccmcesscecmccc—wc—a=—4— 3051

Hi Intensity Rocker Arms

APPLICATION                                                                                                   PART NO.
General Motors V8,              262—400 cu.          in.

1.6 Ratio, 3/8 Stud —————————_—_—c—c——caw ce e en en on m e in on ma me um me on on e on n mm um ho onin on mm e un 11746—16

1.6 Ratio, 7/16 stud ————————————                                                                      ——— 11747—16
    f       —               .

Pe&estal Mount Rocker Arms
AP#LICATION                                                                                                 _ PART NO.
General Motors V8,              262—400 cu.          in.

1.6 Ratio Intake Offset Left —————————————_—___ccccom—emec—cucc——~—— 11734L—1

1.6 Ratio Intake OffSet Right ——————————————___c_cceccccccnccc_c~ 11734R—1
1.55 Ratio Exhaust OffSe@t Left ———————————_______—~__—__c_—._—_—c_a———— 11737L—1

1.55 Ratio Exhaust OffSset RiGht ——————————————————___—_—_—_——~_—.————— 11737R—1
1.6 Ratio Exhaust OffS@t L@ft ———————————o—__esccecccmecmemmc——zemce——. 11738L—1

1.6 Ratio Exhaust Offset Right —————                                                                          11738R—1

Aluminum Rockers
APPLICATION                                                                                                     NO .
General Motors V8,             396—454 cu.        in.    65—91 with Dart
"Big Chief" cyl. heads,
1.75 Ratio Intake Offset Left ———————                                                                   11732L—1
1.75 Ratio Intake Offset Right ———                                                                 —— 11732R—1
1.8 Ratio Intake Offset Left ———————————                                                          ——— 11733L~—1
1.8 Ratio Intake Offget Right ———————————————————___—_———_—s.————— 11733R—1
1.8 RatiO EXRAUBt ——————_——__—_—_———c se in ie e m on in on ue ie s me m in in hn m m e on n nmm an m n ce e 13739—1
Shaft—Mounted Needle Bearing Rocker Arms
APPLICATION                                                                                             PART NO.
General Motors V8,             262—400 cu.        in.
1.6 Ratio Intake and Exha@ugt ————————————————_———_—_______._..———=—== 84790—1
1.6 RatiO INCAKk@ —————————«_—=————c—_—cawecceccmeccmemmmmeccmeemec——ccsc— 84791—1
1.6 Ratio intake,            1.55 FAtiO @XhAUSt ———————————————_—_—_=_=_—______« 11790—1
Aluminum Rocker Arms
 PPLICATION                                                                                             PART NO.
General Motors V8,             262—400 cu.        in.
1.6 Ratio 3/8 gtud ————————————_—_—___«_————                                                            11759—16
1.6 Ratio0 7/16 Stud ———————————————ccocecocccccecccccecececceccc~, 11755—16
1.6 Ratio 7/16 Stud ———————————_—__c__c_oceczceceeccucceccescccc~, 11768TR—16
Variable Ratio (1.5,              1.55, 1.6), 3/8 Stud ——————————_—_—_——_——_—_____= 11778—16
Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.55, 1.6), 3/8 Stud ————————————————_———_——— 11779—16
Variable Ratio (1.5, 1.55, 1.6), 7/16 Stud ——————————————__—_———— 11780—16
1.6 Ratio Left and Right Exhaust,                       7/16 gtud ———————————————————— 11770TR—16
1.6 Ratio Left 7/16 Stud o—————————————ecccccccccmmecmccccc—~ccscc—— 11770L—1
1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Stud ———————————_—————__—___.cccceccccccc_——ecac~— 11770R—1

                                   Exhibit A cont.
Aluminum Rocker Arms Cont.
APPLICATION                                                               PART_NO
General Motors V8,   262—400 cu.    in.
1.6 Ratio Left 7/16 Stu&.———————————————cecmceeccemenccememmemnceamce———.— 11766L—i
1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Stud ——————————————o—c—c—c—ccccccccmeccccc————<.> 11766R—1
1.6 Ratio Left 7/16 Stud ——————————————eoccccmecccaccccceececcc=———— 11762L—1
1.6 Ratio Right 7/16 Stud ——————————————————ccmcemccscamcecccce—c———— 11762R—1
Aluminum Rocker Arms
APPLICATION                                                               PART_NO.
General Motors V8,   396—454 cu.    in.
1.8 Ratio 7/16 Stud —————————————_—_—___occcczccecceccececcececccccce~, 13755—16
1.8 Ratio 7/16 Stud —————————_e————cecccccccccccmeacccccccccec—e——cccc——> 13768TR—16
Stamped Steel Rocker Arms
APPLICATION                                                               PART_NO.
General Motors V8,   262—400 cu.    in.
1.6 Ratio 3/8 Stud ——————————_——_—_c—_cc_ccccc__cccceccececec~————— 1180216
1.6 Ratio 3/8 Stud ——————————————___cccczccczccccecccccemececccc~~, 11807—16

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:07
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:07

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