Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on December 2, 1992.
As of Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1982-1992 GM and Ford vehicles with 2.8 to 5.7 liter engines as listed in E.O.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-260-1
  • Executive Order 260-1 / D260-1
  • ARB # D-260-1
  • Executive Order No: D-260-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-260-1
  • Resolution D-260-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-260-1 PDF

D-260-1 Document:


                                                                tPage 1 of 2)   &
                                                            *   e

                                  State of California
                                  AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                ~EXECUTIVE ORDER D—260—1
                       Relating to Exemptions Under Sectior 27156
                                  of the Vehicle Code

                                     HYPERTECH, INC.
                                STREET RUNNER POWER CHIPS

    Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Reaouices Board (ZRB) by Section
    27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

    Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sectiors 39515 and
    39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—4S5—5;

    IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:  That the installation of the Street Runner
    Power Chips manufactured by Hypertech, Inc., of 1910 Thomas R@., Memphis,
    Tennessee 38134, have been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required
    motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, are exompt from the
    prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1982—92 Seneral Motors
    and Ford Motor Company vehicles with 2.8 to 5.7 liter engines as listed in
    Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated ZLerein.
    This Executive Order is vealidi prcvidsd that Lnstsliet—sn instractions for
    the Street Runnaey,.Rqwer Chizpzs will nc recommeng-;::;:; the venricle to
    specifications different from those subm;t a by the device mamnufacturer.

    Changes made to the design or operafiing conditions of the device, as
    exempted by the ARB, that adversely affect the performance of a@ vehicle‘s
    pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

    Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
    this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
    than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prchibited unless prior
    approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

    This Executive Order does not corstitutre any opinion &s to the effect the
    use of this device may have on any warranty sither expressed or implied by
    the vehicle manufacturer.

    This Executive Order is granted kased on results froz snmissions tests
    conducted in accordance withn Cold—Start CVS—75 Feders:l Test Procedure.
    However, the ARB finds that reasonable grounds exist to believe that use of
    the Street Runner Power Chips may adversely affect erissions o: motor
    vehicles when operating under conditions outside the zrarameter: of the
    previously prescribed test procedures.    Accoriingly, the ARB reserves the
    right to conduct additional emission tests, in the fucure, as guch tests are
    developed, that will more adequately measure emissiors from all cycie
    phases.  If such test results demonstrate that the Street Runner Power Chi
    adversely affect emissions fSiring cfijesycle ecoprdgiticn: idsfine: is thosge
    conditions which are Dbeyond tne parameters cof the Colct—Scart CVS—TH Fedsral
    Test Procedure),   this Execurive Order shall be effectively rescinded as of
    the date the test results are valldsatedi.   Furuner,   if such fest results cz

HYPERTECH,    INC.                         EXECUTIVE OPER DP—260—1
                                                  (Page i of 2)

other evidence provides the ARB with reason to suspect that the Street
Runner Power Chips will affect the durability of the emission control
system, Hypertech, Inc. shall be required to submit durability data to show
that the durability of the vehicle emission zontrol system is not, in fact,
affected and/or that the add-on or modified part demorstrates adequate

In addition to the foregoing, the ARB reserves the right in the future to
review this Executi@8‘ Order®and the exemption providef: herein to assure that
the exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the standards and
procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulatxo”., Section 2222, et


No claim of any kind, such as "Approvédby the Air Resdources B>afd" may be
made with respect to the action taken herexn in any sfvertising or other
oral or written communication.
Secticnr LI7S°80 tf tme Busirsss and Professions Cods —





                                                        tw d
misleading advertising un’aaf 1, and Section 17534

punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

       "43644,   (a)  No person shall install, sell, offer for sile, or
       advertise, or, excapt in an application to the sztate board for
       certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
       pollution control device for use on any used mo::r vehicle unless that
       device has been certified by the state board.   z: person shall sell,
       offer for sale, advertise, or represent any mcottr vehicle poiluticn
       control device as a certifiled device which, infa::, is not a certified
       device.  Any viclation of this subdivision is    —isdemeanor."

Any apparent vioiation of the conditions of this Exerutcive Order may result
in its rescsission or submission to the Attorney Gener:l of California for
such action as he deems advisable.

The Bureau of Automotive Repair will be notified by cz:zy
                                                       &  of this order.

Executed at El Monte, California, thzsqéE     éa‘?-Df Lezember,              i1992.

                                        R. 8. Summerfi:ld ;.
                                        Assistant Divis:lon Chief
                                        Mobile Source [zlvision

                                                                             EXNIQLIT A

. —o@" —                    s 0_       &*e

BUICK, CHEVROLET, PONTIAC « «w o a a a o o o o o o o o
YEAR             MODEL                 ENGINE           TRANSMISSION CYL                STREET

     1982       Corvene                350 CF           Auto                 8          152801 *
     1984       Camaro,Fwebird         305LG4           Auto                Oe          2o\
                Camaro, Fuebud         305 LGA          Manual               8           11941 ;
     *          Camaro *               MSHO             Auto                 &           non—
                Camaro                 305 HO           Manual               8           11%1 *
                Convene                30 CF            ho                   80        .im301—
                Corvetie               350 CF           Manual               &          imamn.

         198§   Camaro, Fwebud         305 LG           Auto                 8            119114
                Camaro, Fuebud         305 LGA           Manual              8            11481 —
          "     Camaro,fusbud          305TPI            Auto                80          asss1
                Corvene                350TPI .          Auto                &           155301«
                Coneue .                aa t€;           Manee!                  e        s3 ,
                  .                                 .            —»                      .. + @@¥#®@
         1956   Caman,Fusbud            305LG+ _         Auto                    &       2i
 i              Camaro, Frebud          305 1G4          Manual                  8        11851 —
 |               Camaro, Fusbid         305TPI           Auto                    $0      sn
 :               Corvetie               350 TPI          Auto AL. Heads          8 :     156%1 :
                 Corvene                350 TPI          Auto CJ. Heads | B <            156301¢
                 Corvens                350 TPI          Man. AL Heads 8                  156381°
                 Cofvéile               350 TPI           Man. C.J. Heais        8       15371+*

                 Fieto                  25 MFi           Asto                    6       256411
                 Fieto                  2.8 MFI           Marual &Sp             6       256431
                 Crand        3.8 Tuite        Aulod                   6       45011

         1967   Camaro,Fuebsd            XSLG4           Auto                    8      . seroar
                Camaro, Fuebud          3S5LGH           Manual                  3       227081
                Camaro, Fuetid          RSTFi            Autd                    8       1§7301+
                Cemaro, Fuebud          350 TPI          Autd                8           1873111
                Corvele            _   350 TPI           Aulo                B           157321
                Ceonalta               SW1P              hoz {473]           a          tSCSSls
                Fiers                  2.6 MFi           huid                6          ebl4l1]
                Fieto                  &6 t5;            Notua &Sp           6          257431
                Grand Roors,           36 Teix           Puile               6          eX wil
                Motle Cento            siho              Auld                8          i2221 I

                                                             \.   gein bt n en t te   Bb     sw t 64 t 6

. YEAR      bSdEL                 Eno.NE        TAANSALSSIREN          CTL            STAREET
 .. 1908   ,.ng,q‘          |     2.8 MFi      Amo      .. »".g                       ‘_lzsm §.
            CameaO, Fuebud        305 EFI      Auto w00                   8               114321 .
            Camaro, Fuebud        305 EFI      Manual                     8               1583%1 ‘
            Camao, Fuebud         350 TPI      Asto w1CO                  8               158301 *
            Camaro, Fuebud        205 TPI       Auto wOD                   s              sea1ns
            Cavalier 224          2.8 MFI      Auso                       6               158411 *—
            Cavalier 224          2.8 MFI       Manual §Sp                 6              128571 «a
            Corveue                350 TPi      Auto wCO                   8              158331 +
             Corveite              350 TPI      Manual !4'3‘)              8 _ _15837"‘
             Fieto                 2.8 MFI      Manual 5Sp                 6              258431
             Monte Carlo SS        305 KHO      Auto                      8               127301 "
                                                                  %                   *

    1663      BberenawCorsica .   26 MFI        Auto                      6               159491 :
             Berega               2.8 MA        Manual 5Sp                6               159431 .
            Camaro, Fuebird       305JPI _Auto                            s           assan .
            Camaro, Fuebud        305 TPI      Auto                       B           . 159331 /
            Camaro, Firebid       305 TPI      Manual                     8               159351 !
            Camaro, Fuebita       305 EFYTBI    Auto                      8               159321 :
            Canenq,Fugiks         SXicrissi     Manla                     3               SS 1c
            Cusclet 224           ce                                      60 0            Sss4i40
              araliot 224         2.6 MFI      Manual §Sp                 6            155421 .
            Corvetta              350 TPi      Auto                      8             159301 ;
            Corvette              350 TPI      Manual                    8 |          1593711

   1990     Bereta,Corsica        4.TMAL       Aulo                    e 0 15040 a
            Camaro, Firebud       3.1 MFI      Auto |                    6        > 120511
            Canmaro, Fuebud       XSTPI        Aulo                      8             150331‘
            Coemao, Firebira      S TB         Mar.a                     3            15351 +
           Camaro, Fireoug        250 TPHI     Auto                      8 _          150311“
           Camaro                 3Cs T81      Acta wCO                  8            150321 +
           Camao                  cS TBEI      hlancal §Sp               €            10X1 *

           Careust, 224           a.i hr       Aulo                      6            1K@411 ‘
           Ca—clier, 2—24         3.1 MFi      Man«zl 5Sp                6            150421#
           Corvete                250 TP]      Auto                      8°~          1850301 /
           Corvete                s20 TPI      Manuel                    8        _ 150371

   1991     Besetia, Cotsica      21 MFi       Auld                      6            121%1 \
            Emglc, Coln ic        BC           hiw ca                    §             WM1<lls
            Canaro, Fuetud        323 l4fi      huis                      6             1LSH1 —
            Camare,       fol@FVTAL                      8                1641221 *
            Camato, fasiss        wi Eie $b    uiss PS                    &               12X1 9

                                                                     weos se war we in   ay    en se ut w ie

      _   rEAR        MJOEL            EnGinE          TRANSMISSKN CYL _                  STREET
                  .                                nnae                                  AUNNEA
            1991)     Camwo, Fuebud    305 TPI        Auio .                  B           151331 »
L     n T T9 "OgnafoPPMTRk             %5TPL          Munual                  a           dsn s
                      Cameaio,Fuetud   350 TPI        Auto                    $3          as13in +
                      Cavalior, 2—24   3.1 MFI        Auo       _             6           151411 ¢
                      Cavalier, 2—24   3.1 MFI        Manual                  6           151421 +
                      Corvete          350 TPi        Auto                    8           151301 «
                      Corvede .        350 TPI        Manual                8             151391 —

~>*       TR.UCKS.'Cl’;EV.Y,GTA.C o o o e a o o 0 o a o 0 s o o 0 o o o o 6
          YEAAR         MODEL          ENGINE          TRANSMISSION CYL                    STREET
            1984      C10—2            305 4B8L       Auto                    80         0 11881
                      $10916           2.8 283L       Auto                    6               m1321+
                      S10S—15          2.8 2B&8L       Manual                 6               nars

            1985       C10—20          3054EB8L       Auto                    8               1621 +
                      C10— 20          350 4638L      Auto                    B               11811 ¢
                      Cheichoo         ns3E            Aus                    s            sc
                      $ 107515 _       aerss. _ _ | Aut                        60             n
&.    9ne +t . 0e $10781§              28 288L **~ *Mancal                     6              1831 ®

            196       C10—»x           305 4B8L        Auto                    80         0C nens
                      C10—20 ; =        3504BBL        Auto            o8                 nat

             1586     Cherokee         28 2BBL         AutowCD                 6              soo001‘

             1967     AsuoSefan         43TEIZF!       Auto                       6           157021 >
                       C1§25            CS ToiErl       Auto wCD _                8           157101 .
                       C1525            30TSFEFI       Auto wCC                    8          i9114«
                       CK1525           350 TBiEFI     Manual 4—Sp                 8          15741 0
                       K1535            350 TE.EFL      Auto w/CDO                 6          1§7201 °
                       K15—25           350 TBFEFl      Auto w/OD                   B         197211 |
                       $109—15          28 TBLEFI       Manual                      6         157061 )
                       SAWS—15          2.0 TEi         Auto                        6         187011 !
                       RV 35            350 TB          Auto T400                   8         157251 ©

             ls:.      AstceSuteri      4.3 TEZEFI      Auto                        6         188021 9

                       C1iSeS           305 Tticfl      Auto w/CD                   3         15101 +
                       C125             tS0 TBiEFIL     Auto w‘OD                   8         126521
                       C1g25            1% TE           bahual +—SP                 6          1k1G1s
                       Cm1SO33          43 T5.EFI       Manua §5p                   6         15031 »
                       [ofobest         et              Aulo T—108                  8         19241 *

                                                            .0   eeresemer®e   40     o @.l® +

. NTEAR        MODEL            ENCiNE            TRANSWISSION CYL              STRZET                               o0                  3 *¥e
                                                                                                                                         ef, o
                                                                               RUNNER                .                          sls
    1988     CK 35              350 TBI          Manual4$p            8         1161\            0                                       ho
             K1525              305 TBVEFI Auto wOD                   $         1ka1 c                    @~
             K1525              350 TBVEFI       Auto w00              8        128201‘
             K1525              350 TBI          Manual4—SP            8        1982318
             $105—15            28 TBVEFI        Manual                6        158061 .

    1989     AstoSafar          4.3 TBVEFI        Auto                 60       i1s8021
             C125               CS TBVEF!         Auto w,OD            8            158101 i
             C125              . 350 TBVEF!I      Auto wOD             8            129101
             K1525              305 TBVEF!        Auto w,OD            8            159201®                                                ~
             K1525              250 TBVEFI        Auto w00  8                    13101 .                                         ~
             S109415            2.8 TBI           Auo 003 0 60                 > 1s8011!
             £108—15            28 TBVEFI         Manual               6            159061 /
             $109—15            43 TBVEF!         Auto                 6            158001
                                                                                .          i00t o jz s ®
     1990    AsuoSafan              4.3 TB! standard Auto              60 0         01501Lt; _.,           tC
             C1525                  305 TBVEFI    Auto w.OD            8            150101
             C1525                  350 TBVEF!    auto wOD              8           1201 —*
             Kl§Ze®                 i Terer|l     Aliomeo              &            150e3} o             * — %                       »
            0 Kiggs             X9TBVEF!            AiowCQ.             80          1941 >                                siey > e2 w c          5
             §10S—15                4.3 TBVEFI    Auto wOD              6           150001 i                     .
             $108015                43TBVEFI      Manual§§p             6           150071 %                     |

     1691    Astro/Sefar            4.3 TBI       Auto                  6           1215881 !
           ete"                     305 TBi       Auto w/OD             8500        is1101°
             C1525 (6 lug whaels)     350 TBi     Auto wOO              & +0        1218411
             Cis                    350 TS        Manual 5Sp            8           151141 ®
             CK15—25                4.3 Tsl       Auto wCC              §           1§1G1 ¢
             CK15—25            4.3 TBI           Manual                60 0        Asi1ts1 +
             K1525              505 TBl           Auto w‘CD             a           15121 —
             K15 1/2 Ton        250 T3l           Auta w00              80          (121H1 .
             K15           .    250 TBI           Manual 5Sp            8           11241 .
             S1WS15 Scnoma      2.8 TBI           Manual               6            151061 +
             S10§15 Scnoma      4.3 TBI           Auto                 6            121501 ®

«o5                    L e     .         —                         .   WAAA &b CA t WTil a

        ~    ‘FORD‘...'.“.Q0.000....Q.O.I.O....CO...O..

*           * YEAR       — MODEL    _   ENGINE            TRANSMUSSION CYL        POWwERA
    '                                                                            MODULE
                1986    Mustang         02 KO              Autg             8      E86011 +
                         Mustang        32hO          _    Manual           8      686021

                1987     Mustang        302 HO              Auto            8      687111
                         Mustang        302 HOQ             Manual          8      687121

                1988     Musiang        302 HO              Auto            8    _ 82111
                                                  .                                +   *%
                         Mustang        302 HO            ‘_Manual          8      688121

                1989     Mustang        302 HO              Auto            8 7 seinm
                         Mustang    _   302H0               Manual          8      segi21«

                1950     Mustang        302KO               Auto            6      6990111 +
                         Mustang        302 HO              Manual           8     650121

                1991     Musieng        wand          C     awss c O~ C og         cssn s
                        ~ Mustang       02K0 .              Manua            8     620121 .

    2o                                             ExbiBTt"XTo

    CHEVAOLET, PONTIAG & 4 a a a a e e e e e e e 6 6 0 e e e e k                         g»
     . YEaR           MOOEL         ENGINE        TRANSMISSION CYL           STHEET ~"T>;.
                                                                            RUNNER      |
         1988    Caman,frebid       X6EFI _       Manual§§p         8         1351
oC 1992 °C BermefaComika~ ~3.1 MA                 hao .. 2 0. +8 ; _—152401@po
                 Berata,Corsica     3.1 MA        Manual            o wef.
                 \Camaro, Frebled 3.1MA           Auto              s         dsn
                 Camaro,fFrobird    3S EFVTBI     Auto              §         I1KR1.
                 Camaro, Firebird   305 EFVTBI     Manual Sp        8         152361 +
                 Camero,Frebird     350 TPI      _ Auto             a         is291>‘
                  Cavaler,724       3.1 MA        Manual         c 0600       182918 (,00_


    . YEaR            MODEL          ENGINE       TRANSMISSON CYL             STRAZET
        194       ©                                                               *

         f08s     Cis               350 TBI       Auto w/CD          8        1281010

                  C25—35            350 TBI       Manual 4SP         8        158131 \
         1989     CK15               43 TBI       Manusl§SP         6         1205313
         1950    CK15               «44 TE!       Manvzal §SP        600C _®Sey ®
     . 1992 ~     Astro/Sefad         43 TBI      Auto              60 0      i5201 ®
                 C1525                305 TBI     Auto wOD          80 0      wistr
                 C©1525 (6 lug wheels) 350 TBI    Auto wOD          8         125%1,
                 cis                350TBI        Manua§$Sp       8           12551 :
                 CK1525             43 TBI        AutowOD c      . B          152021
                . CK1525            43 TB         Manual         1 6 . 191.
                 K1525              305 TBI       Autld wOD         80 0      12521 \
                 K15 1/2 Ton        350 TBi       Auo wQXD          8       C 12561 ¢
                 K1s                350 Tol       Manual§§p         8         122551‘
                 K1525              350 TBI       Auto wOO          80        zsns
                 S10/S15 Sonoma     43 TBI        ho                8         12501 4



    YEAR              MODEL         ENGINE        TRAANSMISSION CYL           POWE.
         1990    Tauns SH0          a0e             Manual 5SP      8         E5o421

         1991    Fizo               se              Auto w/CD       8         651011

         1992    Mulany             312 HQ          huio            B         E22111
                 Mastang            SX HJ           Manred]          60 0     63cu21

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:33
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:33

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