Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on December 1, 1992.
As of Monday, February 3rd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1982-1992 GM vehicles with 2.8 to 5.7 liter engines and Ford vehicles with 5.0 engine as listed in E.O.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-260-2
  • Executive Order 260-2 / D260-2
  • ARB # D-260-2
  • Executive Order No: D-260-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-260-2
  • Resolution D-260-2
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-260-2 PDF

D-260-2 Document:


                                                               * *
                                                                        (Page 1. of 2)
                                                                                . *—e_
                                             State of California
                                             AIR RESOURCES   BOARD

                                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—260—2
                           Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                      of the Vehicle Code

                                            HYPERTECH, INC.
                                        THERMO—MASTER PROM CHIPS

     Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board. "ARB)                  by Sectxoo —#
     27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

     Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
     39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—4§—5;

     IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:  That the installation of the Thermo—Master PROM
     chips manufactured by Hypertech, Inc. have been found not to reduce the
     effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices and,
     therefore, are exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle
     Code for 1982—92 General Motors vehicles with 2.8 to 5.7 liter engines and
     Ford Motor Company vehicles with 5.0 engine as lxste‘ in Exhibit A, which is
     attached hereto and incorporated herein.

     Ti.lsc   Exgiugtive Orfler   is   valid pr,v;ded that instructions for
     the Trerms—Master PROM chips will amot mpenmmgrnd tuning the vehicle to >                     . ©W

     specifications different from those submztted by theaevice manufacturer.                         ~

     Changes made to the deséagn or operating conditions of the device,                  as
     exempted by the ARB, that adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s
     pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

     Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
     this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
     than these listed in this Executive Order shall be prr~ibited unless prior
     aprrtval     is obtained from the Air Resources Scard.

     This Exerutive Orgder does not consticute any cpinion s to the effect thie
     use Cf tris device may have on any warranty either exzressed or implied by
     the venicle manufacturor.           c

     This Executive Orosr is granted based or results fror emissions tests
     conducted in accordance with Coid—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure.
     However, the ARB finds that reasonable grounds exist to believe that use of
     the Thermo—Master PROM chips may adversely affect emissions of motor
     vehicles when operating under conditions outside the parameters of the
     previously prescribed test procedures.  Accordingly, the ARB reserves the
     right to conduct additional emission tests,              in the future,   as such tests are
     developed, that will more adequately measure emissions from all cycle
                  If such test results demonstrate that the Thermo—Master PROM chips
             1v a af                                                f
                           emissions during off—sycole csorditiscss (defined as those
     conditicnas w         are beyond the parsmeters ofi the Colf—Start CVS—75 Federal
     Test Procedu          this Executive Order shall be effect:vely rescinded as of
     tne date the           results are velifateq   Furthsr, if sush cest results or

 HYPERTECH, INC.                                             EXECUTIVE OPLER D—260—2—>
                                                                      (Page iz of 2)           “-.f

      —   =    «m
 other evidence provides the ARB with reason to suspect that the Thermo—
 Master PROM chips will affect the durability of the emfission control system,
 Hypertech, Inc. shall be required to submit durability data to show that the
 durability of the vehicle emission control system is not, in fact, affected
 and/or that the add—on or modified part demonstrates adequate durability.

 In addition to the foregoing, the ARB reserves the right in the future to
 review this Executive Order and the exemption provided herein to assure that
 the exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the standards and
 procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222, et


 No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
 made with respect to the action taken herein in any afvertising or other
 oral or written communication.

           i=fAAr oi
                  ~8C          the Bs
                                                                       wor uE&  cstpugA —~~
                                                                       toTokote c2LPuR TT
 mlsleading sdivertising unilicelu                                      pr—oss violation
      .  1     aooms     L
 punishable as & misdemeanor
                         —            *%       —   e
 Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides &s follows:
             2   0®
        #43644,        (a)         No person shall install, sell, ofier for sale, or
        advertise,       or,       except in an application to the szate board for
        certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
        pollution control device for use on any used motzcr vehicle unless that
        device has been certified by the state board.   N:z person shall sell,
        offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motcz vehicle pollution
        control       device as a certified device whict, in ij:tt, is not a certified
        device.         Any vislatior of this subdivision is & tc:sdsmeanor."

 Any apparent violation of tbe conditions of this Exer.tive Order may result
 in its rescission or su    ssion to the Attorney Gener:l of California for
such action as he deemsa_vxaable.

Tne Buresau of Automotive Repair will be notified by czpy of this crder.

Executed at El Monte,               California,    this     /    da    f Zecember,     1992.

                                                          —R.    Summerfizid
                                                           Assistant Divieion Chief
                                                           Mobile Ssurce Tivision

Appendix A

BU’CK, CHEVROLE,;PONT’AC o o a o a 0 o o o a a o o o a o o a o o o o o

 1982      Corvette           © 350 CF    Auto                  8                      152802
  1984     Camaro, Firebird    305 LG4    Auto                  8                      124072 \ >
           Camaro, Firebird    305LG4      Manual                   8                   1942
           Camaro              305 HO      Auto                     8                    11072
           Camaro              305 HO      Manual                   &                    11362
           Corvatte            350 CF      Auto                     8           <an n 1594302
           Corvette             350 CF     Manual                   8                   154372

  1985     Camaro, Firebird     305 LG4    Auto                     8                    11912
           Camaro, Firebird     305 LG4    Manual —                 8                    11482
           Camaro, Firebird     305 TPI    Auto                     8                   155332
          — Corvelte _          350 TPI    Auto                     8                   155302
           Corvelte.           350 TPI     Manual                   8                   155372

1986       Camaro, Firebird    305LG4      Auto                     8                  226112
           Camaro, Firebird    305 LGA     Manual                   8                   11852
           Camaro, Flrebird    305 TPI    Auto                  B                      156332
           Corvelte            350 TPI    Auto AL. Heads        8                      156342
           Corvelle            350 TPI    AutoC.]. Heads        8       ,   >          156302
           Corvelte            350 TPI    Man, AL. Heads        8                      156382
          Corvelte             350 TPI    Man. C.1. Heads       8                      156372

          Flero                2.8 MFI    Auto              _   6                      256412

          Flero       >       2.8 MF]     Manual 5—Sp           6                      256432
          Grand National      3.8 Turbo   Auto                  6                      456012

 1987     Camaro, Firebird    305 LG4     Auto                  8                      227042
          Camearo, Firebird   305 L.G4    Manual                8                     227082
          Camaro, Firebird    305 TPI     Auto                  8                      157302
          Camaro, Firebird    350 TPI     Auto                  8                      157312
          Corvelte            350 TPI     Auto                  8                      15732
          Corvalte            350 TPI     Manual (4+3)          8                      157362
         + Fero               2.8 MFI     Auto                  6                     257412

          Fero            ~   2.8 MFI     Manual 5—Sp           6                      257432
          Grand National      3.8 Turbo   Auto                  6                      456012
          Monte Carlo         305 HO      Auto                  8                      127302 1

YEAR        MODEL                ENGINE       TRANSMISSION CYL    THERMO
     1988   Beretta ,Consicer 2.8 MFI         Auto           0     120562
            Camaro, Firebird     308 EFI      Auto w/CO      &     188322
            Camare, Firebkd      305 EFI      Manual .       8     158362
            Camaro, Firebird     305 EF1      Manual 5—Sp    8     158952
            Camaro, Firebird _   350 TPI      Auto w/DD      B     158302
            Camaro, Firebird     305 TP!      Auto w/OD       8   ase3te
            Cavalior 2724        2.8 MA       Auto            6    158412
            Cavaller 224         28 MA        Manual 5—Sp    6     128572 ®
            Corvetie             350 TPI      Auto w/OD      8     158332
            Corvette             350 TP!      Manual (4+3)    8    158372
            Flero                2.8 MFI      Manual 5—5p    6     250432
            Monte Carle SS       305 HO       Auto            8    127302 \

     1989   Beratta/Corsica      2.8 MA       Auto           6     159402
 '          Beretta/Corsieey     2.8 MFI      Manual 5—Sp    6     159432
            Camaro, Firebird     305 TPI      Auto           8     159312
            Camaro, Firebird     305 TPI      Auto           8     159332
            Camaro, Firebird     305 TPI      Manual         8     159352
            Camaro, Firebird     305 EFVTBI   Auto           8     159322
            Camero, Firebird     305 EFVEBI    Manual        8     159362
            Cavalier 224         2.8 MA       Auto           6     159412
            Cavaller 224 .       2.0 MA       Manual 5—5p    6     159422
            Corvelte             350 TPI      Auto           8     159302
            Corvette             350 TPI      Manual         8:    159372

 1990       Beretta, Corsica     3.1 MF       Auto           6    150402
            Camaro, Firebird     3.1 MFI      Auto           6     120512
            Camaro, Firebird     305 TPI      Auto           8     150332
            Camaro, Firebird     305 TPI      Manual         8B    150352
            Camaro, Firebird     350 TPI      Auto           8     150312
            Camaro,F;rebj 305 TBl             Auto w/OD      8     150322
            Camamfl:ireb‘.        305 TBI      Manual 5—Sp    8     150362
            Cavaller, Z—24       3.1 MFI      Auto           6     150412
            Cavaller, 7—24       3.1 MA       Manual 5Sp     6     150422
            Corvetie             350 TPI      Auto           8     150302
            Corveltie            350 TPI      Manual         8     150372

     1991   Beretta, Corsica     3.1 MA       Auto           6     121562 .
            Beretia, Corsica     3.1 MF       Manual         6     151432
            Camaro, Flrebird     3.1 MFi      Auto            6    120512
            Camaro, Firebikd     305 EFVTBI    Auto           8    151322
            Camaro, Firebird     305 EFVTBI    Manual 5—Sp    B    151362

  YEAR          MODEL             ENGINE          TRANSMISSION CYL               THERMO
    1991       Camaro, Firebird   305 TPI         Auto          8                151332
           .   Camaro, Firebird   305TPI        _ Manual        8                151372
            _ Camaro, Firebird    350 TPI         Auto          8                is1312
               Cavalier, 7—24     3.1 MFI         Auto          06               151412
               Cavalior, 2—24     3.1 MA          Manual        6                15142
               Corvetie           350 TPI         Auto          8                151302
               Corveite           350 TPI         Manual        8                151392

 1992          Beretta, Corsica   3.1 MA          Auto          6                152402 ©
               Beraita, Corsica   3.1 MFI         Manual        6                152432
               Camaro, Firebird   3.1 MFI        Auto           6                152342
               Camaro, Firebird   305 EFVTBI      Auto          8                152322
               Camaro, Firebird   305 EFVTBI      Manual 5S5p   8                152362
               Camaro, Firebird   350 TPI        Auto           8                152392
               Cavalier, —24      3.1 MFI        Manual         6                15242

 TRUCKS'CHEVY,GMCooooooooo.ooooo                                        ~ _   r0 0 00 e e
‘ YEAR           MODEL            ENGINE         TRANSMISSION CYL                THERMO

               $108—15            2820BL         Ato            6                1322
               §105—15            2.0 2BBL       Manual         6                1232

    1985       C10 — 20           305 4BBL       Auto           8 |               162
               C10—20             350 4BBL       Auto           8                 11842
               Cherokee           2.8 20BL        Auto          6         j      500002
               S 107 S1§5         26 2BBL         Auto          6                 11902
               S 107 815          2.8 20BL        Manual        6                 11892

    1986        C10 — 20          305 4BBL        Auto          8                 162
                C10 — 20           350 4BBL       Auto          8                 11842

  . . i"=       Cherokee           28 ?BBL        Atow/OD           6             500002

     1987       Astro/Safarl       4.3 TBVEF!      Auto             6             157022
                C1525              305 TBVEF!       Autow/0D        8             157102
                C15—25             350 TBVEFI      Auto w/OD        8             157112
                CK1525             350 TOVEFl      Manual4§p        8             157142
                K15—25             350 TBVEFI      Auto wOD         8             157202

 YEAR               MODEL            ENGINE        TRANSMISSION CYL    THERMO
       1887      Kisas                350 TBVEFI Auto w10D        8     157212
l ul             §$40§—15        . . .28.TBVEFI . Manual. .       s     157062
                 $105—15              28 TBl      Auto            6     1s7012
                 RV 35               350 TBI       Auto T—400     a    157252

       1988      Astro/Safer         43 TBVEF      Auto           6    158022
   |             cis                 350 TB        Auto wiOD      8    128102 a
                 C525                305 TBVEFI    Auto w/iOD     8    158102 _
                 C15—25              350 TBVEF!    Auto w/OD      B    128522 .

                 C2s—35              350 TBI       Manual 4SP     _8   1se182/"
                 CK15—25             4.3 TBVEFI    Manual 5—S5p   6    158032
                 cKkas               350TBI        Auto T400      8    158242
                 CK3s                350 TBi       Manual4—Sp     8    js8162
                 K15as               305 TBVEFI    Auto w/OD      8    158202
                 K1g25               350 TBVEFI    Auto w/0D      8    128202 v
                 Kig2s _             350 TBI       Manual 4SP     _8   158232
                 $108—415            2.8 TBVEFI    Manual         8    158062

—~ 1989          Astro/Safed         4.3 TBVEFI    Auto           6    159022
                 Cis2s               305 TBVEFI    Auto w/OD      8    159102
                 Cis25s              350 TBVEFI    Auto w/0D      8    129102 #
                 CK15                43TBI.        ManualSSP      8    120532 a
                 K15—25              305 TBVEFI    Auto w/0D      8    159202
                 Kig25s              350 TBVEFI    Auto w/OD      B    12102 "
                 $108—15             2.8 TBi       Auto           6    158012
                 $108—15             2.8 TBVEF]    Manual         6    159062
                 $108—15             4.3 TBVEFI    Auto           6    158002

       1990     . Astro/Safad        4.3 TBI standard Auto        6     150022
                  C1525              305 TBVEFI    Auto w/0D      8     150102
                  Cises              350 TBVEFI    auto wOD       8     120542 ——
                  cKkis              4.3 TBI       Manual 5SP     6     1252«
                  Kig—25             305 TBVEFI    Auto w/0D      8     150202 —
                  K1525               350 TBVEFi    Auto w/OD      8    120542 ¢
                  $£105—15         . 43 TBVEFl      AutowOD        6    150002
                  s—108015            43 TBUEFl     ManualSSp      6    150072

       1991,.     AstrorSafad           43 TBi      Auto           6    121582 a
                  CiS25                 305 TB\     Auto w/0D      8    151102
                  C15—25 (8 hig wheels}) 350 TBI    Auto w/OD      8    121542 .
                  cis                   350 TBl     Manual 5Sp     8    151142


YEAR       MODEL             ENGINE       TRANSMISSION CYL            THERMO
         CK15—25            4.3 TBI       Auto w/OD     6             151042
         CK1525       ..   . 4.3 TBi .    Manual        6             151052
        K1§—25              306 TBI       Auto w/OD     8             151202
        K15 1/2 Ton         350 TBI       Auto w/OD     8             121542 6
        K15                 350 TBI       Manual 5Sp   8             . 151242
        S10S15 Sonoma       28 TBI        Manual       6              151062
        S10(/S15 Sonoma     4.3 TBi      Auto          6             121502 !

 1992   Astro/Safar         4.3 TB       Auto          6             152012
        C1525               305 TBi      Auto w/OO     8             1252 *
        C15—25 (6 lug wheels) 350 TBI    Auto wOD      8             122562 +.
        Ci5s               350 TBI       Manual 5—Sp   8        . 122552 *
        CK1525             4.3 TB        Auto w/OD     6             152022
        CK15—25            4.3 TBI       Manual        6             152032

        K15—25        '    305 TBI       Auto wOD      8             12252 1
        K15 1/2 Ton        350 TBI       Auto w/OD     86            122562 o
        K1§                350 TBI       Manual 5—Sp   8             122552 «
        K15—25             350 TBI       Auto w/OD     8             122572 0
        S10/515Sonoma 4.3 TBI            Auto          6             122502

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:56
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:56

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