Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on May 8, 1995.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1994 and older vehicles listed in the Application Guide of Tornado Air Management Systems, refer to application guide.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-267-2
  • Executive Order 267-2 / D267-2
  • ARB # D-267-2
  • Executive Order No: D-267-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-267-2
  • Resolution D-267-2
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-267-2 PDF

D-267-2 Document:


                                                    (Page 1 of 2)

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—267—2
                 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                            of the Vehicle Code

                             CYCLONE USA, INC.

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board (ARB) by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Tornado Air
Management Systems (Tornado Systems) manufactured by Cyclone USA, Inc.
(Cycione) of 13360 Firestone Boulevard, Suite H, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle
pollution control system, and therefore, the device is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for installation on the
ée]ected vehicle makes and model—years listed in the enclosed Application

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
Cyclone‘s Tornado Systems will not recommend tuning the vehicle to
specifications different from those of the vehicle manufacturer.
Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Tornado Systems,
as exempt by the ARB, which adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s
pollution control system, shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of the Tornado Systems using any identification other than that
shown in this Executive Order or marketing of the Tornado Systems for an
application other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be
prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the ARB.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the
use of the Tornado Systems may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehiclie manufacturer.

In addition to the foregoing, the ARB reserves the right to conduct
additional emission tests, in the future, as such tests are developed, that
will more adequately measure emissions from all cycle phases.       If such test
results demonstrate that the Tornado Systems listed in the Application Guide
adversely affect emissions during off—cycle conditions (defined as those
conditions which are beyond the parameters of the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal
Test Procedure), this Executive Order shall be effectively rescinded as of
the date the test results are validated.  Further, if such test results or
other evidences provide the ARB with reasons to suspect that the Tornado
Systems listed in the Application Guide will affect the durability of the
emission control system, Cyclone shall be required to submit durability data
to show that the durability of the vehicle emission control system is not,

Cyclone USA, Inc.                                EXECUTIVE ORDER D—267—2
                                                 (Page 2 of 2)

in fact, affected and/or that the add—on or modified part demonstrates
adequate durability. In addition to the foregoing, the ARB reserves the
right in the future to review this Executive Order and the exemption
provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part
continues to meet the standards and procedures of California Code of
Regulations, Title 13, Section 2222, et seq.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order. The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.  If a
hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
request, and the order may not be revoked until a determination after the
hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this

                                    Mobile Source Division

                                                Application Guide of
                                   Tornado Air Management Systems                                                                        {revisea 6194)
Year       Model                              Engine        Tornado           Year       Model                            Engine            Tornado
                                                                              B9.93 < REGAL                                erai                    kigs
AGURA              ca                                                         8283 REcaL                                   857                     keaoe
9094       INTECRA                            4M &                 K7S        lyo.89 Regal                                 6/3.8 2br carb          KCEOC
Be—a7      INTEGRA
           INTEGRA                            41.6
                                              41.6                 K6S
                                                                   K160       [yggy > REGAL
                                                                              bag      REGAL                               ALL
                                                                                                                           6288 Cy.                KC4oc
91193      LEGENC                             632                  K180       [ * RIVIERA                             815.0—875.7R            Keso
88—90      LEGEND                             821                  K175       | RIVIERA                               ALL 6 CyL               Kiss
9293       VIGOR                              525                  K750       iypes RIVIERA                                8iS.7X                  kesoc
                                                                              7684       RIVIERA                           ALL 6 Cy..              Keane
ALFA ROMEO                                :                                   85—87      SKLK, SMRST REGAL                 425                     kose
B6—49      MILANO                             B/ALL                KiGs       85—88      Skylark,Somerset                  613.0                    Ki—70
                                                                              87—89        .SKYHAWK                        412.0                    Kits
AUpI                                                                          85—87      _ SKYHAWK                         ALL 4, 6 Cyl             Kigs
                                                                              82—88        SKYHAWK                         41.8—402.0—0HC           KC3o
78—80 5000, Quarttro                          512.2                K—75       (aogr        SKYLARK                         425                      KGso
8385  QuATTRO                                 522                  K175       |aoB4        SKYLARK                         628                      N/A
                                                                              77—79        SKYLARK                         sas                      keeac
BMW                                                                           T69          SKYLARK                         #143—815.7               kesoc
Fal        1600                               41.6                 Kigo       89—93      SKYLARK                           ALL 4, 6 Cyl.            KI7O
m          2002                               42.0                 Kiso
s11g3      318                                41.6                 iss         [CADILLAC
a3as       318                                418                  K1GS         fgs      ALLANTE814.6                      Kiso
80843      320                                ano                  K165        Joj.g2    BROUGHAM                          815.0—815.7              e
8793       3201528                            628                  K165         farso     BROUGHAM                         Bi5.0                    kceoc
T7         360051                             63.0                 KIGS        |to        CaDitLAC                         8 Cyl.                   kesoc
890.93     §251                               612.5                K165         {arss    CIMARRON                          ar2.8                    K170
93         §25l                               612,5124             KI6§5       [asss     CIMARRON                          8128                     Kiss
8243       520E                               627                  K160       lyj.786.   CL9,CM CHS,DV,F—WD,LIMO8 Cy1.                              Kcsoc
7981       §281                               6r2.6                K5         iyp78      CMCHS,OV,F—WD,LIMO     87.0                                kceoc
78         §301                               o3.0                 K165       fsa.91     CM CHS,DV,F—WD,LIMO,SVL8 Cyi.                              Kiso
saat       sasi, esscei. 7331                 6                    Ki6S       lag        CM CHS.BV.LIMO         Bd1                                 kesoc
78         6300Sl                             63.2                 K165        far84     COMMCHASSIS            8—6—4/6.0                           Ke3to
79.82      6330917331                         6/3.2                KIG6S      [ss        comM chassis           874.1                               kesoc
sea9       635CSI                             62.s                 K170       |79.80     COMMCHASSIS, LIMO      8—6—416.0                           kceoc
78         7331                               63.2                 Ki6S       1g7        COMM CHASSIS, LIMO     Br4.1                               kesoc
Bo—.91     T5oil                              126.0                KiGS(Z)    |gs        GEvilLe                aiai                                Kesoc
68         TSOIL                              125.0                K160(2)    |gg        DEviLLe                8l5.7                               kease
9293       750L,8501                          125.0                K165        lgrg4     DEVILLE,FLEETWOOD      86y                                 kc3ro
9         .850                                125.0                KI6§        igi.g2    DEVILLE,FLEETWOOD      641                                 Kceoc
se91       M3                                 42.3                 KI6S        j7ges      DEVILLE,FLEETWOOD     857                                 kesoc
                                                                              7980       DEVILLE, FLEETWOOD     80y                                 kceoc
BUICK                                                                         92         DEVILLE, FLEETWOOD     849                                 Ki8o
73—78      APOLLO,SKYLARK                     6/4.1—8/5.7          kcaoe       193        DEVILLE, SIXTY SPCL              814.9                    K180
75         APOLLO,SKYLARK                     ei3.8                Kizp        {77—78     ELDORADO                         an.o                     KC6OC
75         APOLLO,SKYLARK                     84.3                 keaoe       J70—76      ELDORADO                        8 CyL.                   KC30C
70—78      CENT,CTVICTYWGNRGL ALlLGCy,scy.                           kcaoc     [52        ELDORADO                         614.1                    KC40C
87—93      CENTURY                            6/2.8—573.8          Ki7O        73         ELDORADO                         818.2 500                KC400
8292       CENTURY                            412.5—612.8          KC39        80—85      ELDORADO, SEVILLE                8/6.0                    KC300
84—88      CENTURY                            2s                   Ki—70       B6         ELDORADO, SEVILLE                814.1                    N/A
75—81      CENTURYIREGAL                      6 Cyl 8/5.0          Kcsoc       181        ELDORADO, SEVILLE                614.1—815.7              KC30C
70—78      ELTRAPKAVIRIVieRA                  ALL 8 CyL.           KC4og       [89—93     ELDORADO, SEVILLE,DEVIL 8 Cyi                             Kigo
86—90      ELTRA/PK AV.RVRA                   63.8                 Kigs        79—85      ELDORADO, SEVILLE,FLEET 8/4,1—8/5.7                       KC20C
91193      ELTRA/PKAVE                        es                   KiBo         [88—89    FLEETWOOD                        84.5                     Kiso
85—90      ELTRA/PKAVE                        6i3.8                Kigs        80         FLEETWOCO                        85.0                     KCeqC
76—85      ELTRAIPKAVE                        8/5.7—8/5.7%         Kcsog       [85—89     Fleetwood                        8is.0                    KC—600
80—84      ELTRA/PKAVE                        ALL 6 Cy, 8 Cy        kceoc      [93        FLEETWOOD                        8/5.0—8i5.7              KC40C
85—90      ESTATE WAGON                       850 |                kceoc 187              FLEETWOOD                        8l4.1                    kesoc
70,73      ESTATE WGN, WILD CAT               8672574              Kease       (85        FLEETWOOD                        84 1FWD                  KCSOC
92—93      LASABRE                            6.8                  Ki7s        85         FLEETWOOD                        BMAARWD                  KC300
B6—g0      LASABRE                            6i3.8                iss         [81—84      Limo                            8i6.0                    Keaco
78—85      LASASRE/RVRA                       815.5—8/5.7          kesog       |90        LIMO                             85.0                     KC6OC
77—85      LSBRIRVRA                .         ALL 6 Cy, 8 Cy.      kceoc       |90        LIMO                             85.7                     KC4oc
70—80      LSBRSYLK                           ALL 8 Cyt.           Kcage       [76—79     SEVILLE                          85.7 350                 KC40C
88—91      REATTA, RIVIERA                    613.8                izo         182        SEVILLE                          6, 8 Cyt.                KC40C
‘The above information represents suggested guidelines for the Tornado product. However, due to Inconsistencies In aute manufacturing, the
installer may discover that a unit other than the one suggested in this guide actually fits better, The installer should install whichever unit fils better
and we will update this guide.. Installers are cautioned that this information guide is iMlustrative and it is the responsibility of the installer to be
certain that each unit installed fits the automobile.

                                                                                                                                            jrevised 6194)
‘FYear      Model                            Engine            Tornado        Year       Model                            Engine                 Tornado

  79         sEVILLE                          ast                    keaoe        MONTE CcARLO                     84.3                        keaoo
                                                                           z84           MONTECARLO                       8i5.7                       kesoc
                                                                           i—s4          montE carLo                      gra.s 229                   keso
                                                                           rese          monte carto                      6 Cyl.                      kceos
  CHEVROLET                                                                   ro—ss      MONTE carLo                      6, 8 Cyl.                   keanc
  Ti—72      M—CARLO                          8 Cyl.                 Kc4oe [2—80         MONZA                            alas                        KC39
  7376       MALiBu                           6, 8 Cy.               Kease 5.40          MONZA                            6, 8 Cyl.                   ke4de
  TT         MALIBU                           6, 8 Cyl.              KC4Oc BS—B8         NOVA                             41.6                        K180
  76         NOVA                             6, 8 Cyi.              geae     frore       Nova                            4,6, 8 Cyl.                 Kke4sc
  9093       BERETTA                          4, 6 Cyl.              Kiro     Bass        Nova                            4/1.6 Carb                  KC—T—4
  9091       BERETTA                          402.2                  kess     [rs         NOVA                            6—in line/252               Ke200
  92         BERETTA                          8r.1                   wizs     zes         SPECTRUM                        4n.5                        kizo

  87—89      BERETTA, CORSICA                 412.0                  Kizs     JB5s        SPECTRUM                        4M1.5 carb                  kigo
  87—88      BERETTA, CORSICA                 62.8         7         Kiso     B7         7—24                              4 Cyl.                     KC400
   so         BERETTA, CORSICA                6i2.8                  w70

   71—73      BLAIR,BSCYN,IMPL                6, 8 Cyl.              kesc     |CHRYSLER
   7475       BL AIR,CPRCJIMPLM—CRLO          6, 8 0y                e4oe     basy Eclass                                  4122                       wiso
    5—922     CAMARORo                        8is.7 EFi
                                              ies                    riso
                                                                      Co,     3    E class                                 412.2cath                  iss
   80—81      CAMA
              CAMARO                            ; CV
                                              63.8—8/5.0             e
                                                                     kesoc    9           E CLASS,NEW YORKER              . 4/2.2carb—trb             iss
   70—92      CAMARO                          6, 8 Cyl.              keaoc    sass       exEcutive Limo                     4126                      Kiss
   9193       capRice                         aCy.                   N/A      o93        IMPERIAL                           63.3                      Ki6O
   86—90      CAPRICE                         B3.8—85.0              keeoc    eass       raser                              4122                      riso
   B6—90      CAPRICE                         5.0 305                kesoc    arss       Laser                              412.2turbo                Kigs
   B5—90      CAPRICE                         64.3                   KCaco    es         LASER,LEBARON                      412.2ub                   Kiss
   B1—84      CAPRICE                         esd                    kess     Ba—so      LASER,LEBARONNYRKR                 4 Cyl.                    Kiso
                                                                              les,87     LBRN, NEW YORKER                   412.2ich                  ies

   80—85      CaPRICE                         ai5.7                  kesoe    es         LBRN, NEW YORKER                   4r2.2                     Kiso
 .            CAPRICE                         ai3.8                  kesoc      LEBARON                            e3.0                      Kiso
   91—83      CAPRICE
              CAVALIER                        §i5.7
                                              4122                   KH2O
                                                                     170      es « ag    LEBARON                            4Gyl. yi. Carb.trb        kiss
   87—88      CAVALIER                        412.0                  kizs     lsalss     LEBARON,NEW YORKER                 4/2.6 Carb.               «iss
   8586       CAVALIER                        ar2.8                  iss      NEw yorkER                         6 Cy..                    Kigo
   8386       CAVALIER                        4 Cyl.                 kese     o          NEW YORKER                         en3                       kigs
   @7—00      CELEBRITY                       6 Cyi.                 wi7o     se         NEW yoRKER                         472.20r0                  Kies
   85—56       CELEBRITY                      62.8                   Kigs     es         NEW YORKER                         42.2                      wies
   7076       CHEVELLE                        6, 8 CyL               Ke4oe    lee        NEW YORKER                         412.2carb                 Kigs
   at—as      chEveTre                        41.8                   kcso     bo—91      TC(MASARAT!)                       e3.0                      Kiso
   70         CHEVROLET(E—SIzE)               6, 8 Cyl.              esc
                                                                              BJ         van  town && cntTRy
                                                                                         vaAN Town    Cntry                 63.3
                                                                                                                            ons                       Kiso
   80—85    _ CITATION         .              425                    kess                                                          '
   es         CITATION                        ar2.8                  wiss
   o          CMRO/CPRC/IMPLM—CRLO            844                    keaoc    JDPODGE
   so8s       corsica                         4, 6 Cyl               Kizo DopeE 400                            412.2                      Kiss
   so—.91     corsica                         4122                   keaen    lee.s4  DopaE 400600                         4r2.2                      Kieo
   92         corsica                         63.1                   Kirs     |s28s   DooeE 4007600                        412.6                      iss
   9293       CORVETTE                        8i5.7                  Kiso     fee—sa  DODGE 600,LANCER                     4 Cyi.                     kiso
   84         coRvEeTvre                      &5.7                    OMNIOMNIO24                          4 Cyl.                     Kigs
              Kcaq)                                                           eeer cHarcEr                                 4 Cyltth                   Kies
 z081         corverte                        8 Cy.                  keace    fss     CHaRGER                              41.T                       Kizs
 m            CPRC,M—CRLO,CHEVL               877.A H.P.             keaoe    iss     CHRGR,OMNIOMNIG24                    42.2HP                     kigo
 To           CPRCAMPLNOVA                    BS.0                   keane cout                                  4 Cyl.                     Kigs
 8481         ELCAMINO                        er3.8 229              kesoc    [e4ss coLt                                   4 Cyl. Carb                KC2
 71—88        EL CAMINO                       6, 8 Cyl.              kcsoc    fse—so DaYTona                               425                        Kiso
 81—84        IMPALA                          ai3.8                  Kose     fs489    DayTona                             4Cyi.                      kigs
 80—85        IMPALA                          6 Cy.                  kesoc DayTona                               4, 6 CyL.                  Kiso
 80—85        IMPALA                          85.7                   kesoe    [ss     popee s00                            4l2.2 2—402.2              Kiso
 T7—85        IMPALA                          6, 8 Cyi..             keasc    iss     pooee 600                            412.2 Z—ub                 iss
 a5           IMPALA                          6/4.3                  Kcsoo DyNasTY                               613.0                      Kigo
 90—93        LUMINA                          eBA >                  Kis0     fes.s0 DyNasTY                               4, 6 Cyl.                  kiss
 as           LUMINA                          412.2                  ies      fee—.so DyNasTY                              425                        Kiso
 os           LUMINA                          6 6y                   ceoc     ko      DYNASTY                              e.3                        kies
 8283         MALIBU                          85.7                   kesoc    bs      INTREPID                             e33                        Kiso
 B1—83        MALiBU                          as.8 229               kese      bs     INTREPIO                             sns                        Kizo
 78—83        MALIBU                          66y                    kesoc Lancer                                412.2urbo                  iss
 70—83         MALIBU                         6, 8 Cyl.            © keaoc    fso     LANCER                               412.2—402.5                Kiso
 The above Information represents suggested guldelines for the Tornado product. However, due to inconsistencies in auto manufacturing, the
 installer may disgover that a unit otherthan the one suggested in this guide actually fils better, The inslaller should install whichever unit fits better
 and we will update this guide. Instailers are cautioned that this information guideis illustrative and it is the responsibility of the instalier to be
 certain that each unit installed fits the automobile,

                                                                                                                                         {ravicea 694)

Year      Model                                   Engine         Tornado        Vear     Modet                            Engine            Tornado

                                                                                                                                                              o fia o( Zl raaaA®ntWe
85         LANCER                                 42.2                 kieo     |saas    TEMPO                            412.0 Diesel            «iss
88—90      OMNLOMNI 024                           412.2                io       fsass    TEMPO                            412.3                   wies
86—87      OMNLIOMNLO24                           4 CyL.,tb            Kies     |so.a3   THUNOERBIRD                      6,8 Cyi.                Ki70
81—82      Ommi/Omni 024                          4 CyL.tb             ies      [e2.8?   THUNOERBIRD                      673.8                   kease
80—83      OMNLOMNIO24                            4A.7                 Kizs      |asse   THUNDERBIRD                      412.3                   iss
g293       SHADoW                                 4,6 CyL., turbo      K160     [72—85    THUNDERBIRD                     8 Cyi.                  keaoe
87—90      SHADOW                                 4 Cyl.               Kiso     7076     TORINO/GRD TORINO                6, 8 Cyl.               keaoe
a7—s9      SHADOW                                 412Sturbe            Kies
8993       SPIRIT                                 4, 6 Cyl., turbo     K160
89—90      SPIRIT                                 42.5                 kiso     HONDA
so         spiRIT                                 412.Sturbo           ies      |2
                                                                                       Accorp                             4412.2                  KISS
                                                                                B86—89 ACCORD Carb                        4/2.0Carb               KC—H—6
FORD                                                                            se—se    Accorp x                         412.0 EFI               ries
9293       CROWN VICTORIA                         8i.6                 ies      |azses   civic                            4M .5—41.6              Kiss
83—91      CROWN VicToRIA                         ai5.8 351            Kiso     se—g1    Civic, CRX                       4n.5                    Ki6o
8385       CROWNVICTORIA                          8 Cyi.               kesoc    as       DEL SOL                          4M.54.6                 iss
B4         CROWN ViCTORIA                         ais.0 302            kcaoc    a7       Motorcycle Goldwing              1200                    KG—T—1
72474      CSTWS00,GLXLTD                         8 Cyi.               keaoc    32       Prelude                          412.2                   K—75
71—72      CSTM/s00,GUUSO0                        614.0                KC2oc|   s6—91    PRELUDE                          412.0                   ra7o
7i—78      CSTM/S00,GL§00,LTO                     8 Cyi.               KC30C    sa—88    PREEUDE                          412.0 EFi               ies

                                                                                                                                                              int7e Iml >
75—78      CSTMCSTM500,LTD                        8 Cy.                Kcsoc    as—89    PRELUDE                          412.0Carb               KC—H—6
77         CSTMCSTM 500,LTO                       8/5.0early           Kiso
gi—g3      ESCoRT                                 41.6                 riss
70         FAIRLANE                               6, 8 Cyl.            Kesoc HYUNDAL
86         FAIRLANE                               8i6.4 390                  9203
                                                                       Ko4ne 80.93 ELANTRA
                                                                                   EXCEL                                  416
                                                                                                                          41.5                    K770
78—63 > FAIRMONT                                  412.3, turbo, 6 Cyl KC20C PAE    Efoey                                  ns                      kGs
78—83   FAIRMONT                                  6 Cyi.              Kkesoc                                                   ©
7o      FALCON
                                                                      kesoc  9!
                                                                      Keape 81—92
                                                                                   Excet, scoupe
                                                                                                                          e                       KITS
89.93   FESTIVA                                   41.3                K720   93
                                                                             1ggeg scoupe
                                                                                   SGNATA                                 26 caStutb
                                                                                                                          411.5—1                 Kizo
8840    FESTIVA                             «0_   41.3 Carb           KCs                                                   «8    6y‘
70      FORD(FULL SIZE)                           s40                 Ke2oc
70         FORD(FULL SIZE)                        8 Cyl.               kesoc INFINITI
66         FORD(FULL SIZE)                        8/6.4 390            KC40C a1—93       G20                              412.0                    Kiss
81—82      GRANADA                                63.3                 kesoc
75—82      GRANADA                                4, 6 Cyl             keaoc
75—80      GRANADA                                8 Cyl.               gesoc ISUZU                                                                 K170
82         GRANADA                                63.8                 KG2aqe 86—89 IMARK                                 4M.5
80—86      LTD                                    4. 6, 8 Cyl.         Kc2oo 8559        I MARK                           4/1.5Carb                Ki6o
8085       LTD                                    8 Cy.                KGanc    81—84    ! MARK                           41.8 D                   KC2
B3—86      LTD/MUSTANG                            63.8                 Keaoe    69       I MARK                           41 .6                    K160
77—78      LTDiL, THUNDERBIRD                     8 Cyl.               keaog    91—92    IMPULSE                          411 .6turbo              KiGo
72—76      MAVERICK                               8/5.0                kcaoc|   90—92    IMPULSE                          41.6                     KiSS
70—77      MAVERICK                               6 Cyl                Kcaoc 8389        IMPULSE                          412.0—412.3              K170
70—74      MAVERICK                               6, 8 Cy              keaqog 2093       STYLUS                           41.8                     KiSS
9394       MUSTANG                 «—             85.0                 Kigo
87—93      MUSTANG                      —         412.3                kiro
B6—92      MUSTANG                                8/5.0                Ki7s     [LINCOLN                                ~>
8386        MUSTANG                               412.3turbo           KISS       CNTNTL MARK SRS                  6r2.4                    K160
7486        MUSTANG                               4. 6, 8 Cyltth       KC20C 20.85       CNTNTL, MARK SRS                 8/5.0                    kease
7905        Mustang                               8 CA                 KC—   86—80       CNTNTLMRK SRS,TWN CA             8 Cy.                    KiBo
200                                                                          70—82       CONTINENTAL                      8/5.0                    Keaoc
70—76       MUSTANG                               8C                   KC30C g2          CONTINENTAL                      e3.8                     keaoc
65—67       Mustang                               84.7                 KC—       |apss   MARKSRS, TOWNCAR                 8/6.0                    kesoc
300                                                                             Treo     versailies                       8/5.0                    Kesoc
7380        PINTO                                 46yL        0C       keaec
so.92        ProsE                                eBo .                170
93          ProsE                                 42.0                 wiso     MAZDA
as          prose                                 es                   kiso      |s0es 323                                 4.6                     iss
8803        TAURUS                                B3.8                 xizso    91     a2a                                 4M1.6 241.6 4           K170
Test        TAURUS                                412.5 w Imanual      Ki7o     86—87  626                                 a2.0                    KiGs
9283        TEMPO                                 412.3                iss      |ases  626                                 412.0                   KC2
86—91       TEMPO                                 412.3                Kizp     |92—93   929                               63.0                    KI75

The above information represents suggested guldelines for the Tornado product. However, due to Inconsistencies in aulo manufacturing, the
installer may discover that a unit other than the one suggested in this guide actually fils better. The installer should install whichever unit fits better
and we will update this guide.. Installers are cautioned that this information guide is illustrative and it is the responsibility of the installer to be
certain that each unit installed fits the automobite.

                                                                                                                                          {reviced 6194}
 Year       Model                               Engine         Tornado         (Year      Model                            Engine            Tornado

 88 |        929                                63.0                 Kigs      75—60      MONARCH                          8 Cyl.                   KC3GC
 89—92       626, MX—6                          412.2, turbo         K175      7274       MONTEGO                           8 Cyl.                  KC3OC
  $3         626, MX—6                          412.0                KIGO      70—74      MONTEGO                           6,8 Cyl.                KC30C
.‘93         626, MX—6                          612.5                KIGS      72—73      MONTEREY                          8/5.8                   KC3OC
  90—93      MIATA                              41.6                 KIGS      T1—73      MONTEREY                          8 Cyl.                  KC3OC
  90—93      PROTEGE                            41.8                 KiGS      86—93      SABLE                             4, 6 Cyl.               K170
  92—93      RX—7                           _   20.3                 K175       92—03     TOPAZ                             412.3                   K17G
  86—91      RX—7                               21.3                 KI7O       66—93     TOPAZ                             412.3                   K165
  B4—85      RX7                                21.3                 KI6O       84—86     TOPAZ                             472.0                   KISS
  80—85      RX—7                               21.1                 KCéO¢C     |8485     TOPAZ                             412.3                   KI7ZO
  88         RX—7                               1.38                 K175       91—93     TRACER                            41.9                    KISS
                                                                                87        TRACER                            4/1.6                    KI6S
                                                                                79—83     ZEPHYR                            613.3                    KC3OC
  M ERCEDES                                                                     77—83     ZEPHYR                            4, 6 Cyl.                KC20C
  88—93 190 SERIES                              612.6                KCB22
  88.89 260 SERIES                              62.6                 KCB22
  a2.90.     300 SERIES                          s2.6                keey       [MITSUBISHI
  92—86      300 SERIES                          673.0               KCB7        |90—92    ECLIPSE                          4 CyL                    KiGS
  91—90      300 SERIES                          613.0 CE            KCB7        [92       EXPO                             42.4                     KIGS
  93         300 SERIES                          6                   KIGS       86—92      GALANT                           4 Cyl.                   KIGS
  B1—85      380 SERIES                          813.0               KCB21      [87—92     MIRAGE                           41.6                     KiGS
  93         400 SERIES                          8/5.0               KCB21      185—86     MIRAGE                           4/1.5 Carb               KC2
  86—91      420 SERIES                          8/4.2               KCB21      {90—93     PRECIS                           40.5                     KI7O
  80—77      450 SERIES                          845                 KCB21      {87—89     PRECIS                           411.5 Carh               KC2
  90—93      500 SERIES                          8/5.0               KCB21      [89.90     SIGMA                            63.0                     K170
  91—86      560 SERIES                          815.6               KCB21
  93—92      600 SERIES                          126.0               K75@)      INISSAN—DATSUN
                                                                                84—66      200SX                            412.0                    KIGQ
  MERCURY                                                                       B4ga       240sX                            4, 6 Cyl.                Kiss
  75—76       MONTEGO                           8 Cyl.               KC30C      190—93     s00ZX                            6/3.0                    160(2)
  74          MONTEREY                           8 Cyl.              KC3OC      186        300ZX                            613.0                    K180
  75—80       BOBCAT                            472.3                KC20C      185—68     300Z2X,MAXIMA                    613.0                    KI7O
  83—86       CAPRI                             4 Cyl., turba        KISS       81—84      810/810 MAXIMA                   6 Cyl.                   KIGS
  82—85       CAPRI                             8 Cyl.               KC3OC      93         ALTIMA                           412.4                    KiGS
  79—85       CAPRI                             6, 8 Cyl.            Kcsoc      f9i        MAXIMA                           673.0                    KI7S
  79—86       CAPRI                             4, 6 CyL., turbe     KC20C      [90        MAXIMA                           613.0                    KIBO
  86          CAPRI                             8/5.0                KI7S       91—93      NX, SENTRA                       4 Cyl.                   KIGS
  71—77       COMET                             613.3                KC20C      193        NX, SENTRA                       4/2.0                    KISS
  70—74     . COMET                             6, 8 Cyl.            KC3oc      f83—90     PULSAR NX                        4 Cyl tb                 KiGs
  91—93       COUGAR                            8/S.0                Kcsoc      la486      SENTRA                           41.1                     KCN1
  89—93       COUGAR                            63.8                 KC200      193        SENTRA                           412.0                    KiGS
  84—86       COUGAR                            412.3                KISS       90—92      STANZA                           412.4                    KIGS
  81—87       COUGAR                            4, 6 Cyl.            KC2OC      J8%—87     STANZA                           4/2.0                    K170
  80—61       COUGAR                            63.3                 KC30C      [84—86     STANZA                           412.0EFL                 KiGs
  83—85       COUGAR                            8 Cyl.               KC3oC
  70—76       COUGAR                            8 Cyl.               KC3OC
 88          COUGaR                             63.8                 K175       OLDSMIBILE
 82          COUGAR                             63.3                 Kezoc     [71—73      DLTB&/CSTM CRSR/98               8/5.7—7.4 2Carb.         KC3OC
 73          CcoucaR                            8/5.8 2cab           Kc2oc     90—91      98, TRND/TROFEO                   6/3.8                    KI7O
  7576       COugaR,MoNTEGo                     8 Cyl.               keape [888§           98, TRNO/TROFEO                  63.8                     K165
 92.93       GRAND MARQUIS                      814.6                ie          [O293    ACHIEVA                           42.3—603.3               K170
 B6—91       GRaND MARQuUIs                     85.0                 riso       [9493      BRAVADA                          60y                      KC3B
 B3 —0       GRAND
             LNT MARQUIS                        8ano.
                                                    .o               kesoe
                                                                     izs   [8291
                                                                           [8891          CAtAIS
                                                                                          Catais                            412.3—613.3
                                                                                                                            4Cyl.                    K170
 B487        LYNX                               4 Cyi.               iss |85              CIERRA classic 1500               5.0                      Korsc
             LYNX                 .
                                                an scFi C
 sa.s3a      MARQuis                            w23 °                kezoe [8288          cuTiass                           8 Cyl.                   kceoc
 as86        MAaRQuiS                           es.8                 Kkeaee [?7—89        CUTLASS                           6 Cy.                    KCSC
 7178        maRrouls
             MARQUIS                   10       8 Cyl.
                                                70                   kease F086
                                                                     Keaog  [876           CUTLASS
                                                                                          cutiass                           84.3 80y
                                                                                                                            6Cy1.,                   KC3OC
 a3          MARQUIS                        es                       Keaoe [7285          cuTiass                            BCyI dist               Kc3oc
                                                6 Cy.
                                                                     ke2oo [°5
                                                                     kezse [

 The above information represents suggested guidelines for the Tornado product. However, due to Inconsistencles In auto manufacturing, the
 instalier may discover that a unit other than the one suggested in this guide actually fits better. The installer should install whichever unit fits beiter
 and we will update this guide, Installers are cautioned that this information guide is illustrative and it is the responsibility of the installer to be
 certain that each unit installed fits the automobile.

                                                                                                                                          {revised 694

Year       Model                                 Engine           Tornado       Year       Model                            Engine            Tornado

88—92      CUTLASS ClERA                          412.5                 Kiss  |ss          TURISMG                          41.6                   Kiss
86—93      CUTLASS CIERA                          6 Cyl.                kizo  jss          TURISMO                          472.2                  Kiso
8488       CUTLASS CIERA                          6 Cy., turbo          iss   |73          VALIANTIDUSTER                   8i5.2 318              keaoc
82.87      CUTLASS CiERA                          4Cy!, 6Cyl.           Koso
8285       CUTLASS CIERA                          613.0                 KC40C
93         CUTLASS CIERA                          4 Cyl.                KiGSs
9293       DLT B8/CSTM CRSR                       es                    is      JPONTIAC
86—92      DLT B&/CSTM CRSR                       6, 8 Cyl.             KS    6000                             6 Cyl.                  Ki7O
80—90      DLT BB/CSTM CRSR                       8 Cyi.                KCGOC   lss—so     6000                             6 oy.                   Kiss
Tess       DLT BA&CSTM CRSR                       8Cyi., diesel         KCsoc   faz.91     e000                             4 Cyl.                  kess
77—85      DLT B8CSTM CRSR                        673.8                 KC6OC   |as—85     PARISIENNE                       8 Cyl.                  kcaoc
7179       DLT B8/CSTM CRSR                       BCyL., diesel         KC40C   |77—86     BONNEVILL/CATALINA               6, 8 Cy                 kceoc
a6         DLT B&/CSTM CRSR                       63.0                  K170    |op:gs     BONNEVILLE                       ar3.8                   Ki7S
82         DLT B&/CSTM CRSR                       614.1                 KC6OC   fa7.91     BONNEVILLE                       se                      K170
80         DLT B8/CSTM CRSR                       Bi4.3                 KC300   [71—86     BONNEVILLE                       6, 8 Cyl.               KCaoe
70         FBS                                    6, 8 Cyl.             KC40C   iss        BONNEVILLE                       614.3                   Ke30o
70         FBs                          *         ©§.7—6.6—7.4 2eatb.   KC3OC   [71—85     BONNEVILLE                       8 CyL., diesel          kesoc
87—88      FIRENZA                          ~_    4/2.0EFi              K75     [7ra1      CATALINA                         6, 8 Cyi.               Kceoc
85—86      FIRENZA                                612.8                 KI6§    iyi.81     CATALINA                         8 Cyl.                  Kesoc
83—88      FIRENZA                                472.0                 KC39    }71—80     CATALINA                         8 Cyl.                  KC4oc
91—93      NINETY EIGHT                           673.8                 KI75    fazsse     FIREBIRD                         4, 8 Cyl, turbo         keas

                                                                                                                                                                       = %
81—83      NINETY EIGHT                           674.1                 KCBOC   [70.92     FIREBIRD                          6, 8 Cyi.              KCA4OC
80—84      NINETY EIGHT                           8 Cyl                 KCBeOC I7g         FIREBIRD                          B/6.6 HO               kcaoc

79—84      NINETY EIGHT                           BCyL., diesel         KC3OC   170        FIREBIRD                          8/5.7                  KC30C
71—79      NINETY EIGHT                           8 Cyl.                KC40C Iy1.73        GTO                              8/5.7—6.6—7.4 2Carh KC3OC
85          NINETY EIGHT                          6/3.0                 KITO    70—73      6To                               8 Cyl.                 KC40C
B5          NINETY EIGHT                          6/3.8carb             KC6OC lsg.93        GRAND AM                         4 Cyl.                 K17O

85          NINETY EIGHT                          6/3.8EFI              KiGs    87—s0      GRAND AM                          412.0                  KiGS
70          OLDSMOBILE                            8 Cyl.                KC40C   [as—91     GRAND AM                          4 Cyl.                 KC39
80—84       OMEGA                                 402.5                 KC39   |73—90      GRAND AM                          6, 8 Cyl               KC40C
77—79       OMEGA                                 6r3.8                 KC6OC J73.75       GRAND AM                          8 Cyl.                 Kkcaac
7378        OMEGA                                 6, 8 Cyl.             KC40C   |79        GRAND AM                          63.8                   KC6OC
73—76       OMEGA                                 8Cyl.                 KC30C |89.93       GRAND PRIX                        6 Cyl.                 Ki6G
9203        SILHOUETTE              =             63.8                  KI7O  f8g—91       GRAND PRIX                        4, & Cyl               K170
90—93       SILHOUETTE                            63.1                  KC39    [81—84      GRAND PRIX                       8 Cyl.                 Kcaoc
79—80       STARFIRE                              402.5                 KC39    |76.87     GRAND PRIX                        6 Cyi.                 kceoc
77—80       STARFIRE                              6, 8 CyL              KC40C 17687        GRAND PRIX                        614.3                  KC300
80—85       TORONADOMROFEO‘                       8Cy.                  KC300 |7i—87       GRAND PRIX                        8 Cyl.                 KC4c
71—74       TORONADO/ROFEO‘                       8/7.4 2cab            KC3OC   171—76     GRAND PRIX                        8 Cyl.                 Kesoc
70—85       TORONADOTROFEO‘                       6, 8 Cy., diesel      KC40C i7175        GRANDVILLE                        B8 Cyl.                kesoc
                                                                              7i—75        GRANDVILLE                        8 Cyl.                 kcaoc
                                                                              70           Gto                               a wio                  kCase
 PLYMOUTH                                                                       ers4       J 2000                            4 Cyl.                  kess
73          BARRACUDA                              815.2318             KC30C   [83—86     J 2000, SUNBIRD                   4 Cyl.                  KGsq
85—87       CARAVELLE                              4/2.2Turbe           KiGs    losss      LEMANS                            4M .6                   KCSs
7687        CARAVELLE                              ALL                  Kiso    feg—90     LEMANS                            412.0                   keas
85          CARAVELLE                              4/2.2                K160    |77—61     LEMANS                            6 Cy.                   Kesoc
as          CARAVELLE                              412.6                Kiss    |8o,89     LEMANS                            6, 8 Cyl.               KC4nc
88          CARAVELLE/SUNOANC                      4/2.2Turbo           KiGS    (71—76     LEMANS                            8 Cyl.                  Keaoc
as          CARAVELLE/SUNDANC                      ALL                  Kis0     |81 ©     LEMANS                            613.8 229               kess
87—91       CoLt                                   4 Cyl.               KiGs    [85—86.    PARISIENNE                        614.3                   KC300
8488        COLT                                 . 4 Cyl.               KC2       {83—86   PARISIENNE                        6, 8 Cyl                KCéoc
8486        HORIZON, TURISMO                       4 Cyt                KiGs    fes—as     PARISIENNE                        8/5.0 305               Kkcanc
88—90       HORIZONTC—3                            402.2                Kiso    [80—84       PHOENIX                         425                     kess
8285        HORIZONTC—3                            4 CyL                KiGSs     [77—79   PHOENIX                           63.8                    kceoc
9093        LASER                                  ALL                  KiG§    |77—79     PHOENIX                           8 CyI.                  KCane
86—89       RELIANT                                ALL                  Kiso    [70        PNTC,TMPST,GTO                    8 2Carb                 Kesoc
8384        RELIANT                                4Cy. .               KiGo    [sa—87     SAFARI                            8/5.0                   kceoc
8285        RELIANT                                412.6                Kiss     SUNBIRD                           4, 6 Cyl                K170
81—85       RELIANT                                4 Cyt.               Kies    fa7—30     sUNBIRD                           4/2.0Turbo              KiGs
73          ROAD RUNNER                            8/5.2 318            KC30C   [79.91     SUNBIRD                           4 Cyt.                  KC39
73          SATELLITE                              as.2318              KC30C   179—.80.   SUNBIRD                           6, 8 CyL                KC40C
73          SCAMP                                  8i5.2 318            keaoc   f91        SUNBIRD                           6/3.1                   K170
87          TURISMO                                412.2                Kigs    [77        SUNBIRD                           6/3.8                   Kceoc

The above information represents suggested guidelines for the Tornado product. However, due to Inconsistencies in aute manufacturing, the
installer may discover that a unit other than the one suggested in this guide actually fits better. The installer should install whichever unit fits better
and we will update this guide. Installers are cautioned that this information guide is illustrative and it is the responsibility of the installer to be
certain that each unit installed fits the automobile.

                                                                                                                                           grevised 6194)

    Year       Model                            Engine            Tornado         Year      Model                             Engine          Tornado

                                                                                                                                                                  w\ Ts
     7         SUNBIRD                           8/5.0—5.7              KC30C     |89—93    240 SERIES                        412.3                  KiGS
    85—83      T 1000/1000                       4/1.8                  KCsg      [75.80    240 SERIES                        4                      KiGS
    70         TEMPEST                           8 4Carb                KC40C     [76—79     260 SERIES                       612.7                  KiGS
    93—92      TRANS SPORT                       673.1                  KC39       j88—92    740 SEIRES                       4/2.3Turbo             KIGS
    da—se      TRANS SPORT                       673.8                  KI7O      665—92     740 SERIES                       412.3                  K170
    75—77      VENTURA                           8 Cyl.                 KC30C     [85—86     740 SERIES                       612.4                  KI7S
    T1—77      VENTURA                           6, 8 Cyl               KC4OC     (87—90     760 SEIRES                       612.8                  K170
    T7         VENTURA                           63.8                   KCGOC     18487      760 SERIES                       412.3                  KiGS
                                                                                  89—90      780 SERIES                       412.3                  KIGS
                                                                                  87—90      780 SERIES                       6/2.8                  KI7O

                                                                                                                                                                  M ">
    PORSCHE                                                                       93         960 SERIES                       613.0                  K170
    8788        924                              428                    K170       lsoss     oL oL                            412.3Turbo              kigs
    Thee        924                              420                    K175      larss      pu, cL, 240 sERIES               412.3                   Kiss
    seso        944                              472.STutbo             K170      lar.84      DL, GL, 240 SERIES              612.4                   ki7o
                                                                                  lsos2      ore sErics                       6128                    wigs

    87—92       928, 9285                  1     8/5.0                  K180


                                                                                                                                                                   «ago 3> i\
     92—93      CAMRY                             €/3.0                 K175
    88—91       CAMRY                            612.5                  KIGS
    83—93       CAMRY                            4 Cyl.                 KIGO
     90—93      CELICA                            4 Cyl                 KCT10
     88—93      CELICA                            4 Cyl.                io
     75—83      CELICA                            4 Cyl.                KCTZ
     88         CELICA                            4/2.0Turbo            KiGS
     66—93      COROLLA                           4 CyLEFi              K16O
     58         Corolia                           41.6                  KC—T—4
     75—87      COROLLA                           4 Cyl.                KC—T—7
     90         COROLLA                           41.6                  KCT10
     as8        COROLLA                           4 Cyl.                KCT?
     86—92      CRESSIDA                          6 Cyl.                K170
F    79—80      CRESSIDA                          612.6                 Ki6O
     91—93      MR—2                              412.2                 KiGO
     85—86      MR—2                              41.6                  Kigs
     92         PASEO                             4M.5                  KiSs
     88—91      SUPRA                             63.0                  KISS
     86—92      SUPRA                             6 Cyl., turbo         K170
     91—93      TERCEL                            41.5                  KiSS
     83—90      TERCEL                            4 Cyl.                KCTZ
     80—87      TERCEL                            4 Cyl.                KIBO
     88         TERCEL                            411.5 1452c           KIGS

     727g       BEETLE, EFi                       411.6 EFI             Kiso
     85—92      CABRIOLET                         4/1.8                 KiGo
     9293       CORRADO                           612.8                 KiGS
     90—92      CORRADO                           4/1.8                 KISO
     87—93      FOX                               4/1.8                 KI6O
     85—93      GOLF                              ALL                   KiG§
     86—93      JETTA                             ALL                   KIGS
     73—74      KARMANN GHIA,THING                41.6                  KI6O
     90—93      PASSAT                            412.0                 KiGS
     82—88      QUANTUM                          4, 5 Cyl.              K160
     76—84      RABBIT                           ALL                    KI6O
     7584       SCIROCCO                          ALL                   KIGO
     70         TYPE 1,2,3. EFI                   4(ALL) EFI            Kiss

    91—93       940                              472.3                  KI7O
    93          940                              412.3 Turbo            KiGs
    92          960                              63.0                   K70

    The above information represents suggested guidelines for the Tornado product, However, due to Inconsistencies in auto manufacturing, the
    installer may discover that a unit other than the one suggested in this guide actually fits better, The installer should install whichever unit fits better
    and we will update this guide. Installers are cautioned that this information guide is illustrative and it is the responsibility of the installer to be
    certain that each unit installed fits the automobile.

                                                                                                                                          {ravised 6194
 Year       Model                            Engine          Tornado           Year       Model                            Engine            Tornado

 CHEVROLET                                                                     91—93      VAN                              6, 8 Cyl.               KCSOC
                                                                               77—90      VAN                              6, 8 Cyl.               KC40C
            1500                              8/5.0EFUCarh          KCeoc      93         vAN 250                                                  kease
 85—93      ASTRO VAN                         614.3                 KCSOC

                                                                                                                                                                mA A4=A—C
 75—93      BLAZER FULLSIZE                   8 Cyl                 KCBOC
 Be—os      BLAZER, PIU S10                   6 Cyi.                 kesoc |FORD
 93—94       BLAZER,P/U $15                   614.3 EFI              Kies       (86—93    AEROSTAR                         6 Cyl.                   Ki—80
 90—93       LUMINA(A.P.V.)                   613.1                  KCSOC     J86—87     AEROSTAR                         412.3                    Ki—70
 87          PIUu v10,20,30                   6 CyL                  KCBOC     [89—90     BRONCO                           6, 8 CyI.                K175(2)
 92.94       PIU 1500                   .     8/5.7                  KCGOC     (90—93     BRONCO FULL SIZE                 ALL                      K175(2)
 7390        PIU ©10,20,30             20.    686y                   KCEOC     {80—81     BRONCO FULL SIzE                 614.9                    KC3OC
 88—90       PIJ €10,20,30,K10,20,30          8 Cyl.                 KCSOC     {70—77     BRONCO FULL SiZE                 8/5.0                    KC30C
 7390        PI4 €10,20,30,K10,20,30          6, 8 Cyl.              KCeoC     |90        BRONCO, II COMPACT               612.9                    Ki—75
 79—61       PAJ €10,20,30,K10,20,30          8 Cyl                  KCSQ      188—89     BRONCO, II COMPACT               612.9                    K1—80
 87—         PIU   R10,20,30                  8 Cyl                  KCeOC     j87—89     BRONCO, it COMPACT                6/4.9—8/5.0             Kl—65

 88—89       P/U   R20,R30,/30                §5.7                   KCeOC     |87—89     BRONCO, II COMPACT                8/5.8                   K175(2)

                                                                                                                                                             ® & T
 90          PIU   R30,3500,/30,3500          8 Cyl.                 KCeOC     {85—87     BRONCO, II COMPACT                4, 6 Cyl.               K—70
 90          PIJ   R30,V30                    8/5.7                  KCeoC     193        ECONOLINE VAN                     6/4.1                   K75(@)
 7393        PIU                              6, 8 Cyl.              KC6OC     191—93     EXPLORER                          614.0                   K—75
 88—93       PA                               8 Cyl                  KCSOC     194        EXPLORER                          6/4.0                   Ki—80
 79,80       PIU(ALL)                         8/5.0 10srs            KCS9       [79—81    PM                                614.9                   KC30C
  93         S—10                              614.3                 KCSOC     j84        PAJ                               8/5.8 351               KC3CC
  86         §—10                              612.8                 KCSOC     (73—87     PIUJ, Van                         87.5 460                KC300
  94         $—15                              674.3 EFI             KI—65     70—72      PAJ                               8                       KC300
  91         SILVERADO                         815.7 350             KCSOC      (87—92     PA                               6, 8 Cyl.                Kl.75(2)
  92:93      SUBURBAN                          8/5.7 4ND             KCSQC      [91—92     RANGER                           613.0                    Ki—80
  9293       SUBURBAN                          8 Cyl.                KCBOC      |89—93     RANGER                           ALL                      Ki—S5
  78—91      SUBURBAN                          8/5.7                 KCGOC      188—92     RANGER                           4, 6 Cyl.                K—7S
  80—90      SUBURBAN                          8/Tail Airfilter      KC7SC      185—88     RANGER                           412.3                    Ki—700
  81         SUBURBAN                          8/5.0 2Cath           KCSq       194        RANGER                           412.3                    K—70
  79         SUBURBAN                          8/5.0                 KCSq        [86—93    VAN                              6, 8 Cyl.                K175(2)
  89—93      VAN G20                           6, 8 Cyl.             KCeOC      [70—86     VAN                              6 Cyl.                   KC3OC
  89—93      VAN G30                           6, 8 Cyl.             KCBOC      [76        VAN E350                         877 .5 460               KC250
  89—93      VAN P20                           6, 8 Cyl.              KCOC
  74         VAN G 20,30,P10,20                8 Cyl.                 KCeOC     GMC
  ?g:g?      xfi: g' [lj                        g’;—;i                 igggg     81—84      CABALLARO                        673.8 229                KCS5OC
  T188       VAN G, P                          8 Cyi.                 Kese      78—78      CABALLARO                        8/5.7                    KCOC
  89.93      vaAN G10                          6, 8 y                 Kceoc     68         CABALLARO                        6, 8 Cyl.                KCeqc
  90.93      VAN G10                           6. 8 CyL               gesg (79—81          JIMMY FULLSIZE                    8 Cyi.                  Kkcso
  90.93      VAN P30—41 TON                    6 8 Cyl                Keeoe (75—90         JiMMy FUutLSIZE                   8 Cy.                   Kceoc
  To         VANS (ALL)                        8/5.7                  Kose      66—93      JIMMY, P/U S15                    6/2.8                   KCSOC
 «00—92      Wt 1500                           85.7                   Kceoc     88—93      PIU C15,25,35,K15,25,35           8 Cyl.                  KCSOC
                                                                                73—93      PMJ €15,25,35,15,25,35            6, 8 Cyl.               Kceoc
                                                                                79—81      PAJ C15,25,35,K15,25,35           815.0                   KCS9
  DODGE                                                                         o3         PIU ©15,25,35,K15,25,35           @7.4 454                KCeoo
  84—93      CARAVAN                           6, 8 Cyl.             Ki—60     J87        PIJ V15,25,35,R15,25,35           6, 8 Cyl.                KCeoc
  89.93      DAKOTA                            4 Cyl.                Kl—60     [90—91     PIU VaS, ReS                      8 Cyl.                   KCeoc
  91—93      DAKOTA                            6, 8 Cyl.             KCsoc     |as—s0     PIU V35,R25,R3S                   8 Cyi.                   KC6OC
  89         DAKOTA                            815.2                 KC40C     |70        P/U(ALL)                          8/5.0                    KCSq
  8488       MINI RAM                          4, 6 Cyl.             KI—65     73—94      PA                                6, 8 Cyl.                KCGOC
  84         PAJ 150                           8152318               KC30C     |85—93     SAFARI—VAN                        6/4.3                    KCSOC
  91—93      PIJ                               8/5.2—80/5.9          KCSOC     ja7        SAFARI—VAN                        8/5.0—5.7—7.4            Kceoc
  82—87      PIU                               673.7                 KC—2      71—76      SPRINT                            8/6.6                    KCaoC
  75—90      PAU                               6, 8 Cyl.             KC4QC     |71—93     SUBURBAN                          8 oyt.                   KCSOC
  89,87      RAIDER                            42.6                  Kl—70     J84        SUBURBAN                          8/5.7                    KC75C
  89         RAIDER                            673.0         .       KI—65     1          SUBURBAN                          8/5.0 2Carb              KCS9
  91—03      RAM 50                            ALL                   KC40C     (79        SUBURBAN                          8/5.0                    KCSq
  90         RAM 50                            412.A       >         Kl—70     |92—93     SUBURBAN C,K10,20                 8/5.7 4wD                KCSOC
  90         RAM 50                            613.0                 Ki—65     85—87      VAN                               614.3                    KCBOC
  79         RAM 50                            ALL                   KC—2      74—79      VAN                               87.4                     KC6OC
  91.93      RAMCHARGER                        8/5,2—8/5.9           KCSOC     |70—87     VAN                               8/5.7 EFI                KCS
  75—90      RAMCHARGER                        6, 8 Cyt.             KC40c     les—93     VAN G1500,2500,3500               6, 8 Cyl.                KCGeOC
  87         RAMCHARGER                        815.9 CPA             KC—2      8e—93      VAN G1500,2500,3500               8/5.0—8/5.7              KCS9
  82—93      RAMPAGE                           412.2                 Ki—6S     86—91      VAN G1500,2500,3500               8/6.2                    Kceoc

 The above information represents suggested guidelines for the Tornado product. Howaver, due to Inconslatencies in suto manufacturing, the
 installer may discover that a unit other than the one suggested in this guide actually fits better. The installer should install whichever unit fits better
 and we will update this guide. Installers are cautioned that this information guide is lllustrative and it is the responsibility of the installer to be
 certain that each unit installed fits the automobile.

                                                                                                                                         grevisea 894)

Year      Model                                    Engine           Tornado       Year      Model                           Engine           Tornado

89         VAN P2500,P3500                         8/5.7—8/7.4            KCeoC   170       PA                              L4(ALL}               KCN1
90—93      VAN P3500                               6, 6 Cy.               KCéoc [s0         VAN                             4124                  Kl—65
93         VAN P3500                               674.3                  KCSOC
HONDA                                                                             es  SCAMP                                 4122                  ki—es
94         PASSPORT                                                       K6§     [75—81    TRAIL DUSTER                    6, 8 Cyl.    *        KC4QC
                                                                                  73        VAN                             8/5.2 318             KC3OC
                                                                                  75—83     VAN PB 100,200,300              6, 8 CyL              KC40C
ISUZU                                                                             84—94     VOYAGER                         6 Cyl                 Ki—60
81—87      PA                                      4 Cyl.                 KC2
94         RobEO                                                          Kiss    |RANGE ROVER
93         RODEO                                   412.6—613.1            Kieg     [9293    RANGE ROVER                     813.9                  Kl—65
89—90      TROOPER IVTRPR                          6/2.8                  KCSOC
8487       TROOPER IVTRPR                          4 Cyl.                 KC2   TOYOTA
                                                                                88—93 4 RUNNER, P/U                         613.0                  KI—65
JEEP                                  *                                         89—93 4 RUNNER, PA                          412.4                  KI—60
                                          *                                     86—90 4 RUNNER, P                      «_   412.4 Caro             KCT7
9394       CHEROKEE                           —_   840                    Ki—65   |g4—87    4 RUNNER, PV                    4/2.4 EFI              K165
7487       CHEROKEE                                6, 8 Cyl.              KCSOC lgg         dxd>                            63.5                   KiGs
91—94      CHKE, CMCH, WGNRLTD                      64.0                  Ki6§5    |8g.93   LANDCRUISER                     614.0                  K7S
87—94      4CHKE, CMCH, WGNRILTD                    4, 60y                KH5     Jans?     P                               4, 6 Cyl.Carb          KCT7
86—90.      CHKE, CMCH, WGNRATD                    425                    K—60  Jangr       Pu                              4/2.4 EFI              K1—50
8485        CHKE, CMCH, WGNRILTD                    4,6CyL                KC40C lsg         PU                              4/2.4 EFI              Kies
80—86       C1 SERIES              4, 6 Cyl                               KCSOO Igr.g3      PREVIAVAN                       412.4                  —70
7284        CJ, SCRAMBLER,JEEPSTER 4, 6, 8 Cyl.                           KCSOC      VAN                             412.2 EFi              Ki—40
 93—94      GRAND    CHEROKEE                       8/5.2                 KI—80
 93         GRAND    CHEROKEE                       ALL                   K—75
 89—90      GRAND    WAGONEER                       859                   Ki—65   VOLKSWAGEN
 62—91      GRAND    WAGONEER, LTD                  6, 8 Cyl.             Kesoc   183—72 TRANSPORTER,VANAGON ALL                                   KI—55
 71—86      PAj J SERIES                            6, 8 Cyi.             Kesoc |86—91      VANAGON                         ALL                    KB7O
 94         RANGLER                                 6/4.0                 Ki—ep    |65—84   VANAGON                          41.9                   K1—60
 81—85      SCRAMBLER                               614.2                 KCSoC
 87—90      WGNRAMVGNR LTD                          6/4.2                 KCS00
 71—83      WGNRAGNR LTD                            6, 8 Cyl              KCSOC
 87—90      WRANGLER                                4 Cyl                 Ki—65

 Be—a7      82000                                   4 Oy                  KC2
 91—93      82200                                   4 Cyl.   EFI          Kl—75
 87—90      82200                                   4 Cyl.   Carb         KC2
 86—90      B2200                                   4 Cyl,   EFI          K1—60
 89—92      B2600                                   4 Cyl.   EFI          KI—75
 91—93      MPV                                     ALL                   K—75
 91—93      NAVAJO                                  614.0                 Kl—75

 89—91      MONTERO                                 63.0                  K1—65
 88—89      MONTERO                                 412.6                 K—70
 92         MONTERO                                 63.0                  Ki—70
 90         PA                                      42.4                  Ki—70
 90         PA4                                     6/3.0                 K1GS
 87—90      VANMAGON                                4124                  K170

 NISSAN—DATSUN                                                      *
 Ti—72      §21 PU                                  41.6            —     KCN1
 72—80      620 PV                                  4/2.0                 KCN1
 90—93      720/D21 PIJ                             6/3.0                 Kiss
 86—89      720021 PIU                              4124                  KC39
 81—85      720/021 PIU                             412.4                 KCN1
 90         AXXESS                                  472.4                 K1—65
 90—93      PATHFINDER                              673.0                 Ki—6S

The above information represents suggested guidelines for the Tornado product. However, due to Inconsistencles in aute manufacturing, the
jnstalier may discover that a unit other than the one suggested in this guide actually fits better. The installer should instalt whichever unit fits bettar
 ind we will update this guide. Installers are cautloned that this information guide is lllustrative and it is the responsibility of theinstaller to be
certain that each unit installed fits the automobile.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:20
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:20

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