Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on September 9, 1992.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1992 and older model-year gasoline and diesel powered vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-268
  • Executive Order 268 / D268
  • ARB # D-268
  • Executive Order No: D-268
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-268
  • Resolution D-268
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D-268 Document:


                                                       (Page 1 of 3)

                             State of California
                             AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            EXECUTIVE ORDER D—268
                 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                            of the Vehicle Code

                        SOLAVITE NORTH AMERICA, LTD.
                              SOLAVITE DEVICE

 WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section27156 and Title 13 California Code of
Regulations (hereafter "CCR") Section 2222(e), authorizes the California Air
 Resources Board (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exempt add—on and
modified parts from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

WHEREAS, Solavite North America, Ltd. has applied to the ARB for exemption
from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the Solavite device.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health
and Safety Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Division by
Health and Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—45—5, the ARB

     1.   The Solavite device is an add—on device that is installed in the
          fuel line in a motor vehicle.

          The fuel line is part of the required motor vehicle pollution
          control system.

          The Solavite device is intended for use with a required pollution
          control system.

          The Solavite device by being installed in the fuel line alters the
          Original design of a motor vehicle pollution control system.

          The Solavite device is a device subject to the prohibitions of
          Vehicle Code Section 27156 and an add—on part as defined by 13 CCR
          Section 1900(b)(1).

          The Solavite device does not reduce the effectiveness of any
          required motor vehicle pollution control device.

          The ARB, in the exercise of technical judgement, is aware of no
          basis on which the Solavite device will provide either a decrease
          in emission or an increase in fuel economy.

          It has not been determined what effect use of the Solavite device
          may have on any warranty, either expressed or implied, by the
          manufacturer of a motor vehicle on which the device is installed.

SOLAVITE DEVICE                                      (Page 2 of 3)

     9.    The Solavite device is not a certified motor vehicle pollution
           control device pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 43644.

     10.   The ARB by granting an exemption to Solavite North America, Ltd.
           for the Solavite device does not recommend or endorse in any way
           the Solavite device for emissions reduction, fuel economy, or any
           other purpose.

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Solavite device is exempt from the
prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on all 1992 and
earlier model—year qgasoline and diesel powered vehicles subject to the
following conditions:

     1.    This exemption shall not apply to any device, apparatus, or
           mechanism advertised, offered for sale or sold with, or installed
           on, a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to an
           ultimate purchaser.                                                >

     2.    No changes are permitted to the device as described in the
           application for exemption.  Any changes to the device, applicable
           model year,   or other factors addressed in this order must be
           evaluated and approved by the ARB prior to marketing in

    3.     Marketing of this device using an identification other than that
           shown in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an
           application other than those listed in the Executive Order shall
           be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the ARB.
           Exemption of this product shall not be construed as an exemption
           to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any component of the
           product as an individual device.

    4.     Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its
           content by the Solavite North America, Ltd., its principals,
           agents,   employees,   distributors, dealers,   or other representatives
           must include the disclaimer that the Executive Order or the
           exemption it provides is not an endorsement or approval of any
           fuel economy or emissions reduction claims for the Solavite device
           and is only a finding that the device is exempt from the
           prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

    5.     No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources
           Board" may be made with respect to the action taken herein in any
           advertising or other oral or written communication.

SOLAVITE NORTH AMERICA,   LTD.                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—268
SOLAVITE DEVICE                                            (Page 3 of 3)

Viclation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order.  The order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of
intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may ~
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.  If a
;earing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after hearing
that grounds for revocation exist.
Executed at El Monte, California, this         §7V‘    day of September,    1992.

                                   R.    B,"   Summerfield
                                        tant Division   lef
                                   Mobile Source Division

                      State of California
                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                        September 1992

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                            Mobile Source Division
                            State of California
                            Air Resources Board
                            9528 Telstar Avenue
                            El Monte, CA   91731—2990

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication.  Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources
Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)


          Solavite North America, Ltd. of 1772—J Los Arboles, Suite 108, Thousand

Oaks, California 91362, has applied for exemption from the prohibitions in

Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code for the Solavite device.          The

device is designed for installation on all 1992 and older model—year gasoline

and diesel powered vehicles.

          Previously the Air Resources Board (ARB) exempted three similar devices;

"Moleculator Fuel Energizer" by Internal Energy Mgmt. Corp.,        "Polarion—X" by AZ

Industries.,    Inc.   and "Vital;zer“ by P.A.C.E.   Setters of America.   Based on the

engineering evaluation of the Solavite device and exemptions issued for the

devices that operate in a manner similar to the Solavite, the staff believes

that the Solavite will not have any adverse effects on the exhaust emissions

from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.

          The staff recommends that the Solavite device be exempted from the

prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 and that Executive Order D—268 be


                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                       Page Number


 CONTENTS                                                  ii









               27156 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2222, TITLE 13, OF THE
                          CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS


       Solavite North America,    Ltd.   of 1772—J Los Arboles,    Suite 108,   Thousand

Oaks, California 91362, has applied for an exemption from the prohibitions of

Vehicle Code Section (VC) 27156 for the Solavite device.          The device is

designed for installation on all 1992 and older model—year gasoline and diesel

powered vehicles.     The applicant submitted installation instructions and

specifications of the device for our evaluation.


       Previously, the Air Resources Board (ARB) exempted three similar

devices; "Moleculator Fuel Energizer" by Internal Energy Mgmt. Corp.,

"Polarion—X" by AZ Industries., Inc. and "Vitalizer" by P.A.C.E. Setters of

America.    Based on the engineering evaluation of the device and the exemptions

issued to other devices that operate in a manner similar to the Solavite

device, the staff has determined the Solavite device will not have any adverse

effects on the exhaust emissions from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.


       The staff recommends that Solavite North America, Ltd. be granted an

exemption from the prohibitions in California Vehicle Code Section 27156 for

the Solavite device and that Executive Order D~268 be issued.


       The Solavite device has a different model for gasoline and diesel.

The gasoline device is approximately three inches long and 1 1/4 inches in

diameter.    For gasoline vehicle applications, the Solavite cell is encased in a

plastic sealed cylinder with two nipples opposite each other for connection to

the fuel line.    The diesel device is approximately five inches long and 1 3/4

inches in diameter.     For diesel vehicle applications, the Solavite cell is

encased in an aluminum cylinder with a screw cap allowing replacement to the

Solavite cell inside.     There are two nipples opposite each other for connection

to the fuel line.     The Solavite cell is approximately 1 1/2 inches long and 3/4

inch in diameter,.    It consists of a copper cylinder containing the catalyst

mixture.    According to the manufacturer, the catalyst is a mixture of Carbon of

Wheat, Salt and the Essence of vegetable oil.

       The Solavite device is installed ifl the fuel line.      The fuel flows into

the device where, according to the manufacturer, the copper container acts as

a porous conductor allowing the fuel to react with the catalyst.


       Solavite North America, Ltd. claims that the Solavite, when installed on

a vehicle‘s fuel line, chemically treats fluid hydrocarbon fuels.       The

manufacturer stated the device is configured so the catalytic cell acts upon

the incominé fuel charge.    The manufacturer also claims this device

decarbonizes the engine, increases mileage, increases performance and cleans

fuel lines, injectors, jets and nozzles.      The ARB did not perform any testing

on the device to substantiate the claims made by the manufacturer.      However, it

is the staff‘s opinion that the technical principles underlying the stated


 function of the device are not capable of producing any effects on emissions or

 engine horsepower.

        The ARB previously exempted three similar devices; "Moleculator Fuel

 Energizer" by Internal Energy Mgmt. Corp.,   "Polarion—X" by AZ Industries.,    Inc.

 and "Vitalizer" by P.A.C.E. Setters of America.   Because of previous exemptions

 issued to similar devices with the same operating principle as the Solavite and

— the fact that qualifying for an exemption is based on not adversely affecting

 exhaust emissions, the staff recommends that Solavite North America,   Ltd.    be

 granted an exemption as requested.



                                                                              sa“v'fa                                                        Pe
                                                             SsOLAVITE FOR                                                                   HOW TO USE
GASOLINE OR DIESEL                                           GASOLINE OR DIESEL
  In the treatment of gasoline or diesel SOLAVITE              SOLAVITE is a physical catalyst. K is not a filter. It is     A. CLEAN SYSTEMS. Install SOLAVITE and enjoy
functions as catalyst, acting upon the molecular bond—       not an additive. Itis not an electronic device. It does not        the benefits of a clean cooling system with total
ing of the hydracarbons, causing their dispersion            alter or subsitute for the original components of the              confidence. Deposits wi.) not accumulate. Flush
without aitering the chemical properties of the fuel,        engine. It is not a fuel filter.                                   the system once each ysar.
This produces the following results;
                                                                                                                             B. LIGHT DEPOSITS. Install SOLAVITE. After travel~
    ® Decarbonizes the interior of the engine.               SOLAVITE FOR RADIATORS                                             ing 400 to 500 miles, remove the pressure cap
    ® Removes the black abrasive carbon deposits.              SOLAVITE is a physical catalyst that treats fluids in            and observe the condition of the deposits. They
                                                             radiators. It does not add anything to or take anything            may be cleaned to bare metal. If this is the case,
    ® Prevents new carbonization and does not allow
                                                             from the fluid, SOLAVITE treatment causes the sub—                 flush the system. Install new fluid and proceed
       sedimentation caused by the residues of the fuel                                                                         according to "A" above. If deposits still remain,
       in the carburetor, on the cylinder head, on the       stances which form deposits in radiators and cooling
                                                             systems to soften and then to be refeased from all                 follow pracedure "C" below.
       piston rings, valves or pistons.
                                                             surfaces. These released substances go into solution            C. HEAVY DEPOSITS. Install SOLAVITE. After tra—
   ® improves fuel combustion and engine per—                in the fluid and can then be completely flushed from the           veling 200 to 300 miles, removethe pressure cap
                                                             system. For as long as the treatment is used and the               and observe the condition of the deposits and
   ® Restores power to the engine.                           Instructions are followed, SOLAVITE will produce the               the fluid:
   ® Extends the life of the spark plugs more than           following results:                                              1. The deposits will have become soft and many of
      50%.                                                      ® The scale and deposits in the radiator and the                them will have been releasd into the fluid. Flush
   ® Extends the life of the engine.                              engine cooling system will be cleaned from the                the system, replace the fluid, and continue with
                                                                   interior surfaces.                                           the treatment for another 200 to 300 miles.
   ® Stops engine from dieseling.                                                                                               Repeat this procedure until the system is clean.
                                                                ® New scale and deposits will not form.
                                                                                                                                Only rarely would more than two treatments be
INSTALLATION                                                    @ The cooling system will be clean to perform per               required.
                                                                   original specifications, without the harmful and
  Install SOLAVITE ahead of the fuel pump and down—                expensive effects of deposit build—up such as             2. Be alert to the operating temperature of the
stream from the fuel filter when possible.                         reduced flow, hotter operating temperatures,                 motor during this process. The deposits re—
  Cut the fuel line leading to the carburetor.                     potentiat overheating, etc.                                  leased into the coolant may cause it to become a
   If the fuet line is neoprene, simply fasten the unit in                                                                      thick sturry. This may cause overheating. If the
with appropriate hose clamps. If the fuel line is metal,                                                                        operating temperature of the motor rises above
                                                                A. SOLAVITE does not cause corrosion.                           normal, it is time to flush the system.
use two pleces of flexible tubing and hose clamps for
installation.                                                   B. SOLAVITE treatment is not affected by anti—
                                                                   freeze or other coolant system additives.               INSTALLATION
IMPORTANT                                                       C. The cooling system may have potential leaks              CLEAN THE CELL WITH 320 WET/DRY SAND—
                                                                   which are sealed by deposits. Be aware that             PAPER AT TIME OF INSTALLATION.
   The device must be maintained in a horizontal posi—
                                                                   leaks may occur in those locations when those
tion, paraltel to the ground. The SOLAVITE gasoline                                                                          1. Remove the radiator pressure cap.
                                                                   deposits are removed.
apparatus lasts for one year. Remove the old unit and
install a new one at that time.                                 D. SOLAVITE treatment will cause the existing                2. Makesure the chain is secured to the cell and to
                                                                   deposits to be released from the surfaces within             the retention ring.
   The SOLAVITE diese) apparatus fasts 6 months.
Clean the cell once a month with 320 wet/dry sand—                 the cooling system, but it will not remove the            3. Insert the cell so that it is positioned within the
paper until it‘s shiny. Install a new unit after the 6             released deposits from the system. This must be              flow of the liquid (near the hose connection
months.                                                            done by flushing the system.                                 when possible). The cell can lie in any position.

                                                                E. Clean the cell once a month with 320 wet/dry              4. Adjust the retention ring so that it lies flat in the
              L                                                    sandpaper or coarse steel wool until it‘s shiny.             bottom of the pressure cap receptor.
     71                                              i          F. The useful life of the cell is 11 months.Leave it in      5. Replace the pressure cap. Occasionally, the

     Aight Positi »n              Wrong Positon
                                                                   place for 11 months, then remove it Operate
                                                                   without the cell for one month, then install a new
                                                                                                                                thickness of the retention ring will prevent the
                                                                                                                                pressure cap from seating. If this happens, a
fHori. ontat to the earth)     (Vertical to the earth is           cell.                                                        shallower cap must be used or the chain mustbe
                                                                                                                                secured in another way to retain the cell.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:29
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:29

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