Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 17, 1994.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
57-30061992-1993 Chevrolet S-10 Pickups : 2 & 4 WD V6-4.3L Vortec CPI Speed-Density 1992-1995 Chevrolet Mini Blazer : 2 & 4 WD EXCEPT OBD II Equipped vehicles V6-4.3L Vortec CPI Speed-Density

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-269-7
  • Executive Order 269-7 / D269-7
  • ARB # D-269-7
  • Executive Order No: D-269-7
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-269-7
  • Resolution D-269-7
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-269-7 PDF

D-269-7 Document:


                                                               (Page 1 of 2)

                                State of California
                                AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—269—7
                     Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                of the Vehicle Code

                                K & N ENGINEERING

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and
Section 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Filtercharger
Injection Performance Kit manufactured by K & N Engineering, 561 Iowa
Avenue, Riverside, CA     92507 has been found not to reduce the effectiveness
of the applicable vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is exempt
from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the vehicles
lTisted in Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.

This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions
for the Filtercharger Injection Performance Kit will not recommend tuning
the vehicle to specifications different from those submitted by K & N

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Filtercharger
Injection Performance Kit, as exempt by the Air Resources Board, which
adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system
shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of the Filtercharger Injection Performance Kit using any
identification other than that shown in this Exgécutive Order or marketing of
the Filtercharger Injection Performance Kit for an application other than
those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of the
Filtercharger Injection Performance Kit shall not be construed as exemption
to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit as an
individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
the use of the Filtercharger Injection Performance Kit may have on any
warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle manufacturerf

    This Executive Order is granted based on an evaluation of emissions impact
    if emissions tests were conducted in accordance with Cold—Start CVS—75
    Federal Test Procedure. However, the Air Resources Board finds that
    reasonable grounds exist to believe that use of the Filtercharger Injection
    Performance Kit may adversely affect emissions of motor vehicles when
    operating under conditions outside the parameters of the previously
    prescribed test procedures.   Accordingly, the Air Resources Board reserves
    the right to conduct additional emission tests, in the future, as such tests
    are developed, that will more adequately measure emissions from all cycle
    phases.  If such test results demonstrate that the Filtercharger Injection
    Performance Kit adversely affects emissions during off—cycle conditions
    {defined as those conditions which are beyond the parameters of the Cold—
    Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure), this Executive Order shall be
    effectively rescinded as of the date the test results are validated.
    Further, if such test results or other evidence provides the Air Resources
    Board with reason to suspect that the Filtercharger Injection Performance
    Kit will affect the durability of the emission control, K & N Engineering
    shall be required to submit durability data to show that the durability of
    the vehicle emissions control system is not, in fact, affected and/or that
    the add—on or modified part demonstrates adequate durability.

    In addition to the foregoing, the Air Resources Board reserves the right in
    the future to review this Executive Order and the exemption provided herein
    to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the
    standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulations,
    Section 2222, et seq.

    No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
    made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
    oral or written communication.

    Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
    this order. The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
    intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
    request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a
    hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
    request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after hearing
    that grounds for revocation exist.

    Executed at El Monte, California, this   [Z’L day   of October, 1994.

                                         Mobile Source Division

                                                 Exhibit 1
Year           Vehicle                             __Enging                     AFM              PN
1) 1992—93      Chevrolet S—10 Pickups: 2 & 4 WD     V6—4.3L Vortec CPI         Speed—Density     57—3006

2) 1992—95      Chevrolet Mini Blazer: 2 & 4 WD
                Except OBD II Equipped vehicles      V6—4.3L Vortec CPI         Speed—Density    57—3006

3) 1994—95      Chevrolet S—10 Pickups: 2 & 4 WD
                Except OBD II Equipped vehicles      V6—4.3L Vortee CPI         Speed—Density    57—3009

4) 1990—95      Dodge Dakota: 2 & 4 WD               V6—3.9L, V8—5.2L           Speed—Density     57—1501

5) 1990—93      Dodge Ram 1500, 2500, 3500;
                2 & 4 WD                             V6G—3.9L, V8—5,2L, V8.—5.9L Speed—Density   57—1502

6) 1994—95      Dodge Ram T—300: 2 & 4 WD            V6—3.9L, V8—5.2L, V8—5.9L Speed—Density     $7—1503

7) 1987 4—95   Ford Pickup F—Series 150, 250,
               350 & Bronco: 2 & 4 WD                L6—4.9L, V8—S5.8L, V8—7.5L Speed—Density    57—2503

8) 1987 4—93    Ford Pickup F—Series 150, 250,
               350 & Bronco: 2 & 4 WD                V8—5.0L                    Speed—Density    57—2503

9) 1994.95     Ford Pickup F—Series 150, 250,
               350 Bronco: 2 & 4 WD                  V8—5.0L                    Hot Wire         57—2510

10)} 1992—93    G.M.C., S—15 Pickup/Sonoma:,
               2 & 4 WD                              V6—4.3L Vortec CPI         Speed—Density    57—3006

11) 1992—95     G.M.C., MiniJimmy:; 2 & 4 WD
               Except OBD II Equipped Vehicles       V6—4.3L Vortec CPI         Speed—Density    57—3006

12) 1994—95     G.M.C., S—15 Pickup/Sonoma:,
               2 & 4 WD
               Except OBD II Equipped                V6—4.3L Vortec CPI         Speed—Density    57—3009


      Chevrolet S—10 Pickups
           V8—4.3 Vortec
         2 & 4 Wheel Drive
           P/N 57—3006
          CARB E.0. #2?

     K&N Engineering, Inc.
          561 lowa Avenue
            P.O. Box 1329
        Riverside, CA 92502

K&N Filterchargers Injection Performance Kit #: 57—3006
Application: 1992—1993 Chevrolet S—10 Pickups V8—4.3 Vortec
Air—flow sensing device:          Speed Density

This K&N Filterchargere Injection Performance Kit (hereafter referred to as: FIPK) is designed to be less restrictive
than the OEM air filter system. Low restriction air filters allow the engine to have better throttle response as well as
more power throughout the RPM band. K&N has designed this FIPK to exactly replace the OEM factory air cleaner
case, with a precision engineered aluminum adapter and all the necessary mounting brackets, bolts, screws and nuts.
Additionally, it is important to note, if the 0.E.M. air cleaner case has emission control devices and/or hoses, that all
these parts will be installed as necessary to the new assembly.

Each FIPK has a specially designed filter with woven cotton fabric sandwiched between 2 layers of wire mesh screen.
The screen and fabric combination creates a grid—like effect which actually straightens out the incoming air as it
passes through the filter. In addition to the filter, this kit has a uniquely designed adapter with a built—in velocity stack.
This velocity stack is beneficial in further smoothing out the incoming air flow and allowing for a less restrictive entry
into the engine. (Air moving in a straight direction moves faster than tumbling air thus creating an increase in air flow).
See the figure below.

To design an effective performance air filter assembly, two factors must be considered: the air filtering element and
the air filter adapter. On fuel injected, computer controlled vehicles, there can be a substantial gain in performance by
using a less restrictive air filter assembly. Original equipment air filter assemblies tend to be more restrictive than the
performance enthusiast would like, therefore, by changing to the less restrictive K&N FIPK, the air flow potential of the
engine can be fully maximized without jeopardizing important emission standards. (see figures below)

The FIPK is street legal for use on the emission controlled vehicles that it was originally designed to fit. These kits
replace the original air filter case and do not eliminate the emission controls. The high temperature label contains the
EO # assigned by C.A.R.B. that will allow a vehicle installed with the FIPK to pass the visual inspection at an
authorized Smog Inspection station.

                             ( <w            mass—air sensor

                                                                 filter element

                                                                                            OEM air filter assembly

    Filtercharger® element                    mass—air sensor             to engine

                                                                                      fi;‘ FIPK assembly

K&N suggests that you have a repair manual available for reference during installation of the K&N Filterchargere
Injection Performance Kit.

                                                 CHEVROLET MINI BLAZER
                                                  ENGINE COMPARTMENT

                                                      Stock Look

see the figure above for stock parts locations
see the figure on the next page for finished kit locations
1)      Disconnect the vehicle‘s negative battery cable.
2)      Unclamp the Intake hose, and PCV hose from the airbox and slide out entire airbox.
3)     Remove the plastic intake tube that is attached to the fan shroud. with one clip.
4)      Install the new intake tube using the same clip that held the old one.
5)      Install the bracket to the end of filter. Clamp the filter, and PCV hose onto the new intake tube, position filter so the
       bracket will line up to the fender well. You will need to drill a 5/16" hole to secure the bracket.
6)      Position for best clearance and tighten all hardware.
7)     Re—connect battery cable. Double check to make sure everything is tight and properly positioned before starting vehicle.
8)     The C.A.R.B. exemption sticker must be placed in a visible area under the hood, so that an emissions inspector can see it
       when the vehicle is required to be tested for emissions. California requires testing every two years, other states may


Start the engine with the transmission in neutral or park, and the emergency brake on. Listen for any air leaks or odd noises. If

there are air leaks, make sure the hose connections are secure. If there are any odd noises, check for the cause and repair before

proceeding. The K&N Filtercharger®e Injection Performance Kit will function identically to the factory air filter with the exception of

being slightly louder than stock and much more responsive. If all preliminary checks are okay, then a road test is necessary. Listen

carefully for rattling or other odd noises and fix as necessary. If the road test is fine, you can enjoy driving as normal with the

added response and power. We suggest that the Filterchargero element be checked periodically for dirt. This is now very easy

due to the open element configuration. If the filter material is overly dirty, service it according to the instructions that are in the

Recharger service kit that was included with the FIPK. If you have any questions or problems, inquire at your nearest K&N dealer,

or direct to K&N Engineering at (909) 684—9762.

      description                     qug_ntity
      1/4‘ X 3/4" hex boit            1
      1/4" nut                        2
      washer                          2
      hose clamp                      1
      "L" bracket                     1
      wire tie                        1
      lintake tube                    1
      Filtercharger® element          1

                                            Layout of final assembly

APR—27—2000 THU 03:00 PM       CDS                       FAX NO. 818 891 5470      P. 02/06

  _ fi"                                                                          (pooo
                   FILTERCHARGER® INJECTION:
                        PERFORMANCE KIT

                      |_             — INSTALLATION MANUAL —
                           .          Ford Pickups F—150, 250 &
                    «1                       * Bronco
                    .                         1994—1995
                               Nee             V8 5.0L
                               C‘            N 57—2510
                                \           B E.0. # D—269—7          %

                                     K&N Engineering, Inc.
                                           561 lowa Avenue
                                             P.O. Box 1329
                                         Riverside, CA 92502

      s                                  Ford Pickups F—150 _
      |                    c 0_           ENeINE compaRrtment

Refer to this diagram for                                                                          SENSON
the location of the various
parts listed in the                                                                                 AIR
installation instructions.                                                                          BOX

         |                                                                           a                                    $‘44 0C
 1) . Disconnect the vehicles negative battery cable.                         oe                                      '
 2)   Remove the original intake tube at the mass—air sensor. ° ~         <_ //
 3)   Disconnect the mass—air connection, also disconnect the air lempe;aluresensor by turning it a 174 turn to remove.,
 4)   Remove the three bolts that secure the air cleaner assembly, tlien, rernove the complete assembly.
 5)   Remove the mass—air sensor from the air cleaner lid.          ~ox,
 6)   Attach the provided gasket to the air lemperature sensor bracket. (as shownin fig. 1)

                         PLACE GASKET
                         IN THIS AREA

                                                                                                                           P. 04/06
                                                                             FAX NO. 818 891 5470
      APR—27—2000 THU 03:00 PM
                                                     AIR TEMPERATURE
                                                     SENSOR BRACKET
                                         MASS—AIR                       —                   FILTER
                                         SsENSOR                    GASKET                 /ADAPTER                +

                                                                                                                           tig. 2
      7) Assemble the mass—air sensor, gasket, adapter, mass—air bracket and air temperature sensor bracket as shownin
       _ (fig. 2) using the supplied hardware.
      8) Attach the Filtercharger "L." bracket onto the filter as shown in (fig. 2), then, assemble the mass—air assembly and
            the Filtercharger assembly also shown in (fig. 2).               [         '
       9) Place the complete assembly into the vehicle and attach the intake tube onto the mass—air serisor as shown in

      10}) Line up the brackets with the fender and washer reservoir support, then, mark the holes and drill as shown in
          (fig. 4).                     >
      11} Now secutre the compliete assembly with the provided hardware.
zo     12} Reconnect the mass—air and air temperature sensor connections.
     | 13) Re—connect the battery connection, doubte check to make sure everything is
           lightened and property positioned before starting the vehicle.
     @ he C.A.R.B. exemption sticker must be placed in a visible area under the hood, so that an emissions inspector
             can see it when the vehicle is required to be tested for emissions. California requires lesting every two years,
             other states may vary.                                                   '

                                                 CLAMP                                           —                     ~


     «. 5

     ~, MASS AIR ASSY.                                 Cl                                                      |              fig. 3

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:15:06
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:15:06

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