Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 29, 1997.
As of Saturday, March 29th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1982-1987 GM Camaros/ Firebirds originally equipped with 5.0L or 5.7L enginesIt includes the following main components: ZZ4 5.7L enigne (part no. 24502609) which includes a new camshaft, pistons, cylinder heads, intake and exhaust manifolds, an electronic control unit, new dual catalyst exhaust system, and transmission shift kit. It does not utilize the use of an EGR valve or the carburetor heat stove. Exhibit A list additional parts included with the kit

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-278-1
  • Executive Order 278-1 / D278-1
  • ARB # D-278-1
  • Executive Order No: D-278-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-278-1
  • Resolution D-278-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-278-1 PDF

D-278-1 Document:


                                                                                (Page 1 of 2)

                                            State of California
                                        AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                     EXECUTIVE ORDER D—278—1
                               Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                            of the Vehicle Code

                                           GM MOTORSPORTS
                                      5.7L H.0. Performance Package

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 ofthe Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and 39516 ofthe Health and Safety
Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the 5.7L H.O. Performance Package
manufactured by GM Motorsports of 30007 Van Dyke Ave. Warren, Michigan 48090—9065, has been found
not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is exempt
from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1982—87 Camaros/Firebirds originally
equipped with a 5.0 or 5.7L engine.

The 5.7L H.O. Performance Package includes the following main components: ZZ4 5.7L engine (part no.
24502609) which includes a new camshaft, pistons, cylinder heads, intake and exhaust manifolds, an
electronic control unit, new dual catalyst exhaust system, and transmission shift kit. The Performance
Package does not utilize the use of an EGR valve or the carburetor heat stove. Exhibit A list additional parts
included with the kit.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for this kit will not recommend tuning
the vehicles to specifications different from those of GM Motorsports.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the devices, as exempt by the Air Resources Board,
which adversely affect the performance ofa vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using any identification other than that shown in this Executive Order or marketing
of this device for an application other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the device may have on any
warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle‘s manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board," may be made with respect to the
action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication.

GM MOTORSPORTS                                                                  Executive Order D—278—1
5.7L H.O. Performance Package                                                    (Page 2 of 2)

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The order may be
revoked only after ten days written notice of intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the
order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it will
be held within ten days of receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after
hearing that grounds for revocation exist.       L.

Executed at El Monte, California, thisé! 2   Tsay of October 1

                                             R. B. Simmerfield, Chief
                                              Mobile Source Operations Division

                                                 2                           EXHIBIT A                         a

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                  aTY           PART NAMF                   P/N                                                                 PART NAME
                    1      5.71 HO ENGINE                              x                  x                                       CALIBRATION CONTD
                    1      INSTRUCTION MANUAL               24502463     _X               x            1                COOLING FAN SwiTcH                   3053190       x                x
                                   INDUCTION SYSTEM                      ‘                                              (950)
                    1      LH DUCT              14070917                        x         _X                                       EXHAUST SYSTEM
                    1      BH OUCT                          14070918            X         X            1                LH MANIFOLD                          14094063 |    x        x       x
                    4      SCREW_                           11513801            X         _X           1                RH MANIFOLD                          14094064 | _X          X       x
                _ 0_ _|thhose                               14073299            X°|       X            1                HEATSToVve,Playe __                     0         I_X_LX_I x
                  1    aH Hose                              14083990 |          x         x            1                Heat stove, coven_                      o          OXCTXTOX
        1            1    | Ain CuEaNnER ASSY.              25043641 1          X     !   X            2                STUD                       1         14042051 )    X   |    x       x
        1            1 __| stuo                             14048874 |          xT xX                  2                STuo                                 i2ss@a7s i _X i xX I x
        |___1____         L NUTWInG                         25512080 |          x |_X                  a                NUT                                  14019305 i _X [ _X             x
        |  1000               J8€E            469506                   1       x I x ]                 1      SEAL, EXHAUST        i  igissa63 i _X 1 X   x
      101       2           in ELBOW         3970070                   : _X 1 x ! &                    1__.| TAKEDOWN, DUAL CAT _:    10185070 _X i _X    x
    :                            FUEL SYSTEM                                           1°              7      HEAT SHIELD,         7  iG16e153 ; x | X | x
      [    T    0| IN—TANKFUEL PUMP     |   14085386                   |     | X | x                          CATALYST             !           1O       |
                i KGT                   |                              |    i     1    1                      SCREW,M6.3—1.8x20       12307828 °_X : x i x
      I    7        FUEL PUMP. IN—TANK  _]  2sM6279                    1 _X 1 _X lX                    1      PiPE, aif 10            10077542 ; X [ x2°x)
      iCO 30 _OO sTRaAINER                  25058458                   ) _X | x CX                            CONVERTER                        ‘    i   1
      CCa           PreSSURE                10185094                   : X | X | x                     1      CLAMP, Aif PIPE      i  2asosi16_X _i _X 1 _X
    |____ _{Aecuratonr                                                 §D   Ob    P    U               1    | BRACKET,             |  10081603 X | Xx ;
      [    4      "eakcketPReSSURE          idiss069                   ; X ; x       x                      | conventen Hancer_ _                   bo
    1        _| REGULATOR               !                              00                      |       2      BOLT, CONVERTEN O —     11504598 x : x | x
    |      1—     j QUTLET FITTNG 8     |    Seg2zey                   , X > x                                BAACKET_______       |     .              |
                 QPIPE TO 38 INVERTED ;                                bo    }Poj                      1    IINTEHMEDSATE PIPE,     | aaso2a61 . x | X | %
                 |FLaRe                  |                             10    d    _4                          MUFFLER, TaiuPipes® _|           :        i
    .      1_    |RetuaNfitting         1   ioi8s098                    . X    _X    x                                     TRANSMISSION
                     1    i 48 PIPE TO ¥8 HOSE       w;     ‘-0185096i X | X | X                       1           lSPmNG PRESSURE                 |          seagise      x | X |
1                         ! EITTING                                      ©20d                                           REGULATOR _       !            500b
        j                     CALlBHATION                        |                                     1___i            VALVE, TV BCOST        8634940 : _X i X ; x
        171 __ CconmrotLes, sem         _   1228079 _X i _X    x                                       1___|            SEAVO. PISTON     i    8ea207e X      _X [ x
        {09d     CALIBRATOR,PRCM        |  2asoras?|    | x ;                                          1___|            SEAvo. housing    :    sea21m0 _X °_X 1 x
        i      : 1982—84 LG4            B           1OP     _                                                                    REAR SUSPENSION
        Jo  C  \C;BL:'BBF;ALTSF%‘Z%\Cso |_ ge§tzase ; X |    | x j                                     2           _1   LOweR CSNTROLAAM _    Tor6a151 _X     _X 1 xX
            I               .                    82.              oo                      oo                                              DECALS
                     :    Ifn‘g\-lgs—gfi
                                  ULE, ELEC.
                                                      11O   10488018 1X 10LX
                                                            iéiz8261 ; X |
                                                                           ; x |
                                                                                                   J                    DECALUNBERHKGOD—|
                                                                                                                        TUNE UP LABEL
                                                                                                                                                                        x | x *|4 x
                          | SPARK CONTROL              !         1O  } d                                                —                  ——                         —————
                     3    —nuereang fobs.              :     esn x | xC                                    1            DP;CEAi\f.IUMFUELONU                 25602518: x | x | x
            f             ! SECONDARY (AH)                       100d  d _                                                                                               —
                                                                                                     * For replacement exhaust symm componients, wnucl Flowmasic
                                  X= PART USED IN CONVERSION                                       Inc., 2975 Dutton Ave., Unit 3, Suntia Rosa, CA 95407, 707—344—1761.

                                                                                                                                           VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION
                                                                                                                                      The H.0. 350 conversion kit is designed Io
                                                                                                                                    installation in 1982—87 Camaros originall

                                                                                                                                    equipped with LG+4 or L69 engines. Due to dif
                                                                                                                                    ferences in original equipment in these vehicles
                                                                                                                                    some ofthe components included in this conver
                                                                                                                                    sion kit ure not used with all year models an«
                                                                                                                                    engines. The pars required to install the H.C
                 H.O. 350 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                     350 conversion puckuge ona specilic model yee
                                                                                                                                    and engine ure noted in the chart above.
            Displacement: 5.7—liter (350ci)                                                                                           The [ictory—installed engine is identified by
            Bore and Stroke: 4.00" x 3.48"                                                                                          Ietter code that appears in the cighth place ofthi
            Compression Rutio: 9.8: 1                                                                                               Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). in the fol
                Piston Material: Cast hypercutectic aluminum                                                                        lowing example a Vehicfe Identification Num—
             coonecting Rod Material: 1053 forged stect                                                                             ber, the letter "H"is the engine code:
               mshaft: Rydraulic roiler tippet (#10185071)        Rocker Arm Ratio: [.5:1
                                                                  Oil Pressure (Normai): 40 psi@ 2000 rpm                                        1GLFP3IROLL10001
               ive Lift (Intake/Exhaust): .474"/.510"
              uration Untuke/Exhaust): 208/221 degrees            Spurk Plugs: AC FR5LS, 904 or MR43LTS                               The following are VIN engine codes for 1982
            @.050" appet lif                                      Muximum Recommended Engine Speed:                                 87 Camuros with LG4 und L69 engines:
            Valve Lash (Intake/{Exhaust): Zerofzero               5800 rpim                                                              Year     VIN       Engine
            Cylinder Head Material: Cast aluminum                 Fuel Requirement; Unieaded premium                                     1983—86       "G"          L69
            Vaive Diameter (Intake/Exhaust): 1.94"/1.50"          92 octine (R+M/2)                                                      1982—47. "H"               LG4


Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:15:28
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:15:28

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