Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 19, 1974.
As of Monday, January 20th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1974 and older model-year vehicles, EXCEPT: (1) VW (2) Diesel powered vehicles (3) Fuel injected (4) Supercharged vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-31
  • Executive Order 31 / D31
  • ARB # D-31
  • Executive Order No: D-31
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-31
  • Resolution D-31
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-31 PDF

D-31 Document:


                        State of California
                        AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—31
            Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156 |
                        of the Yehicle Code

                              NC INDUSTRIES
                              "G. R. VALVE"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;
IT IS ORDERED AMND RESQLVED: That the installation of the "G. R. Vailve"
manufactured by NC Industries has been found to not reduce the effectiveness
of required motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is
exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for
1974 and older model—year vehicles with the exception of Volkswagen,
diesel, fuel injection, or supercharged engine vehicles.

The device consists of a relief valve with a filter and can be identified
by the "G. R. Valve" stamp. The valve is inserted between the PCV valve
and the intake manifold and permits a small amount of additional air to
enter the PCV line.

This Executive Order is valid provided that insta]]étion instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device as
originally submitted to the Air Resources Board for evaluation that
adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control
devices shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall have prior approval
of the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not cénstitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty efther expressed or .
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

"C. R. Valve"                      '                  Executive Order D—31



No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."

     "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. fNo person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."
Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub—
mitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this   [fz   day of April, 1974.

                                  WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                  Executive Officer

                              State of California

                            — AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                  April 11 , 1974

                                  Staff Report

                        Evaluation of the NC Industries
                                "G.R. Valve"
                    for Exemption from the Prohibitions of
                   Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code


       NC Industries of Newbury Park, California, has applied for exemption

       from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for its

       "G.R. Valve".    This section prohibits the installation of any device

      which may reduce the effectiveness of the motor vehicle emission control

       system.    The applicant is requesting the exemption be granted for all

       1974 model—year vehicles and older with the exception of Volkswagen,

       diesel, fuel injection, or supercharged engine vehicles.

II.    System Description and Function

       The "G.R. Valve" is a T—shaped air bleed type valve installed in the

       line connecting the positive crankcase ventilation valve and the intake

      manifold.    The check ball is positioned on a spring intalled inside
       the valve body in a normally open position.               At high engine vacuum
       (deceleration, low cruise, and idle operating modes) the ball compreses

       the spring and closes the vaive to prevent additional air from entering

       the intake manifold.   At low engine vacuum (wide open throttle or heavy

      acceleration) the spring fully supports the ball to keep the valve open

      allowing additional air to enter the intake manifold.                       The valve is
      also open when the engine is not operating.

                                       w ummegnn   on en nmemm    miugeg mtemar

G. R. Valve

III. System Evaluation
     A.       Applicant‘s Data

              The applicant submitted Olson Laboratories, Inc., report # 8750—5101

              on the NC Industries air injection devfce dated February 28, 1974.

              The report contains exhaust emission data obtained from the following


              1.   1972 Ford LTD (#167553)
              2.   1966 Pontiac Lemans (#23717).

              The applicant could not provide any specific description of the

              vehicles such as, engine size, carburetion, transmission, etc.

              The following table summarizes the data obtained.

                             Federal Hot CVS Exhaust Emissions in gm/mi

                                             _    hC        CO        NOx

              1972 Ford          Baseline         1.35     27 .86    4.07
              (#167553)          Device           2.05     26 .65    3.91

                                 % Change        51.9      —4 .4    —4.0

              1966 Pontiac     _ Baseline         3.29     53.16     5.37

              (#23717)           Device           3.09     40.11     5.44

                                 % Change        —6.1     —24.6      1.3

              In addition, a 50 MPH steady state test was performed with another

              1966 Pontiac Lemans (#560200).       The datavsubmitted from this test

              were inconclusive.

G. R. Valve

        The applicant submitted several other reports which were also

        considered inconclusive by the staff as the California or Federal

        test procedures were not used or NOx emission test data were not


        Except for the 51.9% increase in hydrocarbon emissions from the

        1972 Ford over the baseling readings, the rest of the data were

        typical and similar to data previously acquired by the ARB when

        testing similar devices. These data generally      ShOW no adverse
        effects on the vehicles existing emission control system.

        ARB Testing

        1.     Emission Tests

               The 51.9% increase in hydrocarbons noted in the 1972 Ford

               LTD tested by.OTson Laboratories required further investigation

               due to the apparent inconsistency in HC and CO emission values.

               The applicant agreed to submit the 1972 Ford LTD to the ARB

               for retesting.   The vehicle is identified as; 1972 Ford LTD,

               400 CID, 2 bbl. carb., auto. trans., license # 384 GVZ.

              + Upon inspection it was found that this vehicle was not adjusted

               to manufacturer settings which could account for the applicants

               data   discrepancy.   The vehicle was adjusted and checked
               before performing a hot CVS test.

               The hot CVS test was run on the vehicle with the following


                 1972 Ford LTD (384 CVZ)
         Federal Hot CVS Exhaust Emissions in gm/mi

Saseline                   1.16          . 7 .02        3. 78

Jevice                     1.27           7.1           3.70

% Change                   9.5            1.6          —2.2

An evaluation of the above data indicates that the vehicle

tested had extremely lean carburetion and hence, is not

representative of this particular make of vehicle.              ilith

this lean carburetion only a small change in hydrocarbon

mass emissions occured.          Consequently, a more representative

vehicle was choosen in order to resolve the effect of the

    R. valve on hydrocarbon emissions.             The vehicle was &


1974 Pinto, 2300 cc, auto. trans., lHicense # 255 KJC.               Three

not CVS back—to—back tests were performed.             The average

results were as follows:

                1974 Pinto (225 KJC)
     Federal Hot CVS Exhaust Emissions in gm/mi

Baseline                    0.73         20.16          1.11

Jevice                —    .0.73         19.59          1.13
% Change                  ‘ 0.0          —2.8           1.8

         Based upon the available data, 1t is found that the G. R.
         vaive does not adversely effect a vehicle‘s existing emission


         The ARS performed a bench flow test with two of the 6. &. value

         supplied.               These tests measured the air bleed rate by varying

         the vacuum downstream from the valve with one of the finlet ports

          losed.              The ranges of vacuum usec in the tests are those

         experienced during normal engine operation.                   in the

          he meximum flow rates of 2.6 to 3.3 CF! were observed wher the
         vacuum varied between 0 inches to & inches Hg.                   Under no

         road load, vehicles operate in this vacuum rarge fo

                              The staff considers the volume of air that

                            . valve into the intake manifold during

                                 icant.     No flow rates were observed



         when the vacuum exceeded 4 inches Hg (Refe
                                btained show that the device me


         Aai+          4s
                                     ablished by th   ARZ for all engine sizes.

         Criveria eS


Conclusion and Recommendation

The staff recommends that the air bleed valve labeled "G. R. YValve

manufactured by NC Inéustrags, Newbury Park, California, should be

cranted an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 for 1974

and olider model year vehicles with the exception of Volkswagen, diesel,

fuel injection, or supercharged engine vehicles.

                                                 Bench Flow Test
                                             *       "G_R. Yalve"

            4 7

            3 .

    -g      2 .         / Increasing or decreasing vacuum

    w                   ____        Increase in vacuum

          {r j          |,__—       PDecrease in vacuum .

         0.0                                                .
                                4                8              12           16        20   24

a                   .                       Manifold Yacuum          in. of Es
.-                         .                 Figure I — first G.R. Valve

           4    .



    §      2                             TIncressing or decreasing vacuum
                                         Increase in vacuum

           1                             Becrease in vacuum

         0.0:                                                   —
                                                 8              12        . 16         20   24

                                            Meanifold Vacuum  in. of Hg
                                            Figure 2 — Second G.R,. Valve

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:35
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:35

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