Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on September 23, 2005.
As of Thursday, February 13th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts


This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-353-2
  • Executive Order 353-2 / D353-2
  • ARB # D-353-2
  • Executive Order No: D-353-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-353-2
  • Resolution D-353-2
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D-353-2 Document:


                                    State of California
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—353—2

                      Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                 of the California Vehicle Code

                             Miller Catalyzer Corporation
                     Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metailic Wrap

WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391, and Title 13, California Code of
Regulations (hereafter "CCR") Section 2222(i), authorize the California Air Resources
Board (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exempt used aftermarket catalytic converters
from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

WHEREAS, Miller Catalyzer Corporation of 3295 Depot Road, Hayward, California
94545, has been issued an exemption from the prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section
27156 and 38391, through Executive Order Number D—353—1, to market used original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) catalytic converters in California. Under the conditions
of Executive Order Number D—353—1, Miller Catalyzer Corporation was permitted to
salvage used OEM catalytic converters, test, replace the end pipes, as necessary, and
re—sell them for installation on vehicles with the same engine family as the vehicles from
which the catalytic converters have been recovered.

WHEREAS, Miller Catalyzer Corporation has applied to the ARB for exemption from the
prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 and 38391 to allow replacement of the OEM
wrap with the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metailic Wrap manufactured by either
Metex Corporation or Amistco Separation Products, Inc. The wrap replacement is
allowed only on used catalytic converters that have been identified by Miller Catalyzer
Corporation during its screening procedures to have worn—out or broken wrap.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health and
Safety Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations Division by
Health and Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—02—003, the ARB finds
that the installation of the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metailic Wrap complies with
the California Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391, and Title 13, California Code of
Regulations, Section 2222(i). The emissions performance of the used catalytic
converter with the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap was based on
durability bench—aging by Delphi Engine and Chassis Systems using the ARB—modified
RAT—A bench aging cycle for 100 hours as specified in the "Optional Evaluation
Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—original Equipment Catalytlc Converters Equipped
with On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD I!) Systems."

WHEREAS, emissions tests conducted at the Automotive Testing and Development
Services, Ontario, California, using a used OEM catalytic converter with its OEM wrap
replaced with the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap showed the vehicle to
meet the applicable emission standards. Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic

Wraps manufactured by both Metex Corporation and Amistco Separation Products, Inc.
were tested with the used OEM catalytic converter. The vehicle used for emission
testing was a 2000 model year 4.0L Jeep Cherokee, test group YCRXTO242230,
certified to the Low Emission Vehicle emission standards (LEV, LDT2). Examination of
the On—Board Diagnostic !I (OBD 11) system showed that the used OEM catalytic
converter with the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap does not affect OBD II
system operation. The following are the test results in grams per mile:

                      Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure
                                  (in grams per mile)
                                 NMOG      CO       NOx

100k LEV Standards                0.130     5.5       0.5
Used Converter w/ the Metex
aftermarket wrap                  0114       1.5      0.3
Used Converter w/ the Amistco
aftermarket wrap                  0.082      1.8      0.3

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Aftermarket Catalytic
Converter Metallic Wrap on used OEM catalytic converters, by Miller Catalyzer
Corporation of 3295 Depot Road, Hayward, California 94545, has been found not to
reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control systems and,
therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code subject
to the following conditions:

1. Replacement of the OEM wrap with the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic
   Wrap must be allowed only on used catalytic converters that have been identified by
   Miller Catalyzer Corporation as having worn—out or broken wrap.

2. Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap is
   manufactured by either Metex Corporation or Amistco Separation Products, Inc.
   Installation of the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap shall follow
   installation procedures submitted by Miller Catalyzer Corporation in its exemption

3. Used catalytic converters with OEM wrap replaced with the Aftermarket Catalytic
   Converter Metallic Wrap must follow screening procedures and meet the required
   conversion efficiencies and conditions, as specified under Executive Order No.
   D—353—1, before they can be marketed in California.

4. No changes are permitted to the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap or
   the used catalytic converter as described in the exemption application. Any changes
   to the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wraps or any other component of the
   used catalytic converter must be evaluated and approved by the ARB prior to
   marketing in California.

                       METALLIC WRAP — D—353—2


    5. Marketing of the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap for purposes other
       than shown in the exemption application and in this Executive Order, or marketing of
       the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metailic Wrap for an application other than the
       ones shown in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is
       obtained from the ARB.

    6. Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s installation instructions for used catalytic converters
       with the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap must conform to the
       requirements in paragraph | and X of the "Optional Evaluation Procedures for New
       Aftermarket Non—original Equipment Catalytic Converters Equipped with On—Board
       Diagnostics II (OBD 1!) Systems."

    7. Upon installation, the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap must carry a
       Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s warranty for 50,000 miles when installed on OBD 11         s
       equipped vehicles and 25,000 miles when installed on non—OBD II equipped

    8. Miller Catalyzer Corporation must provide a label on the used catalytic converter
       clearly showing that the OEM wrap has been replaced with the Aftermarket Catalytic
       Converter Metallic Wrap.

    9. Miller Catalyzer Corporation may not advertise a used catalytic converter with the
@      Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Metallic Wrap as a "remanufactured catalytic

    Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order.
    The ordér may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the
    order, in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest
    the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of
    receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made
    after the hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

    Executed at El Monte, California, this   Z 32)         day of September, 2003.

                                    Mobile Source Operations Division

                           METALLIC WRAP — D—353—2

Document Created: 2006-01-18 11:56:31
Document Modified: 2006-01-18 11:56:31

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