Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on May 10, 2005.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModificationRemarks
Series 12000 & 11000Selected 1996 - 2001 Mercedes, BMW, GM, and Toyota passenger carsNonePlease contact manufacturer or distributor for specific part number for a particular application.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-353-7
  • Executive Order 353-7 / D353-7
  • ARB # D-353-7
  • Executive Order No: D-353-7
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-353-7
  • Resolution D-353-7
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-353-7 PDF

D-353-7 Document:


                                  State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            ExECUTIVE oRpER D.3s3.7
                     Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                                  of the Vehicle Code
                              Miler Catalyzer Corporation
     ‘Series 11000 and 12000 OBD II Compliant Thres—way Catalytic Converters®

WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and Section 2222(h), Title 13. Califomia Code of
Regulations, authonize the California Air Resources Board and its Executive Officer to
exempt new aftermarket catalytic converters from the prohibitions of Vahicle Code Section
WHEREAS, Millr Catalyzer Corporation (Miller) of 3205 Depot Road, Hayward, Calfomia
©94545, has applied to the Air Resources Board for exemption from the prohibitions in Vehicle
Code Section 27156 to market its new aftermarket Series 11000 and 12000 three—way
catalytic converters (TWCs) for installation on 2001 and older model year Mercedas—Benz,
BMW, GM, and Toyota passenger cars equipped with on—board diagnostis II (OBD—11}
systems as speciied in Appendix D—353—7 and incorporated herein. The Series 12000 TWC
as front cataiylic converter (2 units) and Series 11000 as rear catalytic converters (2 units)
will be used in multiple catalytio converter systems (4 units total) for Mercedes—Benz vehicles.
Series 11000 will also be used for dual (2 units in parallel) or single (2 units in series)
exhaust system applications for Mercedes—Benz vehicles.. Furthermore, Series 11000 will be
used for dual (2 units in parallel) and single (1 unit) exhaust applications for BMW, GM, and
Toyota vehicles. Catalytic converters for Mercedas—Benz vehicles will be sold as a complete
system only, and not as individual units.
The TWCs may also be installed on non—OBD II vehicles (1995 and older) similar in angine
and exhaust configuration to those listed in Appendix D—353—7
WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorty vested in the Exeoulive Officer by Health and Safaty
Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations Division by Health and
Safely Code Section 39516 and Executive Order 6—02—008, Air Resources Board finds that
the above aftermarket catalytic converters comply with the Calfornia Vohicle Code Section
27158 and Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222(h). The emissions
performance ofthe catalylic converters was based on durabilty bench—aging by Delphi
Energy and Chassis Systems using ARB—modified RAT—A bench—aging cyole for 78 hours, as
specified in the "Optional Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—criginal Equipment
Catabtic Converters Equipped With On—Board Diagnostic I (O8D 11) Systems."
WHEREAS, emissions tests conducted at the Automotive Testing Development Services,
Inc. (ATDS), Ontario, Calfornia, using vehicles listed below showed that the vehicles mat the
applicable emission standards with Series 11000 and 12000 TWOs installed in place of the
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) catalytic converters

      Vehicle         Model       \Engme          ~Gertiication     Welght      instaled        Unt
>   \ Make            year         Displacement |Level         _    Gategory Unit               Location
     ez5                                                                     frome
                      0| 1908      «31—            LEV             \ Po         11000 (2) Front
                                                                                            Rear _
    "evw           ~— iess        J28C _          Thev             Tre          11000 (1) 1 Underbod:
    (GM              NEA          J3.1L             Lev             PC          11000 (1)   [ Underbody
        OBD II compatibiily tests performed on the same test vehicles showed that Series 11000
        and 12000 TWCs do not affect the vehicle‘s ablity to perform OBD 11 system monitoring.
        Emission test results in grams per mile are shoun below
    [                                      ATDS. Ontari. Calfomia
                                           4 3L Mercedes—Bonz Test                               _
                                       NMOG               co              TNox _        Remarks
        160K Standard                  0.000              42              ~03               _           4
         Test 1                    0.025      o8         01
         Test2      _              oore  _    Tos        o1                                 ~
        [Average of Tesiet & 2__|0.025       103         o.                            ‘Pass
              —          —               2C BNW Test _
        0K Stendard              To ____|34              o2
        [Test1                   ‘ 6.097     12          03
         Test2                  _ {ooe!       10         o4
        Average of Tesis 1 & 2__|0.080 _     [11]        03                             Pase
                                         31L GM Test   .
        [ 60KStendard                 "0.000 (42     ~‘as
        [Tes1                          0.076  11         01
         [Test2                        0.089  12         02
        Average ofTesis 1 & 2|         0.082              i1              0.1           Pass
        i is HERERY RESOLVED that the above calalytic converters are exempt from the
        prohibtions in Vahicle Code Section 27156 for instaliation on the approved vehicle
        applications specified in Appendix D—353—7 subject to the following conditions:
              1.         No changes are permitted to the catalytic converters as described in the
                         application for exemption. Any changes to the catalytic converters or any of
                        their companents, and other factors addressed in this arder must be evaluated
                        and approved by the Air Resources Board prior to marketing in Califoria;
              2.        Markeling of the catalylic converters using identfications other than those
                        shown in the exemption application, and in this Executive Order, or marketing
                        af the catalytic converters for application other than the ones shown in this
                        Executive Order shall be prohibited unless pror approval is obtained from the
                        Ar Resources Board.. Exemption of these products shall not be construed as
                        an exemption to sell, offer for sale. or advertise any components of the catalylic
                        converters as individual devices

      3.     Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or ts content by Miller
             Catalyzer Corporation, its principals, agents, employees, distributors, dealers,
             orother representatives must include the disciaimer that the Executive Orderor
             the exemption it provides is not an endorsement or approval af any emnission
             reduction ¢laims for the catalytic converters and is only a finding that the
             catalytic converters are exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section
      4.      Miler Catalyzer Corporation‘s installetion instructions for the new catalytic
              converters must conform to requirements in Paragraphs | and X of the
             "Optional Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—original Equipment
             Catalytic Converters Equipped With On—Board Diagnostic 1t (©BD 1 ) Systems."
       5.    Upon installation, the catalytic converters must cary a manufacturer‘s warranty
             for 50,000 miles on the substrates and 50,000 miles or five years on the sholl
             and end pipes
       8.    Miller Catalyzer Corporation and its vendors may not advertise the new
             aftermarket catalytic converters as "high or easy flow" catalylic converters or
             use any phrase that could make them appear to perform better than an OEM
             catalytic converter.
Viclation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
erder may be revoked only after a ten day written notice of intention to revokeit, during which
period the helder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed
revocation, If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request,
and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made, after the hearing, that
grounds for revocation exist.
Executive Order D—353—6 dated March 14, 2005, is hereby superseded and is of no further
force and effect.

Executed at El Monte, Califonia, this_£D°day of May 2005

                                    Mobile Source Operations Division


              >                                               appmupry tao53~7
Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s BMW OBDIrApplications Catalog * Cars                                                                             ®
                                                Hile                                   No. o
                                                Repincement                            Cals    Mentared                                NMile Drect
Year tike Hosel                OM Eng Leie Cotihst                Tipe                 gnter Cats                                      Frport
       dy     on dn rtes® +          n3 Te      non               Shjetn SrgeC           1.    Mertreo                             ‘   um
       Bd     iStes Oe         s     2n mE      m                 Srot—fan Sege Cone     1.    Montored            "ereNGer
       in     Teaca m00        5.    «x TE it            o Rign   Dunah, DadlGos         2     BolF Coms Yonteed   T8htt      Et            fo% N2
       se     rexc ol          12.   54t NERT   NO i. ToteRett.   Delean, DunCorss       2.    BohConisMoniat      TBbs sGrer          ie mt

       dhi—   3180 Bi0i.2i6s   1018 ME                            Smfi SugeCor:           1     HMerforc                     Lo
       on     _2               i0    na. es                       Srgin Srge Gine        1     Mouined                     aiork       tm
       ant    205.             s     in TB                        SrgaSn SigeCow         1     Hintocd             NBRSNGCK            Im
       dhw    on digs   s200   5     28. 7                        Drelsn, us Co          2                         1B CCC                   %
907.   o      a070, 70.        $     447        H0LaltitdRgnt       Dlo. DialCons        .2                        TeAuOE              merca Ne#
18—    sw     fiola ol         12    54t TERY   000 oimoteFft     Ovel SOve C            2     Gohtone Montoed     vors asorek

       mm     on dmsesthe            18 TEF     im                                       1     Miniaed
       tw     1was ko          s     28. m      honlss mooongpt                      2         GohCanscMntaed
       Bm                      6     2n         NCB                Srie Ein Srol on 1          Movined
       Sid                     6     231 MEF    HtObLal oibDirah DclComs             2                is Nenioed
       sin    550. Tw mol      6     «l tm      fimmete® hitofiget DalBd, DiCome     2.        BohComis ntand                          1
       Clmels                  pos              11900 Lettogoright Ovelt DusiComs        2.    BohComsorinct       veiumamt            mk tfi

The Sories12000 TRas fontextatile convertr (2 unis) andSeres 11000as roreatateconverirs (2unie) wibo usedis matile cataplc canvetersystem(4 nttel r
MercedesBare vaiales. Sori11000 wilals be usedfordhal2 unis inparala rsigl(2 es isores) vhaustsystanacpleatins o MereecesBerz        vetices Furhorrare
Seres 11000 mile usedfrl2 unks inparalo) andshgl (1 uni) extustanpleations o BNMZand GH variclns. Catabteconvartns forMereedes—Barz vehioes nitsolt
as a corplats systom only andnotas ndhvaiaunts
                                                                                                                                                 Page 1 or 9

            ,                                       ArPBENDTXLRe353—7                                               ‘
Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s General Motgrs OBDi Applications Catalog « C&@s
                                                                   Miler            No. of Mon‘s                Willer
                                                                Replacoment          Cate tored     Engine   Aftermathet
Year Make       Model                           Cyi Eng Level     Catalyst    Type_onCar    Cats   Famly No    Part No.
tote ow          Comea                           «22 mev           m          __Snie_1       1 Tovesmveoses     To
Tss on          Scare                            1 PA mey          Toap       Snue 1         1 Tevesaveceet     To
Tets—GN_        CavalerSurtre                    i2R Tev__         Te         Sige     O     1 Tousrevsczex mm oriore
Tote GH         Gendim. Snte                     a Cra mey_        omon__     Sige     _     T   Tareaweees     To
ies on          fowns                            a Pa Te           To         Smue 1         T   Tenpamorer     Tos
Teb C           Canler Sofen                      1 2at Tey        To         Sige           1   tompaweeet Tw o nore
Tats on         Grend Pm Reaal                   s sTev             tiood     Sige 1         1   Tevesysoeer    more
foge on         Tevuy                            ssm ey             Tok       Sige 0          ©  Tonastorer     Toss
19e on          Bomeie, is Sb Panhe. Regeng, wen 6 set_iteV        MMo        Snge _1        T   TanBavaezer    ow

Teer   ol Chiale: Surtie                        i zx Te            oo         Sige    1    1   tCrisateees      Eo
Teor   ~Gil__Comea                              1 oB mew           Tok        Sige    o    1   vomeaniGzek      mox
Tosr   on Besta                                 1 ra mey           To         Sie     0    1   vomeancrex       more
TGST   6y Acave Cveer Suntre                    T28 Tel            To         —Sige   1    T    Yeve aorek      more
T907   o Tess                                   s on mey           mow        Sge     1    1   venssveoeer      mure
Tosr   onl Cenuy                                s 50t TE           To         Sige    1    1   vens aveozex —Tiem o mors
Teor   onl GemPme                               s Set eV           oo         Sige    _    1   vous aveozex     more
Tor    6w Bomenie, ts Sabre, FacAreme, rwae     _6 s8t_TlEY        oo         Sige    o1   1   vermsvseek       mass
Toar   o_ Fesegy                                s G® TV            Tow        Snge    1    1__Vereavieeek__ Tw

                                                                                                                 Page 2 of0

                y                                                    APPENDTX     A—353~7                                                           ‘
NMiller Catalyzer Corporation‘s General Moibrs OBDIl Applications Catalog » CR
                                                                                     Miler               No.of    Monl:                     Miler
                                                                                  Peplacement             Cats    tored      Engine      Aftermarket
Year   WMake        Model                                       Oyl_Eng    Lvel     Catalyst    Typo     on Car   Cars     Family No.     Part No
1908   GM           Satum S Sedan                               0    1W    NEV       11000      Single     1        1     Woypxv010002      11300
foss   on           Setum SL Sedn                               i    is    TEY       11000      Snge       1        1     welmyor 9004      1300
198    GF           Surtre. Cnewalet Cavaler                    4    22    TEV       pl         Singe      1        1      How¥0e 2023      1300
1985   on Ods Coliss, Gand Al                                   1    24    fEV       11000      Snde       1        1     WGNn0 s0t6        1OE
foss   ol   revolel Me o                                        4    24    EV        11000      Snge       1        1     worvor foes       for
1995   GH           Bua Sn 0dAchieve                            €~   2i    TEV       11000       irge      1        1     WGNxVOE 2006      fost
1606   GNl          Suatre, Chevralt Cavalier                   1    PA HEV          11000      Snde       1        1     wonnt2 1076       11900
1998   GM           Buick Conyy                                 s    $1_TeV          11000      Snge       1        1     Wow)vos fort      1101
1685   GM           Chewoet Lurins, Olfs Culels Grendbm         _6   31L_TEV         11000      Sirge      1        1     woiwos 10e        jibre
1996   M            CrevotMalbu                                 6    it _Ney         11020      Snge       1        1     woiyes d          (10r0
1995   GN           CrevaletMonls Cato                          5    $1t_Tey         1000       Snge       1        1     #owxyes tore      11088
1986   on           Olds Inigue                                 6    38.   TeV       11000      Sige       1        1     warbvos cors      T01
1905   GH           Buick Hogal. Chovrolet Lumira, Grand Prix   6    3%    eV        11000      Snge       1        t     WoNMxVCs 50e      1100
1090   GNM___       Crewolet Monle Gro                          638L       NEV       11000      Singe      1        1     fowios sot        mor
1995   G            Buicx Lesabre, Ol6s 88 hegency              5    3et_TeV         11000      Sirge      1        1     walbivos soe      Tsd
1998   GM           Bonnevile Buck Park Avenue                  s    38    Te        11000      Snge       7        1     WoNmVto 0e        mose
1090   ol           CrevotPram                                  4    18l   EV        11000      Singe      1        1     \NDVOLDE          11980

                                                                                                                                            Page 3 or 0

            ¥                                              avpENnix n'r_353—7                                             ‘
Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s General Mmgrs OBDII Applications Catalog * CBs
                                                       Hiller             No. of   Monk                    Hiler
                                              Replacement      Cate tored                    Engine      Aftormarket
Year Make       Model             Oy Eng Cevel GCatalyst Tyse onCar Gats_                  ForilyNo,       ParNe.
1908   GM       Saum SWWagin      _4   19L    EY       11000     Sirge      1       1_    Wemor 9002        11500
Tos— on         Satun 50 Come     4    13L_TEEV_       100b      Srge       11            Wernorone         mao
1980   GH       Brck Leseve       6    S8     EY       T100     Sige        7       1_ XGumosabie           mord
1990   GM       BuekPaxAsene      6    381    LEV      11000    Sigle       1       1__XGimibs aosd         moe
TS o            Suxtem            s sSt       t‘       on        ings       11            Commns            mor
Tess ~oif       Biccread          s sat       tE       Tok       Sige       1 _1          XGmvoanes         more             ~
mc              Buck negal        6    38     LEV      11000     Sirgle     1       1  Komyos a0id          more
190  of         Gadl as Catera    s    f91_   1E       11000     S7ge       1       1  xGHs ooet            11073
1909 GM         ChowdetCavaler    _4   221    EY       11000     Singe      1       1  Xouineam             1500
1920 GM         UhewoletGeveser   _4   24.    LEY      11000     Sirge      1       1__XGimmne aner         m3to
16—ow           Crevorthaibe      _5 30—      TV       ho        ange       1        1    Doivenens         To
1909   GM       Crownlet Main:    &    2410   IBY      11000     Singe      1       1     XGHkYor ab27      11078
1605 on         CrewoatLuming 5340            —TEV__   T1000___Sige         _1      1__XGWVDaRE             more
108 —BN—        Creimier MonleCns3 it         LeV      Bd      ainge         1      1 OXGiunesoie           mor
100    N        ChewaliCamer      _6   SiL    1E       11000     Snge       1        1__XGimWosa0®S         T3
1000 on         —Ois Curees       s SiC—TEV            —now      Sige       11            onteies           more
Tess onl        ons Aco           T24 Tey              mow       Sroe       101           Oe                To
198_   oV       Olds Cotass       &    2410   1EY      11000     Snge       1        1    XGNRVOz 2027      107
ies on             EqpnicEgh      536L        IEV—     11000     Snge       _1 1          XGMWs SR          more
1500 on         Oe Regeny         539L        ET       mW        Sige       11            Gmvnake           mm
1990   GH       Olde Inigue       6    Sit    1E       11000     Sngle      1       1__XGimvoseote          11078
T990 Gif        FentecSunire      4 220       tey      m         inge       1        1CMz m                 Tore
1999   GM       PonlecGreroAn     _4   24L    LEV      11000     Snge       1       1__XGhmver 1027         nord
190    C        Poniac Suntre     4    24     LE       11000     Snge       i       1  XGveeater            TsW
T608   GH       Fontac Bomenic—5_ 38L _V               11000  Snge          1   _1 GukVisat                 mos
ToGs   O        Fontan Bomenie_5—_360—_teV             T00___Sige           _1  1_NGVORSEY                  Tas
Tob    on       FanleoFreaid    _6 560— TEV__          11000  Snge          11— XGMWSSNG                    Tw
1905   o_       PonfacGendPm 5_ 350 _TEV               1100   __Snge        1__1__XGMAGSNY                  To

                                                                                                                       Page 4 0f0

        v                                    —
                                    PPENDLX De353—7

Miller Gatatyzer Corporation‘s General Mordrs OBDII Applications Catalog « CBs                                               .
                                                 Mifer            No. of   Mon‘—                    iller
                                          Replacement     Cats tored                  Engine     Aftermarket
    Make   Mode}             Cyl Eng Level Catalyst Type onCar Gats                 Family N.      Part No
    o      Satum SL Seder     &     igl   LEY    11000   Sirge      1        1__Xobmvor st0«        11300
    Git    Saim$Wwagn         4    19.    LEV    11000   Single     1        1_ Xoimver sone        T900
    6N     BuocGenly         e aat TtEV—Todd             Smge       11             Gmvraee          tm
    oi     BickPakAene        _b   391    TTEV   11000   Sige       1        1     XMivOSaore       more
    GH     Buck hegel         6    Sat    NEV    11000   Srgle      1        T     XGmuts sns
    6M  Bust Lsbe             s    yat chev      ow      Sae         1       _1 Colmuere
    BV  Buctver               s    set_mey       —mow    Sngs        1~      1 XGimes
    EmmEmiziy                 s    set Tey       ow      Snee       _1       1 Somomem:
    OM  Buccheas              a    sat— Tey      T       Sige        1       Goneni
    EHl    Creuale" Ments Caro6    32L    TLEY   11000   Snde       1        1.    Xelmvnscose
    GN—~   CheroklGaman _6         a6t_TeV       T0      Sige       1  _1          XGMXVoreom
    Gi     crewosrtumns _6         sc TeV        —TiGp   se         _1  _1         SOrnieime
    oi     Cremet uons 5           oet Tev       ie      se         o              NGiiiae
    OM     Crerokthowe Came        adt TeV       —fidd   inge       11—            DCmtosss
    GT     ~Gds e         T        eatTey        To      Sige       o  _1          Gonens
    Gi     Olds Curess        1    24     new    11000   Sirgle     1        T     XGivoratss
    SM     Olds Nlro          6    34     TEV    11000   Snde       1        1_    XelMms 2052
    Gh     Ods innigue        8    35.    NEV    11000   Snge       1        1     xedvos Sost
    Gif    Gasmgse           s sat—mey—tido——            snge1__  _1 Yomvnone
    ol     Ous Egry Egm 630. Ner ooo                     Sige 1    0 NGieane
    oN     odsregicy         6 onl e —how                Snge 11— DGmviee
    GM     Fonree GrangAm e gat_TeEV T000                Snge 11 GMVOzies
    GM     Pontee Grandam _6 3t —TEV 11000               Singe 1  1_XGMAVDT
    Git    Fontze Grard poc_6_ 34L TEV 11000             Sige _1   T_JOMiVie e
    oN     Ponechiebra       _5 301 _TLEV_NM0            onge 1    _1 SGNMisse
    GM     Pontae GrandPmc_6~ 360 _TE uoo                Snge 1    1CMXE
    M      Fontae Bomene_—5 38L TIEV 11600               Snge 1   1—XGMIVOGSG
    N      Fonizs Grand uc 5_ 381 TEV_ 1100              Snge__1  _1 __XGVVieSS)
    N      Ponice Sinte      10 221 TEV —TG0             Singe 1.  1XAz rRr

                                                                                                               Page 5 of 0

             )                                                   appeNbrx nuass~7
Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s Mercedes—Benz OBDI Applications Catalog * C
                                                 Hler                                    No.of
                                                 Reglicement                             Cats Monfored                Engine       Mile Drest
      Iike                          E1 Leiel ooet                     Tex                onter Cats                   Ply®         Bipon®
      het                           20. TEV      rinedtef,thiooigh    Srge Ei DvalCons 2.        BnQoneNertoes      Wealcek        ne:
 #    us                            38. TERT     Tt ust hoii          Sigein, OlCons             Bot Sons tonted                   128
18.   hot                           52. TERJ     onpdaLel, 11000RSre SCuziCorss            2.    h ConMontratOre                   150
Eomm4                               50. TiEA .   rettdFod iotdPexr Din fan. \itple Cmy     4.    FortMinie®,                       1i f2it0
                                                                                                 RearQrractwad                     s
      N67                           e2. TeR      rroddlaltfi_         Ds B DuclComs        2                                       Teets t
      Nez                           28X          IrtartMdRpit         SigeEA. DiOns 2                                              120
      ht                            35.          120 Lal. ifteoRatt         Sn DoaGins     2                                           5
      uer                           20. tiew .   imoootet fobagh            bh DelGne 2
      tz                            50. T.       2000 Fow, NBfear            . Motoe Cow 4                           NBsoWOker
                                                                                                    1Uhoontaed                     ad
      hez    son Sm           120   60 TeRd      botst fomAa          Dilen, 090                 BotCons mantaed    WWe onEX       rmiend m
      Not    SUCD             «.    don TeR      intolet ihoRatt Bigetn, fhs Cone:         2     Bb Corss Meviocc   mBurrden       20
      Ne     C2n              40    20. mer      ifoodlel fomAgh:     SrgeDn DuslGine 2.         dciConaenized      WB         m   ies
      her|   Bm Cuom          8.    30. &        oibist MioRgr Drolion. DiComs             2.    SotConslionined    hBmooid        es 1280
      [ha                     6     921 TEXT     iL fittoRgt          ie6. DralCams        2     BoinComsforfoec    mBueay         oi
      hez                     6     on tient     frootal fomagh       Oia h DudlGms        2.    EhConalFonised     miBoair        fesil
      w      uoo              8.    431.   167   19000Font MittPear DrolEn,MitbleCow       4.    PorMentoree        WhBvorcore     Eobes
                                                                                                 Resr Drrunvined
19e   hoz    $12,S60n Cisto   8     504 TEV      reitoFoolNotORewr Diibn, MitgleCom        4.    FrrlMinfocd,       «ho ooi®       12800
             4850                                                                                ResrUnrortored                    £1290
190   hoz    Seon.Steon, Cld 12—    oo Tert      rooeettoORgh.— DudliaQuslOoms             2     OrhComsNMortoreo   MhBioe cony    tais o

Te Setes12000 THGas hontcatahl comvener uns andSeries 11000 ns rearcatavle convetes (2 ui mtbe usedin mutla callyicconvatersystars(4 uns ttefor
MerzeciasBore vehicles. Sares 11000 willbe usedforcuali?unsinparilel rsigl 2unisi serles) extaustsyster appleatons tMercodas Bone vetices Furhertore
Sares 12000 wile usedtorcunl2unis inarate)anesinghs (1 unt) extaustanpleatons frBMandGH vehices. Cattiie comverers frMercedcsBonz veniies nilbe sold
fhe eomplte sistem onandnotas ndvelialunts                                                                                                  Page 6 of9

                                                avemnpry afiss—>

Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s Toyota OBDII Applications Catalog « Cars

                                                        # of Moni—             Miller     Miter
                                                        Cate tared Engine   Replacement Diract Fit
Year   Make       Model             Cyl Eng Level Type onCar Cats Family#    Catelyst # Part#
1996   Toyoin     Jereel. Paseo      ___4__1.5L_Tier}_SEM 1    1 Ti svaerek 110oo         tose
1995   Toyola     Corola             418L Teri SEM 1           i Tmewerek 11000           moss
1996   Toyoia     Camey              6 30L Tefi _SEM 1          1 TrvaowiGrek _tood        tiass
1996   Toyoa___   Gelca              4 18L Teri_SEM 1          1 Tivisvharek tood         tigse
1996   Toyola     Avaion             630L Ter1_SEM 1           1__tivaowerek mooo         tors

1997   Toyola     Tercel Paseo      _4 15L Teri SEM 1           1 VIvisSWGKEK      1000     tigse
1997   Toyola     Gorola            4 18 _Tier 1_SEM i          1 Viviawerrk       i1000    toss
1907   Toyola     ___Camry          6 30L Tieri_SEM 1           1__vivaovJexrk     __iooo   to7s
1997   Toyola     Avaion            6 30L Ter1_SEM 1            1. Vivaowekrk      mooo     mars
1997   Toyoia     Celica, Goralla   4 1.671.8Tier 1_SEM         1 Viviawerek       tiood    11989

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Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s Toyota OBDII Applications Catalog ® Cars

                                                  # of Moni—                                  Miler      Miler
                                                  Cats tored Engine                        Replacement Direct Fit
Year Make       Modet            y Eng Level Type onCar Cats Family#                        Catalyst # Part #
1898   Toyota   Tercel           4    154   Tert    SEM   1           1    WTvXvO1.5BBA       11000       11989
1998   Toyoia   Corolla          a    18L TLEV      SEM   1           1    WTVXVO1.3DXE       11000       11939
1998 Toyole     Camiy.Avalon     _6   30L LEV_SEM 1                   1.   wixvosogxs         movo        mgys

1999   Toyota   Tercel, Paseo    4    15    Ter1    SEM               1    xXTYXVO1.5B8A      11000
1999 Toyola     Corolia          a    1st Tcev_sem 1                  1__XTyxvorsbxe          __tovo      teas
1999   Toyota   Solara. Avalon   5    30L   Tiert   SEM   1           1    XTYXv03.008A       11000 11964 or 11975
1999 Toyola     Celica           4    2rt Tey SE 1                    1_   Xivxvezzoxp        11000       mose

2000 Toyota     Echo             4    1st Lev se i                    1    YTyxVorsrea        11000       modg
2000 Toyola _   Corola           a    i8 tev sem i                    1    Yivxvorarra        ___t008     11980
2000   Toyota   Camry, Solara    8    30L Tiert     SEM   1           1    YTYXV03 08BA       11000 11975 or 11989
2000 Toyola     Celca            a    18L itEV_SEM 1                  1__YTYxvar 8600         11000       11950
2000 Toyola     Celca            a    ral Tuev _Sem i                 1 vivxvorsome           11000       togo

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Miller Catalyzer Corpora         n‘s Toyota OBDII Applications Catalog * Cars

                                                      # of Moni—                Miller     Miller
                                                      Cats tored. Engine     Replacement Direct Fit
Year Make     Modet           Oy1 Eng Level Type      onCar Cats Famiy#       Catalyst # Part #
2001_Toyola   Echo, Coroila    ___4_1.57.8LLEV__SEM   1       1. iTyXvorsrrA    ooo        ii9ge
2001 Toyola   Solera, Camey    _6 30L Tier1_SENM      1       1 11Vxvoa.05eA    11000      11980
2001 Toyola   Gelca            a 18L TLEv_SENM        7       1 iTyxvor.abDc i1oso         tiose
2001 Teyota   Gelca            4 181 TLev SEM         1       1 iTyxvoi.aDpB t1ooo         t1ose

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Document Created: 2005-05-13 10:58:25
Document Modified: 2005-05-13 10:58:25

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