Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 28, 2005.
As of Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModificationRemarks
Series 21000Selected 1996 - 2001 GM & Mercedes TrucksNonePlease contact manufacturer or distributor for specific part number for a particular application.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-353-8
  • Executive Order 353-8 / D353-8
  • ARB # D-353-8
  • Executive Order No: D-353-8
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-353-8
  • Resolution D-353-8
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-353-8 PDF

D-353-8 Document:


                                  State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             ExEcuTIvE orpen D.353.8
                      Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                                   of the Vehicle Code
                              Miller Catalyzer Corporation
            "Series 21000 OBD !I Compliant Three—way Catalytio Converter"
WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sections 27158 and Section 2222(h), Tile 13, Calffonia Code of
Regulations (hereafter *CCR") authorize the Calfornia Air Resources Board and its
Executive Offcer to exempt new aftermarket catalylic converters from the prohibitions of
Vehicle CodeSection 27156.
WHEREAS, Miller Catalyzer Corporation (Miller) of 3295 Depot Road, Hayward, California
94545, has applied to the Air Resources Board for exemption from the prohibitions in Vahicle
Cade Section 27156 to market its new aftermarket Series 21000 three—way catalyiie
converter (TWC)forinstalletion on 2001 and older mode! year GM trucks, and 1998
Mercedes—Benz Irucks equipped with on—board diagnostis II (OBD—11} systems as specified in
Appendix D—353—8 and incorporated herein. The Series 21000 TWG will be used for dual
(2 units in parellel) or single (1 unit) exhaust system applications for GM trucks. The Series
21000 will also be used as front catalytic converters (2 units) and rear catalylic converters
(2 units) in muliple catalytic converter systems (4 units total)for Mercedes—Benz trucks.
Catalytlc converters for Mercedes—Benz trucks will be sold as a complete system only, and
not as individual units
The TWC may also be installed on non—OBD II vehicles (1995 and older) similar in engine
and exhaust confiquration to thase isted in Appendix D—353—8.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the authonty vested in the Executive Officerby Health and Safety
Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations Division by Health and
Sefety Code Section 38516 and Executive Order G—02—003, Air Resources Board finds that
the above aftermarket catalytic converter complies with the Caiifomia Vehicle Code Section
27156 and Tite 13, Calfomnia Code of Requlations, Section 2222(h). The emissions
performanceof the catalytic converter was based on durabiity bench—aging by Delphi Energy
and Chassis Systems using Air Resources Board—modified RAT—A bench—aging sycle for 100
hours, as specifed in the "Optional Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—original
Equipment Catalytic Converters Equipped With On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD 11) Systems"
WHEREAS, emissions tests conducted at the Automotive Testing Development Services,
inc. {ATDS}, Ontario, California, using a 1998 5.7L Chevrolet Tahoe with a dual (2 unitsin
paralel) exhaust system, cortifed to the Low Emission Vehicle (LEV, MDV2) emission
standards showed that the vehicle met the applicable emission standards with Series 21000
TWCs (2 units)installed.

 OBD !I compatibilty tests performed an the same test vehicle showed that Series 21000
TWC do not affect the vehicie‘s abiity to perform OBD II system monitoring. Emission test
results in grams per mile are shown below
                               ATDS, Ontaro. GaWornia
                              5.7 Chevrolet Tahoe Test                                     —
                 ~          [WSs         e             ~| Nox                Remarke
120K Standard                0.230           ce               06              :
Test 1                     1 0.204           [36              04             Pass
Test 2                     0202               3.3             04             Pass
[Average of Testst &2    _ 0.203             [s+               04      _ _ Pass                 i
 IT 1 HEREBY RESOLVED that the above catalytic converter is exempt from the prohibitions
 in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on the approved vehicle applications speciied
 in Appendix D—358—8 subject to the following conditions.
       1      No changes are permitted to the catalytic converter as described in the
              application for exemption. Any changes to the catalytic converter or any of their
              components. and other factors addressed in this order must be evaluated and
              epproved by the Air Resources Board prior to marketing in California.
              Marketing of the catalytic converter using identifcations other than those shown
              in the exemption application, and in this Execulive Order, or marketing of the
              catalytic converter for application other than the ones shown in this Exscutive
              Order shall be prohibited unless prior approvalis obtained from the Air
              Resources Board. Exemption of these products shall not be construed as an
              exemption to sell offer for sale, or advertise any companents of the catalytic
              converter as individual devices
              Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or ts content by Miller
              Catalyzer Corporation, its principals, agents, employees, distributors, dealers,
              or other representatives must include the disclaimer that the Executive Order or
              the exemplion it provides is not an endarsement or approval of any emission
              reduction claims for the catalyic converter and is only a finding that the
              catalytic converteris exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section

              Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s installation instructions for the now catalytic
              converter must conform to requirements in Paregraphs I and X of the "Optional
              Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—original Equipment Catalylic
              Converters Equipped With On—Board DiagnostisII (OBD 11) Systems."
              Upon installetion, the catalylic converter must carry a manufacturer‘s warranty
              for 50,000 miles on the substrates and 50,000 miles or five years on the shell
              end end pipes



           5..    Miller Catalyzer Corporation and its vendors may not advertise the new
                  aftermatket catalylic converter as a "high or easy flow" catalylic converter or
                 use any phrase that could make them appear to perform better than an OEM
                 catalytic converter.

    Viclation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocetion of ts arder. The
    order may be revoked only after a ten day written notice of intention to revoke it, during which
    period the holder of the order may request in wriing a hearing to contest the proposed
    revocation. ffa hearing is requested, t shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request,
    and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made, aifter the hearing, that
    grounds for revocation exist:
    Executed at El Monte, California, this Zfi/fi'ay of April 2005.

                                         flen Lyons, Chief
                                        Mabile Source Operations Division



             A                                           APPENDTX \;-353»8

Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s GM & Mercedes—Benz OBDIl Truck, Van, & SUV Applications Catalog                                  page t of4
                                                                Mifer                      No. of   Monl:                   Miler
                                                                Replacement                 Cats    tored   Engine          Direct Fit
Year Make Model                               Cyl Eng   Lovel   Catalyst      Type         on Car   Gats    Family No.      Part No.
1998   GM    CheviGNC AstroGavana             6   43L Ter1      21000         Single Mon     1       1      TGM4.39PGFEK 210588
1696   GM    ChevGNC AstroSavana              6   43L Teri      21000          ingle Mon     1       7      TGmaSePoRet   2i05es
1596   GM    ChewGMC PU 15002500              6   &st Tt        21000          ingle Mon     1       1      TGNa.SSPGGEK 210505
Tos    Gu    ChevGNC PU 15002500 2w0          6   5$04 Tert     21000          ingle Mon     1       1      TGus HPGTER 21055
Tous   GM    CrewGHC Pu reumzeoo PMDAWD       &   S7L Teri      21000         Dual Mon       2       2      TGMSJSPGFEK 21050
1595   GM    CheviGMC Pu 5002500 4wb          s   50L Tert      21000          ingle Mon     7       1      TGNSQUPGTEX   21068
Tous   G     CnavGut Pu2EWR0O ANOAWD          &   74L Tir t     21000         Dual Mon       2       2      TGuz ABGTEK   zi0508
T995   GM    ChewGNC PU 500 2Wb               8   57L Tert      21000         Dual Mon       2       2      Tols rePorex  21000
1595   GM    ChewGMC Puasoo awD               8   57. Tert      21000         Dual Mon       2       2      TGMSJUPGTEX   21000
T095   GM    ChevGNe     10515 Ficup          6   43L Tert      21000          ingle Mon     7       1      TGMAS2PGKERK 2108
1986   GM    ChevGNC Yan G1500G2500           8   50L Tt        21000          ingle Mon     1       1      Tous nPoiek_2i07
1995   GM    GreviGMC van GrsoorsooGaito      5   230 Tart      21000          inglo Mon     7       1      TGNMs SEPGSER 210505
1095   GM    CheviGNC Vn GZSO0G3S0G           8   57L Ter}      21000         Dual Mon       2       2      TGNs ysPorex 210508
1996   GM    CheviGMC Van G2500/G3500         8   74L Teri      21000         Dual Mon       2       2      TGMY AJBGTEK  210008
1996   GM    ChewGMC Van G3500                8   50L Tert      21000          ingle Mon     1       1      TGNSWPGIEX    21068
1995   GM    reONCTert inTove    Eralbd To:   8   §7L Ter       21000         Dual Mon       2       2      TGMs 7ePGFEK 21050
1996 GM                             Bd Yuer   8   7al   Tt      21000         Dual Mon       2       2      TGNM7 aJBGTEK   210008
1996 GM                             lemBmai   6   43L   Te      21000          ingle Mon     7        1     TGMa S2pGREX    21064

1997   GM    Chev/GMC Astro/Savana            8 43      TLEV 21000            Single Mon     1       1      VaMd.32pGzEK    210508
T997   GM    CheviGMC AstrofGavana            6 a3l     LEV    21000          Single Mon     i       1      vaiie aHPGSEK   210568
1997   GM    ChewGMC PU 15002500              6 45      fert 21000             ingle Mon     1       1      vomsirGrex      210568
1997   GM    ChewiGNC PU 15002500 2WD         8 50L     Tert 21000            Single Mon     i       1      VGMs.OHPGTEK    21008
1997   GM    CheviGMC PU 15002500 4WD         8 5ol     Tert 21000            Single Mon     1       1      vams oIPerEK    21060
1997   GNM   Ciaiovt ho sobzmnrnanbmb         857L      Tier 121000           Dual Mon       2       2      vaMsTHPGTER     21008
T987   GM    ChevaNC PUZetOROOANDEWD          6 7t      Tr_ 21000             Dual Mon       2       2      VGMzAIRG1ER     210508
1997   GM    CheviGMC §10/515 Pickup          6 4§t     Tert 21000             ingle Mon     7       1      vGias2rGTEX     21001
T997   GM_   CheviGNC ¥an G1500G2z500         6 43L     Tert 21000            Single Mon     7       1      VGMe.3HPGTEK    21071
1997 GM      CheviGNC ¥en G1500°G2500         8   50L Tert      21000         Single Mon     1        1     VG@ms OHPGrEK   21071
1997   GM    CheviGNC   ¥en   GZS00G3G0G      8   57.   Tert    21000         Dual Mon       2       2      vomswrorek      210508
T997   GM_   CheviGNC   ¥en   G2500IG3500     8   57.   Tt      21000         Dual Mon       2       2      vGMs.LIPGTGR    210598
1997   GM    CheviGNC   Ven   G2500G2500      8   74    fet     21000         Dual Mon       2       2      veMzaRGTER      210598
1997   GM    CheviGNC   van   Gosdo           6   43L   Ter1    21000         Single Mon     7       1      vomsIEGTEK      210505

Miller Ca?alyzer Corporation‘s GM & Mercedes—Benz OBBiI Truck, Van, & SUV Applications Catalog                  page 204
                                                   Miler                      No. of Monle                Mitler
                                                   Replacement                Cats   tored   Engine       Direct Fit
Year Make Model                     Cyl Eng Level Catalyst         Te         on Car Cats    Family No    PartNo.
1997 GM ChewGMC van Ga500           & sol Tert 21000             Single Mon     _1    7      vams oiraiEK 21058
Too? GM PeC ert mTrsssana n_5 _5 7L_Tort_21000                   Dual Mon       2     2       ons mEarex_210008
1957 GM CeneNCCert ncoolmde war     _6 S 7L_Tier 121000          Dual Mon       2     2      voms wEouK —2i0e
T997 oN —PereiCdad$ hn ts Foredeiee e _5 7L._Teri_21000          Dual Mon       2     2      vams EGTGK z1055
T997 GNT Con$NCSerS inbweteaimuiee  _6 _7 L _Tierf 21000         Doal Mon       2     2      vour a6Grex _Fioses
1osr on                             643 Tert 21000                ingle Men     1     7      vamseroreR 21004
1998 GM    ChewGMC AstroBavana         6 s      Lev 21000        SingleMon     _1     1      wanxao4.3tes 21066
1998 GMW    ChewGMC AsvolSavana        5 ast    TEEV_ 21000       imgle Mon     1     7      WomxToa ster—2i007
Yose oW     —ChewGMC PU 15002500       643      Tert 21000        imgre Mon    1      i      womxaor 3150 _2toor
Tose GIt    —ChewGNC PU 15002500       850      _Tiert_21000      mgre Mon      _1    7      Womxa0s.otez 210590
T995 GMW   CnewGMC PU 15002500         5_   S0L Tert    21000     ingle Mon    7      7      WamxxGs orea    210558
Toue GW —ChewGNC FU 1500250035006 57L _Tiert_21000               Dual hMon   2        2      womxaos isz 21050
T958 GM —ChewGNC PU 1500250005006 57L Tier 121000                Diual Mon   2        2      woMXA0s 718121050
Toue on —ChewGNC Pu tsuuesoosso9     __a 57L _Tert 21000         Dual on     2        2      WGMxXAs rrer—2ioss
Tess GM ChewGNC PU 25003500          674 _Tert_21000             Dual Mon    ?        2      womxaor 4201 _2zivaos
Tess GUT—CheviGNC 510515 Perup       64 3t —Tert_21600             inate Men 1        L      wemxtoa stee 21051
Tose GMT ChewGNC STOGTS rowp         5 4st Tert 21000              imgre Mon          7       GuxTor srea —2r0s0
Tous GM ChewiGNC van G1500G2e00      _5 50L _Tier_21000            mate Mon  _1       7      womxacs ore2_Zi071
T595 oi —Cnewone Yen arsoourinoamo 6# at—Ter 21000                 ingle Men 1        7      wemxToa stge—Brosse
T55 GM ChewGNC van GesooGesoo        _6 57L _LEV 21000           Dual on     z        2       CuxkGs rres —_2iose
1595 GM —ChevGMC ven Gzso0éssoo      s 74. Tier1_21000           Dual Mon    2        2      wenxaor 4501 _Zi0scG
Tose GM ChevGNC van Ga50o            5 5oL Tert 21000              ingle Mon 1        7      womxaos ores —2ior
T590 GM CheconCcertantrestmmtien     _6 5L. [EV_ 27000           Dual Mon    2        2      wonxaOs7Tes _2i000G
T990 GM Peoootetantestmtntier        __o 571 LEV      21000      Dual Mon    2        2      WGMXAGs zTss 210505
T355 GM CreONCCad hianTreetcasdeTuin _5 _7 5L _Tier 121000       Dual Mon    2        2      wenxaor 2201 2i05eG
1998 GM SS¥GimeaeSUBewSis inndBamds _6 aslTier 121000              ingle Mon 1        1      wonxtos sies zies
1999 GM    ChewGMC AstroSavana         s as     Lew     21000    Single Mon    _1     1      xamxaoa.sise    210506
ToG9 GM    CheviGNC AstofGarana        5 3t     Thev    21000     ingle Mon    1      7      Xouxroaster     _2i0se5
T599 GM    ChewGMC PU 15002500         s ast    Tew     —2i00p   Dual Mon      2      2      XGmxaoa stos    zto5es
1999 aM    CheviGNC Pu 1sobesco        53t      "hert   21000    Dual Mon      2      2      xXGuxAca s195   Ei0505
Tosu GM    CheviGNC PU t5o0es0         548L     ~Teri   21000    Dual Mon      2      2      xeubos as       2i07e

                                                                                                                    ‘ ‘
          ‘}                                   APPENDTX E%S!*H

                                                                                                           og          page dof4
Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s GM & Mercedes—Benz OBDIl Truck, Van, & SUV Applications Catal
                                                    Mitler                      No. of.   Monk                     Miler
                                                    Replacement                 Cats      tored   Engine           Direct Fit.
                                      Oy Eng Level Catalyst         Tipe        on Gar    Cats    Famiy No         Part No.
Year Make Model
                                      8 5oL Teri 21000            Single Man      _1       1      xauxacs 012      210508
1999 GM ChewGMo PU 15002500                                                       7        7      XGuxaGs oree     _2toses
To5e Gh ChewGnC FU 15002500           #~sot Tert 21000              imgie Mon
                                      5 53. TeV 21000             DualMon         2        2      vomxaos sies     2i071
1995 o0 CheweMt PU 15002500                                                       2        2      xGMixAos 7Tee    210505
T959 GN—Chevwonc Pu Teurmsoomeo0      s 57. _Nert 21000           DuatMon
                                      __& s or_Ter1 21000         Dual Mon        2        2      Xamios ores      2toses
To GM—Gnewiouc PU rsouEsonmsco                                                             &      kGuxao7azor      rroses
1959 GM— ChewaMC PU 25005500          s —7at_Teri_21000           DualMon         2
                                      a~ S3 TEY 21000             DuatMon         2        2      vamxaos Sies     21072
1999 G\T    _ChewGNC FU 3500                                                               2      xomxaos rier     21050
T955 GM—_ChewGmC PU 3500              5s 7t Tert 21000            Dual Mon        2
                                      s —sot_Tert_21000           DuatMon          2       2      xounaos ores     _PiGstG
 1o9e GM Chewemg Py 2500                                                           i        7      xauxao1 3790    210585
 T955 GM_CheweNC Yan 6150062500        5 a 5. "Tert_21000         Singe Mon
                                       & —sot "Teri 21000           ingie Men      _1       7     XGmxacs ce        21009
 T959 Gh ChewGMC Van G1500G2500                                                             2      XGxAOS.71e5      21059
 1999 o0 ChewGMC Yan G250003500        a 57. teV 21000             DualMon         2
                                       @—74C Teri 21000            OualMon         2        2      xGuxao7 4201     21065
 T955 GM ChewGMC Yan 6250063500                                                     _1      1      komwon s19p      21059
 T590 GM_ChewGMC Yen 63500             6 —ast Tert 21000           Single Mon
                                       s —sot_Tert 21000           Smgie Mon        _1      7      xamnaos ores     21000
 T959 GM ChewGMC Yan 2500                                                          2        2      xGuxaos7tes      210505
 1o9s on CergnCCars n es               a 5t TEY 21000              Dual Mon
                                       a s . _TEV _2i0to           Duat Mon        2        2      xXGuxa6s 7ise    210505
 Toso on Cechelriemere                                                                      2      xGmxaos.rier     2tosee
 foss on erai ntnete                   6 —s7t_Terf 21000           DualMon         2
                                       & —7at Tert 21000           DualMon          2       2      xemxAo7 a201     2i05e5
 T999 GM Crexougta:Str Eoc
2000                                                                               2       2      vamxa04.3190 2tose8
2000 GM CheviGmg PU 15002500          6 agk Lev 21000             Dual Mon
                                      643C _Tert_21000            DualMon          2       2      yamxros stee 2roe8
2000 Gi_CnewGMC PU 15002500                                                        2       2      vouxaoSsies 2107
2000 GM ChewiGho FJ 15002500          asat Teri 21000             Dual Mon
                                      s 53t TEV 21000             Dual Mon         2       2      yomaos ates 2i0re
2000 GM_CreviGMC PJ 15002500                                                               2      vamxace rier Ei05es
2000 ai CneviaG PU 15002500           s~s . _Teri 21000           Dua Mon          2
                                      8 ool_Tert 21000            Dual Mon         2       2      yamxacs7ior _2i05e5
2000 GM CheviGNe PU 15002500                                                       2       2      vYemxao7 a201 2i09e
2000 GM GreviamG PU 25005500          s —7at_Tert_ 21000          DuaTMon
                                      a 52t Tert 21000              ingle Men      1       7      vamxrosriss _Piosee
2000 GM CheviGMo Yen G25003500                                                     2       2      vyomxaor a20 Fioste
2000 GM CheviGMC Yan 6250063500       6 74L Tert_21000            OualMon
                                      _6 S 5L LEV 21000           Dual Mon         2       2      vamxabs sied_Fi0rs
2000 GM —CertiGcaibenacefwabteTven                                                         2      vemxaos7igs 2i0008
2000 GM —TertioosSmnTacetsmemstwen    _6 57L _LEV_ 21000          Dual Mon         2
                                      _6 5.71 Tiert 2100          SingeMon         _1      7      vemxros 7ree 210008
ZOWGM CreidiioCedbenTmestwalstetuen                                                2       2      vYembxioe.oie® 2i0see
2000 GM —resBCGadSntaentaadetuen      _8 60L _Tier 121000         Dual on


          Y                                 appmnibtX Yoso—s                                                    y
Miller Catalyzer Corporation‘s GM & Mercedes—Benz OBUIl Truck, Van, & SUV Applications Catalog                    nage d of 4
                                                    Miller                     No. of Mon‘—                   Miler
                                                    Replacement                Cats   tored.   Engine         Direct Fit.
Yoar Make Mode!                      Gyl Eng _Level Catalyst       Type        on Car Cats     Farmily No     Part No.
2001 aMt cneviGhc PU 15002500        s 43L Lev       21000        Dval Mon      2       2      rammac4 s190   toses
2001 GM       neviGNC PU 150012500   §   Sot   tey   21000        Dual Mon      2       2      TGNKAOs3TS1    Pror
2001 Gm—_ChevieNe van eredurezso s       13t_LEV 2100              inge Men      1      7      1omoases       —eroses
ENT GH _CheviGNG Yan Grsiirersoo §       30_Tert_2i00              ingleNMon     _1     7      Towkabs en      —Fiosee
2001 GM —CheviGWC van Gasoo      3       sot Tert_21000            mate Men      7      7      Tomaos oes     —plosss
2001 GM S Ter Bm ie smersmier__s         53t LEV 21000            Dial Mon       2      2      1aukaos 3igs   2iore
1998 MBZ _M Class SUV ML320, Aight   6 sa. tev                      mt C_i               m     WMBxTosacha 21820
To5d MBZ_MGass SUV MLS2o. Lt         5 32 tev                     atnTi e C           houle    WieXioerons_ 2155

Document Created: 2005-05-13 11:06:28
Document Modified: 2005-05-13 11:06:28

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