Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 3, 2010.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification
(See PDF)1987-2010 Ford cars and trucks (See PDF)Short-length, 16 gauge headers in chrome, stainless steel, or ceramic-coated steel

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-411-10
  • Executive Order 411-10 / D411-10
  • ARB # D-411-10
  • Executive Order No: D-411-10
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-411-10
  • Resolution D-411-10
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-411-10 PDF

D-411-10 Document:


                                      Stateof California
                                AlIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—411—10 >

                       Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                    of the Vehicle Code

                             Gibson Performance Corpdration
                               Performance Exhaust Headers ©

. Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the .
  Vehicle Code; and

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section:
 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—02—003;

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Performance Exhaust
 Headers manufactured and marketed by Gibson Performance Corporation of 1270
 Webb Circle, Corona, CA 92879, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
 required motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the
. prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the 1987 through 2010 model
  year Ford Motor Company vehicles listed in Exhibit A.

 The Performance Exhaust Headers consists of tubular, short—length exhaust
 manifolds.made.of 16 gauge steel, and the corresponding assembly hardware. The:
 manifolds replace the original exhaust manifolds upstream of the stock catalytic
—converters. Individual cylinder tubestransfer the exhaust gases into a collector tube.
 Where applicable, air injection connections, oxygen sensors, and exhaust gas
 recireulation sensors are removed from the stock manifold and installed on similar
 locations on the replacement headers. ‘All other emission—related components are in
 their stock location. The headers are available in chrome, stalnless steel or ceramic—
 coated steel."

 This Executive Order shall not apply to any Performance Exhaust Headers
 advertised, offered for sale, sold with, or installed ona new motor vehicle prior to or
~ concurrent with transfer to an ultimate purchaser.

 This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions for the Ford
  Exhaust Header Kit will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different
 from those of the vehicle manufacturer. —

 Changés made to the design or operating condifiohs of the devices, as exempted by
 the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s
 pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

  Marketing of these devices using any identification other than that shown in this
  Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other than those listed
  in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the
  Air Resources Board.

  This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that the use of
  these devices may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle
  manufacturer.                                  .

  This exemption is issued based on submitted emissions test data from an
  independent laboratory on a 2010 model year Ford F—150 truck (Test Group
  AFMXTO5.44BC) certified to the Low Emission Vehicle II Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
  (LEV II ULEV) standards and tested using the Cold Start Federal Test Procedure:

  Federal Test Prbcedure:

           to s     '                  .          NMOG         CO        NOx
  Standards (g/mi)                                0.070        21 _      0.04
  Device (g/mi) with df‘s applied                 0.051        1.2       0.01

  Testresults showed that the Performance Exhaust Headers when installed on the
  vehicle did not cause exhaust emissions to exceed the applicable emission standards
— during the Cold Start Federal Test Procedure. This Executive Order is also based on
. the On—Board DiagnosticII (OBD II) testing conducted on the same test vehicle. The
  PerformanceExhaust Headers when installed on the test vehicle did not affect the
  vehlcle s ablllty to perform its OBD l monitoring.

  In addition, the Air Resources: Board reserves the right in the future to review this
  Executive Order and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted
  add—on or modified part continues to meet the standards and procedures of Title 13,
  California Code of Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.             ‘


  No claims of any ki’nd, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be made
 with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written

  Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order.
_ The order may be revoked only after a ten day written notice of intention to revoke


   the order, in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to
   contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten
—_ days of receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination .
   is made after the hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

   Executed at El Monte, California, this    3     day of Au'gust 2010.

                  2o                  ~     Annette Hebert, Chief
                                            Mobile Source Operations Division


                                                Exhibit A
                                         (EO# D—411—10)
                  L                                                       Part Number
 I Model Year|   Displ.   ,    | Tube Diam. l        Notes    Chrome   ] Stainjless '     Ceramic

  87—95    5.0L    2/4WD |1—1/2"                1            GP200     |N/A             N/A
  87—95    5.8L .  2/4WD |1—1/2"                1,6          GP201     |N/A             N/A
  99—05   5.4L     2/4WD |1—1/2"                18           N/A       GP126Ss |GP126S—C
  99—05   5.4L     2/4WD |1—1/2"                27           N/A       GPi26S—11GP126S5—1C
  99—05   6.8L     2/4WD |1—1/2"                18           N/A       GP125S |GP125S—C
  99—05   6.8L     2/4wWD |1—1/2"               27           N/A       GP125S—1GP1255—1C
 [9a—04 _ |4.0LSOHC2WD    |1—1/2"           {(9,29,31 |aP21i9 _|GPrP21i9Ss |GP2195—C
  EXPLORER SPORT TRAC                                        .                 O
 [oo—0os     __|4.0Lsonci2wD   |i—1/2"      |9,29,3i |Gp2i9            |GP2i9s |GP2195—C
   EXPEDITION                          '            ‘       _        ,         '
  99—05     |4.6L     2/AWD |1—1/2"      12,18     |N/A      GP207S |GP207S5—C
  D6—10 . |5.4L       2/4WD |1—5/8"      11,13,27 |GP218 |GP218S |GP21i8S—C
  04—05      |5.4L    2/4WD |1—1/2"      13,18      |N/A.    GP2205 |GP2205—C
  97—03    5.4L       2/4WD |1—1/2"      12,18      |N/A c   |GP206S |GP206S—C
   F SERIES TRUCK— F150/F250/F350                         '      '
  97—04     |4.2L     2/A4WD |1—5/8" > |12,18,19 |GP214 |GP214S |GP214S—C
  05—06    |4.6L      2/4WD |1—1/2"      18 —      GP236 |GP236S |GP236S—C
 |99—04    __|4.6L.   2/4WD |1—1/2"      12,18,23 |N/A       GP207S5 |GP207S—C .
  87—95     |5.0L     2/4WD |1—1/2"               |GP200     |[N/A     _ |N/A
  04—10    |5.4L      2/4WD |1—5/8"      11,13,27 |GP218      |GP218S |GP?18S—C
 [(o7—04   (5.4L      2/4WD |i—1/2"      12,18,23 |N/A       GP206S |GP206S—C
   87—95    |5.8L    |2/4WD |1—1/2"      1,5,6     GP201     |N/A        N/A
  93—97     |7.5L     2/4WD |1—3/4"      2,9,18,17}GP204 |N/A            N/A
   93—97   |7.5L      2/4WD |1—3/4"      1,9,18,17}GP209      |N/A       N/A .
   88—92    |7.5L     2/4WD |1—3/4"      1,9,14,17}GP203     |N/A        N/A .
   88—92    |7.5L   ~|2/4WD |1—3/4"      2,9,14,17/}GP202— |N/A          N/A
   88—92    |7.5L     2/4WD |1—3/4"      1,9,14,17]GP205     |N/A        N/A
los—10     |5.4L      2/4WD |1—1/2"                GP223 |GP223S |GP223S—C
   99—04   |5.4L      2/4WD |1—1/2"      18        N/A       GP126S |GP126S—C
   99—04 . |5.4L      2/4WD |1—1/2"      27        N/A       GP126S—11GP126S5—1C
   99—04   |6.8L      2/4WD |1—1/2"      18        N/A       GP125S |GP125S—C
   99—04   (6.8L      2/4WD |1—1/2"      27        N/A       GP125S—1GP125S—1C
   MUSTANG              '
  [os—10   __|4.0L    2WD . |1—1/2"                GP231 —|GP231S |GP231S—C
   05—10   |4.6L      GT     1—5/8"                GP237 |GP237S |GP237S5—C
   98—02    |3.0L     2WD    |1—1/2"     18        GP224 |GP224S |GP224S—C
   00—10 . |4.0LSOHCI2/4WD |1—1/2"       9,29,31 |GP219 |GP2195S |GP219S5—C

 1. Has no air injectidn —
 2. Has air injection
 3. Comes with stainless steel y—pipe
 4. Will not fit if vehicle has dual air fitting
 5. Will not work on F250HD &F350 with air injection into the rear manifold
 6. $7—90 will not fit if air is into each port
 7. Has a stock 4 bolt 2.5" converter
 8. Has a stock 3" catalytic coverter
 9. Automatic Only
 10. Tri—y header with connector pipe
 11. Will not fit on old body style
 12. Old body style
 13. New body style
. 14. Comes equipped with oxygen sensor & EGR fitting
 15. For stock or lowered only, no Iift kits
 15. For stock or lowered only, no Iift kits
 16. C—6 auto or manual transmission
 17. E40D Transmission _
 18. With EGR fitting        |
 19. Has 02 Sensor
 20. "Over" trans cross member
 21. "Under" trans cross member
 22. Fits the R/T model
_ 23.Willnotfitheavy duty vehicle °
 24. Has Flat flange on both sides
 25. Has one flat flange& one ball seat flange
 26. Works with a 6" lift kit
. 27. Has no EGR
 28. Miminum welding required
 29. Driverside EGR
 30. Direct Fit. No Welding
 31. Female EGR
 32. Not street legal |

Document Created: 2013-03-14 10:49:01
Document Modified: 2013-03-14 10:49:01

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