Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on February 18, 1997.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1990 and older Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC) heavy duty two stroke diesel engines for urban bus applications

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-420
  • Executive Order 420 / D420
  • ARB # D-420
  • Executive Order No: D-420
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-420
  • Resolution D-420
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-420 Document:


                                                              (Page 1 of 2)

                                 State of California
                                 AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—420
                   Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                 of the Vehicle Code

                             ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEMS LTD.

WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391, and Title 13, California Code
of Regulations (hereafter "CCR") Section 2222, authorize the California Air
Resources Board (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exempt add—on and modified
aftermarket devices from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

WHEREAS, Engine Control Systems Ltd. of 165 Pony Drive, Newmarket, Ontario,
Canada L3Y7V1, has applied to the ARB for exemption from the prohibitions in
Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391 for their "Purimuffler" system for
installation on 1990 and older model—year Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC)
heavy—duty two—stroke diesel engines for urban bus applications.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health
and Safety Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations
Division by Health and Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—45—9,
the ARB finds that the above "Purimuffler" complies with the California
Vehicle Code Section 27156 and Section 2222 of Title 13, California Code of
Regulations.   Exemption of the "Purimuffler",      is based on testing conducted by
the Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio,       Texas,   and Mobile Source
Emissions Division of Environment Canada.

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the "Purimuffler" is exempt from the prohibitions
in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on 1990 and earlier model—year
DDC heavy—duty two—stroke diesel engines for urban bus applications subject to
the following conditions:

     1.   No changes are permitted to the "Purimuffler" as described in the
          original application for exemption.  Any changes to the
          "Purimuffler", the installation instructions, or any of its
          components, and other factors addressed in this order must be
          evaluated and approved by the ARB prior to marketing in California.

    2.    Marketing of the "Purimuffler" using identification other than those
          shown in this Executive Order or the original submittal, or
          marketing of the    "Purimuffler"   for application other than the one
          listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
          approval is obtained from the ARB.  Exemption of this product shall
          not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or
          advertise any components of the "Purimuffler" as individual devices.

    3.    Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its
          content by Engine Control Systems Ltd., its principals, agents,
          employees,   distributors,   dealers,   or other   representatives   must
          include the disclaimer that the Executive Order or the exemption it
          provides is not an endorsement or approval of any emissions
          reduction claims for the "Purimuffler" and is only a finding that
          the "Purimuffler"   is exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code
          Section 27156.

    4.    Upon installation, the Purimuffler carries a warranty for 100,000
          miles provided that it is installed in accordance with the
          installation instructions provided by Engine Control Systems Ltd.

"PURIMUFFLER"                                   (Page 2 of 2)


Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order.     The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
intention to revoke it, during which period the holder of the order may
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.  If a hearing
is requested,    it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request,     and
the order may not be revoked until a determination is made, after the hearing,
that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte,   California,   this   Z é

                                             Mobife Source Operations Division

 TABLE 5.         HDTC Data for 1987 Cummins LT—A 10B; 179 kW @ 2100 rpm
                  Converter Muffler 1.83m from turbocharger outlet
. Emissions .          soC    »_'HC' |   ~CO        ~|.   NOx        CO2     PM          VOF —~|   > Non      $Q4. .
(g/kW—hr)                    WWkos        We               T                               '        > VOF
                                                                                                      .      ~mp/<=


 Cold Start                   0.829       4.913           7428       T719    0.637       0.118      0.519     2.8
 Hot Start                    0.453       4.457           7.983      764     0.525       0.144      0.381     2.9
 Composite                    0.507       4.523°          7.903      767     0.542       0.142      0.400     2.9

 With Converter

 Cold Start                   0.023        3.206          7111        806    0.532       0.059      0.473     4.0
 Hot Start                    0.012        3.204          7.1759      769    0.422       0.049      0.373     7.2
 Composite                    0.013        3.205          7.666       775    0.438       0.050      0.388     6.8

 Percent Reductions          97.3%        29.1%           3.0%       ~1.0%   19.2%       64.8%      3.0%     —234%

 TABLE 6.         HDTC Data for 1991 DDC 6V92TA DDEC II; 207 kW @ 2100 rpm
                  Converter Muffler 1.83m from turbocharger outlet
 ‘Emissions                    HC           CO     >   NOx         CO2   PM               VOF        Non      SQ4:
  (g/kW—br)                                                                                          VOF      mg/

 Cold Start                    0.495        1.791         6.550       964    0.244       0.081     —0.163      na
 Hot Start                     0.578        1.568         6.644       922    0.227       0.079      0.148
 Composite                     0.567        1.600         6.631       928    0.229       0.079      0.150

 With Converter

 Cold Start                    0.150       0.808          6.453       972    0.192       0.038       0.154     na
 Hot Start                     0.192       0.472          6.546       921    0.168       0.035       0.133
 Composite                     0.186       0.520          6.532       929    0.170       0.036       0.134

 Composite                                                                           .
 Percent Reductions           67.1%        67.5%          1.5%       —0.1%   25.7%       54.4%      10.7%      na

 na = not available

TABLE 7.         NY Composite Chassis Dynamometer Data for 1989 MCI Classic urban bus with
                 6V92TA DDEC HI; 189 kW @ 2100      ;Vehicle #8930
‘Emissions            L VCHC 0_         ‘CO l ~ ~NOx®=)~ ~CO2¢% J PM ®& |= SOF «* ‘Ansol~ @| > "Fuel
 28—                                                                                                    (onl)
18500 km after

 Baseline                    1.91       3.47       11.46        1795        1.41        na      na      1.49
_With Catalyst               1.31       2.30 .     12.04        1755        1.00                        1.49
*Reductions                 31.4%      33.7%       —5.1%        2.2%       29.1%                        0.0%

TABLE 8.         NY Composite Chassis Dynamometer Data for 1984 GMC Classic urban bus with
                 1987 6V7IN; 135 kW 2000 rpm;Vehicle #8423
Emissions                    HC          CO >      NOx          CO2         PM           SOF   Insol.    Fuel
(g/km)                                                                                                   Use
3500 km after

Baseline                     3.00       22.72       16.54       1734        1.53        na      na       1.51
With Catalyst                0.91        4.23       15.87       1666        0.96                         1.61
% Reductions                69.6%       $1.4%       4.1%        3.9%       37.3%                         6.6%


TABLE 9.          CBD Chassis Dynamometer Average Data for 1992 International School Buses
                  with Navistar DT466; Vehicles # 1000 and #1001
Emissions              |    \]~ ~HC       —~—CO          NOx      CO2          ~PM         ‘SOF   Insol.     Fuel —
(g/km)                             |                                                                       : Use

Oct./Dec. 1994
Fresh Catalyst                                          |
Baseline                         1.45       2.00        7.85           1126     0.347     0.120   0.227      2.33
With Converter                   0.07       0.06        8.28           1116     0.257     0.094   0.163      2.35
% Reductions                    95.2%      97.0%       —5.4%          —0.9%     25.9%     21.6%   28.2%      0.9%

March, 1995
After ca. 8000 km _
Baseline                         1.62       2.18        7.85           1594     0403      0.219   0.184       2.35
With Catalyst                    0.15       0.09        8.23           1591     0.249     0.080   0.169       2.32
% Reductions                    90.7%      95.9%       —4.8%           0.2%     38.2%     63.4%   10.9%      —1.2%

August, 1995
After ca. 17500 km
Baseline                         1.16        2.19       8.25            1120    0.550     0.203   0.347       2.39
With Catalyst                   0.18*        0.16       9.43            1152    0.348     0.043   0.305       2.34
% Reductions                    84.5%       92.7%      —~14.3%         —2.8%    36.7%     78.8%   12.1%      —2.1%

TABLE 10.         New York Bus Cycle Chassis Dynamometer Average Data for 1992 International
                  School Buses with Navistar DT466; Vehicles #1000 and #1001
Emissions                         HC         CO         NOx            CO2       PM        SOF    Insol.     Fuel
(g/km)                                                                                                        Use
Oct./Dec., 1994
Fresh Catalyst                     —
Baseline                         1.50        3.98       18.84          2011     0.732     0.285   0.447       1.31
With Converter                   0.22        1.02       17.60          2012     0.581     0.194   0.387       1.32
% Reductions                    85.3%       74.4%       6.6%           0.0%     20.6%     31.9%   13.4%      0.8%

March, 1995
After ca. 8000 km
Baseline                         3.02        4.76      18.31           2039     0.962     0.538   0.424      1.28
With Catalyst                    0.85        1.65      18.35           2032     0.553     0.130   0.423      1.30
% Reductions                    71.9%       65.3%      —0.2%           0.3%     42.5%     75.8%   0.2%       1.6%

August, 1995
After ca. 17500 km
Baseline                         2.74        4.81       19.10           2022    1.203     0.328   0.875       1.32
With Catalyst                    0.84        2.39       20.46         ~ 2053    0.985     0.256   0.729       1.31
% Reductions                    69.3%       50.3%       —1.1%           —1.5%   18.1%     22.0%   16.7%      —0.8%



      TABLE 11.         New York Composite Cycle Chassis Dynamometer Average Data for 1992
                        International School Buses with Navistar DT466; Vehicles #1000 and #1001
— . [ Emissions                   ~— HC             cCO     ‘| ~ NOx                 ‘CO2           PM _      SOF       Insol.        Fuel:—
      (g/km)                                                                                          -                             (—(Use— |
      Oct./Dec., 1994
      Fresh Catalyst

      Baseline                      0.97         1.88              8.35              1053          0.369      0.121      0.248        2.50
      With Converter                0.19         0.44              8.66              1053          0.317      0.078      0.239        2.51
      % Reductions                 80.4%        76.6%             —3.17%             0.0%          14.1%      35.5%      0.5%         0.4%

      March, 1995
      After ca. 8000 km

      Baseline                      1.69         2.20              8.30              1052          0.506      0.215      0.291        2.49
      With Catalyst                 0.24         0.63              8.73              1045          0.322      0.068      0.254        2.53
      % Reductions                 85.8%        71.4%             —5.2%              0.7%          36.4%      68.4%      12.7%        1.6%

      August, 1995
      After ca. 17500 km

      Baseline                      1.33         2.27          9.00                  1050          0.109      0.285      0.424        2.54
      With Catalyst                 0.27         0.75          10.01                 1044          0.463      0.069      0.394        2.57
      % Reductions                 79.17%       67.0%         —11.2%                 0.6%          34.7%      75.8% >    7.1%         1.2%

_—__ TABLE 12.          New York Composite Cycle Chassis Dynamometer Average Data for Various
                        Heavy Duty Trucks
      Emissions                           HC         CO        NOx       CO2          PM                         SOF       Insol.      Fuel
      (g/km)                                                                                                                           Use
      1992 Mack MS250P
      Vehicles # 46121 and #26005

      May 1995; Fresh Catalyst
      Baseline                               0.53          2.43        11.15                921       0.391     0.284      0.107       2.53
      With Converter Muffler                 0.16          0.92        11.60                910       0.228     0.111      0.117       2.59
      % Reductions                          69.8%         62.1%        4.0%                 1.2%      41.7%     60.9%      —9.3%       2.4%

      August 1995:
      after ca. 12000 km
      Baseline                               0.39          2.46        11.43             878          0.435     0.158      0.277        3.05
      With Converter Muffler                 0.11          1.22        12.21             895          0.235     0.059      0.176        3.00
      % Reductions                          71.8%         50.4%        ~6.8%            ~1.9%         46.0%     62.6%      36.5%       —1.6%

      1994 International Series 4900

      After 100hr thermal aging                                            .
      Baseline                               0.45          2.91         8.62                 792       0.39       na        na          na
      With Converter Muffler                 0.39          1.19         8.70                 755       0.24
___   éReductions                           13.3%         59.1%        —0.9%                4.6%      38.5%

      na = not available at time of printing


                                                                                                              i Oct/Dec 94
                  1.2                                                                                        :|OMar—95


               T 0.8 4

               nE. 0.6 4

                  0.4 7

                  0.2 4

                    0 —                +                                     t                                             —
                           Baseline            Baseline       Baseline            Converter      Converter           Converter
                             CBD                  NY          NY Comp               CBD             NY               NY Comp
                                                                Test Cycle / Vehicle Test Date

              Figure 1 :      Average PM Emissions over Various Chassis Test Cycles

[_—               3.5

1_—               25
i                                                                                                N Oct/Dec 94

l g                 2                                i                                           O Mar—95
| 3
                                                     p3                                          @Aug—95
  o 15
 |2                                                  Ht
 |                                                   A
 i                   1 4                             6
      |                                              P

      l           0.5 4
      ;              0 —                   —                                     +
      ;                    Baseline            Baseline        Baseline              Converter   Converter               Converter
      t                      CBD                  NY           NY Comp                 CBD          NY                   NY Comp
          i                                                    Test Cycle / Vehicle Test Date

              Figure 2:        Average HC Emissions over Various Chassis Test Cycles


CO (g/km)

                        Baseline          Baseline         Baseline             Converter    Converter   Converter
                          CBD               NY             NY Comp                CBD           NY       NY Comp

                                                            Test Cycle / Vehicle Test Date

Figure 3:              Average CO Emissions over Various Chassis Test Cycles


                  20                                                     B Oct/Dec 94

                                                                         9 Aug—95
     NOx (g/km)

                         Baseline          Baseline         Baseline            Converter    Converter   Converter
                           CBD               NY             NY Comp               CBD           NY       NY Comp

                                                            Test Cycle / Vehicle Test Date

Figure 4:              Average NOx Emissions over Various Chassis Test Cycles




                                                                                                    M@CO Baseline
         5 +                                                                                        sCO Catalyst

         4 +

 38 —

 0                                                                            w

               1    2          3       4       5       6       7   8   9101112131415161718 19 21 22 23 24 25 26
                                                                                  Vehicle Tests

Figure 7:               CO Emissions over all Chassis Test Cycles


                                                                                          NOx baseline
                                                                                          —8— NOx catalyst
 NOx (g/km)



               (J        Loz       Liz             j       k   j                                      T

                         1         2       3   4       5       6   7   8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
                                                                                   Vehicle Tests

Figure 8:               NOx Emissions over all Chassis Test Cycles


                    14 +
                                                                                               @ PM Baseline

        PM (g/km)                                                                              BPM Catalyst |


                             1    2     3     4     5     6     7         8    9    10    11   120   13   14    15   16   17
                                                                         Vehicle Tests

       Figure 5:             PM Emissions over all Chassis Test Cycles
    _m~ _

                                                                                          HC Baseline |
                                                                                         EHC Catalyst
        HC (g/km)

                                                                     Vehicle Tests

        Figure 6:            HC Emissions over all Chassis Test Cycles


Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:59
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:59

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