Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on January 2, 2002.
As of Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1993-1998 Cummins M11 on-road diesel enginesThe system consists of Cummins low NOx rebuild calibration, Cummins ReCon PX replacement fuel injectors, and a particulate filter exempted by the ARB for the engine application.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-535-1
  • Executive Order 535-1 / D535-1
  • ARB # D-535-1
  • Executive Order No: D-535-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-535-1
  • Resolution D-535-1
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D-535-1 Document:


                                    State of California
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—535—1

                              Relating to Exemptions under
                           Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

                          Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls
                                Flash and Catch System

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board (ARB) by Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and 39516 of the
Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

IT 1S ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That installation of the Flash and Catch diesel
retrofit system, manufactured by Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls of 14775 Wicks
Boulevard, San Leandro, California 94577, has been found not to reduce the
effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control system, and therefore, the Flash
and Catch system is exempt from the prohibitions in section 27156 of the Vehicle Code
for installation on heavy—duty vehicles equipped with 1993 through 1998 model—year
Cummins M11 diesel engines.

The Flash and Catch system consists of a low NOx rebuild calibration, replacement fuel
injectors, and a particulate filter. The system components exempted under this
Executive Order are identified in Attachments A, B, and C.

This exemption applies to the engines and low NOx software calibrations Cummins has
identified in its "Low NOx Rebuild Calibration Listing." in addition, the exemption is only
valid provided that the following conditions are met: (1) the replacement fuel injectors
are Cummins ReCon PX injectors remanufactured to meet Cummins‘ original
equipment manufacturer specifications and (2) the filter is Engelhard Corporation‘s DPX
Catalyzed Soot Filter or Johnson Matthey‘s CRT Particulate Filter exempted by the ARB
and is used only on engines that meet the operating conditions (i.e. particulate matter
emission level, NOx to PM ratio, engine exhaust temperature, and diesel fuel sulfur
level) specified by Engelhard Corporation and Johnson Matthey.

This exemption is based on the emission data submitted by Cleaire Advanced Emission
Controls and an engineering evaluation of the impact the systems have on emissions.
Based on the test results and evaluation of the system components, it was concluded
that the Flash and Catch system will not adversely affect the exhaust emissions of the
heavy—duty vehicles equipped with any of the engines listed above.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for Flash and Catch
system do not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different from those of the
vehicle manufacturer.

Attachment A: Cummins Low NOx Rebuild Calibration Listing

        FLASH AND CATCH SYSTEM — D—535—1


             Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Flash and Catch system, as
            exempt by the ARB, which adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution

            control system, shall invalidate this Executive Order.

            Marketing of the Flash and Catch system using identification other than that shown in
            this Executive Order or for an application other than that listed in this Executive Order
            shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the ARB.

            This Executive Order shall not apply to any Flash and Catch system advertised, offered
            for sale, sold with, or installed on a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to
            an ultimate purchaser.

            This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the
            Flash and Catch system may havé on any warranty either expressed or implied by the
            vehicle manufacturer.

            No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board," may be made
            with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written

            In addition to the foregoing, the ARB reserves the right in the future to review this
            Executive Order and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on
            or modified part continues to meet the standards and procedures of California Code of
            Regulations, Title 13, Section 2222, et seq.


            Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this Executive
            Order. The Executive Order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of
            intention to revoke the Executive Order, in which period the holder of the Executive
            Order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing —
            is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request, and the Executive
            Order may not be revoked until a determination is made after a hearing that grounds for
            revocation exist.

            Executed at El Monte, California, this     __2*2    day of January 2002.

                                                     R. B. Summerfield;, Chief
                                                     Mobile Source Operations Division

                                  CLEAIRE ADVANCED EMISSION CONTROLS
                                    FLASH AND CATCH SYSTEM — D—535—1

                                LOW NOx REBUILD CALIBRATION LISTING

Available From: March 1, 2000

CPL: 1855                       Engine Model: M11

                      _                                      Original Software Calibration {SC)                              Low NOx
    HP      Torque (Ib—ft) Governed Speecf                         Options and Supercessions                                 SC option    Notes
    330         1250            2000                           (2798), 2818, 2834, 2689, 2050, 2124, 2205.2474, 2542          20234
    330         1250            1800                     2787, 2797, 2817, 2893, 2883, 2095, 2049, 2125, 2286, 2475, 2543     20235
    310         1150            2000                     2785, (2798), 2618. 2832, 2887, 2023, 2054, 2129, 2287, 2476, 2544    20236
    310         1150            1800                  2786, (2795), 2815, 2831, 2686, 2022, 2986, 2059, 2130, 22802477, 2545   20237
   «280         1050            2000                      2784, 2794, 2814, 2830, 285, 29021, 2958, 2133, 2202, 2480, 2548    20238
    280         1050            1800                               2820. 2884, 2920, 2057, 2134, 2203, 2481, 2550             20239
  280 ESP       1050            1800                           (2792), 28a3, 2o98, 2961, 2181, 2208, 2s01, 2485, 2556         20241

CPL: 1856                       Engine Model: M11

                   L                                     Original Software Calibration (SC) Low NOx
    HP         Torque (Ib—ft)     Governed Speed                   Options and Supercessions                                  SC option   Notes
    370            1350                2000                   2791, 2804, 2825, 2841, 2896, 2043, 2117, 2278, 2465, 2520       20228
    370            1350                1800                2790, 2803, 2824, 2840, 2808, 2992, 2947, 2118, 2279, 2466, 2532    20229
    350            1350                2000                     (2802), 2823, 2830, 2894, 2948, 2110, 2280, 2469, 2535         20230
    350            1350                1800                2789, 2801, 2822, 2638, 2803, 2033, 2044, 2120, 2281. 2470, 2537    20231
    330            1350                2000                     (2800), 2821, 2837, 2892, 2047, 2122,2283, 2472, 2530          20232
    330            1350                1800                2788, 2799, 2820, 2836, 2891, 2094, 2946, 2123, 2284, 2473, 2541    20233

CPL: 1857                       Engine Model: M1i

                         _                                    Original Software Calibration (SC)                              Low NOx
    HP         Torque (Ib—ft)     Governed Speed                 Options and Supercessions                                    SC option   Notes
  310 ESP          1150                1800                2805, 2819, 28352890, 2029 2060, 2180, 2297, 2390, 2484, 2553       20240

   Cummins Engine Company, Inc.                       Page 1 Of 1                                                             March 1, 2000

                                        LOW NOx REBUILD CALIBRATION LISTING

       Available From: December 1, 2000‘

       CPL: 2036                        Engine Model: M1i

            HP         Torque {Ib—ft)        Governed Speed             Original  Software
                                                                           (g'Jgtions       Calibration (SC )
                                                                                      and Supercession(s      Lowo:‘tion
                                                                                                              sc     NOx     Notes
            330            1250                   1800       _:                     SC   2264                   SC   20289
            330            1250                   1800                          —   SC   2261                   SC   20290
            310            1150                   2100                              SC   2266                   SC   20291
            280            1050          _        2100                              SC   22658                  SC   20292
            330            1250                   2100                              SC   2262                   SC   20293
            310            1150                   1800                              SC 2265                     SC 20294
            280            1050                   1800                              SC 2267                     SC 20295

       CPL: 2037                        Engine Model: M11

                                                                        Original Software Calibration (SC Low NOx
            HP         Torque {ib—ft)        Governed Speed                 gptions and Supercessiong   )       SC option Notes
            400            1450                   1800                              SC 2189                     SC 20296
            370            1350                   1800                              SC 2191                     SC 20297
            350            1350                   1800                              SC 2194                     SC 20298
            350            1350                   1800                              SC 2197                     SC 20299
            330            1350                   1800                              SC 2198                     SC 20300
            370            1450                   2100                              SC 2190                     SG 20301
            370            1350                   2100                              SC 2192                     SC 20302
            370            1350                   1800                              SC 2440                 .   SC 20303

       CPL: 2370                        Engine Model: M1i
                                                                        Original Software Calibration (SC  Low NOx
            HP         Torque {Ib—ft)        Governed Speed                gOJLtions and Supercg_gsion(s ) SC option         Notes
            330            1250                   1800                              SC 2601                     SC 20304
            330            1250                   1800                              SC 2598                     SC 20305
            310            1150                   2100                              SC 2603                     SC 20306
            280            1050                   1800                              SC 2605                     SC 20307
            330            1250                   2100                              SC 2599                     SC 20308
            310            1150                   1800                              SC 2602                     SC 20308
            280            1050                   1800                              SC 2604                     SC 20310
            305            1150                   2100                              SC 2698                     SC 20311

       CPL: 2371                        Engine Model: M11

                                                                        Original Software Calibration (SC Low NOx
             HP        Torque ((b—ft)        Governed Speed                gptions and Supercession(s |   SC option          Notes
            370            1350                   1800                              SC 2588                     SC 20312
            350            1350                   1800                              SC 2591                     SC 20313
            350            1350                   1800                              SC 2594                     SC 20314
            330            1350                   1800                              SC 2595                     SC 20315
            370            1450                   1800                              SC 2587                     SC 20316
            330            1350                   2100                              SC 2589                     SC 20317
            330            1350                   2100                              SC 2596                     SC 20318
            420            1450                   2100                              SC 2620                     SC 20319
            370            1350                   1800                              SC 2621                     SC 20320
            370            1350                   1800                              SC 2627                     SC 20321
            335            1350                   2100                              SC 2631                     SC 20322

       Cummins Engine Company, Inc.                               Page 1 Of 1                                    March 1, 2000

           Attachment B: Replacement Fuel Injector

             1855, 1856, 1857         3087557 PX

          2036, 2037, 2370, 2371      3411753 PX

            Attachment C: Diesel Particulate Filter

          Johnson Matthey CRT      5200 to 5299 series

              Engelhard DPX        5300 to 5399 series

           FLASH AND CATCH SYSTEM — D—535—1

                                    EVALUATION SUMMARY

    Manufacturer Name: Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls

    Name of Device: Flash and Match and Flash and Catch Diesel Retrofit Systems

          Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls (Cleaire) of 14775 Wicks Boulevard, San
    Leandro, California 94577 has requested exemption of its Flash and Match and Flash
    and Catch diesel retrofit systems from the prohibitions in section 27156 of the California
    Vehicle Code (VC). The systems are designed for use on 1993 through 1998 model—
    year Cummins M11 heavy—duty diesel engines. The exemptions apply to the engines
    and low NOx software calibrations Cummins has identified in its "Low NOx Rebuild
    Calibration Listing." In addition, the exemptions are only valid provided that the
    following conditions are met: (1) the replacement fuel infectors are Cummins ReCon PX
    injectors remanufactured to meet Cummins‘ original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
    specifications; (2) for the Flash and Maitch system, the oxidation catalyst is identical to
    the catalyst used in Cummins‘ 2001 model—year OEM ISM bus engines; and (3) for the
    Flash and Catch system, the filter is Engelhard Corporation‘s DPX Catalyzed Soot Filter
    or Johnson Matthey‘s CRT Particulate Filter exempted by the ARB and is used only on
    engines that meet the operating conditions (i.e. particulate matter emission level, NOx
    to PM ratio, engine exhaust temperature, and diesel fuel sulfur level) specifiedby
    Engelhard Corporation and Johnson Matthey.

-       — Grant exemption to Cleaire as requested and issue Executive Orders D—535 and

    Device Description:
           Cleaire‘s Flash and Match and Flash and Catch systems are exhaust emission
    control devices designed primarily to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate
    matter (PM) emissions from diesel engines. It also reduces hydrocarbon and carbon
    monoxide emissions from diesel engines. The Flash and Match system consists of re—
    programming of the electronic control module (ECM), replacement fuel injectors, and a
    diesel oxidation catalyst. The Flash and Catch system consists of the same ECM re—
    program and replacement injfectors but instead of the catalyst includes a diesel PM filter.
    The system components are identified in Attachments A, B, and C of Executive Orders
    D—535 and D—535—1.

            The ECM re—program is identical to the calibration change required under
    Cummins‘ Consent Degrees with the United States Environmental Protection Agency
    {(U.S. EPA) and the Air Resources Board (ARB). The calibration retards fuel injection
    timing to reduce NOx emissions during highway operations. The low NOx software
    calibrations and the applicable engines are identified in Cummins‘ "Low NOx Rebuild
    Calibration Listing" (Attachment A). The replacement injectors are Cummins ReCon PX
    injectors, remanufactured to meet Cummins‘ OEM specifications. The catalyst is
    manufactured by Engelhard Corporation and canned by Fleetguard Nelson. It is
    identical to the catalytic muffler used in Cummins 2001 model—year OEM ISM bus
    engines. The catalyst measures 9.5 inches in diameter and 12 inches in length is

       identified by Cummins part number 3926265 and Fleetguard Nelson part number

                The PM filters used in the Flash and Catch system include Engelhard
       Corporation‘s DPX Catalyzed Soot Filter and Johnson Matthey‘s CRT Particulate Filter.
       Both filters are passive, continuously regenerating cordierite wall—flow filters. The DPX
       filters are exempted under Executive Orders D—384—5, D—384—6, and D—384—7, and the
       CRT fiters are exempted under Executive Order D—393—3. Exemption of the Flash and
       Catch system is valid provided that the engines meet the following conditions: (1) the
       engines were originally certified to meet a PM emission standard of 0.10 grams per
       brake—horsepower—hour or lower; (2) the engine exhaust temperature is greater than or
       equal to 225° C (DPX filter ) or 275° C (CRT filter) for 40 to 50 percent of the duty cycle;
       (3) NOx to PM ratio is at least 8 (CRT filter) ; and (4) the engine is operated using diesel
       fuel with a maximum sulfur content of 50 parts per million by weight.

       Discussion/Basis for the Recommendation;
               The ECM calibration change has already been evaluated and approved by the—
       U.S. EPA and the ARB under the Consent Decrees. Under the Consent Decrees,
       Cummins is required to ensure that the calibration results in lower highway NOx
       emissions (steady—state emissions) and does not cause any increases in emissions for
       all other regulated pollutants. The replacement fuel injectors are remanufactured to
       meet Cummins OEM specifications, and the oxidation catalystis identical to the one
       certified on Cummins 2001 model—year new ISM bus engines. To further demonstrate
       thatthe system has no adverse impact on emissions, Cleaire conducted chassis

       dynamometer emission testing with the Flash and Match system. Comparison of
       baseline and modified emissions during Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule showed
       that the Flash and Match system does not have any s:gmflcant adverse impact on the
       vehicle‘s transient emissions.
               Cleaire did not prowde any emission data for the Flash and Catch system.
       However, based on the emission results of the Flash and Match system and based on
       the ARB‘s previous evaluations of PM filters, it was concluded that replacing the catalyst
       with a PM filter would not result in any adverse emission impact. As a result, it is
       concluded that the Flash and Match and Flash and Catch systems meet the
       requirements for a VC 27156 exemption for the engines listed in the Executive Order.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:45
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:45

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