Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on June 12, 1975.
As of Sunday, March 9th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975 and older model year vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-54-1
  • Executive Order 54-1 / D54-1
  • ARB # D-54-1
  • Executive Order No: D-54-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-54-1
  • Resolution D-54-1
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D-54-1 Document:


                          State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—54—1
               Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
               :         of the Vehicle Code

                      INDUCTIVE IGNITION, SYSTEM

  Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
© 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and              —

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
 the Health and Safety Code;

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "BID" Breakerless
 Inductive Ignition Systems manufactured by the Prestolite Company, 511     .
 Hamilton Street, Toredo, Ohio 43601 and marketed as indicated below have
 been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicles
 pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions
 of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1975 and older model year vehicles
 except as follows: .                                               *

      ])‘   Those vehicles originally equipped with breakerless ignition
            systems or dual point ignition system where one of the points
            is used to retard timing for emission control.

      2)    Tho§e 1966 through 1970 vehictes equipped with "NOx" retrofit
            devices" with a 4° retard in basic ignition timing (i.e.,
            Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer, Pure Power — Electro—NOx).

 This device consists of an electronic pack, trigger wheel and pick up
 assembly, and wiring harness. The following is a list of each device
 manufactured by the Prestolite Company and marketed by brand name and
 part number.                                           —

    IhDUCTIVE IGNITION SYSTEM                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—54—1
©                                                                         s
                  Brand Name               Part Numbers                       i

                  Prestolite        10L—5001, 5010, 5011, 5012,         ‘ \
                                     5013. 5014, and 5015.                 j
                  Wards             15801, 15802, 15803, 15804                    \
              '                .     15805, 15806, and 15807.                      |
                  Rite—line         RL—7020, 7021, 7022, 7023,                      |
                                     7024, 7025, and 7026.
                  Co—Op             75C1, 75C2, 75C3, 75C4,                             |
                                     75C5, 75C6, and 7507.
                  Wells             812800012, 812800013,
                                   _ §12800014, §12800015,
                                     812800016, 812800017 , and
                  Echlin            ECK—1C, 2C, 3C, 1F, 3F, 36,
                                     and 46.
                  ACCEL             36010, 36011, 36013, 36020,
                                     36023, 36030, 36031. and
                  Conoce .
                  (Dynalife)        CN7020, 7021, 7022, 7023,
'                                    7024, 7025, and 7026.
    This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
    for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
    different than those lHisted by the vehicle manufacturer.

    Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
    exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
    formance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
    this Executive Order.

    Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
    in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
    other than those Tisted in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless.
    prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

    This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
    that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
    implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

INDUCTIVE IGNITION SYSTEM                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D~—54—]


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved'by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the act1on taken herein in any advertws1ng or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No:
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."

     "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board.   No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor.

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this   4;12;4 day of June, 1975.

                                  WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                  Executive Officer‘

                             State of California

                             AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                March 6, 1975

                                Staff Report

    Evaluation of Prestolite Electrical Division "BID" Breakeriess
      Inductive Ignition System for Exemption from the Provisions
                    of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code


     Prestolite Electrical Division, 511 Hamilton Street, Toledo,

     Ohio 43694, has applied for an exemption for its "BID" break—

     erless inductive ignition system.     Prestolite Electrical Division

     intends to market this devjce for 1974 {1972 for Chrysler products)

     and older model—year domestic vehicles equipped with a standafd

     Kettering ignition system.     Vehicles equipped with dual point

     distributors, where one of the points are used to retard timing

     for emissions control, are specifically excepted.

II. — Device Description and Function

     The "BID" is a breakerless, retrofit ignition system utilizing a

     resonant, magnetic pick—up coil and a metallic "toothed" trigger

    wheel that lowers the magnetic field strength in the pick—up coil.

    This voltage reduction triggers a change in a unistable switch which

     controls a power switching tran;istor.        This power transistor controls

     current flow to the primary of the OEM ignition coil and the remainder

     of the Standard KettEring ignition system.       The systém is pictured in

     Exhibit I.     This type of system is described in the February 14, 1973

    staff report entitled "Evaluation of Capacitive Discharge

    and Transistorized Ignition Systems for Compliance with the Require—

    ments of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code".        The major effect of

    the installation of this device is the replacement of the OEM point

    system with a metal detecting switching system similar to Chrysler‘s

    OEM breakerless ignition system.

III. Device Evaluation

    The app1icaht submitted electrical characteristics data and emission

   — data on a 1972 International Harvester, Model 1010, with a 392—4V

    V—8 engine.    Tests were run according to the CVS—2 procedure

    with the vehicle in three conditions:

    1)   As received.                        |
    2)   Tuned to vehicle manufacturers specifications and

    3)   As in 2) but with Prestolite "BID" system installed.

    The results in Table I are the averages of two tests for each condition.

                         |         Table I

                  Prestolite CVS—2 Data on IH Model 1010

    Test Condition                               Emissions in gms/mi.
               —                                 C        cCO       NOx

    As Received                                  1.87     48. 52     4.08
    Tuned to Manufacturer‘s Specifications 1.74           55.29      4 .42

    "BID" System Installed                       1.53     48.74 _    3.89

    During the third phase of the Prestolite tests the idle rpm increased

    30—40 rpm, thus it is not clear that all of the HC and CO reductions

    may be attributed to the "BID" system.       No increases from the'OEM

    system baseline were caused by the installation of the "BID" system.

 The "BID" system on the IH truck was installed on a distributor with

 its vacuum advance system pivoted concentrically with the distributor

 shaft.     However, several problems with decreased vacuum‘advance have

 been encountered on similar breakerless systems installed with

‘ eccentrically (off—center) pivoted vacuum advance units (see February

 24, 1975 staff report on Essex International, Inc.‘s "Elightronic"

 system).     In order to evaluate this effect and to confirm the reported

 electrical characteristics data from Prestolite on a back—to—back basis

 with an OEM system, vehicle tests were performed by the ARB laboratory

 on both a concentrically and an eccentrically pivoted vacuum advance equipped

\distributor.    The tests were performed on a Delco V—8 distributor with

 concentric advance installed in a 1974 AMC station wagon and on a

 Chrysler 6 distributor with eccentric advance installed in a 1972

 Dodge pick—up truck.       The Dodge truck also received a back—to—back

 CVYS—1 hot—start test to determine any adverse emission effects due

 to the shortened dwe11 period of the "BID" sysfem         vs. the OEM system.

 These results are shown in Table II.

                            Bench Test Results

 Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crénkshaft Degrees from TDC

 RPM                        Baseline                      Device
        .           AMC—V8          Chrysler—6    AMC—V8         =   Chrysler—6

  700                  o                 0            o                  o
 1000            ~o    ce                1.5          5                  o
 1500                 13                 9.5         12                  3.5
 2000                s         0        17.5         15                 14.0
 2500               o s                 22.5         17                 21.0
 2000                  21               24.5         20      _          22.5

       Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees from TDC

Vacuum (in. Hg)                         AMC-VSBa_SflE%hrysler-G                      AMC—\[IES_vics Chrysler—6
        0                                 0                            0               0                    0

        5                                 2                            0    ~          2                     0

       10                                12                            9              12                     6

       15                           .    15y                       13.5—              15                     7~
       20                                15                        13.5               15                     7

                              Spark Duration in Microseconds

                                                    Baseline                               Device
RPM                                      AMC—V8             Chrysler—6              AMC—V8          Chrysler—6

700         _‘                  |        1300                      1200              1300                 1200
1200                  '                  1200                      1000              1100                 1100

2000              ‘                      1200                          900           800                   800

3000                                    — 800                          800            700                  600

                 ‘Secondary Vo]fage Rise Time in Microseconds

                                                     Baseline                         Device
Rpw                                      amcovs_                                    AvG—va
700                                           50                   '                       45

1200                                          50 _                              /          45
2000                                          50                                     — 50

                  Avatlable Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts

                                                    Baseline                           Device
RPM                                       AMC,                 Chrysler               AMC     Chrysler

 700                      '             e                              32              30            30
1200                                          300       0              32000           30            30
2000                                          31               _       320.            29            30

3000                                          29                       32              26            28

              Required Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts

                          Baseline                      Device

RPM                AMC          Chrysler          AMC       Chrysler

. 700               14               11           13           10

1200     _          14                9           15             9

2000                13.               6           14             7

 3000               11                5           13             6

         Back—to—Back CVS—1 Hot Start Test on Chrysler Truck

                                                   Emissions         {gms/mi)
Configuration                              HC              CO                   NOx
OEM                                        1.77            66.93                2.91
Device               '                     1.30            54.01                2.48

Significant changes from baseline values occur in both centrifugal and

vacuum advance.     No emission increases in HC were seen due to the

shortened dwell period; emission decreases are probably due to the '

retardation in ignition timing as noted above.              The large change in

centrifugal timing in the Chrysler at low rpm is attributed to the

very steep timing curve and variations in vehicle speed during

measurement.     The timing differences at higher speed is judged to

be more representative of the true retardation effect.

The retardation of vacuum advance is brought about by a change in

geometry due to the inéta]lation of the "BID" system.                    The retardation

of centrifug&] advance stems from electronic delay in the circuitry

and is from 1 to 3 engine degrees, predomineritly at speeds higher than

2000 rpm.    Prestolite was informed of these findings and developed a

fix for the vacuum advance retardation by various changes in the

      attachment point of trigger wheel/pick—up coil assembly with the vacuum

      advance arm.   The effect of these changes are shown in Table III.

      This test series of the modified "BID" system shows a retardation

      of 1—2 degrees in the centrifugal advance at speeds of 2000 rpm or

      higher and a 1—3 degree retard in the vacuum advance at vacuums

      higher than 10 in. Hg.   This amount of retardation should not exceed

      4 degrees at cruising speeds of 60 mph or higher except on vehicles

      which have had their initial timing retarded 4 degrees due to the

      installatfon of certain NOx retrofit devices.   A sustained retard in

      excess of 4 degrees has been judged to adversely affect emissions due

      to accelerated exhaust valve deterioration..

IV.   Conclusions and Recommendations
      It is the opinfon of the staff that Prestolite Electrical Division‘s

      "BID" breakerless inductive ignition system will not reduce the effectiveness

      of required emission control systems except for certain 1966—1970 vehiclies

      retrofitted with a NOx control device utilizing a sustained retardation

      of. 4 degrees or more.

      Therefore, it is recommended that Prestolite Electrical Division be

      granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156

      for its "BID" breakerless ignition system for 1974 and older model—year

      domestic vehicles originally equipped with the standard Kettering

      ignition system except for the following:

 Vehicles equipped with a 1966—1970 NOx retrofit system utilizing

 a sustained ignition retardation of 4 engine degrees or more at

 a speed of 60 miles per hour or greater.

 Vehicles orfiginally equipped with a dual—point ignition system

 where one of the points are used to retard timing for emissions

© control.

                                               Table 111

                                          Bench Test Resujts

                     Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees from TDC

RPM            '     y¥To _z                  Distributor Type (Baseline/Device)                       .
            Chrysler 6 (used)      Chrysler 6 (new) >Chrysier8° Delco 6     _ Ford 6          Ford 8
600            o/o                      a/o             ~~~o/0o       o/o            0/0       0/0
1000           6/5         ‘            4/4                 4/4       0/0            7/7       4/5
1500        _ 1279                     15/15        >      20/19     ~ 5/5          17/16     15/14
2000          14/11                   18/17                22/21      11/12.5       22/22     16/15
2500          17/15                   19/19                24/23      15/14.5       24/22     18/17
3000          20/17 .                 21/20                26/24.5    19/18         24/23     20/19

                      Vacuum Advance in Crankshaft Degrees from TDC
                                U lspec~. .    Distributor Type (Baseline/Device) _A* <
Vacuum (in. Hg)         Chrysler 6 ( old)"     ChryslTer 6 {new) — Chrysler 8   Delco 6         Ford 6     Ford 8
                                  —~                        y—=            —                                   —
        0                   0/O                     0/0               a/o              0/0      0/0         0/0
        5                   0/0                 ~~‘ 0/0               0/0              0/0      0/0         0/0
       10                   5/4                    14/13              2/2             5.5/5    11/13        9/9
       15                  14/11                   14/13             21/16*     .     10/11    13/13       16/17
       20                  14/11         L         14/13             21/18            12/11    13/13       21/22

*vacuum advance arm adapter binding


                         t=    —              ‘/   ,
                                          <GGSse         EXHIBIT I—2

        On all but the GM and AMC eight cylinder applica—
        tions, the Prestolite sensor and trigger wheel is a
        unitized assembly.
        it fits down easily over the distributor cam, replac—
        ing the points, condenser and breaker plate assem—
        bly. It is held in place by a simple retainer ring.
        in the GM and AMC eight cylinder kits, the trigger
        wheel is attached to the rotor itself. The sensor is
        mounted on the breaker plate in place of the con—
        tact set.
        With the unique Prestolite "F" wheel design, a pair
        of trigger wheel teeth pass by on each side of the
        sensor. This eliminates the variables of timing and
        dwell still present in other systems and makes any
        sensor adjustments completely unnecessary.

      The electronic control is a sophisticated solid state
      unit that takes over the job of the contact set. Acting
      on signals from the sensor, the control releases the
      stepped up electrical charge in the coil to the spark
      This unit is completely maintenance free due to a
    _ unique electronic design and a special potting com—
      pound which seals out dirt and moisture while pro—
     \tecting against damage from shock and vibration.            \\


                       The Prestofite Electronic ignition utifizes a sensor, trigger wheel and electronic control.
                       The sensor is a proximity switch, or more simply, a metal detector. The metal it detects
    .                  is each pair of teeth on the trigger wheel.                                                 .   /-
‘                      As the trigger wheel turns with the distributor shaft, the teeth pass by on each side of
                       the sensor. Each time the sensor detects the passing teeth, it signals the electronic
                       control to open the ignition coli primary ciroult. This is equivalent to opening the contacts
                       in a conventional ignition system. From here, high voltage from the coil travels through
                       the distributor cap, rotor and wires to fire thé spark plugs and ignite the fuel mixture
                       in the cylinders.

                                                                                      EXHIBIT I— 3

                 Each Prestolite kit cantains afl the companents and
    .            wiring needed to complete the conversion, along
               with fully illustrated instructions.
               A simple distributor conversion replaces the points
             . and condenser with the sensor—trigger wheel as—
               sembly. The electranic contrel is instalied on the
                 firewall, fender well or radiator support. Connect
                 the wiring and the car is ready to start. It‘s thai sim—
                 ple. There is no dwell or point gap to set. It‘s all built
                 into the electronics.
                 Prestolite‘s system utilizes standard plugs and all
                 existing wires, rotor, distributor cap and coil. These
                 parts should be inspected and replaced only if worn.
    l            Otherwise they will work fine with the new ignition
{        .       system.
                                            2s                a                            n

                                                  J                \                  4    t
                                            (...\-;/\A.J\w4 \L/\«.:y’

                                            With Prestolite Electromc ignition convent:onai tune—ups are virtually eliminated because
                                            there are no points and no condenser to wear out and be replaced. Since there are no
                                            mechanical wearing surfaces connected with the sensor and trigger wheel, timing and
                                            dwell remain constant for the life of the system.
                                            in additian to this, the system:
    .        .                                            * #its practically all American cars from 1968 to the present
                                                          « delivers an accurate spark with a long duration to more efficiently burn the fuel
                                    .         ~             and produce few emissions
                                                          * will fire plugs at low cranking speeds and voitage levels for fast starts and
                                                            smooth running under nearly all conditions
                                                          * is shock and moisture resistant and will operate reliably at temperatures
                                                            from 20° below zero to 200° above            .
                                                          * allows spark plugs to burn clean and far outlast their normal service life
                                                          * is compatible with most all engine analysis equipment, timing lights
                                                            and tachometers                           .
                                                   * increases fuel economy and improves overall starting and operating



                            /IGNITION switce                                      _ Masness wiRe*®                    The Prestolite Electronic
                                                                  Reo        __                                       Ignition connects easily into
                                                                           7                                          the electrical system. The
                                                                         Row‘                                         electronic control is connected
                    —*i vour                 ((       _      sExsor      Y                                            by means of a wiring harness
                     ———— SarreRy                             LEADS                                       !           to the sensor leads coming
                      =         BLECK                                   Q                                     |       from the distributor, to the
/—\\               _—=.~                                                                                              ignition coil, and to ground. All
                   _=_                            Cofimedton                                   ~          7             bur             .
.                    =—                           CoxmacL.                                     ast ait                wiring and special connectors
                                                  commecton            O7                                             are furnished with the kits.
    ~~                                  6         6                               C       O                       9
                                    euectronmic                   ’-.             C                                                    .             *
                     —4                 control                                   O                 mt                          600,
                     <"                                                C o                     reniTion
                   erounp               0         9               pisTRauUTOR                      coiu

             — *Resistance wire may be Ieftin cireult.

 The Prestolite Company
 511 Hamilton Street                               >
 Toledo, Ohio 43601                                                       Phone: 419—244—2811

                                                                      March 28,       1975

Mr. Richard Kenny
Senior Engineer
California Air Research Board
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, California      91731

Dear Mr. Kenny:

Enclosed are the following prints on Prestolite‘s seven electronic ignition
systems.      These prints reflect the systems which have been verbally approved
by your office and incorporate modifications made on the original designs in
order to meet your requirements.

Vehicle                                  Current                    Revised
Application                              Identification             Identification

CMC 8—Cylinder                           IDL~5001                   IDL~—5001
CMC    6—Cylinder                        IDL—5002                   IDL—5010
Ford 6—Cylinder                          IDL—5003                   IDL—5011
Ford   8—Cylinder                        IDL—5004                   IDL—5012 —
Chrysler 6—Cylinder                 ‘    IDL—5005                   IDL~—5013—
Chrysier 8—Cylinder {CCW]                IDL—5006                   IDL—5014 —
Chrysler 8—Cylinder (CW)                 IDL—5007                   IDL—5015 ~

There has been no change in the GM 8 since we agreed the original design
met your standards.

We trust with this information you will issue a formal approval.

Please let me know immediately if you have any questions.

                                         Yours very truly,

                                         m    Oy
                                        60|                    ,.
las 5—9                                  J F. Cdrey, Director‘
Encl.                                    Government & National Accounts Sales

an              company

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:18
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:18

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