Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 28, 2014.
As of Thursday, March 13th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
see E.O. pdfsee E.O. pdf

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-550-13
  • Executive Order 550-13 / D550-13
  • ARB # D-550-13
  • Executive Order No: D-550-13
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-550-13
  • Resolution D-550-13
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-550-13 PDF

D-550-13 Document:


                                      State of California
                                  AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                EXECUTIVE ORDER D—550—13

                          Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                     of the California Vehicle Code

                               Advanced Flow Engineering, Inc.
                                       Air Intake Systems

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the
Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section 39516 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—14—012;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Air Intake Systems,
manufactured and marketed by Advanced Flow Engineering, Inc., 252 Granite Street
Corona, California 92879, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable
vehicle pollution control systems and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code for the 1999 to 2014 model year General Motors trucks and
SUVs equipped with a V8 gasoline engine, as listed in Exhibit A.

The Air Intake Systems consists of the following main components: Open or closed
element air filter, air intake tubing from throttle body to filter, and all necessary mounting
hardware for proper installation. The stock manifold air pressure sensor is retained in its
stock location and orientation. Installation of the Air Intake System requires the
removal of the stock air filter housing and all intake air tubing. If the stock air filter
housing contains the vehicle‘s tune—up & emissions control decal, a replacement
decal must be placed in a similar location.

This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions for the Air Intake
Systems will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different from those of the
vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Air Intake Systems, as exempt
by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s
pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.            ‘

This exemption is issued based on submitted emissions test data, from Quantum
Technologies, Lake Forest, California, on a 2014 model year Chevrolet Silverado (Test
Group EGMXT05.3382) certified to the Low Emission Vehicle II Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
(LEV II ULEV) standards and tested using the Cold Start Federal Test Procedure and the
Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP USO6) test cycle:

                                           CVS—75 FTP
                                   NMOG       CO    NOx              HCHO
Standards, Useful Life*            0.070      2.1   0.04             0.011
Device Test w/df                   0.050       1.2     0.01          0.001


                                NMHC+NOx              cCO
Standards 4k                       0.40               10.5
Device                             0.04               0.4

* USEPA Bin 4, Counted as LEV II ULEV, CVS—75 FTP emissions standards, useful life.

Test results showed that the Air Intake System when installed on the vehicle did not cause
exhaust emissions to exceed the applicable emission standards during the Cold Start
Federal Test Procedure and the Supplemental Federal Test Procedure. This Executive
Order is also based on the On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD 1I) testing conducted on the same
test vehicle. The Air Intake System when installed on the test vehicle did not affect the
vehicle‘s ability to perform its OBD II monitoring.

The Air Resources Board reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order and
the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part
continues to meet the standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of
Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.


This Executive Order shall not apply to any Air Intake Systems advertised, offered for sale,
sold with, or installed on a new motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to an
ultimate purchaser.

Marketing of the Air Intake Systems using any identification other than that shown in this
Executive Order or marketing of the Air Intake Systems for an application other than those
listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the
Air Resources Board.                                                                 ‘

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made with
respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the order, in
which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the
proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of
the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the
hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this     25éé_day of August 2014.

             nnette Hebert, Chief
        Lé’&nfissions Compliance, Automotive Regulations and Science Division


                                                                              Exhibit A
  Core PN          PNL        PN2         PN3      Pna       Make                                  Model                              YREr   YRTo     Eng Size       Eng Config
X0t20082     54—10092     51—10082    75—10092   N/A     CADILIAC    EscAtaDeESV                                                      2003   2006       s3           vB
Xx—10082     54—10092     51—10082    75—10092   N/A     CADIUIAC    escatape EsV                                                     2003   2006       s.o.         vs
Xx—10082     54—10092     5110092     75—10092   N/A     CADILIAC    ESCALADEEXT                                                      2002   2006       sot          vs
X0t10082     54—10092     51—10082    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   sILvERADO 1500 HD/3500                                           2001   2007       s.0L         vB
Xx—10092     54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   siLvERADO 1500 ss                                                2003   2007       s.0L         vs
Xx—10082     54—10082     51—10082    75—10082   N/A     CHEVROLET   sILVERADO 2500/2500HD                                            1999   2007       s.0L         vs
Xx—10082     54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     CADILLAC    EscALADE                                                         2002   2006       53L          vs
Xx—10082     54—10082     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     CADILLAC    escatabe                                                         2000   2006       6.0L         vs
Xx—10082     54—10092     51—10082    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   siLvERADO 1500                                                   1999   2007       s3L          vB
Xx—10082     54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   sILvERADO 2500                                                   1999   2007       53L          vs
X010082      54—10082     51—10082    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   siLvERADO 1500                                                   1999   2007       48L          vB
X010082      54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   TaHOE                                                            2000   2006       48L          vs
Xx—10082     54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   AVALANCHE 1500                                                   2002   2006       53L          vs
xX—10092     54—10092     51—10082    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   sUsURBAN 1500/TAHOE                                              2000   2006       53L          vs
Xx—10082     54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     CHEVROLET   TaHo®                                                            2000   2006       53L          vs
xX—10092     54—10092     51—10082    75—10082   N/A     CHEVROLET   susuR&AN 2500                                                    2000   2006       so.          vB
xXX—10092    54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     GMC         stERRA 1500                                                      1999   2007       asL          vs
XX—10092     54—10092     51—10092    75—10082   N/A     GmC         stERRA 1500                                                      1999   2007       53L          vs
XX—10092     54—10082     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     GMC         sERRA 2500                                                       1999   2007       53L          vs
XX—10082     54—10092     51—10082    75—10082   N/A     GMC         sIERRA 1500%0/2500 HD                                            2001   2007       s.0L         vs
XX—10092     54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     GMC         sERRA 2500/2500 HD                                               1999   2007       s.oL         vs
xX—10092     54—10092     51—10092    75—10082   N/A     mc          yukoN                                                            2000   2006       48L          vs
xXX—10092    54—10082     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     GMC         YUKON/YUKON Xt 1500                                              2000   2006       53L          vs
xX—10092     54—10092     51—10092    75—10092   N/A     mc          YUKON DENAL/YUKON XL DENAL 1500                                  2001   2006       60L          vs
xXx—10091    54—10081     51—10091    75—10031   N/A     CHEVROLET   sILVERADO 1500                                                   1999   2007       a.8L         vs
xX—10091     sa—10081.    51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   SILVERADO 1500/2500                                              1999   2007       53L          vs
xXX—10091    54—10091     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     CHEVROLET   sILVERADO 2500                                                   1998   2007       s.0L         vB
xX—10091     54—10091     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   SILVERADO 2500                                                   1998   2007       81L          vs
xx—10091     54—10091     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   sILVERADO 3500                                                   2002   2007       s.oL         vB
xx—10091     54—10091     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     CADILIAC    Escatabe                                                         2002   2006        5.3         vs
xX—10091     54—10091     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CADILIAC    EscaLADE                                                         2002   2006       60L          ve
xX—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   AVALANCHE 1500                                                   2002   2006        53L         vs
xX—10091     54—10091     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     CHEVROLET   AVALANCHE 2500                                                   2002   2006       g1L          V8
xXX—10081    54—10081     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     CHEVROLET   SILVERADO 2s00HD                                                 2001   2006        s.0L        vs
xx—10091     sa—10081.    51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   siLveRADO 2500HD                                                 2001   2006       g1L          v8
xX—10001     54—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   sitveRADo 3500                                                   2002   2006        81L         vs
xx—10091     sa—10081     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     CHEVROLET   susuREAN 1500/2500                                               2000   2006        53L         vB
xx—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     CHEVROLET   sUBUR&AN 2500                                                    2000   2006        s.0L        vs
xx—10091     sa—10081     51—10081    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   susurgan 2500                                                    2001   2006        81L         vs
xX—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     CHEVROLET   TaHoE                                                            2000   2006       asl          vs
x0—a0091     sa—10091.    51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   Takoe                                                            2000   2006        53L         vs
xX—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   cHassis cas 3500                                                 2002   2006        81L         vs
xX—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     GMC         siERRA 1500                                                      1999   2007       a8L          vs
xx—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     GMC         siERRA 1500/2500                                                 1999   2007        s3L         vs
x0—10091     sa—20081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     GMC         siERRA 2500                                                      2000   2007        s.0L        va
xXx—10091    54—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     GMC         DeNAL                                                            2001   2006        s.0L        vs
xx—10091     sa—10091     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     GMC         siERRA 2500Hp                                                    2001   2007        6.0L        vB
xX—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     Gmc         sIERRA 3500 HD                                                   2002   2007        s.0L        vs
xx—10091     se—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     CHEVROLET   siLveRADO 150040                                                 2001   2005        6.0L        vs
X0—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     ic          siERRa 1500Hp                                                    2001   2006        6.0L        vs
xx—10091     se—10081     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     GMC         siERRA 2500                                                      2001   2006        81L         vs
X010091      54—10081     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     mc          siERRA 2500HD/YUKON 2500                                         2001   2006        81L         vs
xX—10081     sa—10081     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     GMC         SIERRA 3500 HD                                                   2002   2006        81L         vs
xX—10091     54—10081     51—10091    75—10081   N/A     GMC         vukon 1500                                                       2000   2006        53L         vs
xx—10091     sa—10081.    51—10091    75—10081   N/A     Mc          yukon 2500                                                       2000   2006        s3t         vs
XX—10091     54—20091     51—10091    75—10091   N/A     GMC         cHassis cas 3500                                                 2002   2006        81L         vs
xX—10531     54—10531     51—10531    75—10531   N/A     CADILIAC    ESCALADE                                                         1999   2000        s.7.        vs
xX—10531     54—10531     51—10531    75—10531   N/A     CHEVROLET   c/1500 sUBURBAN/TAHOE/2500/3500 PICKUP                           1996   2000        s7.         vs
xX—10531     54—10531     51—10531    75—10531   N/A     CHEVROLET   c/1500 PICKUP                                                    1996   1999        s.7L        vs
xx—10531     54—10531     51—10531    75—10531   N/A     CHEVROLET   c/1500/2500 PICKUP                                               1996   1999        s.oL        vs
xX—10531     54—10531     51—10531    75—10531   N/A     mc          c/ 2500/3500/vUKON                                               1996   2000        s.7L        vB
xX10531      54—10531     51—10531    75—10531   N/A     GMC         vukoN DeNAL                                                      1999   2000        s.7L        vs
xX—10531     54—10531     51—10531    75—10531   N/A     GMC         c/ 1500 PICKUP/SUBURBAN                                          1996   1999        s.7L        vB
X0X10531     54—10531     51—10531    75—10531   N/A     GMC         c/1500/2500 PICKUP                                               1996   1999        sot.        vs
XX—32332     54—32332     51—32332                       GM          Silverado/Sierra                                                 2014   2014        s3L         vs
XX—74104     54—74104     51—74104                       GM          Silverado/Sierra                                                 2014   2014     saUs2L         vB
XX117424     54—11742—1   514117421                      Gin         Silverado/Sierra                                                 2009   2013       s.0L         vs
XX—11752—1   544117521    s1417521                       GM          Avalanche/Suburban/Silverado/Sierra/Tahoe/Yukon/Yukon XL         2008   2013   4.815.31/5.0L    vs
X)X11752—4   54117521     514117521                      GM          Escalade/Sierra Denali/Yukon Denali/¥ukon XL Denali              2009   2013        62L         ve
XX—74103     54—74203     51—74103                       GM          Avalanche/Suburban/Silverado/Sierra/Tahoe/Yukon/Yukon XL         2009   2013   4.815.3U/s.2L    vs
XX—31752     54—31752     5131752                        GM          Avelanche/Suburban/Silverado/Sierra/Tahoe/Yukon/Yukon XL         2009   2013   a81/531/6.2L     vs
XX—81752     54—81752     51—81752                       GM          Avalanche/Suburban/Silverado/Sierra/Tahoe/Yukon/Yukon XL         2009   2013   4.81/5.31/5.0    vs
XX—81752     54—81752     51—81752                       i           Escalade/Sierra Denali/Yukon Denali/¥ukon XL Denali              2009   2013        62L         vB
XX—11072     54—11072     5111072                        GM          Avalanche/Suburban/Silverado/Sierra/Tahoe/Yukon/Yukon XL         2007   2008   4.81/5.31/6.0.   vs
xX—11072     5a—11072     5141072                        GM          Escalade/Sierra Denali/Yukon Denali/¥ukon XL Denali              2007   2008        s2l         vs
XX—81072     54—81072     51—81072                       GM          Avalanche/Suburban/Silverado/Sierra/Tahoe/Yukon/Yukon XL         2007   2008   4.81/5.31/6.0L   vs
xX—81072     54—81072     5181072                        GM          Escalade/Sierra Denali/Yukon Denali/¥ukon XL Denali              2007   2008        s2l         vs
XX—74102     54—74102     51—74102                       GM          Avelanche/Suburban/Silverado/Sierra/Tahoe/Yukon/Yukon XL         2007   2008   A.81/5.31/6.2L vs
xx—80092     54—80092     51—80082                       M           Silverado/Sierra                                                 1999   2007   4.81/5.3/6.0L vB
xXX—80092    54—80092     51—80092                       GM          Avelanche                                                        2002   2006        53L       vs
xx—80092     54—80092     51—80092                       GM          Escalade/Suburban/Tahoe/Yukon incl Denali/¥ukon XL incl Denali   2000   2006   a.81/5.3U/6.0L ve
xxX—74101    sa—74101     51—74101                       GM          Avalanche/Suburban/Silverado/Sierra/Tahoe/Yukon/Yukon XL         1999   2007   4.81/5.31/6.0L v8
xXX—10402    54—10402     51—10402    75—10402   N/A     HUMMER      w2                                                               2003   2010        s.0L      vs
xx—20401     sa—10401     st—10401    75—10401   N/A     HUMMER      ma                                                               2003   2007        s.ou      vB

Document Created: 2018-10-06 07:31:09
Document Modified: 2018-10-06 07:31:09

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