Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 28, 1975.
As of Thursday, February 13th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975 and older vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-59
  • Executive Order 59 / D59
  • ARB # D-59
  • Executive Order No: D-59
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-59
  • Resolution D-59
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-59 PDF

D-59 Document:


                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—59
               Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                           of the Vehicle Code .

                           PLASTIC SIGNS INC.
                        "VAP—AIR" VAPOR INJECTOR

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Séction 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLYED: That the installation of the "VAP—AIR"
Vapor Injector marketed and manufactured by Plastic Signs Inc., 754
Arroyo Ave., San Fernando, CA 91340, has been found to not reduce
the effectiveness of required motor vehicle poliution control devices
and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the
 Vehicle Code for 1975 and older model—year vehicles.

 This device consists of a bottle, rubberhose, tee for connection into
 the PCY system, mounting brackets, and bottle cap with a vapor outiet
 port incorporating a 0.020 inches diameter orifice and an air inlet port.
 The fluid used is a mixture of acetone, methanol and water (Specification
 Number VA—65M35A).

 This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
 for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
 different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

 Changes made to the design or operating conditions or composition of the
 fiuid of the device as originally submitted to the Air Resources Board for
 evaluation that adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution
 control devices shall invalidate this Executive Order.

  Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
  in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
  other than those Isited in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
— prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

 This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
 that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
 implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


"VAP—AIR" VAPOR INJECTOR         .                 EXECUTIVE ORDER D—59

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.                                       ,

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130.   No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."                                         v

     "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."                   >

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action—as he deems
advisable.           '       j

                   .                        du                    '
Executed at Sacramento, California, this ~2&°— day of August, 1975.
                                      j Original signed by
                                        William Simmons
                                         WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                       . Executive Officer

                                State of California

                                AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                  August 5, 1975

                                   Staff Report

                  Evaluation of the "VAP—AIR" Vapor Injector for
                       Compliance with the Requirements of
             Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code


       Plastic Signs Inc. has submitted an application requesting an exemp—

       tion from Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code for the
       "VAP—AIR" Water Vapor Injector (Reference — Exhibit A).     Vehicle Code

       Section 27156 prohibits the installation of any device or mechanism

       which reduces the effectiveness of the required emission control

       systems.    This vehicle code section also authorizes the Air Resources

       Board—to exempt devices from this prohibition if a finding shows the

       device will not adversely affect the performance of the emission

       control system.     The applicant is requesting the exemption be granted

       for all 1975 and older model—year vehicles.

II.    System Description

       The "VAP—AIR" Vapor Injector is connected to the engine by means of

       the PCV line.     The device consists of a fluid reservoir, rubber hose,

       tee, mounting brackets and a bottle containing a mixture of methanol,

       acetone and water (Specification Number VA—65M35A).     A 0.020inch

      . diameter orifice restrictor is placed in the vapor outlet of the device

       to limit the flow of air and vapor into the intake manifold.

Evaluation of the "VAP—AIR" Vapor Injector for
Compliance with the Requirements of Section
27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code                     August 5, 1975

    The amount of vapor bleed from the device is a function of the engine

     vacuum and the orifice restrictor.        High manifold vacuum conditions

     such as idle, low speed cruises, and deceleration will result in the

     greatest displacement of vapor from the bottle.        Little or no vapor

     injection occurs at low manifold vacuum.

III. System Evaluation

     This device was granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle

     Code Section 27156 for 1970 and older model vehicles by Resolution

     72—80, dated June 21, 1972.   The staff has established a maximum flow

     rate of 0.1 cubic feet per minute for vapor injectors.        Subsequent

     tests have shown that a 0.020inch diameter orifice in the outlet of
     the jJar can meet this criteria.

     In addition, the Air Resources Board laboratory performed a confirmatory

     CVS—75 back—to—back test on a 1975 Pinto with the following results.

                                        Emissions, g/mile            Fuel Economy
       1975 Pinto (193LVF)               HC     cCO   NOx                MPG
     Baseline                           0.38     5.38   0.81            15.5
     With "Vap Air" Vaporizer           0.18     5.19   0.74            13.7

Evaluation of the "VAP—AIR" Vapor Injector for
Compliance with the Requirements of Section
27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code                 August 5, 1975

IV.   Conclusion and Recommendation
      The staff is of the opinion that this device will not affect the

      performance and operation of the emission control system.   Therefore,
      the staff recommends that Plastic Signs Inc. be granted an exemption

      from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the "VAP—AIR"

      Vapor Injector for 1975 and older model—year vehicles with engine sizes

      in classes a through f.

                                                      Tacuan FTouned
  754 Arroyo Ave.          San Fernando, Ca 91340   (213) 3656713             moxxary

                                                                     August 14, 1975

Mr. G. C. Hass
Chief= Emissions Control
Air Resources Board Laboratory
9528 Telstar Ave.
El Monte, Ca 91731

Dear Mr. Hass:
                     Re: VAP—AIR Application for compliance with Sec. 27156
                         of the Calif. Motor Vehicles Code
     Mr. Ettinger of your office suggested that I write to you regarding our
application in order to amend paragraph 5 of our letter dated June 4, 1975.
     In that letter, we requested an exemption for 1971 model year and later
vehicles. We would like to amend that to request an exemption for 1975 model
year and older vehicles. Therefore I understand that new applications would
be required to cover later model year vehicles in the future.
     Thank you for your time and Mr. Ettinger‘s cooperation and assistance.
We look forward to hearing the results of your findings in the near future.

                                                      Yours truly,

                                                      PLASTIC SIGNS INC.


                                         "EXHIBIT A"

       *f2t91—2ra1s pisr., * DmRil/5—202 coll
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                                  "EXHIBIT A">

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 €2%                                                                                            "EAnIGBLT     A
                                                      —             ESSEX INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                    E }\
                E: ‘g                                               ELECTRO—MECHANICAL OIVISION
                 uce u—u                                                                               .
                                                                    6233 CONCORD AVENUE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48211 * PHONE (313) 571—8000

                                                                                   \December 26, 1974

            éAir Resources Board Laboratory
            State of California—Resources Agency
            9528 Telestar Ave.      .
    ~ El Monte, California               91731

            Attention:     Mr. John Batchelder .

            Subject:     Supplement to Application for Exemption—
                         Prohibitions to Vehicle CGode Section 27156 .

            Dear Mr. Batchelder,

       With reference to our telephone comversation of 12—23—74, in
. which you requested a copy of a prior letter stating that the SX
  Elightronic Ignition System was, compatable with the Carter and Dana
  California Retro—Nox Systems;    apparently neglected to 1nclude this
  information in my letter of 11—14—74 to Mr. l\enny.

    —            Please use this letter as confirmation of our telephone con—
            versation of 12—23—74, at which time L stated that our Llightronic
            Ignition System has no adverse effect on both the Dana andCarter
            Retro—Nox Systems.                             &                .


                                                                                    Ym. Swisher
                                                                                    Project Enginger                         va ..

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             ‘Thre bemER 15 Rrrerenhis                                             72 7#e fipffi/f-"fi/?amz
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                                     *   suesipaary or unimep amerart cororarioe


               gjfivfig ; SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES INC.
               \__/               10797 Harry Hines Blvd.    *      Dallas, Texas, 75220
                                                   Phone: 214/350—9911

.                                                                 July 31, 1975

    Mr. Richard Kenny
    Senior Engineer
    Division of Vehicle Emission Control
    Air Resources Board
    9528 Telstar Avenue
    El Monte, California 91731

                                                                  Re: Application for Exemption to
                                                                      Vehicle Section 27156

    Dear Mr. Kenny:

    Please find attached inhouse evaluation by our quality control people which is self—
    explanatory . It is a very thorough report and 1 feel answers any questions concerning
    the failure of the General Motors fgnition system which A.P.O. presented to you for

    Superior Industries has manufactured in excess of 250, 000 retrofit electronic ignition
.   systems for American cars and trucks and we feel that our production standards are 0s
    good as any in the industry . 1 do agree that occasionally one will have a component
    failure such as, in the case of the Delco unit. As you are probably aware, we are an
    aftermarket manufacturer for A.P.O., Essex International, Borg—Warner, Bendix and
    Triple—A and several other smaller national concerns. | certainly appreciate the expe—
    ditious manner in which the testing has been conducted thus far with Mr. Bill Swisher of
    Essex and Mr. Allen Best of A.P.O.

    Superior Industries‘ name was chosen to denote high quality and we certainly want to
    continue to strive for excellence in our products.. 1 feel the problems with the others
    can be overcome and your indulgence in working with us while resolving these is most
    appreciated.                                                                          '

    Thank you in advance for your help and 1 fook forward to meeting with you personally
    in .the coming weeks when we present the Ford/Chrysler units for your reevaluation.

                                                                  Yours very truly,

    JEHz:er                       ~                               Jog‘  E. Hedge, President /
                                                                  Séperior Industries, Inc.
.   ce: Mr. Bff! Swisher
        Mr. Allen Best

                  ri on in pu st Ries Inc.                                            EXHIBIT 8
___ S B E , Su pe
          \_/                10797 Harry Hines Blvd.    *      Dallas, Texas, 75220
                                              Phone: 214/350—9911

 To:       Joe Hedge, President

 From:     Mike Allred, Director, Research and Development                     >

 Date:     July 31, 1975

 RE:       The Superior Industries built Acculite ignition system (Delco 8 cylinder) returned
           by the California Air Resources Board — Evaluation

 Dear Joe,

 Upon initial evaluation of the above components returned to A.P.O. by the California
 Air Resources Board, the sensor was found to be operating normally. However, the
 output of the control module was found to be conducting at all times. Upon further
 investigation the active current limiter circuitry was found normal, but—the first stage
 switching marks were missing from the input signal waveshape. This normally indicates
 an open between the input transistor or a short or open collector in the first stage.

  The next test was to intermittently connect the orange and purple leads of the control
 .module together with the sensor disconnected. This action caused normal switching
  of the output stage.

 The sensor was again connected to the control module at which time the control module
 began operating normally. Upon temperature cycling and voltage cycling, the unit
 continued to operate and is operating at this time. .

 The most probable cause of the original indication is an intermittent bonding wire to
 metalization connection in the first stage transistor which probably opened with power
 removed {in transit) and effectively rewelded ftself upon application of higher than
 normal signal voltage at the time of our second test. Although the unit is now function—
 ing normallly, it could again intermit at any time.

 Thisis a very rare problem and one that is genercz”y found in the assembly stages of
 the transistor; although it can also happen during the moldmg operation of the lead
 frame assembly of the transistor itself.

 The electrical stress normally applied to this transistor is quite low compared to the
 capability of the device, so there would be little chance of damage by overload.
 In alf solid state components, such as transistors, defects are virtually impossible to
 predict and therefore much care goes into optimizing the actual bonding process to
 eliminate the possibility . Temperature usually is the factor which most often will
 show an intermittency of this nature.

/"_____/f                                                                          "EXHIBIT A"

                                                       State of California
                                                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                                  SPECIFICATIONS — IGNITION SYSTEM

        I.    Product Description
                                              '                                            APO Acculite
              Manufactureyr Superior Industries                       Name & Mode] No. 68—24——A8—34
                         '        10797 Harry Hines        Bivd.>                  j
              Address             _Dallas, Texas 75220                           Telephone (214) 350—9911
                                                                    Mounting Position         Any

             ‘ Type of Ignition

              Kettering                      Capacitive Discharge            _   Electronte         x
              Other              Breakerless Retro—fit Systenm

       11.    Input Requirement

              System input voltage and‘current:(volts and amps — RPM curve)
                   12V Neg.           Grd. Nominal — see enclosed graph                for current draw

     III.     OUTPUT Characteristics

              A.    Primary System

                   1.            System output voltage and current (volts and amps — RPM curve)
                    See enclosed graph

              B.    Secondary System

                    1.           Available output secondary voltage {specify RPM or submit voltage; rpm
                             ‘                     '                 .                a      curve)   =~
                    See enclosed graph


                                                                           "EXHIBIT A"

          2.    Secondary voltage rise time             See enclosed graph

          3.    Secondary output energy (at input voltage) .0283 Jouleg 4
                 14Y.    and   1.85 OHMS Resisted                  feed.

          4.    Spark duratton (specify engine RPM) and spark gap) .
                 See enclosed graph

Iv.    Design detatls

       Storage capacftor capacitance (uf) and stored voltage
          _Nor applficahle
       C—D unit inductance (ul)         Not applicable                               .      .

       Pulse triggering source              Infra—red light emitting diode and
               photo    transistor

      Type of transformer in C—D and turn ratio
               Not applicable

  O    Transfent volitage protection (open circuits and voltage surges)
         Protection        circuit operates             18V.        /no secondary    load   ... ...

       Close point time lHimit                N/A

       Maximum point current and ground circuit resistance                        N/A _     e

       Oscilliator frequency                N/A _

       Number and type of power transistor              S11—6204, NpN Power Darlington,
                        400 V.,    15 AMP

       Baliast reststOrs required?          Yes         _X           No    weve

       Resistor Type       O—E        Resistor Size ({ohms)                O—E on vehicle       |     :

       Switch back to stock system?               Yes        __X            No           oo e s       i

       Describe mathods           Réplace points and condenser


                                                                           "EXHIBIT A"

            Moisture and Vibration Protection         Eroxy Encapsulation and O—E
                     type moisture       resistant      connectors

            Operating Temperatu're Range       —20°C to + 130°C

            Humid{ty Range        0—99%

           — Modifications from 0.£.M.

            Ignition timing modifled?          Yes                    No    _ _X

            State modifications from 0.E.M. Ignition System Characterfstics              _Fixed   w

                  dwell   and more    accurate       cylinder    to   cylinder     timing.

            Engine Setting Changes?      Yes                No        _X
            Describe Changé_s              none

            Specify any other changes from 0.€£.M.

     VI.    Device information
            Please attach circutt diagram, O.E.M. and device spark advance curves and
            photograph of spark ltne produced by device.
                                                           See   attachment
           © Description of operating principle

                                                                                                   "EXHIBIT A".
                                             IGNITION SYSTEM TEST DATA

                                    Superior              Industries,        Inc.
  Manufacturers Name
  Device Name                       APC Acculite                 Ignition     System
  Test Date                                                          {TEST PER‘EAE J973a)
  Distributor Type:                Vehicle Make             Pantiac           ¥r.l1973               No. of cyhnder             8

  Baseline Test .         |*                , Device Test                                      |                           «—

‘ Note:    All déta is in Distributor RPM and Degrees.

 ~Test No.1
           Centrifugal Advance Data:                        Qistributor RPM is            325         at idle.
           0° is set at             575            Distr.        RPM, Dwell set at                 30 Deg. at idle.

                          RPM— °ADV                RPM— °ADV.         RPM    °Aoy        RPM        °ADV.        RPM    °AdV
                          00                 _0     2000 o            300       _o        400         o_         500       o
                        600                  0.2    700    1.4        800    2.5          900 3.5    1000                4.3
                       1100                 5      1200    5.6       1300    6.2         1400 6 .6   1500                7
                     . 1600                 7.7—   1700    E.3       1800    8.8         1900 9 .1 — 2000                9.4

  Test No. 2
  Vacuum Advance Data: dist. Idle RPM is    325     Dwel1__ 30
  Shav. O"Hg __O9,. 3"Hg O. 6"Hg _O_, 9"Hg _0. 12"Hg ___. 15"Hg . 18"Hg __. 20"Hy _
    —                 —             —                                                    4 .2            10 .8          13.2             1%.2
  Electrical Measurements*®                               60.         ldle                                 Cruise          fgg“
  Distributor RPM:                                          __650_ RPM                    2000_ RPM                      .108M_
                 .             j                                                     >                                          G Vide
  1. System primary voltage                                 14_ Vde                        14   Vdc                     _14
  2.° Coll primary voltage                                    3 .5 Vde                    "IO.T Vde                     (9.15) vde .
  3.   Ignition primary current                     >       2.3 AMPS~                     _1.95_ ANMPS                    T.3       AMPS
  4.   Secondary voltage available                         ‘ 35 KV                                         KY             35        KV _
  5.   Secondary voltage required                         ; 12 KV                                          KV             12        KY         o.
  6.   Required voltage rise time                           _10___ MSEC                   75___ LsEC                    7 JSEC
  7. Spark duration                     t                   .;gég_lfific                    1300SEC                                   bEC
  8.   Spark voltage           Average                          =—                        __._'::_V                       ~~
  9. Spark current Average.                                      "’umPS                   ___=zz_ Mamps                  —~    M\m\u'
  10.  Spark Energy                                              "289 Mjoules             ___zz, Mjoules                 T=="~ Mjoules
  *Note:    All conditions measured at optimum spark gap to fire at IZKV except                                                            »
            no. 4 which is open circuit vo]tage
                                                                                                    x7                   s *
. Optimum SparkGap width                                  . H N.                         . OFSJ_           n.~         ,O3J         n.


                                                                                                 "EXHIBIT A"

                                      IGNITION SYSTEM TEST _DATA

      Manufacturers Name           Superior       Industries,                 Inc.
      Device Name                  APO Accul
      Test Date                                                     liEfi Péfi %%E 1973a)
      Distributor Type:        _. ee Vehiclie
                                           i Make    Pontiac                    ¥r. 1973                No. of cylinder           g

      Baseline Test                  & Device Test              X                                                             —

* Note:       All data is in Distributor RPM and Degrees.

     Test No.1

               Centrifugal Advance Data:             Distributor RPM is                          325    at idle.
               0° is set at         575       Distr.       RPM, Owell set at 30                           Deg. at idle.

                             RPM SADV RPM °ADV.                         RPM     °AOV RPM: °AOV. RPM °Aoy
                             100 _0 200 q.                              300      _m_. 400 _p_    :500  _,
                             600    m_a 700 $°1—    800 3.7%. 900 Z;3;_                                         1000 1
                            1100    514— 1200 $°__ 1300 $.50_ 1400 ;                                            1500 7.
                            1600° IIg~ 1700 °z~< 1800 #is~ 1900 g.; 2000                                                95.

     Test No. 2        _                                            |
     Vacuum Advance Data: dist. Idle RPM is                              325         ‘_Dwel1____          39
     *Adv. 0"Hg _O.. 3"Hg O . 6"Hg 0_ , 9"Hg _0 . 12"Hg 4.1, 15"Hg _ 18"Hg __, 20"Hy
                                                                                                               10 .1          12.7            1:
     Test No. 3

 ‘            ical   Measurements* °                «.                  Idie                              Cruise:             . Start
     glgintflliflbutorMRPM:                     —          650            RPM            ©2000              RPM            _
                 Cari                                                                       ~
     1.    System primary voltage                    _14                Vde                     14        ¥de          14___36        Yae

     2.    Coil primary voltage                          F.5            Vde                 10 .1         ¥de           9.15           Vde
     3.    Ignition primary current >                 5. AMPS                             15_ AMPS                     2.,7            ANPS
     4.    Secondary voltage available               ©‘_34 KV                            32   KY                       34             ~KY
     5.    Secondary voltage reéquired              . 12   KV                           12    KV                       12              KY
     6.    Required voltage rise time                    an   USEC                               zon    MSEC            90    LusEC
     7.     Spark duration    >                          1209 USEC                               r20n_ LSEC
                                                                                                      .                  1200 lSEC
     8.    Spark voltage      Average                    <s~>           Va >            ©            ~—,. Va                  .2 Va |
     9.    Spark current      Average                    12.            Mamps                        ——— Mamps                se Mangs
     10.    Spark Energy                                    289 Mjoules                              ~——, Mjoules             ——~ Mjoules
                                   amo %., SBaencsM——_—_—__fl
     *Note:     All csfldq—t—wns—weasm                       f                                        're at 12KY excapt“’7
                 no.. 4 which is open circuit voltage. '                               CC

     Optimum Spark Gap width                             .035 IN.                                .035     IN.          .035           IN.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:49
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:49

| Previous E.O. D-58 | Next E.O. D-59-1 | Next E.O. D-60