Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 19, 1975.
As of Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1974 and older model year General Motors Corportion vehicles and `974 and older model year American Motors Corporation vehicles equipped with V-8 engines and 12 volt ignition systems, except vehicles originally equipped with transistorized, C.D., or breakerless ignition systems.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-60
  • Executive Order 60 / D60
  • ARB # D-60
  • Executive Order No: D-60
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-60
  • Resolution D-60
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-60 PDF

D-60 Document:


                          State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—60
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                       SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES, INC.
                               AND A8—34"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;                                             P

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "Electronition Solid
State Retrofit Ignition System" manufactured by Superior Industries, Inc., 10797
Harry Hines Bivd., Dallas, Texas 75220 and marketed as indicated below have
been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution
control devices and, therefore, are exempt from the prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1974 and older model year General Motors Corporation
vehicles and 1974 and older model year American Motors Corporation vehicles equipped
with V—8 engines and 12 volt ignition systems, except vehicles originally equipped
with transistorized, C.D., or breakerless ignition systems.

The following is a list of each device manufactured by Superior Industries and
marketed as indicated; each device consists of a light emitting diode and
photocell sensor, a light beam interrupter, and an electronic control module.

          Acculite Electronic           APO of America, Inc.
          Retrofit Ignition System      3003 LBJ Freeway, Suite #131
         Model #G8—24 & AS—34           Dallas, Texas 75234

          P & D Electronic             ~_P & D Automotive Products
          Ignition System                74 Conalco Drive
          Model No. CR—381               P.O. Box 1767
                                     _   Jackson, Tenn. 38301

          Borg Warner Electronic        Automotive Parts Division,
          Ignition System             _ Borg Warner Corporation
          Model No. EI—I                11405 Gage Avenue
                                        Franklin Park, I11. 60131

SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES, INC.     j            .            EXECUTIVE ORDER D—60

          Electronition Solid            Superior Industries, Inc.
          State Retrofit Ignition Sys.   10797 Harry Hines Blvd.
          Model No. 68—24 & A8—34        Dallas, Texas 75220

          Elightronic Solid State        Essex International, Inc.
          Ignition Conversion System     Electro—Mechanicat Division
          Model No. 45—143               6233 Concord Avenue
                                         Detroit, Michigan 48211

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
 in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited
unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed
or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may
be made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or
other ora] or written communication.

Sect‘ion 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful,
untrue or misleading advertising and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.                               '

SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES, INC.                            EXECUTIVE ORDER D—60

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130.   No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device.   Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."

     "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executedat Sacramento, California, this     /Z*?jz day of August, 1975

                                        WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                        Executive Officer

                      State of California
                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                      . August 8, 1975

                           _Staff Report

          Evaluation of the Superior Industries, Inc.
        Breakerless Ignition System Kits for Exemption
   From the Prohibitions of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156


Superior Industries, Inc. of 10797 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas Texas 75220

has applied for an exemption from thé prohibitions of Section 27156 of

the California Motor Vehicle Code for the "Electronition Solid State

Retrofit Ignition System Model No. G8—24 and A8—34".   (Exhibit A.)     In
addition, Superior Industries, Inc. has applied for exemptions for the

following breakerless ignition systems marketed as follows:

       Acculite Electronic                  APO of America, Inc.
        Retrofit Ignition System            3003 LBJ Freeway, Suite #131
       ModeT #G8—24 & AB—34                 Dallas, Texas 75234

        P & D Electronic                    P & D Automotive Products,
        Ignition System                     74 Conalco Drive
       Model No. CR—381                     P. 0. Box 1767
                                            Jackson, Tenn. 38301

       Borg Warner Electronic               Automotive Parts Division,
       Ignition System                      Borg Warner Corporation
       Mode? No. EI—I                       11045 Gage Avenue
                                            Franklin Park, 111. 60131

       Elightronic Solid State              Essex International, Inc.
       Ignition Conversion System           Electro—Mechanical Division
       Model No. 45—143                     6233 Concord Avenue
                                            Detroit, Michigan   48211

Evaluation of the Supefiior Industries, Inc. Breakerless
Ignition System Kits for Exemption from the Prohibitions
of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156                            August 8, 1975

      According to the applicant the devices will be identical in design and

      performance regardless of brand name.   Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicles

      Code prohibits the installation of any device or mechanism which reduces

      the effectiveness of the required emission control devices.   This vehicle

      code section also authorizes the Air Resources Board to exempt devices

      from this prohibition if a finding shows that the device will not

      adversely effect the performance of the emission control system.    The

      applicant is requesting the exemption be granted for 1974 and older

      model year General Motors Corporation vehicles and 1974 and older

      model year American Motors Corporation vehicles equipped with V—8 engines,

      and 12 volt ignition systems except vehicles originally equipped with

      transistorized capacitive discharge, or breakerless ignition systems.

II.   System Description

      The Superior Industries, Inc. electronic ignition system is a unit to
      repIdce the breaker points within a distributor.   It consists primariiy

      of a light emitting diode and photocell sensor, a light beam interrupter,

      and an electronic control module.   The light emitting diode and photocell

      coperate in conjunction with the light beam interrupter to generate an

      ignition timing signal.   The ignition signal is fed to the electronic

      control module which accomplishes transistor switching of the primary

      coil in the ignition system.

  Evaluation of the Superior Industries, Inc. Breakerless
© Ignition System Kits for Exemption from the Prohibitions
  of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156                             August 8, 1975

 III. System Evaluation

      The applicant did not submit any emission data indicating the device

      will not have any adverse effect on the emission control system.         The

      applicant did submit data for the characteristics of the unit.      In

      order to evaluate the device, the output characteristics of an ignitfon

      system with and without the device were compared.      Confirmatory tests

      were conducted on the Air Resources Boards ignition system simulator

      which consists of a Sun distributor tester, Tektronix Oscilloscope,

      Sun Ignition Analyzer and associated accessories according to SAE J973a.

      The tested device was an "Acculite Electronic Retrofit Ignition System".

      The first unit submitted for testing was found to be inopérative which

    caused a complete loss of ignition.       The failed unit was returned to

      the manufacturer for failure analysis ard a second unit was supplied
      for testing.

      The failure analysis of the first unit (Exhibit B) indicated an
      intermittant wire bond to a transistor within the control module.        The

      analysis also indicated the wire rebonded itself with the application

    . of higher voltages.   The problem is attributable to relliability which

      could only be evaluated by investigating a large sample size and

      resolved by improved quality control.    This is not judged to be a

      design deficiency.

Evaluation of the Superior Industries, Inc. Breakeriess
Ignition System Kits for Exemption from the Prohibitions
of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156                                                         August 8, 1975

    The ARB evaluation of the second unit consisted of measuring the

     spark duration, available secondary voltage, secondary voltage rise

     time, the centrifugal and vacuum advance characteristics.                                The baselfne

     and device tests were conducted with a 1973 General Motors 8 cyiindef

     distributor,.    The results of this comparison are shown in Table I.

                                            Table I                                     v
               CéntrifugaI Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

     Engine                                                                                   Deviation
      RPM              Baseline Test                                Device Test             from Baseline

      600                          0                                     0                        0
     1400                         3                  —                  3                         0
     2000                         7                                     7                         0
     2600                        10.                                   10                         0
     3200                        14                        .           14                         0

                Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

     Vacuum                      Baseline                             Device                  Deviation
     in. Hg.                       Test          —                     Test                 From Baseline

        3                           0                                    0                        0
        6                           8                                    7                       —1
        9                          14                                   14                        0
       15                         14                                    14                        0
       20                          14                           —       14                        0

                           Spark Duration in Microseconds

                                                 Baseline                         Device
                     RPM     >                     Test                            Test

                      600                                1800                      1700
                     3000                                1400                      1200

                Secondary Volitage Rise Time in Microseconds

                                                 Baseline                         Deviée
                     RPM                           Test                            Test

                      600                    —           40                        40
                     3000                                35                        40

Evaluation of the Superior Industries, Inc. Breakerless
Ignition System Kits for Exemption from the Prohibitions
of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156                                      August 8, 1975

                         Spark Energy in Millijoules

               Engine RPM           Baseline Test              Device Test

                   600                <o   25.6            '      24.2
                  3000                     22.0        '          20.5

      The baseline and device comparison of centrifugal and vacuum advance

      characteristics indicates that the device does not alter the ignition

      timing of the distributors.

      The comparison of the other electrical characteristics shows that

      installation of the device did not significantly change the output

      from the 0.E.M. ignition system.

IV.   Conclusion and Recormendation

      Based on the evaluation of the ARB test results, the installation of

      the "Acculite Electronic Retrofit Ignition System" or any of the other

      identical devices listed in the Introduction would not adversely affect

      the performance or operation of the OEM emission control system.            The

      staff recommends that Superior Industries, Inc. be issued an exemption

      from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Coae for its

      "Electronfition Solid State Retrofit Ignition Sysfem" and the other

      devices manufactured by them And listed with their marketing firms in

      the introduction for 1974 and older model year General Motors Corporation
      vehicles and 1974 and older mode] year American Motors Corporation

      vehicles equipped with V—8 engines, except vehicles originally equipped

      with transistorized, C.D., or breakerless ignition systems .

                                                                             "EXHIBIT A"

 \_/                10797 Harry Hines Blvd.    *      Dollas, Texas, 75220
                                     Phone: 214/350—9911

                                                   . June 18, 1975

  Mr. G. C Hass, Chief
~— Division of Vehicle Emission Control
   Air Resources Board
   9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, California 91731

  Dear Mr. Hass:

  We are hereby applying to the Air Resources Board of California for
  exemption to vehicle code number 27156 for the breakerless electronic
~ ignition systems manufactured by Superior Industries, Inc.

 These electronic ignition systems will be marketed by the companies
 and under the brand names as separately fisted in this application.

 Thank you for your help in this matter.

                                                    Yours very truly,

                                                    SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                                    Joé E. Hedge                    '



                                                    "EXHIBIT A"

The following is a list of each device.manufactured by
Superior Industries, Inc. and marketed as indicated.

Acculite Electronic            APO   of America,    Inc.
Retrofit Ignition System       3003 LBJ Freeway, Suite f131
Model #G8—24 & A8—34           Dallas, Texas 75234         M

_P & D Electronic              P & D Automotive Products,
 Ignition Systenm              74 Conalco Drive
 Model No. CR—381              P. 0. Box 1767
                               Jackson, Tenn.      38301

Borg Warner Electronic         Automotive Parts Division,
Ignition System                Borg Warner Corporation
Model NO. EI—I                 11045 Gage Avenue
                               Franklin Park, I11. 60131

Electronition Solid            Supetior Industries, Inc.
State Retrofit Ignition $ys.   10797 Harry Hines Blvd.
Model No. GS8—24 & A8—34       Dallas, Texas 75220

Elightronic Solid State        Essex International, Inc.
Ignition Conversion System     Electro—Mechanical Division
Model No. 45—143               6233 Concord Avenue
                               Detroit, Michigan 48211




                                                               "EXHIBIT A"



        The contact point        ignition system that has been the

'j standard of the automotive industry is now going the way

  of   the whalebone,    the    iceman and    the   kerosene    lantern.

 ,éeveral breakerless or pointless ignition systems have

 -béen'used    in the past but the increasingly stringent

 bemissions regulations of         the past few years have pre—

 \cipitated    the   total changeover to the breakerless             type

  by American automobile companies.

       f:Superior has now developed suéhva breakerless

  ignition system as an aftermarket item so that                 i; can

  be fitted    to—vehicles which originally were equipped

i with contact points.         The ownezr of an automobile equipped

! with a breakerless electronic ignition system will find

  that the advantages of        such a system arei        greater reiia—

 fiility, more precise cylindef to cylin&er timing, more

  precise.firing charactefistics,            usually a hotter sp?rk,

  and always a significant decrease in maintenance and ser—

 vice costs since there are no parts to wear out or altef

  ignition    timing.   This results     in less frequent 1hcreasg5

 in harmful emissions because of             point wear.>

                                                                                                  LANIDL1       m



          conTRror MODULE—’ en
                        wRe HARNESS-/

                        crounop~*            f
                                            6    ‘

                           TO 1GNITION con.

                                                                                     LIGHT BEAM
                                                                                     INTERRUPTER {L.8.4.)


 1. Triggating Means                                  Infra—red light emitting niooe:and photo—transistor receiver.
 2. Operating Voitage                                  12 Volts += 6 Volls, negative ground.
 3. RPM                                               Any engine speed above zero.
 4. Timing Accuracy                                   Up to o of 1 degree.
 5. Cylinder to Cylinder Batance (Timing)             Up to 50 times better than points.
 6. Current Rating                                    10 Amperes, allows use of high performance coils.
 7. Translent Voltage Protection                      Up to 400 Voits
 8. Temperature Bange                                 Tested from —40°F to 300°F.
 8. Envlromfienhlly Protected                          Epoxy encapsulation, waterproof connectors and terminals.
10. Dwsil                                             Fixed, no adjustment necessary.
11. Output Voltage, Spark Duration and Spark Energy   Determined by coil and ballast resistor. However, the
                                                      system will handle high performance coils with primary
                                                      currents to 10 Amps.
12. installation                                      Approximately 30 minutes, requires only screw driver and
13. Hook—up                                           Two wires to ignition coil.
14. Faed Source                                       Positive terminal of ignition coil.
16. Reverse Polarity Protection                       ‘System cannot be damaged by improper hook:up.

        Thi« evetam utilizes stock coil, ballast resistor, cap and rotor. Timing should be

        in principle this system is similar to        unit and the photo—transistor—receiver. As
     the conventional point and condenser             each opening between the L.B.1. biades
     system where the voltage necessary to            pass the sending unit, a signal is sent to
     fire the spark plugs is produced by              the   power switching transistor in the
     interrupting current flowing through the         solid state control module.
     primary winding of the ignition coil by             When receiving this signal, the control
     opening mechanical breaker points. in            module breaks the coil ground connec—
     the Acculite system, the voltage is de—          tlon to interrupt the current in the
     veloped in the same manner, except that          primary winding. This induces a high
     the current in the primary winding is            vaoltage in the secondary coil winding to
     interrupted by a transistor in the elec—         fire the spark plugs. The length of time
     tronic control module. This occurs each          this flow is broken is determined by the
     time the control module receives a               slot width of the L.B.1. The "dwell" is
     "timing pulse" from the distributor.             built into the L.8.1. and is always correct.
        The Acculite Solid State Ignition                The Acculite Ignition System, is de—
     System operates like this. A signaling           signed to reduce regular ignition main—
     device consisting of an infra—red light          tenance to cleaning or replacing spark
     emitting diode and a photo—transistor—           plugs. The distributor components do
     receiver is mounted on the distributor           not make contact, and therefore do not
     plate. The light beam interrupter (L.8.1.)       wear. Engine timing and dwell are built
     rotates with the distributor shaft and its       into the electronic system and do not
     biatles pass between the infra—red sending       require. periodic adjustment.

                         PURPLE LEADS

                                                                             JGNITION COIL
                          . LEADS
                                        xXO8 OHINOD


                                                                                                                  cAniBll A"
              vecruues o uyiinder AMC Products with GM
‘             Distributors)

              1. Remove distributor gap ~ check for cracks or
                 burnt electrodes ~— replace if found defective,
              2. Remove rotor hold screws and remove rotor.
                 Check for burnt or oxidized contacts, replace if
                 necessary. Discard original hotd down screws — use
                 new screws and flat washers supplied in package
                 when reassembling.
                 Disconnect distributor lead from contact points,

                 remove points. It may be necessary to crank
                 engine to position centrifigual advance to remove
                 hold down screws, Remove candenser and con—
                 denser bracket screw.
              4. Remove distributor tead from negative (—) terminal
                 on the    ignition coil and pull it out of the
                 distributor completely,
              5. Insert orange and purple wires individually through
                 the distributor housing hole.
              6. Position light device on base plate of the distri—
                 butor. DO NOT align light device into its proper                             —                                  .
                 place at this time.                                                      ©                                  —       >
                7. Take L.B.4. and slide at least half way over the
             °_    centrifigual advance mechanism, align the L.B.1.
                   into. the opening on light device (see iflustration}.
                   Let LB.J. fatl over the centrifigual advance mecha
                 nism and lay on base of distributor,

             «8. Position light device into place previously accupied        13. Maunt control module with screws provided.
                 by contact set and replace and tighten hold down            14. a. Connect orange wires together.
                 screws. firmly.
                                                                                  b. Connect purple wires together.
              9, Using a good rotor, position it into its praper
                 place, insert two screws and flat washers provided               c. Caution:   Connect black wire to good engine
                 in package (6/32 x 3/4), lift L.B.1. up and align                   ground.            M                      .
                 screw holes to rotor hold down screws. .                         d. Connect red wire to positive {+} terminal on the
                 Important: Visually check to insure that LB.I. is                    coil. Make sure that the original source of
                            seated inside of rotor skirt, Now tight                   battery voltage is also still on this terminal
                            en screws,. .. but DOQ NOT overtighten. —.                {see ‘wiring diagram}.        .
             10. Before reinstalling a good distributor cap, make                 s. Connect biue wire to the negative {—} terminal
                 sure that an ample amount of wire is provided to             >       on the coil.
    ‘   2o     © aliow the distributor vacuum advance chamber t0o            15, Start engine, check timing and reset to manufat
                 work freely. Position rubber grommet in distri—                  turers specifications if needed.

                  butor housing.                                           16. important: For maximum performance, check the
             11. Install a good distributor cap.                                                  condition of all spark plug wires and
             12. Caution: Before mounting control module: Make                    ©               spark plugs. If plugs show heavy car—
                 sure wire harness will reach from distributor leads                              bon build up or burning — replace.
                  to control modute lqcation and that it is subjected
                  to the least amount of heat. A, fenm_ar
                 suited. Drill two %/8%
                 module as a template.

  TrousLesHxootine tHeE "ACCULITE          "EXHIBIT A"
                                  ienrmrion SYSTEM
                                                                     \a good engine ground. Turn
  The following test procedure                                                                    ignition switch to run
                                 must be followed in                  position. Using a jumper
  sequencial order. Failure to do so                                                            wire, jump_ the orange
                                     may result in an                 and purple wires at the female
  inaccurate diagnosis.         >                                                                     ends Gf the builet
                                                      M               connectors intermittently.
  1. Remove distributor cap, inspe
                                  ct for cracks —                    a. If spark jumps from the
      carbon tracking and carbon on the                                                            coil wire to ground,
                                           center tower                 replace light device,
      contact. Replace if necessary.
                                                                     b. If no spark occurs, insert
  2. Inspect distributor for excessiv                                                              coil wire in distribu—
                                      e amounts of oil                  tor cap and proceed with step
     and deposits. Clean if needed. Mak                                                                   #8,
                                           e sure light          . Using a volt meter, check
     device lenses are clean.                                                                   available voltage at
                                                                   purple female bullet connector
 3. Inspect L.B.1. for any gashes                                                                 coming from wire
                                     or knicks on the                harness.
     opening of the L.B.I. slots. If
                                        any damage is
     noticed, replace L.B.I.
 4. Check battery voltage at batt
                                      ery and battery
    connections. Make mental note of batt                                                     m VOLTMETER
                                          ery voltage.
 5. Check wiring diagram to mak
    wired  properly.
                                e sure system is                         puAPLE               |           __l
                                                                          LEAD                            ¥
   Caution:    Black wire must be grounded at
   times, it is your circuit protection.           all
6. Using an ohm meter, make sure
                                     that control box            a. If a zero voltage reading is
                                                                                                 obtained, proceed
   and black ground lead is securely grou                          with step #9.
                                          nded, if not,
   grou nd it.                                .                  b. If appréximately 1/2 of the_b
7. Disconnect orange and purple                                                                   atteryv voltage
                                 wires at bullet                       reading is obtained, proceed
                                                                                                    ‘with step #10.
   comnectors — remove coil wire
                                 from center of :                c. If battéry voltage reading is obta
   distributor   cap, place it about 1/4" awa                                                          ined, proceed
                                              y from                   with step #11.

9. With ignition in run posi
                             tion, use ‘a volt meter to
 . check available voltage                                 10. When doing this step
                              at the positive {+) or                                 make sure ignition switch
   battery terminal of the coil                                off. Using an ohm meter,                        is
                                . Red wire should be                                     check resistance at the
   on this terminal.                                           orange female bullet connec
                                                                                          tor coming from wire
                                                               harnes    s.

                                                                                           CZ]] omm merea
                              CZl] vorrmeren                60     6on8                    0_ o
                                                             — Onanas                      ]          1

                                                                LEAD                                  *
                                                            . a. If a zero ohm resist
                                                                                      ance reading is obtained,
                                                                 replace        the control module,
   a. If a zero voltage readin                                 b. If an open circuit rea
                               g is obtained, proceed                                    ding is obtained, replace
      with test #14,                                               the control module.
~ b. If approximately 1/2                                 11. Turn ignition switch
                              of the battery voltage                                 to run position. Using a
      reading is obtained, procee                             meter, check available vol                      volt
                                  d with #13,                                             tage at the negative (—)
                                                              terminal of the coil.
  C. If battery valtage readin
                               g is obtained, proceed         a. If battery voltage rea
     with test #12,                                                                     ding is obtained, procee
                                                    <C          _ with step #13.                                 d
                                                             b. If near zero voltage
                                                                                        reading is obtained, tur
                                                                  ignition switch off and                        n
                                                                                           replace the coil.
     C‘Z]] vourmeten
     + —! 71
                                                  *             _8                         o3

                                                                                            EZl) vourmeten
                                                                                            paggs      .
     ‘_’—                           BLUE LEAD                           \s°s

                                                                     IGNITION COIL

                                                                                                                            "EXHIBIT A"
     12. Remove the blue wire from (—) terminal coil, turn                              a. If zero resistance reading is obtained, replace
         ignition switch to run position. Using a volt meter,                              control module.
         check available voltage at blue wire on wire harness.                          b. If an open circuit reading is obtained, replace
                  .       ©                                     .                          control module.
 .                                                  .               _                14. Remove the red wire from (+) terminal. Turn
Q\                                                                                      ignition switch to run position, check voltage at
                [ZFZ]] vourrmeter                       .                               positive (+) battery terminal at the coil. .
                +_—FH41               r—E—=                                                                           _
                              T               BLUE LEAD
                                                                                                                      CZl] vourmeren
                                                                                                                      4 —
                                                                                                          ®                  l

          a. If battery voltage reading is obtained, replace                                    IGNITION coiL                *         .   {
             control module.
          b. If zero voltage reading is obtained, replace con—
             trol module. Turn ignition switch off.                                     a. If battery voltage reading is obtained, replace
                                                                                           control module.
      13. When doing this step make sure ignition switch is
          off. Using an ohm meter, check the resistance at                              b. If zero voltage reading is obtained, check ballast
          the purple female bullet connector coming from                                   resister or ignition switch with the normal pro—
          the wire harness.               '                                                cedures outlined in a repair book. Turn ignition
                                                                                           switch off and connect red wire to (+) battery
                                                                                           terminal at the coil.
                                      m OHM METER                                       In      the   unlikelihood   of system   failure where
                      .               + —                                   .           replacement components are not readily available,
                PURPLE            .                         ‘                           the
                                                                                         —   system
                                                                                               Pine may be F
                                                                                                                      converted to conven
                                              T                                         tional ignition by installing points, condenser and
                LEAD                                                    <       o.      distributor lead or—check the following interchange



            *                         Ae—

                                                "EXHIBIT A"

Our request for exemption from the prohibitions of
Vehicle Code 27156 covers 1957 to 1974 model year
General Motors Corporation and 1963 to 1974 Model year
American Motors Corporation equipped with V—8 engines,
except vehicles originally equipped with transistorized,
C.D.,   or   breakerless   ignition systems.   Tests   show   the
Acculite System to be compatible with all other
emission controlled vehicles.

_ Joe Hedge
 Page — 2 —

 It is my understanding that the |gnmon system tested was obtained from A.P.O.‘s west
 coast warehouse Inventory . The associated temperature cyecling of transport and storage
 apparently was sufficient to expose the suspected component.

~ Upon reevaluafion of our quality control medsures as you requested, I have found no
 practical way that this particular type of intermittent operation can be detected.
 Since devices used in our ignition system are tested by the device manufacturers,
 after circuit assembly, before—and after mounting in the housing, and after potting,
 our production quality is equal to or better than the state of the art.

                                                  Mlke  Alfred
                                                  Director, Research and Development


Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:15
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:15

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