Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 27, 1976.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
1976 and older, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles with OE electronic ignition, (2) Vehicles with dual point distributor
See EO for complete listing1976 and older, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles with OE electronic ignition, (2) Vehicles with dual point distributor

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-60-2
  • Executive Order 60-2 / D60-2
  • ARB # D-60-2
  • Executive Order No: D-60-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-60-2
  • Resolution D-60-2
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-60-2 PDF

D-60-2 Document:


                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—60—2
                Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                          SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES INC.

Pursuant to the authority vested in the unders1gned by Sect1on 27156 of the
Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the instaltation of the "Electronition
Solid State Retrofit Ignition—System" manufactured by Superior Industries, |
Inc., 10797 Harry Hines Bivd., Dalias, Texas 75220 and markeéted as indicated
below has been found not to reduce the effectiverness of required motor vehicle
pollution control devices and; therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of
Section 27156 of the Yehicle Code for 1976 and older model year vehicles
equipped with 12 volt ignition systems. This exemption does not apply to
vehicles originally equipped with transistorized, C.D., breakerless ignition
systems or dual point ignition systems where one of the points is used to:
retard timing for emission control.

The device consists of a light emitting diode and photocell sénsor, a light
beam interrupter, and an electronic control module to replace the points in
a Kettering ignition system. The following is a list of companies marketing
the device manufactured by Superior Industries, the tradenameé used. by each
company and their part numbers.     °

   Trade Name      60      ‘Marketing Organization               Part Numbers

Acculite Electronic      APO of America,; Inc.               F6—84, F6—34, F8—74,
Retrofit Ignition        3003 LBJ Freeway, Suite #131        F8—34, C6—23C, C8—23C,
System                   Dallas, Texas   75234               CB—32, §6—740, G8—24,
                                                             G6—25C,— H8—64C, AG—34,
                                                             A8—34, B4—65, B&—65,
                                                             D4—74,‘ D6—74, T4—55,

P & D Electronic         P & D Automotive Products            CK—26AC, CK—26A,
Iqgnition System         74 Conalco Drive               .   . CK—28AC, CK—28A,
                         P. 0 Box 1767                       ‘CK—16AC, CK—18AC,
                         Jackson, Tenn. 38301                 CK—18ACC, CK—36AC,
                                                             CK—38A, CK—34AC,
                                                             CK—48AC, CK—38,
                                                             CK—54A,> CK—56A,
                                                             CK—64A, CK—66A,
                                                             CK—74A, CK—76A.


    Trade Name             Marketing Organization         Part Numbers

Borg Warner             Automotive Parts Diviston,     E1—4C, El—4, E1l—3C,
Electronic Ignition     Borg Warner Corporation        El—3, E1—6C, E1—5C,
System                  11405 Gage Avenue              E1—93€, E1—26, °E1—1,
                        Franklin Park, I11. 60131      C1—7C, E1—8C, E£1—9,
                                                       E1—14, €1—10, E1—11,
                                                       E1—12, E1—13.

Electronition Solid     Superior Industriés, Inc.      F6—84H, F6—34H, F8—74H,
State Retrofit          10797 Harry Hines Bivd.        F8—34H, C6—23HC, C8—23HC,
Ignition System         Dallas, Texas   75220          C8—32H, .G6—74HC, G8—24H,
                                                       64—25HC, H8—64HC, A6—34H,
                                                       AS—34H, B4—65H, B6—65H,
                                                       D4—74H, D6—74H, T4—55H,

Elightronic Solid       Essex International, Inc.      45—104,     45—102,   45—105,
State Ignition          Electro—Mechanical Division    45—103,     45—134,   .45—135,
Conversion System       6233 Concord Avenue            45—136,     45—145,   45—143,
                        Detroit, Michigan. 48211       45—146,     45—181,   45—200,
                                                       A§5~—201,   45—235,   45—236,
                                                       45—240,     45—241.

Silver Beauty MSW         Triple—A Specialty Co.       7201 through 7217.
Solid State Retrofit   < 5750 West 51st Street
Ignition System         — Chicago, IMlincois 60638

Micro Start Solid       Triple—A Speciaity Co.        57201 through §7217.
State Retrofit          5750 West Sist Street
Ignition System         Chicago, I1Tinois   60638 —

This Executive Order is—valid provided that installation instructions for
this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specificattons different
than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditfons of the device,; as exempted
by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance of the
vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied
by the vehicle manufacturer.

SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES                                       EXECUTIVE ORDER D—60—2


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken here1n in any advertising or other
oral or written commun1cat1on

Séction 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.    (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or except in an app11cat10n to fhe state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor
     vehicle pollution control device for use on anyused motor
     vehicle unless that device has been certified by the state
     board..   No person shall sell, affer for sale, advertise, or
     represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as a
     certified device which in fact is not a certified device.
     Any violation of this subdiviston is a —misdemeanor.

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be .
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executive Order D—60—1, dated November 13, 1975 is superseded and of no
further force and effect.

Executed at Sacramento, California, this   52’1    day of April, 1976.

                                      Dm%\no-\    S‘c‘)waé bv}
                                    Thomas C.. Austin
                                    Deputy Executive Officer — Techn1ca1

                          State of California

                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              April 9, 1976

                              Staff Report

{Addendum to Staff Reports Dated August 8, 1975 and October 29, 1976)
      Evaluation of the Superior Industries, Inc. Breakerless
     Ignition System Kits for Exemption from the Prohibitions
                 of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156

I.    Introduction

     Superior Industries, Inc. of 10797 Harry Hines B]vd., Dallas, Texas

     75220 was issued an Executive Order number D—60—1 on November 13, 1975

     which is an exemption from the prohibitions of Motor Vehic]é Code

     Section 27156 for the "Electronition Solid State Retrofit Ignition

     System" which is also known by other brand names described in Executive

     Order D—60—1.   The exemption was for f974 and older model year General

     Motors, American Motors Corporation and Ford Motor Company vehicles

     equipped with V—8 engines and 12 volt ignition systems.    This exemp—

     tion.did not apply to vehicles originally equipped with transistorized,

     C.D., or breakerless ignition systems.

     Superior Industries, Inc. has now applied (Exhibit A) for an extension

     to their exemption to include all domestic vehicles with eccentric

     vacuum advance breakerplate distributors, Ford 6 cylinder pivitol

     concentric vacuum advance breakerplate distributors and all concentric

     foreign distributors except those with dual point ignition systems

     where one of the points is used to retard ignition timing for emission



                        SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES                                         April 9, 1976

                             The following is a list of compantes marketfng the device manufactured

                             by Superior Industries, Inc., the trade names used by each company and

                             their part numbers.

                             Trade Name            Marketing Organization                 Part Numbers

                             Acculite Electronic    APO of America, Inc.          F6—84, F6—34, F8—74,
                             Retrofit Ignition      3003 LBJ Freeway, Suite #131 F8—38, C6—23C,
                             System                 Dallas, Texas 75234         ~ CB—23C, C8—32, G6—74c,
                                                                                     G8—24,   G6—25c, H8—64c,
                                                                                     A6—34,   AB—34, B4—655,
                                                                                     B6—65,   D4—74, D6=74,
                                                                                     T4—55,   T6—55.

                             P & D Electronic       P & D Automotive Products        CK—26AC, CK—26A,
                             Ignition System        74 Conalco Drive                 CK—28AC, CK—28A,
                                                    P. 0. Box 1767                   CK—16AC, CK—18AC,
                                                    Jackson, Tenn.. 38301            CK—18ACC, CK—36A,
                                                                                     CK—38A, CK—34AC,

                                                                                     CK—4BAC, CK—38, CK—54A,
                                                                                     CK—56A, CK—64A, CK—66A,
                                                                                     CK—74A, CK—76A.

                             Borg Warner:           Automotive Parts Division        E1—4C, El+4, H—3€,
                             Electronic Ignition    Borg Warner Corporation          E1—3, E1—6C, E1—5C,
                             System                 11405 Gage Avenue                ET—9C, E1—2C, El—1,
                                                    Franklin Park, I11.     60131    E1—7C, E1—8C., E1—9,
                                                                                     E1—14, E1—10, E1i—11,
   & oo

                                                                                     E1—12, E1—13.

                             Electronition Solid    Superior Industries, Inc.        F6—84H, F6—34H;,
                             State Retrofit         10797 Harry Hines. Bivd.         F8—74H, <F8—34H,
                             Ignition System        Dallas, Texas 75220              C&—23HC, C8—23HC,

                                                                                     C8—32K, G6—74HC ,
                                                                                     G8—24H,— G4—25HC,
                                                                                     H8—64HC, A6—34H,
                                                                                     AB—34H, B4—65H,
                                                                                     B6—65K, D4—74H,
                                                                                     D6—74H, T4—55H,


     SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES                                         April 9, 1976

           Trade Name                Marketing Organization                Part Numbers

           Elightronic Solid         Essex International, Inc.             45—104,   45—102,
           State Ignition            Electro—Mechanical Division           45—105,   45—103,
           Conversion System         6233 Concord Avenue                   45—134,   45—135,
                                     Detroit, Michigan 48211               45—136,   45—145,
                                                                           45—143,   45—146,
                                                                           45—181,   45—200,
                                                                           45—201,   45—235,
                                                                           45—236,   45—240,

           Silver Beauth MSW         Triple—A Specialty Co.                7201 through 7217.
           Solid State Retrofit      5750 West 51st Street

           Ignition System           Chicago, Iilincis 60638

           Micro Start Solid         Triple—A Specialty Co.                57201 through §7217.
           State Retrofit            5750 West Sist Street
           Ignition System           Chicago, Iliinois   60638

     I1.   System Description

           The Superior Indusfries, Inc. electronic ignition system is designed

           to replace the breaker points within a distributor.      <It.consists primarily

           of a [jgggwgmitting diggg, and photocell sensor, a light beam interrupter,

           and an electronic control module.     The light emitting diode and photocell

           operate in conjunction with the light beam interrupter to generate an

           ignition timing signal.     The ignition signal is fed to the electronic

           control module which uses transistors instead of points to make and

           break the primary current to the coil.

SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES                                   April 9, 1976

     The 11ght beam interrupter of the mode]s submitted is designed with

     contoured wundows to accommodate the vacuum advance characteristics

     of the various designs of distributor vacuum advance breaker plates

     without altering the OEM calibration.

III. System Evaluation

     The applicant did not submit any emission data indicating the device

     will not have any .adverse effect on the emission control system.      The

     applicant did submit data for the centrifugal and vacuum advance and

     electrical characteristics of the unit.

     To evaluate the device, the centrifugal and vacuum advance characteristics
     of ignition systems with and without the device were compared.      Other

     electrical characteristics of the ignition unit were previously

     evaluated for the exemption granted under Executive Order D—60.       Since

     the applicant has made no changes to the electronic control module, there

     was no need to repeat the evaluation of the other electrical characteristics

     with domestic vehicle ignition.   Since this app?ication included foreign

     vehicles electrical characteristics data was submitfed for: Toyota and

     YVolkswagen vehicles which use a high resistance (3 to 4 ohms) primary

     ignition coil and no ballast resistor.


SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES                       >              April 9, 1976

     The tests were conducted on an ignition system simulator according to

     the "Ignition Systems Measurements Procedure" SAE J973a.     The

     comparisons are shown in Tables I, II, III, IV, and V.     These

     results are considered within expérimental and test variabilities

     and is evaluated as meeting the Air Resources Boards criteria of +0°

     to —4°.      The installation of the device will not change the ignition

     performance characteristics and therefore is not expected to increase


     The benefits claimed by the manufacturer for his device are to reduce

     regular ignition mainfenance to cleaning or replacing spark plugs.

     The distributor components do not make—contact, and therefore do not

     wear.     Engine timing and dwell are built into the electronic system

     and do not require periodic adjustment.     The staff concurs that this

     will reduce maintenance required for points within the distributor

     since the points are eliminated.

     The manufacturer has supplied information {Exhibit B) concerning

     their Quality assurance testing which indicates that the calculated

     mean time between failures of these devices in their system is in

     excess of 120,000 hours or around 15 years of continuous operation.

     The manufacturer also states that in the event of failure or mal—


    SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES                                     April 9, 1976

‘          function of the device, the engine will ‘;ease to operate and there—
           fore—will not increase emissions.   The staff concurs that failure

           of the device would make the engine inoperative and not cause an

           increase in emissions.

    ‘TV.   Conclusion and Recommendations

           Based on the evaluation of the application and the applicants test

           results, fhe installation of the Supertor Industries Inc. — "Electron—

           ition Solid State Rétrofit Ignition System" (also known by other brand

           names) whould not adversely affect the operation of the—OEM emisston

           control system.   The staff recommends that Superior Industries be

           issued an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the

           Motor Vehicle Code for its "Electronition Solid State Ignition Con—

           version System" as noted in the introduction.

                                  Table I — Superior Industries, Inc.

                                     Ignition System Data Summary

    .   A.       Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                                  1974 Datsun — 6 cylinder           1974 Datsun — 4 cylinder
                 RPM              Baseline           Device          Baseling            . Device

                  600                0                   0               0                  0
                 1200                1.2                 1.4             0                  0
                 1800                9.0                 9.4             4.2                3.0
                 2400               17.0                15.8             8.0                7.6
                 3000               22.0                20.2            12.0               11.0
                 3400               22.4                20.8            16.0               13.0
                 4000                                                   19.6               17.0

        B.   Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

F            in. Hg.               Baseline —        Device          Baseline             Device
d                  3                  0                  o              0                   o
3            —     9                  0              < 0                4.2                4.2
3                 12                  1.0               1.0             7.8                7.0
,                 15                  8.0               8.0             7.8                7.2
                  20                 12.4              12.4             7.8                7.2

                                 Table II — Superior Industries, Inc.

                                     Ignition System Data Summary

        A.   Centrifugal. Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                                                  Bosch Distributor — 4 cylinder
                         RPM                    Baseline                        Device

                          600                     0                               0
                         1200                     6.0                             5.0
                         1800                    21.0                            20.0
                         2400                    24.5                            22.0
                         3000                    29.0                            27.0
                         3400                    31.0                            28.5
                         4000                    31.0                            29.5

        B.   Yacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                        in. Hg.                 Baselinge                       Device

                          ~3                       0                              0 .
                           9                       9.5                            7.5
                          12                      11.0                           10.0
                          15                      11.0                           19.0
                          20                      11.0                           10.0

             Table. III — Superior Industries, Inc.

                     Ignition System Data Sunmary

Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degreas

          1969 Ford — 6 cylinder                      1970 Chrysier — 8 cylinder
Engine                                         .                                   ~
 RPM      Baseline                 Device             Baseline          Device

  600        0                       0                   0                  0
 1200        0                       0                   2.0                3.0
 1800        6.0                     5.0                11.0              11.5
 2400       12.5                    12.0                14.0              13.0
 3000       15.0                    14.0               Q17.0              17.0
 3400       16.0                    16.0                                   C

Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

Vacuum                                                     .   C
in. Hg.            Baseline        Device             Baseline           Device

   3                     0           0                      0              0
   9                  0               0                  3.0               3.0
  12                  4.5          .. 4.0               11.0              11.0
  15                 10.0 ,         10.0                18.0              18.0
  20                 18.5           20.0                19.0              20.0

              Table IV — Superior Industries, Inc.

Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

             1973 Chevrolet — 6 cylinder           1971 Oldsmobile — 6 cylinder
Engine        .
 RPM         Baseline              Device          Baseline        .   Device

  600              0                 0                0                 0
 1200              1.0               1.0              9.5               9.0
 1800              9.0               7.0             17.0              15.5
 2400             16.0              13.0             23.5              20.0
 3000             19.0              15.5             23.5              20.0
 3400             21.5              18.0             23.5              20.0

Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degress

in. Hg.            Baseline        Device             Baseling          Device

   3                  0             0                   0                  0
   9                  9.5           9.0                 1.5                2.5
  12                 20.0          19.5                13:0               14.0
  15                 26.5          27.0                22.0              L22.5
  20                 27.0          27.0                27.0°              29.5

              Table V — Superior Industries, Inc.

                    Ignition System Data Sunmary

Centrifugal: Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

           1967 Toyota — 4 cylinder            1973 Volkswagen — 4 cylinder
Engine            .
 RPM       Baseline         Device             Baseline                  Device

  600         0                  0               0                         0
 1200         3.0                3.0             4.0                       5.5
 1800        10.0                8.0            20.5                      20.0
 2400        17.0               15.0            24.0                      23.0
 3000        20.5               19.5            28.0                      27.0
 3400        22.5               21.0            30.0                      29.5
 4000        23.0               23.0            30.0                      29.5

Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

in. Hg.   Baseline       _   Device            Baseline                 Device

   3         0                 0                 0                        0
   9        18.0              17.5               9                        8.5
  12        22.0              20.5              10                        9.5
  15        22.0              21.5             10                         9.5
  20        22.0              21.5              10                        9.5

Spark Duration in Microseconds

 RPM      Baseline           Device            Baseline                 Device

  600       1400              1300        l0     1000                    1000
 4000        930              1000                800                     800

Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

 RPM      Baseline           Device            Baseline             _   Device

 600         40               40                  50            .         50
4000         40               40                 50                      50

                                      Table V¥ (Continued)

               Spark Energy in Millijoules

                RPM        Baseline       Device             Baseline     Device

                 600         19.3.           16.4              11.6        11.0
                4000         12.8            12.1               8.8         8.4

               Available YVoltage in Killovolts {with load)

inte t iiate

                RPM       ‘Bassline       Device             Baseline     Device

                 600         19.0            17.0              19.0        18.0
                4000         18.0            15.5              16.5        16.5

               Available Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating a fouled spark plug)

                RPM        Baseling       Device             Baselina    Device

                 600         16.0            14.5              15.0       15.0
                4000         13.5            13.0            —13.5        14.0

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:54
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:54

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