Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on November 15, 2010.
As of Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsRemarks
See PDF1979 to 2004 Toyota trucksThe Exhaust Header is a short tube design manufactured out of 14 gage mild steel with either a chrome or ceramic coating. The oxygen sensors remain in the stock location at a collector which samples all exhaust banks.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-682-1
  • Executive Order 682-1 / D682-1
  • ARB # D-682-1
  • Executive Order No: D-682-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-682-1
  • Resolution D-682-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-682-1 PDF

D-682-1 Document:


4 .1C
                                              State of California
                                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                       EXECUTIVE ORDER D—682—1

                                Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                           of the California Vehicle Code

                                               Trail Gear, Inc.
                                              Exhaust Headers

          Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the
         Vehicle Code; and

          Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section 39516
         of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—02—003;

        ~_IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Exhaust Headers, |
           manufactured and marketed by Trail Gear, Inc., 5356 E. Pine Ave., Fresno, California
           93727, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution
         ~ control systems and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the
           Vehicle Code for the following vehicle applications:

         Part No.          Application
            180300—1—KIT _ 1979—1980 Pickup with 20R engine, 4WD
            180301—1—KIT    1979—1980 Pickup with 20R engine, 2WD
            180302—1—KIT    1981—1987 Pickup/ARunner with 22R/22RE engine, 4WD                —
            180303—1—KIT*   1981—1984 Pickup/ARunner with 22R engine, 4WD    ‘
            180304—1—KIT    1988—1995 Pickup/ARunner with 22R/22RE—engine, 4WD
            180305—1—KIT    1981—1987 Pickup/4Runner with 22R/22RE engine, 2WD
            180306—1—KIT* _ 1981—1987 Pickup/4Runner s with 22R engine, 2WD
            180307—1—KIT    1988—1995 Pickup/ARunner with 22R/22RE engine, 2WD
            180308—1—KIT    1995—1998 2.4 & 2.7L, 4WD, Tacoma/A4Runner
            180309—1—KIT    1995—1998 2.4 & 2.7L, 2WD, Tacoma/4Runner
            180310—1—KIT    1999—2004 2.4 & 2.7L, 2 or 4 WD Pickups
            180311—1—KIT    1999—2004 2.4 & 2.7L, 2 or 4WD Pickups
            180312—1—KIT    1988—1995 3.0L, 4WD Pickup/4Runner             ,
            180313—1—KIT    1995—1997 3.4L, 4WD Tacoma/4Runner/T—100/T undra
            180314—1—KIT    1998—2004 3.4L, 4WD Tacoma/4Runner/T—100/Tundra
           180315—1—KIT**   2000—2004 4.7L, 2 or 4WD, Tundra/Sequoia

         * California only Pickup/ARunner uses a different style air infection manifold
         ** Excludes the following engine test groups: 2003 model year 3TYXTO4.7HBW,
            3TYXTO4.7HBY, 2004 model year 4TYXTO4.7W1Y, and 4TYXTO4.7M1W

         The Exhaust Header is a short tube design manufactured out of 14 gage mild steel with
         either a chrome or.ceramic coating.> The oxygen sensors remain in the stock location at
         a collector which samples all exhaust banks.

   This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions for the Exhaust
   Headers will not recommend tuning the vehlcle to specificationsdifferent from those
   submitted by the device manufacturer.

   Changes made to the design or operating conditions of theExhaust Headers, as exempt
   by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s
   pollutlon control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

*~ Marketing of the Exhaust Headers using any identification other than that shown in this
   Executive Order or marketing of the Exhaust Headers for an apphcat:on otherthan those
 listed in this Executive Order shall be prohlblted unless prior approval is obtained from
 ~ the Air Resources Board.

   This Executlve Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the
   Exhaust Headers may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle
   manufacturer.                                           .          .

 . The Air Resources Board reserves the right in the future :to review this Executlve Order
   and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part
   continues to meet the standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of
   Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.

   HEADERS.    >

   No claim of any kmd such as "Approved by the Air Resources B‘oard" may be made
   with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or—written
   communication.                                                                    .

   Viglation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order.
   The order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the
   order, in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to.contest
   the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of
   receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made
   after the hearing that grounds for revocation exnst

 _ Executive Orders D—165 dated May 27th, 1986 and D—165—11 dated August 31st, 2007
   are hereby superseded of no further force and effect.

  Executed at El Monte Cahfornla this day
                                      : of November 2010.

                                        Annette Hebert, Chlef
                                        Mobile Source Operatlons Division

                    TRAIL GEAR, INC. — EXHAUST HEADERS — D—682—1

Document Created: 2013-05-21 14:45:05
Document Modified: 2013-05-21 14:45:05

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