Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on January 23, 1977.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975 and older vehicles equipped with a conventional carburetor

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-73
  • Executive Order 73 / D73
  • ARB # D-73
  • Executive Order No: D-73
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-73
  • Resolution D-73
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-73 Document:


                                                         (Page 1 of 2)    zjiif; ley

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                           EXECUTIVE ORDER D—73
               Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                           of the Vehicle Code

                        KINSEY OF CALIFORNIA, INC.
                          "POWER STEAMER" DEVICE

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order 6—30A;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLYED: That the installation of the "Power Steamer"
device manufactured by Kinsey of California, Inc. 7135 Hollywood Blvd.,
Los Angeles, California 90046 has been found to not reduce the effectiveness
of required motor vehicle pollution control devices and,; therefore, is
exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1975
and older vehicles equipped with a conventional carburetor. The "Power
Steamer" kit must include a stop vailve and a regulator valve and is
available in two models as follows:

     (1)   Type I with maximum water flow of 5 mli/min for 50—250 CID
           engines (0.82—2.31L)
     (2)   Type I1I with maximum water flow of 8 ml/min for greater
           than 250 CID engines (4.1L)

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications —
different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall 1nva11date
this Executive Order.                    .

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited ‘unless
prior approval is obta1ned from the Air Resources Board.     —

This Executive Order does not constitute any optnion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

"POWER STEAMER" DEVICE                                (Page 2 of 2)


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, o   é@;efF
     tise, or, except in an application to the state board for certification
     of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     certified by the state board. No person shall sell, offer for sale,
     advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control déevice as
     a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified device.    Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order. will be
submitted to the Attornsy General of California for such action as he deems
advisable.                               >                              .

Executed at Sacramento, California, this   égfifj(day of January, 1977.

                                   fhomas C. Austin
                                   Deputy Executive Officer—Technical

                            State of California

                           AIR RESQURCES BOARD

                            December 10, 1976

                                 Staff Report

           Evaluation of Kinsey of California "Power Steamer"
           Device for Compliance with Requirements of Section
                     27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code


      Kinsey of California Inc., 7135 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles,

      California 90046, has applied for an exemption for its "Power

      Steamer" device.   The applicant intends to market the device for

      installation on 1975 and older model year vehicles equipped with

      conventiona1 carburetors (Exhibit A).     The regulator valve included

      in the "Power Steamer" kit is available in two models:     (1) Type I

      for 50—250 CID engines; (2) Type III for greater than 250 CID

      engines.   (A Type II design for 140—250 CID application was withdrawn

      from the initial submittal per letter dated December 6, 1976).

I1.   System Description and Function

      The "Power Steamer" device is an aftermarket add—on device which

      operates on the principle of inducting steam into the intake

      manifold of the vehicle.    According to the applicant the installa—

      tion of the device on motor vehicles will improve fuel economy.

     The "Power Steamer" kit consists of an air tight plastic water bag

     reservoir, bracket, filter, regulator vaive, stop valve, steam

     generator, hoses, nozzle, "Y" fitting, and installation instructions

     (Exhibit B).

     In operation, water from the sealed water bag flows through the

     filter to the regulator valve where the proper amount is metered to

     the steam generator.      The regulator valve is designed to be closed

     when the engine is not running, when decelerating and at idle.         The

     valve is open during acceleration and cruise, allowing the flow of

     water to the steam generator.      The stop valve placed between the

     regulator valve and steam generator prevents the water fléw at 18

     in. Hg and higher manifold vacuum and when the engine is not

     operating.     The steam generator is attached to the exhaust pipe by

     means of heat resistant cement and clamps.      The water flowing to

     the steam generator is converted to steam by means of the heat from

     the exhaust pipe.      The steam is then fed to the intake manifold via

     the PCV system.      A steam nozzle inserted between the PCV hose and
     the generator has an orifice size of 1 mm to prevent a large

     amount of air to be sucked into the intake manifold in case of

     system Teakage.

III.; System Evaluation

     The applicant submitted 3 Power Steamer kits (one for each class of

     engine application ) for our evaluation.      The ARB Laboratory

     encountered problems during the course of the device testing as

     discussed below.      Thé applicant later submitted a redesigned system

     which incorporated an added stop vaive to prevent siphoning of

     water or leakage during high vacuum conditions for our evaluation.

Original System

The applicant submitted CVS—75 emission test data indicating

the installation of the device on typical vehicles would not

increase exhaust emissions.   The applicant also submitted

bench flow curves for each of the three types of regulator


The ARB performed back—to—back CVS—75 and steady state emissfion

tests on four vehicles.   The test results showed mno significant

change in exhaust emissions and fuel economy of the vehicles

tested except at idle conditions which showed an excessive

increase of HC and CO emissions.

An investigation of operating conditions on the chassis dynamometer

test revealed that the device allowed a small amount of water
at idle conditions when the device was supposed to be closed.

To confirm the above condition, and to determine the calibra—

tion of the regulator valves, bench flow tests were conducted

on the three regulator vaives (Type I, II, and II1).    The

bench flow test results showed poor correlation with the

manufacturers data.   The valves showed excessive leakage at

idle, and at other vacuum conditions the water flow was

significantly lower compared with the flow curves submitted by

the applicant.    Since the device was apparently not operating

properly, the ARB test results were not appropriate and the

test data was not presented in this report.    Likewise the

applicants‘ emission test data and flow curves with these same

valves was not acceptab1e;    The applicant was notified of our

findings by letter dated May 20, 1976.

Redesigned System

On August 24, 1976 (Exhibit C) the applicant submitted 3 kits

of the redesigned system incorporating a modified regulator

valve and a stop vaive placed at the outlet end of the regulator

valve.     The redesigned system improves flow control of the

regulator valves and insures complete shut off of the water

flow at 18 in. Hg. and higher manifold vacuum.      The applicant

also submitted flow curves of the modified regulator valves as

shown in Figure 1, 2, and 3.

1.       Bench flow tests — the ARB Laboratory conducted bench
     flow tests on the three regulator valves (with the stop

     valve included) prior to emission testing.      The flow data

     were plotted and superimposed on the applicant‘s submitted

     flow curves.     As shown on Figure 1, 2, and 3 only Type I

     and III approximately match the applicant‘s flow curves.

     Another Type II regulator vaive was submitted for testing

     and again showed improper flow control.

2.       Emission Tests — Only the kits equipped with Type I and

     III regulator valves were emission tested.      The ARB

     Laboratory performed back—to—back CVS—75, Hot Start CVS—

     72 and Key Mode tests on a 1971 Datsun (1.2L—1¥), and a

     1974 AMC (7.45L—2¥).     Fuel economy, water consumption,

and manifold vacuum were also measured for Key Mode tests

only.    Table I through I1I are the summaries of test

results.     The Key Mode test data for the 1971 Datsun was

not shown since the device was not operational under

these test conditions.     (The manifold vacuum was above

the operating range of the device.)

Back—to—back tests using the official CVS-75‘test pro—

cedure on the two test vehicles indicated no significant

increase in exhaust emissions.     Hot Start:CYS—72 and Key

mode test data supported these results except on the 1974
AMC which showed a 14% increase in HC, and 32% increase
in CO.     These emissions increase on the AMC car, however,

could not be considered conclusive since other data and
ankengineering analysis of the quantities of steam
injected did not support this finding.

Engineering Analysis —— A heat transfer analysis (Appendix

I—A) showed that incomplete evaporation of water in the

steam generator of the "Power Steamer" device is not lTikely

to occur.     When steam enters the engine combystion chamber it

does not partictpate in the chemical reaction process.

Instead it acts as an inert substance, lTike the nitrogen

in the air, and comes out in the tailpipe chemically

unchanged.     Since the steam displaces part of the air
that would have been otherwise ayailable for combustion,

steam inducted into the combustion chamber tends to reduce

     the volumetric efficiency of the engine.   The air fuel

    mixtures, however, is only slightly affected.    Like an

     EGR system and depending on the amount of charge difution,

     the use of a steam induction system could reduce NOx and

     increase HC emissions due to lower cylTinder and exhaust

     gas temperatures.   Typical EGR systems installed on

     motor vehicles recirculate up to 10% of exhaust gas for

     control of NOx without any adverse effect on HC emission.

     Using the flow curves of Type I and Type III regulator

     vaives, the ARB staff has determined that the amount of
     steam inducted into the engine would not reduce the

     vo1umet;ic efficiency of typical in—use vehicles by more

     than 1.6% (See Appendix IB for calculations).    It is the

     staff‘s judgement that this reduction is considered

     insignificant, therefore the installation of the "Power

     Steamer" device on motor vehicles should not theoretically

     have any significant effect on exhaust emissions.      ARB

     Laboratory tests generally confirmed these findings.

Manufacturer‘s Claims

The manufacturer claims the installation of the "Power Steamer"

on an automobile engine will result in a fuel savings due to

improvement in engine combustion efficiency.    This is claimed

to be caused by increasing combustion pressure in the cylinder

as a result of superheating of the steam charge during combustion.

Although an increase in steam pressure would occur due to the

heat taken from the combustion of the fuel, it is the staff‘s

opinion that this increase in pressure of the steam charge

will not increase the mean effective pressure of the combustion

process.   On the contrary the charge diluent would decrease

the volumetric and thermal efficiency of the engine.     A substantial

charge diluent would in fact result in a decrease in fuel

economy for most operating conditions.    The CYS~—75 and hot start

CVS—72 test data on the device confirms the theoretical argument

that no significant improvement in fuel economy can be achieved

as a result of the device installation.

The applicant also claims the injection of steam in the

cylinder reduces the combustion temperature, thus reducing the

formation of nitrogen oxides.   Theoretical and experimental

studies done in the past showed that injection of an fnert

fluid such as water or steam in the inlet manifold has an
influence in reducing the production of nitric oxides.     SAE

Paper No. 690018 on "Inlet Manifold Water Injection for Control

of Nitrogen Oxides", by Nichols, et. al., showed that for a

water injection rate of 1 1/4 times the engine fuel consumption

rate, nitric oxide reduction of over 90% were achieved.     At a

0.20 water/fuel ratio the studies showed a 15% reduction in

nitric oxides.

The power steamer injection rate is less than 5% of the fuel

flow rate (éee Appendix I—C for calculations).    It appears
therefore that the amount of steam inducted by the power

steamer into the cylinder is well below the amount necessary

to cause any significant effect in the nitric oxide emissions.
The ARB Laboratory tests also showed no significant reduction

in NOx emissions as a result of the device installation.


The applicant has withdrawn the Type II regulator valve from

his initial submittal since it was not functioning properly
and extended the engine size range for the Type I valve (Exhibit

D).   Since the Type I valve would not cause more water flow

than the Type II, no adverse effect would result from this

The applicant has indicated his intention to withdraw his fuel

economy claims until further testing has been done by an

Independent Testing Laboratory(s), or by motor vehicle flieet
owner(s).    In addition no claim wou‘ld be made regarding NOx
reduction according to the terms of Section 43644 of the

Health and Safety Code.

IV.   Conclusion and Recommendation

      The ARB test and engineering evaluation indicated that the installa—

      tion of the "Power Steamer" device on typical in—use vehicles would

      not have any adverse effects on exhaust emission control systems.

      Therefore the staff recommends that Kinsey of California Inc. be

      granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the

      Vehicle Code for its Power Steamer device for installation on 1975

      and older motor vehicles equipped with conventional carburetors.

      The "Power Steamer" kit must include a stop valve and a regulator

      valve and is available in two models as follows:
           {(1)   Type I with makimum water flow of 5 mi/min for 50—250

                  CID engines (0.82—2.3L)
           (2)    Type III with maximum water flow of 8 ml/min for greater

                  than 250 CID engines (4.1L).



                          4.0                       A—— Flow curve submitted by the applicant
Water Flow Rate m1/min.



                                                                                  Flow curve with increasing
                          2.0                                                      vacuum (By ARB)—

                                                                                     Flow curve with decreasing
                          1.5                                                        vacuum (By ARB)



                                                            10    12    14


                                                                             16       18


                                                          Vacuum in inches of Hg

                                      Fib. 1 — Type I Regulator Valve (0.82 — 2.3L engine)
                                              Bench Flow Curves

                                    _— Flow curve submitted by the applicant
Water Flow !

               17             fik 4
                \ Flow curve with in—
               g creasing vacuum(By            ~
                      Flow curve with decreas-

               /f\\ ing
                        f\x (By ARB)
                                                       .   1

                 2      4       6    8.   10                   12   14   16   18   20

                                      Vacuum in {nches of Hg

                     Fig. 2 — Type I1 Regulator Valve (2.36 — 4.1L engine)

                       Flow curve with decreasing vacuum (By ARB)®

 .                     Flow curve with increasing vacuum (By ARB}
     7                                      P       +


S    6
[    e

L.   4
S    .

S    3

     2                            A €k,//fF10w‘curve subm{tted by the applicant
     1                      o           %

                               \            ~
     o |                                        ~

                               Yacuum in inches of Hg.

           Fig. — 3   Redesigned Type III Regulator Valve
                      (Over 41L engine) Bench Flow Curves

                                 Table I

                      CVS—75 Test Data Comparison
                        Power Steamer Device

                                       HC     CO.    NOx           Fuel Economy    Water Flow
                                       (Grams per Mile)              (MP&)            (mi)

1971 Datsun           Baseline         3.0     14.7          4.6      24.2             —
(1.2L—1V)             Device           2.8     17.5          4.6      24.1            15.0
                      % Change        —7       19            0        —0.4             ~

1974 AMC              Baseline         2.9     12.3       2.4         11.1             ~—
(7.45L—2V )           Device           3.0     13.1       2.1         11.0           100.2
                      % Change         3        6.50    —12           —1               —

                                 Table II

                Hot Start CVS—72 Test Data Comparison*
                         Power Steamer Device

                                       HC      CO.       NOx        Fuel Economy   Water Flow
                                       ~(Grams per Mile}              (MPG)          {ml )
1971 _Datsun          Baseline         2.2     11.0      4.5          25.1             —
(1.2L—1V)             Device           2.2     12.2      4.4          25.4            21.4
                      % Change         0      11        —8             1               —

1974 AMC              Baseline         2.2     6.8       2.3          11.8             ~
(7.45L—2V}            Device           2.50    9.0       2.0          11.4            85.4
                      % Change        14      32       ~13            —3               —

*Average of two Hot Start CVS—72 tests

                                    Table II1

                   Key Mode Test Data Comparison for
                    1974 AMC Ambassador 7.45l—24
                         Power Steamer Device

High Cruise     HC (PPM)     C0 (%)      NOx (PPM)   Water Flow (ml/min)   Vacuum (in. Hg.)

Baseline           31        0.170        628                 —
Device             21        0.17         482               1.6                 5.6
% Change          ~32        0            —23                 —

Low Cruise

Baseline           42        0.17         256                 —
Device             42        0.12         256               2.5                 8.2
% Change            0      —29              0                 —


Baseline           63        0.12         3662                  —
Device            160,       0.12          93 >             0                  15.5
% Change          154        0            ~ 0                   —

]This increase cannot be attributed to the device since the device was not
 operational at this manifold condition.
2 Data questionable, reading too high.

                                APPENDIX 1

Heat Transfer Calculations

Maximum water flow allowed is 8 m1 (Type III regulator valve)

Q; = WH, Q2 = hA (At)
where Q] =      heat transferred required
      W =
         =      available heat
                water flow
      H =       heat of evaporation
      h =       heat transfer coefficient
      A =       area of heat transfer surface
     At =       temperature differential between exhaust gas and water

Use    h   = 1 B4           (very conservative) H = 970 Btu
                    2¢ 0                                   1b.

       A   = 0.2oo
                 ft                                   = s "Loyx
                                                          min 2op * 10°2 18.
      At   = 1000 °F

           = WH
            _= 8 min
                 al * 2.20     x 10   —50 Th
                                          mt *      Btu
                                                 970 16

           =s 17.1 Bzmin
       QZ=      1 Fi2.op x 0.2 ft" 2 x 1000°F
           2=         Btu
                2,000 in

Since Q is much greater than Q1 all the water in the steam generator
would bg evaporated.

Calculation of Reduction in Volumetric Efficiency (Worst Case)

1.    For Type I regulator valve applications:

      Maximum water flow allowed in 5 mT/min at. <5 in. Hg.
           Vo = Vg x W

           y.8k > 41— x 1008

where Vo    volume of charge dilution due to steam
      Vg = specific volume of saturated steam
      V.l = engine air flow requirement
         V.E= volumetric efficiency
use      ¥g = 26.8 ;%—-at atmospheric pressure
        Wo= 5 ml/min x 2.20 x 1075 18
                  18 CFM (for 1.2L engine) at 85% Vol efficiency


                  and 1,000 engine rpm
vo = 26.8 {Ex 5 m1/min x 2.20 x 10~° %
      = 0.29 fto/min.
V.E. = ]—S}gfix 100% = 98.4 %
Reduction in Vol efficiency‘= 100% — 98.4% = 1.6%

For Type III regulator valve applications

Maximum water flow allowed is 8 ml/min at < 5 in. Hg.

Use     V] = 61.5 CFM (for 250 CID engine) at 85% Vol. efficiency
                 and 1,000 engine rpm.
Yp *  rp.e Ehok
           Tb s "L   min x 2220 x 10°° 18.
   = 0.47 ft°/min.
     L 61.5 — 0.47 x 100%
V.E = '—‘6‘-]-'75—-—-

      = 99.2%
Reduction in Yol. efficiency = 100% — 99.2% = 0.8%

 Water Fuel Ratio (By Volume)
         gasoline used ¥g =—mP g~

         water fue! ratio = _Ya_

     Where:     D = 7.5 miles (CVS—72) and 11.1 miles (CVS—75)
               Vw = water used in the test cycle
              MPG = mites per gallon

1.      For the 1971 Datsun (1.2L—1¥)

              ¥g = (CVS—72) = %§§- = 0.925 gal.
              vg = (cvs—75) = Hg) =9.444 gal.
              ww (cvs—72) = SX
                                 = 0.00565 gat *
              Yw (CVS—75) =2   150
                               37g5 =_ 0.004 gal.
        Water fuel ratio (CVS—72) = 8-8??65 = 0.006 or 0.6%
        Water fue! ratio (CVS—75) = %:%%§-= 0.009 or 0.9%
2.      For the 1974 AMC (7.45L—2v)
          ¥g (CVS—72) = _%fi§7 = 0.68 gal.
          va (CVS—75) ;’%%4%v = 1.0 gal

          Vw (CVS—72) ;'4§§§§§-= 0.0226 gal
         Vw (CVS—75) = %9%5 = 0.026
       Water fuel ratio (CVS—72) = °8226 = 9. 933 or 3.3%
                                   0. 68
       Water fuel ratio (CVS—75) = 9%955- = 0.0%or 2.6%

                                                                      EXHIRLT A

                                                                       7135 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD

                                C A L l F o R N I A *     l N c *     LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90046
.        K l N s E Y    o F
                                                                      TELEPHONE (218) 874—3087

                                                                      TELEX 67—7272
                                                                      CABLE ADDRESS "YESNIK LOs ANGELES"

    [~     Mr. G. C. Haas, Chief                                    March 25, 1976
           Division of Emission Control                             Y¥—1322
           Air Resources Board
           State of California
           9525 Telstar Avenue
    [_      El Monte, California 91731               _]

                          Re:   POWER STEAMER   (A Fuel—saving Device)

           Dear Mr.    Haas:

            In accordance with the Board‘s Directive dated February                   17,
            1971, we are hereby seeking a Request for a Board Finding
            that we have complied with Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code.

.          Our Power Steamer device injects steam into the vehicle engine‘s
           intake manifold in order to increase the combustion efficiency
           which would result in a fuel savings.

            This procedure is done by increasing        combustion pressure in the
            cylinder as a result of super—heated        steam by combustion. The
            insignificant amount of water in the        cylinder during the com—
            bustion cycle reduces the combustion        temperature, thus reducing
            production of nitrogen oxide.

           Our Power Steamer does not interfere with the normal operation
           of emission control equipment; and has only a slight effect in
           terms of pollutants emitted in the exhaust of any gasoline engines
           used in motor vehicles.

           The following items are submitted herewith in accordance with your
           February 17, 1971, Directive:

            1.   Detailed Description of the device,       apparatus or mechanism.
                 (See Attach. No. 1)

            2.   Purpose of the device, apparatus or mechanism.
                 (See Paragraphs Two and Three hereof}


Mr. G.     C.   Haas          ~ 2 —            March 25,    1976

3.   Detailed Instructions for Installation on a vehicle.
     (See Attach. No. 3)

We have made various surveys of GM, Ford, Chrysler, American
Motors, European and Japanese cars and have found that placement
in each Engine Compartment differs per model, basically due to
the type of engine installed.

After we receive your approval for installing the Power Steamer
device on vehicles operating in the State of California, we will
have separate detailed installation instructions printed for
each manufacturer in accordance with it‘s engine models.

Attached is a typical example of the Ford Motor Company Passenger
Cars and Trucks using a 351 CID—2V Engine for installation of the
Power Steamer.

Also attached are various sketches of Engine Compartments of
1975 vehicles.  The installed Power Steamer appears on each

4.   Print Outs of Emission Test Data taken in accordance with
     the appropriate Air Resources Board test procedures were
     previously submitted to you on November 12, 1975, and are
     therefore not duplicated here.  (Olson Engineering Testing

5.   A listing of makes and models of vehicles and Emission
     Control Systems for which a Board finding is required:


6.   For your independent evaluation, one (1) sample kit of
     this device, and three (3) pre—set Requlator Valves
     (Type 1, 2 & 3) are delivered simultaneously with this
     letter as follows:


Mr.   G. C.     Haas                 ~ 3 —      March 25,   1976

      Type                    Classification    CID

        1.                               A      50—140
        2.                           B   & C   140—250
        3.                           D, E, F   250 & over

Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter.

Yours very truly,




                     WATER REesERvOIR BRACKET (# 1. )
                         7136 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD

                         LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90046

                         TELEPHONE (213) 874—0087

                         TELEX 67—7272

                         CABLE ADDRESS "YESNIK LOS ANGELES®


                 EECULAIOFR VALVE (#ef,)


   HEeat cemeEn

           STEAM &mzmmfi
                       dm (#5.)

e — fl-“

  ((i5y» SolyvxanNdb WoyuiLs

                  (2 #) 350 3e~~

                  (%4) ssongz_   ~


                                                                         EXHIBIT C

KINSEY OF CALIFORNIA, INC.)                             TREEIETmnomma
                                                        LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90046
                                                        TELEPHONE (219) 874—3037
                                                    ]   TeLex er—rore
                                                        CABLE ADDRESS "YESNIK LOS ANGELES"

 Mr. K. D. Drachand, Chief           1              August 24,1976
 Vehicle Compliance                                   .
 Air Resources Board Laboratory                     ¥—1445
 State of California—Resources Agency
 9528 Telstar Avenue
  Elmonte, California    91731          _]

           Re: POWER STEAMER(A Fuel—savingDevice)

  Dear Mr. Drachand:

 ‘With reference to our letter of June 12, 1976, ref.$¥—1385,
  we are presenting to you our redesigned sample of the subject
  device for your evaluation.

  Based on your letter of May 20, 1976 in which you have men—
  tioned four(4) reasons why you cannot recommend granting our
  device an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of
  the Vehicle Code, we wish to mention as follows:

  (1)   The new sample has been checked, and will not leak in the
        closed positions at atmospheric pressure, if you do not
        disconnect the Water Reservoir, Filter, Regulator Valve,
        Stop Valve(newly attached) and Water Hose.

        Also, the Stop Valve will prevent any water to flow thru
        the system when subjected to 18 in.fg. Vacuum.

        This new device sample showed the flow calibration when
        subjected to increasing and decreasing vacuum as attached.

  (2)   As mentioned above, no water will be siphoned into the
        engine during vehicle storage.

  (3)   With the water flow stopped when subjected to 18 in.Hg.
        Vacuum, the HC and CO average in idle will be lesser than
        the former sample device.


    Mr.     K.   D.    Drachand               —   2 —   August   24, 1976


    (4)     We will work out the Durability Test Data or submit the
            manufacturer‘s Liability Warranty, as soon as we receive
            your advice that the redesigned sample has met your other

    With best regards,

    Kinsey of California,              Inc.

    GYS:km         3/3

‘   Encl:

    cc: Mr.        Fernando Tan
        Mr.        Jerry C. Coker

                                                                       cEXHIRLT D:

        KINSEY OF CALIFORNIA, INC.)                               TBRPnonomm          aams
                                                                  LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90046
                                                                  TELEPHONE (213) 874—8087
~.                                                                TELEX 67—7272
                                                                   CABLE ADDRESS "YESNIK LOS ANGELES®

        Mr. Richard J. Kenny                        ~I             Dec.6,1976
        Senior Engineer
        Division of Emission Control           .                    2—2725
        Air Resources Board
        State of California                                       . Certified Mail#518846
        9525 Telstar Avenue                         U         ‘     Special Delivery
        El Monte,   California   91731

                                         Re: POWER STEAMER

        Dear Mr.    Kenny:

        With reference to our telephone conversation with your Mr.                Fernando
        Tan today, we wish to confirm the following:

        1. We will withdraw our Type 2 Regulator Valve from our application,
           and substitute it with Type 1 Regulator Valve for installation to
           motor vehicles equipped with engines of 50 to 250 CID.

        2. We will not advertise the Power Steamer for sale as Fuel Saving
           Device, until such time further testings have been done by Inde—
           pendent Testing Laboratory(s), or by motor vehicle Fleet Owner(s),
           and have the datas to substantiate the fuel saving clainm.

        3. We will not state the Power Steamer Device will reduce the Nitrogen
           Oxide emission when installed to motor vehicles.

        Using this opportunity, we wish to express our deep appreciation for
        all the time and efforts spent by you and your staff, to test our
        Power Steamer Device in the past, and will await your further advice
        on your decision on our application dated March 25, 1976 ref.{¢fy—1322.

        With best regards,

        Kinsey of California,    Inc.

        cc: Mr.    Fernando Tan
            Mr.    Jerry C. Coker,   Olson Engineering Inc.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:28
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:28

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