Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 2, 1981.
As of Saturday, February 15th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
Model # 4 and 51981 and older gasoline vehicles with conventional carburetor systems

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-79-3
  • Executive Order 79-3 / D79-3
  • ARB # D-79-3
  • Executive Order No: D-79-3
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-79-3
  • Resolution D-79-3
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-79-3 Document:


                                                                     (rage i or c)

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—79—3
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                            TECHIMPORT LIMITED
                        "FILTER KING, MODEL NO. 4"
                        "FILTER KING, MODEL NO. 5"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of the Filter King
Model No. 4 and Filter King Model No. 5 manufactured by Alberto Malpassi,
Italy and marketed ‘by Techimport Limited, 119 Glen Road, Toronto, Canada
M4W 2W1, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor
vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the pro—
hibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for installation on 1981
and older gasoline—powered, vehicles with conventional carburetor systems.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s pollution coritrol system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of
a kit shall not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale
or advertise any component of a kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

NO. 5".

"FILTER KING MODEL NO. 5".                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—79—3
                                                             (Page 2 of 2)

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as fcllows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has bean certified by the state board. No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device. Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to theAttorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable

Executive Orders D—79 dated April 17, 1978, D—79—1 dated January 12, 1979,
and D—79—2 dated March 6, 1980 are superseded and of no further force and
Executed at El Monte, California, this ___ day of Mureh~ 1981.

                                       . Drachand, Chief
                                   Mob1|e source Control Division


                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              March 2, 1981

Evaluation of the Techimport Limited "Filter King Model No. 4" and "Filter
King Model No. 5" for Compliance with the Requirement of Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code.


      Techimport Limited, of 119   Glen Road, Toronto, Canada MAW 2W1, has

requested by letter dated January 31, 1981 (See Appendix A) an update to

the existing Air Resources Board‘s Executive Order D—79—2.    The applicant

requested that the exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code (V.C.)

Section 27156 for their "Filter King Model No. 4" and "Filter King Model

No. 5" fuel control device be updated to include all 1981 and older model

year gasoline—powered vehicles with conventional carburetor systems.

      Section 27156 of the V.C. prohibits the installation, sale, or

advertisement.of any device which alters the performance of the vehicle‘s

emission control system.   The Air Resources Board (ARB) is empowered to
exempt any device from this prohibition if it can be shown that the

installation of the device will not reduce the effectiveness of the existing

emission control system.

      The "Filter King" device is a fuel pressure regulator installed

between the fuel pump and the carburetor.     It is designed to maintain the

fue! pressure in the carburetor at optimum Tevels. The applicant claims:

      1.   By regulating the fuel pressure to supply the engine with the

required amount of fuel, the device eliminates most or all of the fuel

pulsations emanating from the fuel pump.

     2.      The device also prevents excess gasoline from flowing into the

float bow] during periods of heavy fuel bowl sjosh.

     3.      As a result, the carburetor is able to maintain a more uniform

level of fuel in the float bowl, thereby, reducing carburetor flooding and

increasing fuel economy.

     The device consists of an upper aluminum housing and a lower glass

container.     The aluminum housing contains a fuel inlet, a fuel outlet, a

vaive, and a spring loaded diaphragm that regulates the opening and closing

of the valve.     The lower glass container holds the fuel and a high capacity

fuel filter.     Figure I shows a cross—section of the device.

     Inititally, fuel from the fue! pump under pressure enters the glass

compartment where the fuel is filtered.     The amount of fuel that passes the

valve and thence to the carburetor is metered by the action of the spring

loaded diaphragm.     When the fuel pressure under the diaphragm is high, the

diaphragm moves up causing the valve to seat against the port thus reducing

the output pressure.     When the fuel pressure is low, the diaphragm moves

down allowing the valve to open the port thus increasing the output

pressure.    The modulation of the diaphragm tends to smooth out the fuel

pressure pulsation from the fuel pump.     The pressure regulator output

pressure can be adjusted by means of a screw located on the top of the

aluminum housing.


     The applicant submitted emissions test data for the original application.

The tests, conducted by AMC, were performed on a 1978 AMC vehicle.     The

data in Table 1 shows that the device has little effect on emissions at

low outlet pressures of 1.2 and 1.7 psig.

      The ARB evaluated the device during the orignal application.    The

evaluation consisted of parametric pressure tests at different speed

and engine loading conditions on a typical 2 barrel carburetor.      The

results in Table 2 indicated that the amount of fuel delivered to the test

carburetor and emissions were unaffected due to fuel pressure differences.

      The Air Resources Board staff report titled "Evaluation of the F. K.

Products Filter King Unit No. 5 Device in Accordance with Section 2222,

Title 31 of the California Administrative Code", dated February 24, 1978,

contains a detailed description of the tests performed.

      Based on the above data the Filter King does not seem to have any

effect on fuel delivery and on exhaust emissions of an automobile engine

equipped with a conventional carburetor.   Since the "engine out" emissions

are not changed, the operation and the efficiency of a three—way catalyst

does not change either.

      Also when the fuel delfvery rate remains unchanged, the float level

will not change.   An air/fuel ratio feedback control system on late model

year cars draws fuel from a bow!l in the same way as a conventional car—
buretor, and should not be affected if the float level does not alter.

      The previous test data submitted by the applicant and generated by ARB

showed that the use of the "Filter King" device did not have any effect
on the exhaust emission control system of 1978 model year vehicles.

     Based on the test data Techimport Limited was granted an exemption

{Executive Order D—79 dated April 17, 1978) from V.C. 27156 for 1978 and

older gasoline powered vehicles.   The exemption was later updated to

include 1979 model year gasoline—powered vehicles (Executive Order D—79—1,

dated January 12, 1979) and for 1980 model year gaso]ine-powered'Vehicles

(Executive Order D—79—2, dated March 6, 1980).

     The staff found no significant difference between the 1981 and 1978

vehicle‘s fuel system design and the engine—out emissions are not affected

by the use of the Filter—King device.

     Based on the above, the staff concliuded that the installation of the

"Filter King Model No. 4" or "Filter King Model No. 5" fuel control device

will have no effect on vehicle exhaust emissions.   The staff recommends
that Techimport‘s exemption, Executive Order No. D—79—2, be updated to

include 1981 and older model year gasoline—powered vehicles with conventional

carburetor systems.   The staff, therefore, recommends that Executive Order

D—79—3 be adopted

             Table I — Filter King Back—to—Back CVS—75 Test
                       Data on a 1978 AMC I—3 Package (Test
                       conducted by AMC)

                                   Grams per Mile
                                        CO          NOx
Baseline @                              5.4         1.23
  5 psig.

Filter King ©@              0.49        4.1         1.51
  1.7 psig

Filter King ©               0.52        5.0         1.32
  1.2 psig

    ing Speed_(RPM)      900          1000             J500          2000            2500     0
ig_ix. Torque             I4le__|100% : So% 25% loue®" 50% 25% 100% ; So% | 25% |100% 50% 257
 Filter King|_Baseline_| 5.5_     5.1_1_43, 4.3 [4.4 _ 4.5 |4.6 |4.2 0g45 450| 4120 4.3 | 4.4
 Dutput       Device (1}]5.6..     5.2 | 5.5 | 5.5|3.5 A4.2|4.3 |4.2) 4.4 q450| 4.0"TA3 |E.47
 Pressure     Device (2)] 3.0            3.0 [3.0 3.0       |3.0 |3.0|3.0|3.0 | 3.0,3.0 | 3.0 | 220                          3.0°
 peig         |Device (3)].2.0.          2.0. ’ 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |2.0[1.0_|1.9_| 2.0 2.0 1.9[ 2.0| 2.0
          |_Device (4)] 116              116 115 |1.5 |T.5 [1.6 |1.5 [1.50|_ e1160                   1.5     J      1.5 0|   1180
            Device (5)]_1.1              n1 laa |isg fira jro |1.0 [1.0 11;d                          .o     d      aa‘|     T.

                                                                                                                                                                                  II — aLqel
 Fuet Fow |.Basetine |o.0 _             222| 114 [1.9 |a2 [2g_|1.4 |S.8[2.9(1.9                       7.2    |      3.8      2.4
 gm/sec   Device (1)]0.9_.              2.8. ] 14 | 1. J 42 |ar|1.50 |se 219.e                        7.2      _|   3.8      2.4
          |_Device (2)] .0.8             229 |1.4 |1. fale jprar |i.e |5.4 0|2.9 x1L8 [               TA       |    37       2.4
              pevice (3)| o.s            ag |1k |ia|42o|2d |na |5.9| s.0 [1g| 7.0| 3.7_| 2.4

                                                                                                                                                                                w91[Lj J0 Ssqsa]l aunssaug fonq olJjoweued
                                                                                                                                    oudq autrbu3 aty3 zog pao4 uo aoraaq bury
              |_Device (4)]_0.8.        2.7 |1.4 |1.1 |4.1. {2.1         11.4 [5.7_   29~L§_ 69‘37 2.1
            Device (5)]_0.8              arlna io |ad uelt fanka [67 0|Rolins                        |e690309 | 24
        00|Baseline |0,70                *  {1.4 |0.8|[*_ [44 [1.4 |*   alp 29                        * 21.6 67
 co gm/min»     |peyjee (1)]| 0.80 . |.*       _‘ 1.3 1 1.0 |*   142 ]1.6 |*_ |13.112.8 | * _ [(17.9| 6.4
              |_Device(2)] o.6s          * .) 1.2 |.9.9_[*__ [4.27|1.s |*_ [Ing2l | + _ 17.6 | 5.00
                Device (3)] 0.67.        +       |1.0 joSm.[*     fa.o [1.4   |* 0 Jrrg las |+ q94|5.70
              : Device (4)] _o.7         *      ols {o.s |{*     _|3.2 [1g    [«      Jrog j2A        * TaB (5.57
              |~beviee (6)] 6.7          +      as |os |*C 0i Ke8Jns |xTTFrsins |x_ héarllan"
        —       |_Baseline_| 0.24        2.3| 0.73}0,.27[ 3.21 |1.32|0.47 |4.03_| 1.5210.89 | 5.15; 1.76| 1.09
 hC am/min ["peyice (1)| 0.26            2.36 o.81 | o.28 3.33 |1.40 |0.51 |4.46       1.91(0.98      5.36)1.83| 1.12]
               ‘Device(2)]0.23          2.35|0.82|0.30| 3.11|1.32 0.50 |4.21| 1.57]0.89 4.9                         [1.73] 1.01
                Device(3)| 0.22_ 2.18] 0.79 0.33| 3.29 |1.38 0.56 |4.58) 4.5                             3—07 1.26
             | Device(4)] 0.29 _ 2.21| 0.76 0.31 2.97 1.26 0.53 |4.22 |1.89 |0.76 4.82| 2.03]1.28
               Device (5)] 0.22 | 2.10] 0.72] 0.32 3.13 1.26 0.80 |4.16 |1.74 (0.94 4.74] 1.92] 1.18
            [ BaseLine 0.23___|*        _|.2.81 o.s1.]»___| 4.42 1128|*___l6.33 [2.81_|_*___| 9.62] 5.03
 NOx gm/min peyice(1)|0.25._..|.*__.|.2:57| 048| *___|4:40 |1.36¢                     7.3a |s.os      *_ |          s.96| 5.13
               Pevice(@|.ous             * _|2.s|o.s1|*__{a.ze| 1x |*                 __{a.05 |2a.s_| *             9.56| 4.43
               ..Device(3)] 0.14_.        *—    2.71| 0.50 *      2.94   |1.96 *      7.44   |2.65    *             |10.75|4.97
               . .Device (4)]_0.09 .    |. *    |.2.62 0.46 |*__{4.00 |1.21 |*     |7.10 |2.49                      10.19 4.91.
                _ Device (5)] o.08__|      *    2.39| 0.30       a.nm |1.08 [*x___[7.51 |2.22                       10.84 4.78


                              Pressure Adjusting Screw

Fig. 1 — Filter King Pressure Regulator

©APPENDIX A:              .

                                                          January 30, 1981

     Air Resources Board Laboratory
     9528 Telstar Avenue
     El Monte, California
     U.S.A. 91731

     Attention: Mr. K.D. Drachand
                Mobile Source Control Division

     Dear. Sirs:

                                      Re: Malpassi Filter King
                                      _ ___Your Refererice A—80—090
                 We wish to make application to have your Executive Order D—79—2, which
     covers Filter King Models 4 and 5, up—dated to apply to the 1981 and older motor
     vehicles used in California. The construction of the Filter King models 4 and 5
     remains unchanged.

                   Yours truly,

                   TECHIM?,(\)RT LIMITED
                   (’i\       v
                   &fifig AW
                   R. H. Scrivener, P. Eng.

  Techimport Limited
   119 Glen Road / Toronto Canada M4W 2W1 / Telephone 416—961—7479

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:49
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:49

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