Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 1, 1978.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1978 and older model year gasoline vehicles with air conditioning systems.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-82
  • Executive Order 82 / D82
  • ARB # D-82
  • Executive Order No: D-82
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-82
  • Resolution D-82
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-82 Document:


                                                   {Page 1 of 2)

                          State of CalTifornia
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—82
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                         MANCINI MACHINE CORP.          —

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code;—and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Ordar G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "Air Conditioning
Compressor Cut—Out System" manufactured by Mancini Machine Corp., 20943
Brant St., Long Beach, CaTifornia 90810, has been found to not reduce
the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices
and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the
Vehiclie Code for installation on 1978 and older model year gasoline
powered vehicles equipped with air conditioning systems.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those lTisted by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating condittfons of the device, as
exempted by the Afr Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s polliution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

MANCINI MACKINE CORP.                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—82

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

   < "43644. < (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an appTication to the—state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     poliution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board. No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device.   Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executed at E1 Monte, California, this    _%~~   day of August, 1978.

                                    Vehicle Emissions Control Division

                             State of California

                             AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                               August 2, 1978

                                 Staff Report

                 Evaluation of the Mancini Machine Corp.
              "Air Conditioning Compressor Cut—Out System"
                       in Accordance with Section 2222,
             Title 13 of the California Administrative Code


      Mancini Machine Corp., of 20943 Brant Street, Long Beach, California

      90810, has submitted an application requesting an exemption ffom the

      prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for its "Air Condi—

      tioning Compressor Cut—Out System" for installation on 1978 and older

      model year gasoline powered vehicles equipped with afr conditioning

      systems (Exhibit A).

II.   System Description and Function

      The device is a pressure sensing switch designed to shut off the

      electric circuit to the automotive air conditioning unit when the

      engine is operating at low manifold vacuum conditions (0—4 inches of ‘

      Hg vacuum).    The device is connected in series with the e]ectrdmagnetic

      clutch of an automotive air conditioning compressor (Exhibit B).         The

      pressure signal line is connected with a "T" to any intake manifold

      vacuum source.    When the vehicle is near full throttle acceleration,

      the intake manifold vacuum will decreasé to about 4 inches Hg. triggering

      an open circuit in the pressure switch thereby deactivating the air

      conditioning compressor.     ~The circuit will be reconnected when the

      engine is at manifold vacuum of 4 inches or higher.

III. System Evaluation

      The applicant did not submit any emission data to demonstrate that the

      device will not have any adverse effect on the emission control system.

      Since the device acts as a switch to the air conditioning unit only and

      does not affect the operation of any other emission control system

      it is the staff‘s judgment that an emissions test is not necessary.

      The ARB Laboratory tested the operation of the system and was satisfied
      that the device operates as claimed by the applicant.

IV.   Conclusion and Recommendatton |

      Based on the evaluation of the device and the installation instructions,

      it is the opinion of the staff that the "Air Conditioning Compressor

      Cut—Out System" would not adversely affect the performance or operation

      of the OEM exhaust emission control systéms.   The staff therefore    |

      recommends that Mancini Machine Corp. be granted an exemption from the

      prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for its "Air Conditioning

      Cut—Out System" for installation on 1978 and older model year gasoline

      powered vehicles equipped with air conditioning systems.

                                   ulal          ww                     Exhibit A) P. 1
                              MACHINE CORPORATION
                        20943 BRANT ST LONG EEACH, CALIFORNIA 90810
                               '   PHONE: 537—3492         *

                                                                      June 7,   1978


Air Resources Board Laboratory
9528 Telstar Ave.
El Monte,° CA 91731

Attn: G.    L.   Hass


We are contemplating the production and sale of an auto—
motive aftermarket device on a California as well as nation—
al basis. My understanding of the requirements of 27156 are
such that it is necessary to apply to the CARB for a speci—
fic exemption to allow legitimate sale in the state of Cali—
fornia. Accordingly, the following information is submitted:

General Description: The device involved consists of a
pressure switch connected in series electrically with the
electromagnetic clutch of an automotive air conditioning
compressor; a manifold (intake) pressure signal connection;
and necessary wiring and hardware for installation.

Function: The pressure switch involved is preset to remain
in the "open"       ({no circuit)         condition for all—intake manifold
pressures above 4"Hg (26"Hg Abs.). This specification results
in the air conditioner compressor being disengaged during
full or near full throttle acceleration conditions where in—
take manifold pressures may exceed approximately the 4"Hg
switch setting.         Depending on the model and manufacturer of
the compressor involved, this action will result in an ad—
ditional 4—8 HP available to the rear wheels of a vehicle
during heavy engine loading. In the case of some smaller
displacement vehicles, this can represent as much as 10—20%
additional acceleration power for passing maneuvers as well
as other driving conditions calling for full engine power
potential. The drivability and safety aspects of this system
are obvious.

Emissions Interface: As previously stated, this device re—
quires a manifold pressure signal to actuate the electrical
switch.    Typically,       installation instructions will call for
the installation of a "tee" fitting in any existing manifold
pressure sensing line (such as the distributor vacuum advance
manifold line, air conditioning controls vacuum source line,
air cleaner inlet bypass actuator line, direct manifold con—
nection,    etc.)   and the connection of the leg of the                         "tee"    to
the pressure switch. By design, this line is static and will
not create any interuption or anomoly in the signal line

   selected. Accordingly, no operational interface with the
   emission control system of the candidate vehicle would exist.
   Based on this, it is our opinion that no adverse effect on
   the vehicle‘s emission control ‘system will result. If any—
   thing, some intangable benefit will be derived from the de—
   activation of the air conditioning compressor during heavy
   vehicle power demand.

   Failure Mode Analysis: Two types of failure are possible in
   this system as in any system:

        1. The first, of course, is physical failure due to ex—
        ternally induced actions or material design deficiency.
        The former is relatively unpredictable while the latter
        is satisfied by proper design specification of the de—
        vice components. In this case, the materials and hardware
        employed are identical to similar materials utilized
        by the vehicle manufacturers. In fact, some of the sources
        are identical.                                 —

        2. The second type of failure to consider is operational.
        In this case we have two possibilities:
             a. If the pressure switch should fail in the closed
             position, the air conditioning compressor would re—
             vert to the original electrical schematic configur—
             b. If the switch should fail in the open position,
             the air conditioning compressor would simply not
             engage — obviously not adversely affecting the en—
             gine emission control system.
        Regarding the switch itself, the manufacturer of this unit
        is currently an OE supplier of similar devices to many
        engine companies with an extremely high reliability and
        durability record. Even if the diaphragm in the switch
        should fail,   the case itself is hermetic and no leakage
        path for the vacuum signal line exists.

     Installation: Per instructions to be supplied with the device,
_..p (not currently_available) the installer will be instructed to
     sélect a suitable mounting location for the pressure switch/
   mounting bracket combination    (such as a carburetor stud).   Con—
   necting the electrical portion of the switch will consist of
   locating the electromagnetic clutch power lead, cutting it,
   and joining the splice—equipped leads supplied with the device.
   Installation of the manifold pressure sensing "tee" consists
   of locating a suitable line    (see Emissions Interface),   cutting
   the line and installing the supplied "tee" fitting and hose
   connection to the pressure switch.   No customer adjustments on
   the engine or device are required.

   Sales Approach: Two methods of distribution are currently be—
   ing considered. One is direct mail order via a number of auto—
   motive aftermarket publications. The second is direct sales to

fleet accounts such as taxi companies and law enforcement

It is my hope that the above information is sufficient for
you to pass judgement on the validity of sale of this device
in the state of California under 27156. If you require addition—
al information or have any questions, please contact me at the
address shown. If you so desire, sample systems can be provided
upon request for evaluation.

                      Yours truly,

                       R. A.   Keller,   Chief Engineer
                      Mancini Machine Corp.

cc: R. Kenny


PS: For the record, this device is proprletary and is currently
being processed for patent protectlon.

                                 Mucit 0
                           MACHINE        CORPORATION
                     20943 BRANT ST LONG BEACH. CALIFORKIA 90810
                                PHONE: §37—3492

                                                                   July 18, 1978

bir Resources Board Laboratory
9528 Telstar Ave.
El Monte, CA      921731

Ref: A—78—158
Attn: Mr. Norman Kayme, Aftermarket Parts and Modifications
     Evaluation Section

Dear Mr. Kayne:

Tnis will acknowledge receipt of Mre. Drachand‘s letter of June 23, 1978,
referring our requested response to you.

Regardingfihe’additional information requested, the following is sub—

1. " of device, copies of advertizing materials and installation

   a,. Device Name: As we discussed on the telephone, it is contemplated
   that the subject device will be sold under more than one name depend—
   ing on the marketing sources employed. One name already determined
   by a mail—order house is: "POW"!R PLUS A/C CONTROL VAINE". Another
   being considered is: nagBgn (for Air Conditioning Compressor Gut—Out
   System). For fleet sales, the device will be sold by its gensric
   naze: "Air Conditioning Compressor Cut—Out System". Regardless of the
   sales name Uutilized, the generic name will appear on all dessriptive
  materials, installation instructions, sand the device itsolf (see
  facsimili exemption label). A statement spsecifying that the device
  has been approved by the CARB for California sale under its generic
   name will be included in any descriptive material. (See Enclosure A)
   Note: Tais approach is quite common in the aftarmarket sales industry.
   An example that should be familiar to you is the automotive instru—
   mant field where a small group of menufacturers produce such pro—
   ducts for dozens of outlets under— many trade names.

   b., Advertizing Materialys: Since Mancini HMaching Corporation will not
   beinvolvsdwithth&retail marketing of this device, we cannot res—
   pond directly to this request. Advertizing copy will be the propriet—
   ary cwnership of the mazketing outlets viilising factual information
   regerding the produst supplied by Mancini Machine Corporation. In its
   agresents with any narketing outlets, Mancini Machine will reserve
   the rightto review and edit any msterial it fesls is erronescs or
   misleading. Information supplied to marketing groups will inolude
   technical descriptions, functional inrfomation, "features and bersfits",
   pirformin:s results, eto. (See Enclosure 4)

                                         e                        e
     c. Installation Instructions: Sse Enclosure B                    18
2. Sample for evaluation: Shipped under separate cover.

3.   Facsimili identification plate: The following will appsar on a press—
     ure sensitive nameplate on the device itself:


     See sample on evalustion unit.

     Per Section II.B.8, Mancini Machine Corporation states the following:

     a. This device shall not cause the exission into the ambient air
     of any noxlous or toxic matter that is not emitted in the cperation
     of such motor vehicle without said device.

     b. This device shall mnot result in any unsafe condition endanger—
     ing the motor vebicle, its cccupants, other persons, or property
     in closs proximity to the vehicle, in accordance with the safety
     requirements specified for the original vehisle.

I trust that the above satisfies your requests and I look fomwrard to a
prompt approval of our device. If you have any additional questions
please contact me directly so that they may be resolved as quickly as

                            R. A. Keller, Chief Engineer
                            HANCINI MACHINE CORFORATION

ce: K. D. Drachand, ARB Iaboratory
       T, R. Mancini


                                  #AGBS" *#

            "Air Conditioning Compressor Cut—Out Syster
DESCRIPTIOX: The nacosn consists of a specially designed and calibrated vacuum
switch which is installed in electrical series with the power lead of air con—
ditioning campressor electromagnetic clutch. The switch is activated by a man—
ifold pressure sensing linc connscted directly to the intake manifold of tha
englne.                                  ‘

FUNCTION: The ragoge disengages the electromagnatic clutch of the air condit—
ioning compressor during heavy vehicle power dezands such as during arceler—
ation maruzsvers or steep grads clinbing. The clutch is re—engaged as soon as
the heavy power demand is removed; ie: steady cruising or driving conditions
only requiring modoratée power levels. Teis action resulta in the total horae—
power requireznent: of the sir conditioning compressor being mnade available as
usable acceleratién power for added safoty and vohicle response in normal driv—
ing situations. In the cage of some smaller displacezent vehicles, the "AC3S"
can result in as nuch as a 20% incroase in rear wheel horsepower while sccolere
ating with the air conditionar on. Waen applied to larger displacement engines,
the rear wheel power improvement is proportionately less.                          —

The net result of installing the "A0°8" is that now you can contiuue to drive
your economical small displacement vehilcle in air conditioned comfort and still
retain its FULL POHER POTENTIAL for driving situations requiring maximum accol—
eration. No longer is it necessary to sacrifice confort to insure adaquate pass—
ing power!      n           ~                              .     .
                                nc n minen*

An additional practical advantage of the "ACBS" is that it will not peruit the
air conditioning compressor to engege unless the engine is running,. This means
that should the previous driver forgot to shut—off the dash air conditioner
switch when he turned the engine off, the power drag of the compressor will be
eliminsted when the engine is ro—started — resulting in faster, casier startsl
As soon as the engine is running, the "A0S" will pormit the compressor to en—

In practiss, the usual vehicle demand for heavy or full power is for a few nsc—
onds at a time. Accordingly, the vehicle driver and his passengers will noever
notice the momentary dis—engagement of the air conditioning coupressor by the
"AC35" and their comfort will be maintained while the vehicle‘s "PQHER SESERYE"
is significantly increassdl Note: The operation of the dash blower is not af—
feated by the "AC5S".
APPLTCATIOX; The "AC°5" is é‘\pp]icable to any automotiveo air conditioning sys—
tem, domestic or forsign, equipped with an electromagnetic compressor clutch.
Nots: The system is not operational with diesel engines.

The "AC3S" has been approved for sale in the State of California by tho Cali—
fornla Air Resources Board as an "Air Conditioning Compressor Cut—Out Systeam"


                           LuoLAbbALIU AGSIRUUTIUNS


Installation of the "AC°S" consists of rounting the special vacuua cwltch; con—
necting the sensing port of the switch assembly to a suitable vacuum source; and
finally, splicing the electrical contacts of the switch in series with the oloe«
tromagnetic clutch power lead.

EIT CONTENTS: Refer to the onclosed drming for kit contents and physical ident=

TOOLS REQUIRED: The following hand tools are required for installation of the "A03gn ;
                  1. Standard nsdiun sise sorcwdriver
                  2. Medium size adjustable cressent wrench or appropriste
                     hand wrenchss — motric or US depending on vehicle
                 . 3. Wire crinping tool or narrow—nosed plioers
                   4. Wire cutters. or sharp knife—
                  5. Electricians tape


1. Mounting of Switch Assembly: Seloot a location approximately midway botusen the
air conditioning compressor and the carburctor and locate a suitable mounting bolt
or stud, This may be on the engine or body as necessary. Do not locate on the ax—
haust manifold or any exhaust componsnt. The hole in the switch mounting bracket
is sized to fit most carburstor mounting studs and this is an exoellant looation.
If required, the mounting hole may be cnlarged as necessary.

                  NOTE: Check first to be sursa selected location does not
                  inf,erfera with any carburetor linkage motion.

Using a crescent or sultable hand wronch, remove the fruut or bolt selected for
mounting the switch assembly. Place the switch assembly over the bolt or stud
selocted and re—securs "finger tight".

                  NOTE: The switch assembly may be installed in anyposition
                  and does not require an elcotrical ground for operation.

2. Prossure Sensing Iine: Locate an intale manifold prossure (vacuum) sensing
source such as a diract manifold connection or a suitable vacuum comnection on
the carburetor.

                  NCTE: Whatever vacuwma source connoction is selected,. this
                  connection must see    full intake menifold vacuum at ALL
                  times for propar— "AC~S" oporation,. If in doubt, refoer to
                  your vebicle manual or a compotent mechanic, Hint: Host
                  late model vehicles includs a schgmatic of the various
                  manifold connsections on a decal located in the engine
                  compartment or on the inside of the hood.

Many vehicles have a "qpider" connsction on the intake manifold with several
ports for accessory and emission control connactions. Frequently, severel of
these ports ars not used and one of those may be used for the "AC°8".

A "toe" fitting and a length of sensing hose are provided in ths "a0os5" it to
facilitate the pressure sensing connsction to the smrtch asseubly. If an ap—
propriate "spider" comnection is utilized, tho "tee" may be discarded. The sens—
ing source selected rust have a longth of hose suitable for the installation of
the "too" fitting,. Insids hose dismetor must bo no greater than 3/16" for proper
fit of the "tee" fitting.                      '      >                           '

Bofore cutting the selootod source hose for installation of the "too" fitting,
dcstom::ns the routing for the cupplied scuasing hoso to be surs of ndmquate Llength,.
If the supplied hose is not long ensugh to reach the switch assecbly, caloot a
nsu vacuwci source location or relocate the switch assembly,. If nicthoer of thor
is possiblo, longor lengths of sensing hose may be purchased at any automcotivg
parts atore.

                NOTE: Be sure hose is not in contact or in close proxinity
                to any hot exhaust caiponsnts or moving parts.

Onse thoe above has been accomplished, out the sslected source line with sithor a
sharp knife or wire cutter, insert tho "too" fitting (if "spider" connection is
not used) and connsot the sensing ling to the siritch assezbly. Crient the posit—
ion of the switch assembly for the most dirsot hose connection and tighton the
sultch assembly mounting. The sensing lins may be cut to any length desired to
facllitate routing.

3. Electrical Connoctions: Attach the two supplied splice leads to the switch
assemnbly using a standard serewdriver. Bs sure these connsctions are not in con—
tact with any metal surfsaces,. Locate the electromagnotic clutch power load. Tais
lead is a single lins coming from the back of the   pulloy assembly on the mir con—
ditioning cenpressor. Detormine a lecation in the   elutch powor lead that can be
reached convenfently by the two splite leads. Cut   the power lead, strip approx—
imately 3/8" of insulstion from both ends, insert   into each splice lead and
crimp tightly, The switch assembly is now in clcotrical series with the clsotro—
magnotic clutch power lead. Bo sure the routing of ths spliced connsotion does
not come in contact with any exhaust cempononts and does not interfere with any
moving parts (fen, carburotor lHnkagoe, oto.). Uso elsotrical taps to scsoure the
spliced connsction and insure a "mest" installation.

This completes the installation of the "AC"3".
k. System Test: Remove all toole from the ongine compartuent before procceding.

                a. With hood up, start ongine and allow engine to attain
                normal oporating temporature.

                NOTE: Do HOT run engins in a closed garage — be sure of
                adaquato ventilation to avoid exhaust gas inhalation.

                b. Observe electromagnstic clutch while engine is running.
                Hote that whils the pulley is turning, the face of the
                clutch assembly is not — this is the normal disengaged
                operation with the air conditioning dash controls in the
                "off" position.                                       ‘

                c. Turn dashboard air conditioning control to the "on"
                position and set for coldest operation. Observe that the
                compressor clutch is now engagod and the entire assecbly
                is now rotating.

                 d. To chock for proper operation of the "ACBS", rapidly do—
                «press the accelerator pedal to a full throttle position and then
                 off whils similtaencously observing the clutch face. Hote —
                 that the clutch face will stop for a brief instant whils the
                 accelorator was deprossced. This sction simulates the vacuwim
                conditions present in the engine intake renifold during full
                aggeleration or hoavy powor dezand. Anothor check of propor
                operation is the audible dotsction of a notallie "click" whon
                the—clutch discngegos and anothor "click" when it ro—engages.

Tais completes your systea test, Tour "AG3S" is now z;eady for use.

                NOTB: Ho adjustmnonts are ovor required.

S. Troubleshooting: If the systea does mot porform as dosoribad sbove, rechosk
all olectrical and pressure sonsing connsctions. The swltoh is not adjustable sond
is hernetically sealed — do NOT atte=
                                    'p‘% to open. If aftor re—chocking and vor:
ing all instruction procedures the "A0°58" is still not functional, refor to the
enclossd "Iirited Harranty" statement.         '       '

                              LIMITED WHARBAHTT

        Tae "ACS" is warzented for all dofects in manufacture and
        workranship for a poriod of tuo years from date of purchase.
        ¥arranty will not be honored for izpropar installation, mis—
        use, unsuthorized repairs or altorations, or extornally in—
      . duced physical damage. To spply for warranty consideration,
        gend complete system along with dated proof of purchase and
        brief dsscription of malfunction to the addross listed below.
        Warranty is linited to rcpair or rcplacenent of componcnts at
        nanufacturer‘s descrotion.

                       "A0BS" Customor Service Dapartment
                        20943 Brant Avo.
                        Iong Bsach, CA . 90810

        NOTE All warrenty shipmonts must be prepaid. No collect shipments
        will be accepted.

                       6094         .           :                                                                                           :
                       EAISTINME EZEdMO/‘fAéA’é‘.‘.’ CHLUTCH {LAD —                           ‘                                   +0
                                        a                                                                                  Exhibit B


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Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:53
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:53

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