Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on November 20, 2012.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-271-24
  • Executive Order 271-24 / D271-24
  • ARB # D-271-24
  • Executive Order No: D-271-24
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-271-24
  • Resolution D-271-24
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-271-24 PDF

D-271-24 Document:


                                                 State of 'Catlifornia
                                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD —

                                    EXECUTIVE ORDER D-271—24

                          Relatmg to Exemptlons Under Sectlon 27156'7‘:-“;
                                  ~——.— of the Callforma Vehlcle Code

                                              _ Kenne Bell, Inc. . > C— >
                                          TS Serles Supercharger se

Pursuant to the authonty vestedin the A|r Resources Board by Sectlon 27156 ofthe Vehlcle
Code; and ..       <..         .        se s       e                     2e lt      .

Pursuant to the authority vested in the under3|gned by Sectlon 39515 and Section 39516 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executlve OrderG02—003                   uk y

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED That the mstallatlon Of the TS Series Supercharger
manufactured and marketed by Kenne Bell, Inc.,10743BellCourt,RanchoCucamonga,
California 91730, has beeh found notto reduce the efféectiveness of the applicable vehicle
pollution control systems and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code for the followmg Ford Motor Company vehlcles
PART NO          YEAR          MAKE   >       {0 >       ;.       ENGINE (L) — BOOST         SUPERCHARGER: PULLEY Dia.
 C                                        Fovay _                      w uy                   Displacement (L)> (Inches)

 TS1000 SERIES _ 2007—12       SHELBY GT50O0/KR      5.4                             12              2.8     _ 3.25
 TS1000 SERIES ©2007—12 °>     SHELBY GT50O0/KR _ 5.4°                               12. .   {       3.6 n s    3.87.9
"1S1000 SERIES .. 2007—12      SHELBY GT5OO/KR . . — 5.4 >                      .    12..>         . A.2,     = 450 o
 TS1000 SERIES |. 2013.. .     SHELBY GT50O0/KR      5.8 —                    L.     12            . 2.8    2 8.250
 TS1000 SERIES >—~ 2013 °~ —   SHELBY GT500/KR       5.8                          Cc 12              3.6    o. 3.87
 TS1000 SERIES      2013       SHELBY GTS50OO/KR     5.8                             12              4.2        4.50 . >

The 2007 to 2013 model year Ford Shelby.GT50Q0/KR Supercharger Kit consists of the 8p0
following main components:. Twin screw supercharger designed to replace.the stock:.                                   .
supercharger, modified ECM calibration; Ford GT style airintake system . with metal, chrome
tube to house the massairflow sensor,: 75 mm throttle body, and a conical air—filter in a new
air box. The stock crankshaft pulleyis retained. There are no changes or.modifications to:
any of the followrng vacuum or emission related hoses, fuel! rnjectors or radlator thermostat.
Maximum boost is 12 psr                              .              .                            w ul un       wl

This ExecutiveOrder isvalidprovllded'that the installation instructions for the TS Series | _
Supercharger will not recommend tunlng the vehicleto specn‘rcatlons dlfferent from those
submrtted by thedevrce manufacturer                           |         ols             .                         .

.Changesmade to the desrgnor operatlng conditions of the TS Serres Supercharger as"                                        !
exempt by theAir Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of thevehlcles
pollutron control system shall mvahdate this Executive Ordér.  -

This Executive Order shall not apply to any T.S—Series Supercharger advertlsed offered for
sale, sold with, or instalied on a new motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transferto an
ultimate purchaser

Marketing of the TS Series Supercharger usingany identification other than that shown in this
Executive Order or marketing of the‘TS Series Supercharger for an application other than
those listed in this Executive Ordershall be prohlbrtedunless prror approval is obtained from >
the Air Resources Board. _       :          .

This Executrve Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the TS Series
Supercharger may haveonany warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle
manufacturer.                                               .

This Executive Order is granted based on prior submitted emission test data generated on a
2007 modeltyear 5.4L Ford Shelby GT500 certified to the Low Emission Vehicle II Low
Emission Vehicle (LEV II LEV) emission standards, modified with the TS Series
Supercharger Kit. Test results on the GT500 showed that emission levels, with Kenne Bell,
Inc.‘s TS Series Supercharger installed, met the applicable emission standards when tested
using the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure (FTP) and the Supplemental Federal
Test Procedure (SFTP USO6/SC03) test cycles. Boost pressure was measured at 11.6 psi.
for the Shelby GT500. Examination of the OBD II system showed the TS Series
Supercharger did not affect OBD 11 system operation. Results from emission testing
conducted at the Automotive Testing and Development Services, Inc., of Ontario, California
are listed below with deterioration factors applied.

   2007 model year Ford Shelby GT500                CVS—75 FTP
                                  NMOG         CO       NOx         HCHO
   Standards                      0.075        3.4      0.05        0.015
   Device Test                    0.0861 .     2.1      0.05        0.001

                               NMHC+NOx         CO
  ~ Standards 4k                 0.14/0.20      8.0/2.7
    Device                       0.03/0.04      4.1/2.1

The Air Resources Board reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order and
the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part continues
to meet the standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section
2222, et seq.                                                 .


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made with
respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the order, in
which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed
revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request
and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the hearing that grounds
for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this       ZSJ*      day of November 2012.


                                 %Annette Hebert, Chief
                                         obile Source Operations Division

               KENNE BELL, INC. — TS SERIES SUPERCHARGER — D—271—24

Document Created: 2013-03-14 18:01:15
Document Modified: 2013-03-14 18:01:15

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