Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 11, 1980.
As of Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

All gasoline carbureted vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-100
  • Executive Order 100 / D100
  • ARB # D-100
  • Executive Order No: D-100
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-100
  • Resolution D-100
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-100 Document:


                                                                 (Page 1 of 2 )

                                       S t a t e of California
                                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                                   EXECUTIVE ORDER 0-1 00
                       Relating t o Exemptions under Section 27156
                                    of t h e Vehicle Code

                              "PETRO-MIZER MK1 (TM)" DEVICE

     Pursuant t o t h e authority vested i n t h e Air Resources Board by Section
     27156 of t h e Jehicle Code; and

     Pursuant t o t + e authority vested i n t h e undersigned by Sections 39515
     and 39516 of t h e Health and Safety Code and Executive Order 6-45-5;
     IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the i n s t a l l a t i o n of t h e "Petro-Mizer
     MK1 (TM)" device manufactured by P and M Research and Development
     Laboratory has been found not t o reduce t h e e f f e c t i v e n e s s of required
     motor vehicle pollution control devices and, t h e r e f o r e , i s exempt from
     the prohibitions of Section 27156 of t h e Vehicle Code f o r vehicles t h a t
     u t i l i z e a c a r b u r e t o r ( s ) and a r e powered by gasoline except f o r t h e

           1.     diesel powered vehicles
           2.     fuel injected vehicles.

•    This Executive Order i s valid provided t h a t i n s t a l l a t i o n i n s t r u c t i o n s
     f o r t h i s device will not recommend tuning t h e vehicle t o s p e c i f i c a t i o n s
     d i f f e r e n t from those submitted by t h e device manufacturer.
     Changes made t o t h e design o r operating conditions of the device, as
     exempted by the Air Resources Board, t h a t adversely a f f e c t t h e performance
     of d v e h i c l e ' s pollution control system s h a l l i n v a l i d a t e t h i s Executive
     Marketing of t h i s device using an i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o t h e r than t h a t shown
     in this Executive Order o r marketing of t h i s device f o r an application
     other than those l i s t e d i n t h i s Executive Order s h a l l be prohibited unless
     p r i o r approval i s obtained from t h e Air Resources Board. Exemption of a
     k i t shall not be construed as an exemption t o s e l l , o f f e r f o r s a l e o r
     advertise any component of a k i t a s an individual device.
     This Executive Order does not c o n s t i t u t e any opinion as t o the e f f e c t
     t h a t t h e use of t h i s device may have on ai7;I warranty e i t h e r expressed
     o r implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


a    No claim of ary kind, such as "Approved by t \ i r Resources Board'' may be
     made with respect t o t h e action taken herein i n any a d v e r t i s i n g o r other
     oral o r writtcn communication.

"PETRO-MIZER ML1 (TM)" DEVICE                                               (Page 2 of 2)

Section 17500 of the Business and Professiors Code makes untrue o r
misleading a d ~ e r t i s i n gunlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable a s 3 misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides a s follows:
     "43644. { a ) No person s h a l l i n s t a l l , s e l l , o f f e r f o r s a l e , o r
     a d v e r t i s e , or, except i n an application t o the s t a t e board f o r
     c e r t i f i c a t i o n of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device f o r use on any used motor vehicle unless
     t h a t device has been c e r t i f i e d by t h e s t a t e board. No person s h a l l
     s e l l , o f f e r f o r s a l e , a d v e r t i s e , o r represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a c e r t i f i e d device which, in f a c t , i s
     not a c e r t i f i e d device. Any violation of t h i s subdivision i s a
     misdemeanor. "

Any apparent violation of the conditions of t h i s Executive Order will be
submitted t o t h e Attorney General of California f o r such action a s he
deems advisable.

Executed a t El Monte, California, t h i s          //   L A day of April, 1980.

                                       L ."K.-D.  Drachand, Chief
                                            Mobile Source Control Division

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                              March 13, 1980
                              Staff Report

        Evaluation of P and M Research and Development Laboratories
      "Petro-Mizer Mk I" device for Compliance with the Requirements
              of Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code

I.     Introduction
      P and M Research and Development Laboratory, 934 Vella Road, Palm
      Springs, CA 92262, has submitted an application requesting an
      exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the California
      Vehicle Code for its "Petro-Mizer Mk I" device. The device is
      designed for installation on 1980 and older model-year vehicles
      that utilize a carburetor(s) and are powered by gasoline except
      for the following:
                1.    all diesel powered vehicles
                2.    all fuel injected vehicles

      The "Petro-Mizer MK I" device is designed to be installed in series
      with the vehicle's fuel supply line. The device can be installed
      anywhere between the fuel pump and carburetor fuel inlet port,
      depending on ease of access. The device consists of a 7.9 mm
       (0.312 inch) copper tube inserted between four permanent pole

            magnets that are equally spaced on a 90" axis from each other.
            The magnets have ferromagnetic qualities (properties resembling
            iron).    The magnets are held in place by an epoxy resin and then
            encased by an anodized aluminum shield. The copper tube extends
            at each end from the body of the device to allow for a hose
            coupling to secure the device to the fuel line by means of hose

        111. System Function
            The applicant claims that the "Petro-Mizer MK 1" device, when
            installed on the vehicle's fuel supply line, will change the
            molecular density of fuel by applying an energy field to the
            flow of gasoline. However, the applicant has not supported this
            claim with any technical substantiation.

    a   IV. System Evaluation
            The ARB'S staff requested that the applicant submit the "Petro-Mizer
            MK 1 " device to an emissions and fuel economy evaluation. The
            staff chose a representative vehicle from the applicant's applicable
            vehicle list. The representative vehicle was a 1980 Ford Fairmont
            with 3.3L (200 CID) engine that utilized exhaust gas recirculation,

~           air injection and three-way catalyst with closed loop emission controls.

            The applicant contracted with Olson Engineering, Inc. in Huntington
            Beach, CA, to perform back-to-back CVS-75 and HFET tests according
            to Federal Test Procedures for the evaluation of the device. The
            results of this testing (see Table 1) indicated that there was no
            negative emission effects and that the fuel economy test results
            were within the bounds of test variability. However, the ARB did

     not perform confirmatory t e s t i n g of the "Petro-Mizer MK 1" device
     a s per the recommendations of the s t a f f .

V.   Discussion
     The applicant has offered no explanation as t o the mechanism
     by which the device can change the molecular density of the
     fuel by a l t e r i n g the applied energy f i e l d .

     The ARB s t a f f concluded t h a t the ferromagnetic magnets encased

     within the device cannot develop adequate energy t o change the

     bonding of the molecules i n a gasoline compound.               Furthermore,
     the density of the fuel will n o t change because the density i s
     proportional t o temperature and pressure, neither of which the
     device i s capable of changing or influencing.              The copper tube
     t h a t i s inserted through the body of the device i s not known t o
     a c t as a c a t a l y s t on gasoline, and t h e r e i s no apparent method of
     providing energy t o the device t h a t would allow i t t o operate as
     t h e applicant describes.

           The t e s t conducted by Olson Engineering indicated t h a t the "Petro-
           Mizer Mk 1" device does not s i g n i f i c a n t l y a f f e c t emissions
           o r fuel economy.

VI.   Conclusions and Recommendations
      The ARB s t a f f found no evidence t h a t the "Petro-Mizer Mk I " device
      will have a s i g n i f i c a n t adverse e f f e c t on emissions from a motor
      vehicle.    The t e s t r e s u l t s concluded t h a t the device did not indicate
      any appreciable fuel economy benefits t h a t can be a t t r i b u t e d t o the

      Therefore, the s t a f f recommend t h a t P and M Research and Development
      Laboratories "Petro-Mizer MK 1" device be granted an exemption from
      the prohibitions from Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code
      based on the t e s t r e s u l t s and the nature of the device.

                               Table 1
              LAB: Olsen EngineeringlHuntington Beach
  DEVICE: P and M Research and Development Labs/Petro-Mizer MKI (TM)

VEHICLE: 1980 Ford Fai rmont
ENGINE SIZE: 3.3L (200 CID) w/l Venturi Carburetor
EMISSION CONTROLS: Air injection, Exhaust gas recirculation, three-
                    way catalyst w/closed loop
                                   grams/mi 1 e          mPg
 3/6/80     BASELINEICVS-75    3.83 0.89 '0.41     17.65   24.25
 3/7/80     DEVICE/CVS-75      3.24 0.96 0.31      18.64   26.65
            % Change
            From Base1 ine     -15% +8%    -24     +6%     +lo%

Document Created: 2007-06-04 13:45:59
Document Modified: 2007-06-04 13:45:59

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