Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 10, 1996.
As of Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModificationRemarks
4CB218-0601991-1993 CHRYSLER DODGE DAKOTA 5.2L, Pulley dia. (Inches): Crankshaft 7.00, Input 3.125, OBD II vehicles excludedDodge/Jeep: Relocate ignition coil, coolant recovery reservoir, and crankcase vent to air filter cover. Install oil feed and drain, modified intake air ducting with new air filter cover, discharge plenum and ducting, fuel management unit (FMU) on fuel return line and connect to auxiliary fuel pump.Pulley dia. (Inches): Crankshaft 7.00, Input 3.125

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-213-10
  • Executive Order 213-10 / D213-10
  • ARB # D-213-10
  • Executive Order No: D-213-10
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-213-10
  • Resolution D-213-10
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-213-10 PDF

D-213-10 Document:


                                                              (Page 1 of 2)

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—213—10
                 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                            of the Vehicle Code

                         VORTECH ENGINEERING, INC.
                      5 AND 8 PSI. GEARCHARGER SYSTEM

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the add—on
A and S Trim V—1, V—2 Gearcharger Systems, manufactured by Vortech
Engineering, Inc., of 5351 Bonsai Ave., Moorpark, California 93021 with a
max. boost of 8 psi., and has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
the applicable vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is exempt
from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for those
vehicles, except those equipped with on—board diagnostics II (OBD I1I),
listed with corresponding modifications to the OEM engine systems in Exhibit
A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempt by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive
Order .

Marketing of the A and S Trim V—1, V—2 Gearcharger System using   any
identification other than that shown in this Executive Order or   marketing of
the A and S Trim V—1, V—2 Gearcharger System for an application   other than
those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless   prior
approval is obtained from the ARB.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the
A and S Trim V—1, V—2 Gearcharger System may have on any warranty either
expressed or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

This Executive Order is granted based on comparative intake manifold
air pressure testing which was recorded during a Hot—Start 505 LA4 drive
cycle in the baseline and modified configuration.   However, the ARB finds
that reasonable grounds exist to believe that use of the A and S Trim V—1,
V—2 Gearcharger System may adversely affect emissions of motor vehicles when
operating under conditions outside the parameters of the previously
prescribed test procedures. Accordingly, the ARB reserves the right to
conduct additional emission tests, in the future, as such tests are

Vortech                                  EXECUTIVE ORDER D—213—10
                                         (Page 2 of 2)

developed, that will more adequately measure emissions from all cycle
phases. If such test results demonstrate that the A and S Trim V—1, V—2
Gearcharger System adversely affect emissions during off—cycle conditions
(defined as those conditions which are beyond the parameters of the Cold—
Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure), this Executive Order shall be
effectively rescinded as of the date the test results are validated.
Further, if such test results or other evidence provides the ARB with reason
to suspect that the A and S Trim V—1, V—2 Gearcharger System will affect the
durability of the emission control system, Vortech shall be required to
submit durability data to show that the durability of the vehicle emission
control system is not, in fact, affected and/or that the add—on or modified
part demonstrates adequate durability.

In addition to the foregoing, the ARB reserves the right in the future to
review this Executive Order and the exemption provided herein to assure that
the exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the standards and
procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222, et

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order. The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a
hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after hearing
that grounds for revocation exist.

The Bureau of Automotive Repair will be notified by a copy of this order.

Executive Order D—213—9, dated July 25, 1995, is superseded and of no
further force and effect.
Executed at El Monte, California, this   167%'    of April 1996.

                                          ant Division Chief
                                    Mobile Source Division

                                                                                (Page 1 of 4)


Chrysler Corp.

                          Model         Vehicle              Engine              Pulley Dia.        (inches)
Part        No.         Years      Make and Model          Size (liters)         Crankshaft          Input

4CB218—060             1991—93     Dodge Dakota                 5.2               7.00              3.125
4CB218—O0605           1991—93     Dodge Dakota                 5.2               7. 00             3. 125
4CB218—068             1991—93     Dbodge   Dakota              5.2               7 .00             3.125
4CB218—O068S           1991—93     Dodge    Dakota              5.2               7.00              3.125
4CC218—060               1994      Dbodge   Dakota              5.2               7.00              3.125
4CC218—068               1994      Dodge    Dakota              5.2               7.00              3.125
4CD218—030             1994/95     Dodge Ram                    5.2/5.9           7. 00             3.125
4CD218—0308            1994/95     Dodge Ram                 5.2/5.9              7.00              3.125
4CD218—038             1994/95     Dodge Ram—                5.2/5.9              7.00              3.125
4CD218—038S            1994/95     Dodge Ram                 5.2/5.9              7.00              3.125
4CJ218—O108            1993—95     Cherokee                  5.2                  7.00              3.125
4CJ218—O18S            1993—95     Cherokee                  5.2                  7 .00             3.125

Exempted Modifications

       1.         Relocate ignition coil.
       2.     Replace coolant recovery reservoir.
       3.     Relocate crankcase vent outlet to air filter cover.
       4.     Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys,      new accessory belt,
              brackets, oil feed and drain, modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air
              filter cover, and discharge plenum and ducting.
       5.     Install Fuel management unit (FMU)  on   fuel           return   line     and   connect to
              intake  manifold  air  pressu re source.
       6.     Install auxiliary fuel pump.

Ford Motor Company

                        Model         Vehicle              Engine          _   Pulley     Dia.    (inches)
Part        No.         Years     Make and Model           Size (liters)         Crankshaft             Input

4FA218—O010            1986—93        Mustang                5.0                  6.00
                                  Standard Output
4FA218—O018            1986—93       Mustang                 5.0                  6.00
                                  Standard Output
4FG218—010             1994/95       Mustang                 5.0                  6.00
                                  Standard Output
4FrG218—018            1994/95       Mustang                 5.0                  6.00
                                  Standard Output

Exempted Modifications

       1.     Relocate fuel evaporation canister.
       2.      Relocate Mass Airflow sensor to new air filter cover.
       3.     Relocate crankcase vent outlet to air filter cover.
       4.     Relocate alternator and air injection pump aid air      control valve.
       5.     Shorten hose between air injection pump and air control valve.
       6.     Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys, brackets, oil feed drain, and
              modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air filter cover.
       7.     Install Fuel Management Unit (FMU)  on   fuel           return   line   and     connect    to
              intake  manifold  air  pressure  source.

Forad Motor Company                                                                            (Page 2   of     4)

                         Model              Vehicle                 Engine                Pulley Dia. (inches)
Part No.                 Years        Make     and     Model        Size      (liters)      Crankshaft         Input

4FA218—030                 1993             Mustang                 5.0                     6.88              3 .33
4FA218—0308                                  Cobra
4FA218—038                 1993             Mustang                 5.0                     6.88              3. 33
4FA218—038S                                  Cobra
4FA218—O040              1986—93            Mustang                 5.0                     6.88              3. 33
4FA218~0408                                  H#.0.
4FA218—048               1986—93            Mustang                 5.0                     6.88              3.33
4FA218—O0488S                                H.0.
4FG218—020               1994/95            Mustang                 5.0                     6.88              3.33
4FG218—0208                                  H.0.
4FG218—028               1994/95            Mustang                 5.0                     6.88              3.33
4FG218—028S                                  .0.

Exempted Modifications

     1.       Relocate      fuel     evaporation        canister.
     2.       Relocate Mass Airflow sensor to new air filter cover.
     3.       Relocate crankcase vent outlet to air filter cover.
     4.       Relocate alternator and air injection pump and air control valve.
     5.       Shorten hose between air injection pump and air control valve.
     6.       Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys, brackets, oil feed drain, and
              modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air filter cover.
     7.       Install Fuel Management Unit (FMU) on fuel return line and connect to intake
              manifold air pressure source.
     8.       Install  supplemental  fuel   pump.
     9.       optional      Vortech/MSD Boost Timing Unit, P/N 5A001—001,  may be                         used.
              Designed      to retard ignition timing under boost.conditions  (max                        adj.  is
              three      degrees     per    pound     boost).

Fora Motor Company

                         Model           Vehicle                   Engine                Pulley Dia. (inches)
Part No.                 Years        Make and Model            Size (liters)             Crankshaft     Input

4FrC218—030             1987—95       F—Series       Truck              5.8                 6.50         2 .875
4rC218—0305             1987—95       F—Series       Truck              5.8                 6.50         2 .875
4FC218—038              1987—95       F—Series       Truck              5.8                 6.50         2 .875
4FC218—038S             1987—95       F—Series       Truck              5.8                 6.50         2.875
4FC218—040              1993—95       Lightning      Truck              5.8                 6.50         2 .875
4FC218—0405             1993—95       Lightning      Truck              5.8                 6.50         2.875
4FC218—048              1993—95       Lightning      Truck              5.8                 6.50         2.875
4FPC218—048S            1993—95       Lightning      Truck              5.8                 6.50         2 .875
4FE218—070              1987—95      .F—Series       Truck              5.0                 6.50         3.125
4FE218—0708             1987—95       F—Series       Truck              5.0                 6.50         3.125
4FE218—078              1987—95       F—Series       Truck              5.0                 6.50         3.125
4FE218—078S             1987—95       F—Series       Truck              5.0                 6.50         3 .125

Exempted Modifications

               1.       Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys, brackets, oil feed
                        drain, and modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air filter
               2.       Install Fuel Management Unit (FMU) on fuel return line and connect to
                        intake manifold air pressure source.
               3.       Optional Vortech/MSD Boost Timing Unit, P/N 5A00O1—001, may be used.
                    *   Designed to retard ignition timing under boost conditions (max adj. is
                        three     degrees    per     pound    boost).
               4.       Install     supplemental       fuel     pump.

Ford_ Motor Company                                                                                (Page 3      of    4)

             .             Model        Vehicle                  Engine                    Pulley Dia.          (inches)
Part        No.            Years     Make     and     Model      Size (liters)                  Crankshaft           Input

4FB218—040                 1986—95   F—Series         Truck                 7.5                         6.50         2.875
4FB218—0405                1986—95   F—Series         Truck                 7.5                         6.50         2.875
4FB218—048                 1986—95   F~Series         Truck                 7 .5                        6. 50        2.875
4FB218—048S                1986—95   F—Series         Truck                 7.5                         6.50         2.875

Exempted           Modifications

       1.         Modify Air Bypass Tube.
       2.         Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys, brackets, oil feed drain, and
                  modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air filter cover.
       3.         Install Fuel Management Unit (FMU) on fuel return line and connect to intake
                  manifold air pressure source.
       4.         Optional Vortech/MSD Boost Timing Unit, P/N SAOO1—001, may be used.  Designed to
                  retard ignition timing under boost conditions (max adj. is three degrees per
                  pound boost).
       5.         Install supplemental fuel pump.
       6.         Replace thermostat housing.          '

Ford Motor Company

                           Model        Vehicle                  Engine                    Pulley Dia.          (inches)
Part        No.            Years     Make and Model           Size    (liters)            Crankshaft            Input

4FD218—O050                1991—94   Ford Explorer/Ranger            4 .0                      Stock             2 .87
4FD218—O508                1991—94   Ford Explorer/Ranger            4 .0                      Stock             2.87
4FD218—058                 1991—94   Ford Explorer/Ranger            4.0                       Stock             2 .87
4FD218—058S                1991—94   Ford Explorer/Ranger            4 .0                      Stock             2 .87

Exempted           Modifications

       1.         Modify Air Bypass Tube.
       2.         Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys,                brackets,   oil feed drain,       and
                  modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air filter cover.
       3.         Install Fuel Management Unit (FMU) on fuel return line and connect to intake
                  manifold air pressure source.
       4.         Optional Vortech/MSD Boost Timing Unit, P/N S5SAOO1—001l, may be used.   Designed to
                  retard ignition timing under boost conditions (max adj. is three degrees per
                  pound boost).                                                          ‘
       5.         Install supplemental fuel pump.

General Motors

                          Model          Vehicle                 Engine                    Pulley Dia.          (inches)
Part        No.           Years      Make and Model           Size    (liters)            Crankshaft            Input

4GB218—050                1990~—95   Trucks   (TBI)              5.0/5.7                       7.00             3.125
4GB218—O508               1990—95    Trucks   (TBI)              5.0/5.7                       7.00             3.125
4GB218—058                1990—95    Trucks   (TBI)              5.0/5—7                       7.00             3.125
4GB218—0585S              1990—95    Trucks   (TBI)              5.0/5—7             .         7.00             3.125
4GC218—090                1988—93    Trucks   (TBI)                7 .4                        7.50             2 .875
4GC218—0908               1988—93    Trucks   (TBI)                7 .4                        7. 50            2. 875
4GC218—098                1988—93    Trucks   (TBI)                7 .4                        7.50 _           2.875
4GC218—0988               1988—93    Trucks   (TBI)                7 .4                        7.50             2.875
4GG218—090                1994/95    Trucks   (TBI)                7 .4                        7.50             2.875
4G6G218—0908              1994/95    Trucks   (TBI)                7 .4                        7 .50            2 .875
46G218—098          ~   _ 1994/95    Trucks   (TBI)                7 .4                        7 .50            2.875
4GG218—098S               1994/95    Trucks   (TBI)                7 .4                        7.50             2 .875

Exempted_ Modifications                                                                      (Page 4      of      4)

       1.     Drill two holes in the base of the TBI unit.
       2.     Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys, brackets, oil feed drain, and
              modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air filter cover,                    and discharge
              plenum and ducting.
       3.     Install supplemental fuel injection computer (SFIC) and related hardware
              including an auxiliary fuel pump, throttle spacer block,                  fuel pressure reqgulator,
              supplemental fuel injectors and associated fuel lines.

General Motors

                         Model        Vehicle              Engine                   Pulley     Dia.           (inches)
Part        No.          Years    Make and Model           Size   (liters)              Crankshaft               Input

4GF218—060              1988—92   Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        7 .00                3.48
4GF218—06085            1988—92   Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        7.00                 3. 48
4GF218—068              1988—92   Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        7.00       >         3. 48
4GF218—068S             1988—92   Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        7 .00                3. 48
4GH218—050               1993     Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        6.00                 3 .33
4GH218—O0508             1993     Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7          .             6.00                 3. 33
4GH218—058               1993     Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        6.00                 3. 33
4GH218—058S              1993     Camaro/Firebird _         5.0/5.7                        6.00           _     3.33
4GH218—060              1994/95   Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        6.00                 3 .33
4GH218—0608             1994/95   Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        6.00                 3. 33
4GH218—068              1994/95   Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        6.00                 3. 33
4GH218—068S             1994/95   Camaro/Firebird           5.0/5.7                        6.00                 3 .33

Exempted Modifications

       1.     Fuel evaporation canister may be remotely relocated.
       2.     Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys, brackets, oil feed drain, and
              modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air filter cover, and discharge
              plenum and ducting.
       3.     Install Fuel Management Unit (FMU) on fuel return line and connect to intake
              manifold air pressure source.
       4.     Optional Vortech/MSD Boost Timing Unit, P/N S5AOO1—001, may be used. Designed to
              retard  ignition  timing    under    boost    conditions           (max   adj.   is three         degrees
              per  pound  boost).
       5.     Install supplemental fuel pump.
       6.     1993 models only — replace stock fuel injectors with 24 lbs. injectors.

General Motors

                         Model        Vehicle              Engine                  Pulley Dia.            (inches)
Part        No.          Years    Make and Model           Size (liters)             Crankshaft             . Input

4GV218—078              1992/93     Corvette                   5.7                        7. 00                 3.125
4GV218—078S             1992/93     Corvette                   5.7                        7.00                  3.125
4GV218—088              1994/95     Corvette                   5.7                        7 .00                 3.125
4GV218—088S             1994/95     Corvette                   5.7                        7 .00                 3.125
4GV218—068              1994/95     Impalla SS                 5.7                        7 .00                 3.125
4GV218—O685S            1994/95     Impalla SS                 5.7                        7 .00                 3.125

Exempted          Modifications

       1.     Fuel evaporation canister may be remotely relocated.
       2.     Install Gearcharger unit with associated pulleys, brackets, oil feed drain, and
              modified intake air ducting incorporating a new air filter cover, and discharge
              plenum and ducting.         —
       3.      Install Fuel Management Unit (FMU) on fuel return line and connect to intake
             manifold air pressure source.
       4.     Optional Vortech/MSD Boost Timing Unit, P/N SAOO1—001, may be used.  Designed to
              retard ignition timing under boost conditions        (max adj.  is three degrees
              per pound boost).
       5.     Install supplemental   fuel   pump.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:09
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:09

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