Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 19, 1993.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsRemarks
6880(Black); 7980(Pro-Tech)Jeep Cherokee & Comanche 1984-86 w/ 2.8L V62WD/4WD

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-215-9
  • Executive Order 215-9 / D215-9
  • ARB # D-215-9
  • Executive Order No: D-215-9
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-215-9
  • Resolution D-215-9
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-215-9 PDF

D-215-9 Document:


                                                   (Page 1 of 2)

                                     State of California
                                     AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                   EXECUTIVE ORDER D—215—9
                          Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                     of the Vehicle Code.

                                    EDELBROCK CORPORATION
                                    Tubular Exhaust System

       Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board     (ARB)   by Section
       27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

       Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
       39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—4§5—5;

       IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:  That the installation of the Tubular Exhaust
       System manufactured by Edelbrock Corporation of 2700 California St., P.O.
       Box 2936, Torrance, California 90509—2936 has been found not to reduce the
       effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices and,
       therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle
       Code for installation on those vehicles listed in Exhibit A.
       This Executive Order is valid provided that the Tubular Exhaust Systems are
       manufactured from #16 gage tubing, and the installation instructions for the
       Tubular Exhaust System will not recommend tuning the vehicle to
       specifications different from those submitted by the manufacturer.

       Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
       exempted by the ARB, that adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s
       pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

       Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
       this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
       than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
       approval   is obtained from the ARB.

       This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the
       use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by
       the vehicle manufacturer.


       No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
       made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
       oral or written communication.

EDELBROCK CORPORATION                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—215—9
                                                         (Page 2 of 2)

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644,   (a)   No person shall install,          sell,   offer for sale,   or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the .state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as.a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that
     device has been certified by the state board.  No person shall sell,
     offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution
     control device as a certified device which,           in fact,   is not a certified
     device.   Any violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order may result
in its rescission or submission to the Attorney General of California for
such action as he deems advisable.

Executive Order D—215—4 is hereby superseded and is no longer of any force
or effect.                      *                         t

The Bureau of Automotive Repair will be notified by copy of this order.

Executed at El Monte,   California,   this    _/ ir    day.of October 1993.

                                             R.   BF   Summerfield
                                             Assistant Division Chief
                                             Mobile Source Division

                                                                                     Tubular Exhaust System Application Guide
   PS CC                                                                                      Aute Std.      Black Pro—Tech     Make & Model                        Mae3

  Joap Chardse & Comminche ","                                                                                                ** Pi—Up 1500 Seder, lowored, weld on                 5.08 57 Uus va        2 WO TAL we Xin:              yee‘|     ma‘l      en          mxs
  Jeep Gand Wagoreer                                                                                                           ," Pidt—Up 1500 Sertas; lowerad, waldon            ; £0457 limys           2W.0..ALWAIR,                 yosp      no        asaoe       on
  Chevrclat & Portac                                                                                                              Suburben 1500 & 2500 Sartes ;. ,               : 57 uvevs               2W.0..BL woALR                yos       no        wan         ma
  PassergerCan _.._:_                                                                                                         .. Subwben 1500 8 2500 Sedes _ ...         1987—50,| §.7UiveV8 ; _          2W,0..BLwAIA. ;              3spd       no,f      msas        araes
  Camare & Arstd                                                                                                                  Subwban 1500 A 2500 Sedes              198791 $.7uitevs                 awo TBlwaiR °                 yee       no        mass        inss
                                                                                                                                  Stbutban 1500 & 2500 Sees              190741 5.7 uvevs                 4WD.IBLwo ALA                 yes       ne        asioe       arsea
  Camaro & Airsblrd H0.                      §0 ue vs               Eol catH.0, A—vait cat.    yes   yes                        Scbutan 1500 8 2500 Serias                 1991        7 uveva            2W.D. T.BL w ALA             4 spd       no       sears       a12e
  Camara 1ACC,7—28 & Rretird Fomda           5.0 45.7 Lireva                                   yes   |oyes                       Stbutban 2500 Serias                                   5.7 Uite          4 W.Q. cattoretied wAIR       yes Pyes            asses       ansss
                                                                                                                                 K6 Blazer * VC                            ;            $.06.7w2 7|       (2 a 4 WDcarbireted wlRC3     yes .f yor [        reaso       aioes
  CamaroIBCC & Firtiné Fomita                5.04 5.7 UveV8                                                                      K6 Bazedinny >                                        .5.7 Uimeva        4 W.D. TBLwo ALR              yos y               Pss         anis?
  Camara RS 4 Aratied Fornila °              soute va                                                                            K§ Bazectiomy °.                            ‘|         srumvs ©          4w6 telwalR!.                <yos you             asse        mss
  Camare & Arsbird (B)     "+>[                                                                                               .K5 BazesfhonSibuten,              l2     8:                           ;    244W(0.T.8Lw                  yescf yf            sesss       ar966)
  CamaroZ—28Converitle                                                                                                          "K6 BazerNukavStbuttarlovered       190243              $.05.7ire¥8       2W0.T.6L wh ALA               yes ne              assot       arso1
  Camaro228 .7.8                             [STU                                                                                K6 BlazeiYukav/Suburbar lowered    199243              5.05.7liveV8      2W0.T.ALWAIR                  yes m               waer        me
  Monts Cato® Carina                         5.0 utm LG4 VB                                                                      FdcUp K—10M—20                                         5.057 twa¥$       4W.D. caturned wlR            yes |yes            asaz        aroze
                                                    ©                                                                            Pdi—Up 152500 Sertes                                        i            4W.0. TBLwhAIR                yee |ye             sn          ns
  Mente Cato H.Q28 CaninoH.O                  5.0 Utre L9 V8                                                                  7 Rdclip 150500 Sedes                                                                                   "yee‘lye |            sn |        mm
                                                                                                                              ; Pick—Up 152500 Series                                                                                  you| pef             «en |       inz
                                                                                                                               1 Pick—Up 1812800 Serics                                                                               [yee‘) yell           eass        9m >
                                                                                                                              : Stbuten 20 Setex, 600+GVW (8)°.                                                                    (| ya mif                en |        ma:
                                                                                                                                Supuban 2500 Secies                                                                                    yes        m         es          17308
     d                                                                                                                          Stbutan 2500 Sertat                                                       2W.D. LBL w ALR              yes        ne        assass      arsss
   Pid—Up, Blazer 10 &dmmy 5—1                                                                                                  Crew Cab 3600 Series; 4 door                                              2W0, LBL waIR                yes        ne        Pss         anset
   Blazer $—10 4 Jmmy $15                                                                                                     _ Crew Cab 3500 Serias; 4 door                                              4W.0. TBL wALR               yes        no        sesss       rnsee
   Blazer $—10 & Jovny $—45                                                                                                                       i          3                                            2W.O.T.BL we ALR®            yescf      na"P      aeadt       arsa
   PrdcUp 510 4 $—15                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (esp           mel|   un|         arse
 > PdcUp $—10 & S$1
   ProcUgSotome —                                                                                                                                                                                        (2EAWILTAL wo Al              yes.      ba?)       seasg c      C~
  PrdcUp, Blazer $—10 &dreny                                                                                                                                                                                                           yes        hoJ       mssd         —
 PadeUp, Blazer $—10& JrreyS                                                                                                                     ;                                                                                     yosf       hall      weso         —
 FAdcUp, Bazer 5—10 A Jmay 5.15                                                                                               P U,C—1500 Sertes, 454 SS8. (C] ..                                                B4        r            yee,      |‘rol|     M889 ;       —
 PidcUp, Btazer $—10 Adnny $—15                                          .CBI,                                                 Suburban 2500 Series (C)          190243                                   244 WD. TBL wo ALR           yes        ne        ise0         —
 PidcUp 152500 Sertes                                               2 &4 W.D. T.AL wo ALA                                      Crew Cab 3500 Sedes; 4 door (C)   190243                                   244 WD.TBL wo ALR            yes        o         mss          —
                                                                    24 4W.0.T.AL ywhIA
                                                                7                                                                                                                                                                      yes       |yell      d1          #75t
                                                                [ 244WDT.BL olywALR
                                                                                S                                                                                                                                                      yea       yos)       ssas        arus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .yes       yu|        w5          Led

                                                                    2W.0. TAL on wALA         yos                                                                                                                                   J you‘ ycl              mssn        arois
 PideUp 2500 Sertes; omered                                         2W.0.T.AL wa ALR.                                                                                                                                              I yos:| rei|             mss         m
 Pid—Up 2500 Sedes; lwered               .                                                                                                                                                                                            yes: yoll             se          araer
 ‘PideUg1500 Sedee, komeded,waldon(B) *                                                                                                                                                                                               iyes.| yelp           susl.|      ooo
 FiceUp 1500 Sedes; lowerdd, Weld on (B)                                                                                                                                                                                               yer |ya              ut          zul
                                                                                                                               Elmurlllslxo(A)                           1985—92                         2 llVI.D FL w ALR             yes       |yss       88          §7948
                                                                                              ‘me                                Bronce:fut size {)       >        188087                                 24 4 WD. catburetted         yes       |yec       mait      harsar
 Blazse $104 Animy $—5                                                                         ye                                AdcUp F—150250Brence; ful sze (A) 1588—98                                244WD. FL w ALR              yes       y«         us         aryis
 Blazer 5—10 & Jmmy $                                                                          no                             !" PideUp FISOF—250 & Brnes          ©19093;                               ‘2 44 WD.FX w AL             ‘yes"      youcf      msarn      rmswo
 Astre VaniSatad Van                         umvs                   2W.0. T.BL only wa ALA.    yes                             mwfizm                               xmsa                                   244WD.FL woALAR >            yos       |ym        ssou       arsu
 Astro VavSafar Yan                                                 2W.0, LBL ory wALR        yes                                      *3                                          —                       4 mc n on                    c2lp     es
 "PideUp 1500 Sedes                                                                   yen
  PideUp 152500 Seriee                                                                Y® ;                                     LEGEND
  PideUp 152500 Sortes                                         6       :n             yes                                                            —
  PldcUp/Subsban 1500                        5.0 & 5.7 trg ¥6° 2W.0. whiA carturedsd. yes 1                                    240.                 Iwa wheelditve             Fi.                   fuel infection      TAL                    tbrotte bogy injecton
 FideUp 2500 Setes _                         5.7 uveVs              4W.D. whLR coturetod      yes                              4w.0.                tour wheel diive           H.0.                  high ouput          TPL                    tuned port inecton
 Pidk—Up 2500 Settes                         50A57UreV$             244WD.T.BLwoALR           y                                £tol                 four barrel               WA                     not applcable       CPA                    cental portinection
 PideUp 2500 Sertes                          5.0 & 5.7 Utre V       28 €W.0. T.AL wALA        yes                              cat.                 catabtic corverter         Sp                    smaiblock           whALA                  wih u:w_mador
 PickUp 1500 Sertes; wald on (8)             50457 UraV$            24 4W.0,.BLwoALA          yes                              ex Cr.Co.            except Crew Cab            Pu.                   pricip              wo ALR.                withou ai sjecton reactor
 PidcUp 1500 Sedes; wald on (2)              28::;&32               i:lglfoal‘.it:fi                                            (A) These replace exhaust man¥olds ony. No extension pipes included.
 PidcUp 15250 W                               o5                          .       "                                            (8) Requires cuting and welding to attach to original exhaust.
 FdeUp 152500 Secieskored                    §04 57 tire¥$          —2W,0,IAL wAIRC           you
                                                                                                                               {C) Stainiess Stee wh black P paint for heavy t duty applications
                                                                                                                                                                                     pp          and towin *                                                   Chanremad 193
  PideUp 2600 Sedtex; lowsrad                50457 UreVB .|     .2W.0. .61 woAiR,
[ PidcLp 2500 Sefes; Iv‘                     §045.7 UreVs       2W.0. .BwhLA                  yes                                                                                                                                                .            41 Enatron Cap

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:26
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:26

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