Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 29, 1974.
As of Thursday, March 13th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
74B1974 and older model year vehicles equipped with a standard kettering type ignition system with negative ground

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-43
  • Executive Order 43 / D43
  • ARB # D-43
  • Executive Order No: D-43
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-43
  • Resolution D-43
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-43 Document:


                         State of California
                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—43
               Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          _ of the Nehicle Code

                     JUDSON RESEARCH AND MFG. CQ.

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and .

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Judson Electronic
Magneto Model 74 B device manufactured by Judson Research and Manufacturing
Company of 541 East Hector Street, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428 has been
found to not reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle polliution
control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehiclie Code for 1974 and older model—year vehicles equipped
with a standard Kettering—type ignition system and wi‘th negative ground.

The "Judson Electronic Magneto Mode1‘74B is an ignition coil with a Zener
—diode. The coil is encapsulated in a plastic mold and includes two electronic
 devices attached to the outside with one inoperative.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for—this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.
Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device as
originally submitted to the Air Resources Board for evaluation that
adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control
devices shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the— Air Resources Board.

. This Executive Order do*s not constitute any opinion as to the effect
  that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
  implied by the vehicle manufacturer.



No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle poliution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device.   Any violation of this section is
   . a misdemeanor."

     "39184.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device.     Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation .of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub~
mét?edb%o the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this   éggzigé day of October, 1974.

                                  WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                  Executive Officer

                            State of California

                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             October 28, 1974

                                Staff Report

                 . Evaluation of the Judson Research and
 Manufacturing Company‘s "Judson Electronic Magneto Model No. 74B" For
            Exemption from the Prohibitions of Section 27156 of the
                       California Motor Vehicle Code

1.    Introduction

      Judson Research and Manufacturing Company of 541 East Hector Street,

     _ Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428 has applied for an exemption from

     ‘the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle

      Code for the "Judson Electronic Magneto Model No. 748B".

      Section 27156 prohibits the sale, advertising, or installation of.ahy

      devicé or mechanism which reduces the effecttveness of the required

      motor vehicle emissions control system.     The applicant is requesting

      the exemptfon be granted for all 1974 and older model vehicles equipped

      with a standard Kettering type ignition system consisting of an fgnition

      coil, breaker points condenser and powered by a battery with a negative

      ground.   The system is not applicable to non—Kettering systems such as

      capacitive discharge, breakerless, or transistorized.

I1. Device Description and Function—

     The "Judson Electroric Magneto Model No. 748B" consists of a specially

     wound coil (#EM 204) and a Zener diode (10 watts, 140 volts) connected


Evaluation of the Judson Research and Manu—
facturing Company‘s "Judson Electronic Magneto
Model No. 748B" for Exemption from the Prohibitions
of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code          October 28, 1974

    between the common connection of the primary and secondary windings

    and ground.   The coil replaces thg OEM coil which is removed.      Cofl

    and diode are in one case and are potted and sealed with gaskets.

    The Judson coil is to be mounted in the same poisition as the OEM

    coil if possible, if not, then on the firewall or fender as close to

    the distributor as possible.       The circuit diagram and installation

    instructions are contained in Exhibit I and II respectively.

    The Judson device functions exactly the same as the standard Kettering

    system with the addition of the Zéner diode in the primary—secondary

    coil junction.    According to the manufacturer, the diode‘s function

    is to limit the reverse       EMF generated by the collapsing field in the

    primary Winding to 140 volts to improve point life by reducing arcHing

    during opening.       This control of the primary circuit is claimed to

    extend the duration of the spark; as a result of this action, improved

    fuel combustion leading to increased mileage is claimed.

III. Device Evaluation

    The manufacturer has submitted emission data performed on a 1974 Chev—

    rolet Caprice using the Federal CVS—1 (1972) hot start test procedure.

    Tfle vehicle was tested in an "as received" condition from the rental

    agency.   Back to back tests were performed, first in the "as received"

  _ condition and the second with the Judson device installed by dJudson
    personnel.    The results of these test were inconclusive.

Evaluation of the Judson Research and Manu—
facturing Company‘s "Judson Electronic Magneto
Model No. 748B" for Exemption from the Prohibitions                              —
of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code                   October 28, 1974

    The Scott data did not include specific information on vehicle operating

     specifications, maintenance, or whether the Judson Electronic Magneto

    was the Model 748 and was installed according to the instructions in

     Exhibit I.

    A copy of the test by Scott Environmental Technology, Inc. for Judson

     Reserach & Manufacturing is designated as Exhibit III.

     In order to confirm the electrical output characteristics of the

     ignition system the test vehicle‘s electrical system parameters were com—

     pared with and without the Judson coil installed.

     The test vehicle had the following specifications:

            Make and Model Year             1974 American Motors Ambassador
                                                Station Wagon

            Engine       —                  360 Cubic Inch Displacement
            Cgrburétor                      Two Barrel

            Transmission                    Automatic

            Emission Control                AIR/EGR/ EM

            License Number                  E833603

                 Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

    RPM         Standard Ignition                Jdudson Electronic Magnets     Model No. 748B
                                            >         Device #1         .      Device #2
     Idle             0                                 0                         0
     1000             5                                 5                         5
     1500            12.5                              12.5                      12.5
     2000            16             &                  16           '            16
     2500            18                                18                        18
     3000            A    e             ‘              21                        21

Evaluation of the Judson Research and Manu—
facturing Company‘s "Judson Electronic Magneto
Model No. 74B" for Exemption from the Prohibitions
of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code                   .October 28, 1974

                                 Spark Duration — Microseconds
   RPM       Standard Ignition                   Judson Electronic Magneto #74B
      \                —                         Device #1            Device #2
    Idle         1400                               1400           .        1400
    1200 >       1320                               1320                    1320
    2000         1180                               1180                     118C

                                 Available Secondary Voltage

   RMm       Standard Ignition             —    Judson Electronic Magneto Model No. 74B
                                               ~ Pevice #1                          Device #2
    Idle         20 KV                to        t 20 KY                 .              20 K¥
    1200         26 KY                             25 KV                               25 KV
    2200      23 kV                                2s k      _                         23 ky
                                 Idle Exhaust Emissions

         Standard Ignition                           Judson Electronic Magneto Model No. 748
    HC, ppm        C0, %                                  HC, ppm               CO, %

      110                0.7      '                          110                        0.7

    Prior to testing, the vehicle‘s carburetor and ignition settings were

    ajusted to OEM specifications.               The test consisted of measureing the spark

    advance, spark duration, avéfi]ab]e secondary voltage and idle HC and CO

    emissions.   In addition, the primary pattern of the ignition system

    was observed to determine if there was any change in the waveform from

   the substitution of the Judson coil for the OEM coil.                    No change was
    observed in the primary pattern with the Judson coil.

Evaluation of the Judson Research and Manu—
facturing Company‘s "Judson Electronic Magneto
Model No. 748B" for Exemption from the Prohibitions
of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code         October 28, 1974

      Table 1 shows the results of the test.   The installation of the

      device, when compared to the OEM coil, did not significantly change

      the output characteristic of the OEM ignition system.

IV.   Conclusion and Recommendation                 .

      Based on the ARB test results, the installation of the "Judson

      Electronic Magneto Model No.A74B" would not adversely affect the per—

      formance or operation of the OEM emission control system.    The staff

      recommends that Judson Research and Manufacturing Company be issued

      an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

      for its "Judson Electronic Magneto Model No. 748" for the following vehiclies:

      All 1974 model—year vehicles equipped with   a standard Kettering—type

      ignition system with negative ground.

                                       BY _ mau         DATEL,IL $1 UBUKNJIML J 2colclclsconsasccsecnnecsnesncscesscese                   —
                                       CMHKD. ey.llllll.DATE.ccuuesen clllesINDSON.RLECTRONIC_MAGCNETO___..                               HOB NO. oenonuscenessnecsenn.
                                                                                    oommmemesmemonneen.CIRCUIT...                                  ..
                                                                                               EXHIBIT I                                                          4


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                                                                                 lxa.      s   O DIST.              boae s                    140 V. HI—SURGE
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1   —     Remove original ignition coil.                                                     WILLYS, RAMBLER (6 cylinder), STUDEBAKER (prior to 1952) SOME CHRYSLER
                                                                                             PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED PRIOR TO 1960 AND MANY MARINE ENGINES.
2 — Mount Judson Electronic Magneto in same place as original coil
was mounted. If this is not possible, install electronic magneto on                              In making the installation on the above engines it is necessary to install a ballast resistor
firewall or fender well as close to ignition distributor as possible.                        in—the line connecting the ignition switch to the terminal on the Electronic Magneto marked
                                                                                             "BAT". Use Delco baltast resistor No, D1110 which can be purchased at any General
3   ——    Insert high tension cable from center of ignition distributor to                   Motors dealer or automotive supply store (1.3 ohms).
socket of electronic magneto using brass contacts on both ends of wire.
Make sure cable is fully inseried and making contact on both ends.
4   ——    Connect point wire from distributor to terminal on electronic
magneto marked "DIST", If wire is too shor', extend it with primary wire
and sleeve connector by removing %&" insulation from both wires and                              0
inserting into sleeve. Sleeve is then compressed or crimped with pliers                              tentTion                O
and wrapped with msulanon tape.                                                                       switce
                                                                                                                   BALLAST RESISTOR
5 —— Connect battery wire from switch originally fastened at coil to
terminal on electronic magneto marked "BAT". If too short extend as
previously instructed (there may be two wires on this one terminal).

6   —— Connect short piece of primary wire from side of electronic
magneto to engine.             If possible, make this ground connection from
electronic magneto to one of the screws holding the vacuum advance
mechanism to the ignition distributor.
                                                                                                                                                             HIGH TENSION
7 — SET SPARK—PLUG                    —GAP       TO   ENGINE         MANUFACTURER‘s                                                                              LINE
                                                                                                                                           TO GROUND                           TO POINTS

                         INSTALLATION S COMPLETE

NOTE: The Judson Electronic Magneto produces a higher pressure arc than does the                Ballast resistar can be fastened to the Electronic Magneto mounting plate with one of
standard ignition system. Because of this the high tension wire if old, faulty or weak,     the mounting screws. Ballast resistors become very hot in operation and should be clear of
will break down with our system. This gives the impression of magneto fallure but is is     wires and hoses. in the event that the required balfast resistor is not readily available
the high tension.wire that is breaking down resulting in faulty ignition. In other words,   tacally, it can be ordered from Judson Research and Mfg. Co. at a price of $2.00 postpaid,
the high tension wire is marginal and although it will function with the coil, it breaks        Late models of the Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, Volvo, Fiat, and Porsche 911 have a ballast
down with our system because of the increased current. With some high tension resistance    resistor in the circuit and in making the installation on these vehicles, the original balfast
"wire" (carbon granules} this happens gradually and gives the impression of magneto         resistor should be removed and replaced with our recommended resistor.
failure. The car will stall, is difficult to start and misses.
    if car is two. years or more ald and equipped with radio resistance type spark plug            DO NOT INSTALL A BALLAST RESISTOR ON ANY 6 VOLT SYSTEM.
wire, it should be replaced.

                                                                                            BRITISH VEHICLES ~
                                                                                                 All Lucas ignition systems as used on British cars up to the 1967 models require a
    If the Judson Electronic Magneto is being used to replace an ardinary transistorized    positive ground Electronic Magneto and a baffast resistor must be installed on all 12 volt
ignition system, the original ballast or resistance wire must be replaced or reconnected.   British systems, Late model British vehicles use the standard negative ground system and
                                                                                            it is necessary to install a ballast resistor.

    With the Electronic Magnato installed and the engine running at idle, a volt meter con—
nected from the "BAT" terminal on the Electronic Magneto to the side of the aluminum                            Installation Instructions
case should show a reading of less than 11 volts. If the valt meter shows 12 or more volts,
a ballast resistor is required in the circuit.
                                                                                                                  JUD SON
    if vehicle is equipped with an electric or electronic tachometer it is connected to the
                                                                                                             ELECTRONIC MAGNETO
same terminal on the Electronic Magneto as it was on the original coil. No adjustments
are required. The Judson Electronic Magnéto will pulse or operate all electric and electronic
or pulse type tachometers that are operated by a standard coil.
                                                                                                                                                                   TO DiIST.
   Standard ignition test equipment including a strobe light for timing and a cam dwell
indicator for point setting can be used with this system. The normal connections and                    BATTERY WIRE
                                                                                                        FROM IGNITION
test procedures are followed. This system does not, however, produce a normal pattern                      SWITCH
on an ignition scope. The primary pattern of the Judson Electronic Magneto will show a
square wave on the scope as against an oscillating spike for a standard coil,
   The Judson Electronic Magneto can only be evaluated in operation on the engine as
an integral part of the entire ignition system.

     The Electronic Magneto should not he mounted in close proximity to the radio
antenna and radio resistance wire should be used in the hi—tension circuit.

                                                                                                                         GROUND                                  HI—TENSION LEAD
                                                                                                                       CONNECTION                                  TO DiST. CAP

                                                                                                   Same unit is used on both 6 volt and12 valt systems. Installation procedure is exactly
                         THREE YEAR WARRANTY                                                    the same for both negative ground and positive ground systems. The difference is in the
               The Judson Electronic Magneto is warranted against                               magneta itself, not its connection. Do not install a standard negative ground unit on an
           failure for a period of three years. In the event of failure,                        engine having a positive ground. Units for positive ground systems as required on British
           within this period, we will either rebuild or replace the                            engines and some American engines manufactured prior to 1956 are stamped on the front
           defective unit under warranty on a no charge basis. This                             "positive ground",
           warranty does not cover postage and handling and a                                      BEFORE INSTALLING THE ELECTRONIC MAGNETO, WE RECOMMEND THAT
           service charge of $3.50 will be made to cover these costs.                           THE BREAKER POINTS IN THE IGNITION DiSTRIBUTOR BE EXAMINED AND
           Service work is to be done only at the factory or by our                             REPLACED IF WORN OR PITTED. ADJUST THE POINT CLEARANCE TO MANU—
           authorized agents. This warranty is in liew of all other                             FACTURER‘S SPECIFICATIONS USING A CAM DWELL INDICATOR. THE IGNITION
           warranties and does not cover equipment which has been                               TIMING SHOULD ALSO BE SET TO MANUFACTURER‘S SPECIFICATIONS. SPARK
           altered modified, abused or damaged in an accident.                                  PLUGS SHOULD BE EXAMINED AND MUST BE REPLACED IF WORN OR COR—
                     oeteannpeunationtu;mry.mum              sonmmosmenant
                                                                                                                       SET SPARK—PLUG GAP TO .
                                                                                                               ENGINE MANUFACTURER‘S SPECIFICATIONS.
                                                                                                   Do not remove the condensor from the ignition Alistributor as our circuit is designed
                       TSHBSDRH                                               to use it.
                                                         CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. 19428

             EXHIBIT III

            1469 O1 0974

          Technical Report
        Exhaust Emission Tests
      (Judson Research Vehicle)

           Prepared for:

   Judson Research & Manufacturing
        Conshohocken, Penna.


Scott Environmental Technology, Inc.

SET 1469 Ol1 0974

                                     1.0    INTRODUCTION
        On September 18, 1974 Scott Environmental Technology, Inc. performed
a series of exhaust emission test on a vehicle provided by the Judson
Research and Manufacturing Company,.                The vehicle,   test procedures, and

results are described. below.
                                     2.0    TEST VEHICLE
        The test vehicle was a 1974 Chevrolet Caprice (VIN IN39R4T105575)

having a V—8 350 CID Engine and automatic transmission,.                   The vehicle, as
reported by the sponsor, was a rental automobile equipped as provided by
tfie manufacturer.                                                           .
                                     3.0    TEST PROCEDURE

        The testihg was done in accordance with Federal Register Volume 35,

Number 219, except that no twelve hour cold soak period preceeded any of
the tests. The test serfies provided two hot start CVS—1 exhaust emission
tests. The first test was performed as a base line with the vehicle reported
as received from the rental agent,.             The second was with an ignition syétem
described as the Judson Electronic Magneto, manufactured and installed .
by y th the sponsor‘s           .            .
                      personmnel+, q ryseguyENPAPION
        Instrumentation employed during'the test included a Scott Model 301
constant volume sampler, a Beckman 0—3000 ppm carbon monoxide analyzer
(NDIR), a Beckman O—4% carbon dioxide analyzer, a Beckman total hydrocarbon
analyzer (FID) and a Teco chemilumenescence analyzer for oxides of nitrogen.
                                     5.0° SUMMARY OF RESULTS                       .
        Exhaust emissions for egch of the CVS—1 hot start tests along with
vehicle parameters are reported on the calculation sheets provided as
tables 1 and 2. Final results were:

               Sponsor      EC             CO           NOX        CO2          Fuel Economy
Test #         Unit #       (g/mi)         (g/mi)       (g/mi)     %            (MPG)

  1.      .    None         1.66           48 .77       2.59        1.75   C 8.68
               745—1G       1.42           43 .69       2,19       1.73         9.71

  * g/mi ;       grams per mile


                  sCOTT               RESEARCH                           LABORATORIES                                         INC.
                  A        § U B $ 1 D | A R     v          o r       AME R 1 CAN             B i 0C uL t U RoE,                1N c.

                                                                                            PLUMSTEADVILLE, pa. 18949
                                                                                            PHONE: 215.750.851
                                                                                            TwX 5106559344
                                                     Table 1                                  ‘
                                                     72 EPA Hot Start

                                                     EXHAUST EMISSION DATA SHEET

   Vehicle         Chevrolet Caprice                         Odometer        _                    Date          18 Sept 74
   License         23—F—326 PA                               Finish       6741.8                  Project 1469—01
   Trans.          Automatic                               . Start        6734 .4                 Run            1

   Carb.       —              bbis.          2               Miles           7.4        _         PDBevice       None
   Engine __V_-S__ CID .__i._                                                                     Byn. Load 14.7 Rhp @ 50 mph

   Idle rpm                   —                              BIT           __=                    Dyn. Inertia                5000#
   Analyst         Robert C. Morris                          DPriver Robert C. Morris calculator Robert C. Morris

.Dry Bulb Temp., F                 77 °                                    Barometric Press., mm Hg                           746.4
   Wet Bulb Temp., F               69                                      CVS Pump Press., mm Hg                             ~12.72
   Gr. Water/Lb. Dry Air                98                              (P) Sample Press., mm Hg                              733.98
   (K) Factor         1.098                                             (V) CVS Pump Disp., CFR                           »3232
   (T) Sample Temp., R            379.—7                                (N) CVS Pump Revolutions                          24775

                                                     DILUTE EXHAUST MEASUREMENTS

             COMPONENT                                     PuN/T                    FACTOR                       CRAMS /MILE
   ppm HC dil.        119.66
  . ppm jIC air           11.09

   ppm 4C exh.        108.6                      10138.31                     1.513 x 1078                            1266        _     kc
   ppm CO exh.        1575                            *                       3.054 x 10~°                           48 .77             co
  —ppm NO             —
   ppm NO2            —

   ppm Nox                46.53
                                                                                                                      2.59              NOx
                                                      at                     5.017 x 10.;5

   (ppm Nox) (¥)          51.09
                          1.75%                                                                                      8.68 mpg

                   PLUMSTEADVILLE. PA.           6     SAN BERMARDINO. CALIF.       +   MADISON HGIGHTS, MiCH.

                  SsCOTT                    RESEARCH                     LABORATORIES                                 INXC.
                 & § u B § 1 b l a ROY O FoAa MoE Rol C A N                              OB 1 O C U L T uU B E0.s io Noco

                                                  Table 2
                                                  72 EPA Hot Start
                                                  EXHAUST EMISSION DATA SHEET
             CVIN IN39R 4T105575)                                                                   Unit # 745—1G
  Vehicle       Chevrolet Caprice                        Odometer                            Date      18 Sept. 1974
  License       23F 326                                  Finish       6753.2                 Project 1469—01
  Trans.        Auto                                     Start        6745.8                 Run      2       '
  Carb.                     bbis.             2          Miles            7.4                Device Ignition                        .
  Engine        v—8            CID          350                                              Byn. Load       14.7 rhp 9 50 mph
  Idle rpm                                               BIT         ~                       DByn. Inertia         5000#
  Analyst       Robert C. Morris                         Driver      Robert Morris           caiculator Robert C. Morris .

     y Bulb Temp., F                 78                                  Barometric Press., mm Hg                 746.4
 ‘et Bulb Temp., F                   70 .                                CVS Pump Press., mm Hg                    12.72°
  Gr. Water/Lb. Dry Air               98                            (P) Sample Press., mm Hg                      733.98 >
   (K) Factor              1.121                                    (V) CVS Pump Disp., CFR                       3232
   (T) Sample Temp., R               579.7                          (N) CVS Pump Revolutions                      24749

                                                  DILUTE EXHAUST MEASUREMENTS

             ComPoNENT                               PuN/T                          FAcToR                CRAMS/MILE
 — iapm HC dil. 107.52
  ppm HC air           14 .91
  ppm HC exh.          92. 61                      10127 .7                1.513 x 10"6                            1.42      uC
  ppm CO exh. 1412.5                                 t                    3.054 x 10"6                            43.69      co
  —ppn; NO        =—

  ppm NO2         —
  ppm NO               38.49                         a                                       £
. ‘(ppm NO_) (K) 43.16                                                    5.017 x 10_                              2.19      NO,,
.              C0, 1.73%>                                                                                     . 9.71 mpg

                  PLUMSTEADVILLE, PA,              SAN BERNARDING, CALIF.       *    MADISON HEIGHTS, MICH

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:46
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:46

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