Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on September 19, 1976.
As of Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
82041974 and older model year vehicles with standard kettering ignition system

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-49-1
  • Executive Order 49-1 / D49-1
  • ARB # D-49-1
  • Executive Order No: D-49-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-49-1
  • Resolution D-49-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-49-1 PDF

D-49-1 Document:


                         State of California
                         AIR RESOURCES B0ARD

                       EXECUTIVE ORDER D—49—1
             Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                         of the Vehicle Code

                        SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO.
                      "SEARS CAPACITIVE DISCHARGE
                      IGNITION SYSTEM MODEL 8204"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Sectioh
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of the Sears Capacitive
Discharge Ignition System Model 8204 manufactured by Auto Start/Systematics,
Inc., 547 North Wheeler Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55014 and marketed by
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Pacific Coast Buying Office, 900 South Fremont Avenue,
Alhambra, California 91802, has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of
required motor vehicle poliution control devices and, therefore, is exempt
from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1974 and oilider
model year vehicles equipped with a standard Kettering ignition system.

The Model 8204 is an electronic control module which consists of energy
transfer, storage, and triggering circuits.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicie‘s poliution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the uss of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.                .

SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO.                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—49—1

8204" DEVICE.

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor..

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

       "43644. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
       tise, or, except in an application to the State board for certification
       of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle polilution control
       device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
       certified by the State board.> No person shall sell, offer for sale,
       advertise, or represent any motor vehicle poliution control device as
       a certified device which, in fact; is not a certified device. Any
       violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the'conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems
advisable.                                                    >

                                                        Sepz —
Executed at Sacramento, California, this        day of—August, 1976.

                                     é)r":grrw>4 S« omes [“7
                                    Thomas C. Austin
                                    Deputy Executive Officer—Technical

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             August 9, 1976

                              Staff Report

                Evaluation of Sears Capacitive Discharge
                       Ignition System Model 8204
                    for Exemption from the Provisions
                 of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code


      Sears, Roebuck and Co., Pacific Coast Buying Office, 900 South
      Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, California, 91802, has applied for an

      exemption for the "Sears Capacitive Discharge Ignition System

      Model 8204 "from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of California

      Motor Vehicle Code (see Exhibit A).     The applicant intends to

      market the device for installation on 1974 and older model year

      vehicles equipped with a standard Kettering ignition system.

      The applicant has been previously granted an exemption by Executive

      Order D—49 on January 28, 1976 for "Sears Penske Capacitive Discharge

      System Model. No. 8205".   The applicant claims the model 8204 unit in
      which an exemption from V.C. 27156 is requested is essentially the

      same in design and operational characteristics as the Model 8205 except

      for the modifications in packaging and wire harness.

II.   System Description

      The Sears Capacitive Discharge Ignition System Model 8204 is an

      electronic control module which consists of energy transfer, storage

    and triggering circuits.     Exhibit B is the detailed wiring schematic

    of the device and also shows how it is connected in the vehicle ignition

    system.   The device is manufactured for Sears, Roebuck and Co. by Auto

    Start/Systematics, Inc. 547 North Wheeler Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota


     In operation when the distributor contact points close the trans—

    former within the CD unit is saturated with the current supplied

     by the battery.     This energy is then transferred from the trans—

    former secondary through two rectifiers to a storage capacitor.

     When the distributor points open, the triggering circuit causes

     the storage capacitor to discharge causing the spark plug to fire.

III. System Evaluation

    A comparison of the circuit diagram of previously approved Model 8205

    unit and the modified Model 8204 indicates significant component

    variations.   Also the comparative ignition data of the two models

     submitted by the applicant shows that Model 8204 employs single spark

    discharge and 0.3 ampere point current compared to multiple spark

    discharge and 1.2 amperes point current for Model 8205.      Since the

    two devices are different an engineering evaluation of the new

    mode? for compliance with Section 27156 criteria is considered

"ARB Guidelines for Testing and Criteria for Emission Compliance

of Ignition System Modifications", dated May 25, 1976 details the

test procedures used in the evaluation of the device by a bench

test method in—lieu of an emission test.

A.    Applicant‘s Test Data

      The applicant was requested to submit back to back ignition

      system test data for a 1972 Chrysler 8 cylinder distributor

      and a 1973 VW 4 cylinder distributor.

      The initial set of test data submitted by the applicant

      showed unusually low spark energies for OEM and device tests

      on both distributors.   The applicant retested the two distributors

      and submitted a new set of test data as summarized in Table I and II.

      The test data shdwed no significant degradation of OEM

      ignition system characteristics as a result of the device

       installation for both Chrysler and VW distributors.   How—

      eVer the problem associated with low output energies for

      both OEM and device tests still persisted.   The applicant

     . attributed the cause of this problem to either high tension

      leakage or excessive loading in the test circuit.

ARB Confirmatory Test

The ARB Laboratory conducted confirmatory tests on a 1973

Chrysler 8 cylinder distributor and a 1973 VW 4 cylinder

distributor.       Table III and IV are the summaries of the test

data.    The following are pertinent observations.

1.      As expected on any capacitive discharge system the spark,

        duration decreased considerably when Sears CD system

        was installed on the above distributors.    However the

        duration Was well above the minimum requirement of 100 u

        sec per the ARB criterion.
2.      The secondary voltage rise time decreased considerably

        on the VW distributor from 120 to 45 u sec when Sears CD

        system was installed.    The reduction to a 45 u sec duration

        in rise time is not considered to have an adverse effect

        on the ignition system as a shorter rise time tends to

        improve ignition system performance by reducing energy

        leakage during the secondary voltage built—up.

3.      The available secondary volitage increased by an average

        of 20% for both ignition systems.    Since the resultant

        available secondary voltage did not exceed 30 KV, the

        substantial increase in the voltage from OEM would not

        put an undue stress on the ignition harness, distributor

        or coil.

           4.   The test data did not show a significant degradation of

                other critical ignition parameters such as spark

                energy and centrifugal advance.

IV.   Applicant‘s Claims

      The applicant stated that the use of the Sears CD system will

      improve spark plug life and reduce breaker point wear.   It is the

      staff‘s judgement that the device offers potential for reducing

      maintenance when properly installed because of reduced contact

      points current loading.   The electrical characteristics of this

      system do not indicate that there would be any greater benefits

      on performance, economy, or emission reduction when installed on

      vehicles than would be obtained from a properly tuned engine.

      Conclusion and Recommendation

      The evaluation of the ARB test data showed that the installation

      of the Sears CD Ignition System Mode] 8204 will not adversely

      affect the ignition characteristics of the OEM ignition system.

      The staff therefore recommends that Sears, Roebuck and Co., be

      issued an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the

      California Motor Vehicle Code for its "Sears Capacitive Discharge

      Ignition System Model 8204" for installation on 1974 and older

      model year vehicles equipped with a standard Kettering ignition


             Table I — Sears Capacitive Discharge Ignition System Model 8204
    R                  Ignition System Data Summary for 1973 VW 4 Cylinder
.                      Distributor (Applicant‘s Test Data)

        A.   Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                        RPM                   Baseline         Device

                        600                       0                0
                       1400                       6.0              6.0
                       2000                      14.0             14 .0
                       2600                      17.0             17.0
                       3200                      20.0             20.0

        B.   Spark Duration in Microseconds

                        RPM                   Baseline         Device

                         ©600                   1000              300
                         4000                    500              250
        C.    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

                     * Engine
.                       RPM                   Baseline         Device
                         600                     50                40
                        4000                     50                40

        D.   Spark Energy in Millijoules

                        RPM                   Baseline         Device

                         600                     12               10
                        4000                      6               10
        E.   Available Voltage in Kilovolts (with load)

                        RPM                   Baseline         Device

                         600                     27                26
                        4000                     18                26
        F.   Available Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)

                        RPM                   Baseline         Device

]                       600                      16               16
                       4000                      12               15

     Table II — Sears Capacitive Discharge Ignition System Model 8204
                Ignition System Data Summary for 1972 Chrysier 8 Cylinder
                Distributor (Applicant‘s Test Data)
     Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                 600                     0
                1400                    18
                2000                    20
                2600                    22
                3200                    24
     Spark Duration in Microseconds

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                600                    1200               300
               3000                    1000               300
C.   Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                  600                    45               30
                 3000                    75               30
     Spark Energy in Millijoules

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                600                      12               10.8
               3000                      10               10.8
     Available Voltage in Kilovolts (with load)

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                600                      24               29
               3000                      21               30
     Available Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)
                RPM                Baseline            Device

               600                      14                18
              3000                      12                18

Table III — Sears Capacitive Discharge Ignition System Model 8204
            Ignition System Data Summary for 1973 VW 4 cylinder
            Distributor (ARB Confirmatory Test)
Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

           RPM                   Baseline             Device

           600                       0                  0
          1400                       7.5                8.0
          2000                      12.0                12.0
          2600                      16.0                16.0
          3200                      20.0                19.5
Spark Duration in Microseconds

           RPM                   Baseline         ,   Device

            600                    1000                  350
           4000                     800                  350
Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

          _RPM                   Baseline             Device

            600                    40                    40
           4000                    40                    40
Spark Energy in Millijoules

           RPM                   Baseline             Device

            600                    20         .          17.5
           4000                    16.0                  18.45
Available Voitage in Kilovolts {with load)

           RPM                   Baseline             Device

           600                     20                    23
          4000                     17                    23

Available Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)

           RPM                   Baseline             Device

           600                      16                   17
          4000                      14                   16

     Table IV — Sears Capacitive Discharge Ignition System Mode?! 8204
                Ignition System Data Summary for 1973 Chrysler 8
                cylinder Distributor (ARB Confirmatory Test)

     Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                RPM                   Baseline

                 600                     0
                1400                    18.0
                2000     ~              21.0
                2600                    25.0
                3200                       —

     Spark Duration in Microseconds

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                 600                    2200              600
                3000                    1600              600
C.   Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                 600                     120              45
                3000                     120              45
     Spark Energy in Millijoules

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                 600                      29.7            30 .0
                3000                      20.8            18.0
     Available Voltage in Kilovolts (with load)

                RPM                   Baseline         Device

                600                      24               30
               3000                      23               29
     Available Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)

                RPM___             Baseline            Device

               600                      15               20
              3000                      13               19

                                                       EXHIBIT A

             Sears, Roebuck and Co.
                 PACIFIC COAST BUVYING        OFFICE

                   00 SOUTH FREMONT AVENUE

                       ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA 91802

                           April 5, 1976

Mr. George Lew
California Air Resources Board
9528 Telstar
El Monte, California 91731

Dear George:

Enclosed are the forms and letters covering Sears new #8204
Capacitive Discharge Ignition System which we are submitting
for approval. A sample of the unit is being sent you under
separate cover and I am holding a second sample for you if you
need it.

Please check this data to see if I have given you everything you
need, but if not, give me a call and tell me what else you need.
I am at §76—4186.— Thank you for your help.


                                         —~M. Hattersley
                                        Department 733PCB


co:   Mr. A. Kuehn
      Mr. R. Wheeler

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:50
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:50

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