Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on February 20, 1975.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
8205 82061974 and older Ford and GM vehicles, EXCEPT those with OE electronic ignition

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-49
  • Executive Order 49 / D49
  • ARB # D-49
  • Executive Order No: D-49
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-49
  • Resolution D-49
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-49 PDF

D-49 Document:


                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                           EXEGUTIVE ORDER D—49      —
                 Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                           of the Vehicle Code

                       SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Sect1on
 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

 Pursuant to the authority vestedinthe undersigned by Section 39023 of
 the Health and Safety Code;

  IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "Sears Penske
  Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition System, No. 8205" and "Sears Penske
~ Breakerless Conversfton Kit, No. 8206" systems manufactured by Auto Start/
  Systematic, Inc., 547 North Wheeler Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55014
  and marketed by Sears, Roebuck and Co., Pacific Coast Buying Office, Dept.
  733 P.C.B., 900 South Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, California 91802, having
  been found to not reduce the effectiveness of the required motor vehicle
 pollution control devices and therefore, are exempt from the prohibitions
 of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the following applications :

       (1})   The "Sears Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition
              System, No. 8205" can be installed on all 1974 and older model—
              year vehicles except those vehicles originally equipped with a
              breakertless or electronic ignition system.

       (2)    The "Sears Penske Breakerless Conversion Kit No. 8206" can
              be installed on all 1974 and older model—year Ford and
              General Motors Corporation vehicles equipped with 8
              cylinder engines except those vehicles originally
              equipped with a breakerless or electronic ignition system.

 The. electronic circuit of the 8205 system consists of a power transformer,
 capacitors, resistors, diodes and a silicon controlled rectifier. The
 8206 system consists of a magnetic pick—up unit, E.D.M. module, and
 the 8205 system.—

 This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
 for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
 different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

 Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device as
 originally submitted to the Air Resources Board for evaluation that
 adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control
 devices shall invalidate this Executive Order.

 SYSTEM, NO. 8205

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes violation pun1shab1e as
a misdemeanor.

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

      "39130.   No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board.    No
      person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
      vehicle poliution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device.    Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."

     "39184. ~(a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle poliution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board.    No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device.      Any
      violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub—
mitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this .9) téday of February, 1975.

                                    WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                    Executive Officer

                        State of California
                        ATE Resources BOARD
                              Staff Report

                         January 28, 1975

Evaluation of the Sears, Roebuck and Co., "Sears Penske Capacitive
Discharge Electronic Ignition System, No. 8205" and "Sears Penske
Breakeriess Conversion Kit, No. 8206" for Compliance with the Require—
    ments of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicie Code


    ‘Sears, Roebuck and Co., P;;;figvégast Buying Office, Dept. 733

   | P.C.B., 900 South Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, California 91802 has

     submitted an application requesting an exemption from the-pqo-

     hibitions of Section 27156 of the motor vehicle code for the

     "Sears Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition System,

     No. 8205" and "Sears Penske Breakeriess Conversion Kit, No. 8206"

     (Reference Exhibit A).     Yehicle Code Secfion 27156 profi}bi%s the

    :ifista11ation of any device or mechanism which reduces the effective—

     ness of the emission control system.     The Air Resources Béard has

     been granted the authority under this vehicle code section to exempt

     devices from this prohibiiion if a finding shows the device does not

     reduce the effectiveness or performance of the emission control system.

     The applicant is requesting the installation of the 8205 system on

     all 1974 and older model—year vehicles equipped with conventional point

     system and the 8206 system on 1974 and older model—year Ford and General

     Motor Corporation vehicles equipped with an eight cylinder engine and a

     breakerpoint type distributor.

 Evaluation of the Sears, Roebuck and Co., "Sears
 Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition
 System, No. 8205" and "Sears Penske Breakerless
 Conversion Kit, No. 8206" for Compliance with the
 Requirements of Section 27156 of the California
+ Motor Vehicle Code                                     '    January 28, 1975

 II.   System Description

       The 8205 system is a capacitive discfiarge system which is installed

       into the ignition system.     The 8206 system replaces the breaker—

       points with a magnetic pick—up unit and requires the use of an

       E.D.M. modulTe and the 8205 system.    Both systems are manufacturéd

       for Sears, Roebuck Co. by'Afito_5£%rt/5ystematics, Inc., 547 North

       Wheeler Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104.; Exhibit 8 shows the

       electrical schematic and installation instructions for thg device.

       The 8205 system consists of the triggering, energy transfer,

       storage and discharée circuits,     After the discharge circuit is

       activated, saturation of the transformer within the C. D. unit is

       accémplishéd.    This energy is transferred from the transformer

       secondary through two rectifiers to a storage capacitor.     The

       storage‘andvdischarge circuit releases this energy to the primary

       side of the ignition coil.     When the distributor points open, this

       causes the silicon controlled rectifier to stop current flow to the

       ignition coil which causes the spark plug to fire.

       For the 8206 syétem a magnetic—pick—up is mounted in place of the

       distributor points.     This unit consists of a coil core and a

       permanent magnet.     The coil core is placed near the existing dis—

       tributor cam lobe.     When the high point of the cam moves passed the

       coil core, a signal is generated which is transferred to the E.D.M.

       modutle.   The modute amplifies and filters the signal by producing

        cpesavieveun;gndrge Etectronic Ign1t1on
System, No. $205" and "Sears Penske Breakerless
Conversion Kit, No. 8206" for Compliance with the
Requirements of Section 27156 of. the Ca11forn1a
Motor Vehicle Code                    .                                         January 28,‘1975

     a square~wavelsigna1 which is identical to the signal caused by

     point opening.    This square—wave signal is sent to the triggering

     circuit of the capacitive discharge                system.

    Acéording to the applicant, these systems are designed to reduce

     servicing of the ignition system by decreasing the numberof tuneups.

III. System Evaluation
     The Air Resources Board staff‘s evaluation of these two devices

   _ was based on a consideration of the method used to mount the

     magnetic—pick—up unit and the electrical output of the devices.

     The vehicles used in this test program are described below:

          Vehicle I
            Make and ModeT—Year                       1974 American Motors Ambassador

                            |                           Station Wagon   '

           .Engine :                                  360 Cubic Inch Disp1acement

            Carburetor          .                     Two Barre1
            Transmission                      ~       Automatic

            Emission Control System                   AI—EGR—EM
          Vehicle II

            Make and Model—Year                   ~   1974 Pontiac Grand Prix

            Engine                                    400 Cubic Inch Displacement

            Carburetor                    _           Four Barrel

            Transmission                              Automatic

            Emission Control System                   EM—EGR

Evaluation of the Sears, Roebuck and Co., "Sears
Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition
System, No. 8205" and "Sears Penske Breakerless
Conversion Kit, No. 8206" for Compliance with the
Requirements of Section 27156 of the California
Motor Vehicle Code       _                                                   January 28, 1975

     Since the magnetic pick—up unit used on the 6M Delco distributor

     application is held down by two cotter pins, it was necessary to

     determine if this installation was adequate to prevent lateral                      |

     movement of the magnetic pick—up unit.              The device was installed

     on the Pontiac per the installation instructions.                This yehicle was

     driven several times on thé“dy;;m;meter using the Hot CVS—1 driving

    .procedure.        After completion of the testing, a feeler gauge was

    .used to méasure the gap between the cam lobe and the magnetic

     pick—up.      The magnetic pick—up did not move during the test.

     The next set of tesis consists of measuring the electrical output

     of the device.          The following table summarizes the results of the

     baseline, No. 8205 and No. 8206 systems.

                             Centrifugal Spark Advahce —

                               {Crankshaft Degrees)
                             1974 Pontiac          |              1974 Ambassador
Engine RPM       Baseline         8205      8206       Baseline        8205       8206

   Idle      >     0                o         o            o             o           0
   1000            o              . 0         0            6             5           5
   1500            8              _8          8           13            13          13
   2000           11               12000     12           is           15           15
   2500           13               140 0     14           18           18           18
   3000 |    . 16                  16        16           21           20           20

        Evaluation of the Sears, Roebuck and Co., "Sears
        Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition
        System, No. 8205— and "Sears Penske Breakerless
.       Conversion Kit»No. 8206" for Compliance with the
        Requirements of Section 27156 of the California
        Motor Vehicle Code                                                                                          January 28, 1975

                                                 Vacuum Spark Advance
                                  —                   (Crankshaft Degrees)
        Vacuum (in Hg.)                                     1974 Pontiac                                          1974 Ambassador
                                             Baseline             8205              8206             Baseline          8205              8206

                      0                           0                  0                   0              0                   0              0

                      5                      €o000         l C c                         0              2                  .2              2
                  10                              2                  2                   2             12                  12             12

                  15                             17                170   >0             170            15                  15 .           15

                  20      >             0        19                19                   19 °o0         s             80156              0 s
                                                           Spark Duration
              .                                             (Microseconds)
‘       Engine. RPM                                   1974 Pontiac                                                1974 Ambassador
    '                                 Baseline                8205                      8206     —     Baseline                 8205           8206

                  o                    1200            0          2so         0_         230                1300       >         2200     _ 220
            1200                      1200                        230                    230 _              1200                 220            220
            2000              ‘        1200                       230                    230                1200                 220            220

            3000                       1200                       230                    230                ©900                 220            220

                                                              Rise Time
        Engine RPM                                1974 Pontiac                                   .                1974 Ambassador
                                  Baseline                  8205          8206                   Baseline              8205              8206

            Idle                       "60o       _          25 20       . 25                          50                  30             30
            1200                            60               25                    25                  50                  30             30

            2000                            60               25                    25                  50                  30             30

            3000                            60               25                    25                  50     :            30 >           30

 Evaluation of the Sears, Roebuck and Co., "Sears
 Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition
 System, No. 8205" and "Sears Penske Breakerless
 Conversion Kit, No. 8206" for Compliance with the
Requirements of Section 27156 of the California .
 Motor Vehicle Code                                                             January 28, 1975

                                   Secondary Voltage Available
                                            (Kilo volts)

 Engine RPM                         1974 Pontiac               ‘             1974 Ambassador
                       Baseline $205*                8206*         Baseline 82058206
   Idle                   28               40         40             29            30           31

   1200                <ore                467 T 7 49                30            31           31
   2000                 . 30           :   40         40             31            32           32

   3000                   25               40         40             29            31           31

 *bata questionable, reading too high maybe due to reading errors or mal—

  functioning oscilloscope.

                                   Secondary Voltage Required

                                            (Kite volts)

 Eflflllfiifgfll_           Baseline lgzgfigggzlig— 8206                ABase1inengé—%%%%ééégggfibs

   OIdle        —©         14               14         14             14           12          12
    1200                   15               14      ~ 4               14           13          13
   ©2000 —                 10               10 9 u0   10              13           10          10
    3000                       9           o9              3          1            10          10
      The above results generally show changes in spark duration, rise time,

     ‘and secondary available voltages when the device tests are compared to

      baseline.         The 7% increase in avaflable voltage is within a range not

      considered detrimental to the O.E.M. fgnition system.                      Likewise the

      reduction in spark duration to 220 u sec. is not expected to
      cause a measurable affect on exhaust emissions.                      The increase in rise rate

      and voitage level generally means a higher intensity spark will be pro—
      duced.         The above results indicate the insfa?lation of the 8205 or 8206

      systems would not have any significant effect on the emission control system.

Evaluation of the Sears, Roebuck and Co., "Sears
Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition
System, No. 8205" and "Sears Penske Breakerless
Conversion Kit,No. 8206" for Compliance with the                         i
Requirements of Section 27156 of the California
Motor Vehicle Code                     .                       January 28, 1975

IV.   Conclusion and Recommendation

      The staff believes the installation of these two devices would

      not reduce the effectiveness of the emission control system.

      Therefore, the staff recommends that Sears, Roebuck and Co. bev

      granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 for

      the Sears Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition Unit,
      No. 8205 and Sears Penske Breakerless Conversion Kit, No. 8206

      for the following app]icationsé                           |

      1.   The "Sears Penske Capacitive Discharge Electronic Ignition

           'systeh No. 8205" can be installed on all 1974 and older

           model—year vehicles except those vehicles originally equipped with

           breakeriess or electronic ignition system.                        (

      2.   The "Sears Penske Breaker]éss Conversion Kit No. 8206" can

           be instailed on 1974 and older model—year Ford Motors

           and General Motors Corporations vehicles equipped with.

           eight cylinder engines except those vehicles originally

           equipped with breakerless or electronic ignition system.

                 i           20          —                                     age   1 of 1
                  19                Exhibit A                                  Page 1 0

 _'         : i            Sears, Roebuck and Co.
                                  paciFic coast suvings orrice             .
                                                               Beof FERPLE
                                    800 south FREMONT AVENUE    7      LW B6e,
                                     ° ALMAMBRA, CALIFORNIA si802

                                        November 18, 1974

                       Mr. Robert Weis
                       ‘California State Air Resource Board
                        9528 Telstar
                        El Monte, Ca11forn1a 91731

                       Dear Mr. Weis:

                       Enclosed are completed application forms, Owner‘s
                       Manual and write—up covering the Sears #8205
                       Capacitive Discharge Electronic Iqgnition Unit
                       ‘and #8206 Breakerless Conversion Kit.

 20.                  Along with these papers are samples of the two
 .                   ~ items for your evaluation and testing. If you
                        need anything else to complete your eva1uat1on,
                       "please call me at (213) 576—4186.

                       If you have any technical questions regarding these
                       units, please contact Andy Kuehn at Systematics Inc.,
                       547 North Wheeler Street, St. Paul, Minnesota §5104.
                       His phone number is (612) 645—5529.

                       I would greatly appreciate your he1pin getting these
                 —,    items tested and approval granted as quickly as
                       possible. They have been pulled off sale from our
                     — catalogs and retail stores and we are anxious to
                       resume sales. We were unfortunately lead to believe
                       by someone in another department of the California
                       State Government that no approval was needed on
                       products of this type.

                                                   Very truly yours,

                                                        k Hattersley
       5.              CH:adm
’           oC         cc: Kingisey Macomber, A1r Resources Board
            :               Andrew Kuchn, Systematics, Inc.
                            Roger Stam, D/628
                            D. J. Goerke, D/156—28, LACO
                            R. Varie, D/733PCB

INSTALLATION                      . Exhibit B                                      Page 1 of 16

IGNITION:                                                             o
      Screw Driver                                          mount AMPL!FlER\
      Drill with 9/64" bit
      3/8" Hex and 11/32 Hex Nut Driver or
      Pliers for coil terminals
      Pliers for battery cable
      Wrench as required for battery terminals.

NOTE:            .
        NITION can be used only on a 12 volt
        negative ground electrical system.
        Observe battery polarity to prevent
        damage to this system.
     B. If both STEP 1 CAPACITIVE DIS—
        be installed together, it is recom—
       .mended first install the STEP 1 unit
        fully, and test system with conven—
       ~ tional points before installing STEP I1

     Locate mounting area near front end of
2o   enging well, preferably on front cross—
*    member to one side of radiator, or on side
     of engine well—locate on metal surface if
     Amplifer unit may be mounted in front of
     radiator if wire cable is fully protected in
     passing through front panels of engine
     well. (Never cut and splice cabling).
     Always mount unit where air can flow to
     the unit.
                                                    (2) MOUNT AMPLIFIER.
     Logate position so that wires will be near         Drill three 9/64" holes. Mount with self—
     bottom of unit.                         .         tap screws provided. Do not distort base;
     Use Amplifier as template, mark location          partially flatten mounting area if steeply
     for three screws.                                 curved,

                                                                                                  Page 2 of 16

.      Route along existing cabling if possible;     Keep wires away from hot manifold.
      protect from sharp surfaces or objects.        Keep cables away from moving linkages.
      Do not cut this cable. (coil up excess wire
      near Amplifier if necessary}.


                                                                                   DiISTR. WIRE
    (4) FASTEN WIRES TO COIL.                                 CONDENSER
       (a) Remove wires from POS. (+ or BAT}
           terminal of coil. Fasten Retainer with
           WHITE wire terminal to POS. (+ or
           BAT} post on coil. Screw down firm—
           1y. Be sure condenser wire is removed
           from coil.
        {b} Fasten: in—car wire {removed from
           POS. post including exposed con—
           denser wire if used) to Orange wire
           screw on Retainer. Tighten securely.
           NOTE: DO NOT comnect any con—
           ‘denser wire to coil POS. (+ or BAT)
        (c} Remove wire from NEG{(— or DIST)
            terminal of coil. Pasten Retainer with
            GREEN wire terminal to NEG. (— or
            DIST}) post on     coil. Screw down
        (d) Fasten in—car wire {removed from
             NEG. (—or DIST} post of the coil) to
             BLUE wire screw on Retainer.
             Tighten securely.
     NOTE: /f the coil position causes Coil Har—
     mess or Retainer to press against nearby
     obstructions, loosen coil bracket and rotate
    Lcoil. Retighten coil bracket. .
. Retainer screws MUST always point outward,
  away from top of coil.
                                                                           UNIT HARNESS

                                                                                  Page 3. of 16
     NOTE ON       FORD   IGNITION:    Ford coil
     connections   may be push—on    connections.      VOLKSWAGEN
     These connectors may be pressed onto the
     BLUE and ORANGE wire screws on the
     Retainers. Use 10—32 nut and #10 lockwasher
     on coil terminals.          *

                                                        NOTE ON VOLKSWAGEN IGNITION:
                                                        VW coil terminals usually have blade
                                                        terminals. Add Adapters to Retainer; use
                                                        6—32 screw set to mount female adapter to
                                                        White and Green eyelets. Mount male

                                                        blade adapters to Blue and Orange wire
                                                        screws. Plug Retainers to coil blades; plug
                                                        in—car wires to adapters on Retainers. Be
                                                        sure NO in—car wire is left on coil blade.

         Route Red wire to a battery source
         nearest to battery. Here are some sug—

                                                    Voikswagen Cars:
             DELCO (GM)
                                                    Red wire may be attached to Orange wire
                                                    screw on Retainer when mounting Adapters.
                                                    Higher output is available if Red wire is
                                                    attached to battery circuit at Voltage Regu—
                                                    Iqtor or—other direct battery source.

                                                    General Motors Cars:
                                                    Use battery post on fender, if available, or
                                                    Use battery post on horn relay, or
                                                    Use output terminal on Alternator.

                                                    Ford Motor Cars:
                                                    Use battery post on starter (solencoid) relay
                                                    (this has heavy wire going directly to POS. (+)
                                                    post of battery).

                                                                                                      Page 4 of 16

                                                        Chrysiler Motor Cars:
                                                        Use battery post on starter relay, (This is large
                                                        post with battery wire).

            STARTER             BATTERY

            RAMBLER                                     Rambler Cars:                         >
                                                        Use battery output on terminal on Afternator,
                                                       Use "B" terminal on Voltage Regulator with
                                                       generator—equipped cars.                                a

                                                      ~ Other Engines: v
                                                        Follow applicable suggestions noted above.

       Remove one wire terminal from battery.
      Carefully route Red wire through existing
      cable loops if possible. Be sure that wire is            THREAD THRU
      protected from sharp surfaces and is held °                    CAP ———>‘
      away from hot exhaust manifold.
      Do not press wire against any sharp metal
      surface. Choose short wire harness that
                                                          pusH C   0_
                                                          TERMINAL _
      has   proper terminal for connection to
      battery source (one has 1/4" ring ter—
      minal, the other has 5/16" or 3/8" ring
      terminal).                                                                  insERT
      Remove nut from battery source. Place on                                      ASs SHOWN
      short wire. Replace nut and tighten se—
      curely.                            R
      Thread short wire through any protective
      {rubber) cover that covers battery source
      connection.                 M
      Push onto Red wire. Be sure blade and                      — PLUG INTO
                                                                     RED WIRE SOCKET .
      plug mesh fully,

                                                                                      Page 5 of 16
{7) ATTACH GROUND WiRE.                           GhouNnp To BLOCK
  Ground wire is Green wire with ring
  terminal. Route this terminal to a con—
  venient screw or bolt on the engine block;
  preferred location is to the bracket at the
  coil or to a bolt on engine for grounding
  strap to the firewall.        '
  Loosen bolt or screw, insert ground ter—
  minal, retighten securely.

  If terminal is too large for screw, snip
  open end of terminal and squeeze to—
  gether with pliers before inserting under
  screw.                   >

  NOTE: DO NOT place the groundter—
           minal under a screw for cylinder
           cover, carburetor, or any boit that
           is normally removed for main—
           tenance.      Volkswagen—Attach
           Green wire to bolt on engine
           block; do not ground to shroud
           holding coil.
                                                 (8)   CHECK WIRING.
                                                       Trace all wires and compare to wiring
                                                       schematic.                 '
                                                       Tape back all wires and cables from hot
                                                       manifold and sharp edges.
                                                       Do not route wires or cables near or over
                                                       any moving linkages!
                                                       ‘For high RPM ‘operation (Racing), tie
                                                       back all wires and cables securely to
                                                       prevent wire breakage.
                                                       Use wire ties provided to hold wires in
                                                       Be sure no connector touches any ex—
                                                       posed surfaces; tape connections if
                                                       Be sure battery wire connector does not
                                                       touch ground.                               .
                                                       Be sure there is no connection to coil
                                                       POS. (+ or BAT} terminal except White
                                                       wire of cable.
                                                       When visual check is completed, restore
                                                       battery cable to battery post.

                                                                                              Page 6 of 16
    {a) Turn on ignition switch to "Start‘‘.         DISCHARGE
.       If engine does not fire as it would              lGNITION
       normally, turn off and —recheck wiring        '
    (b)} Check out ignition bypass.
         Disconnect cable at connector near
         Ignition Coil.
         Push Jumper Plug into Coil Harness

       NOTE: Red wire to battery is auto—
             matically removed for con—
             ventional ignition operation.
    {c}) Restore Ignition Amplifier: Reverse               .                                         #
              dure in
                   in (B)
                       (B above .                               CONVENTIONAL
                                                                    IGNITION      >

 . NOTE: Use Ignition Bypass whenever it is
         desired to operate with Conven—
         tional Ignition. Always use con—                                      COIL HARNESS
         ventional ignition when tuning
         engine unless timing light and
         meters are protected from high
         discharge of this system.
Ignition Bypass cannot be used with STEP 11

       »                                        10

                                                                     .                          Page tZeOf 16
    INSTALLATION                                          The coil core should never touc%
                                                          distributor cam.
    TOOLS NEEDED:                                    CAUTION:
                                                          The Magnetic Pick—Up Unit contains a,
    Wrench as required for distributor hold—
                                                          powerful magnet which will attract iron
    down clamp.
                                                          objects. DO NOT set the unit near a file
                                                          or on a bench where there are iron filings.
    INSTALL STEP Il BREAKERLESS                            Filings will readily stick to the core and
                                                          cause erratic firing when mounted in
    CcONVERSION KIT                                       distributor. If fromn objects or filings stick
    NOTE:                                                 to the Magnetic Pick—Up Unit in the
    (A) Always install and test STEP [ before             distributor. A stiff, clean fiber brush is the
        installing the breakeriess components.            best means of flicking off filings.
    (B) The Magnetic Pick—Up Unit must be            INSTALL AS FOLLOWS:
.       _mounted in the distributor at a location
        that will maintain the proper alignment of   1.    Remove cap from distributor and remove
        the rotor electrode to the distributor cap        rotor.
        electrodes. The coil, therefore, must be     2. Disconnect distributor wire from retainer
        mounted at the approximate location               at coil.
       where the breaker points were removed,
                                                     3.   Remove breaker point set and condenser
       but offset in a direction opposite to the
                                                          from distributor breaker plate.
       direction of cam rotation. With the proper
       offset, the core will align with the high
       point of the cam where this point would
       be at the instant the breaker points would
                                                          REMOVE                             REMOVE —

                       ) [
                       BREAKER POINT

                   —     COIL CORE

                                                     4.   Use illustrations to locate Pick—Up Unit
                                                          and Tie—downs. Mount Tie—downs loosely
       Therefore, it is impo)'tant that the Mag—          in holes shown (Note: Three sizes of
       netic Pick—Up Unit be located accurately           Tiedown are provided; choose proper
       for proper performance of the engine.
                                                          Tiedown as noted in illustrations). 8e
(C) The gap between the coil core and the                 sure that screw and lockwasher are ori—
      high point of the cam determines the                ented with Tie—downs as follows:      '
      sensitivity of the system. The smaller the
      gap, the more accurate and consistent
      firing at low RPM; for instance, during               o                  TIE—DOWN
      cranking in cold weather. The gap cannot             ?fi;;;v                 MOUNTING
      be less than that allowed by the wear
      characteristics of the distributor shaft
      (wobble}, and by the possible reduction
      of gap with the vacuum advance system of            *                              —              _
      an eccentric advance distributor (Ford).

                                                                                                                       Page 8 of 16

  5.   Mount Ma§netic         Pick—Up Unit in dis—
                                                                        LONG TIE—DOWN
. A. Delco—Remy °V—8 (General Motors,
      American Motors, Checker and Inter—
      national Harvester), Swing Tie—«downs
      to outside. Place Magnetic Pick—Up
      Unit onto distributor plate by holding                                                                MEDIUM
      its base at cam level and dropping over                                                               TIE—DOWN
      ring on distributor plate. Rotate Pick—
      Up Unit until it is positioned with                    LOCATING PIN\
      respect to locating pin (a focating                               _ffid
    . protrusion) on distributor plate:
              {1) Clockwise cam rotation distri—
              butor    (Chevrolet, Buick, Cadiliac)
              —(Vacuum advance leaves distributor
              case in counter clockwise direction}: ~
                                                                DELCO — CLOCKWISE ROTATION
              Rotate Pick—Up Unit until locating pin
              is touching outer stop on notch on
              Pick—Up Unit base.

                                                             LONG TiE—DOW N       A
              (2) Counter clockwise cam rotation                                      @ @       snume
              distributor {Oldsmobile, Pontiac)—
                                                                                  o             \1D
              {Vacuum advance leaves distributor
              case in clockwise direction)}: Rotate                      &            &
                                                                                      f     \           7
              Pick—Up Unit until locating pin is snug
              in corner of notch near coil.

       Place gap depth gauge around cam.                       DELCO —
       Squeeze together to form rounded sur—
       face. Swing in Tie—downs, push bass plate               COUNTER—CLOCKWISE ROTATION
       against ring and coif core against gap
       gauge, and tighten one Tie—«down (it may
       be necessary to put pressure on Tie—down
       to prevent rotating out during tightening}.
       Position and hold other Tie—down on base
       plate and tighten screw. Be sure base of
       Pick—Up Unit is flat on distributor breaker
       plate. Remove gauge after tightening.
       NOTE: (a) Distributor wire need not be
                      removed; but it must be
                      taped out of the way.
                   (b) Route coil wires to where
          a           gap is at bottom of distri—
                      butor cap when re—installed.


                                                                                                     Page 9 of 16
. Ford V—8 (Auto—Lite and Motorcraft)
  —Swing fong Tie«down to: outside.
  Place Magnetic Pick—Up Unit onto
  distributor plate in a position align—
  ing hook notch over screw hole on
 vacuum advance side. Install screw
  with lockwasher, but do not tighten.
  Place gap depth gauge around cam.
  Squeeze together to form rounded
  surface. Rotate coil inward until core
  coil touches gap gauge. Tighten screw.
  Swing in long Tie«down over base of
  Pick—Up Unit and tighten its screw
  {keep clearance between. Tie—down
  and cam).

. Mallory—NOTE: Put Pick—Up Coil                                                      77bis
  assembly on plate before mounting                                           Russer
  Tie—downs.                                                                     Grommer

  Remove terminal screw and insulators
  going through the hole in the casting.
  Locate coil approximately opposite to
  this hole. For counter—clockwise rotat—
  ing cam, swing coil in counter—
  clockwise direction until snug to brass
  pins. For clockwise rotating cam,
  swing coil in clockwise direction until         swort
  snug. Place special washer (external
 tooth) and stud fastener on the brass
 pin that is nearest the magnet. Orient
 the special washer to be as flat as                     MALLORY DISTRIBUTOR
 possible.    Then   press down     stud         * COUNTER CLOCKWISE ROTATION
 fastener with pliers, pushing down              {for Clockwise Rotation—move coil to left)
 both sides evenly. Press down firmly.
 Place Tie—down over other brass pin
 and put in screw. Place gap gauge over                                       mess nous
                                                                anass srun                    soveeze ro mecease
 cam and squeeze. Push coil core to
 gap gauge and tighten screw on Tie—                                                            sreciu masnen
                                                             L stee mrswsn\
 down. If the base plate can be moved,
 press down on stud fastener with a                                                                antarts nare
 screwdriver or pliers and retighten.                        more nate
 Repeat adjustment of coil to cam.                                    TE .cown with stuo rastEner
 Thread wires through hole in casting.
 Use rubber sheeting to form grommet,
 wrap on wires next to bushing, and
 pull into hole with wires.


                                                                                                             Page 10 of 16

6. Place coil wire terminals into plastic
      cover—be sure to place RED wire terminal                                         "V" SIDE ——#~
      in "V" side of plastic cover.      j
       Push in pins until seated. The pins can be
       released from the plastic cover by squeez—
       ing in latches on terminals with a tweezer
       and pulling on wires..
                                                               INSERT WIRES INTO RECEPTACLE

                                                                                                                  € _
       Install Amplifier Module; remove resistor
       wire plug from cable plug near basig unit.    *
       Place E.D.M. Module wires into plug.
       Mount E.D.M. in top of heat sink.

                                                              — SLIP IN E.D.M.
       Route Grey cable to distributor. Carefully
       route and fasten down this cable to
       prevent damage by cutting at sharp edges
       or burning on engine block or manifold.
       Plug Grey cable connector into receptacle
       from Magnetic Pick—Up Unit.

                                           P   KEY SWITCH


                                  PLUG. IN
                                3—WIRE HARNESS

     UNPLUG                                                                  y     ~
      BALLAST WIRE                                                               PLUG sRAY wine HarNEss To
                                                                                 MAGNETIC PICK UP wiRes

                                                    COMPLETE STEP I

8.    Replace rotor and distributor cap. Be sure            9. Start engine. Check timing with timing
      Magnetic Pick—Up wires do not touch                      light (do not use neon timing light). Fof
      rotor, or do not interfere with fit of cap.              tow car manufacturer‘s instruction and set
                                                               timing advance to that required. DO NOT
                                                               over—advance timing from manufacturer‘s

                                                                                       Page 11 of 16

                    S YS T E M A T I C S, .
                    547' NORTH WHEELER   STREET /   sAINT PAUL/MINNESOTA ssi04 / 813—345-5529.

 January 14, 1975

 Mr, George Lew
 California State Air Resources Board
 9528 Telstar
 EL Monte, California       91731

 Dear Mr. Lew:                  nomnes sez

 I wish to thank you for the information you gave me in our phone conversation
 of January I9th, 4s a result we have tested the Carter Emission Reduction Kit
 on the bench and found that the enclosed recommended procedure does properly
 activate the speed sensing circuit.

 We reviewed the compatibility problem with the Lana (Perfect Circle) people,
 both in California and in Indiana,       Their recoumendation was to have the user
 convert to the Vacuum Delay Vaive if the unit was already equipped with the
 electronic switch, They indicated that the electronic approach was to be
 limited to the initial stocks in the field, and eventually would be a minor
 factor in the mumber of instailations, The Vacuum approach does not need a
 signal from the igoition system,.

 However, the DANA pcople in Indiana indicated that they were preparing for
 their California dealers a set of instructions for dealer modification of the
 electronic speed switch to separate the power and tach signal so that it would
 be compatible with C.D, ignition,       The instructions are now being printed.
 We discussed the recommendations they would make and prepared our insert ac=

 Therefore, we are submitting the following format for instructions to be in=
 serted on Page 10 of the Scars' OWNERS Manual for all uhits shipped to Calife

 We certify that the Scears‘ Penske Capacitive Discharge Ignition Unit (28.8205)
 will properly trigger the Carter Emission Reduction Kit when wired per thoese
 instructions, As the signal used (the TACH signal from the Amplifier Unit)
 is available in the same form for both the 28.8205 installation and for breaker—
 less conversion with the 28,.8206 Breakerless Conversion Kit, we certify the
 compatibility for both Sears! items.

. As the Vacuum Delay Valve form of the DANA RETRONOX Kit does not use an igni~
 tion signal, no certification is

 As the Electronic Speed Switch version of the DANL RETRONOX Kit is be:mg ana=

                                                                                  Page 12 of 16

     Mre—George Low                                                               :
     Page 2                           -                           January 14, 1975

     lyzed and proper recommendation being prepared by DAMA, we can certify only
     that we produce a signal compatible with their indicated requirements when
     wired as shown in their instructions and by the enclosed instructions.

     Please contact us if changes are required in the enclosed insert.


     SYSTEMATICS, Inc.      |      DTTT T

    ZQQ eJ
     Andrew Kuehn


.    Enclosure:     Form No. 101 018, 1—13—75.
    — cc=Mr, C. Haitersley, Los Angeles

    2                 ALL CARS 1966 to 1970:
                                                                                            Page 13 of 'l§
         *    Wire as followus:
              1.    Route kit GREEN llead wire (for Negative side of coil} to Ignition Amplifier.
    .        _ P.   Attach to TACH connection (Black Wire Stub) with a 1/4" male Faston terminall
                    (supplied),    (See illustration ELECTRONIC TACHOMETER on P. 20.)

        DANA RETRONOX KIT:                   —
              1.    Kit with VACUUM DELAY VALVE (5220198), noadditional wiring is necessary.
                    When retrofitting with a Dana RETRONOX system, ask for the system with the
                    VACUUM DELAY VALVE,
              2,    Kit with ELZCTRONIC SPEED SENSOR, where possible, replace Electronic Speed:

                    Sensor with Vacuum Delay Valve (Part No. $2B0198 — available from Dana dealer).
                    NOTE:   If your engine requires the Electronic Speed Sensor due to limitations
                            in vacuum porting, have DANA dealer modify the Electronic Speed Switch
                            assembly per Dana instructions; wire original wire for coil to the
                            Orange wire screw of Retainer at coil; wire added tach signal wire to

                            TACH terminal at the Ignition Amplifier (do NOT wire to COIL + as

                            noted in the Dana instructions).

‘       Form No. 101 018

REPAIR PARTS                                                                                                                                 Page 14 of 16

     satteny |
     (RED wiRe)
                                                                                                                                                    coil +
                                                                                                                                            (GageN wine)
                                                                                                                                                    COHL —

kew swiTck
 {Drange Wire)
                                                         c                                                                                      (Black)
                                                  11         [
    EXT. PLUG                                                            #18
 BALLAST O £20.M;|. onwuge                                       —_—*                     as                                  L
                       is"                          Your                 ce        R19
                                                     14 813      L"—I                               cimcurt ~ 190 9e anpcirien pase assemauy
                    3                 O—             )                                              wore: miis circurs covenen or us, rarthc ho 25e00
                                pista, POINTS                                            J                !':::::IBNIGAH rartnt ho sr678 ano Orven msents

                                  (Blue Wie)                                             ~

Key No.            Part No.                Description                   Key No.         Part No.                    Description
T1       100 858—X«            TRANSFORMER (Selected) *                  R5         100 143—6.8M|    RESISTOR —6.8 meg ohm 1/2 W—10%
01       100 708—X             TRANSISTOR (Selected) *                   R6         100 143—2.2K     RESISTOR — 2.2K ahim 1/2 W — 10%
02       180 900               SCR ASSEMBLY                              R7         1090 143—33       |—RESISTOR—33 ohm 1/2W—10%
03       100 937—1             TRANSIST OR — NPN                         R8         100 143—680      RESISTOR—880 ohm 1/2 W— 10%
Or       100 754               TRANSISTOR — PNP                          R9         100 143—4.7K     RESISTOR—4.7K ohmn 1/2 W —10%
a5       100 937—2 .           TRANSISTOR — NPN                          R10        100 143—1.5K]    RESISTOR — 1.5K ohm 1/2 W — 10%
R 1      100 650—X +|          RESISTOR — 15 W — (Selected) *            R11        100 143—10K      RESISTOR — 10K ohm — 1/2 W— 10%
0 1      100 844               RECTIFIER — 18A — 50 PIV                  R 12       100 143—1K       RESISTOR—1K ohm 1/2 W—10%
D2—D 5 110059041               DIODE — 1 a 750 PIV                       R 13       100 143—100      RESISTOR — 100 chim 1/2 W — 10%
D 6—0 131100 5902              Di0DE— 1 a 400 PIV                        R 14       100 149—470      RESISTOR — 470 ohm — 1/2 W — 10%
C1       100 985               CAPACITOR — 1.25 uf—400V — 10%            R 15       100 143—100      RESISTOR—100 ohm — 1/2 W— 10%
C2       100 712               CAPACITOR —.05 uf —400V — 10%             R 16       100 143—10K      RESISTOR—10K chm 1/2W—10%
C3       100 810               CAPACITOR —.33 uf— 100V — 10%             A 17       100 143—330      RESISTOR—330 ahm 1/2 W — 10%
C4,C6    1180711               CAPACITOR—.22 uf — 100V — 10%             R 18       100 143—1.5K     RESISTOR — 1.5K ohm 1/2 W — 10%
CB5      100 827               CAPACITOR —.01 uf— 1000V                  R 19       100 143—470      RESISTOR—470 ohm 1/2 W —10%
C7       100 870               CAPACITOR — ELECTROLYTIC                  L1         100 962          INDUCTOR ASSEMBLY
                                ~ 100 uf— 5OV
C8               100 963       CAPACITOR — TANTALUM —
                                  4.1 ut — 10 V — 20%                                               *GIVE SERIAL NUMSER ON
R2               100 143—10    RESISTOR — 10 ohm 1/2 W — 10%                                         TRANSFORMER WHEN REPLAC—
R3               100 143—18K   RESISTOR — 18K ohm 1/2 W — 10%                                        ING ANY QNE .OF THE SE
R4               100 143—10K   RESISTOR — 10K ohm 1/2 W — 10%                                        LECTED PARTS (T1, Q1, or Ri}.


                                                                          REPAIR PARTS

                                                                                         Page 15 of 16

                  REPAIR PARTS                                       Page 16 of 16
 20                Key No.          Part No.      |               Description

  .                   105          10081               covenr
                      20|          do0sss             — BASE ASSEMBLY
                      3            100 944             UNIT HARNESS (if separate)
                      4            STD §11005 |        10 x 1/2 SELF TAPSCREW (3 required)
                      B            STD 600602          6—32 x 1/4 TAPPING SCREW (3 required)
                      6            100 530             BLADE TERMINAL — 1/4 MALE
                      7            100 522            . TERMINALcoven
                      8            100 817             COILHARNESS
                      g          — STD 541110          10—32 HEX NUT (2 required)
                   ~ 10            STD 551110          #10 LOCKWASHER (2 required) .
                     11            100 818             SHORT HARNESS — 1/4" TERMINAL
                     12            100 819             SHORT HARNESS — LARGE TERMINAL
.                  "as             100834              TERMINAL COVER .
                     14            100 821             JUMPER PLUG
pol           .      15            100 841             MALE ADAPTER ~ double
                     16            100 836             MALE ADAPTER — single _
                     17            STD 5411086         8—32 NUT (2 required)
                     18            100 835             FEMALE ADAPTER (2 required)
      &   .          18            STD 510603          6—32 x 3/8 SCREW (2 required)

                     26          100 959               CABLE THE (4 required)                        i
      ‘              21            100 991             BASE PLATE UNIT
                     32 .          100 957             FEEDBACK CIRCUIT
                     23|           100 961             POWER BOARD
                     m       |     100782              FUSING WIRE (1.5 in. 24 AWG Insulated Wire)


Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:23
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:23

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