Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 28, 1976.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1976 and older, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles with OE electronic ignition (2) Vehicles with dual point distributor (3) 1966-1970 vehicles with NOx retrofit device. See manufacturer listing

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-54-6
  • Executive Order 54-6 / D54-6
  • ARB # D-54-6
  • Executive Order No: D-54-6
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-54-6
  • Resolution D-54-6
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-54-6 PDF

D-54-6 Document:


                                                                    (Page 1 of 2)
                                                                       &/    s
                                                                             h "=,

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—54—46
                Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                            of the Vehicle Code


Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "BID" breakerless
inductive ignition system manufactured by the Prestolite Electrical
Division, 511 Hamilton Street, Toledo, Ohio 43694, and marketed as indicated
herein has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle
pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions
of Section 27156 of the Veh1c1e Code for 1976 and older model. year vehicles
except as follows:

       1.   ©Those vehicles origina]]y equipped with breakerless ignition
            systems or dual point—ignition systems where one of the points
            is used to retard timing for emission control.

       2.   1966—70 vehicles equipped with a retrofit NOx device which
            incorporates retard of basic ignition timing {i.e., Carter—
            CER3 Echlin, STP—Air Computer, and AQP—Electro—NOx or Kar
            Kit).           .

This device consists of an electronic pack, trigger wheel and pick up
assembly, Ford ignition coil and wiring harness. The following is a
list of each device manufactured by the Prestolite E]ectr1ca1 Diviston
and marketed for the following applications:

                 Vehicle                        Motorcraft
                 Application              '    Part Number

                  Volkswagen—4 cylinder           DZ 5007
                 Toyota—4 cylinder                DZ 5008

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

FORD (MOTORCRAFT) "BID BREAKERLESS                              (Page 2 of 2)
INDUCTIVE IGNITION SYSTEM"                                           —

Changes made to the design or operating condittons of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinfon as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" méy be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising orother oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

       "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
       tise, or, except in an application to the state board for certification
      <of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
       device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
       certified by the state board. No person shall sell, offer for sale,
       advertise, or represent any motor vehfcle pollution control device as
       a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified device.          Any
       violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be .
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

                 —                            &4
Executed at Sacramento, California, this G;Ei    day of October, 1976.

                                       Original Signed By
                                     Thomas C. Austin
                                     —Deputy Executive Officer—Technical

                         State of California

                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                           August 31, 1976

                            Staff Report

          (Addendum to Staff Report dated April 13, 1976)
                Evaluation of Prestolite Electrical
               Division "BID" Breakerless Inductive
                     Ignition System for Exemption
              from the Prohibitions of Section 27156
                        of the Vehicle Code


Prestolite Electrical Division, 511 Hamilton Street, Toledo, Ohio

43694, was issued Executive Order D—54—5 dated April 30, 1976.

This is an exemption from the prohibitions of Motor Vehicle Code

Section 27156 for the Prestolite "Bid" Breakerless Ignition System

which is also known by other brand names described in the Executive

Order.     The exemption was for certain 1976 and older model year

vehicles equipped with a standard Kettering ignition system using

device part numbers as specifically listed in the Executive Order.

The exemption did not apply to:

  1)     Those vehicles originally equipped with breakerless ignition

         systems or dual point ignition systems where one of the points

         is used to retard timing for emission control.

  2)     Those 1966 through 1970 vehicles equipped with "NOx retrofit

         devices" with a 4° retard in basic ignition timing (i.e.,

         Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer, AQP — Electro—NOx and

         Kar Kit).

      Prestolite Electrical Division has now applied (Exhibit A) to

      add kits for Volkswagen and Toyota vehicle applications under

      the Brand Name of Motorcraft as follows:

                Vehicle                  Motorcraft
                Application              Part Number

                Volkswagen—4 cylinder     DZ 5007
                Toyota—4 cylinder         DZ 5008

      Prestolite Electrical Division also requests to allow usage

      of an equivalent Ford ignition coil instead of the Prestolite

      ignition coil part number P5—69 for the above vehicle applications.

II.   System Description

      The "BID" is a breakerless, retrofit ignition system utilizing a

      resonant, magnetic pick—up coil and a metallic "toothed" trigger

      wheel which is mounted concentric to the distributor shaft and

      lowers the magnetic field strength in the pick—up coil intermittently

      when each tooth passes the coil.   This voltage reduction triggers a

      change in a unistable switch which controls a power switching transistor.

      This power transistor controls current flow to the primary of the

      ignition coil of the Kettering ignition system.

III. System Evaluation

      The applicant submitted ignition timing data and electrical

      characteristics of the ignition system.    In order to evaluate

      the new design of the device the applicant submitted baseline

      data, device data with Prestolite coil as was previously exempted

      by Executive Order number D—54—5 and the new design device data

      which utilized the "Ford" coil.    These data are presented in

      Tables I and II.

      A review was made of the applicants test data and is considered within

      experimental and test variabilities and is evaluated as meeting

      the Air Resources Board‘s criteria.    These results are as would be

      expected since the characteristics of the Ford coil (1.19 ohm
      primary resistance) are similar to the previously exempted system

      with Prestolite coil (1.3 ohm primary resistance).    For these
      reasons an ARB confirmatory test is not required.

      Cylinder to cylinder fgnition timing for certain four cylinder

      Volkswagen applications did not match the manufacturers specifications.
      This condition is not considered acceptable under the revised Air

      Resources Board‘s Ignition Guidelines.    Since this basic design

      was exempt by Executive Order D—54—5 prior to the change in criteria

      the staff accepts this proposal which does not expand the number

      of vehicle conversions but is essentially a brand name addition.

IV.   Manufacturer‘s Claims

      The benefits claimed by the manufacturer in the original application

      are discussed in the staff report dated April 13, 1976.    The Air
      Resources Board notified the manufacturer that it did not fully

      agree with the benefits claimed.   The manufacturer then submitted

      copies of their most recent advertising materiais.

    Some of their recent advertising is shown in exhibit B, certain

.   excerpts are as follows:

         . Improved starting in temperatures as low as —20°F.

         . Improved performance at all speeds

         . Greatly extends spark plug life

         A tune—up improves gas mileage, but after a few thousand

         miles, the tune—up begins to deteriorate, gas mileage drops

         off, and emissions increase.   With the Prestolite Electronic

         Ignition System, spark plugs last longer, because timing

         and dwell are factory set and cannot change.   That‘s why

         we say the tuned up engine stays tuned up Tonger, much


.        More mileage in the aftermarket.

         Increases plug life

         Insures better wet and cold weather starting

         Get more mileage in the aftermarket ... stock full

           coverage Prestolite Electronic Ignition

    The staff concurs that maintenance would be reduced by the "BID"

    Breakerless Inductive Ignition System due to removal of the points.

    It is the opinion of the staff that the device will not create

    increases in fuel economy, and operating performance over a

    properly tuned and maintained engine.

Starting conditions may be improved on the Volkswagen and Toyota

vehicles with 0.E.M. high resistance (3 to 4 ohms) primary

ignition coils only.   The manufacturers data showed an increase

in spark energy at 200 RPM cranking speed and 9 volts source

voltage when tested with the replacement coil.

Conclusions and Recommendations

It is the opinion of the staff that Prestolite Electrical Division‘s

"BID" breakerless inductive ignition system will not reduce the

effectiveness of required emission control systems except for certain

1966—70 vehicles retrofitted with a NOx control device utilizing

a sustained retardation of 4 degrees crankshaft or more.

Therefore, it is recommended that Prestolite Electrical Division be

granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156

for its "BID" breakerless ignition system for 1976 and older model year

domestic vehicles originally equipped with the standard Kettering

ignition system except for the following:

1)    Those vehicles originally equipped with breakerless ignition

     systems or dual point ignition systems where one of the points

     is used to retard timing for emission control.

2)   1966—70 vehicles equipped with a retrofit NOx device which

     incorporates retard of basic ignition timing (i.e., Carter —

     CER, Echlin, STP—Air Computer, and AQP—Electro—NOx or Kar     '


Table I — Prestolite Ignition System Data Summary for the "Bid"
          Breakerless Ignition System

Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                          1973 Volkswagen — 4 cylinder

 RPM           Baseline             Device               Device
          (VW coil — 4.0 ohms)   (Ford coil—1.19 ohms) (Prestolite—1.3 ohms)

 600            0                    0                     0
1400            5.0                  5.0                   5.0
2000           12.4                 12.4                  12.4
2600           16.0                 16.0                  16.0
3200           20.0                 20.0                  20.0
4000           21.8                 21.8                 (21.8

Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

in. Hg.        Baseline             Device               Device

  3             0                    0                    0
  6             6.0                  6.0                  5.0
  9            10.4                 10.4                  9.4
 12            11.4                 11.4                 10.8
 15            11.6                 11.6                 11.4
 20            11.6                 11.6                 11.6

Spark Duration in Microseconds

 RPM           Baseline             Device               Device

 200            950                 1500                 2000
 600           1700                 2100                 2200
4000           1700                 1500                 1850

Secondary Yoiltage Rise Time in Microseconds

 RPM           Baseline             Device               Device

 200            38                   70                   60
 600            38                   70                   65
4000            38                   70                   60

Table I (cont‘d)

E.   Spark Energy in Millijoules

      RPM:          Baseline            Device    Device

      200            8.2                21.0      25.9
      600           21.7                30. 8     32.9
     4000           19.3                23.1      23.3

     Available Voltage in Kilovolts (with Load)

      RPM           Baseline            Device    Device

      200           20.5                24.5      28.0
      600           27.0                25.5      29.5
     4000           21.0                25.5      28.0

Table II — Prestolite Ignition System Data Summary for The "BID"
           Breakerless Ignition System

Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                                    1975 Volkswagen — 4 cylinder

 RPM            Baseline                          Device                           Device
           (VW Coil—2.1 ohms)             (Ford coil —1.19 ohms) (Prestolite coil—1.3 ohms)

 600             0

                                                          — O oN o

                                                                                — 0 o ns on o
1400             5.0

                                                                     o 0o ORO

                                                                                                t 0 O B O
2000            12.4

                                             N No =— ~4

                                                                                N Np — —
2600            16.0
3200            20.0
4000            21.8

Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

in. Hg.         Baseline                           Device                          Device


                                                                                1 —o0o
                         o o mm o

                                                                                                J a kb o
              _i ca es

                                                                                wt i ea i

Spark Duration in Microseconds

 RPM            Baseline                          Device                           Device

 200            1600                               950                             1700
 600            2600                              2100                             2400
4000            1700                              1400                             1900

Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

 RPM            Baseline                          Device

    200         38
    600         38
4000            38

Table II (Cont‘d)

E.   Spark Energy in Millijoules

      RPM           Baseline            Device    Device

      200           14.3                16.2      16.3
      600           30. 1               30.8      30.7
     4000           18.5                21.0      21.9

F.   Available Voltage in Kilovolts (with Load)

      RPM           Baseline            Device    Device

      200           23                  20        23
      600           30                  26
     4000           24                  24        24

                                                             Exhibit A

@   Prestolite Electrical Division
    511 Hamilton Street
    Toledo, Ohio 43694                                                   Phone: 419—244—2811

                                           June 15,   1976

     Air Resources Board Laboratory
     9528 Telstar Avenue
     El Monte, California          91731

     ATTN:       Mr.   G.   Haas

     Dear Sir:

     As you know we have been approved for sale in the state of California
     on our electronic BID ignition system which is used on four (4)
     cylinder foreign vehicles.  Our system for this application, in
     California, requires the incorporation of a special coil (our #5—69)
     as part of the kit.  Ford Motor Company is presently buying this
     system from us and we are packaging the system under the Motorcraft
     label.  Ford Motor Company has asked us if instead of buying our coil
     for this application if they could use their own,              since they are
‘    in the ignition coil business.  The Ford coil is,              for all practical
     purpose,      exactly the same as our #5—69.       I have run tests using the
     Ford proposed coil with our system comparing to baseline as well as
     supplying our data with the results using our coil (data enclosed).
     As you can see theirs is practically the same.

     We would appreciate it if you could have this data critiqued and
     allow Ford to utilize their coil with our system.

                                           Very truly yours,

                                           PRESTOLITE ELECTRICAL DIVISION

                                            mCP   ]i &3 C
                                           "S.A. Florio, Manager
                                           Aftermarket Engineering


                                                                        Exhibit A

Prestolite Electrical Division
511 Hamilton Street
Toledo, Ohio 43694                                                       Phone: 419—244—2811

Air Resources Board Laboratory                                      August 17, 1976
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, California 91731

Attention:      Mr. K. D. Drachand, Chief
               Vehicle Compliance            R

Subject:       Prestolite BID Retrofit
               Motorcraft Brand

Dear Mr. Drachand:

Executive Order D—54—5 approved Prestolite electronic ignition supplied
under Motorcraft brand in the state of California. Per your letter of
June 24, 1976, you agreed that the Motorcraft program would be acceptable
for Volkswagen and Toyota vehicles with a Ford coil.

Ford has assigned the following numbers to their California package:

              Motorcraft                 '       Prestolite
              Part Number                        Part Number

              DZ—5007.                           IDL—5017
              DZ—5008                            IDL—5018

As requested, we are attaching the following:

     Ford Packaging Material Specification MF361

Mr. Kinney‘s people have the technical data.

We would appreciate receipt of your Executive Order as soon as possible.

Please call us if we can be of any assistance.

                                                 Very truly yours,
                                                      0/      T /
                                                   (/({ f AiaAdkk(
dls 2—23                                         W. L. Shull
                                                 Administrative Assistant
Attach .                                         Marketing — PED

an   Eltra     company

w rackage Materiai opeciticanons                                         CALIFORNIA ONLY                    BLibl id ARUNL U_LUTLLILUN   Di   No   EL ju

   UNIT_CARTON                                                                       DEIAIL F — Label for Part Number Identification

   Sigze:         7 3/8" x 2 3/4" x 16 3/16"                                         Size:        24 x 1 1/a"
   Style:         Straight Tuck                                                      Material:    White label stock — rapid dry with permanent
  Material:       .028 Olinkraft 80 degree bright                                                 adhesive
   Printing:      Per artwork in two colors Motorcraft
                  Red and Black                                                      Type Size:
                                                                                     lst Line             "One"                               18 pt. type
   DZTAIL A — Shipping Carton — 10 Packages of Unit Carton                           2nd Line             "Part Number"                       36 pt. type
                                                                                     3rd & bth Line       "application Data"                  12 pt. type
   Size:          16 1/2" x 14 7/8" x 15"                                            5th Line             "Vendor Code (Date                   8 pt. type
   Style:         Regular Slotted                                                                          Code Optional)"
   Material:      200# Mullen Test, D. F. Kraft Corrugated
                  A or C Flute                                                       Type Style:          Condensed Gothic
   Printing:      Motoreraft—Ford printing style code "G"                            Print Color:         Black

   DEIAIL B — Interior Block for Unit Package                                        DEIAIL G — Film Overwrap of Detail H

   Size:          7 1/8" x 1 11/16" x 9 5/16"                                        Material:     Polyolefin D925E Cryovac
   Material:      Expandable polystyrene molded 2 lb. density                        Gauge:        100

   DETAIL C — Interior Filler Block Pad for Detail B                                 DETAIL H_— Ead Foldtray
   Sigze:         2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x "                                                Sigze:        16 1/8t x 7 1/48 x 2 11/16"
   Material:      Expandable polystyrene sheet 2 lb. density                         Material:     .028 Olinkraft 80 Degree Bright
                                                                                     Printing:     None
   DETAIL D — Label for Adhesion to Module Box
                                                                                     END FQOLD TRAY: To hold 1 packaged coil (AHF—9 Ctn.),
   Size:          3 3/4" x 2"                .                                       1 packaged bracket for coil (ALF—101 Ctn.), 1 Ignition
   Material:      Bright silver laminated foil with permanent                        Kit in Foam Tray, 3 pieces white corrugated (Dunnage)
                  adhesive — 8277 Fasson with "Sta—Flat"
                  bumidity resistant backing or equivalent

   DETAIL E — Label ~ Loose in Interior Pack

                  Same as Detail D except for additional
                  wording above "Motoreraft Logo" per                                                     CALIEFORNIA ONLY
                  artwork and label will be packaged

        Ford Marketing Corporation, Packaging Engineering Section, P.O. Box 3020, Livonia, Michigan — 48151

  Des(igned        .                    Approved                                                                      Revised

* Mark Corp   h
 Jury    74 FP—

    Thanks to developments in electronic technology, Prestolite
     ngineers surpassed the two previous achievements
‘ith the development of BID—Breakerless Induc—
    tive Discharge ignition.
      As you can see, BID is the result of years
    of research and a series of design & perfor—
    mance improvements culminating in what we
    believe to be truly the ignition system of
    tomorrow.              >
       Already it has been thoroughly tested in hun—
    dreds of thousands of miles of use. Reports indi—
    cate continued tuned performance after 10 or 12
    thousand miles, when performance normally
    falls off.
       Here is an electronic ignition system that makes
    your car‘s ignition as new as tomorrow.

                     aives you Ex3
                  ALL OF THESE &                     7
@                             FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES!
                          e Improved starting in temperatures as low as —20°E.
                          * Improved performance at all speeds
                          e Fires spark plugs at any RPM above 0
                          * Fires spark plugs with as little as 6 volts available battery voltage
                          * Greatly extends spark plug life                                 '
                          e Uses existing coil, distributor cap, rotor and spark plug wires
                          e Is easily installed without removing distributor
                          e Protected against reverse polarity

               A tune—up improves gas mileage, but after a few thousand miles,
                   the tune—up begins to deteriorate, gas mileage drops off, and
                     emissions increase. With the Prestolite Electronic Ignition
                 System, spark plugs last longer, because timing and dwell are
                 factoryset and cannot change. Thats why we say the tuned up
                                    engine stays tuned up longer, much longer.

                                 Prestolite is the only independent ignition manuftacturer
'        furnishing an electronic ignition system to one ofthe Big Four car makers.

          Prestolite Electrical Division * Toledo. Ohio 43694 * an| EWA | coneary

Form PP—556A                                                                                Printed in U.S.A.

                                          Exhibit B

    Add these seven to the already established
    Prestolite performance—proven 6 and
    8 cylinder Electronic Ignition kits and you
    have real profit opportunity.
.    Easy to install
     Fires plugs at low rpm
     Increases plug life
     Insures better wet and cold weather starting
    Get more mileage in the aftermarket...stock       —
    full coverage Prestolite® Electronic Ignition

Prestolite Electrical Division
511 Hamilton Street
Toledo, Ohio 43694                                                      Phone: 419—244—2811

Air Resources Board Laboratory                                 August 17, 1976
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, California 91731

Attention:      Mr. K. D. Drachand, Chief
               Vehicle Compliance

Subject:       Prestolite BID Retrofit
               Motorcraft Brand

Dear Mr. Drachand:

Executive Order D—54—5 approved Prestolite electronic ignition supplied
under Motorcraft brand in the state of California. Per your letter of
June 24, 1976, you agreed that the Motorcraft program would be acceptable
for Volkswagen and Toyota vehicles with a Ford coil.

Ford has assigned the following numbers to their California package:

               Motorcraft                        Prestolite
               Part Number                       Part_Number

               DZ—5007                           IDL—5017
               DZz—5008                          IDL—5018

As requested, we are attaching the following:

     Ford Packaging Material Specification MF361

Mr. Kinney‘s people have the technical data.

We would appreciate receipt of your Executive Order as soon as possible.

Please call us if we can be of any assistance.

                                                 Very truly yours,

dis 2~23
                                                   CC S
                                                 w. L. Shull
                                                 Administrative Assistant
Attach .                                         Marketing — PED

                                                                                                              2 Va UiNVINWwT i   OUbLV laid
 CS3?» Package Material Specifications                                     CALTFORNIA _ONLY                   ELECTRONIC_IGNITION KIT_ . MF361l

  UNIT CARTON                                                                         DEIAIL F — Label for Part Number Identification

   Size:           7 3/8" x 2 3/4" x 16 3/16"                                         Size:         2" x 1 1/2"
   Style:          Straight Tuck                                                      Material:     White label stock — rapid dry with permanent
   {aterial:       .028 Olinkraft 80 degree bright                                                  adhegive
  Printing:        Per artwork in two colors Motorcraft
                   Red and Black                                                      Type Size:
                                                                                      1st Line              "One!‘                            18 pt. type
  DETAIL A — Shipping Carton — 10 Packages of Unit Carton                             2nd. Line             "Part Number"                     36 pt. type
                                                                                      3rd & th Line         "Ipplication Data"                12 pt. type
   Size:           16 1/2" x 14 7/8" x 15"                                            5th Line              "Vendor Code (Date                 8 pt. type
   Style:          Regular Slotted                                                                           Code Optional)"
  Material:        200# Mullen Test, D. F. Kraft Corrugated
                   A or C Flute                                                       Type Style:           Condensed Gothic
  Printing:        Motorcraft—Ford printing style code "G"                            Print Color:          Black

  DETAIL B — Interior Block for Unit Package                                          DETAIL G — Film Overwrap of Detail H

  Size:            7 1/8" x 1 11/16" x 9 5/16"                                        Material:      Polyolefin D925E Cryovae
  Material:        Expandable polystyrene molded 2 lb. density                        Gauge:         100

  DETAIL C — Interior Filler Block Pad for Detail B                                   DETAIL H — Eod Foldtray

  Sigze:           2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 4"                                               Size:          16 1/8" x 7 1/4" x 2 11/16"
  Material:        Expandable polystyrene sheet 2 lb. density                         Material:      .028 Olinkraft 80 Degree Bright
                                                                                      Printing:      None
  DELAIL D — Label for Adhesion to Module Box
                                                                                      END FOLD TRAY; To hold 1 packaged coil (AHF—9 Ctn.),
                   3 3/ U xz 2i
  Size:                                                                               1 packaged bracket for coll (ALF—101 Ctn.), 1 Ignition
  Material:        Bright silver leminated foil with permanent                        Kit in Foam Tray, 3 pieces white corrugated (Dunnage)
                   adhesive — S$277 Fasson with "Sta—Flat"
              r    humidity resistant backing or equivalent

   DETAIL E — Label — Loose in Interior Pack

                   Same as Detail D except for additional
                   wording above "Motoreraft Logo" per                                                      CALTFORNIA ONLY
                   artwork and label will be packaged

 ..       Ford Marketing Corporation, Packaging Engineering Section, P.O. Box 3020, Livonia, Michigan — 48151

~ Deéigned                                Approved                             Date                                       Revised
      «                                                   RAB                                     8—5—76
‘ Mark Corp    &
  Julv   74 FP—

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:48
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:48

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