Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 30, 1976.
As of Monday, March 10th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1976 and older, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles with OE electronic ignition (2) Vehicles with dual point distributor (3) 1966-1970 vehicles with NOx retrofit device

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-54-5
  • Executive Order 54-5 / D54-5
  • ARB # D-54-5
  • Executive Order No: D-54-5
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-54-5
  • Resolution D-54-5
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-54-5 PDF

D-54-5 Document:


                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—54—5 —
                Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                        . > of the Vehicle Code

                 ~=AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PARTS, INC.      ‘

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board —by Section
27156 of the Vehicie Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code;

  IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the—installation of the "BID" breakerless
  inductive ignition systems manufactured by the Prestolite Electrical
  Division, 511 Hamilton Street, Toledo, Ohio 43694; and marketed as indicated
  herein has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor
. vehicles pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the pro—
  hibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1976 and older model year
  vehicles except as follows:

      1)   Those vehicles originally equipped with breakerless ignition
           systems or dual point ignition systems where one of the points
           is used to retard timing for emission control.

      2)   Those 1966 through 1970 vehicles equipped with "NOx retrofit
           devices" with a 4° retard in basic ignition timing (i.e.,
           Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer, AQP — Electro—NOx, and
           Kar Kit).

This device consists of an electronic pack, trigger wheel and pick up
assembly, and wiring harness. The following is a list of each device
manufactured by the Prestolite Electrical Division and marketed by
brand name and part number.

PRESTOLITE ELECTRICAL DIV.                               EXECUTIVE ORDER D—54—5

     Brand Name                                Part Numbers

     Prestolite                           IDL—5001, :5010, 501],v5012, 5013,
                                          5014, 5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, and

     Wards                                15801, 15802, 15803, 15804, 15805,
                                          15806, 15807,;. 15808, and 15809.

     Rite—Line                            RL—7020, 7021, 7022, 7023, 7024,
                                          7025, 7026, 7031, 7032, 7033, and

     Co—Op                                75C1, 75C2, 7503, 75C4, 75C5, 75C6,
                                          75C7, 75C8, 75C9, 75€10, and 75C11.

     Wells                                EL—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

     Echlin                               ECK—1C, 2C, 3C, IF, 3F,. 36, and 46.

     ACCEL                                36010, 36011, 36013,. 36020, 36023,
                                          36030, 36031, and 36033.
    —Conoco (Dynalife)                    CN7O20, 7021, 7022, 7023, 7024,
                                          7025, 7026, 7031, 7032, 7033,. and
     Automatic Transmission Parts, Inc.   ¥—10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15, and 16.
     Gulf Oi1 (Crutsemaster)              CM 70—20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
                                          31, 32, 33, and 34.

     Ford (Motorcraft)                    DZ—5000, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004,
                                          5005, and 5006.

     Shell Of1 (She]])                    $70—20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31,
                                          32, 33, and 34.
     IHC Fleetrite                        549621—C19, 549622—C19, 549623—€19,
                                          549624—C19, 549625—C19, 549626—C19,

 PRESTOLITE ELECTRICAL DIV.              *               EXECUTIVE QORDER D—54—5

 This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
 this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
 different than those Tisted by the vehicle manufacturer.

 Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
 exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
 formance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
 this Executive Order.

 Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
 in this Exécutive Order or marketing of this device for an application
 other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited
 unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

 This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
 that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed
 or fmplied by the vehicle manufacturer.


 No claim of any. kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be
 made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
 oral or— written communication.

 Section 17500: of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
 misleading advertising unlawful, and Sectton 17534 makes violation
 punishable as a misdemeanor.

PRESTOLITE ELECTRICAL DIV.                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—54—5

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of
     a device, represent any device as a motor vehicle poliution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited devicé. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a—misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as deems
advisable.                                    .

Executive Orders D—54—3 dated November 26, 1975 and D—54—4 dated March 11,
1976 are superseded and of no further force or effect.

Executed at Sacramento, California, this   5( _   day of April. 1976.

                                     Qr\o@\‘r\d    %\CS(\QQ{ J\m)
                                   Thomas C. Austin
                                   Deputy Executive Officer—Technical

                       State of California

                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          April 13, 1976

                          Staff Report >

         {Addendum to Staff Report dated March 6, 1975)
               Evaluation of Prestolite Electrical
              Division "BID" Breakerless Inductive
                  Ignition System for Exemption
              from the Provisions of Section 27156
                       of the Vehicie Code


 Prestolite Electrical Division, 511 Hamiltom Street, Toledo, Ohio

 43694, was issued Executive Orders D—54—3 and D—54—4 dated November
 26, 1975 and March 11, 1976 respectively.   These are exemptions

 from the prohibitions of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the

 Prestolite "Bid" Breakerless Ignition System which is also known by

_ other brand names described: in the Executive Orders.   The exemptions

 were for certain 1975 and older model year vehicles equipped with a

 standard Kettering ignition system using device fiart numbers as

 Specifica]ly listed in the Exécutive Orders.    The exemption did not

 apply to:

   1)   Those vehicles originally equipped with breakerless ignition

        systems or dual point ignition systems where one of the points

        is used to retard timing for emission control.

   2)   Those 1966 through 1970 vehicles equipped with "NOx retrofit

        devices" with a 4° retard in basic fgnition timing (i.e.,.
        Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer, AQP — Electro—NOx and

        Kar Kit).

Prestolite Division                              *                  April 13, 1976

        Prestolite Electrical Division has now applied (Exhibit A) to

        add kits for Volkswagen, Toyota, Pinto and International Harvester
        Vehicle applications with brand names and part numbers as follows:

                                  VW, Pinto,
        Brand Name               — Capri             Toyota                  IHC
                                       *               *        (Vacuum and _      (Centrifugal
                                                                 centrifugal        advance only)
        Engingering No.          IDL—5017            IDL—5018     IDL—5019         IDL—5020
        Prestolite               70—31               70—32        70—33            70—34
        Rite—Line                RL—7031             RL—7032      RL—7033          RL~7034
        Co—op                    7508                7509         75C10            75011
        Montgomery Ward          15808               15809         ~—                ~—
        Conoce                   CN 7031 ;           CN 7032      CN 7033          CN 7034
        Guif 011                 CM 70—31            CM—70—32     CM 70—33         CM 70—34
        Shel1 011                $70—31              $70—32       $70—33           $70—34
        Wells                    EL—8                  ~—          ~—                ——

         *Kits supply an ignition coil

 II.     System Description

        The "BID" is é_breakerless,’retrofit ignition system utilizing a

         resonant, magnetic pick—up coil and a metallic "toothed" trigger

        wheal which is mounted concentric to the distributor shaft and

         lowers the magnetic field strength in the pick-up coil.        This voltage

         reduction triggers a change in a unistable switch which controils a

         power switching transiétor.       This power transistor chntrols

         current flow to the primary of the OEM ignition coil of the standard

         Kettering ignition system.

 III. System Evaluation

        The applicant submitted electrical performance charactéristics data

       , for the device when tested according to the SAE J973a test procedure.

         In order to evaluate the device, the electrical characteristics

        of the ignition system with and without the device were compared.

        The applicants data indicated spark energy degradation at cruise

        conditions of 46.7% on a 1973 Toyota and 35.4% on a 1973 Volkswagen.

Prestolite Division                       *                  April 13, 1976

      Discussion with the applicant did not resolve the spark energy degradation >

      shown in their data.   Therefore, confirmatory tests were conducted on

      the Air Resources Board‘s ignition system simulator which consists

      of a Sun Distributor Tester, Tektronix Oscilloscope, Sun Ignition Analyzer

      and associated accessories according to SAE J973a, Ignition System Measure—

      ments Procedure; .The baseline and device tests were conducted with a

      1967 Toyota 4 cylinder, and a 1973 Volkswagen 4 cylinder ignition systemé.

      The results of this cbmparison are shown in Table I and was similar to

      the data submitted by the mlanufacturer.

      The data showed a degradatton of spark energy at cruise conditions

      (4000 RPM) with the device.   The spark energy degradation with the

      Toyota was 61.5% and 56.5% for the Volkswagen.   At the cruise condition

      the energy level with the device on the Toyota was 5.2 millijoules

     ‘and 5.6 millijoules for the Volkswagen.    The O.E.M. ignition system

      design does not contain a ballast resistor, instead the ignition coil

     .is designed with a high resistance (3:to 4 ohms) primary coil.

      The Prestolite Electrical Division was nofified that these results did

      not meet the Air Resources Boards criteria of 10 millijoules minimum

      spark energy and no more tham 20% degradation from 0.E.M.    The

      Prestolite Electrical Diviston presented additional data to compare

      spark energy when the spark is discharged through a spark gap in

      pressurized nitrogen instead of an air gap.

~Prestolite Division                                                  April 13, 1976

          The Air Resources Board also experimented with a spark gap in

          pressurized nitrogen, however the data obtained was inconclusive

          and has not been considered in this evafuation.

          The Prestolite Electrical Division subsequently decided to redesign

          their device to contain a replacement ignition coil for the Toyota and

          Volkswagen kits.      This is Prestolite‘s coil part number P5—69 and has

          a primary coil resistance of 1.3 ohms.       Kit No. IDL 5018 will be used

          for the Toyota applications.      Kit No. IDL 5017 will be used for the

          Volkswagen, Pinto and Capri applications even though the Pinto and

          Capri have 1.4 to 1.5 ohm primary coils as stock equipment.        This

          marketing arrangement was the manufacturers choice.

          The Volkswagen & Toyota data supplied by Prestolite Electrical Division

          is shown in Tables II and III.      This data indicates that the spark

          energy will not be degraded by the new design for Volkswagen and

          Toyota.   The spark energy data compares as follows:

                             Spark Energy in Millijoules

                       1973 Volkswagen — 4 cylinder         1975 Volkswagen — 4 cylinder
          Engine       (O.E.M. Design — No Ballast)        {(O.E.M. Design — With Ballast)
           RPM         BaseTine               Device       Baseline                 Device

           600           21.7                   32.9         30.1                   30. 7
         4000            19.3                   23.3         18.5                   21.9

                       1973 Toyota — 4: cylinder            1975 Toyota — 4 cylinder         _
          Engine       (O.E.M. Design — No Ballast)        (O.E.M. Design — With Ballast)
           RPM         Baseline              Device        BaseTine                 Device

     +     600           22.5                  32.9           25.9                  27.9
          4000           20.0                  24.0           15.5                  15.8

Prestolite Division                          ~                April 13, 1976

     A]l.other test data from the Air Resources Board laboratory as well
     as from the manufacturer are considered within experimental and test

     variabilities and is evaluated as meeting the Air Resources Boards

     criteria.    Therefore the installation of the device will. not change

     the ignition performance characteristics or cause an increase in


     The bensfits claimed by the manufacturer for his device are as


          With Prestolits Electronic Ignition conventional tune—ups are virtually

          eliminated because there are no points and no condenser to wear out

          and be replaced.    Since there are no mechanical wearing surfaces

          connected with the sensor and trigger wheel, timing and dwell remain

          constant for the life of the system.

          In addition to this, the system:

                   fits practically all Amarican cars from 1968 to the present

                  « delivers an accurate spark with a lofig duration to more
                    efficiently burn the fuel and produce few emissions

                   will fire plugs at low cranking speeds and voltage levels
                   for fast starts and smooth running under nearly all conditions

                   is shock and moisture resistant and will operate relifably at
                   temperatures from 20° below zero to 200° above

                   a]lows‘spark plugs to burn clean and far outlast their normal
                   service life

                   is compatible with most all eng1ne analysis equipment, t1m1ng
                   lights and tachometers

                   increasss fuel economy and improves overall starting and
                   operating performance

Prestolite Division                        T                 April 13, 1976

      The staff concurs that maintenance would be re&uced by the "BID"

      Breakerless Inductive Ignition System due to removal of the points.

      It is the opinfon of the staff that the device will not create

      increases in fuel economy, and operating performance over a

      properly adjusted and maintained engine.

      Starting conditions may be improved on the Volkswagan and Toyota

      vehicles with O.E.M. high resistance {3 to 4 ohms) primary ignition

      coils only.   The manufacturers data showed an increase in energy at

      200 RPM cranking speed and 9 volts source voltage when tested with

      the replacement coil.

IV.   Conclusions and Recommendations

      It is the opinion of the staff that Prestolite Electrical Division‘s

      "BID" ‘breakerless inductive ignition system will not reduce the

      effectiveness of required emission control systems except for certain

      1966—70 vehicles retrofitted with a NOx control device utilizing

      a sustained retardation of 4 degrees crankshaft or more.

      Therefore, 1t is recommended that Prestolite Electrical Division be

      granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle.Code Section 27156

      for its "BID" breakerless ignition system for 1976 and qlder model year

      domestic vehicles originally equipped with the standard Keftering

      ignition system except for the following:

Vehicles equipped with a 1966—1970 NOx retrofit system

utilizing a sustaified ignition retardation of 4 engine

degress or more at sustained high speed operation.

Vehicles originally equipped with'a dual—point ignition system

where one of the points are used to retard timing for emissions


Table 1 — ARS Data Sumrmary of Prestolite Ignition System for 1973 Vo]kswagen
and 1967 Toyota 4 cylinder engings.

A.     Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                 1967 Toyota — 4 cylinder                                      1973 Volkswagen — 4 cylinder
                                                          Engine RPN           Baseline          Device
                  No‘                ..                        ~€00 _          0                 0
                         frabfa ECC                            1408            9                ©7.5
                     Applicable                                2000            14                1
                                                              — 2600       '   18                15.5
                                                                3200   _       22.5              20
                                                                4000           23.5              Ab

B.     VYacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
                                       Vacuum in. _
                                          Hg .      Baseline                                     Device
                 Nop o   Th_m                      *          ___ZS___.__      ;.———'——“         ?
                 Applicable _                                    o             5.5               5
                         '                                      15             5.5                5.5
                                                                20             5.5                5.5
C.     Spark Duration in Microseconds

        RPM                   BaseTine             —_         Device           Baseling          Device

       600                          1300%~                      1200                1000             1000
       4000                          950                         550                 750              550

D.    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

      Engine     ,                                                                                    v
       RPM                   Basetine                   Device                 Baseline          Device

      600                           50x                   50                        40                50
      4000                          40                    10                        40 >              70

E.    Spark Energy in Millijoules

       RPM           BaseTine                           Device                 Baseline          Device

      600                    22.4*                        16.6                 17.2        .     13.8
      4000                   13.5                          5.2                 12.9               5.6

F.     Available Voltage (with Load) in Kilivolts

      Engine         .                    —                                    —
       RPM                   Baseline         °>        Device                 Baseline         . Device

       600                    20*                        19                    20                17
       4000                   17                         14                    16                13

     *Tested at 800 RPM.

                              Table 1 (Cont‘d)

&.   Available Voltage {Simulating fouled sprkplug) in Kilivolts

     Engine                      >
      RPM          Baseline          Device      Baseltne           Device

      600              1#             15         17                14
      4000             13             1100       13                 10

 *Tested at 800 RPM.

    Table I1 — Prestolite Ignition System Data Summary for Volkswagen

    Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                    1973 Volkswagen — 4 cylinder       1975 Volkswagen ~ 4 cylinder
    Engine          (O.E.M. Design — No Ballast)       (O.E.M. Design — With Ballast)
     RPM            Baseline            Device         Baseline             Device

     600                0 _                 0 ‘           0                       0
    1400                5.0                 5.0           5.0                     5.0
    2000               12.4              12.4            12.4                    12.4
    2600               16.0              16.0            16.0                    16.0
    3200               20.0              20.0            20.0                    20.0
    4000               21.8              21.8            21.8                    21.8

    Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

    in. Hg.         Baseline            Device         BaselTine            Device

       3                0                   0             0                       0
       6                6                 5               6                   6
       9               106.4              9.4            10.4                10.4
      15               11.6              11.4            11.6               <11.6
      20               11.6              11.6            11.6                11.6

    Spark Duration in Microseconds

     RPM            Baseling            Device         Baseline            Device

     600              1700                  2200         2600                2400
    4000              1700                  1850       . 1700°               1900

    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

    Ehgine      >
     RPM            Baseline            Device       N Baseline           Device‘

     600               38                       65       38                 85
    4000               38                       60       38                 85

    Spark Energy in Millijoules

    Engine                        v
     RPM            Baseline           Device         Baseline           Device

,    600               21.7              32.9           30.1              30.7
    4000               19.3              23.3           18.5              21.9

    Available Voltage in Kilivolts (with load)

     RPM            BaseTine          Device          Baseline           Deyice

     600               27              30                 30                27
    4000               21              28                 24                24

Table III — Prestrolite Ignition System Data Summary for Toyota Engines.

Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

              1973 Toyota — 4 cylinder          1975 Toyota — 4 cylinder
Engine        (O.E.M. Design — No Ballast])    (O.E.M. Design — With Ballast)
 RPM          BaseTine           Device         Baseline                  Device

 600             0                  0                  0 .                     0
1400             0.2                0.2             0.2                        0.2
2000             4.0                4.0             4.0                        4.0
2600            11.4               11.5            11.4                       11.5
3200            18.0               18.0            18.0                       18.0
4000            23.6               23.0            23.6                       23.0

Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees —

Vacuum                                                           >
in. Hg.        Baseline          Device         Baseline                  Device

   3             0                  0                   0                       0
   6             2.6                2.0                 2.6                     2.0
   9             8.6                8.0                 8.6                     8.0
  15            17.2               17.0                17.2                    17.0
  20            17.6               17.6                17.6                    17.6

Spark Duration in Microseconds

 RPM           Baseline          Device          Baseline                 Device

 600             1600             2200             1900                       2300
4000      .      1040             1800             1300                       1400

Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microsecands

 RPM           Baseline          Device          Baseline                 Device

 600                 35            60                  60                     85
4000                 35            60                  60            ‘        85

Spark Energy in Millijoules                                               |
 RPM           Baseline          Device         Baseline                  Device

 600                 22.5         32.9            25.9                     27.9
4000                 20.0         24.0            15.5                     15.8

Available Voltage in Kilovolts {with load)

 RPM          Baseline           Device        Baseline                  Device

 600             21         .      29             28                          27
4000             23                28             24                          23

                                                                             Exhibit A

.   Prestolite Electrical Division
    511 Hamilton Street
    Toledo, Ohio 43694                                                      Phone: 419—244—2811

                                                                 /     November 17, 1975

     California Air Resources Board
     9528 Telstar Ave.
     El Monte, California      91731

     Attention:    Mr. Richard Kenny

     Subject:     Prestolite Electronic Ignition Retrofit Kits

     Dear Mr. Kenny:

     In reference to our recent visit to your office, attached is data you requested
     in line with our application for an Executive Order to permit Prestolite to
     sell the following electronic ignition retrofit kits in California.   This application
     is for kits to be used on the following vehicles:

                    International Harvester

     We are enclosing the C.A.R.B. test data sheets on each of the above cars,
     along with prints.

     The number of kits and the application is as follows:

          1)    Volkswagen —                  One Kit
                Prestolite P/N IDL—5017

          2)    Toyota ~                      One Kit
                Prestolite P/N IDL—5018

          3)    Pinto —                       One Kit
                Prestolite P/N IDL—5017
                70— 31

    an             company

                                                                            Exhibit A
    Prestolite Electrical Division

‘     Attention:   Mr. R. Kenny                  —2—                 November 17, 1975

          4)   THC —                           Four Kits *
               Prestolite P/N IDL—5019

               Prestolite P/N IDL—5020

               Prestolite P/N IDL—5001
               70— 20

               Prestolite P/N IDL—5010

      * As noted below, two of these kits for the International Harvester application
      have previously been approved under Executive Order D—54—1. Please note that
     we have shown two Prestolite part numbers — the IDL being an engineering
.    number, the 70 number being a sales number. Both of these numbers will be
     used in the marketing of the product.

     Application data is as follows:

          Kit IDL—5017 — Volkswagen — all vehicle model years — 1968 to 75,
          except vehicles equipped with a screamer kit.

          Kit IDL—5018 — Toyota — all vehicle model years — 1969 to 74—inclusive.

          Kit IDL—~5017 —~ Pinto — all vehicle model years — 1971 to 74, equipped
          with a 2000 ce engine only.

          Kit IDL—5019 — all IHC 8—cylinder vacuum actuated distributors.    This
          includes the following engines:   V266, V304, V345 and V392.      The same
          system is provided in this kit as was previously approved on EO—D—54—1,
          Kit IDL—5012, except the vacuum arm is slightly different to accommodate
          the IHC vacuum arm.

                                                                               Exhibit A
    Prestolite Electrical Division

      Attention:    Mr. Kenny                   —3—                      November 17, 1975

          Kit IDL—5020 — all 8—cylinder non—vacuum actuated units including the
          following engine applications: V—401, VS—401, V—478, VS—478, V—549, VS—549.

          Kit IDL—5001 — covers all IHC vehicles equipped with GM 8 cylinder
          distributor. It includes vehicle model years 1957 — 75. This kit has
          already been approved on EO—D—54—1, and has been identified as

          Kit IDL—5010 — all 6—cylinder General Motors equipped IHC vehicles,
          Model Years 1963 — 75, except the Buick V—6.       This kit also has been
          previously approved under Executive Order D—54—1.

      Installation instructions on each of the above are attached.

.     All of the above kits will be marketed under other brand names in addition to
      Prestolite.   The information on the other brands will be forwarded shortly.

      We trust that you will find the above data in order, and that an executive order
      permitting sale of these kits can be issued shortly.    If you have any questions,
      please call collect Sam or myself.

      Thank you for your cooperation in expediting this request.

                                                Very truly yours,

                                                    . Carey,       ector
                                                Government       ational Accounts Sales
      mm 1—22

      Attach .

            .             .    l .                                                Exhibit A
Prestolite Electrical Division
511 Hamilton Street
Toledo, Ohio 43694                                                      Phone: 419—244—2811

                                                                     December 16, 1975

The Air Resources Board Laboratory
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, California 91731

Attention:      Mr. K. D. Drachandt
                Vehicle Compliance

Dear Mr. Drachandt:

In reference to your letter of November 28 and subsequent phone conversations
between our Mr. Jim Brown and Mr. Luezynski, the following is the informa—
tion you requested.

     1.   Attached is the electrical schematic of the control box.    Please note
          that this is marked confidential.

     2.   We are air mailing under separate cover the units you requested.

     3.   International Harvester 392 cubic inch engine was used on the 1972
           1100—1500 series 3/4 — 2 ton truck which had limited production.
          After checking with IHC engineering it was found that our vacuum
          measurements were within the OE specifications.

     4.   We have previously supplied you in our letter of November 17 the
          part numbers of the Prestolite units. We will shortly send you
           a letter indicating the other brands and part numbers under which
          these items will be marketed.

In specific references to the conversations between Mr. Luezynski and
Mr. Brown. we would like to make the following comments.

     1.   The coil primary voltage reading you received was that of the flyback
          or back EMF voltages.   It should be noted that the tests were with
          the ballast resistor in the circuit except for the 6 volts DC 100 RPM
          measurements in which the ballast was shorted out.     The Toyota
          and Volkswagen OE installation use a high primary resistance coil
          with no ballast resistor. All other tests use the OE coil.

an              company

Prestolite Electrical Division                                                             Exhibit A

Attention:    Mr. K. D. Drachmandt          —2—                                December 16, 1975

           The energy level of all systems were considered normal using the
           SAE formula for calculations.    The low energy level on the Volks—
           wagen and the Toyota base line test were due to low spark plug
           voltage average and the short spark duration. This can be expected—
           in a non—ballast coil at the low cranking speed.

We trust that with this information we have answered all your questions and
we would appreciate your expediting this request.

                                            Yours very truly,

                                                    //   A\   .   ,


                                           J. F.      fey ,Difector
                                           fGovernment"&% National Accounts Sales

dis 4—1

Attach .

                                                                                        Exhibit A

’   Prestolite Electrical Divigion
    511 Hamilton Street
    Toledo, Ohio 43694                                                          Phone: 419—244—2811

                                        March 24, 1976

    California Air Resources Board
    9528 Telstar Ave,
    El Monte, California 91731

    Attention: Mr, Richard Kenny

    Subject: Prestolite Electronic Ignition Retrofit Kits

    Dear Mr, Kenny:

    Supplementing our letter of November 17, 1975 covering our application for an Executive
    Order to permit Prestolite to sell certain electronic retrofit kits in California we now
    wish to amend this application in order to comply with your requirements,

    Attached you will find our data for the Volkswagen, Toyota and International Harvester.
    The Electronics system is exactly the same as we presently have approved except for
    the addition of a new ignition coil,

    The test procedure we used was to S.A.E, J9782, All gaps were fired in open air and
    set to fire at 12 K.V.

    Explanation of test data:

    Test (#1) Volkswagen

           Baseline — Distributor #0—231—146—101
                          Coil #      0—221—114—006
                          Primary Resistance =4.0 ohms,

           Device —       Distributor #0—231—146—101
                          Coil #       P5—69 — This is a special coil used on the
                                               VW system in order to meet the
                                               gap energy, The Prestolite P5—69
                                               is the same coil we use with the
                                               O.E, electronic ignition system used
.                                              on AMC and International Harvester
                                               vehicles, with electronic ignition system,

                                                                                       continued —
    an m company

                                                                                 Exhibit A
California Air Resources Board
March 24, 1976
Page 2

Test (#1A) Volkswagen

     Same as Test #1 except the original application uses a ballast resistor, Our device
     test uses the Prestolite P5—69 coil in series with the vehicle ballast as used on
     baseline, The device test shows very favorable since the P5—69 has a lower primary
     resistance than the baseline with electronic ignition system,

Test (#2) Toyota

     Baseline —     Distributor #19100—24011
                    Coil        #90919—02015          .
                    Primary Resistance = 3,4 ohms

     Device —       Same except uses Prestolite P5—69 special coil and
                    electronic ignition system,

Test (#24)

     Baseline —     Same except it has a ballast resistor in series with coil.

     Device —       Same except it uses the P5—69 in series with the coil and
                    electronic ignition system,

Test (#3) International Harvester

     Baseline —     Distributor #427965—C91
                    Coil        #191455—R91
                    External Resistor (Ballast)
                    Vacuuam Actuated.

     Device —       Same as baseline except with electronic ignition system,

Note: The International Harvester data was all re—run since the 100 RPM spec
      has changed from 6 VDC to 9 VDC and also because we feel we have a
      much better test set—up then we previously had on original test data submitted,

Test (#3A)

     Baseline —     Same except non—vacuum actuated,

     Device —       Same except with electronic ignition,

                                                                                Exhibit A

California Air Resources Board
‘March 24, 1976
Page 3

The number of kits and the application is as follows:

      1) Volkswagen —                  One Kit
          Prestolite P/N IDL—5017

      2) Toyota —                      One Kit
          Prestolite P/N IDL—5018

      3) Pinto and Mercury "Capri"     One Kit
         Prestolite P/N IDL—5017

      4) HC —                          Four Kits*®
         Prestolite P/N IDL—5019

         Prestolite P/N IDL—5020

         Prestolite P/N IDL—5001

         Prestolite P/N IDL—5010

* As noted below, two of these kits for the International Harvester application have pre—
viously been approved under Executive Order D—54—1, Please note that we have shown
two Prestolite part numbers — the TDL being an engineering number, the 70 number being
a sales number, Both of these numbers will be used in the marketing of the product.

Application data is as follows:

      Kit DL—5017 — Volkswagen — all vehicle model years — 1968 to 76, except
      vehicles equipped with a screamer kit,

      Kit IDL—5018 — Toyota — all vehicle model years — 1969 to 76 inclusive,

                                                                                to be continued

                                                                                Exhibit A

California Air Resources Board
March 24, 1976
Page 4

      Kit IDL—5017 — Pinto and Mercury "Capfi" — all vehicle model years —
      1971 to 74, equipped with a 2000 ce engine only, (122 cu")

      Kit IDL—5019 — all IHC 8 cylinder vacuum actuated distributors, This includes
      the following engines: V266, V304, V345 and V592,. The same system is pro—
      vided in this kit as was previously approved on EO—D—54—1, Kit IDL—5012,
      except the vacuum arm is slightly different to accommodate the IHC vacuum

      Kit IDL—5020 — all 8—cylinder non—vacuum actuated units including the follow—
      ing engine applications: V—401, VS—401, V—478, VS—478, V—549, VS—549,

      Kit IDL—5001 — covers all HC vehicles equipped with GM 8 cylinder distributor,.
      Tt includes vehicle model years 1957 — 75. This kit has already been approved
      on EO—D—54—1, and has been identified as IDL—5001,

      Kit IDL—5010 — all 6—cylinder General Motors equipped IHC vehicles, model
      years 1963 — 75, except the Buick V—6, This kit also has been previously
      approved under Executive Order D—54—1.

All of the above kits will be marketed under other brand names in addition to Prestolite.
The information on the other brands will be forwarded shortly,

We trust that you will find the above data in order, and that an Executive Order permitting
sale of these kits can be issued shortly, If you have any questions, please call collect
Sam or myself,

We feel we have a very high confidence level in this test data and trust it meets with
your approval,

                                        Very truly 3711.‘3&5,

                                                ;      ,'f(‘

                                           | J «/lAAy
                                        J./F. Carey,Director
                                        Government & NationaX Accounts Sales


                                                                           Exhibit A

 Prestolite Electrical Division
 511 Hamilton Street
— Toledo, Ohio 43694                                                      Phone: 419—244—2811

                                                                       March 26, 1976

California Air Resources Board
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, California      91731

Attention:    Mr. Mitch Luezynski

Subject:      Prestolite Electronic Ignition Retrofit Kits

Dear Mr Luezynski:

Further to Mr. J. F. Carey‘s letter of March 24, 1976, we are attaching a
list of our customers who will be purchasing the VW, Pinto, Capri, Toyota,
and IHC kits. We have identified the engineering number of the kits involved
and, as the information has been provided to us, the customers and part
numbers for each of those kits.       Please note that we have identified some
customers without part numbers.         We are attempting to have these numbers
assigned; and as soon as they are available, we will be forwarding them to

Thank you for your cooperation.         If we can be of any further assistance,
please let us know.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            W. L. Shull
                                            Administrative Assistant
                                            Marketing — PED

ias 5—1


                                                                       Exhibit A
    Prestolite Electrical Division



                              VW, Pinto,
    Customer                    Capri         Toyota                  IHC

    Engineering No.           IDL—5017        IDL—5018     IDL—5019         IDL—5020
    Prestolite                7O—31           70O—32       70—33            70—34
    Rite—Line                 RL—7031         RL—7032      RL—7033          RL—7034
    Co—op                     bler            7509         T5C10            T5C11
    Montgomery Ward           15808           15809          ~—               ~——
    Conoco                    CN 7031         CN 7032      CN 7033          CN 7034
    Gulf Oil                  CM 70—31        CM 70—32     CM 70—33         CM 70—34
    Shell Oil                 S70—31          $70—32       $70—33           $70—34
    Wells                     EL—8              ——             ——            ——
.   Ford Motorcraft*,
‘   Echlin*®

    *   Part number unassigned.

                                              W. L. Shull
                                              March 26, 1976

    ias 5—1

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:46
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:46

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