Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 29, 1975.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
626-006The following 1974 and older vehicles with concentric distributor breaker plates: GM & AM 8 cylinder engines with Bosch distributors

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-62
  • Executive Order 62 / D62
  • ARB # D-62
  • Executive Order No: D-62
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-62
  • Resolution D-62
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-62 PDF

D-62 Document:


                                             State of California                                        /?/
                                             AIR RESQURCES BOARD

L.                                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—62
     .          —                 Relating to Exemptions under Sction 27156
                                             of the Vehicle Code

                                         TRW AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS
                                  "LUMENITION BREAKERLESS IGNITION SYSTEM"

               Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Boérd by Section
               27156 of the Vehiclie Code; and

               Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
               the Health and Safety Code;

             IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of "Lumenition Breakerless
             Ignition System" manufactured and marketed by TRW Automotive Electronics,
             Davis and Capewood Streets, Camden, New Jersey 08103 has been found to not
             reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices,
             and therefore, issexempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the        ‘
           \ Vehicle Code for the following 1974 and older model—year vehicles with
             concentric distributor breaker plates?

                     . 1....> Mode? ©626—02¢:(4—cylindersengines with=Bosch: ditstributors) sio:=cos
                              Voikswagen, Audi, BMW, Opel, Porsche, Ford Capriz Mercedes Benz

4                      2.    Model 626—023 (6 cylinder engines with Bosch distributors)
‘                            BMW, Opel, Porsche, Ford Capri, Mercedes Benz

                       3.   Model 626—028 (8 cylinder engines with Bosch distributors)
                             Mercedes Benz

     n~    o        o ~du——Modet=—626=—006—(8— cylinder—engines with Delco=d{striBU@tOrs ) o —= n cs—mmms ns
                             General Motors and American Motors

               This system may not be used on vehicles with C—D ignition systems or             .
           . dual point distributors.where ‘one—.of the points is .used—for— emission controls         = .

               This breakerless ignition system consists of a control rotor (chopper),
               position sensor (light emitting diode), infrared detector and a transistor
               switching unit.

               This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
               for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
               different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

           . Changes made to the design—or operating conditions of the device, as
             exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
             formance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
             this Executive Order.


      Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown

      in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
      other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
      prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

     ~This Executive Order ‘does not constitute any’op%nion'as~to*the~effeét '
      that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
      implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


      No ctaim of anykind ; such as ~"Approved—by Air—Resources: Board" may be made
      with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
      or written communication.                                       —

      Section 17500 —ofthe ‘Business— andProfess fons »Code>makes—unlawfuT;~untrue..
     ‘or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes—violation punishable as
      a misdemeanor.

     :Sectionsw39130'and-39184uof—thewHea1th~andHSafety:Code-provide as—follows:

           "39130.   ~No person shall install, sell, ‘offé@r for sale, oradvertise;              —
           or, except in an—application to the board for certification of. a—          m es ns
           device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
           device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
           person shalllsell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
           vehicle po]lut1on control device as a— certified device which, in
           fact; is not a cert1f1ed devrce""‘Any"VToTatlon‘ofthis—section~ts~
           a misdemeanor.‘

           "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
          ‘ttise, or, except in~an application—to the board—for—accreditatton of —a
           device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
           device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
           accredited —by. the. board. :No person shall selt,. offer. for—sale, adver=>
           tise, or represent any motor vehicle poliution control device as an
           ‘accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
           violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor." °                     —

      Any apbareflt violatiom of the—condittons of this Executive—Order will be
      submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

      Executed at Sacramento, California, this—   5252726day of October, 1975.

                                              WILLIAM H. LEWIS, JR.
                                              Executive Officer

                       State of California

                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         October— 8, 1975—

                          Staff Report    ‘

           Evaluation of TRW Automotive EVTecetronmics‘!   °~ "*3 se esc   ce iak ces
  "TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition System Conversion Kit"
 for Compliance with the Requirements of Sect1on 27156 of the
                California Motor Vehicle Code.


 TRW Automotive Electronics, Davis and Copewood Streets, Camden,
 New Jersey-08103 has submitted a revised app]fication requefifing an _

 exemption. from Section 27156 of the Ca]ifornia Motor Vehicle Code

~for the "TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition System ConversionKih"L_lalllll c
~A previous application was denied {Staff report dated July 10, 1975) —
. because of excessive retard on certain vehicle applications.

_Vehicle Code Section 27156 prohibitsthe installation of any device
 or mechanisin which reduces the ‘effectiveness of~theemisston:control>

 syfitém.- ThevAfE ReéodrceéABaard has been gfénted_the,authpritx to,t

 exempt the devices or mechanisms from this prohibiffiqh.if~a'ffndiflg

 shows the device or mechanism will not adversely— affect the—per—.——. pile es

 formance of the emission control system.

 TRw'fs requesting an éxémbtiofi for 'ihSta11ation“of theldéviéé;on

 certain 1974 and older model year foreign and domestic make vehxc]es

 having four, six or e1ght cy11nJer engines with.conventional. breaker-

 point distributors and concentric breaker plates except those vehicies‘

 equipped with dual point distributofs where one set 1s-used to retard

 timing for emission controls or those véfiib]es.equipped wi th eitfier

 0Q.E.M. or aftermarket C—D ignition systems.

TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition
System Conversion Kit                                      n                                  October 8, 1975

II.. System Description
     The TRW/Lumenition Electronic Ignition System is a breakerless ignftton

     system kit intended to replace the breaker points within the distributor.

     It consists of a control rotor, a position sensor, and a transistor

     switchingunit;>        This device utilizes the ignition coil supplied with

     the vehicle.        The control rotor (chopper) isvplaced over the cam of the

     distributor and bas windows cut for four, six or eight cylinder engine —

     applications.        The position sensor operates in conjunction with the control

   —rotor and consists of a light emitting diode and an'infrafed defiecfior;

   . The—signals derived—by the position sensor—are fed to a. power unit which >

    Camplifies the signal and accomplishes transistor switching ofthe primary
     voltage to the ignition coil.>              {Reference Appendix A and B) .

III. System Evaluation

     The applicant haé submitted data.compéring the_{gnition

     system characteristics with and withoutthe—device. >A brief'summary“u”»’

     of their datav is shown below:

    Q1)    Bosch Distributor — 4 cylinder 1965 and later models

          (Volkswagen,      Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Opel, Porsche,—Ford                                    Capri)

           A.         Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                — ‘Enging RPM                C           Baseline                 '       .           Device

                  '        600 —                 —         o                                  h       s 90
                          1400 . >                   ~      10                '                       10
                          2000     >             .         20       0_                                  18
                          2600          20               0026            2s           soul.       .     26

                          3200                             33                                          31

TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition                                                                       —
System Conversion Kit                                              .                                                   October 8, 1975

     B.    Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

          Vacuum in. Hg.             _       _         Baseline _                                _                 Device
                     3           .           .          s     O        ul                e           s                 0

                     60000                                    4000002                                                20
                     g   _                                   13 0 _                      _                            13
                 15                      -                   13             ‘                                         13

                 20          P                               13             _                        2                13

     C.   Secondary Voltage Avaitlable KY {with load)

          Engine RPM                                   Baseline                              .                      Device

             — 600                                    35 (17)                   . >                          .36 (15)
             4000 0      >                            27 (M)s                   00— "37 (14)
     D.   Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

          Engine RPM         L .                 _0     Baseline                                                     Device..; >

              500 _                          o
             4000                                             25                 >[                            u>      26
     E.   ‘Spark Duration in Microseconds

          Engine_RPM —           CCC Baseline ~                                                              * Device *
              600                                       1800                         |                                 1700
             4000                                       1600                                                           1550
     F.   ‘Spark Energy in Millijoules

          Engine RPM                                   Baseline                                                —       Device:

               600                                          14.0                             .                             13.7.
              4000 _                                         g.g                0—                                         10.6

TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition                                                   .                            >
System Conversion Kit                        .                                                               October 8, 1975

     2)   Bosch Distributor — 6 cylinder — 1968 and later models (Mercedes Benz,
          BMW, Opel, Porsche, Ford— Capri)

          A.        Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degreés

                    Engine RPM.      .           Baseline                                            _       Device
                |       600       _                            ‘o                            .                        0
                       1400                                    4                                 .                    2
                       2000                      O             14                                                 13.6
                     ~ 2600 >                        ce                                                           16
                       3200 _                                  2100                                               18
          B._       Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                    Vacuum in. Hg.                   Baseline                                                Device

                          3                                ~        0                                                     0
                          6                                     10                                                        8
                          9                                     10 0         _                           _            10
                         15                                     10                                                    10
                         20                                     10               |                                    10
          C.        Secondary Voltage Available KV —(with load)

                    Engine RPM                        Baseline                                               Device
                        600                          35 (17)                             —               36 0s)
                       3500                          27 (13)             —                           31 {05) |

          D..       Secondary Voltage Risa Time in Microseconds

                    Enging RPM                        Baseline                                                    Device

                        600              ©            20            23                                       20           23

                       3500                                         26                                                    25

~TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition
System Conversion Kit                                                                                              October 8, 1975

            E.             Spark Duration in Microseconds

                           Engine RPM                                         Baseline                       Device

                      —"     _ eoo            .                       o          1800            _            1600
                              3500                '                              1600                        ~1400

           . E.            Spark Energy in Millijoules                                   .

                  .        Engine RPM                                         Baseline                   —   Device

                               600                                             414.2                          12.3
                             3500                                                9.8                           ‘9.4
      3)    Mercedes Benz — 8 cylinder — 1975 model year

            A.             Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshéft Degrees

                           Engine RPM                                         Baseline                       Device

                               600    >   .               .                      0                   .         0

                              1400                                        -      5                             4

                              2000                    .                         12           —                10

                              2600                                              13                            13

                              3200                                              13                            13

            B.             Vacuum, Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                           Vacuum in. Hg.                     O               Baseline                       Device

                                 6                                                   0                         _0
                                 9                                                   600.                            4
                                15                                               15v                                13
                                20.                               .              15                                 13

TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition                                  .
System Conversion Kit                               .           .                       October 8, 197.

           C.   ‘Secondary Voltage Available KV (with load)

                 Engine_RPM             O   Baseline                          Device
          _           600                   34 (20)         —               36 (16)
                     3000                   28— (14)                        1 (13)
           D.    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

                RPM             .           Baseline                                 Device

                 600                            35                                     25
                3000                            32 _                            8      27
           E.         Spark Duration in Microseconds

                 Engine RPM                 Baseline                                _ Device

                 —_      600                   1800                                   1650
                        3000        _          1650                                   1500 |
          _F.         Spark Energy in Millijoules

                 Engine_ RPM                 Baseline >                 >            Device
                         600                   13.4                                    13.7
                        3000                    9.0 —                                   9.9

     4)    Buick — 8 cylinder — 1967—1971               _
           A. — Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                 Engine RPM ;                Baseline                                  Device

                          600           ‘           0                       .                0
                         1400                       5                           '            4
                         2000                   14                                          14
                         2600                   18                                          18
                        3200                    20                                          20

TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition                                           «L.             ‘
System Conversion Kit.               .            .                 .                        October 8, 1975

          B.   Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

               Vacuum in. Hg.                             Baseling                 Device.

                         6           .                             0                     0
                         9   |                                     3               2003
                       15¢                                        15           {os
                       20                                         17          <o         1

          C.   Secondary Voltage Available KV {with load)

               Engine_RPM                                 Baseling       '             Device
                      600                20       32 (18)                    32 (17 )
                      3000 _                      28 (17)                    30 (15 )

          D.    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

               RPM                                         Baseline                     Device

                600                                        ~—     30               —      26
               3000                                               28                      25

          E.   Spark Duration in Microseconds

               Engine RPM                                  Baseline                     Device

                       600                                      © 1400                    1400
                      3000                            5           1100                    1200
          F.   Spark Energy in Millijoules

               RPM               >                    _    Baseline                     Device

                600                           '                   13.4                    13.7
               3000                                                9.0                       9.9

TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition
System Conversion Kit                                       oC                   October 8, 175

     The following tests were conducted at the Air Resources Board


     5)   Bosch —Distributor — 4 cylinder — 1973

          A.       Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

               Engine RPM         ©           Baseline               Device

                      600                         0                     0
                     1400                         8                     8
                     2000                        130             _     1
                     2600             .          18                    16
                     3200                        20.5                  21
          B.   Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

               Vacuum in. Hg.                  Baseling              Device

                        3                 .            0                    0
                        60000                          1                    1>
                        9                              5                    5
                       15                              5                    5
                       20                              5                    5

          C.   Secondary Voltage Available (with load) KV

               Engine RPM                      Baseline               Device

                      200 _                            11              12°

                      800                              16              14

                     4000     .                        14              14

TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignfition
System Conversion Kit                                                                   October 8, 1975

                 -Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

                 Engine RPM                ‘   BaseTine                        Device

                   ~ 2oo       _                   50                              45
                        800                       40       ‘                       40

                     4000          i               40                              35

                 Spark Duration in Microseconds

                 Engine RPM                    Baseline                    _   Device

                        200                       700          ‘                  700

                        800                      1000 .            '              850

                     4000                         750                             800

            F.   Spark Energy in Millijoules

                 Engine RPM:                   Baseline                        Device

                        200                       10.9                            9.1

                        800            j          19.0             t             14.7

                     4000                         12.0 _               '         12.4

      The data submitted by the manufacturer and tests made by the Air

      Resources Board Laboratory Showed that the device will not resuit

       in any modification of the spark ignition characteristics which

      . would tend to increase emissions in the above vehicles.

IV.    Pacommendation

      The staff recommends granting an exemption from the prohibitions

      of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the following vehicles:

TRW Lumenition Electronic Ignition                    C
System Conversion Kit                                        October 8, 1975

     1)   Model 626—021 (4 cylinder engines with Bosch distributors)

            Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, Opel, Porsche, Ford Capri,

           Mercedes Benz
     2)   Mode?} 626—032(6 cylinder engines with Bosch distributors}

            BMW, Opel, Porsche, ford Capri, Mercedes Benz.

     3)   Model 626—028 (8 cylinder engines with Bosch distributors) .

            Mercedes Benz

     4)   Model 626—006 (8 cylinder engines with Delco distributors)

            General Motors and American Motors


                                                                                            Exhibit A

‘ .    —      September 30, 1975

             Mr. K.D. Drachand, Chief
              Vehicle Compliance
             Air Resources Board Laboratory
              9528 Telstar Avenue
              Ei Monte, California        91713

              RE:     TRW/Lumenition Breakerless Ignition System Conversion Kit

              Dear Mr. Drachand:

             On September 26, 1975, Mr. R.J. Kenny pointed out to our Hr. Mc Cue that
              our kit no. 626—036 (Ford 6—cy1.) exceeded the ARB criteria for timing
              variation when centrifugal advance data is added to the vacuum advance
              data. We are presently analyzing this situation to determine the problem,
              if there is a problem. Meanwhile, in order not to hold up approval on
              the other models, we will temporarily withdraw our application for kit
              no. 626—036.

             We‘will resubmit 626—036 along with other kits at a later date.

             This leaves under application, per my—letter of August 15, 1975, and my
             letter of September 12, 1975, to Mr. Kenny with corrected data, the follow—
.            ing kits:
                                        626—021   4—Cylinder Bosch
                                        626—023   6—Cylinder Bosch
                                        626—028   V8 Bosch
                                        626—027   4—Cylinder VW (Bosch) Industrial
                                        626—006   V8 Delco (GM and AMC)

             Can I assume that when our app11cat1on is approved, it will allow an 0.E
             {e.g. BMW) to sell vehicles in California equipped w1th the appropr1ate
             Lumenition installation?

             I look forward to hearing from you on our'app1ication.

             Very truly yours,

             Williamn P. Donohue
             Division Manager > .

             WPD/ rk

             co:      Mr. W.C. Mc Cue

                                                  $ COPECOD STRCETS     +   Cai

      PLANTY LOCATTONE: Canoan, wit s                    imowOun, Onvas10, Cayaba + FoReilPo, onradd, CaNa oA

                                                                                                    Exhibit A

 July 3,. 1975

Mr . K.D. Drachand, Cfiief
Vehicle Cempliance
Air Resources Board Laboratory
9528 Telstar Avenue
E1 Monte, California 91713

        SY    COHVERSIONKIT     —
Dear Hr. Drachand:

The answers to your questions are as follows:

(1)~      Test data requested is shown on the attached data sheefs 1 — 16.

(2)      Attached is revised Exhibft III, Part 1, showing part numbers as
         requested.                                                        —

(3)      The Lumenition system is not compatible with after—market or 0.E.M.
         C—D ignition systems, and we do not recommend interfacing the. two
         kinds of devices. The Lumention system is designed to replace the
         breaker points with a permanent, non—adjustable photo—optic trigger,
         which still uses the Kettering principle for energy storage. This
         means that the O.E.M. coil sees the same kind of signal it would
         receive if the points were still in place.  If a vehicle has an
         existing C—D system, we reconmend replacing it with the Lumenition
         sys tem and a standard coil and standard spark plugs.

         The Lumenition system is not compat1b1e with dual point distributors
         where one set of points is used to retard timing for emission control.
        . As a result, we do not have kits for such vehicles.

(5)      To our knowledge, the only vehic]es we retrofit with unequal .cam angles
         are pre—1968 Type 1. 2 and 3Vu1k,wagcns Ac;ord1ng to Volkswagen of
         America, the number 3 spark plug firing was retarded 3° to overcome
         an overheating problem with that cylinder. VW of America recormends
         to its! dealers. to replace worn pre—1968 distributors with new dis—
         tributors. which have equal cam angles.                        To overcome the overheating
         problem, Lhey racominend retarding the spark 3° from original manu—
         facturer‘s specifications.

   PHONE: (Go9) S6s usne +       TWX: 710.891—7087

PLANT LACATIGNS: CnMtSt®, hewat hssy «) Arenerail ul Livos + COLLMGYOOD, CVTARIO, Cartana & Yolibnt©, cxtaRio, carane

                                                                        Exhibit A

i0                              >    |      — 2 —
     Mr. K.D. Drachand                                            o   July 3. 1975

              Henceforth, our instruction sheets for Vo]ksvagen vehicles will carry
              the statemont: "On Type 1, 2 and 3 vehicles pr1or to 1968 Model Year,
              timing should be retarded 3° from manufacturer‘s specifications.".

     (6)      The Lumenition systeim is fully compatible with electronic speed sensors
            . which are capable of utilizing a positive square wave signal as an
              input, such as the Dana, Carter and AQP—Electro—NOx speed sensors.

     (7)—     The 8 cylinder Ford unit was delivered toryour office by Mr. W.C. McCue.

     We trust this information satisfies your requirements and paves the way to
     certification.—    If you have any further questions, please call me at the number
     Tisted at the bottom of the f1rst page of thls letter.

‘    Very truly yours,


     _wP. Donohue
     Division Manager


     ce:    Mr. W.C. McCue


       Lumenition®      is a breakerleés, optically triggered electronic

_subsystem for controlling the ignition of a spark ignited internal combustion

 engine.     As presently manufactured it is a retrofit package, making use of

 the OEM distributor by direct substitution for the breaker points,      It is

 designed to use the OEM coil, but high performance requirements are met

_ by the use of a special coil in conjunéfion with the electronic package. _

       It operates as follows: Infrared radiation from a light emitting diode

 is focused on the junction of a phototransistor; a slotted sheet metal or

 plastic disc affixed to the distributor shaft interrupts the beam, producing

\ an on—off signal for spark control.

       The opto—electronic trigger signal (basically a measure of crankshaft

 positién) is amplified and used to control a power semiconductor which
 actualiy sfiit_ches the coil primary currefif and so controls the spark’ene_rgy.

 Since both the initi.ation z;nd interruption of the coil current are controlled '

 'By the optically generated sigfial, spairk tirn-ing is only a function of crankshaft

 position.    The performance, then, is vei‘y much the same as a properiy .

 adjusted breaker point system, but the absence of any moving parts in rubbing

 contact makes the initial timing adjustments permanent.

aze me uw   cls   ll

                                                                    gN D.    To

             Figure : 2 — vC;)ZCc)jT'   D/HG/'C/‘?'“?
                                                                                 EXNIDIT A

                                                        '7‘1./3   73 /‘),// 75

                                                                    Exhibit A

           pmrt m o e e oR e & ~7
            1                                                                             ,
ss         ;1:   _,{Posagrom
                   Se»sor      |___ n yAnpurier®            }       —               2no
                                                   |   .                    PLUC;_S       |

           o                                   |                ;       |

     Flguzkr       3     — Sysrem           Bisex          BDinesrorm

               148 1 RLLALLUN                     2 ING L NU SE 4 uiss             4 is       oggare oo merrs a ues

               o                          FOR BOSCH 4 CYL1iMDER CLOCKWISE ROTATION (626—021)
                                                      BOSCH 4 CVLAMETR COUTER CLOCKWISE ROTATION <626—022)—
                                                                                              “Appe’nd‘ix B
        .nm AnD FAMILIARIZE YourseLP wiTé ThE InstfuctTons, placzans, Ab Parts.
      ergprariow                                                                  '
      1. mits «it Is for use on veHictes with necarive snoumo. >
      2. se sure your xir is snewririeo For The DistaiBuror im your VesicLE.
      3. turms foutrion settce orf.                             u9n          Foap
      orstetsuror (rerem to Fiouse 1)                   —                  '    L4        >         fLENéED uyq
      1. pissetauros rrsparation                         .     .                1
         a. orem bistaisuror, Leavine s>me pLuS wikes in CaP,
         m REOVE AND RetALn—Rotor,        .    sls                       .      Lo.
         g.. Rekove ano Discaad Dust cover (IF so eaurrrep), Potits, anp conpenser,
             p.    Renove ano piscaro Polir HWIRE an crowmet From Bistrimutam, Discont@crtnG
               *   PotiT Wike Fack neoktive CoTL TerminaL.                                   i
             g. on pisffTauroms       wilch have a rvioy or ridem rost wite—srrmne, The Post
                   must be SporremeD AS FoLLOWSt         1)  remorg ano olScaRD RETAINING CaP AnD
                   seains, C2) passs ruantshco          tACE   T can comt Over PosT HALE ha¥,
                   (3) emase rost with ?lzl.. 3 A       PULE    wille Pus#inG. CA® bovn To. SaT, &
                   FimmLy on ruATE,     ano (4) cut ose Tor romtion or rost Aaprroxnwteny 1/4
                   aBove CAP for       ormem sLADE ClemraNice,        For pisTRIzuTORs WITH A METAL
                   post, This ST€P Is Un¥ecessaay.          ‘     >                  —
      2. terseer insrariation                                                                                 1
             .. Fien   telsser carce Thrcyon
                  mstne,              .
                                             THE pistiauTor roint Wine hole FroM The                     '     ;
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ANNCLCCmEE FeraTieni Lews
             a.o INSTALL TRIGGER tIF on wountine Prae USING extstinc rolkt HounTne                             1                                                                                  omtar.Bin Weoye Comesl
                  screws,                          >                                                           t                                                                                  WiL SE GocesTe,.
             C                                                                                                1                                                                         wire rasng
                   SLIDE shormer ovge Trigser LEADS AUD INSTALL tNTo DrstRtauror HULE'FRUH                                                                                               MB‘ cone
                   The oursibe.   cHeck ror FIT.

      3. evosesk instauLation |                   >               '                             .              ;
                                                                                          10         —             \
             .     LocaTe Chopres over can,    rRess pawn cENTLY o cHorper White ROTATING                           1
                   WiirpL AlTonmenT rs Acktevep. >                                                                  3
             B.    USING FAX BELT, MaWUALLY rorare ENGINE UNFtL chopPer suaves C);EAR                              1
                 rricser.              —
           . c. Press Chorre® FiRMLYDowMana unTIL TT Is Fucty Seaten on can.             :
             D. (ifeck thar Tugee ts mo inTeafenancs setizen chorrer alades anb retcose                       .‘                                 n~       k      5      «  mne       >
                 By NatuaLiy Roratic Enolne; sta0gS SHouD ROTATE APPROXIMRTELY HALF                           j                                 VIEW LOOKING DowN INTO DisTRiBuTO® with
                atay seviaen optics.                  >                                                                                             caPr, pust CovEn,AND Rofor removep 7
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           ®. hust Rave Free ATR hovanenT,
         * C. Away FRow Rabfant wEA sources such as Exiaust Mawteoun.
       2. use The rovee Meouke as A TemPLATE ANO samk ore mountIns Hores on THs
           woustine sueace. Make sumg Yhexe IS Clexrance FoR casLe.                                                             '
<=.    3. «pamnt 5/32 tn praweten woues Ar market—ore mownting Locations.                                                           ishtion
       4.5 articw rower mosuce wti #10 serr—raepine scrgus suppiten. |      .                                      ’                                        _
       5, securs cnouin Leap To A welt srounbeb suarace. scrare To Bare METAL To
           assure A co09 comecr tow.                   —
       EIRAL roog—up
       1.     prrss tys Thrsesins cesur rusoton ThE eNotis comrantmenT Fron Ths rower                                                                                                      t                                  td
              P.DD\;:‘FA.E To Im€ DISTRISUTOR RAKLNG surk 1y clears Roving rafTs AND Hor                                    >                                   c
              surfaces.                         <o>                                  —
       2.     goin the Thrse—wIns comecton fRom THE Power              hoouts yo Te rreviousiy
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              Is To stack.                          .
                                                                                                                                                                            FLGURE 2
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              s¥siEw auD ShOULD Reovire No reRtoDIC TimiM6 Apuustments,                                                                     —                                   —                             piSTRIBY TOR
       7.     exotse ts now meant vo Rum.                *

  ‘                                                                                             '                                       >

                                          (NEGATIVE GROUND ONLY)

F the—system is operating we do not recommend routine tesfing.
          ectronics do not deteriorate and therefore only the spark plugs, rotor arm, distributor
          d spark plug leads require checking, service, or replacement.
n the event that the system is not functioning first check all conmnections.   In partifcular,
erify that a good ground connectfon exists all the way to the battery.   Iif in doubt,
emporarily jumper battery negative terminal to ground terminal of power unit.
he system comprises three main components:
                               POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY —

                               TRIGGER ASSEMBLY (LENSED UNIT}


    ‘T)     Remove the spark coil High Tension (H.T.) lead from the distributor and hold it 1/4"
           from grounded frame.    On cranking the engine sparking should occur between the lead
           and frame.

     1)° Unp]ug the dlstrlbutor at the 3—pin connector.
     2)     Remove the H,T Coil lead at the distributor and hold it 1/4" to 1/2" from a good ground.
     3) .Turn on the ignition switch.
    ‘)      Ey means of a small piece of wire shaped like a hair pin connect the b?u;e wire to the
           ‘"black wire on the heat sink side of the 3—pin connector. When breaking this connection
            sparks should occur between the H.T. lead and ground.
     5)    —If there is a very weak spark check the colil.   If there is no sfiark suspect a power
           amplifier fault.
     6)     Before testing trigger, verify that correct voltages exist at power amplifier. terminals.
           _With connector disconnected, the following voltages should exist with ignition on:

                 3—pin connector between black (~) and red (+]) leads 7V + IJV    .
                 3—pin connector between black (~) and blue (+) leads 0. EV + 0. 3V

                 vehicle frame to battery ground:  less than O.1V
                 vehicle frame to blue ring terminal:  12 + 2V
                 vehicle frame to red ring terminal: 12 +2V (battery voltage}
                 vehicle frame to black ring terminal (ground)} less than O0.1V

  This test is only valid with a good Power Amplifier Assembly.  With the TRW/Lumenition
  system completely wired up, including the 3—pin connector, and the ignition switch on,
  connect the positive lead of Voltmeter carefully to the blue lead at the back of the 3~
  pin connector, and connect the negative lead of the Voltmeter to the black ring terminal.
  With an uninterrupted beam of light between lenses the meter should read 0.1 to 0.2 volts.
  With an interrupted beam of light the meter should read 0.6 to 0.9 volts (use finger to
.’nterrupt light beam).   Before suspecting Lensed Unit ensure good Voltmeter con»nections.

     NOTE:    The light beam is invisible to the human eye?

                                                                               FORM 6315

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:20
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:20

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