Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 20, 1978.
As of Thursday, March 13th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
5401974 and older model year vehicles with 6 and 8 cylinder engines with distributors with a concentric breaker plate, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles originally equipped with transistorized, breakerless, and capacitive discharge ignition system with OE electronic ignition (2) Vehicles with dual point distributors where one of the points is used for emission control (3) 1966-1970 vehicles with NOx retrofit devices

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-70-4
  • Executive Order 70-4 / D70-4
  • ARB # D-70-4
  • Executive Order No: D-70-4
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-70-4
  • Resolution D-70-4
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-70-4 Document:


                                                        (Page 1 of 2)

                          State of California
                          AIR. RESOURCES~BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—70—4
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                       MALLORY ELECTRIC COMPANY
                               MODEL 540

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sectiofi 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "Mallory Unimag
Breakerless Ignition System Model 540" manufactured by MaTlory Electric
Company, Division of W. R. Grace & Co., 1801 Oregon Street, Carson City,
Nevada 89701 has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of required
motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1974 and older model
year 6 and 8 cylinder vehicles equipped with distributors with a concentric
breaker plate except for the following applications:

     1.   Vehicles originally equipped with transistorized, breakerless,
          and capacitive discharge ignition systems.
     2.   Vehicles equipped with dual point distributors where one of
          the points is used for emission control.
     3.   .1966—1970 vehicles with NOx retrofit devices with a 4° retard
          in basic ignition timing (i.e, Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer,
          Pure Power—Electro—NOx).

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those Tisted by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those Tisted in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

MALLORY ELECTRIC COMPANY              .          C                     EXECUTIVE ORDER D—7d—A
                                                                          (Page 2 of 2)

 40" DEVICE.

No claim of any kind, such as ”Abproved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken here1n in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Sect1on 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.                                      .

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     poliution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board. No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device. Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executive Order D—70—2 is hereby rescinded.

Executed at Sacramento, California, this
                                          oehi       6&9
                                                           299          ns
                                                                 day of April, 1978.

                                        omas C. Austin
                                                           0 uit
                                      Deputy Executive Officer

                                 State of California
                                 AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                  April 11, 1978
                                    Staff Report

                      Evaluation of Mallory Electric Co.
                        "Unimag" Model 540 and 550 for
                       Complitance with the Requirements
                     of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code


      On June 28, 1977, the Air Resources Board (ARB) received an
      application from Mallory Electric Co., a division of W. R. Grace
      & Co., 1801 Oregon Street, Carson City, NV       89701, requesting
      an exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156
      for the "Unimag" Breakerless Ignition System Models 540 and 550
      The applicant requested that exemption be granted on Model 540
      for 1974 and older 6 and 8 cylinder vehicles (except Chrysler)
      and Model 550 for 1976 and older 4 cylinder vehicles.

      The applicant claimed "Unimag" Model 540—and 550 were identical
      to KV—E300 and E—400 breakerless ignition systems, respectively,
      which were manufactured by Fairchild Semiconductor. The latter
      retrofit ignition systems were exempted by the ARB from the
      prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 by Executive Orders
      D~44—=2 and D—44—3.— The ARB thereupon issued Executive Order
      D—70—2 and D—70—3, dated August 9, 1977; granting "Unimag" Model
      540 and 550, respectively, exemptions based on the claim of
      identical systems.

      Pursuant to Section 2224 (b) of Title 13, of the California
      Administrative Code, the ARB conducted surveillance tests on
      the above exempted "Unimag" Model 540 and 550 devices to deter—
      mine compliance with the requirements of Section 27156 of the
      Vehicle Code. This staff report discusses the results of these
      test evaluations.

II.   Systems Description    —

      The "Unimag" Model 540 and 550 breakerless ignition systems are
      designed to replace the breaker points within the distributor.
      Each kit consists of an amplifier, magnetic pick—up unit, adapter,
      solderless connectors, feeler gauge and installation instructions.
      The "Unimag" Model 550 has an additional compensator spring which
      is slipped over the distributor cam of 4 cylinder distributors.
      This compensator spring functions as a symmetrical, peaked cam,
      causing the magnetic sensor to generate the correct wave form,
      regardless of the original equipment cam profile.

    For more detailed descriptions of the two systems, refer to the
    staff reports "Evaluation of the Fairchild Semiconductor Breakerless
    Ignition System Model KV—E300", dated October 7, 1975, and "Evaluation
    of the Fairchild Semiconductor BreakerTess System Model E—400",
    dated April 16, 1976.

III. Systems Evaluation

    The Air Resources. Board conducted surveillance tests on the "Unimag"
    Model 540 and Model 550 in accordance with ARB Criteria for After—
    market Ignition System Modifications adopted November 4, 1977. For
    tests on the "Unimag" Model 540, the distributors that have non—
    concentric breaker plates design were selected since any timing
    change attributable to mechanical modifications would be most pron—
    ounced on this type of design. The distributors chosen were {1)
    1967 Ford 8 cylinder distributor (2) 1970 Chevrolet 6 cylinder
     distributor, and (3) 1973 Ford 8 cylinder distributor.:    Since the:
    "Unimag" Model 550 is limited to 4 cylinder applications, a 1974
    Toyota 4 cylinder distributor was selected.

    The    results of the above tests are summarized in Table I through IV.
    The    ignition test data indicates that the "Unimag" Model 550 meets the
    ARB    criteria for ignition system modifications and "Unimag" Model
    540    did not, for the folTowing reasons:

     {1)    The spark energy decreased by more than 50% on the 1967
            Ford 8 cylinder distributor and 25% on the 1970 Chevrolet
            6 cylinder distributor at cruise conditions. (ARB criteria
            allows no more than 20% degradation in spark energy).

     (2)    Available secondary voltage with Toad decreased by more
            than 15% on the 1967 Ford and 1970 Chevrolet distributors
            (ARB   criteria allows no more than +10% secondary voltage
            variation from the original equipment).

     (3)    The ignition timing decreased by a maximum of 8 crankshaft
            degrees on the 1967 Ford distributor, and 5 crankshaft degrees
            on the 1970 Chevrolet distributor (ARB criteria allows no more
            than 4 crankshaft degrees retard).
    Mallory Electric Co. was notified of the above results by letter
    dated December 14, 1977. In response, by Tetter dated Décember 23, 1977,
    the applicant stated that the design of the "Unimag" systems were
    identical to Fairchild Semiconductor breakerTess ignition systems,
    which the ARB had previously found to meet our ignition system
    modifications criteria, and therefore, should:—have the same ignition
    characteristics. The applicant also raised some questions regarding
    the test procedures used and the repeatability of the test data.

    The ARB staff reviewed the evaluation of the Fairchild Semiconductors
    ignition systems and found that the company submitted ignition test
    data that met the ARB ignition modifications criteria on similar
    distributors as tested above. However, the ARB Laboratory did not
    conduct confirmatory tests during the evaluation of Fairchild KV—E300
    for Section 27156 exemption to verify the data submitted. (The
    Laboratory may waive confirmatory testing if it finds good correlation
     of test data with the applicant on previous tests).                       /7

     To resolve the concerns raised by the applicant, the ARB Laboratory
     conducted rétests of the "Unimag" Model 540 on the same distributors
     that exhibited degradation of ignition parameters; i.e., 1967 Ford
     8 cylinder distributor and 1970 Chevrolet 6 cylinder distributor, using
     the same ignition bench test procedures. The baseline distributors
     centrifugal and vacuum advance curves were also verified to be within
     the OEM calibration.

     Table V and VI summarize the test data. No significant degradation
     of spark energy and available voltage with load were detected. How—
     ever, on both distributors, the allowable timing retard exceeded the
     ARB criteria as experienced in the previous tests. The 1967 Ford 8
     cylinder distributor showed a combined maximum retard of 13 crank—
     shaft degres and the 1970 Chevrolet distributor, 7 crankshaft degrees
     retard at typical high cruise conditions.

Conclusions ‘and Recommendations

The ARB Laboratory surveillance tests on the "Unimag" Model 550 showed
that the retrofit ignition system would not adversely affect the 0.E.M.
ignition system performance. However, installation of the "Unimag" Model
540 on distributors equipped with a non—concentric breaker plate would
cause significant retard of ignition timing. Excessive retard could cause
engine overheating which would adversely affect exhaust emssion control

Therefore, the staff recommends that Executive Order D—70—2 granting
MaTlory Electric Co. exemption for the "Unimag" Model 540 be rescinded
and a new Executive Order D—70—4 be issued lTimiting the "Unimag" Model
540 exemption to 1974 and older 6 and 8 cylinder vehicles equipped with
distributors with a concentric breaker plate. In addition, the staff
recommends that Mallory Electric Co. be required to take appropriate
steps to correct the installation applications of "Unimag" Model 540
atready in the market to conform with the new Executive Order.

Table I     "Unimag" Model 540 Breakerless Ignition System Data Summary
           for 1967 Ford 8 Cylinder Distributor, Part No. C7AF12127AD
           ‘{Initial Test)
A.   Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees .
            Engine_RPM                      Baseline                         Device
                 600                   ~—       0                              0
                1600                            4                              3
                2000                             6                          4
                2400               «             8                          6
               3200                             12                       ~ 10

B.   Yacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
          Vacuum in. Hg.                    Baseline                         Device
                 3                               0 .    .                    0
                 6                               2                            0
                 9                              11                            8
                15                              26                           20
                20                              30                            26

C.   Spark Duration in Microseconds
            Engine RPM                      Baseline.                        Device
                 600                            1200        .                 1300
                3000                            1100                           700

D.   Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds
            Engine RPM                      Baseline                         Device
                 600                             100                    —_     50
                3000       f                _    180                           50

E.   Spark Energy in MitTijoules
            Engine RPM                      Baseline                         Device
                 600                            25.9                          30.4
                3000                            21.4                           9.8

F.    Available Secondary Voitage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)
            Engine RPM                      Baseline            '            Device
                 600                             16                 —          12
                3000                             15                            10

G.   Available Secondary Volitage in Kilovolts (with load)
            Engine RPM         '            Baseline                         Device
                 600                            22                             19
                3000                            19                             16

Table II.   "Unimag" Model 540 Breakerless Ignition System Data Summary
            for 1970 Chevrolet 6 Cy11nder Distributor, Part No. 1110466
            (Initial Test)

A.    Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
                 Engine RPM                 Baseline        Device
                      600                      0              0
                     1400          '           8              7
                     2000                     16             15
                     2600              «_     20             18
                     3200                     22             20

B.    Yacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
               Vacuum in. Hg.               Baseline        Device
                      3                        0              0
                      6                        0              0
                      9                        6              6
                     15                       25             22
                     20                       26             24

C.—   Spark Duration in Microseconds
                 Engine RPM                 ‘Baseline       Device
                      600                      1800           1500
                     2500                      1100            900

D.    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds                 .
                 Engine RPM                 Baseline        Device
                      600      .              150           — 100
                     3500                     150             100

E.    Spark Energy in Millijoules
                 Engine RPM                 Baseline        Device
                      600                     39.8           29.3
                     3500                     21.4           16.2

F.    Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)
                 Engine RPM                 Baseline        Device
                      600                      18                 14
                     3500                      1                  11

G.    Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (with load) .
                 Engine _RPM                Baselinge       Device
                      600                      26       C     22
                     3500                      17             16

Table I11I "Unimag" Model 540 Breakerless Ignition System Data Summary
          for 1973 Ford 8 Cylinder Distributor, Part No. D3AZ
          (Initial Test)                  ‘

A.   Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees .
               Engine RPM               Baseline                         ‘Dévice
                    600                    0                               0
                   1400                    2                 .             2
                   2000                   11                              10
                   2600            60     14     >                        12
                   3200                   17                              14

     Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
             Nacuum in. Hg.             Baseline                         Device
                    3                     0                          >      0
                    6                     0                               ~ 0
                    9                   ~—8                      .          6
                   15                    18                                18
                  18                     22                                22

     Spark Duration in Microséeconds
               Engine _RPM              Baseline                         Device
                    600                   1280                             1100
                   3000                   1100                                  850

     Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds
               Engine RPM               Baseline                         Device
                    600                   120 ~          _                 120
                   3000                   120                             ©120

     Spark Energy in Millijoules
               Engine RPM               Baseline                         Device
                    600                   24.6                            22.9
                   3000                   18.5                            19.9

     Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)
               Engine RPM               Baseline                         Device
                    600                   16         _                     14
                   3000                   13                               12

     Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (with load)
               Engine RPM               Baseline                         Device

                    600                   22                               20
                   3000                   20                               18

Table IV       "Unimag"* Model 550 Breakerless Ignition System Data Summary
               for 1974 Toyota 4 Cylinder Distributor, Part No. 29100—2942

A.    Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
                      Engine RPM                         Baseline        Device
                           600                              0              0
                         1000                               0              0
                         2000               '               8              8
                         ©3000                             16             16
                         4000                       to     21             21

B.   + Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
                  VYacuum in. Hg.                        Baseline        Device
                           3        ‘                       0              0
                           6                                0              0
                 "©        9                                2              2
                          15                               10             10
                          20                               14             14

C.    Spark Duration in Microseconds
                      Engine _RPM                        Baseline        Device
                           600                             1200            1300
                          4000                             1200 —          1100

D.    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds
                      Engine RPM                         Baseline    /   Device
                           600          .                  100           + 100
                          4000                             100             100

E.    Spark Energy in Millijoules
                      Engine RPM                         Baseline        Device
                           600                             25.9            29.6
                          4000                             25.9            22.9

F.     Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)
                      Engine RPM                         Baseline        Device
                           600                             16              16
                          4000                  .          15              14

G.     Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts {with load)
                      Engine RPM                         BaselTine       Device
                           600                             23              20
                          4000                             22              19

Table ¥>    "Unimag Model" 540 Breakerless Ignition System Data Summary
            for 1970 Chevrolet 6 Cylinder Distributor, Part No. 1110466

A.    Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
                  Engine RPM    Baseline            Device                     ‘ Retard
                       1000          3                2                   '          0
                       1800         14               14                              0
                       3200         22               21                              1
                       3400         24               21                              3
                       3600         26               22                              4
                       4000         26               23                              3

B.    Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
           Vacuum in. Hg.       Baseline            Device                         Retard
                   3                 0                 0                              0
                  .6                 0                 0                              0
                   9                 6                 6                              0
                 15                 25                22                              3
                 20                 27                24                              3

C.    Spark Duration in Microseconds
                  Engine RPM             BaseTine                      . Device
                         600               2000                          1800
                        3500               1000                    ’      950

D.    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds
                  Engine RPM             Baseline          ‘            Device
                         600                90                                90
                        3500                90                                90

E.    Spark Energy in Millijoules
                  Engine RPM             Baseline                       Device
                       600                 36.0                           32.4
                      3500                 15.6                           19.4

F.     Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)
                  Engine RPM           Baseline                         Device
                         600               17.5                c              15.5
                        3500               11.0                               14.0

G.    Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (with load)
                  Engine RPM           Baseline                         Device
                        600                25.5                           23.5
                       3500                17.0                           21.0

         Table VI    "Unimag" Model 540 Breakerless Ignition System Data Summary
                     for 1967 Ford 8 Cylinder Distributor, Part No. C7ZAF1217AD
.    »               (Retest)

         A.   Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees—
                           Engine RPM    Baseline             ~ Device          ‘‘Retard
                               1000            4                 2                      1
                               1800            8                 5                      3
                               3200          17                 12                      5
                               3600          T19                14                      5
                               4000          20                 18                      2

         B.   Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
                    Vacuum in. Hg.       Baseline              Device                Retard
                           3                 0                     0                    0
                           6                 4                     3                    1
                           9                13                     9                    4
                          15                25                    17                    8
                          20                25                    18                    7

         C.   Spark Duration in.Microseconds
                           Engine RPM              Baseline                  Device
                                 600                 1600 >                   1800
                                3000                 1000                      900

.‘       D.   Secondary Voitage Rise Time in Microseconds
                           Engine _RPM             Baseline                  Device
                                600                   120                       120
                               3000                   120                       120

         E.   Spark Energy in Mi1lijou1es                                ‘
                           Engine RPM              Baseline                  Device
                                 600                 31.7                     35.6
                                3000                 18.2                     17.6

         F.   Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)
                           Engine RPM              Baseline                  Device
                                 600                 19                        16
                                3000                 13                        14

         G.    Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts {with load)
                           Engine RPM              Baseline                  Device
                                600                  27.0                      21.5
                               3000                  19.5                      19.5

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:39:51
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:39:51

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