Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on June 13, 1978.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
6111978 and older GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles with breakerless electronic ignition systems

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-70-5
  • Executive Order 70-5 / D70-5
  • ARB # D-70-5
  • Executive Order No: D-70-5
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-70-5
  • Resolution D-70-5
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-70-5 Document:


                                                    (Page 1 of 2)

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—70—5
                Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                            of the Vehicle Code

                          MALLORY ELECTRIC COMPANY

  Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
  27156 of the Vehicle Code; and                   —

  Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
  the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A;

  IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "Maliory Power
  Cell #611 Ignition Amplifier" unidirectional current flow device has been
  found to not reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle poliution
  control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section
  27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1978 and older General Motors, Ford and
  Chrysler breakerless electronic ignition systems.

  This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
  for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
  different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

  Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
  exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
  formance of. a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
  this Executive Order.

  Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
  in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
  other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
  prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.
  This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
  that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
  implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


  No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
  with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
. or written communication.

MALLORY ELECTRIC COMPANY                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—70—5
                                                          (Page 2 of 2)

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes yiolation puntshable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board. No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device. Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.
Executed at Sacramento, California, this   [Eg       day of June, 1978.

                                   Deputy Executive Officer

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                 May 5, 1978

                                 Staff Report

           Evaluation of the Mallory Power Cell #611 Ignition
            Amplifier in Accordance with Section 2222, Title
                13 of the California Administrative Code


      W. R. Grace & Co. of 7091 Belgrave Ave., Garden Grove, California

      92641 has applied for an exemption from the prohibitions of

      Section 27156 of. the Motor Vehicle Code for the Mallory Power Cell

      #611 Ignition Amplifier.     This device is designed to be installed

      on 1978 and older model year Ford, GM and Chrysler inductive breaker—

      less electronic ignition systems. (Exhibit A)

II.   System Description

      The Mallory Power Ceil #611 Ignition Amplifier is to be used in

      conjunction with a vehicle‘s OEM electronic ignition system.     The

      Mallory Power Cell consists of a Zener diode which is encapsulated

      in an environmentally protective epoxy resin.     The installation of

      the device consists of splicing the wire on the electronic ignition

      module and placing the Mallory Power Cell in—series with the elec—

      tronic ignition module and the ignition coil primary ground terminal

      (this increases the possibility of poor electrical conductivity.}

      The applicant claims that the Zener diode restricts the back flow

      of resonating current into the electronic ignition module protecting

      the module from possible damage.

III. System Eyaluation

    A.   Manufacturer‘s
          The applicant submitted back—to—back ignition data for a Delco

          High Energy Distributor.   An examination of the data reveals

          questionable results for both the baseline and device tests.

          An initial indication of these results is revealed for the
          system primary voltage which should be at 12 volts.    The

          applicant recorded a value of 9 volts d—c at start.    The coil

          primary voltage is then shown to increase to 24 volts d—c

          during normal operation which is impossible for commonly used

          12YDC systems.

          Another discrepancy can be found in the average spark voltage.

          The applicant recorded the average spark voltage at 1.5

          kilovolts during the cruise mode.    This is contradictory to

          the ARB baseline tests which have recorded the average spark

          voltage at 11 kilovolts.

          The Deico High Energy Ignition produces approximately 60 to 80

         millijoules of spark energy at low engine speeds and decreases

          to 30 at higher speeds.    The applicants baseline values of

          spark energy remained at 30 millijoules for start, idie, and

          cruise conditions.   This constant energy characteristic was

          not experienced in previous ARB tests of a similar device.

The ARB engineering staff considered the applicant‘s data

 highly unusual and significantly different from O.E. performance

 characteristics.   Therefore the ARB Laboratory conducted

 confirmatory testing to evaluate the effects of this device on

 breakerless electronic ignition systems.

 ARB Tests

 The ARB Laboratory conducted back—to—back bench tests on the

 following vehicle distributors:

 1)   1975 Chevrolet V—8 HEI distributor.

 2)   1975 Ford distributor equipped with an electronic ignition


 3)   1974 Chrysler distributor equipped with an electronic

      ignition system.

 All of the above tests were performed on an ignition simulator in

 accordance with the ARB "Criteria for Aftermarket Ignition System

 Modifications" adopted November 4, 1977.     The Maliory Power Cell

 #611 Ignition Amplifier was installed according to the manufac—

 turers installation instructions (see Exhibit B).     Tables I through

 IV summarize the results of the test data.

—~The—ARB‘s—staff—engineering evaluation.of. the_Mallory. Power _Cel]

 #611 Ignition Amplifier indicates that the use of the device has

 the potential of increasing the Ayailable Secondary Yoltage by

 reducing the reverse EMF generated by the coil.     The increase in

 the Available Secondary Voltage is relatively insignificant, since

 all QEM electronic ignition systems offer substantial voltage

 fncreases (80% ts typical) above the required 12 KV needed to

 produce an arc across the spark plug gap.    The Mallory device also

offers the opportunity of increasing the longevity of the electronic

ignition module since less oscillating voltage is transmitted through

the module components.

The ARB (Pass/Fail) criteria has set the maximum yariation of the

Available Secondary Yoltage at + 10% from the baseline tests.      The

Maliory Power Cell indicates an increase as high as 25% over the

baseline when used in conjunction with the Chevrolet HEI ignition

system.   Normally this would cause a strain on the conventional

ignition system, but since modern electronic ignition systems

use improved ignition wires and better insulation techniques

this voltage increase should not result in any leaks within

the ignition system.

Since the Mallory Power Cell is a unidirectional current fiow

device, the induced primary voltage decreased as indicated in

Tables I, II, III.     The reserve secondary voltage however,

showed a 25% gain due to the "clipping" characteristic of the

resonating current generated by the coil which apparently

delays the collapse of the magnetic fiux field within the *

primary circuit.     The peak primary current was reduced during

cruise conditions on both the Chrysler and Chevrolet HEI
ignition systems. »Thismlower 1npytrcurrent resulted in less

energy lost from the coil due to the Zemer‘s operation.

The degradation of spark energy over the baseline tests show

decreases from 16—12 millijoules for the Chrysler electronic

ignition system due to the reduced current flow.     Although

            this reduction is significantly high in terms of a percentage

            decrease (25%), the ARB staff believes that the reduction will

            not haye any adverse effects on the ignition system.   This

            reduced energy output was not experienced with the Cheyrolet

            system possibly due to the coils unique turns ratio.

IV.    Manufacturer‘s Claims

       W. R. Grace & Co. claims the installation of their Mallory Power

       Cell Ignition Awplifier will provide the user with improved ignition

       performance when used in conjuction with all Ford, GM and Chrysler

       Electronic ignition systems.    This improvement is based on the ability

       of the device to prevent resonating current flow back into the elec—

       tronic ignition module.

       Conclusion and Recommendation

       A brief review of the system evaluation indicates that the Mallory

       Power Cell #611 Ignition Amplifier has the potential to:

       1)   Increase the Available Secondary Voltage.

       2)   Reduce the fiy—back (oscillating) current back into the electronic

            ignition module, thereby protecting it from possible damage.

       In addition to these traits, the ARB engineering staff believes that

      —the—Mallory—Power—Cell—will—not—have—any adverse effects. on the ignition..__.

       system or emission characteristics of all GM, Ford or Chrysler vehicles

       equipped with breakerless Electronic Ignition Systems.

       The ARB engineering staff therefore recommends that the Mallory Power

       Cell #611 Ignition Amplifier be granted an exemption from the prohibitions

       of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code for use on 1978

       and older GM, Ford and Chrysler breakerless electronic ignition


Table I Mallory Power Cell #611 Ignition Amplifier System Data Summary
        for 1975 Chevrolet V—8 HEI Distributor (ARB Test)
A.   Coil Induced primary voltage in Peak Volts.

          Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

             600                        380                 385
            3000                        275                 250

B.   Peak Coil primary input current in Peak Amperes

         Engine RPM
         EngineRFH                    BaseTine
                                      baseling         Device
             600                         6.0                 6.0
            3000                         6.5                 6.0

C.   Spark Duration in Microseconds

          Engine RPM                  BaseTine         Device

             600                      2800             2800
            3000                      1300             1300

D.   Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

          Engine_RPM                  BaseTine         Device

             600                       100              100
            3000                       100              100

E.   Spark Energy in Millijoules

          Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

            600                         77.0                77.0
           3000                         34.3                32.5

F.   Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)

          Engine RPM              Baseline Device
             soo To    2l    Lul! T;éium m aq

            3000                        21                  21

G.   Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (with load)

          Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

             600                        38.0                37.5
            3000                        26.0                32.5

Table II   Mallory Power Cell 3611 Ignition Amplifier System Data
           Summary for 1974 Chrysler V—8 with electronic ignition
           distributor   (ARB Test)

A.   Coil Induced Primary Voltage on Peak Volts

           Engine RPM                 Baseline          Device

              600                      175               180
             3000                      220               225

B.    Peak Coil primary input current in Peak Amperes

           Engine RPM                 Baseline          Device

              600                        3.5                  3.0
             3000                        4.0 .                6.0

C.   Spark Duration in Microseconds

           Engine RPM                 Baseline          Device

              600                     1250              1250
             3000                      900               850

D.   Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

           Engine RPM                 Baseline          Device

              600                      100               100
             3000                      100               100

E.   Spark Energy in Millijoules

           Engine RPM                 Baseline          Device

              600                       22.0                 22.0
             3000                       16.2                 12.2

F.    Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts {simulating fouled spark plug)

           Engine RPM                 Baseline          Device

              600                       15.5                 16.5
             3000                       15.5                 14.5

G.    Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts (with load)

           Engine RPM                 Baseline          Device

              600                       23.5                 25.0
             3000                       21.5                 24.5

Table I11 Maliory Power Cell #611 Ignition Amplifier System Data
          Summary for 1975 Ford V—8 distributor with electronic

A.—   Coil Induced Primary Voltage in Peak Volts

           Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

              600                       220              200
             3000                       175              160

B.    Peak Co1l primary input current in Peak Amperes

           Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

              600                         4.0                 4.0
           © 3000                         4.0                 3.0

C.    Spark Duration in Microseconds

           Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

              600                      1200             1800
             3000                      1500             1450

D.    Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

           Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

              600                        90                  90
             3000                        90                  90

E.    Spark Energy in Millijoules

           Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

              600                        38. 4               34.6
             3000                        27.0                22.6

F.    Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts {simuTating fouled spark plug)

           Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

              600                        20.5                16.5
             3000                        15.5                13.0

G.    Available Secondary Voltage in Kilovolts {with load)

           Engine RPM                  Baseline         Device

              600                        27.0                25.5
             3000                        20.5                20.5

Table IV   Malliory Power Cell #611 Ignition Amplifier System Data Summary
           (ARE Test)

                                     Centrifugal Advance
                        Engine RPM       Baseline        Device            Engine RPM          Baseline     Device

1975 Chevrolet V—8             600              0              0             3000                6.5         6.5
HEI Distributor               1000              0              0             2600                8.5         8.0
                              1600            4.5             4.5            3000                9.0         8.5

                        in. Hg       Baseline        Device         in. Hg          Baseline      Device

                          0              0              0             12              8.0          8.0
                          3              0              0             15              9.0          9.0
                          6             1.5            1.5            18              9.0          9.0
                          9             5.0            5.0            20              9.0          9.0

                                      Centrifugal Advance
                        Engine RPM       Baseline        Device.           Engine RPM.         Baseline     Device

1974 Chrysler V—8              600              0              0             2000                 8.0        8.0
distributor with              1000             3.0            3.0            2600                 9.5        9.5
electronic ignition           1600             7.5            7.0            3000                10.5       10.5
                                      Vacuum Advance
                        in. Hg       Baseline   Device               in. Hqg        Baseline       Device

                          0              0              0              12              7.0           6.5
                          3              0              0              15             10.0          10.5
                          6              0              0              18             10.5          10.5
                          9             2.0            2.0             20             10.5          10.5

                                      Centrifugal Advance
                        Engine RPM       Baseline   Device                 Engine RPM          Baseline     Device

1975 Ford ¥—8                 600               0              0               2000               2.5         2.5
distributor with          1000                  0              0               2600               3.5         4.0
electronic ignition       1600                 1.0            1.0              3000               5.0         4.5

                                     Vacuum Advance
                        in. Hg       Baseline  Device               in. Hg          Baseline      Device

                              0          0              0             12              11.0         11.0
                              3          0              0             15              12.0         12.0
                              6          0              0             18              12.0         12.0
                              9         8.0            8.0            20              12.0         12.0

               Figure 1.   Typical Installation of the Mallory Power Cell
                           on a breakerless electronic ignition

                                                        Hi Tension Coil

                                      primary       |             secondary


       _%                      Maflopi Power Cell

                           |                    |
12¥4.c. __~—

                                Zener diode

                     _.|OEM Ignition Amplifier



                                                                    EXHIBIT A

                                                                        Automotive Specialties Division

.   GRACE                                                               W. R. Grace & Co.
                                                                        7091 Belgrave Ave.
                                                                        Garden Grove, Calif. 92641

    January 19, 1978 ~                 .                                (714)893—0595
                     A _2                                  f
    Mr. 6. C. Hass, Chlef           "imee.,..
    Vehicle Emissions Gontrol Program
    Air Resources, Bogrd.
    9528 Ielstar.Awe.v

                                22         <o   _‘   RE:       Application for an ARB
                            ©Tloall,                           Resolution of Compiance
                                                               with section 27156 of the
                                                               . California Vehicle Code

    Dear Mr. Hass:

    This letter is an application fog,afi ARB resolution of. compllance
    with section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code for the
    Mallory "Power Cell" number 611 ignition amplifier.                                      **           n mm
.   Description of Device:—
    The device is a unique electronic‘module that is completely
    en;apsulated and features easy installation with 0.E. electronic
    1gfi1t10n systems.
    Purpose of Device:
    The device is intended to offer improved ignition performance
    of all Delco and Ford and Chrysler electronic ignitions by
    allowing increased coil ring down oscillation similar to
    the older breaker point magnetic storage ignition system.
    This module allows all of the available coil energy to be used
    rather than allowing it to be absorbed into the electronics
    of the current O.B. pointless ignition.
    Installation: _                                                                          \_
    The unit is 51mple to 1nstall andis amatter ofa cut andspllce
    installation.       Detailed instructions are included with each unit.
    The Power Cell will operate with all Ford, Delco and Chrysler
    pointless ignition systems.                              .

EXHIBIT B                                 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS

                                                                          INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING
                                                                              MALLORY POWER CELL
                                                                      CONNECTING THE MALLORY POWER CELL
                                                                        TO A DELCO H.E.4, IGNITION $Y¥ST EM
                                                                     1. Mount the Power cell on the feader wall or
                                                                        fire wall as near the distributor ss possible,
                                                                          using, the metel screws supplied,
                                                                     2. Cut the brown wire connected between the
                                                                          H.E.1. distributor and coil in distributor cap.
                                                                     3.   Using blue connectors supplied, connest the
                                                                         Power Cell in the cireu as shown in the
                                                                         diagram at left, The Power Cell wires can be
                                                                         shortened for a neat installation.
                                                                     NOTE:        Refer to connector instructions for
                                                                     installation of the connsctor.

            i. Mount the Power Ceil on the fire wali or
               fender wall as near the ignition coil as possible,
               using the metal serews supplied.
            2. Cut wire connected to the negative (—) terminal
               of   coil   (on   some   Ford electronic   ignition
               systems, this terminal is marked "D.E.C."
               Usually this wire is a green color}.
               Using blue connectors supplied, connect the
               Power Cell in the circuit as shown in the
               diagram at right. Connect the red wire from
               the Power Cell to the wire still connected to
               the negative terminal of the coil.      Connect
               the biack wire from the Power Cell to the
               other end of the cut wire,     The Power Cell
                wires can be shortened for a neat installation,
            NOTE: Refer to connector instructions for installa®
            tion of the connector.

                                                                                   CONNECTOR INSTRUCTIONS
                                                                           Install wire from Power Cell and wire from
                                                                           ignition coil into open connector as shown.
                                                                           Fold over connector and push connector
                                                                           together with pliers as shown in "Completed

                                                                                                              FORM 40951

Air Resources Board
January 19, 1978

Test Data:
Bench test data is attached following the recommended
guidelines for the use of the Power Cell with the
Delco HEI ignition system.  A sample unit is being
forwarded under separate cover.


             Research & Development

AK : kh
Enclosure:    Ignition System Test Data
              Mallory # 611

CC:   Mr. M. Mallory

                                                                                                                                                                                   o |~_
                                                                                                                              PART No.                       DW6G No.

                                                                                                                                CGOFZ '7

                                                                                                                                         REFERENCE PRINT
                                                                                                                                              FEB 27 1978

                                                                         R\rT i U O(,;/’5‘

                                                                                              1t 6 t4,
                                                                                                                         _ cord
                                                                                  104 se0 Fiv
                                                                                                                                          .                   CoilFLellc?
                                                                                                   t#02                   Ajfor T«AnBISNCL.
                                                                                                   Ho h.

                                                                                           LTR                                          DESCRIPTION
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                                                                                              62     ..                       TiTLE:

                                                                                          Mallory|""                                   scugmiinmc, ihs c (oo
                                                                                                                                                                        6y     s           Cas s

                                                                                                   ELECTRC               |_                                                                              mvad
                                                                                             t¥ 0r wa Stace a co                       TOLERANCE UNLESS OTMERWISE SPEciFiED
                                                                                                   c‘:.n:'é.l';?us,‘;,         MACH. FN1SH         \/   @ cutre wirmin ______— mmis
                                                                                                                                              +         _                         §y
                                                                                          s““/l/,/)/w:‘                        ANGULAR        —         T ss::tm.!:vnnm;;_,,,_.v,u.‘”
                                                                                                       .                       DECIMAL                             NESS      WITHIN_.. _           10        1
                                                                                          DATE J,m'\l "}8                          .xX        +         _L   rir                                             .
                                                                                                                                                                   P.WITHIN .O __.
                                                                                          DRAW N        E11                        xxx        *#
                                                                                          CHECKED                             MATERIAL:                                              CCC                     !

                                                 i                                        AFPD m}éflxw                                                               |

                                                 |                                        PART No.                            ASSY No .                 DWG No.                    "Tarc
                                                                                            £032"7                                 €41/                                            4

                                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD REFERRAL SLIP

                              W. R. Grace & CO.                                               Date In             —1/23/78_._
                                                                                              Date Referred : .    1/27/78______
                                                                                              Date Due      : [C] asap/_2/10/78
                              Application for compliance —                                                    y As Noted
                              Mallory Power Cell Number 611 ignition                                          [—] Routine
                              amplifier                                                                                 —
                                                                                              Date Pending : _ ___ u.c2 ___l

                                             /s           vep                REFERRAL FROM:        DRACHAND
         Reply~~my signature                            []] Action as noted—return original                 Note and return
       Reply direct—copy to me                          [—] Information and return                       c  File
    iX Investigate and recommend                        [] Note and forward                              T. Please see me

pecial Instructions:

3: Oiginek—Stuys with corcespondence        Copy No, 2—Second assignee‘s pending fe, if any
   Topy No. 1——Assignee‘s pending file      Capy No. $—Originator‘s pending file

   vien ovan (ir osn

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:51
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:51

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