Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 20, 1977.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1977 and older model-year vehicles w/PCV, EXCEPT with : (1) engines < 140 CID (2) VW (3) Fuel injected (4) Diesel or supercharged (5) Chrysler Electronic lean burn (6) Volvo 3-way catalyst (7) Variable venturi carburetor

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-77
  • Executive Order 77 / D77
  • ARB # D-77
  • Executive Order No: D-77
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-77
  • Resolution D-77
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-77 PDF

D-77 Document:


                                                                           ts u8e CAE
                                                         (Page 1 of 2).          .

                            State of California
                            AIR RESQOURCES BOARD

                           EXECUTIVE QORDER D—77
                Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                            of the Vehicle Code

                        ALMQUIST MANUFACTURING LTD.
                          "RAM JET MINI—CHARGER"

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
_ 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

 Pursuafit;ta the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 6f
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A;

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "Ram Jet Mini—
 Charger" device manufactured and marketed by Almquist Manufacturing Ltd.
 ofMilford, PA 18337 has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of
 réquired motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is
 exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for
 1977 and older model—year motor vehicles equipped with positive crank—
 case ventilation (PCV) systems except for the following:

       a)   engines smaller than 140 cubfc inch displacement
       b)   Volkswagen vehicles             .
       c)    fuel injection gasoline powered vehicies
       d)   diesel or supercharged vehiclies
       e)   Chrysler Electronic Lean Burn System
       f)   Volvo 3—way catalyst
       g)   Variable Venturi Carburetor Systems

 This device consists of an adjustable modulating valve which permits
 filtered air (80PP] polyurethane filter) to enter the intake manifold
 through the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) line between the PCV
 valve and the engine. The device can be identified by a label on the
 devices with the name "Ram Jet Mini—Charger" permanently fmprinted on
 it.                               —

 This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
 for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
 different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

 Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
 exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
 formance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
 this Executive Order.

"RAM JET MINI—CHARGER"          '          ‘          ~ EXECUTIVE ORDER D—77
                                                          (Page 2 of 2)

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those lTisted in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     poliution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board. No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device. Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be —
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executed at Sacramento, California, this       égéz   day of October, 1977.

                                       f ,Mjé] @w}é\
                                    ~thomas C. Austin
                                    Deputy Executive Officer

                       State of California

                       ATR RESOURCES BOARD

                       September 30, 1977

                          Staff Report

           Evaluation of Almquist Manufacturing, Ltd.
                 "Ram Jet Mint—Charger" device
            for Compliance with the Requirements of
               Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code


Almquist Manufacturing Ltd., Milford, PA 18337 has submitted an

application (see Appendix A) requesting an exemption from Section

27156 of the Californta Vehicle Code for its "Ram Jet Mini—Charger"

device for installation on all 1977 and older mode} vehicles

equipped with positive crankcase ventilation systems (PCY) except

for the following:

     a)    engines smaller than 140 cubic inch displacement

     b)    Volkswagen vehicles

     c})   fuel injection gasoline powered vehicles

     d)    diesel or supercharged vehicles

Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code prohibits the installation, sale

or advertisement of any device or mechanism which alters the

performance or design of the vehicle‘s emission control systems.

The Air Resources Board is empowered to exempt any device from

this prohibition if a finding shows the device will not reduce

the effectiveness of the emission control system.

Evaluation of Almquist Manufacturing, Ltd.
"Ram Jet Mini—Charger" device for Compliance
with the Requirements of Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code                                     September 30, 1977

II.   System Description and Function

      The "Ram Jet Mini—Charger" is an air bleed device installed in the

      hose between the PCV valve and intake manifold.    (See Appendix A

      Page 3.)   The device consists of an acetal copolymer cylindrical

      ribbed body with barbed inlet and outlet fittings, (that can be

      installed in either direction) a stainless steel spring, a nylon

      ball valve, a polyurethane filter, a stainless steel screen, and an

      acetal copolymer adjustable knob.

      The device permits filtered air to enter the PCV line.    The amount

      of air is dependent on a combination of manifold vacuum and an

      adjustable knob setting which acts on the spring and ball valve

      which in turn limits the flow of intake air.

      The applicant has submitted a letter dated September 26, 1977

      (Appendix B) stating that he will supply an 80 pores per inch (PPI)

      polyurethane filter with each device.   Although the pore size is

      larger (0.012 inches) than the ARB criterion of 20 microns (.0008

      inches), the staff is of the opinion that this pore size is in

      conformity with previously exempted air filters.

Evaluation of Almquist Manufacturing, Ltd.
"Ram Jet Mini—Charger" device for Compliance
with the Requirements of Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code                                     September 30, 1977

III. System Evaluation

     The applicant did not supply any information concerning the air

     flow at various adjustment levels.     Previous. exempt devices of a

     similar nature were non—adjustable.     The staff therefore performed

     its own flow tests.

     The adjustable knob was first fully tightened and the device

     installed according to the diagram in Figure 1. Vacuum was varied

     from 18 inches of mercury down to 3 inches and back up to 18 inches.

     The knob was turned counterclockwise in one quarter turn increments

     up to 2 1/2 revolutions.   The corresponding air flow was measured

     in cubic feet per hour with the greatest flow occuring when the

     knob was a quarter of a turn from the fully closed position.      When

     decreasing vacuum from 18 in. Hg. to 3 in. Hg. the air flow ranged

     from 0.28 SCFM to 0.17 SCFM.   With increasing vacuum, the air flow

     ranged from 0.53 SCFM at 3 in. Hg., to a maximum 1.2 SCFM at 7

     inches Hg. and decreased rapidly to 0.17 SCFM between 7 to 8 inches

     of Mercury.   Between 8 thru 18 inches of Hg. it remained constant

     at 0.17 SCFM (Figures 2 and 3).

     The ARB criteria is 0.5 SCFM (maximum) at greater than 7 inches of

     Hg. for engines greater than 140 cubfjc inches.    The device met this

     criteria except for the range between 7 in. of Hg. and 8 in. of Hg.

     The staff is of the opinion that the effect of this narrow range .

     on emissions would not be significant (Figure 2).

Evaluation of Almquist Manufacturing, Ltd.
"Ram Jet Mini—Charger" device for Compliance
with the Requirements of Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code                                    September 30, 1977

      The applicant submitted 30 MPH and 50 MPH steady state emission data,

      dated January 2, 1974, which were performed by the Scott Research

      Laboratories, Inc. (see Appendix C).   The official test procedure

      is the CVS test cycle and therefore the staff did not consider this

      data significant since it did not show emissions during acceleration

      or deceleration or at low speeds.

IV.   Manufacturer‘s Claims
      The manufacturer made the following advertising claims (Appendix A):

           a)    "Guaranteed increased gasoline mileage——greatest

                fue! savings have been experienced in older and

                high mileage vehicles operating under Tow manifold

                vacuum/high load operating conditions."

           b)   "Guaranteed smooth engine performance especially in

                older and high mileage vehicles or with engines that

                have over—rich fuel mixtures."

      The ARB staff belfeves that the device will not give significant

      benefits in fuel economy.   Past experience has shown that for a

      typical engine in normal operating condition this amount of air

      will have an insignificant effect on the air—fuel ratio and there—

      fore no significant effect on fuel economy or emissions.      For an

      older engine with rich carburetion there may be some small leaning

      effect at low speeds and loads.

Evaluation of Almguist Manufacturing, Ltd.
"Ram Jet Mini—Charger" device for Compliance
with the Requirements of Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code                                      September 30, 1977

Y¥.   Conclusion.and Recommendations

      Based on the ARB test data and the information submitted by the
      applicant, the staff concludes that the installation of this

      device in the specified vehicles will not result in increased

      emissions and recommends that Almquist Manufacturing Ltd. be

      granted an exemption for the "Ram Jet Mini—Charger" from the

      prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the 1977 and older

      model vehicles except those listed in Section I of this report and

      the following:                           ‘         ‘

           e)   Chrysler Electronic Lean Burn System

           f)    Volvo 3—way catalyst

           g)   Variable Venturi Carburetor Systems

      The staff therefore recommends adoption of Executive Order D—77.

                       Almquist Manufacturing Ltd,
                                                                              MILFORD, PA. 18337
                                                                                  ENGINEERING OFFICE
                                                                                    PHONE 717 296—7416

                                                                            July 18, 1977

MNr. G. C. Hass, Chief
Vehicle Emissions Control Division
Air Resources Board
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, California             91731

Dear Mr. Haas:

      We wish to apply for exemption from the prohibitions
of California Vehicle Code Section 27156 for our "MINI—

        Enclosed herewith are:

A)   Working sample of device.
B)   Description of operating principle.
C)   Independent laboratory report of device as tested in
     prototype form.
D)   Installation instructions.
E)   VYehicle application and engine limitation llst.
F)   Statement of advertising claims and performance guarantee.

        It is also our intention to market this device
along with a low cost dash—mounted vacuum gauge.  If for
some reason, you take exception to this use kindly delete
this feature from our application.

        We would appreciate your prompt review of this
multiple use device.             T for some reason, you do not feel
that an exemption is fjustified kindly specify the reagon
and we will immediately make any changes necessary to comply.

                                                          C 5422@%?¢A@L5/y41“


NOTE:   If you or any member of your staff have any questions,
        kindly telephone me at the above number anytime.



                                                          Page 1

                        "Ramjet Series"

      The MINI—CHARCER is a patented (no. 3,118,435 and
 patent pending) device designed to function both as an
 intake manifold air bleed valve and liquid emissions vap—
 orizer. The device will also function as a "T" fitting for
 use with a vacuum gauge as described below.*

       *OPTIONAL FEATURE The clean—out knob may be removed at
  anytime and replaced with a special screw—in CONNECTOR
  for installation of a vacuum gauge or closed vacuum switch
  for use with a dash—mounted, economy driving, indicator
  lignt.          '

      Two models fit all popular 1977 and older American
 and imported cars and light trucks equipped with PCY systems.
 Exceptions are engines smaller than 140 CID, Volkswagons,
 fuel injection, diesel or supercharged vehicles.


       The MINI—CHARGER is designed to function automatically
  in the following two wayss

 1.   The spring—loaded ball valve opens whenever engine
 vacuum drops %below 4"Hg) which is when the carburetor‘s
 power circuit cuts in and the fuel—air mix becomes richer
 than necessary for optimum power and fuel economy.    (Such
 "over—rich" carburetion commonly occurs when the vehicle is
 under hard acceleration, climbing hills, pulling heavy loads
 or when driven "hard"at high speeds or when "over—accelerating"
 which is a frequent driving error,.) Our tests indicate that
 the MINI—CHARGER has the capabllity of improving air—fuel
 ratios when the engine is operating under high load con—
 ditions without over—leaning or degrading performance.,
 2.  The MINI—CHARGER‘s "smog trap" collects wet blow—by
 condensates containing heavy hydrocarbons for later aerating
 and vaporizing by lighter blow—by gases that pass through
 the internal baffling system. This feature is especially
 important during and prior to engine warm—up because this
 is when the blow—by contains the most water vapor and heavy
< oil and fuel particles which otherwise interfere with
  complete combustion and may cause increased engine deposits
  and wear.

                                        ALMQUISTYMANUFACTURING LTD.
                                        Milford, Pa. 18337

                                                           Page 2

savings have been experianced in older and high mileage vehicles
operating under low manifold vacuum/high load operating
older and high mileage vehicles or with engines that have
over—rich fuel mixtures.

   + TOUGH SPACE AGE PLASTIC is guaranteed to last the
lifetime of the car.

   + "TUNING" KNOB provides for quick attachment of vacuum
gauge by mechanic for easy checking of valve action of device
in addition to detection of leaks or clogging of PCV line
and other tune~up and diagnostic purposes.     Removable knob
also provides for quick and easy cleaning of the valve
without removal of device from the line.               ~

replaced with threaded barb (available from factory) for
quick and easy attachment of vacuum gauge or to a closed
vacuum switch for use with a permanently dash—mounted
driving light which will function as a driving indicator.
(A vacuum gauge is recognized as one of the best means of
accomplishing economical driving habits.)

*NOTE: All performance claims are based on actual user
reports (which may be MORE or LESS depending on vehicle make, °
mileage, age, condition, optional equipment and when, where
and how the vehicle is driven.)                           f


       The MINI—CHARGER is guaranteed to improve mileage and
performance as advertised or purchase price will be refunded
by dealer anytime during the first year after purchase.      The
MINI—CHAPGER is further guaranteed by the factory agsinst
defect in material or workmanship for as long as purchaser
owns      vehicle or replacement will be made free of charge.

                                                                                      Page 3

                                INSTALLATION INSTW.UCTICNS

    The MINI—CHARGER can be installed easily in just minutes

    directly in the PCV vent line in most cars and light trucks

    (1963 to present)*.                 Here;s how :

    1.    After engine is warmed to normual operating temperature,

          shut off engine and lift hood.               Remove air cleaner if


    2.    Locate the large PCV vent line               {which is usually a rubber

          hbse about the diameter of your finger) that leads from
          the PCV valve to a point of entry near the carburetor

          base.      Cut PCV vent hose with a sharp knife as close to

          carburetor as possible———allowing room so MINI—CHARGER

          will not touch any moving or hot parts.

    3.    Insgert and clamp MINI—CHARGER nipples snugely into cut

          ends of PCV HOSE.               If hose appears old or hard or

          partially clogged, replace it.               The MINI—CHARGER may be

          installed in any angle or direction

*NCTE:    Some engines require aAspecial adaptor kit which
          includes a short length of PCY vent hose which is
          supplied free of additional charge.

   FIG. 1


                                               / surl ume

                                                                  vacuum wose
                                                                  (LEAbs To pisteisuror)

                                                                Page 4


          The MINI—CHARGER is factory adjusted to fit all popular
     cars in good mechanical condition,.      However, valve action

     should always be checked immediatley after installation or

     cleaning, tobesurevalve closes when the engineis_
    _idling.    _
          CHECK VALVE ACTION with engine idling by placing

     finger over end of air inlet.      A "popping" sound should be

     heard when finger is removed.
          If a steady "swishing" or "hissing" sound of air is

     heard at idle, turn knob counter—clockwise until air hiss

     sound stops——indicating that the valve is closed.      Remember,_

     the air valve must always CLOSE at idle.


          Remove filter ring and clean filter element in suitable
     solvent every 5,000 miles (sooner if vehicle is driven in

     dusty areas).   Also check PCY line and clean or replace PCV

     valve at regular intervals as recommended in your car owners


          The MINI—CHARGER valve may be cleaned without removing

    the device from the line by simply screwing out the knob and

    pouring in a small amount (equivalent to a tablespoon} of

    any good carburetor cleaner to flush out the valving mech—

    anism.     Use a wipe cloth to catch excess solvent that flushes

    out the MINI—CHAPCER‘s air intake as you rotate it. Do
     this only when the engifie is shut OFF.
                                #   # 4# 4#


     MILFORD, PA.     18337

                                                    Page 5


     Average retail price of the MINL—CHARGER is $9.95
installed.   This includes inspection and cleaning of the

PCV valve and blowing out   the PCY vent hose.   Extra

lengths of approved PCY hose are included in all dealer

shipments so that replacement can be made of part or all of

the present PCV line since we find that approximately 50%

of all PCV hoses are partially clogged or deteriorated

beyond further use.

   Labels will have product name, patent number and patent


   Aluminum snap ring will be changed to plastic with short

"ears" for easy grasping and removal of filter element.
   Extra filter elements will be supplied with each unit.

                          SRL 1415 01 0174

                          Technical Report


                        Exhaust Emissions And
                         Fuel Economy Tests
                         (January 2, 1974)

                            Prepared For:

                   Sammy Fields Enterprizes, Inc.
                        250 &est R¥®h Street
                             Suite 1924
                      New York, New York     10019

(   The devise referred to in this report as "Fuel—Tool" is
    now called "MINI—CHARGER" and features several internal
    improvements over the original. Less air bleed occurs at
    a lower vacuum range and adjustment is fixed in the newer
    model. Patents and patents pending are owned by E. Almq’uist.

                 Plumsteadville, Pennsylvania        18949

SRL 1415 01 0174 (Revised 2/8/74)

                                      1.0   INTRODUCTION

         Scott Research Léboratories, Inc. performed a series of steady
state emission and economy tests on a vehicle provided by the sponsor

on January 2,   1974.     The objective of the tests was to determine the

effect of the sponsor‘s two prototype devices on the exhaust emitted and

fuel consumed by the test vehicle.           Described below are the test vehicle,
devices, procedures, and results obtained.

                          2.0    DESCRIPTION OF TEST VEHICLE

         All tests were performed using the sponsor‘s             1971 Monte Carlo

(VIN 138750B175149) which had an automatic transmission, a 2 bbl
carburetor, and an eight cylinder 350 CID engine.              Following each test
idle speed was 580 rpm in drive, dwell was 28.5, and timing was 7° erpc.
All tests were performed using Indolene #30 gasoline.              The odometer
registered 73,568 miles at the start of testing.

                                3.0   DESCRIPTION OF DEVICES
         Scott performed tests using two different prototype devices
referred to by fhe‘sponsor as "Fuel Tool" devices.             Device A was con—
structed of clear plastic and had an inlet air adjustment.             Device B
was black plastic and had no inlet air adjustment.             Either device could
be installed in the hose between the vehicle‘s PCV valve and carburetor.
Each device allowed varying amounts of air (dependant on vacuum) to be
bled into the vehicle‘s carburetor through the PCV line.


         Upon receipt of the test vehicle Scott measured idle speed,
timing, and dwell to insure compliance with manufacturer‘s specifications.
A side tank of Indolene #30 gasoline was installed and the vehicle was
warmed—up by operating it on a dynamometer at 50 mph and road load

{4000 pounds inertia).       Emission and fuel economy tests were then performed
with and without the sponsor‘s device installed while operating the vehicle
at 50 and 30 mph.       Two tests were perfomed at an increased load setting
(18.4 rhp at 50 mph) at the sponsor‘s request.             All other tests were per—
formed at road load (12.0 rhp at 50 mph).


SRL 1415 01 0174

           Each test consisted of measuring the emissions of unburned

hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide on a grams/mile basis.

Fuel economy was then calculated on a miles per gallon basis using the
—emission data and the Environmental Protections Agency‘s carbon balance


                          4.0     SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS
           Economy and emission data for each test is summarized in
Table 1.   Table 2 presents the calculations used to derive the Table 1



 Nt |                     —


                                                                                                                                                                          #L10 10 §IFT ‘MS
                                                                      TABLE 1   SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS    (3 JAN.   1974)
    DN ‘STIHOLYHOGYT HouvasuH ai00s \—

                                         Veh:   1971 Monte Carlo                    VIN:   138750B175149                                         Inertia:    4000#

                                                    Speed            Load‘                                                          Grams/Mile Emissions
                                         Test        (mph)         (rhp @ 50)          Device               MPG              HC             CO               $On
                                           H         50               18.4         Baseline                 17.65            1.62          12.11            478. 70
                                           3          50              18.4         A—Set 1                  18. 42           0.98           3.17            473.71
                                                                                   % Difference              4.4             NC            NC               NC

                                           2         50               12.0         Baseline                 21.79            1. 34         17.71            375.23
                                           4         50               12.0         A—Set 1                  22.49            1.40           4 .47           383.13    °
                                                                                   % Difference              3.2             NC*           NC               NC

                                           5          50              12.          Baseline                 22.11            1.32          16. 59           371.24
                                           6          50              12.0         A—Set 2                  22.69            1.22          10.49            370.39
                                                                                   % Difference              2.6             NC            xC               NC

                                           7          30              12.0         A-Set 2                 —23.59            2.44          29.67            321.92
                                           8          30              12.0         B                        23.89            2.00          21.02            330. 44
                                           9          30              12.0         Baseline                 22.96            2.21          30. 32           331.98
                                                                                   % Difference Base/A       2.7             xC            NC               NC
                                                                                   % Difference Base/B        4.0            NC            NC               NC

                                           *NC = Not Calaculated

                                                                                                                TABLE2.. CALCULATIONSHEET _

                                                                                                                                                                                                         vL10 10 SIv! THS
                                                                                                               (1971 Monte Carlo) (3 Jan. 1974)

                                          Test Number                                       1          2             3          4            5           6            7            8          9
‘ON1 'Sii!HOl\’)l(iflY'l HOHYISHNH LLODS

                                          Test Duration (min.)                              4          4            4           4           4            4            4            4          4
                                          Vehicle Speed (mph)                               50         50           50          50            50         50           30           30         30
                                          Pevice                                            Baseline   Baseline      Device A    Device A   ° Raseline   Device A**   Device A**   Device B   Baseline
                                                                                            4000       4000         4000        4000          4000       4000         4009         4000       4909
                                                                                            18.4       12.0         18.4        12.0          12.0       12.0         12.0         12.9       12.0
                                                                                            12.0       12.9          11.0       11.5             2.9     12.5         13.5         13.2       13.2
                                                2 (5)
                                                #,0/lb Air
                                          Bar Press. (mailg)                                762.34     762.34       762. 34     762. 34      762. 34     762 .34      762. 34      762.34     762. 34
                                          CVS$ Press.       (rallg)                         ~13.28     —13,28       ~13,28      ~13.28       —13.28      —13.28       ~13.28       ~13.28     ~13.28
                                          (P) Sample Press. (mallg)                         749.06     749.06       749.06      749.06       749.06      749.06       749.06       749.06     749.06
                                          (¥)    p Disp. (CFR)                              «3232      3232         .3232       3232         .3232       .3232        .3232        «3232      .3232
                                          (X)        p Revs.                                4325       4326         4333        4327         4325        4321         4323         4327       4327
                                          (%)              (20)                             §79.7      579.7        579.7       579.7        579.7       579.7        579.7        579.7      379.7
                                          (4            t Miles                             3.33       3.33         3.33        3.33         3.33        3.33         2.0          2.9        2.0
                                          PVX/TH                                            542.41     542.53        543.41     542.66       542. 41     541.91       902. 69      993. 53    903.53
                                          HC (pom—C)                                        263.4      216.6         158. 8     226.8        213.2       199.2        238.5        195.3      215.4

                                          HC (g/mi) = (;%E)(IE.SAB)(HC)(lfl-é)               1. 62      1.34          0.98       1.40         1.32        1.22         2.44         2.00       2.21

                                          CO (ppm)                                          975        1425          255        360          1335        845          1435         1020        1465
                                          cotg/at) = ( T«y" (22.905) (co3 (10")             12.11      17.71         3.17°      4.47         16.59       10. 49       29.67        21.11      30. 32

                                                                                            2.45       1.92          2.42       1.96         1.90        1.90         0.99         1.92        1.02

                                                                      (35‘022)(c02)(10'2)   478.70     375.23        473.71     383.13       371.24      370.89        321.92      331.98      321.98

                                                                                              1.403      1.160         0.849      1.212         1.143      1.057        2.113        1.732      1.914
                                                                                              5.195      7.598       . 1,.360     1.918         7.117      4.500 .     12.728        9.056     13,.007
                                                                                            130. 685   102.438       129.323    104.594      401,349     101.253       87.5634      90.630     90.631
                                                                                            137.283    111.196       131.532    107.724       109. 609   106.810      102.725      101.418    105. 552

                                                                                            17.65      21.79         18. 42     22.49         22.11      22.69         23.59        23.09      22.96

                                                   rd     from Sponser‘s VAC Gauge
                                                        ting Number 2

                    Almaquist Manufacturing Ltd.
                                                   MILFORD, PA. 18337
                                                      ENGINEERING OFFICE
                                                        PHONE 717 296—7416

                                              August 30, 19 }7
Air Resources Board Laboratory
K. D. Drachand, Chief Engineering Branch
9528 Telstar Ave.
El Monte,    CA   91 31

Dear Sirs

     We respectfully submit the enclosed information which
should enable you to complete your evaluation of our "Ramjet
Mini—Charger" PCV hose attached device.
     If there is any further information that you require
 I would appreciate if you would call me collect in order
to expediate this matter.

                                    Ed Almqulst
                                    Almguist Mfg. Lta.                   *
(1; Additional Information
(2 _Engineering Resins Booklet.

 MANUFACTURERs: Almquist Mfg. Ltd.      Date: August 26, 1977
                      ADDLTIONAL INFORMATION FOR
                       "Ramjet Mini—Charger" PCV
                          Hose Attached Device

 (1)   New label as shown

 (2)       With adjustment set at maximum air flow (knob
       screwed clockwise IN), device permits no air flow at
       manifold vacuums higher than four (4),inches of mercury.
       At vacuums lower than four inches of mercury,     the air
       flow is lesgs than similar PCY connected air bleed devices
       {such asthe Ball—Matic Air Injector and Albano Air
       Jet which have already received exemption from the air
       resources board).
           When the engine is not operating, the ball closes
       against the upper valve seat to prevent crankease vapor
       from escaping into the atmosphere,. The ball valve also
       closes against its upper seat in the event of an engine

 (3)       The part number, name, specifications and material
       of all the working components are as follows:

           Partf# MS2 — 2A———Body:   Acetal Copolymer (Celcon)
       virgin quality,     Note that this material can withstand
       continuous use temperatures of 220°F with intermittent
       temperatures of between 220° to 300°F without sacrifice
       of properties.

           Part# MS2 — 2B———End Pieces 121;      (same material
       as above body).                              ~
           Part# MS2 — 2C———Adjusting Enob:      (same material
       as above body).

           Part# MS2 — 2D———Ball. Valve: 7/16" diameter plus
       and minus ,010".    NYLON (Dupont"s Zytel 101 Composition).
       Maximum usable temperature is 360°F. Res1stant to attack
       from oil, gasoline and the weak acids in crankcease blow—by.

           Part# MS—E Spring:    Stainless, Speel.
           Part# MS—F Screen: Stainless Steel 010" wire
       diameter %£ 40 X 40 mesh.

           Part# MS2—G Filter Element:    Porous polyurethane
       foam #45PPI.

Page 1 of 2

 (4)         We call your particular attention to pages 14 thru
       21 in the containing specifications of
       engineering resins, You will. note that the material
       {(Acetal Copolymer) that we use for body parts compares
       favorably and often surpasses nylon with respect to
       resistance to heat, stress, gasoline and oil. From this
       data you can see that our device will easily outlast the
       neophrene—buna vent hose to which it is attached.

           Celenese Corporation engineers originally recom—
       mended the use of Celcon (Acetal Copolymer) for our
       specific automotive application, We based our lifetime
       of car guarantee on field experience of over two years
       that proved that the plastic parts will not deteriorate
       even after prolonged use.    We also made numerous tests
       with prototypes made from Celcon,.     These test included
       the followings

       (A)      Soaking for over 180 days in gasoline and old
             {dirty) crankease oil solution which proved no
             apparent deterioration of materials.

       (B)      Over 50 cycles of intermittently freezing and
         . boiling the device (in water) to determine the effect
             on material and press fit of parts (all tesats were
       (C)      Striking assembled..device with heavy rubber mallet
             at freezing, 100, 150, 220°F temperatures (all tests
             were positive).

       (D)      Actual working production models have satis—
             factorily operated for 55,000 to over 100,000 miles
             in six American made cars without deterioration of
             _either the Acetal Copolymer or the Nylon.
       (E)      Numerous 12 to 24 month "heat" tests were made with
             actual working production models placed flush against
             the intake manifolds and valve covers on Chevrolet,
             Ford and Plymouth automobiles.   In no case was there
             any deterioration of material.

Page 2 of 2


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Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:47
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:47

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