Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on November 29, 1978.
As of Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1978 and older vehicles equipped with water cooled carbureted gasoline engines

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-87
  • Executive Order 87 / D87
  • ARB # D-87
  • Executive Order No: D-87
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-87
  • Resolution D-87
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-87 Document:


                                                    (Page 1 of 2)

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE'ORDER D—87
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                         ~of the Vehicle Code

                        RODEW INTERNATIONAL, INC
                           "THE MISER" DEVICE

‘Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and
Pursuant to the’authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;
 /                              .

‘IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of the "The Miser" device
manufactured by Rodew International, Inc., 1350 Knollwood Circle, Anaheim, CA
92801 has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle
pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions
of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for installation on 1978 and older mode?
year vehicles equipped with water—cooled carbureted gasoline engines.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.
Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resourceés Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinfon as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty e1ther expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

       .      P                         ;       .
No claimof—afiy kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

RODEW INTERNATIONAL, INC.                              . EXECUTIVE ORDER D—87
"THE MISER" DEVICE        ‘         '                         (Page 2 of 2)

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation pun1shab1e
as a misdemeanor.                   .

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board.   No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified dev1ce Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executed at El Monte, California, this   e~22 2 day of November, 1978.

                                 ‘/(‘béHass, Chief
                                   Vehicle Emissions Control Division

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            November 28, 1978

                               Staff Report

                 Evaluation of the Rodew International, Inc.
                "The Miser" in Accordance with Section 2222,
               Title 13 of the California Administrative Code

I.    Introduction
      The Rodew International, Inc., 1350 Knollwood Circle, Anaheim,

      California 92801, has applied fof a Vehicle Code Section 27156

      exemption for "The Miser" device (Exhibit A).     The applicant

      intends to market the device for installation on 1978 and older

      vehicles equipped with water—cooled gasoline engines.     Vehicles

      equipped with fuel injection systems are excluded from the


II.   System Description

      The "Miser" device is a fuel heater installed in the fuel line

      between the carburetor and fuel pump.     The system consists of a

      heat exchanger, a thermostat switch and an electric solencid


      When the temperature of the fuel in the thermostat chamber is below

      125°F, the circuit is completed thereby energizing the valve (Fig. 1).

      Engine coolant will flow through the heat exchanger and heat up

      the fuel.>   When the fuel tempefature is above 125°F, the thermostat

      switch will shut—off the circuit and the solenoid vailve will be

      closed preventing any flow of engine coolant through the exchanger.

      The system also incorporates a fuel additive (a mixture of 30/70

      of xylene and lubricating o1l) to be manually added to the carbu—

      retor, crankcase oi1, and fuel tank.

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III. System Eva]uatiqn

    A.   Applicant‘s Submitted Test Data

         The applicant submitted back—to—back emission data to sub—

          stantiate that fhe device has no adverse effect on emissions.

         The results are listed in Table 1.      In addition, the applicant

          submitted an analytical report for the lead content in the

          fuel additive (Exhibtt B).    The lead content was found to

          be less than 0.02 mg/liter.

         ARB Bench TeSts
          The Air Resources Board performed bench tests to verify the

          operation of the device.     The results are summarized as

          follows:   (Ref. ARB Test Report No. 2Y7809).

          1.   Thermostat Test

               The thermostat switch was found to shut—off the circuit

               at 123°F.
          2.    Solencoid Valve Test

               With the thermostat at room temperature and the solencid

               energized, the valve was open and water (simulating en-.

               gine coolant) was able to flow through the heat—exchanger.

               When the solencid was deactivated, the valve was closed

               and withstood a water pressure in excess of 18 psi.

         Analysis of Test Results

          Based upon the bench test results, the staff is convinced

          that the device operates as the applicant claims.     The

          CVS—75 emission data submitted by the applicant shows that

          there is a slight decrease in NOx with the device and no
          increase in HC and CO.

            The Laboratory has previously performed emission tests on

             similar fuel—heating devices.     Previous tests showed.that

             significant increases in CO and HC emissions resulted when the

             fuel was heated to a range of 135 to.170°F during hot—start

             CVS—72 tests.."2   In the baseline hot—start CVS—72 tests

             {without any heating device) the fuel temperature at the inlet

             of the carburetors ranged from 100 to 140°F.

             The "Miser" device will heat up the fuel to a maximum of 125°F

            which is within the range of fuel temperatures measured in

             the baseline emission tests described above.     Thus it can be

             concluded ‘that the device will not have heating effects on

             the fuel in excess of what can normally be expected from the

             heat in the engine compartment.

             The applicant recommends that 1 oz. of fuel additive to be

             added for every five gallons of gasoline for the first tank

           _ of gasoline and decrease the amount to 1 oz. for 10 or 15

             gallons of gasoline for subsequent tanks.     The added amount

             resulited to about 0.1 to 0.3%.   The Labdratory has previous]yb

             performed emissions tests on similar fuel additives (xylene

             and lubricating oil) and found that the fuel additives in the

    ARB Staff Report, 27156 Evaluation of the "Fuel Saver," dated May 25, 1976.
I                        .          r

2ARB Staff Report, 27156 Evaluation of the "FUELXPANDER," dated June 8, 1976.

            proportion added (1 oz. per 5 gallons of gasoline approximately)

            have no significant.effect on emissions or engine performance.

            Therefore, the staff believes that the amount of fuel additive

            recommended by_the applicant will have no adverse effect on


            Based upon‘the ana]ytiéa] report submitted by the applicant,

            the additive contains lead content less than 0.02 mg/liter

            of fuel additive.     This amounts to approximately 0.0002

            mg/gallon of gasoline which is far below fhe specified lead

            content for unleaded fuel (0.00—0.05 gram/gall.)

            Based upon the foregoing analysis and the emission data sub—

            mitted by the applicant, the staff is of the opinion that the

            device will have no adverse effect on vehicle emissions.

IV.    Manufacturer‘s Claims

       The applicant basically makes the following benefit claims for the

      —"Miser" device:

                 A.      Increase of fuel economy by 15—20%.

                 B.      Longer engine life.

       According to the applicant, the fuel additive "will increase the

       BTU‘s of the gasoline and acts as a cleaner helping to remove

       carbon and free sticking vaives.        In addition, the heat exchanger

       will preheat fuel and provide better vaporization."

   The data submitted by the applicant (Tab1e 1) shows that there

   is a 1% and 4% fuel eéonomy increase in the CVS—75 and highway

   cycle test respectiye1y, which are within average test variability.

   The device will increase fhe fuel temperature to a maximum of 125°F

   which may be achieved under normal operating modes without any pre—

   heating device.   The staff is of the opinion that the device will

   have no significaht benefit on fuel economy.   The installation

   of the device may, howeQer, show a marginal benefit in coid-start

   driveability due—to the preheating of the fuel if the vehicle is

   not originally equipped with any OEM fuel evaporation system.

   The applicant agreed with the staff‘s analysis and has deleted

   the fuel econonmy claim from advertising materials.

. . Conclusion and Recommendation

   Based upon the test data submitted by the applicant and ARB func—

   tional tests, the staff believes that the installation of the

   "Miser" device will not result in an increase in emissions when

   installed on gasoline powgred vehicles.   The staff therefore

   recommends that Rodew International Inc. be granted an exemption

   from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for its "Miser"

   device for 1978 and older vehicles equipped with water—cooled

   carbureted gasoline engines.

                                       Table 1

                                Emission Test Data

Test Vehicle:     1978 Continental Mark V
                  400 CID, 2V

                                         Emissions (gm/mi)                 Fuel Economy
                                   HC            co          NOx       .   ___ MPG

     Baseline                      0.6           8.0         1.7               9.4
     w/device                      0.6           8.0         1.5               9.5
     Net change                    0              0     —11%                  +1%
Highway Cycle

     Baseline                      0.2            1.6        2.0              14.0
     w/device                      0.2            1.5        1.8              14.5
     Net change                    0             —6%    —10%       ‘          +4%

                                                                                                        "THE MIS’.’:’R”          ewn
                                                                                                                                 LKH,‘ s    ..

              It you must fack up your vehicle to drain the rachatar                       "The Miser" is a product of space age
            coolint. dout catefully: Block the wheels and use a sub                   technology and engineering techniques combined
            stantial jack stand. Remember, safety comesfirst.                         to produce a practical and simple means of
                                                                                      extending engine efficiency, while at the
                                                                                      same time cleaning and lubricating the combus—
                                                                                     tion chambers for increased engine life.
    Step 5. Connect wire from water valve on side of MISER                 to hot
  wire from the igniition switch. This will make sure that the switch controlling         The FPuel Additive acts as a cleaner, he}p-
  the heat sensor valve is only live when the ignition is switched on. The           ing to remove carbon s gumming, and to freg stick—
  next operationis to connect the other wire running from the thermostat to          ing valves md rings.       The Additive contains a
  a convenient ground on engine or chassis. Check for proper wiring by               high grade of oil which gives additional upper
  turning. ignition switch off and on and at the same time have someone
                                                                                     cylinder lubrication that helps seal the rings
  listento the water vaive. A "click" shiould be heard everytime the ignition
                                                                                     and frees sticking valves.
  is switched on. If not, check wiring for proper hook—up.
    Step 6. Check to make sure wrain plug is secured in radiator. Fill the                   "The Miser"   preheats the fuel to just
  radiator with fresh water (or the antifreeze saved while draining the radiator).
  Start the engine and check for leaks. This is important, leaking fuel could
                                                                                     below vaporization by, the use of a unique
  cause a fire or an explosion.                                                      system.      The heat is thermostatically controll—
                                                                                     ed, using water from the engine‘s cooling   '
                                                                                     system,. This way the fuel is already preheated
                                                                                     before entering the carburetor so as to more
                                                                                     completely vaporize upon entering the manifold.
              Before you start the engine, make sure you have
            adequate ventilation. Exhaust gases are deadly. Do not
            run the engine in a closed garage without proper. ventil—                        Installing the system is not a difficult
            ation.                                                                   or highly technical job.             It requires only
                                                                                     some basic tool (with the possible exception
                                                                                     of the tubing cutter) and a little time.  Please
                                                                                      read this entire instruction manual and follow
    Step 7. Start engine and letit idle for 5 minutes to warm up. Take air           \the directions carefully to insure that the
  cleaner off carburetor and with the engine affast idie, pour 1 ounce per
                                                                                      installation does not void the warranty.  This
  cylinder through the carburetor slowly aF t1¥. Fuel Additive.        It will
  penetrate and burn the sludge, carbon, gum, and rust deposits which have            instruction manual has been carefully prepared
  accumulated in your engine and expel them through the exhaust pipe in               and illustrated to help you install the system
  a dense, grey—black smoke. Stop the engine, replace the air cleaner cover          and start saving gasoline and maintenance costs.
  on carburetor. Pour 3 ounces ofa99"into the crankcase (do not pour into                    Please check all your parts against the
  the crankcase if a synthetic oil is being used) and pour 1 ounce per 15            parts list and drawing. This will help you
  gallons of gasoline into the fuel tank. DO NOT add additional amounts of addi—
:ive thanthoseflisted, as too much will cause loss of performance and results.
                                                                                     become familiar with the parts before you install
                                                                                     them on your vehicle.
      Step 8. This completes the installation and testing of your MTSER
  It is now ready to use You will start receiving your best results after approx
  imately 50 miles of dnving and the engine has conditioned itself.,
                                                                                     NOTE:    "The Miser" cannot be used on fuel injected
                                                                                     or diesel engines,      nor on air colled engines. Alse

                                            2a                                       ~the—increase—on—pickup~—trucks—due—to higher—engine
                                                                                     —BDMLeJnaz      nf_diffarant.aulae vatiae

4 ,

                "THE MISER"                                                  ‘                         ~_   Caution                  .   ‘
                PARTS LIST                                                         Be sure engine is cold and do not smoke while
                                                                                 performing the following steps. Gasoline will spill out
            Quantity   Description                                               the fuel line when it is cut Clean up any fuel before
                 1     MISER                                                     continuing. DO NOT SMOKE OR BRING AN OPEN
               3 h.    5 1b" Fuel Line Hose                                      FLAME OR SPARK near gasoline.
                12     Hose Clamps
                2      Heater Hose "T"                                    Step 1. Find easily accessable location away from excessive heat.
               2 ft.   Electrical Wire                                  mount box in a horizontal position.
               3 h.    3 8" Water Hose
                2                                                        Step 2. Cut fuel line (if necessary) approximately 2 inches from
                          Fuel Additive Bottles (16 oz. ea.)
                                                                       carburetor using a small tubing cutter. If a tubing cutter is not available.
                                                                        a hacksaw will suffice. If a hacksaw is used, the cutting operation must
                                                                        be done off the engine. Do not cut with hacksaw on engine or metal
                                                                       cuttings could damage carburetar andror cause flooding.
                                                                          Step 3. Connect the fuel line running from the fuel pump to the
                                                                       Miser Box at the fitting marked "FUEL IN", using the 5 16 inch fuel
                                                                       line hose provided. Connect the other end of the box, marked "FUEL
      o    &                                                           OUT" to the fuel line at the carburetor using the 5/16 inch fuel line hose
                                                                        and clamps.
                                                                          Step 4. Remove radiator cap and drain radiator coolant. (You may
          Mark V Box                             Fuel Hose              wish to save antifreeze coolant to be replaced into the radiator when this
                                                                        operation is complete.) Cut heater hoses where accessable and install.
                                                                        2 heater hose "T"‘s into the heater hoses.

                                     wantt Lugh.s
                                     HeaterHose "T"
                                                                                                                                         #       —~

                                                                                         a                                       a

                                                                                 . ge"                             P

                                                                         Connect heater hose "T" on heater hose that pumps water to heater
                                                                       (usually connected to engine block} to the water valve on side of the
                       EJ                                           Miser Then connect the other ‘T" to fitting on end of Mark V Box matked
                                                                        "WATER OUT.
                       Water Hose
                                                E.3 Fuel Additive         Note: Water flow can be checked by removing hose from water value
                                                                        on side of the box andstarting the engine. observing water flow Water Now
                                                                        must run toward or into the water valve from hose. If not. switch water hoses
                                                                        for correct ow       The water valve will not sork unless installed property
                                    12. 2
                                                                                                                m 2

                                                        N w Engine               reak—In:             Tw       Cycle Enginr
              "L@3" and
                                                        Add as with old enmgine        duneup.        Add one oumee to cach o caluns d
       Your Engine                                      Moving pyarts ol new and recondinioned        gasofinc and eif mixtiie T sen serg
                                                        engines are sfiff and viery tight hittmg.     small engimes will pertorm belter ond
Motor Cleaning                                          "F—3". improves Jubrication| of— these        valll on easter to start alter profenged
Procedur °...                                           close toler ance areas, prevenits se oting     DoA dshut,
                                                        of bearings, pistons arid eylinder walhs
 First        Lankh of Gas: Start engine aud            Continued use preverits formation uf          Gear Boxes:
 et if adle foy 5 nimutes to wartn Up.                  sludge, cabon, quin and iust deposits
 Lake an cleaner cover of carbmretor                                                                  Cige: ounce ef "E3" per pound of
                                                        ind redueces engine wear.
sand, waith cnaine al fast idie, pour | uz.                                                           epcause of [Wo coutiet prt qalloni od caf
 per          ovlnder       through    carburetor       Fleet Maintenance:                            hetpe         preveain   o onemtob     id se
 "h'\‘."\,'      !ll'       7   will penetiate and                                                    n boasas           lubs ue ation and    Cueducs
 Luin the studgey carbon, gum and rust                  Continued use of "E 3"        with all feet   lwat.
 depecaits which have accumutated in                    velinfos siquilicantly reduces the need
 your engine andl expel, them through                   for   anid Irequency of costly enaine         Oil Cooling and
 the extiaust pipe in a denise qray black               work     Engines remain     clean, ddle       Bearing Lubrication:
 smoke, Stop the engine, replace the an                 stinoother aud. pull better "Bluamal"
 ceaner cover on carburetor. —                          engine repairc problems caused hy              Une ounce, prl quart of fubin atton ofl
 Pour 3 o.              ol "E 3" in the crankcase       deposits are virtually elimmated and           will cool the Lc aengs of a hotorummiaa
 and pout | o. tfor cach & gallons of gas               even routine maintenance checks can            pmop with im bve hours and heep them
 in the gas tonk. Start enging again and                be extended                                    coul.
 run at stow and fast idlé for b minutes.                                                              MA 10ratio              ced to the Jubmecation of
 Fatremmedy dn ty cngines may continue                                                                 roiling— null b. armigs will ©oof both
 tosmake throughout most of the—first                                                                  bearings and       casting  within dhea
 tauhk ol gas.                                          Diesel Engines:                                hours, arnd heep thein coul
 Second and Third Tanks of Gas:                         Add one ounce per 7 gallons uf fuel in         A 10%oratio added to the requtar dabng
 Reduce the amount of "E—3" to 1 oz.                    the fueh tank and one ounce (1 0z.) per        cabion oof        mutuple      high ~gwed diill
 per 184. gallons, and on succeeding                                                                   heads, inotor, and sirmilar equipmendt
                                                        5 quarts ol ail in the crankease, "E 3"
 ranks cof gas hkeep decreusing                   the   provides a coftmeaots cleqring. and            will heep thein coul,
 atsednt of "F—8" until your. mileage
                                                        lubricating tm tron which allows mjier
 diops, then hack up to where you
                                                        tors and engine ports to work at peak          Oil Heating Furnac s:
 agaim get the best mileage for the least
                                                        efficienicy. As a Iuek extender, "R.3"
camount of "E 3" used, The fiwerage
                                                        tends to be even more effec tive n high        Add one oungce tor exvery 25 qallons of
 seems to be d oz. to 15 gallons of gas.
                                                        compresston etigiies, and aids nds             hcattiee tuel. 26 awith dicael engines,
 Cauti n:                                               imumm: power output th over the road,          "E 37 heepo ns Gnifectons im peals con
                                                        fatim and conmructon vehicles. Alter           cmon this‘cohmeanating ieed for annrial
 t > omr custommer tuses. synthctic oil,                the inifial use for cdeaniug, a c aticc of
 B0 NOT put the 3 oz cof "E 3" in the                                                                  cCeaning Mce     complete: bineing od
                                                         t oz. per 10 to 15 gallous vaill provide      tuel    is         an reased    ceconeime    and
 crai l c e us this is an oagante coni                  the best fueh economy. hewimter "A 3"
           t xull not mia with synthetic                                                               almoct| tor¥to climinates soet fornia
                                                        prevents fuel jollimg.                         on id proe ab ~ludge Lbearld up
                        gn tollow the aest   of   the

                                                                                                    1       0   dmergye—Ercompmiy
                  .                                             w o 9 d t o ugotes U                    |           Ecolody
                E3                                                           |    .
        ;              1:          0               s        2   faror abuaty
        :;             s     bos .                     to       foulyesis
        I              B       *       f       '
        {              1

 Try some E—3...Look what
 you have to GAIN.

~Notic !l!                                 _                         From pints to drums
 pr¥ NOF use more CFO3" than is                                          Dealer Inquiries Invited
   commaended mothe in—tactions 4 If
 cou e c gee much, ven will not get as
                                                                                Distuibuted By:
 gerud reculb                                                                                                      Save on
                                                                                2                               Maintenance
                               io.                                          '                                           &

                                                                          LA30RATORIES, INC.                             Log Number
                       260 TAYLOR STREET, P.0. BDX 369, MONROVIA, CALIFORNiA S1016            +C       (213) 357—2247     118071

viient                                                                                 Work Order               P. 0. Number
            Rodew International, Inc.                                              _5067—01                      Letter/Prepaid
Material/Sample Identity                                                                              Rec‘d                   Due
            1—Sample Gasoline Additive                     '                 ~                       11/22/78                11/29/78
Requested By                                       ’                                                       Sample Disposition
Name:       Mr. Neil Roberts                                   —        Phone:{7 14) 527—8 333                    Discard

Report/Ship To:
            Rodew International, Inc.
            1350 Knollwood Circle
           Anaheim, CA           92801

Nature of Work and Information Desired

                                                       Lead Content

Summary of Laboratory Report                                                       .                        D. C. Level

                                                                                                                         i       21
                                                                                                   CxaiRel t                 3

                                      ~CFE—3 L1quxd Mfieage‘Exfiender

                                     Lead Content: Less than 0. 02 mg/l

   As a mutual protection to clients, this report is sobmitted for the exclusi         ise of the client to whom it is addresed.
   This report applies only to the sample(s) tested and is not necessarily indic        ive of the qualities of apparently similar
   or identical products. Use of thig report. whether in whole or in part, or          i: y spals orf insignia connected therewith,
   in any advertising or publicity matter. wilhout prior written 1\:1923atio n/?&?pr
                                                                                  $ und

Anal                       Book — P                                A                        —=                    Bats
 * Y"¢        waw            141      48°~                             pymzz//%fl/fi’/fé/                                 ateu/22/78
           Research and Development                                                          Testing

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:24
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:24

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