Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on March 12, 1979.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1979 and older vehicles, EXCEPT with: (1) engine < 140 CID (2) three-way catalyst with feedback (3) Fuel injection (4) Variable venturi carburetor (5) Chrysler Lean Burn Engines

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-88
  • Executive Order 88 / D88
  • ARB # D-88
  • Executive Order No: D-88
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-88
  • Resolution D-88
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-88 Document:


                                                                (Page 1 of 2)

                              State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—88
                  Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                              of the Yehicle Code

                            JOHN AND ASSOCIATES LTD.

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "Reactor" manu—
factured by John and Associates Ltd. of 3921 E. La Palma "N", Anaheim,
California 92807, has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of
required motor vehicle poliution control devices and, therefore, is
exempt from the pronibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for
1979 and older vehicles except for the following:

             1     Vehicles with engines under 140 CID.
             2.     Three way catalyst with feed back system.
             3.     Fuel injection systems.             _
             4.     Nariable venturi carburetor systems."~
             5     Chrysier Lean Burn Engines.

The device consists of a cylinder with two sections. The top section
contains an air modulating valve with a filter and is inserted into the
PCV lTine.    This valve permits a small amount of additional air to enter
the PCV line.      The bottom section carries fuel between the fuel pump
and the carburetor. This device can be identified by the name "Reactor"
permanently stamped at the bottom of the device housing.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s poliution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Baord.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

JOHN AND ASSOCIATE LTD.                               EXECUTIVE ORDER D—88
"REACTOR"                                         f       (Page 2 of 2)


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be make
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Bustness and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644. (a) No person shall install, sell. offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, excepi in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board. No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or present any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device. Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executed at El Monte, California   //E;ZJday of March, 1979.

                                   6. C. Hass Chief
                                   Vehicle Emissions Control Division

                         State of California
                         AIR RESQURCES BOARD

                          February 26, 1979

               Evaluation of the John and Associates
               L.T.D. "Reactor" Valve for Compliance
               with the Requirments of Section 27156
                  of the California Vehicle Code


John and Associates L.T.D. of 3921 E. La Palma "N", Anaheim,
California, 92807, has submitted an application requesting

an exemption for their "Reactor" vaive from the prohibitions

of Section 27156 of the California Yehicle Code for the 1979

and older model year vehicles.       (Exhibit A).     Section 27156

of the vehicle code prohibits the advertisement, sale and

installation of any device or mechanism which reduces the

effectiveness of the motor vehicle emission control system.

The Air Resources Board (ARB) staff has previously evaluated

a similar device (Staff Reports dated April 11, 1974 and

August 2, 1974) and found the device had no adverse effects

on the emission control system.      Executive Orders D—28 dated

April 19, 1974 and D—28—1 dated August 13, 1974 were issued

to B. C. and L. Industries for 1974 and older model year

vehicles with engines greater than 140 CID.         These devices

are known as the "BC & L Air Bleed Valve" and the "Jet

Blast".   (Appendix I)

II.   System Description and Function

      The "Reactor" valve is a two stage cylinder.    The upper section

      consists of the "BC & L Air Bleed Valve" also known as the "Jet

      Blast" and the lower section takes fuel from the fuel pump and

      feeds it to the carburetor.    It is claimed that the cylinder

      acts as a heat exchanger transfering heat from the blowby gas

      in the upper cylinder to the cooler fuel in the lower one. (Exhibit B)

III. System Evaluation

      The staff had some questions concerning the possible leakage of

      fuel and the securing of the "Reactor" vaive so that it will not

      ride free.   In reply the applicant submitted a clamp which will

      be used to fasten the "Reactor" to the side of the air cleaner.

      In addition the applicant changed the nozzles so that the rubber

      hoses would not be cut by the tightened clamps holding the hoses

      to the nozzles.    The two sections of the cylinder are threaded

      and an "0" ring is inserted between them.    The sections are so

      tightened at the factory that the customer cannot separate them.

      The staff feels that these precautions may be adequate.

      The applicant also submitted emission data derived from tests

      performed at the Olson Laboratories.    The data from these tests

      showed no adverse effects on emissions confirming the previous

      data discussed in the attached staff reports.     However, the

      ARB laboratory performed bench tests on the device and these

      showed that the flow was not within acceptable limits.     The

      applicant then changed the spring and added a filter.     The tests

      were repeated and this time the flows were within acceptable

      limits. (Exhibit C)

IV.   Manufacturer‘s Claims

      The applicant submitted the following claims: (Exhibit D)
      1.   Up to 20% increase in gas mileage

      2    Added horsepower

      3.   Cleaner spark plugs
      4    Less engine wear

      The applicant did not submit any data to support these claims

      and, therefore, the staff was of the opinion that these claims

      may not be valid.     The applicant agreed to revisechis claims

      and submitted Exhibit E.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The staff is of the opinion that the installation of this device

would not effect the performance of the conventional emission

control system and, therefore, recommends that the "Reactor"

valve be granted an exemption from the prohibitions of

Yehicle Code Section 27156 for 1979 and older model vehicles
except for the following:

1.   Vehicles with engines under 140 CID

     Three—way catalyst with feed back system

     Fuel Injection Systems

     Variable Venturi Carburetor Systems

5.   Chrysler Lean Burn Engines

The staff therefore recommends adoption of Executive Order D—88.

e 0000                                 VC 27156 Exemption Application
  C                                                    ’          j                             Exhibit A
         1.     Name of Device Manufacturer                   Fohw Y¥ associzres               4.7 L.
               Address     3922               L Za Zatee              ‘m"
                           Anan£rts, cgali{. 22 F07
               Phone      (79) PCY—/ozay                     314 £22—4920               C                    .
               Name of Authorized Representative*                       JZAN    w.   PDaskio

               Address     /O$4¥P             sSZTER       $02.

                          Lovermrm                  _VYairey, Cari§y.    g370F¢

               Phone (114)          _294%¢—/02%
         II.   Device Name         P?Fficro/?“                                    M
                                                                      HLEG. UNEER U.S.FaT Ne 3928024 j Docker
               Patent Number or Patent Pending Reference (if applicable)n. $¥/P

               Purpose of the Device                  70 yweeess£ a#//—PReowuD LEAGANE

                PerrornancE              aud £®Er0r€ meYy

               Brief Description of the Device Operation                       Te pracroR 18 a Pw®      srygee

                Cytinder. The vrork Haue 1s$ He old TeF Blagr aimrerkeime vyRiVE
               Drrmisured by BeVCL mmdvsrmi8% ise. Te leweor batr FARRES FLuet Fmeer The

               Roel Ponep To beff Cesét_ihe epmper fvlfl‘:;::/m: as a heoar Exchanme£f2 tlrg;;lzuc 74e

               List vehicle makes, mode1 years and systems {HEI ignition, rotary, diesel,'

               etc.) that ére compatible with this device, and for which exemption

               is requested.         @// ZZL ZnemwES ARrCeRPZ Euol swFoePtonr Aata

               Evgrmmes tuier [¥e Clid.                       BHL SeRkS

               List vehicles and systems that are fincompatible with this device.

                PDPPs &4 s Fue! [nrecrror sasnd LNEOAES trarelere I%O CVA
                  3    laer=   .’.'..‘/,;"i/q‘; 7
                           *              i

         *An applicant, if different from the manufacturer, must supply proof in
          the form of a letter signed by the manufacturer, that he is authorized
          to act on the manufacturer‘s behaif.

    What benefits are claimed for this device? Please supply technical
    substantiation for all claims.        wwoeaease $A   Smeamer Pemrrivc_   RmwD

      FAS_   Sarin@s

II1. The following items are usually required for a California Air Resources
    Board (CARB) evaluation.   Please check the ones enclosed with this
    application and give an explanation for excluding items that are not checked.

      45 A detailed description of the device and its operation.

      Z//Drawings and/or schematics of the device.

      i Advertising material to be used in selling the device.

      L7A sample or facsimile of packaging Yabels.

    z* A sample or facsimile label showing the name of the device

         and the space reservyed for the CARB E.0. number {exemption number).

    _ A Tist of manufacturers,. distributors and installers.         <This

         should include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of

         persons who will service the device.

    __L Detailed instaljation and/or maintenance instructions.         (These
         instructions, including drawings, must be identical to those

         packaged with the device).
      4 Test results (if available).

    The CARB may request one or more devices for testing.       Do you agree

    to provide the device{(s) free of cost if the request is made?

                t Yes                No

IV.   Safety and Emiséions Statements

      1 affirm that this device {1) shall not cause the emission into

      the ambient air of any noxious or toxic matter that is not emitted

      in the operation of such motor vehicle without such device, and

      (2) shall not result in any unsafe condition endangering the motor

      vehicle, its occupants, othér persons, or property in close

      proximity to the vehicle, in accordance with the safety requirements

      specified for the original vehicle.

      Signature of Authorized Representative
                                               Pressdent of Tohe Y ASSoctmIES 47.
      Date MAer. 287 1478

                        WHAT THE
                     IS ALL ABOUT


The REACTOR is a scientifically engineered,   precision requlator,
that automiatically induces cool, fresh air into the induction
system of your automobile engine, producing a more efficient
combustible fuel air mixture.  The lower half of the valve is
a heat exchanger using cool gasoline to cool the upper half
and at the same time heating the gasoline and expanding it for
better fuel econonmy.

This automatically controlled vailve (controlled and operated
by vacuum) opens only when the fuel air mixture is rich.     Opening
only sufficiently to give the proper fuel air ratio.    There is
no way that the REACTOR can cause a lean mixture.   This vailve
will only meter air to a rich mixture.


Engines normally burn only 50 to 60% of the gasoline injected
into them.  All engines extracts chemical energy from the
fuel by burning the fuel.  Burning is defined as rapid oxidation
or recombination with oxygen.  Burning therefore requires suf—
ficient oxygen.  Gasoline engines with their inefficient metering
system seldom meters an adequate supply of oxygen with the fuel.
As a result, when the mixture is brought up to it‘s flash point,
sometimes there is very little oxygen present for the fuel
molecules to combine with, thus the fuel can not burn and release
its energy, it only chars and turns to carbon.

                                                                              Edwin D. Whiting
                                                                              7319 E. Pierce
                                                                              Scottsdale, AZ 85257

       This ia a record of my mileage, gallons of gas used and percentages of gain by using
the JET BLAST, and then the REACTOR on my 1973 Oldsmobile 98.                                        a

       I have kept records since before Christmas 1977 until the present, (September 18,
1978). Odometer reading at start 62,135 and ending on the above date 68,882.

       MPG             No gas saving device        9.32                        ~

       MPG             With Jet Blast             11.31                 22%

      MPG              With Reactor               13.42                 44%

                                                                   EDWIN D. WHITING

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       1 vAarvr > sco@ .
      T ewsrom .
       _SNERF — Ring. _
      L. CERCORAerE.;D\.SC,


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            S‘?‘R\NC:M 1.
            EFUEL Boby
             HOSE EFiTTIM 6 .
            O _RING SERZ

            "O" RINMG SEkzgi

  7ME PREAcToR_             Per PEeme‘:.
       mro. by Johw Y¥ RSSOCIATES L.T

SUFFOCATING!                                                                                                             THIS END UPI

                                                                                                             T                                     to
                                                                                                             pev                                   cars
Engines normally burn only 50 to
60% of the gas injected into them,
starving for sufficient oxygen which would
enable adequate combustion. Without
enough oxygen, gas cannot completely                                                                        outLet .                               Pump
ignite to release its energy capabilities.
                                                                                                            To canB
This unburned, charred fuel carbons up
spark plugs, valves and pistons. The result
is unrealized horsepower potential and
performance, wasted fuel, engine parts
damage and spark plug deterioration.

THE REACTOR is an aeronautical
engineered precision aluminum and steel
constructed valve that is vacuum operated.                                                             JUST FOLLOW THESE
The first stage adds cool fresh air into the
fuel induction system, increasing the
                                                                                                       EASY INSTRUCTIONS
oxygen—to—fuel ratio. This superior mixture                                                           (1) Remove carb air cleanerfor easy access.
substantially improves combustion                                                                     (2) Locate rubber hose that connects PCV
                                                                                                          valve to base of carburetor,
capability. The second stage cools the                                                                (3) Cut hose with sharp knife close to carb,
valve while preconditioning the fuel for                                                                  but be sure there is clearance for THE
even more efficient combustion.                                                                           REACTOR before cutting.
                                                                                                      (4) Push top nipples of THE REACTOR into
Changes in vacuum pressure vary                                                                           open ends of hose. Make as vertical as
                                                                                                          possible. NOTE: Nipples will fit %" to %"
the position of the vaive from fully                                                                      hases without clamps. Use hose clamps
opened to completely closed. Acceleration                                                                 (not included) for larger hoses.
opens the piston to induct outside air                                                                (5) Cut fuel line and remove a 10—12"
into the rich fuel/air mixture. During                                                                    section. Using accompanying hose,
                                                                                                          attach to carb and to the fowest nipple.
cruising speeds, subtle changes in vacuum
                                                                                                      (6) Fit hose from fuel pump to the remaining
regulate air into fuel, producing peak gas                                                                {inlet) nipple, Fasten securely with
ignition. On deceleration or when the fuel                                                                clamp supplied.
mixture is sufficiently lean, the valve closes                                                        {7) Drill two holes in outer shell of air filter.
further outside air induction. The inno—                                                                  With metal screws, secure THE
                                                                                                          REACTOR to the air filter body.
vative second stage of THE REACTOR acts
as a heat exchanger. The valve is cooled by                                                                For best results, be sure PCV vaive is
                                                                                                           working properly. Regap old spark plugs
gas, the absorbed heat even further                                                                        when necessary for maximum efficiency. A
increasing efficiency of combustion.                                                                       simple swish in solvent or gasoline every
                                                                                                           15,000 miles will keep THE REACTOR
                                                                                                           like new.


                               INCREDIBLY TWICE GUARANTEED!

THE REACTOR has been so extensively tesled and so finely bullt and engineered that:
(1) it is guaranteed to perform like new for three years from date of purchase by retail customer.
(2) Any unit which develops a mallunetion or is deficientin workmanship or materials and which has not been damaged by misuse, negligence, improper installation or
    accident will be replaced free of charge.


                                                        JUST FOLLOW THESE
                                                        EASY INSTRUCTIONS
                                                        (1) Remove carb air cleaner for easy access.
                                                        {2) Locate rubber hose that connects PCV
                                                            vaive to base of carburetor,
                                                        (3) Cut hose with sharp knife close to carb,
                                                           but be sure there is clearante for THE
                                                            REACTOR before cutting.
                                                        {4) Push top nipples of THE REACTOR Into
                                                            open ends of hose. Make as vertical as
                                                            possible. NOTE: Nipples will fit %" to 44"
                                                            hoses without clamps. Use hose clamps
                                                            {not Included) for larger hoses.
                                                        (5) Cut fuel line and remove a 10—12"
                                                            section. Using accompanying hose,
                                    * BAgt of               attach to carh and to the lowest nipple.
 To                                                     (6) Fit hose from fuel pump to the remaining
 CARBUAEtor —4      C#               CARRUVRAETOR           {Inlet) nipple. Fasten securely with
 Cemrcase vexnr /                                           clamp supplied.

 FITTING                                                U Drill two holes in outer shetl of air filter.
                                                            With metal screws, secure THE
                                        (7) CHECK FOI       REACTOR to the air filter body.

                                                            For best results, be sure PCV vaive is
                                                            working property. Regap old spark plugs
                                       To FUEL w»
                                                            when necessary for maximum efficiency, A
                                                            simple swish in solvent or gasoline every
                    THE REACTOR                             15,000 miles will keep THE REACTOR
                                                            like new.



                                                               Exhibit E


                                       THE REACTOR is a
                                       two—stage engineering
                                       improvement to the original
                                       Ram Air Inductor, retaining all
                                       its performance benefits PLUS
                                       guaranteed gas savings efapso
                                       20%| Many—oustiomers—have

                                       THE REACTOR produces
                                       varying degrees of engine
                                       and gas consumption benefits due
                                       to size, condition and driving
                                        habits. However 300,000 satisfied
                                       ‘customers already experience
                                        remarkable gas savings, automatic
                                       spark plug cleaning, reduced
                                       carbon build up, plus increased
                                       horsepower and reduced engine
                                       wear! Now THE REACTOR does
                                       even more!

                                       Equally effective for cars,
                                       trucks, vans, farm tractors and
                                       boats, the only requirement is that
                                       the engine be equipped with a
                                       Positive Crankcase Ventilation
                                       (PCV) Vaive and vacuum hose
                                       connection from the engine to the
 serive D

                                     ———carburetor. Virtually all domestic
MA R 6 1979

                                        and some imported cars and trucks
                                     *manufactured since 1963 ARE so °
                                       designed. However, many imports
                                       with PCV valves integrated into
                                       the carburetor base require PCV
                                       and vacuum hose modifications
                                       before installation of
                                       THE REACTOR.
                                       us PATENT NO. 3023024

                                       %;IEEMREACTOR pays for itself many,
                                       many times due to reduced fuel
                                       consumption, reduced er}%ine wear,
                                       prolonged spark plug life plus the
                                       satisfaction of driving a top per—
                                       performing vehicle.

                                                       Exhibit B


                             THE REACTOR is a
                             two—stage engineering
                             improvement to the original
                             Ram Air Inductor, retaining all
                             its performance benefits PLUS
                             guaranteed gas savings of up to
                             20%! Many customers have
                             reported even more!

                             THE REACTOR produces
                             varying degrees of engine
                             and gas consumption benefits due
                             to size, condition and driving
                             habits. However 300,000 satisfied
                            customers already experience
                            remarkable gas savings, automatic
                            spark plug cleaning, reduced °
                            carbon build up, plus increased
                            horsepower and reduced engine
                            wear! Now THE REACTOR does
                            even more!

                            Equally effective for cars,
                            trucks, vans, farm tractors and
                            boats, the only requirement is that
                            the engine be equipped with a
                            Positive Crankcase Ventilation
                            (PCV) Valve and vacuum hose
                            connection from the engine to the— ~~
                            carburetor. Virtually all domestic
                            and some imported cars and trucks
                            manufactured since 1963 ARE so
                            designed. However, many imports
                            with PCV valves integrated into
                            the carburetor base require PCV
                            and vacuum hose modifications
                            before installation of
                            THE REACTOR.
                            US PATENT NO. 3928024
                            DN 8418



SsUFFOCATING!                                                                                                             THIS END UP!

 PERFORMANCE RESULTS vary depending upon
 engine size, condition, driver operation,
 road and atmospheric conditions.
                                                                                                              pov                                   cars
 Engines normally burn only 50 to
60% of the gas injected into them,
starving for sufficient oxygen which would                                                                                                          euEL
enable adequate combustion. Without
                                                                                                             outiet ..                              PuMP
enough oxygen, gas cannot completely
ignite to release its energy capabilities.
                                                                                                             To cars
This unburned, charred fuel carbons up
spark plugs, valves and pistons. The result
is unrealized horsepower potential and
performance, wasted fuel, engine paris
damage and spark plug deterioration.

THE REACTOR is an aeronautical
engineered precision aluminum and steel
constructed vaive that is vacuum operated.                                                              JUST FOLLOW THESE
The first stage adds cool fresh air into the
fuel induction system, increasing the
                                                                                                        EASY INSTRUCTIONS
oxygen—to—fuel ratio. This superior mixture                                                            (1) Remove cark air cleaner for easy access.
substantially improves combustion                                                                      (2) Locate rubber hose that connects PCV
                                                                                                           valve to base of carburetor.
capability. The second stage cools the                                                                 (3) Cut hose with sharp knife close to carb,
valve while preconditioning the fuel for                                                                   but be sure there is clearance for THE
even more efficient combustion.                                                                            REACTOR before cutting.
                                                                                                       (4) Push top nipples of THE REACTOR into
Changes in vacuum pressure vary                                                                            open ends of hose. Make as vertical as
                                                                                                           possible. NOTE: Nipples will fit %" to *A"
the position of the valve from fully                                                                       hoses without clamps. Use hose clamps
opened to completely closed. Acceleration                                                                  (not included) for larger hoses.
opens the piston to induct outside air                                                                 (5) Cut fuel line and remove a 10—12"
into the rich fuel/air mixture. During                                                                     section. Using accompanying hose,
                                                                                                           attach to carb and to the lowest nipple.
cruising speeds, subtle changes in vacuum                                                              (6) Fit hose from fuel pump to the remaining
regulate air into fuel, producing peak gas                                                                 (Inlet) nipple. Fasten securely with
ignition. On deceleration or when the fuel                                                                 clamp supplied.
mixture is sufficiently lean, the valve closes                                                         (7 Drilt two holes in outer shell of air filter.
further outside air induction. The inno—                                                                    With metal screws, secure THE
                                                                                                            REACTOR to the air filter body.
vative second stage of THE REACTOR acts
as a heat exchanger. The valve is cooled by                                                                 For best results, be sure PCV valve is
gas, the absorbed heat even further                                                                         working properly. Regap old spark plugs
                                                                                                            when necessary for maximum efficiency. A
increasing efficiency of combustion.                                                                        simple swish in solvent or gasoline every
                                                                                                            15,000 miles will keep THE REACTOR
                                                                                                            like new.                         ‘


                                INCREDIBLY TWICE GUARANTEED!!

THE REACTOR has been so extensively tesled and so finely buill and engineered that:
(1) It is guaranteed to perform like new for three years from date of purchaseby retail customer,.
(2) Any unit which develops a malfunction or is deficient in workmanship or materials and which has not been damaged by misuse, negligence. improper installation or
    accident will be repiaced free o charge.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:48
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:48

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