Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on September 26, 1979.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1979 and older V8 naturally aspirated gasoline V-8 engines equipped with oxidation catalyst vehicles, EXCEPT : three-way catalyst equipped vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-92
  • Executive Order 92 / D92
  • ARB # D-92
  • Executive Order No: D-92
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-92
  • Resolution D-92
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-92 Document:


                                                         (Page 1 of 2)'


                            State of California
                          _ AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—92
               Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                           of the Vehicle Code

                           THE KLANE CORPORATION

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Sect1on
 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive.Order G—45—5;

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of the Klane
 "Automotive Performance System" manufactured by The Kiane Corporation
 of 131 West 14th Street, Ogden, Utah 84404 has been found to not
 reduce the effectiverness of required motor vehicle pollution control
 devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section
 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1979 and older, naturally aspirated,
  gasoline powered Y—8 engines equipped with ox1dat1on catalytic

 This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
 for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
 different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

 Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
 exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
 formance of a vehicle‘s pollution contro] system shall invalidate
 this Executive Order.

 Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
— in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
   other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
   prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption
   of a kit shall not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale
  _or advertise any components of the kit as individual devices.

 This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
 that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
 implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


THE KLANE CORPORATION          °                   EXECUTIVE ORDER D—92
"AUTOMOTIVE PERFORMANCE SYSTEM®"               .        (Page 2 of 2)

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written comrmunication.

Section 17500 of the Bus1ne5s and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
Teading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation pun1shab1e
as a: misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:
    ©"43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board. No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device. Any violation of this subdivision is a

>Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
 submitted to the Attorney General of Ca11forn1a for such action as he
 deems advisable.

 Executed at E1 Monte, Ca11forn1a, this _) day of Sept          , 1979.

                                      Drachand Acting ‘Chief
                                   Mobile Source Contro] Division

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              August 22, 1979

                               Staff Report

          Evaluation of the Kiane Corporation "Klane Automotive
          Performance System" in Accordance with Section 2222,
             Title 13 of the California Administrative Code


      Klane Corporation of 131 West l14th Street, Ogden, Utah 84404

      has submitted a new application for exemption of its "Kiane

      Automotive Performance (KAP) System" from the prohibitions
      of Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code.     Klane requests

      exemption for 1979 and older, gasoline powered V—8 engine equipped

      with oxidation cataiysts.     Diesel, turbocharged, and rotary

      engines are specifically excluded, as are vehicles equipped

      with three—way catalysts.

II.   System Description

      The KAP System is a water vapor induction device combined with

      an air bleed.   The air and water are metered through separate

      orifices threaded into a tee fitting; the outlet leg of the

      tee carries the air/water mixture through a flow control

      yvalve to a heat exchanger.    The heated mixture is then drawn

      into the intake manffold through the PCY valve hose or other

      source of manifold vacuum.     Figure 1 is a schematic of the

      device components and flows.

                        KAP SYSTE Q’.EMANC

          ////\W1>                                         Metering
///////                                                    Assembly
:    /////////       Yacuum T                          l   L          (7

                                   7 (                         n
                           1                                    E }        Air Inlet

                                                                                         L aunbi4

                        Flow Control VYalve Assembly



                                                           U.S. PATENT #4,125,092
                                                           QOTHERS PENDING.


         Once the Tocation of the water reservoir, and the proper air

         and water orifices are determined for a given vehicle, the flow

         of water/air mixture is controlled by a spring—loaded tapered

         need1e in the flow control valve operated by ported vacuum.

     III. Applicant‘s Submittal
         A.   Beneficial Claims

               The applicant claims that the installation and use of

               the KAP System will:

                    1.   Eliminate detonation (ping) and dieseling.
                         Permit use of lower grade gasoline.

                         Improve performance.

                         Reduce NOx.

              The claims for NOx reduction must be deleted under the

              terms of an Executive Order granting exemption from the

              prohibitions of VC 27156.    The applicant makes no claims

              for fuel economy benefits.

         B.   Testing

              Back—to—back CVS—75 tests were performed on a 49—state

              high altitude version of a 1977 Chevrolet Nova at Automotive

              Testing Laboratories (ATL), Inc. of Aurora, Colorado.     The

test vehicle was equipped with a 4V carburetor, EGR valve,

air injection pump and oxidation catalyst.

The results of the testing is given in Table I.          The

baseTine vehicle was set to OEM specifications.          The second

test (modified w/o device) was run with the idle mixture
screw (ATL report says "idle speed screw", but refers to

idle mixture change to set carburetor richer) 3/4 turn

richer and no other change.   The third test (with device)

is a test with the KAP System installed and vehicle specifica—

tions unchanged from the second test.       Commercial unleaded

fuel was used on all tests.

          Table 1 — ATL, Inc. CVS—75 Test Results for a
                     1977 Chevrolet Nova

                                    HC              CO         NOx       FE
                                    (g/mi)          (g/mi)     (g/mi)   {(mi/gal)
     Test #1 — baselTine            0. 87           12.38      1.81      13. 65

     Test #2 — modified w/o device 0.86             10. 75     1.96     13. 96

     Test #3 — with device          0. 71       —    7.68      1. 34    14. 97

Alterations of Previous System

The applicant has modified the application and design of

the KAP System from his previous submittal as follows:

                1.   This apb]ication is limited to catalyst

                     equipped Y—8 engines.

                2.       The water consumption rate has been decreased.

                3.       The flow control needle design has been modified

                     to change the fiow schedule.

                4.   The calibration procedure has been modified.
                5.       Component air leaks have been eliminated.

IV.   California Air Resources Board (CARB) Testing

      Testing by the CARB was limited to evaluating the installation,

      ‘calibration and checkout procedures of the KAP System on two

      vehicies; a 1979 Buick Regat, 305 CID, Y—8, and a 1979 Ford

      Thunderbird, 351 CID, V—8.     A set of the installation and

      checkout procedures is presented in Appendix I.

      Tables IIA and IIIA show the EGR and ported vacuum signals at

      selected engine speeds at road load horsepower.      The ported and EGR

      yvacuum signals on the Buick are essentially equal, and are roughly

      half the ported vacuum signal on the Ford vehicle.      The applicant

      allows for wide variation in ported vacuum and flow control by

      changing the spring in the flow control valve to suit the vacuum

      signal strength.

       Table IIA — Ford Thunderbird RPM vs. Ported & EGR Vacuum

RPM                   Ported Vac (in. Hg.)        EGR Vac Signal (in. Hg.)

 640                        0                                     0

 800                        0.3                         .         0

1000                        5.5                                   3.2

1200                        8.2                                   3.3

1400                       10.0                                   3.3

1600                       11.3                                   3.4

1800                       11.5                                   3.4

2000                       11.4                                   3.5

       Table HIB — Ford Thunderbird Calibration Water Flow Rate*

Volume Injection {m1)           Injection Time (sec)        Injection Rate (ml/min)
       50                         131.1                          22.9

       50                          139.5                         21.5

       50                          135.7                         22.1

       25                          67.0                          22.4

       35                         99.4                          21.
                                                       mean      22.0

*0.020 inch water orifice (green color code)
 0.0875 inch air orffice (purple color code)

           Table IIIA — Buick Regal RPM vs. Ported & EGR Yacuum

    RPM                     Ported Vac {in. Hg)        EGR Vac Signal {in. Hg)

     700                         1     _0                         0
     900                               0.8                        0.8

    1100                               4.5                        4.7

    1300                               5.3                        5.5

    1500                               6.0                        6.0

    1700                               6.4                        6.4

    1900                               6.4                        6.4

    2100                               6.4                        6.4

           Table IIIB — Buick Regal Calibration Water Flow Rate*

     Volume Injected (ml)            Injection Time (sec)     Injection Rate {ml/min)
                50                           175.0                      17.1

                20                            69.5                      17.3

                20                            70.5                      17.0

                30                           108.5                      16.6

                25                            84.0                      17.9

                50                           158.7                      18.9
                                                       mean             17.5

*0.020 inch water orifice (green color code)
 0.093 inch air orffice (white color code)

Tables IIB and IIIB give the average injection rate during the

calibration procedure which consists of timing the amount
of water trapped in a container inserted into the line

between the metering assembly and flow control: vaive when the

flow control needle is pulled back by hand.       The mean flow for

the Ford 351 CID engine was 22.0 mli/min and for the Buick 305

engine it was 17.5 mli/min.      Klane specifies flows as follows:

          Nominal Engine                     Water Flow
          Displacement (CID)                 (ml/min)
                  450                             27

                  400                             24

                  350                             21

                  300                             18

Each vehicle was subjected to. a road test to determine actual

water consumption under road conditions.       The Ford 351 CID
engine consumed 53.0 mi and 60.7 m1 of water on two separate

28.3 mile runs.     The Buick 305 engine consumed 8 m1 and 442 ml on

two 25 mile runs.       The water bags were located in the vehicle trunk.

The only change between the two runs on the Buick was to move

the water reservoir from the trunk floor to the raised step over

the rear axle, a vertical rise of about six inches.         Driveability

was good on all runs.      No vacuum leaks were detected.

     The emission results of the catalyst equipped 1975 Plymouth Fury,

     360 CID, ¥—8 tested for the previous application are reviewed in

     Table IV.

          Table IV ——ARB Emission Results, 1975 Plymouth Fury

                           HC (g/mi)           CO (g/mi)        NOx (g/mi)     FE (mi/gal)

Baseline CVS—75                0.53              8.00             1.26               12.0
‘Device {.020/.098)**          0.47              6.18             1.01               11.5

Baseline CVS—72                0.13              0.27             1.45               12.7
Device {.020/.098)*            0.18              0. 37            1.08               12.3

Baseline HWY Cycle             0.07              0.08             1.52               16.9
Device (.020/.098)*            0.12              0.08             1.03               16.4

Loaded Mode*            HC (ppm)      CO (%)        NOx (ppm)      02 (%)    AFR       H/C
Baseline -‘Hfgh Cr         9           0. 05             585        3.9      17.7       1.88
Device (.020/.098)         8           0.10              443        4.1      18.1.     2.04

Baseline — Low Cr          9           0.05              225        5.1      18.9       1.88
Device (.020/.098)         9           0.10              116        5.1      19.2      2.03

Baseline — Idle            9           0.05               80        7.5      21.2       1.42
Device (.020/.098)         8           0.10               57        6.2      20.4      1.96

*atr leak in system

**water/air orifice diameter, inches

¥.   Dicussion

     The Klane Corporation has taken steps to remedy the problems

     noted in the previous staff report, i.e. emissions, air leak,

     and caltbration problems.

Klane specifies a 8:1 to 11:1 fuel/water ratio depending on the

type of driving where 6:1 was specified before {see previous

staff report).   This would tend to decrease HC emissions in non—

catalyst cars; however, this system application is limjted to

catalyst equipped vehicles only, so that no HC or CO increase would

be expected even at the old flow rate.   The 1975 Plymouth Fury with

an oxidation catalytic converter was tested (by the ARB laboratory}) for

the previous application and showed no significant HC or CO increases.

The results of the emission test (by ATL, Inc.) submitted by the
applicant also showed no adverse effects on emissions.

No siphoning or cold driveability problems are expected with the

KAP system.   The filow control vaive spring provjdes positive flow

cut—off at idle and when the engine is stopped.   A small amount of

water can be expected to condense in the heat exchanger after the

engine is shut down and cools, but the effect on a cold start and

cold drive—away would be negligible because 1) moisture is normally

condensed on cold intake manifold surfaces and 2) the heat exchanger

is located on the first part of the engine exterior to attain

normal operating temperature.

The water flow calibration measurements prove to be accurate

within approximately +1 ml as specified, but the road test
results indicate that each KAP system must be tailored to the

yehicle to obtain the 8:1 to 11:1 fuel/water ratio.   All road

tests showed much less than the desired water consumption which


      should be approximately 600 ml minimum over a 25 mile course

      to maintain an 11:1 ratio on a car with a nominal 15 mpg fuel

      economy.   The applicant will supply different water or air

      orifices and/or flow control metering springs on vehicles that

      require them at factory authorized installation stations and

      recormends a final check at such stations.   This final adjustment

      will allow for variations in ported vacuum, manifold vacuum,

      vehicle condition and altitude that cannot reasonably be anticipated

      by device installation instructions.                                 {

VI.   Conclusions and Recommendation

      It is the staff‘s judgement that the KAP System will not adversely

      affect emissions of catalyst equipped vehicles if installed and

      adjusted according to device manufacturer‘s instructions; therefore,

      the staff recommends exemption of the Klane Automotive Performance

      System from the prohibition of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code.



                                        Appendix I

               III. 6.


           JUNE 1, 1979

                                                                  XAP SYSTE ‘%EMA? IC

                                               //\,                                                                Metering
                                   ///////          C                                                              Assembly

                                   C:(, ///////// Yacuum T                                                     1
.                                      .     r———                                P                                  |
        ?()\\ /\ <                                 1___A                         D

                                                                                                                                   Air Inlet

                                                                                                     .                  |
        TA                                     O
    C            o\                                                                                                     \
                      .                               411                                       ||

                          \\                        1i;Leag—                                             =———
                                                         3t¥                                '
                               \                      |   §                                                                            Water
                               \\                     |                                                                            \   Reservoir
                                                              l                                                                         :
                                    \      C
                                                              lt                      |_|                  3

                                    \\\\                              Flow Control Valve Assembly

                                                   l/             t

                                                                                     Heat                                                          ka

                                                                                                                   U.S. PATENT #4,125,092
                                                                                                                   OTHERS PENDING.

                                                               Appendix I

The Klane Automotive Performance (KAP) System will provide excellent service
and add much to your driving pleasure.       Because it is primarily associated
with the fuel burning process, the engine must be in good mechanical and
electrical condition prior to installation of the System,

Though the system is relatively simple, it is recommended that it be in—
stalled by a competent auto mechanic.       The "do—it—yourselfer" could install
the unit, however, final checkout should be performed at an automotive service
center referred to by your KAP System dealer.


      A.   Additional materials required;    Muffler repair tape for insulating
           the heat exchanger after installation and some soft tie—wire to
           over wrap the insulation,    These must be purchased as separate items.

      B.   The flow control valve is yacuum operated.  it requires a vacuum
           source which is zero when the accelerator throttle is closed {engine
           idle condition) and which increases proportionally as the accelerator
           throttle is opened.

      C.   For best overall performance do not remove or make inoperative the
           poliution control devices currently on your car.


      A.   Layout

           1.    On a clean work bench or other such area, lay out the componfints
                 of the KAP System per schematic diagram.

           2.    Determine the general arrangement where parts will be located
                 on your car,   The basic considerations will be where to mount
                 the heat exchanger on the exhaust pipe and where to locate the
                 water reservoir.

                 NOTE:   Heat exchanger should be located as close to the exhaust
                         manifold flange as possible.

                 The reservoir can be located in most any convenient place — trunk,
                 under seat, back of seat in pickup trucks, engine compartment, etc.
            3.   The metering assembly should be located in the general area of the
                 reservoir, but above the water level. This seems most practical
                 when the reservoir is mounted in the trunk of the car.

                 NOTE:   The assembly can be located in any convenient location.
                         However, care must be exercised to assure that the assembly
                         will remain above the reservoir water level at all times
                         to prevent leakage of the water through the water orifice
                         and air bleed,

                                                                 Appehdix I

11.   (Continued)

           4.   The flow control valve should be mounted on the same side of
                the engine compartment as the heat exchanger. The front wheel
                splash guard makes a converient location.

      B.   Procedure — Having determined the general location for the KAP
           System component parts on the car you can now proceed with the

           1    Install the water reservoir.

                The water reservoir is made of 22 mil thick vinyl and is very
                durable. You will note that the reservoir has wide flanges.
                You can use the sheet metal screws and washers provided to secure
                the reservoir or you may prefer to install eyelets in the flange
                for securing the reservoir.

                PRECAUTION:    When installing be sure that there are no sharp
                               edges that could cut the vinyl and that the water
                               outlet is located in a low position.

                Mount the metering assembly.

                Using nylon ties strap the metering assembly in place.

                Install the water line.

                The water line connects the reservoir to the water (smallest)
                orifice of the metering assembly. Assemble the water line to
                the water reservoir by using the small piece of stiff tubing
                in the kit.   Insert this tube into the clear vinyl tubing about
                1/2 inch.   Insert the other end into the red filler valve qn
                the reservoir until viny} tube and filler valve meet.     Centering
                 the small   screw clamp over the joint and tighten the clamp

                Measuring the length of vinyl tubing required to reach the water
                orifice (allow some slack), cut the tube, Being careful not to
                overset the spring clamp, place it over the end of the tube and
                 slip the tube over the water orifice.    Make sure that jJoint is

                 Install the flow control valve.

                 Mount this valve pointing slightly downward {diaphragm end up).

                 Install the air/water line from the metering assembly to the flow
                 control valve side port   (at this time clamp the end fitting
                 to the metering assembly only)}.   The line must not be pinched
                 or kinked as this will obstruct flow.

                 When routing the tubing, especially in trumnk to engine compartment
                 installation, if hotles must be made in floor panels, be sure not
                 to sever brake lines, gasoline lines or tank, or electrical wiring.

                                                                 Appendix I

II.   B.   ({Continued)

           6.   Install the heat exchanger.

                The heat exchanger should be installed as close to the exhaust
                manifold flange as possible. Use the large screw clamp pro—
                vided and mount with the long stem {exit stem) pointing up.

                NOTE:     Do not over tighten the screw clamp or the heat
                          exchanger will be crushed.

                To insure a snug fit, partially bend or expand the heat exchanger
                until a snug fit is achievyed,

                Now that the heat exchanger is installed, carefully wrap it with
                fiberglass muffler tape.

                Connect the flow control valve to the heat exchanger.

                Using the larger (1/4 inch inside diameter) rubber hose, connect
                the flow control valve outlet to the inlet {short) tube of the
                heat exchanger. The hose should be slipped only 1/2 inch over
                the beater tube leaving about 1/2 inch bare. This is to pro—
                tect the tube from heat soak back from the heater at si.atdown
                or idle conditions.

                Connect the heat exchanger to the intake manifold inlet as
                follows :

                 Cut the PCY hose at a point 2 or 3 inches from the carburetor.
                 Insert the 3/8 inch diameter aluminum tee fitting into the hose.
                 Using the rubber hose supplied in the kit, slip one end over
                 the outlet tube of heat exchanger about 1 to 1—1/2 inches.
                 Slip the other end over the brass fitting of the tee previously
                 installed in the PCY hose.                  j

                 CAUTIOXN:   Keep hoses away from the exhaust manifold to keep
                              them from scorching.

                 Alternate Installation

                 On some model cars the PCY line is not readily accessible or in
                 a difficult location.     If the car or light truck engine is
                 equipped with an EGR valve, remove the vaive and in the outlet
                 side {chamber which goes to the intake manifold) carefully drill
                 (drill size #3) and tap a 1/4 inch 28 thread.        Remove the 1/4
                 inch fitting from the 3/8 inch tee and install on the EGR valve
                 housing,. Replace the EGR valve. Using 1/4 inch inside diameter
                 rubber hose, connect this fitting to the outlet (long fitting of
                 the heat exchanger).

                                                                 Appendix I

11.    B.    (Continued)

             9.    Connect the ported vacuum source with the vacuum diaphragm on
                   the flow control valve.


                   (a)   If the car is used primarily for short trips which does not
                         permit a good engine warmup, use the EGR vacuum source.
                         Check this source to be sure that a good vacuum curve is
                         shown as the engine is accelerated.

                   {b)    If the car is used primarily for short trips which does
                          not permit a good engine warmup and does not have a EGR
                          or if the EGR vacuum is weak or tapers off, a thermal
                          vacuum control assembly {extra cost) should be installed.
                          See your dealer.

             10.   Air Connections.

                   If the metering orifice is mounted in the trunk of your car,
                   simply place a short section 10 to 12 inches of remaining vinyl
                   tube over the orifice. This will act as a silencer and cut down
                   on the hissing sound when the system is operating.

                   If the metering orifice is mounted in the engine compartment, a
                   filter should be installed over the air orifice.

             11.   Your KAP System is now installed and ready for checking.


        1.    Before starting the engine, track all lines and connections of the
              system to insure that they match the flow schematic.

              Make sure that all hose connections are secure and airtight.

              Connect the "water trap" between the unclamped end of the air/water

               line (see II.5) and the flow control valve (side fitting) and secure.

              Using a "T", connect a vacuum gage into a line such that the intake
              manifold vacuum can be read.

               Using a "T", connect a yvacuum gage into the ported vacuum line which
               connects to the vacuum diaphragm of the flow control valve.

               NOTE:     At this time do not connect the flow control valve diaphragm
                         to the ported vacuum line but simply plug off the free end
                         of this line,   The valve will thus remain inoperative and
                         the system will be effectively shut down.

                                                               Appendix I

II1.   (Continued)

       6.    Connect the timing light to the engine.

             NOTE:     If the vacuum spark advance is operated by intake manifold
                      vacuum, the vacuum should be disconnected from the vacuum
                      diaphragm and plugged.

             Connect the "scope" or tachometer to the engine.

             Start the I.R. exhaust gas analyzer so that it will be warmed up
             to operating temperature.

             Start the engine and allow it to warm up to operating temperature.

             NOTE:     Make sure that the car cannot move and the engine compartment
                       is clear prior to starting the engine,

       10,   Fill the system reservoir with water,

       11.   Take the engine off of fast idle.

       12.   Insert the exhaust gas analyzer probe into the exhaust pipe.

       13.   Check the initial ignition timing.     The reading should be per manu—
             facturer‘s specification.

       14.   Connect the vacuum hose to the vacuum spark advance diaphragm if it
             was disconnected per step 6 above.

              Check the engine idle speed.     It should be per manufacturer‘s
              specification.                                                c

       16.    Zlero set the exhaust gas analyzor and test exhaust gas for hydro—
              carbons and carbon monoxide. Note the readings and especially the
              steadiness of the hydrocarbon gage reading.

              If the hydrocarbon readout gage oscillates it reflects a misfire
              in the engine which must be corrected.

              Check for the following:

              a.     vacuum leaks

              b.     ignition misfiring

              c.—    lean misfire.

              Set the idle mixture to manufacturer‘s specification.

                                                                    Appendix I

111.    {Continued)

       17.   Check the intake manifold vacuum.  It should be steady and read
             about 18 inches of mercury at sea level and proportionately less
             with altitude decreasing about one inch of mercury per 1,000 foot
             elevation.      Correct the manifold vacuum to the above if readings
             are low.                                                          =

       18.   Light up the converter by speeding up the engine to 2,000 RPM
             until the I,.R. readings reach their lowest point, about two minutes
             and record the readings.

       19.   Water Flow Check

             a.    Making sure that the water trap is tight, open the flow control
                   valve by hand.     Within a few seconds water will begin to flow
                   and collect in the trap.

             b.    Release the valve and discard the water.

             c.    Repeat Step a. above and this time hold the valve full open
                   for one minute.

                   Measure the amount of water trapped, note the amount and discard
                   the water.

              e.    Repeat Steps c. and d, above,    Both readings should be within
                   1 1 m1.
              The amount of water collected should be as follows:

                          Engine Displacement          Water Flow
                                Neminal                 ml/min.

                                    450                   27
                                    400                   24
                                    350                   21
                                    300                   18
              NOTE:    The water flow can be varied by changing the water orifice
              CCC      or air bleed orifice.     Decreasing the water orifice will
                       decrease water flow and increasing the water orifice size
                       will increase the water flow. Decreasing the size of the
                       air orifice will increase water flow and increasing the
                       size of the air orifice will decrease the water flow.

                                                                    Appendix I
11.    {Continued)

      20.    Flow Schedule Check

             The flow control valve is operated by the vacuum signal from the ported
             vacuum port.     The strength of this signal varies as the design and even
             with a same design or supposedly identical carburetor on a different
             engine.  It is important therefore that a check be made to assure that
             the valve open position be checked relative to the vacuum signal of
             the engine on which the device is installed.

             Do this as follows:

             a.    Connect the ported vacuum source with the vacuum diaphragm of the
                   flow control vaive (see III.5).

             b.    Accelerate the engine and determine the maximum steady state
                   vacuum on the ported vacuum.

             NOTE:     Hold engine speed to under 2,500 RPM.

             c.    Take the reading (b.) above and multiply it by 0.7 and note,

             d.—   Accelerate the engine and when the vacuum gage reads the number
                   determined in c. above, the valve should be in the full open

             NOTE:     Hold engine speed under 2,500 RPM.

             e.    Minor adjustment can be accomplished regarding the spring compression
                   by turning the adjusting nut in or out.     However, when decreasing
                   the compression, i.e., turning the nut out, care must be taken to
                     insure that the valve still sits in the closed position wheo the
                     throttle is closed.   If said adjustment is not adequate, the spring
                   must be changed to one with a lesser spring rate.

       21.    System Checkout

              a.     Accelerate and decelerate the engine to see that the flow control
                     valve opens and closes and water flows.

                     Light the converter by speeding the engine to 2,000 RPMs and
                     holding until exhaust gas analyzer shows minimum reading.  The
                     engine should accelerate smoothly without stutter or misfiring.
                     The exhaust gas analyzer readings should compare favorably, i.e.,
                     equal to or lower than the readings taken in Step 18. If the
                     readings are not equal or lower, increase the richness of the
                     idle mixture until favorable readings are achieved but no more
                     than a full turn richer on each idle mixture screw. Replace
                     limiter caps.

                                                                      Appendix I

IIL.     (Contfinued)

        NQOIE:      (1)   On some cars there is a built—in maximum rich mixture limit

                    (2)   The above applies most generally when the initial mixture
                          setting has been established by the "lean drop" method.

        22.    a.     Remove all   test equipment from the vehicle.

               b.   .Make sure all hand tools have been removed.

               c.    Replace and attach all engine components that were removed.

               d.    Recheck to insure that all hoses and electrical connections are in
                     place and secured.

        23,      Test drive the vehicle. It should start easily, accelerate strong and
                 smoothly and bold low intermediate and high cruise speeds without
                 faitering or surging.

        24.      when the system is working properly, the consumption of water relative to
                 gasoline will be about one gallon of water to each nine gallons of gasoline,.
                 if the driving is predominantly of the highway cruise type. It will vary
                 from this amount by the type of driving that is done.  If the consistent
                 variance shows more water usage than one gallon of water to eight gallons
                 of gasoline or less water usage than one gallon of water to 11 gallons of
                 gasoline the settings should be rechecked.

  Iy.     CAUTION

          A.     If the water reservoir is installed in the trunk of the car and the
                 imetering assembly is installed in the engine compartment and the car
                 is parked facing down, water imay leak through the metering assembly.
                 If this possibility exists and the flow of water would be objectionable,
                 the metering assembly should be mounted in the trunk above the level of
                 the vater.

                 Your car‘s engine should be properly maintained,  However, if it has
                 problems starting, j.e., starts then stops or becomes difficult to
                 start, the short intervals when it runs will draw water into the engine
                 due to insufficient heating of the exhaust pipe, If the car is allowed
                 to remain in this condition, water can collect on the spark plugs and
                 further prevent starting.   If this happens the spark plugs should be
                 removed and cleaned and further attempts to start the engine done with
                 the system disconnected.  This is done by simply removing the vasuum
                 line from the flow control valve and plugging the line.

                                                           Appendix I


The KAP System will require very little maintenance, however, cerain
periodic checks should be made,.

A.   If the system ceases to use water, check the water orifice of the
     metering assembly. This orifice is small and can become clogged
     quite easily.      It is important that water used be clean and that
     the system be maintained in a clean condition.

     Check the flow control valve periodically per 111.20, above for proper

     Perfodically inspect the hoses for mineral deposits and to insure
     that there are no leaks or breaks in them.

     Once every 10,000 miles or as necessary, clean the heat exchanger
     of mineral deposits as follows:

     1.      Disconnect the heat exchanger hose at the PCYV (T) and flow
             control valve,

     2.      Plug the PCY (T),

     3.      Using hoses to the heat exchanger pour white vinegar into the
             heat exchanger.

     4.      Start engine and let idle for ten minutes.

     5.      Stop engine — drain vinegar and flush with clean water.

      6.     Reconnect hoses to PCY (T) and flow control valve.

     As with all machines keep your car‘s engine in good functional condition.
     Reqular checks and correction as needed will prolong the life of your

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:41
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:41

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