Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on June 23, 1981.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
No. T04B M21981 model year Airstream 28 foot motorhomes having an Isuzu QD 145 six-cylinder diesel engine and automatic transmission.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-97-2
  • Executive Order 97-2 / D97-2
  • ARB # D-97-2
  • Executive Order No: D-97-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-97-2
  • Resolution D-97-2
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-97-2 PDF

D-97-2 Document:


                          State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D~—97—2
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                  TURBOCHARGER KIT MODEL NQG.   TO4B M2

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515
and 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order 6—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLYED: That the installation of the turbocharger
kit model No. TO4G M2 manufactured by BAE of 3032 Kashiwa Street, Torrance,
California 90503, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
required motor vehicle poliution control devices and, therefore, is exempt
from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1981 model
year Airstream 28 foot motorhomes having an Isuzu QD 145 six—cylinder diesel
engine and automatic transmission.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.     Exemption of a
kit shall not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale or
advertise any component of a kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed
or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

BAE                                                 EXECUTIVE ORDER D—97—2
TURBOCHARGER KIT MODEL NO. TO4B MZ                       (Page 2 of 2)

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board.  No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     poliution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device.   Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executed at El Monte, California, this fl23day

                                      "achand Chief
                                     Mobile Source Contro} Division

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              Staff Report

                              June 5, 1981

Evaluation of the BAE Turbocharger Kit Model No. TO4B M2 for Compliance
With the Requirements of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code.


      /BAE of 3032 Kashiwa Street, Torrance, California 90505, has applied

for exemption of a turbocharger kit from the prohibitions of Section 27156

of the Vehicle Code (V.C.}.   The kit, turbocharger kit model No. TO4B M2,

is intended for 1981 model year Airstream 28 foot motorhomes having an

Isuzu QD 145 six—cylinder diesel engine and automatic transmission.

      BAE has submitted comparative emission data from back—to—back steady

state exhaust emissions tests conducted on an Airstream motorhome at the

company‘s own emission laboratory.    Confirmatory tests were conducted on

the same motorhome at the Air Resources Board‘s (ARB) Haagen—Smit

Laboratory in El Monte, California.


      The BAE turbocharger kit consists of an AiResearch turbocharger, an

exhaust manifold to turbocharger adaptor, and an intake pipe.    The components

are packaged with installation hardware to complete the kit.

      The exhaust manifold to turbo adaptor is installed on the OEM exhaust

manifold located on the driver‘s side of the engine..   The turbine inlet of

the turbocharger mounts directly to the adaptor.    The turbine, driven by

exhaust gases, is linked to the compressor by a solid shaft.    Compressed

incoming air is routed to the intake manifold through the BAE intake

pipe mounted transversely over the engine.

       Maximum positive manifold pressure is limited to 13 psig by the size

 of (and exhaust flow through) the turbine housing.     No wastegate or other

 active boost limiting device is used.

       The cooling of the turbocharger is achieved by direct fan air from

 engine and lubricating oil passing through the unit.     The oil is piped

 from the filtered main oil galley to the turbocharger bearing housing.

 Oil from the turbocharger is returned to the oil pan.

       No modifications to the OEM tune—up specifications are required when

 the turbocharger kit is installed.

       A 1981 Airstream 28 foot motorhome with an Isuzu QD 145 six—cylinder

 diesel engine and automatic transmission was used for testing.     The test

v weight for the motorhome is 14,500 lbs.    The frontal area road load horsepower

 (RLHP) used in the testing was 36 horsepower at 50 mph.

       Back—to—back steady state tests were conducted on the test motorhome

 at the following points:

       1)   idle
       2)   60, 50, 40, 20 mph at 2 times RLHP

       3)   idle

       4)   60, 50, 40, 20 mph at 1 times RLHP

       The applicant‘s exhaust emissions test data in Table 1 was generated

 at the company‘s own emission laboratory.

                                     Table 1

                      Applicant Exhaust Emissions Test Data

                                                Exhaust Emissions
                                        uc ?)      co         co      NOx
____Mode                      Load    (ppm)       (ppm)       (%$    (ppm)}
Baseline idle                  —        338        127         2.2    160
Device idle       —            —        158        130         1.7    192

Baseline 60 mph               2XRL      260       1755        10.6    830
Device 60 mph                 2XRL      230        130         8.3    880

Baseline 50 mph               2XRL      691        292        8.9     820
Device 50 mph                 2XRL      211        130        8.0     810

Baseline 40 mph               2XRL      378        185        6.6     605
Device 40 mph                 2XRL      194        130        6.5     575

Baseline 20 mph               2XRL      404        180        4.2     395
Device 20 mph                 2XRL      195        150        4.5     420

Baseline idle                  —        150        120        2.1     374
Device idle                    —        155         93        1.7     130

Baseline 60 mph               1XRL      629        290        7.5     660
Device 60 mph                 1XRL      144        120        7.2     600

Baseline 50 mph               1XRL      459        172        6.7     510
Device 50 mph                 1XRL      141        130        6.0     400

Baseline 40 mph               1XRL      448        165        5.3     405
Device 40 mph                 1XRL      139        153        5.2     380

Baseline 20 mph               1XRL      453        165        3.8     370
Device 20 mph                 1XRL      151        165        3.9     310

(1)Determ1'ned by a flame ionization detector (FID) but reported as carbon
   by applying an experimental factor of 3.5 to convert to heated flame
   ionization detector (HFID) values.


     The ARB‘s exhaust emissions test data is shown in Table 2.

                                  Table 2

                     ARB Exhaust Emissions Test Data
                                             Exhaust Emissions
                                     xc(?)      co        co      NOx
     Mode                  Load     (ppm)      (ppm)      _(fi

Baseline idle               ~        62         127       1.70    149
Device idle                 —        63         139       1.68    151

Baseline 60 mph            2XRL      —           —         —
Device 60 mph              2XRL      —           —         —

Baseline 50 mph            2XRL      50        1977      11.49    591
Device 50 mph              2XRL      76         130       7.16    597

Baseline 40 mph            2XRL      91         205       7.71    582
Device 40 mph              2XRL      73         142       6.42    538

Baseline 20 mph            2XRL      73         182       3.36    345
Device 20 mph              2XRL      73         184       3.77    373

Baseline idle               —        60        139        1.70    168
Device idle                 —        63        139        1.68    151

Baseline 60 mph            1XRL     111        413        9.16    612
Device 60 mph              1XRL      66        133        5.83    516
Baseline 50 mph            1XRL      85        196        7.02    524
Device 50 mph              1XRL      64        146        5.36    403

Baseline 40 mph           1XRL       81        192        5.32    427
Device 40 mph             1XRL       66        169        4.71    357

Baseline 20 mph            1XRL      78        173        3.00    279
Device 20 mph              1XRL      67        184        3. 34   336

(Z)HC as carbon measured by an HFID.


       The app]icant‘é reported exhaust HC emission data in Table 1 were

calculated from measured HC values.      The applicant‘s laboratory used

a general (not heated) Flame lonization Detector (FID) for exhaust

hydrocarbon determination.      An experimental factor of 3.5 was used by

the applicant to convert the measured FID values to Heated—FID values.

HC data reported by the ARB laboratory were obtained using a HFID.

       The two (2) sets of laboratory data (Tables 1 and 2) show that there

are some changes in emissions due to the installation of the turbocharger

kit.    The changes, however, are within test variability and are considered

to be insignificant.


       Comparative chassis dynamometer tests indicate the the BAE turbocharger

kit model No. TO4B M2 will not significantly affect exhaust emissions

when installed in accordance with the manufacturer‘s instructions.         The
staff recommends that BAE be granted an exemption from the prohibitions

of V. C. Section 27156 for this kit for 1981 modé] year Airstream 28 foot

motorhomes having an Isuzu QD 145 six—cylinder diesel engine and automatic

transmission.       The staff recommends that Executive Order No. D—97—2 be


Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:34
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:34

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