Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on July 30, 1975.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975 and older model-year vehiclesThis exemption is for Model No 5. CA-03 and VA-04 devices equipped with .022 inch orifice diameter, and fluid specification number G1074.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-2-2
  • Executive Order 2-2 / D2-2
  • ARB # D-2-2
  • Executive Order No: D-2-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-2-2
  • Resolution D-2-2
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-2-2 PDF

D-2-2 Document:


                          State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                     .   EXECUTIVE ORDER B~2—2
               Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                         of the Vehicle Code

                         TVI MARKETING, INC.
                       "TURBO VAPOR INJECTOR"

Pufsuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;                                   .

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLYED: That the installation of the "Turbo Vapgr ¥nj
jector" manufactured by TVI Marketing, Inc., has been found to not s1gn1f1cant1y
reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control dev1ges
and is therefore exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle
Code for 1975 and older model—year vehicles. This device consis@s of a
plastic bottle, rubber hose, and proprietary fluid. This exemption is for
Model No 5. CA—03 and VA—04 devices equipped with .022 inch orifice diameter,
and fluid specification number G1074.

This Executive Order is valid provided that fnstallation instructiops
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that aaversely affect the per—
formance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other—than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
;hat‘the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

Ng g]aim of any kind, sqch as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
or written communication.        >        f
Secfjon 17§OO of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.                                                         '

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130. No person shall install. sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicte pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device.       Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."

     "39184, (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdtvision is a misdemeanor. "
Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems
advisable.                        —
Executive Order D—2—1, dated February 28, 1974, is superseded and of no
further force and effect.
                                        .            izjt’
Executed at Sacramento, California, this       230       day of July, 1975.

                                        WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                        Executive Officer

                       State of California
                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          duly 21, 1975

                          Staff Report

               Evaluation of TVI Marketing, Inc.,
              '    "TURBO VAPOR INJECTOR"
           for Exemption from the Prohibitions of
          ‘Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code


TVI Mérketing, Inc. of Marysville, Michigan, has applied for an exemp—

tion from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code

for its "Turbo Vapor Injector".    This section prohibits the installation

of any device which reduces the effectiveness of the motor vehicle emis—

sion control system.   The applicant is requesting an extension of his

éxemption to include the 1975 and older model year vehicles.       This

device was originally granted an exemption for the 1974 and older model

vehicles by Executive Order D—2—1 dated Febrfiary 28, 1974.       The "Turbo

Vapor Injector" models CA—03 and VA—04 are still in use but the fluid

has been changed (See system description below).

System Description

This device consists of a vapor injector system and a proprietary fluid

which is admitted into the PCV system.       A plastic bottle is mounted

     in the engine compartment with a rubber hose providing the connec—

     tion with the engine.

    According to the app1iéant, the proprietary fluid is now manufactured

     by the Grow Chemical Company and is designated by fiuid specification

    number G—1074.     The fluid composition is considered similar to the

     fluid spec. no. 1072 previously exempted.

    The control valve which admits vapor to the engine is located on the

     cap of the bottle.    This valve can be adjusted to control the flow rate

    Qf the vaporous—fluid mixtures afid has a makimum orifice dia—

    meter of 0.022 in.     The sys;em contains a standpipe which provides

     venting to the atmosphere.    The same model device is used for all vehicle


III. System Function
    The vapor injection system operates by applying manifold. vacuum to

    a tee in the PCV line théreby allowing fluid vapor from a storage tank

    to be displaced through an interconnecting rubber tube into the intake

    manifold of the engine.    Air enters the fiuid tank through the top of

    a standpipe creating bubbles at the bottom end due to the venting action

      caused by the engine vacuum.     The formed bubbles and subsequent

      rising action enhance the evaporation rate of the fluid.     This

      vaporous—fluid—mixture generally enters the engine through the PCV


IV.   System Evaluation

      The Air Resources Board Laboratory evaluated the "Turbo Vapor Injector it

      by performing the following test sequence on three vehicles.

      These vehicles were:

       1.     1975 Ford Pintfi, license No. 195 CVF, 140 CID, 2—bb1.,

              4 cylinder engine.
       2. 1975 Chevrolet Vega, license No. 989 LHY, 140 CID,
             42-bb1., 4—cylinder engine.

       3.     1975 Datsun B210, regifitration No. HLB 210

              2—bb1., 85.2 CID, 4-cy11hder engine.

      Each vehicle received the following preparation before each test.

       1.     The engine operating parameters were checked and set to

              manufacturers specification if required.                        \

      ‘?.     The fuel tank was filled to capacity.

      3. <The vehicle was operated for 10 miles on the road to purge

              the evaporafive‘emissions cannister.

      4.      The evaporative emission cannister was disconnected from %heb

            ~ vehicle‘s fuel tank before the cold soak.

      5.      The evaporative emiss%ons cannister was reconnected before

              running the CVS test.

A CVS—1975 cold start baseline test was made on each vehicle.                    The

device was then installed and adjusted in compliance to the manufacturer‘s

instructions (Appendix A).       A follow—up CVS—II cold start test was then

made with the device in operation.          The test on the Vega was repeated

to verify the results of the first test.

The results of the CVS—II tests are as listed:

                                        Emission, g/mile                 Fuel Economy
                                       He        co           Nox             mpe ___
   . 1975 Pinto          .                                                           .
          Baseline                      0.23      2.93        1.04            13.8
          With TVI Injector             0.22      2.78        1.09            13.9

     1975 Datsun
          Baseline                      0.34      2.96        1.96            20.8
          With TVI Injector             0.36      2.94        2.11            20.8

    1975 Vega {Test #1)
          Baseline                      0.38      6.89        1.62            17.1
          With TVI Injector             0.60       7.47       1.58            15.7

     1975 Vega (Test #2)                 c
          Baseline                     0.48        6.17       1.35       _    16.5
          With TVI Injector           ~0.41      .6.00        1.60           .15.6
    Overall1. Average, Results ;;     :0~
          Basetine                —     0.33      4.14        1.50            17.1
          With TVI Injector             0.38      3.91        1.60 ~..        16.8

        . % Change                    +15.2      —5.6     +6.7                —1.8

Significance*        .       .         No     _ _ No           Yes             Yes
*The significance of the data was determined by the paired "t" method.
 {See attached)                                           .


The increase in hydrocarbons was found to be insignifcant.   The increase

 in nitrogen oxides was significant but not enough to justify the denial ~

 of the device from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code.

 The staff, therefore, recommends that TVI Marketing, Inc., be granted this

 exemption for its "Turbo Vapor Injector" for the 1975 and older model

 motor vehicles in all classes.


    Device : Hith TVI Injector
    Vehicie: 1975 Pinto, Datsun, Vega

    Statistica)l Analysis .
          ‘Since the data were collected by the back—to—back procedure, the "i" L0
           statistic for paired.observations was used to analyze the data.

                    Purpose       —1;   —rough screening test
                   ~Error type:         a =   B =       0,.2          .
               L   Detectable d 442
                                £4) erence = 1.0         . 0
                   Hypothesis:          Device is not greater than baseline

        Mean            Hydrocarbons                Carbon Monoxide            _Odee s of Hitrogen   Fuel Consumption
                              (gn/mi)                          (gn/mi}                 — (gn/mi)         (gal/mi}
    w/Device _            0.398                         — 41798                    use   C             0.062
    Baseline              0.358                          a.zes                      C249                 0.a60
    % difference         11189                           :1;266                             6.863        0.002
_   Significance:            NQ                     _        No                             Yes              Yes

.Computed "*"            0.536                          _ 0.340                             1.637        1.481
    Degrees of                                                                 t   k            s
    freedom              3         _                     3                                 .3            3
    Critical "#"             .978                            .978 _       Do               z. .978       .978
    Concilusion*              D€ 5                           D f_ B       ;06 0             D 7 B        D yB
    *Conclusions are made upon 80% confidence level.
    B = Saseline;      D = Device

LHO LALDALaiUN     JHO L RAQLILLWNO   PWVRLHDUetrarcyure wa      anes c 2


         The PTURBO VAPOR INJECTOR performs only one
         function; it improves the efficiency of com—                                          8/
             ustion of your engine.         IT WILL NOT CORRZCT
         ENGINZ MALFTUNCTIONS, such as faulty or noorlv                                         i
         a      sted carburetors or ignition s;sbem pro—                               (       fi
         blenms.    Taersfore,        to take maximum advantage                                @
         of the improvements offsred by the TURBO                    _            Lo           §
         VAPOR INJZCTOR, it is best to have the engine
         properly tuned and ruanring as well as it can
         before installing the unit.

                                ~PEEASE—               0
         Cnech your gas n*leage before you lnsgall your
         TVI.unlg.         Most neonTe don t know what their
         presan; mlleage is so they don‘t know what
         improvement they are getting from the TVI.
         Many new cars today often.get less than 12 miles—
         per gallon so performance of 14 mpg to 15 mog
         following installation of the TVI Unit could
         represent a 15% to 25% actual improvement in

~In the. TVI carton you will find:,.
       A réeservoir containing TURBO FUEL, with a vasor air s?ace
  .    afi the top, in a Bbracket                        ooo                       o        g
       A 4 foot black rubber connector hose                                   .
       A small plastic screen with a short plastic tube (bubbler
      ~tube)   connscted to it                 '            .               ul2    s
       A plastic bag containing 2 metal "Y"‘s, aplastic "T". and
      | 2 screws       |                                    Oe
       Hosse clamps
       Instructions and Warranty Card              .guf'b

*   *        1.              MOUNTING THE BRACKET
                            Iccats a space under the hood of the car
                            where the bracket and unit will fit.
                            Leave the unit in the bracket to do this.
                           . The Reservoir should not be too close to
    .             ,'        belts or pullies which could rub against
                            it, and should be as far from the exhaust
                                       as practical.    It is best to
        608                 nave the unit as vertical as possible.

                                                                            on nma nc cneoopnogeees
                            Eold the unit in the best location and
                            mark the position of the bracket..     Then
                            remove the Reservoir from the bracket
                            hold it back in place and drill or punch
                            two small holes through two of the mounting
                            holes in the bracket.      Then use the two
                            sheet metal screws from the plastic bag to
                            attach the bracket firmly in plac

              2.            INSTALLING THE RESERVOIR
                           —Prior to placing the “_snrvolr in the
                           ~ Dracket,   remove the red plug from the top
    .                       of the Reservoir,    and insert the curved
                           ‘bubble tube into the hole.      The bubble
                           ‘ tubé is ‘curved, so fiosition it so that
                   & \the bottom of the Bubble tube is not
              .        .    behind the label so that you can later
                            see the bubbles for correct adjustment.
                            This will be a tight fit so make sure
                            the screen is seated firmly into the
                            hole until the flare top is flush with
                            the to§ of the metal-callaf, as shown
                            in the picture.     Then place the Reser—
                            voir in the bracket.

              3.            HOOKING UP    THE UNIT                 *¢
             =              Remove the carburetor air filter unit
                            complete and check condition of air


 filter — re;lace if dirty.         Locate the
PCV valve Aose.         This is a black hose
running from the top of the rocker arm
cover or from the top of the manifold
chamber into the base of the carburstor
or intake manifold.          If in doubt, a sharp
»pull'upwardon the PCV valve will remove
 it from its        seat and it will look like     the
picture at ri             Reinsert the PCV valve


 and trace the hose to where it enters_ the
 carburetor base or intake manifold.             The
 TVIL "¥" or "T" fitting must be installed
between the PCV valve and the carburetor
base or intake manifold.          There must be
no other connections into the PCV line
between the "Y" or "T" fitting and the
\carburetor bass or intake manifold.
For cars with PCV valves located at the
 base of carburetor, special fittings
. will be required and are available upon
 request or use "ALTERNATE METHOD".
 With a sharo knife, cut the PCV valve
hose in a convenient place,         as close to
the carburetor as practical.          Into the
 cut, insert asnug fitting "Y" or "T"
 that fits the PCV hose.         The leg of the
Y should point toward the carburetor.
 Use clamps as shown‘(spring type) or
stainless screw type as shown in the
dlagrqn,   at all hose       junctions of.the
 "¥" or "T".         Vacuumleaks at this point
can nullify increased mileage.> Then attach
one end of the TVI connector hose to the
open arm of the "Y" or "T" and the other end
to the barbed outlst on the valve bf the °               |
Peservoir.          Always use as short a piece of

           HVSVC   cdo   POSELLLC    qinu   200 ks

           does not       lay    across the fop of the block
           or the exhaust manifold, which gets ex—
           tremely hot, or touch azr conditioning

          l                                 &                      s             .                    ;
           On some cars,          the activated charcoal filled evaporative
           emission cannister is "Tee‘d" into the PCV valve line..                                        In
           this case,       another vacuum line to the carburetor base should
           be used for the TVI Unit as the charcoal could absorb the
           TVI fuel and defeat the.operation of the unit.                                Also, many
           cars already have accessories or other items "Tee‘d" into
           the PCV line,          in which case‘it is better to use an alterna
           line for entry into the carburetor base or intake manifolé.
           On cars where this cccurs, the_ eaSLest alte*flaue l*ne to use
          is the swall tupe runnlna from the qdmoer control 1n t“e
          'bgtkpm_oL the air> intake.               If is o;gred_uncer the al* clear
          .and runs to the base of the carnuretor.                     The smaller "Y" fu Ty..

           nished with the unit has two smaller ends which will                                                I
           ttbe, and a larger end on the leg of the "Y" which fi
txour +

           TVI connecrtor hose.                     .     o        eS        s                    .
           The "Y" should be installed as close to the carburetor as
           Some owners have reported better results using ;hls method as
           their primary hookup instead of the PCV vaive Line ..                                               |

          ADJUSTING THE TURBO VAPOR INJECTOR                             |                    E:
          Start your engine and let it idle.                   It is                 j        |
          best to have the car warmed ub so it is
          idling at slow speed.                 Hold the valve body                       i
          with one hand and gently remove the hose
          ”from the Sarbed outlet stem by twisting
          clockwise.            Immediately block the hose
          with the end of your thumb.                   Assuming
          your engine is warmed up, removefy@ur
          thumb.         If the engine‘is properly tuned,
          the RPM‘s should drop slightly.                   If the

         engine stalls, your mixturs is too lean
         and a mechanic should set it up so that it                                   ts           ——
         drops off about 25 tq 5G RPM‘s from
        anufacturer‘s specifications {found on
         the inside cowl of most cars after 1968),                                         ;
         when the finger is removed.                     j               ‘                 k

         If your efigl1e speeds up. by the adclt*on of this air vour
         mixture is too rich and should be adjusted by a,mecnanlcf
         Introducing Turbo fuel into a too rich running enginelwill
         égg result in>the performanéé improvemeht you should expect.
         Once the carburetor is adjustedproperly, reconnect thHe khose
         to the barbed stem and install clamp as per diagram                                   §
         Ioosen the 3/8 lock nut on the top of the TVI fuel :metering
        vailve and,    using a narrow screw driver, turn the valye screw
         counter.clockwise to open . it.       It is fully closed to. prevent
         leaking during shloment and may reculre several turqs to open
         adequately.       Adjust the valve stem so that a                             :
         stream of bubbles can be seen coming up through .                            5
         the fluid and the surfacé of the fuel is
         agitated.     Some Reservoir bottles sre more
    *   dense than others and it may be necessary
        to remove the resérvoir from the bracket
        and hold it at an angle so the bubbles               _                  tb
         can be seen coming up the side of the ,                 .
        bottle.      When the bubble rate is about                   o          o     b.
        right, you will be able to see individ—
        ual bubbles but they will be coming £oo
        ‘fast to count them.       Bubbling too
        slowly will cause the unit not to work.
        Bubbling the unit too fast will uss the
        fuel up too quickly without any sig=—
        nificantly greater effect.
        wWith the bubble rate adjusted, hoT~ the
*   —   adjuszmen; screw of the fuel meter

                                   +   .   c   >     —                       Cmm es        e ces

        valve with the screw driver and gently
        tignten the lock nut with a small                   <pouce                  i
        wrench. At this point check vacuum                   f             |         \
        tightness of hose connections by              .      ;                     '\
        placing your thumb firmly over bubble                                            10
        tube screen.   The valve and cap should                                      J
        start to collapse and squee                                                41
                                                                               .         14
        thumb within about 5 seconds.                       hn                           [\
                                                                      ‘                  1

‘FURTHER ADJUSTMENTS AND SERVICING                ©                                2t    1

        Shortly after installing your TURBO VAPOR INJECTOR, you, may
        notice that your engine is idling slightly faster than it :had
        besn and it may be necessary to have the air idle screw (s)
        adjusted on your carburetor to slow it down.                This will result
        in further econonmies of operation.       If you have             the equizpment
        —available (tachometer),; readjust theidle to the original idle
        RPM ré;ommended by   the manufacturer.            If not,    adjust the idle
         (cars equipped with automatic transmissions)               to the point where
    : the car just begins to move when you take your foot off the
        brake with the car in gear.

        It is a good idea to check the reservoir periodically to                              *
        check the fuel level and to be sure the bubble rate hasn‘t                            —
        changed, and recheck the'v3cuum strength by placing thumb over
   " bubble tube.               t

SPECIAL NOTE — REPLACING PUEL           tm s                                         21
        The fuel supplied in the unit can be "topped up" as                        needed
        through the cap assembly.   Be sure to leave a vapour air space
        at the top.    After filling reservoir, make sure the cap is
        screwed on tight so as to prevent an air leak.
        It is also recommended.that you change your oil and oill filter
        after 1500 miles or so after initial installation as the de—
        ‘carbonizing action of your TVI unit may overload your oil filter.

. MECHANICS NOTE:     If the spark advance is adjusted during the
 installation of the unit, be sure to remove the vacuum line. from
 the distributor on cars so equipped and plug the line oefore
 meking the adjustment.

 Except for these simple steps, which is actually less attention |
 than you normally give to your oil, batterv and windchie13 %ashsrs,

 your TURBO VAPOR INGECTOR should ooaratn com:letely t*onbl
 the life of your     car.

 INITIAL EFFECT:      Some carsactually lose 1 to 3 nlles per calflor
 for two or three tanks full of gas immediately after 1ns;allatzon
 of the TVI ugit.. This is caused by the de— ca*bcfilszg of the efgine
 by the TVI fual aqd is only temporary.      If improved Dflr;ornadce is
 not observed aiter 3 to 6 tanks full of gas, refer to trouble shoot
 ing gULde.                                                    i
 accessory and must be installed correctly and
«checked periodic ally. Air leaks into the TVI
 system are going     to cause the unit to function
 less efficiently , so be. sure all hose clamps
lare used at prop er places (see "Schematic
 Dbagram").      We r ecommend having a mechanic
 tighten the carb uretor and intake manifold
 chamber .

 If after reading the lnstructlons, you feel that a mechanic
 could do a better job — take the unit to a good garage and
 make sure they read the instructions.      A properily installed unit.
 will take about 45 minutes to 1 hour including minor adjustments
 where necessary.

          4 AUVOLReNLOLLA           LHL   1URDBU VADOINpHNccer—

          It is uncommon that there are any problems with a correctly installed
          TURBO VAPOR INJECTOR.              However, it is a manufactured item and field
         ‘experience has shown that certain.problems are possible.                                    ‘For this
          reason we are including this quide to correcting what problems’
          might occur.                       '                             "        .         .       J

         ~O8 INSTALLATION:                                       '          5.            C           of
,f        Unit not bubbling — Check tb be sure the valve is open                                  (thrn      the
     7              adjustzment screw counter—clockwise).                                             ;}i    |
                   Connection may be made to the'wrong nose.                     With the ehgine running
                    pull the connector hose off the TVI can assembly andjpfit your
                    finger over the end of the hose.                 If there is a vecuum‘it will
                    try to pull your finger into the hose.                 If there is no vacuum,
                    you aré hooked up to the wrong hose or your PCV line is plugged.
         . No noticeable effect — The effect of the TVI is different on every
                   * car, ‘depending on its condition, mileage and how the carburezor
                   is   adjusted.     On some cars the effect is imnmediate and d:ématic,
                    on others it starts and builds very slowly.                    Give it time to
           ,        work.   It cften        es three to six tanks full of gas run through
           ©       the car to begin
                                  to get the full effect.
               *    LEAKS IN THE SYSTEM:            Check for air leaks anywhere in the sy ten,
                    around the cap,       at ‘the    "Y"   connector,    around the DCV valve.                        Any
                    leak anywhere will aegeat the operation of the unit,                              even       thofig.
               _ the reservoir may be bubbling properly.                   This is the major
                   of the failure of TVI units to;erly.
                    Re—check the hose the unit is connectsd into.                       If other thing
                    are connected into the same line,                they may be adversely affecting
                    the operation.        Use the alternate hook—up.                              .

         ExCissIvE PuEL UsaAcZ PATZ                 \Normal usage rate is 3,000 to 6,000
                   miles per rofill of"fuel.
         Be sure the cap is on tight — If the cap is loose air will be draw

                   in under it at the top, causing the unit to stop working an

                   using the fuel up completéely in as little as 100 miles of

 Check the hook—up —       If the connector hose is hooked into a common
     line with the evaporative emission cannister, the         effect will
     be greatly reduced and the fuel will be used up in as little
       *                                                           ;
     as 1,000 miles of operation.                                  i<
 Check the reservoir for leaks.          It may have been rubbing aginst
                                                              0     1
     some ».’Il!.v —

 Check the Fusl level —       The reservoir may be erpty
 Check to see that a leak has not developed somewhere in tne$svstefl,
     usualiy around the PCV valve, or where PCV hose connects to:
                                   —                      mu1
     carbursetor.              —                 .        f;
 Check the connector hose to be sure it is not oTugged oroken,
     punctured or disconnected.

Field experience has repeatedly shown that ifa the unit is working             *
 properly and then tHie effect begins to diminish or cease, fthe pro—
 blem is with some other part of the engine, probably the carburetor,
 and the car should be checked by a qualified mechanic.
                               m   o.    «        &0   —


. The TUBBO VAFUOR INJECTOR méy cause your car to run so wall for such
 extended pericds of time you will have a tendency to skip the normmail,
. recommaended maintenance checks. . DO NOT DO THIS. 'The TVIionly affects
 the operation of your engine.          All maintenance and safety checks
 should be oe formed at the intervals recommended by the nadufacturer
 for the proper safe operation of your car.

 Cars built before 1966 do not have PCV valve Ho;e: and another            _
 vacuum source must be used to draw the vapors 1nuo the carburetor.
 Many carburetors will have a 1/8th inch size pipe plug located some—
 where on the base of the carburcetor.        Pcmove this pipe plug and
 replace it with a fitting having the prooer screw threads on one
 end and a 1/4" barbed tube fitting on the other.          These fitting


\can be cbhtained from an auto supply store or some hardware stores,.
Then attach the TVIL hose to this fitting.                                 .
  £ there is no vacuum outlet on your carburetor anywhere, it may
   *                           .                           &                ;
be necessary to have the base of the carburetor drilled and taoped

 to accept the screw thread—barbed fitting described above.                          Most
garages should be able to do it satisfactorily.                '           {

You are now rseady to begin enjoying dfriving your car as you probabiy
                                                                   —       \ ‘   ©
haven‘t in years.

Thank you for installing a TURBO VAPOR INJECTOR on vour car;, and ‘ws
wish you many years of enjoyable, . economical,       cleaner motoring.
             to   l        —       L          TVI MARKETING

                                                                           poll                 o
June, 1975          The TURBO VAPOR I        CTOR is Patented. Printed in Caned


Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:19
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:19

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