Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on September 19, 1976.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

(1) Volkswagen, Porsche and Audi 4 cylinder engines with distributors having equal cam angles. (2) Ford 6 cylinder vehicle having loadomatic distributors (vacuum advance only)

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-58-3
  • Executive Order 58-3 / D58-3
  • ARB # D-58-3
  • Executive Order No: D-58-3
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-58-3
  • Resolution D-58-3
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-58-3 PDF

D-58-3 Document:


                                                                      L1 UP aj

                             State éf California
                             AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            EXECUTIVE ORDER D—58—3
                 Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                             of the Vehicle Code

                              GULF AND WESTERN

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the unders1gned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A4;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESQLVED: That the instalilation of the Guif and
Western Breakerless Electronic Ignition Systems, manufactured by. the
General Automotive Products Division, 17500 Northland Park Court,
Southfield, Michigan 48075, and marketed under the following trade
names by the Tisted companies has been found to not reduce the effec—
tiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices, and
therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the
Vehicle Code for certain 1976 and older model—year vehicles equipped
with 12 volt battery, standard ignition coil and negative ground:

     "Grand Prix II"~— Guaranteed Parts Inc.,
                       Seneca Falls, New York        13148

     "Poweready"         — American‘Parts
                           3000 Pawnee Street
                           Houston, Texas 77054

     "Magnition"         — Sorensen Manufacturing Co., Inc.,
                           Glasgow, Kentucky 42141

     "Zenith Electronic Ignitton" — Zenith Ignition
     and "Yoltronic Electronic         Seneca Falls, New York 13148
   ~ Ignitian"                           ‘

     "Mighty Electronic Ignition" — Mighty Distributing Systeh
                                       of America
                                     ~.Jdessup, Maryland     20794

This exemption is applicable to the following vehicles and covers the
breakerless electronic ignition system kits specified:

        5     GULF AND WESTERN GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE                                        ‘           ~ EXECUTIVE ‘ORDER D—58g—3
              PRODUCTS GROUP BR‘ ERLESS ELECTRONIC                                                               (2 of 3)
              IGNITION sysTEMS

    ‘        Distribution Company                        "Single Pack"                       "Dual Packs" — {1 each required)
j                                                            Kit No.                         Master Pack                Adapter Pack

             Guaranteed Parts                                ECK—124                         ECBP—101                    ECA— 124A
             APS                                             30—2024                         30—5101                     30—2024A
             Sorensen                                        8924K              '            9001K                       9024C
             Zenith & Mighty                                 140—24                          151—01                      140—24A

                         Application:         Volkswagen (except Fastback and Squareback}, Porsche
                                              & Kudi with distributors having equal cam argtes.
             Distribution Company                         "Single Pack"                      "Dual Packs" — (1 each required)
                                                                  Kit No.                    Master Pack                Adapter Pack

             Guaranteed Parts:                       .       ECK—152                         ECBP—101                    ECA— 152A
             APS       :                                     30—4052                         30—5101                     30—4052A
             Sorensen                                        8952K                           9001K                       90520
            — Zenith & Mighty                                160—52                          151—01                 .    160—52A

                        Application:        Volkswagen (Fastback, Bus and Squareback 1968—1973)

             Distribution Company              j             Master Pack                             Loadomatic adapter kit no.

             Guaranteed Parts Company                             ECK—121                        ‘             EC—8568
    [        APS                                                  30—3021                                      30 8568
    .        Sorensen                                          8B921K                                          8159€
             Zenith & Mighty           ’                          140—21                                   —   9—1617

                        Application:        ~{with Loadomatic distributor)
                                            1947—68 _From_j_gyj_iuder passenger car
                                            1948—68          Ford 6 cylinder truck

             This device is not for use on the following:

               1. Volkswagen and other vehicles using Bosch distributors with unequal
                   cam angles.

               2. Vehicles originally equipped with breakerless capacitive discharge
                 — or electronic ignition systems.

               3. Vehicles equipped with dual point distributorsb where oneuof the
                . points is used for emission control.

               4. 1966—70 vehicles equipped with a retrofit NOx device which incorporates
                  retard of basic ignition timing (i.e. Carter—CER, Echlin, STP—Air
                   Computer and AQP—Electro—NOx and Kar Kit).                                —         .        —
             The devices named in this Executive Order are identical in all respects
             except the‘ir tradenames.  The device consists of an amplifier, magnetic
.            sensor, interrupter wheel and wiring harness.

PRODUCTS GROUP BREAKERLESS ELECTRONIC                                    (3 of 3)

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions —
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resourcés Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than.those Tisted in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Ordéer does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or. written communication.                                               —

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes v1olat1on punishable
as a misdemeanor.                                         .

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the State board for certification
     of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that deyvice has been
     certified by the State board. No person shall sell, offer for sale,
     advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as
     a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."        .

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this       _/ 2   day of Rugust, 1976.

                                     2?7,7CL/! S’t7i1ezfiflé%’
                                    Thomas C. Austin
        —                           Deputy Executive Officer—Technicai

                             State of California

                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                Staff Report

                               August 12, 1976

Evaluation of Gulf and Western, General Automotive Products Group‘s
        Breakerless Electronic Ignition Kits for Compliance
          with the Requirements of Section 27156 of the
                  California Motor Vehicle Code

I.    Introduction

     Gulf and Western, General Automotive Products Group, 17500 Northland

     Park Court, Southfield, Michigan 48075 has submitted an application

     (see Appendix I} requesting an exemption from Section 27156 of the

     California Yehicle Code for its breakerless electronic ignition kits

     sold under the following trade names:       "Grand Prix II", "Magnition",

     "Zenith", "Yoltronic"‘, "Poweready" and "Mighty".       These electronic

     ignition systems are identical in all respects and are marketed as


          "Grand Prix II"      — Guaranteed Parts Inc.
                                 Seneca Falls, New York 13148

          "Poweready"          — American Parts
                                 3000 Pawnee Street
                                 Houston, Texas 77054

          "Magnition"          — Sorensen Manufacturing Co. Inc.
                                 Glasgow, Kentucky   42141
          "Zenith Elec—        — Zenith Ignition
           tronic Ignition       Seneca Falls, New York 13148
           and "Voltronix

          "Migh@y Elec—          Mighty Distributing System of America
           tronic Ignition"      Jessup, Maryland 20794

A request for exemption from the provistons of ¥.C. Section 27156 for

installation of the device on 1974 and older model vehicles equipped

with 8 cylinder Delco distributors was granted by Executive Order D—58

dated August 12, 1975.     A similar exemption was granted for 6 cylinder

General Motors engines and 6 and 8 cylinder Ford engines by Executive

Order D—58—1 dated October 28, 1975.     An additional request for exemption

for General Motors and Ford 4 cylinder engines and certain Datsun and

Toyota vehicles was granted by Executive Order D—52—2 dated May 29, 1976.

This evaluation covers the following:

     1.    Exemption for Volkswagen, Porsche and Audi 4

          cylinder engines with distributors having equal

          cam angles.

     2.   Ford 6 cylinder vehicle having loadomatic distributors

          {vacuum advance only)

Appendix I contains a list of applicable vehicles and kit numbers

and also a list of specific non applicable vehicles.

Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code prohibits the installation, sale or

advertisement of any device or mechanisms which alters the performance

or design of the vehicle‘s emission control systems.      The Air Resources

Board is empowered to exempt any device from this prohibition if a

finding shows the device will not reduce the effectiveness of the
emission control system.

II.   System Description and Function

      The Gulf and Western device is designed to replace the ignition breaker—

      points with an electronic switching system.. The device consists of an

      amplifier, Hall effect magnetic sensor, sensor mounting bracket,

      trigger wheel, wiring harness and spacer gauge.    The trigger wheel

      consists of a metal skirt with four, six or eight slits depending

      on the number of cylinders in the engine.    Additional descriptions

      are provided in the Staff Reports dated July 30, 1975, October 6,

      1975, and May 11, 1976.    .A typical installation instruction is con—

      tained in Exhibit A.

III. System Evaluation

      The applicant submitted ignition system performance data for the

      Ford 6 cylinder loadomatic distributor which showed conformance

      with the ARB evaluation criteria.    Table I contains summaries_of the

      applicants submitted test results for this distributor and the
      results from ARB Laboratory tests on a Volkswagen distributor with

      the same device previously given in Staff Report dated May 11, 1976.

      An examination of the data in Table I showed the following:

      A.   1964 Ford with Loadomatic distributor (vacuum advance only)

           1.   The device showed no significant spark retard from the

                OEM equipment.

           2.   The device showed a decrease in voltage rise time which

                is beneficial and no significant change in the other


           1971 Volkswagen

           Certain Bosch distributors have unequal cam angles.      This

           causes a timing variation from cylinder to cylinder.      The

           applicant did not compensate for this variation and has

           requested that the exemption be granted only for vehicles

           using Bosch distributors with equal cam angles.    All

           ignition timing and electrical output parameters were

           satisfactory on the Volkswagen distributor tested in the

           laboratory.   All Bosch distributors referenced in Appendix

           I are not exempted from the prohibitions of Section 27156

           of the Vehicle Code at this time.

IV.   Manufacturers Claims

      The applicant has not submitted any performance claims or benefits of

      the device.   It is the opinion of the staff that the installation of

      the device on an engine could accomplish the following:

           1.   Reduced ignition system maintenance because of the elimina—

                tion of breakerpoints from the distributor.

           2.   No significant effect on vehicle performance, fuel economy

                or emission reduction would be expected than would be

                obtained from a properly tuned engine using a standard

                Kettering ignition system.

      Conclusions and Recommendations

      The staff concludes that the installation of this device in the

      specified 4 and 6 cylinder engines will not result in increased emissions.

      Based on the test data and other information submitted by the applicant,

      the staff recommends Guif and Western, General Automotive Products

      Group, be granted an exemption for the "Grand Prix II", "Magnition",


"Zenith", "Voltronic‘", "Mighty" and "Poweready" systems installed on

1976 and older vehicles equipped with specific distributors as listed

in Appendix I except for Volkswagen and other vehictes using Bosch

distributors with unequal cam angels.

This device is not for use on vehicles originally equipped with

breakerless, C—D, electronic ignition systems, leading ignition

systems for rotary engines, dual point distributors (where one

of the points is used for emission control) and for 1966—1970

vehicles with NOx devices and 4° retard (i.e., Carter—CEF, Echlin,

STP — Air Computer and AQP — Electro—NOx and Kar Kit).

                                    Table I

‘                            Ignition System Data

    A.   Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

                             1964 Ford                             1971 VW
                            Applicant‘s Data                   ARB Lab Data
         Engine RPM       Baseline      Device             Baseline       Device

                 600         0               0                 0               0
                1400         0               0                12              13.5

                2000         0               0                19.5            18

                2600         0               0                21              20.5

                3200         0               0                23              23

    B.   Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

            3                9.5             g.5               0.5             0.5
@           6               13              12.5               7               6
            9               15.5            15                1               11
           12               16              16                1               1
           15               16              16                1               11
           20               16              16                1               11
    C.   Spark Duration in Microseconds


           200            1600            1500               500             500

           600            2300            2200               900             850

          3500            1600            1500

          4000                                               700             700

                           Table I (Cont‘d)

D.   Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

                        Applicants Data                    ARB Lab Data
     Engine RPM            1964 Ford                          1971 VW
                      Baseline       Device            Baseline       Device

         200               40           38                 50            50

         600               42           30                 50            50

        3500               40           36

        4000                                               50            50

E.   Spark Energy in Millijoules


         200               20.2         21.0                7.5           7.0
         600               38.6         40.0               15.5          14.7
        3500               22.4         21.0
       24000           '                                   12.7          12.7
F.   Secondary Voltage Available (KY) with load
     Engine RPM

         200               18.0         18.0               14.0          13.0
         600               24.0         24.0               19.0          18.0

        3500               19.0         18.0

        4000                j                              16.0          17.0

G.   Secondary Voltage Available (KY) with simulated fouled spark plug

     Engine RPM

         200               11.0         12.0               12.0          11.0

         600               15.0         15.0               16.0          15.0

        3500               10.0         11.0

       4000                                                13.0          14.0

                                            APPENDIX I
           Gulf + Western                                                              Automotive Operations
           Manufacturing Company                                                       Detroit Office             —
                                                                                       Sales: (313) 569—4850
           Systems Group                                                               Engineering: (818) 569—2454

                                                      July 16,1976
Mr. Ettinger
State of California Resources Agency
Air Resources Board Laboratory
9528 Telstar Road
El Monte, California 91731

Dear Mr. Ettinger:

Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you and to tour your facilities
on our visit of July 2,1976. Regarding our conversation of that day, the
following information is submitted for exemption to MV code section 27156
for our electronic ignition kits.

The merchandising of these kits will be via two methods: either as a single
package, or a "dual pack" consisting of a "master pack" and an "adapter pack"
combined to service one complete application. Please note that the "master
pack" number is common to all applications for each distribution company.

Kit number assignments and applications are as follows:
Distribution Company                       "Single Pack"                           "Dual Packs"—(1 each required)
                                                 Kit N.                            Master Pack         ‘Adapter Pack
Guaranteed Parts                              ECK—124                              ECBP—101           ECA—124A
APS                                           30—2024                              30—5101            30—2024A
Sorensen                                      8924K                                9001K              90240
Zenith & Mighty                               140—24                    f          151—01             140—24A
               Application:        Volkswagon, Porsche & Audi as listed.
                                   (All have equal cam angles)
Model                                 VW Dist #                               Bosch Dist _#                    Year
Rabbit, Scirocco                      055905205F                                                               1976
Bus                                   0229052055                                                               1976 _
Dasher                                049905205A                                                               1976
Dasher                                055905205                               0231176040                       1975—76
Sedan                                 043905205H                                                               1975—76
Sedan auto—stick                      0439052050                                                               1975—76
Rabbit, Scirocco                      0559052058                 .            0231176106                       1975

                       Offices: 17500 Northland Park Court—Southfield, ML. 48075

Bus             022905205AB   0231181012   1975
Bus Auto        022905205AC   0231181014   1975
Bus             021905205N    0231181005   1973—74

Thing (181)     0439052050    0231176028   1974
Dasher                        0231176015   1974
Dasher          055905205     0231176040   1974
Dasher                        0231176046   1974
412E,LE                       0231170093   1974
412E,LE         022905205P    0231172019   1973—74
Bus 1800,1700                 0231170093   1973—74
Bus 1800,1700   021905205N    o231181005   1973—74
Bus 1800,1700                 0231181007   1973—74
Bus 1800,1700                 0231173007   1973—74
Bus 1800,1700                 0231173009   1973—74
Bus        »                  0231167070   1973
Bus                           0231181003   1973
Bus             021905205F                 1973
Bus             0219052050                 1973
Bus             021905205E    0231173005   1972—73
                ©22905205P    0231172019   1972—73
411             022905205H                 1972
411                           0231163011   1971—72
411                           0231163012   1971—72
411                           0231172007   1971—72
411                           0231172008   1971—72
Bus                           0231173001   1971
Bus                           0231167055   1971
Bus                           0231167056   1971
Bus             2119052050                 1971

 Bus                                                        0231137036           1969—70
Bus                             1139052057                                       1969
Sedan                           11905205AA                  0231137039           1963—64
All 36 H.P. eng‘s               126905205                   0231178003


Model                                     Year                              Dist.#
914,91474                                 1972—69                           0231172008
914 Coupe W/411E Eng.                     1970                              0231172007

100,100 at, 1006L                         1974                              0231176032
8OLS (Fox)                                1974—73                           0231176015,040,04¢
1006L                                     1972—73                           0231176013
Audi                                      1972                              023176014,015

Distribution Company                 "Single Pack"            "Dual Packs" (1 each required)
                                           Kit No.            Master Pack   Adapter Pack
Guaranteed Parts                       ECK—152                ECBP—101      ECA—152A
APS                                    30—4052                30—5101       30—4052A
Sorensen                               8952K                  9001K         9052¢
Zenith & Mighty                        160—52                 151—01        160—52A
             . Application:   VYolkswagon as listed:
                              (All have equal cam angles)
Model.                         yW Dist#                     Bosch Dist#         Year
Fast Back & Square Back        311905205                                        1972—73
Fast Back & Square Back        311905205AE                                      1972—73
Fast Back & Square Back        311905205AF                                      1972—73
Fast Back & Square Back        31190520546                                      1972—73

                              Fast Back & Square Back             311905205AH           0231163029             1972—73
                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231172009             1972

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231172010             1972

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231172011             1972

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231172012             1972

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231162016             1971

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231163017             1971

                              Fast Back          Square Back      311905205AC           0231163018             1971—72

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231163019             1971

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231163003             1970

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            o231163004             1970

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231163008             1970

                              Fast Back          Square Back                            0231163009             1970

                              Fast Back          Square Back      311905205M                                   1970—71

.                         ,   Fast Back          Square Back      311905205AA                                  1970—71

                              Fast Back          Square Back      311905205AB                                  1970—71

                              Bus                                 311905205AB                                  1970
                              Fast Back & Square Back                                   0231163001             1968—69
                              Fast Back & Square Back             311905205L                                   1968—69
                              Bus                                 113905205M                                   1968

                              Distribution Company                    "Single Pack"       "Dual Packs"—(1 each required)
                                                                          Kit No.        Master Pack       Adapter Pack
                              Guaranteed Parts                          ECK—154          EC P—101          ECA—154A
. Abproved — E.0. —58—2

                              APS                                       30—4054          30—5101           30—4054A
                              Sorensen                                  8954K            9001K             9054C
                              Zenith & Mighty                           160—54           151—01            160—54A
                                                  App1ication:‘ Toyota—As noted below

                                    Years                                                          ‘Specific Application
                                    72—74                                                           Corona, Celica (18RC)
                                    72—73                                                            Carina, Hilux

—E.0. —58—2

                       71—74                                                           Corolla 1600
      $mo en  a

                       74—75                                                           Corolla 1600

                       75                                                              Celica, Corona (20RC)
                       74                                                              Hilux,(18RC),CeTica,

              Coverage for Ford 6 cylinder Loadomatic distributor will consist of the previously
              exempted Ford 6 kit (ECK—121 et al) plus the following adapter kits:

              Distribution Company                                           Loadomatic adapter kit no.
              Guaranteed Parts Company                                       EC—8568
              APS                                                            30 8568
              Sorensen                                                       8159C
              Zenith & Mighty                                                9—1617
                               Application:       {with Loadomatic distributor)
                               1947—68 Ford 6 cylinder passenger car
                               1948—68 Ford 6 cylinder truck
                               ATl     Ford 6 cylinder tractors
              Installation instructions for these applications are attached.
              As requested in your letter of 1/7/}6, a list of VW and Toyota Vehicles which
              our ignition kit does not fit follows:

              Modeli                                       Year                            Dist. #
              Sedan                                        1967                            113905205L
                                              .            1968—74                         ALL
              All with VW distributor                      1962—67
                                                           1960—64                         All with 0231139002
                                                           1955—60                         All with 023115004
              Karmann Ghia                                 1960                            0231138001
              Karmann Ghia                                 1959—60                         0231137001
              Trans. Bus                                   1959—60                         0231129010


Trans. Bus                              1955—59                         0231129019
Fastback & §q. Back{(12V)               1967                            0231137017
Sedan & Karmann Ghia (12V)              1967                            0231137009
Trans. Bus (12V)                        1967                            0231137011
1500 Sedan (6V)                         1966                            0231137005
Sedan & Fastback (6V)                   1966                            0231137009,013
Karmann Ghia (6V¥)                      1966                            0231137009
Trans. Bus (6V¥)                        1966                            0231137011
                                        1965                            All with 0231137005
                                        1964—65                         All with 0231147002
                                        1975—76                         All
Karmann Ghia                            1968—74                         All


Model                >                  Year
Rt—40, 50, 51                           1966—69
Stout and Corona
     (with internal condensor)
All 6 (six) cylinder                    1964—69

This list obviously cannot be complete for all possible applications. It is
apparent, for example, that future applications cannot be included on the list,
nor can limited production, prototype, or engine modification situations be
included.    The list of vehicles which our ignition system does cover should be
considered accurate in the event of a conflict.

The "Ignition System Test Data" sheets and installation instructions for VW,
Porsche, Audi, and Toyota applications, submitted with the March 18,1976 letter
remain valid and should be detached from the referenced letter and attached
as an enclosure to this letter.

Under separate cover, we are forwarding a Ford 6 Loadomatic distributor plus
a Ford 6 kit and Loadomatic adapter kit.

Thank you for your continued assistance on this program.    If you need any further

information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

                                                       q       M _of
                                                   Very truly yours,

                                                   i         Lo T
                                                   ;Zé%yoa/ #*  /’1°7;ZA"/

                                                 {dames F. Fernquist
                                                 " Engineer
                                                   Automotive Operations

Enclosures: "Ignition System Test Data"—Ford 6 with Loadomatic distributor.
                       Installation Instructions—Ford 6 with Loadomatic distributor.

      KR CUizX w



                                     EXHIBIT A

                              Installation.Instructions For
                       Loadomatic Distributor on 6 Cylinder Engines

Please read through these instructions carefully before starting the installation.
Save all the parts you remove, you may want— to reinstall at later date.
The parts bag supplied with this kit makes an ideal container for these
old parts.

After completing each step, cross off the figure next to the instructions.
Then if you are interrupted, you will know exactly where to start again.

 1.    Disconnect your negative battery terminal at the battery.      This is a
      safety procedure. By doing this you will eliminate the danger of
      damaging any existing electrical circuits.  This is always a good
      procedure to follow when doing any work under the hood. It is not
      a requirement for installing your electronic ignition.

2.    Remove the air cleaner assembly if it is in the way.      GCive yourself
      enough room to work comfortably.      Be sure to note the position of the
      vacuum hoses so you will recomnect them properly.

3.    Start by removing the distributor cap.  Do not remove the spark plug
      wires.  In some cases, you may want to disconnect the coil wire so the
      cap can be moved out of the way more easily.

4.    Check your   distributor cap inside and out for hairline cracks, and inside
      for burned   or discolored electrodes.  These conditions will cause poor
      conduction   of electricity and could lower the efficiency of your electronic
      ignition.    Replace the cap if necessary and start with a more completely
      fresh tune—up.

5.    Remove the rotor.     Set it aside.   You will not be re—installing it.

6.    Remove points and condenser.  Put them aside with the other parts you will
      not re—install.   Save your condenser screw.  You will not use the point
      set screws for your electronic ignition.  Two new brass screws are
      provided.  Wipe any dirt, grease, or foreign subsiances from the
      distributor camshaft and breaker plate.

7.    Relocate the copper braided ground strap.   It was on one end of the point
      set.  Secutre it now in the condenser mounting hole using the screw that
      held the condenser in place.   Be sure that there is no interference
      between the ground strap and any moving parts in the distributor.

      6 Cylinder

       (Vehicles with push on terminals)  Remove distributor lead. This is the
       wire from the negative (—), or DIST side of the ignition coil, You
       must take this wire completely out. You have already disconnected one
       end of the wire at the point set.  Now unfasten the end at the coil.
       To unfasten, pull the quick connector off of the DIST side of the coil
       (Some coils are marked "BAT" and "DIST" and some are marked "+" and "—").
       Crab it with your fingers or needlenose pliers, pulling inside the
       distributor, then up and out. Put it aside with your other old parts.

       (Vehicles without push on terminals)    <Remove distributor lead.   This is
       the wire from the negative (—) or DIST side of the ignition coil.
       You must take this wire completely out,. You have already disconnected
       one end of the wire at the point set. Now unfasten the end at the coil.
       (Some coils are marked "BAT" and "DIST" and some are marked "+" and"—"}.
       Grab it with your fingers or needlenose pliers, pulling inside the
       distributor,   then up and out.   Put it aside with your other old parts.

       Test—mount the Firing Signal CGenerator on the Firing Signal Generator
       Mounting Bracket.    Note bow the two small pins on the mounting bracket
       fit tightly into the two. small holes on the signal generator.

10.    Place the Firing Signal Generator Mounting Bracket on the base plate of
       the distributor in the space formerly occupied by the point set. Loosely
       install the bracket with the two # 8—32 x 1/4" brass serews. Do not
       tighten down. Remove the spring clip that is on the distributor shaft.

11.   Place the Spacing CGauge over the distributor shaft and directly over
      the Firing Signal Generator Mounting Bracket.

      Slide the Spacing Gauge into the slot on the Firing Signal Cenerator
      Mounting Bracket.  Tighten the screws on the mounting bracket and make
      sure the Spacing Gauge stays in the slot.   You pow have correctly located
      the Firing Signal CGenerator Mounting Bracket and bave eliminated
      possible errors in future steps.

13.   Remove the Spacing Gauge from the distributor shaft.     Replace spring
      clip on shaft.

      Attach the Firing Signal CGenerator (Hall Device) to the Firing Signal
      Generator Mounting Bracket with a new brass screw:     #8—32 x 3/16".

      CAUTION:  Make sure the two small pins on the bracket fit into the two
      small holes in the signal generator.  Do not tighten the new brass screw
      unless the pins are in the holes.

      15.    Insert the three wires from the Firing Signal Generator one at a time
             through the hole formerly occupied by.the distributor lead wire.

      16.    Select the proper new split grommet from the hardware package.    Split
             it and insert the three wires from the Firing Signal Generator.   There
             can be no mistake which grommet to select.   One will fit securely.
             The other will be either too large or too small.                   >

     17.     Slide the grommet down the wires and fit it into the hole in the side
             of the distributor.   Do not put undue stress on the wires when installing
             the grommet.

     18.     Place the Signal Chopper on the distributor shaft.   Rotate it and push
             down until you feel it index on the shaft.   Make sure the Signal Chopper
             blades do not touch the Firing Signal Generator.

     19.    Arrange the wires of the Firing Signal Generator so that they will not
            be cut by the Signal Chopper.  Push the wires flat against the inside
            of the distributor housing and base plate.   Make sure no excess wire
            slack remains inside of distributor housing.

            Replace the distributor cap.  Make sure it fits snugly and that the bands
            from the distributor that bold it in place smnap firmly into position.

            Insert the 3 pin terminals from the Firing Signal Generator into the female
            connector with the latch tab on top and to the left.  Insert the red
            wire pin into the top slot, making sure the aligning guide tab is on top.
            (See illustration)  Carefully push the pin terminal into the female
            connector until you feel it snap into the locked position.  Pull lightly
            back on the wire to make sure the pin has locked.> Next, insert the
            greep wire in the center slot, followed by the black wire in the bottom

            Connect the Wire Harness by pusbing the male connector together with the

            female connector installed in  Step 21.  They only go together one way.
            Hake sure the connectors are fully engaged and the latch is properly
            hooked.   Be sure the color code of the wires is correct — red to red,
            green   to green, black to black.

 23.    Detach the primary lead from BAT or positive (+) side of the coil.

 24.    (Vehicles with push on terminals)    Connect the Jumper terminal (Part #8260)
        with the primary lead.    (See illustration),

 25.    (Vehicles with push on terminals)  Connect the blue wire from the wire
        harness and the primary lead with its new jumper terminal lead to the
        BAT or positive (+) side of the coil.  Both the wires will now be held
        in place by a new hex nut provided in the hardware package.

        (Vehicles without push on terminals)  Connect the blue wire from the
        wire harness to the BAT or positive (+) side of the coil.  The wire will
        now be held in place by a new hex nut provided in the bardware package.

        SPECIAL NOTE:  If it becomes necessary to disconnect the firing signal
       generator from the wiring barness, follow these simple instructions:
       Depress the latch on the wire harness essembly connector and gently
       separate it from the firing signal generator connector.   Insert a very
       small screwdriver or sharp tool under the terminal Jock in each of the
       firing 51gfi41 generator connectors one at a time.   Raise the terminal
       lock to clear the terminal pin.   As the lock clears the end of the pin,
       pull gently on the wire and it will slide out earily.   Do not force the
       wire.   If it does not come out easily, you have not fully released the
       terminal lock.  Follow this procedure with all tliree pins.        To reconnect,
       follow Step 21.


       Connect the yellow wire to the negative (—~), or NIST side of the coil.
       This wire will now be held down by another       new nut   provided in the
       hardware package.

       Select a spot for the Control Unit.    The best spois will be metal
       fenderwells or the firewall.  Do not mount on a fienderwell if it is
       made of plestic.  Select an area which will not be subject to extreme
       beat and where air will flow over the unit.

26.    Test—route the Wire Harness to the spot you have selected for the control
       vunit.   Make sure the Wire Harness reaches the spot, without touching

       or coming too near moving parts or exhaust manifolds, Make sure the
       harness can flex freely between the engine and the spot you have

29.    Mbunt   the Control Unit.     Start by unscrewing the center screw and re—
       moving the backplate. Use this as a template and drill four 1/8" holes
       in the surface on which you will mount the Control Unit. Attach the
       backplate with the four # 10 x 3/8" sheet metal screws from the hardware
       package.                                                                 T
       CAUTION:   Make sure the side of the plate with the raised area goes
       against the mounting surface you bave selected.

30.    Remount the Control Unit to the backplate, put the screw in and tighten,.
       Make sure the Control Unit fits flush against the plate.  CAUTION;           There
       is a notch in the mounting plate that fits into the notch on the
      back of the control unit where the wires come out.      Match these two
      motches, even though you may have had to mount the control unit upside
      down or on its side to make it fit in the area you selected.

31.   Connect the Wire Harness to the Control Unit.  The conpectors are designed
      to fit one way only.   They will soap together when properly lined up.

32.   Mount the Black Ground Wire by drilling a 1/8" hole in some nearby sheet
      metal, making sure there is a positive ground path back to the engine.
      Scrape away the paint from sround the hole to insure hood contact and
      attach the ring terminal with the #10 x 3/8" sheet metal screw from
      your hardware kit.

      Arrange the Wire Harness over the route you have previously selected.
      Tape the barness in place and fold any excess wire back on itself and
      tape.  Take care to stay away from moving perts and areas exposed to
      high heat.  Leave enough sliavk in the wire to allow the engine to
      flex freely.

      Replace the air cleaner if you have removed it.      Make sure the vacuum
      hoses are properly attached.

      Reconnect your negative batiery terminal if you followed the safety
      suggestion in Step 1.

      Start the engine.    If you have followed each step exactly, your engine
      will start immediately.      In some cases, the timing may be off and the
      engine may run roughly.  1{ the engine has not started, go back to the
      beginning and check out each step.

‘        37.   Check the timing and reset to manufacturer‘s specifications.   A decal
               with this information is usually located on your valve cover, Follow
               the instructions for hooking up your timing light as you normally
               would. The economy and performance of your electronic ignition will
               be maximized if your timing is set correctly. The dwell angle is
               permanently fixed by the design of the Signal Chopper.

         38.   Place the "Attention" decal on the air cleaner, radiator or in some other
               clean prominent place.

         39.   For maximum economy and performance, check the condition of all spark
               plugs, ignition wiring and coil,. Replace them if in doubt for a
               completely fresh tune—up.                              j

         40.   Collect your old parts in the parts bag and retain them for re—installation
               if you decide,.


Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:45:22
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:45:22

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